LSU Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Bylaws ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose 3 Section 1: Name 3 Section 2: Purpose 3 ARTICLE II: Entity 3 Section 1: Good Standing 3 Section 2: Anti-Hazing Statement 3 ARTICLE III: Memberships 4 Section 1: Associate Membership 4 Section 2: General Membership 5 ARTICLE IV: Executive Council 7 Section 1: Composition 7 Section 2: Qualifications for Executive Council 7 Section 3: Methods of Selection to the Executive Council 7 Section 4: Apprenticeship 7 Section 5: Term of Executive Officers 8 ARTICLE V: Duties of the Executive Officers 8 Section 1: General Responsibilities 8 Section 2: Officer Duties 8 Section 3: Removal of an Executive Officer 12 Section 4: Replacement of an Executive Officer Vacancy 12 ARTICLE VI: Standing Committee Chairs 12 Section 1: Composition 12 Section 2: Method of Selection 13 Section 3: General Duties 13 Section 4: Chair Duties 13 ARTICLE VII: Advisory Committee 18 Section 1: Method of Selection 18 Section 2: Nominations and Elections 18 Section 3: Term 18 Section 4: Duties of the Faculty Advisor 18 Section 5: Duties of the Entity Advisor 19

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ARTICLE VIII: Rules and Regulations 19 Section 1: General Rules Section 2: Greek Life Policies 20 Section 3: Mandatory Meetings and Events 20 Section 4: Entity Meetings 20 Section 5: Study Hours 21 Section 6: Grade Submission 22 Section 7: Penalties 22 Section 8: Assessment of Fines 23 Section 9: Price of Fines 23 ARTICLE IX: Finance 23 Section 1: Allocation of Funds 23 Section 2: Membership Fees 23 Section 3: Payment of Dues 24 Section 4: Penalty for Non-Payment of Fees 24 Section 5: Annual Fee Review 24 Section 6: Fiscal Year 24 ARTICLE X: Records 24 ARTICLE XI: Amendments 25 ARTICLE XII: Bylaws 25 Section 1: Adoption 25 Section 2: Distribution and Review of Bylaws 25 Section 3: Preemption Clause 25

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ENTITY BYLAWS Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Eta Epsilon Chapter

ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name The name of this entity shall be the Hermosa Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. as authorized by the Constitution and Bylaws of the sorority at Louisiana State University.

Section 2: Purpose The Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. defines itself as an organization committed to promoting the advancement of culturally diverse women in the community by providing social and academic support, while nurturing a sense of cultural pride and success. The members of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. at Eta Epsilon Chapter will develop and foster a group of diverse young ladies, all of whom will strive to: A. Support cultural awareness by promoting and respecting all cultures. B. Support the educational and social needs of the women at Louisiana State University. C. Support the interest and concerns of Baton Rouge and all other surrounding communities.


Section 1: Good Standing A collegiate entity in good standing and entitled to vote at the Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Convention shall: A. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.85/4.3 scale, effective Spring 2019. ​ ​ B. Conduct itself in a manner that contributes to the welfare of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc., as well as maintaining its good reputation. C. Abide by the national constitution, Bylaws, rituals, rules, policies and procedures of the Sorority. D. Cooperate and maintain strong communication with the executive officers of the Sorority, other entities and the National Board.

Section 2: Anti-Hazing Statement Sigma Lambda Gamma strictly forbids hazing. The Eta Epsilon chapter will not encourage or condone hazing in any manner to any associate or initiated members.

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A. The Eta Epsilon chapter will follow guidelines regarding hazing as outlined in the Sigma Lambda Gamma National Policy and Procedures Manual, Risk Management Standards, Section 3. B. The Eta Epsilon chapter will also follow guidelines regarding hazing as outlined in the Louisiana State University Policy Statement PS-108.

ARTICLE III: Memberships

Section 1: Associate Membership A. Criteria for Associate Membership A woman enrolled at Louisiana State University may be selected for associate membership in the Sorority given that: 1. She is a current, full-time undergraduate student in good standing at Louisiana State University which includes non-traditional students as well. 2. She is neither an Associate Member, nor a member of any similar University sorority or co-ed fraternity except honorary, professional, or service. 3. She is willing to pledge herself to uphold the bylaws, financial obligations, principles, policies and procedures of the Sorority. 4. She holds a 2.85/4.3 cumulative GPA to be inducted and ​ ​ maintains a 2.85/4.3 GPA to remain in good standing. ​ ​ 5. She has accepted an invitation to begin the Associate Member Education Program (AMEP) and successfully completes the AMEP. 6. She meets all special regulations placed on members of the sorority by the Panhellenic Council of Louisiana State University. B. Induction 1. Induction shall be held two weeks after all paperwork has been submitted to National Headquarters. 2. All general members are required to attend unless absence is unavoidable. An excuse/judicial form must be submitted, approved, and excused by the Associate Member Educator and President 24 hours prior to the Induction. 3. Conservative, Semi-formal attire is required for Associate Member Educator, Assistant Associate Member Educator, Associate Members, Executive Board, and General Members. All pieces in wardrobe should be black, which would include, but is not limited to, clothing, shoes and accessories.

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4. Associate Member Educator, Assistant Associate Member Educator, Associate Members, Executive Board, and General Members are required to wear initiation pins. 5. Induction shall be held according to the Ritual Manual. 6. All Induction proceedings MUST be kept CONFIDENTIAL. C. Initiation An Associate Member, upon fulfilling the requirements for initiation and approval by a vote of Executive Board and General Members, shall be initiated by her entity and become a lifelong member of the Sorority. Requirements for Initiation include: 1. Enrollment in a minimum of 12 credit hours with at least a 2.85/4.3 cumulative G.P.A. along with registration for the ​ following semester at Louisiana State University. 2. Fulfillment of all financial obligations, standards of conduct and any other requirements listed on the Associate Member Education Manual. 3. Completion of the Associate Member Education Program.

Section 2: General Membership A. Eligibility Members must be initiated, undergraduate women at Louisiana State University or active, undergraduate women who have transferred to Louisiana State University. B. Members in Good Standing Requirements for good standing are as follows: 1. Comply with all policies and procedures and uphold the five principles of Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority. 2. Attend Entity meetings, rituals, and sorority functions, with no more than two absences excused by the SEC President and ​ ​ ​ Chapter Advisor via email 3. Participate in all sorority community service projects, with no more than one excused absence. 4. Complete 3 hours of community service outside of chapter-organized events. 5. Two unexcused absences, will result in a meeting with the SEC within one week of the occurrence to determine necessary actions. 6. Maintain a current cumulative academic G.P.A. of 2.85/4.3 ​ scale., effective Spring 2019 7. Be an active member of at least one other registered student organization on campus

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8. Maintain a good financial standing by paying dues, fines, etc. on time. Payment plans may be arranged with the Vice President of Financial Operations. Please see Art. III, Sec. 2, C, 2. ​ C. Probation 1. Academic Probation If a member does not have the required 2.85 cumulative G.P.A., then the member will be placed on Academic Probation until they meet the GPA requirement. Members on Academic Probation must: i. Pay dues in full. ii. Not vote. iii. Cannot be an Associate Member Mother. iv. Cannot run for office. v. Cannot attend chapter events without permission from the President and Entity Advisor. vi. Cannot attend Ritual or Journey vii. Follow academic plan as designated per Chapter Academic Advisor and/or National Headquarters. 2. Financial Probation. If a member does not take the necessary action and does not pay the set dues on-time, the following actions will be enforced: i. The member shall have a two-week grace period before being placed on Financial Probation. ii. The member will be considered on probation until the dues are paid in full. The member on probation: Must pay in full all outstanding fines from prior semester four weeks into the current semester; otherwise: the member: 1. Cannot attend social/rush functions without permission from the President and Entity Advisor. 2. Cannot vote. 3. Cannot be an associate member mother for that semester. iii. Any exceptions must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Financial Operations. All exceptions will be voted on by the SEC and approved by a majority vote. D. Transfer of Membership A member who transfers to a college or university where an entity or colony of Sigma Lambda Gamma exists may become a part of the current Entity roster in accordance to National Policy. Members ​ transferring from another entity to Eta Epsilon Chapter cannot:

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1. Hold a leadership position, executive or chair, until she has completed one full semester as an active member in good standing of Eta Epsilon Chapter E. Alumnae Standing A member who has graduated from the institution from which she was initiated, or another four-year institution to which she has transferred, will be considered an alumni member in good standing. A member who has withdrawn from the university or has not fulfilled her financial obligations will not be considered an alumni member in good standing. F. Flexible Membership A member who is studying abroad or requests early Alumna status but is still enrolled at Louisiana State University must fulfill her financial obligations to the entity to be considered in good standing. She is still obligated to pay National membership dues and will be included in any paperwork, grade rosters, etc.

ARTICLE IV: Executive Council

Section 1: Composition A. President B. Vice President of Program Development C. Vice President of Recruitment D. Vice President of Entity Operations E. Vice President of Marketing F. Vice President of Financial Operations

Section 2: Qualifications for Executive Council To be eligible to hold an executive council position, a member must: A. Be a registered full time student, have a 2.85/4.3 cumulative G.P.A, and ​ ​ in good standing with the sorority, Panhellenic Council, and the University. B. Be able and willing to fulfill duties and serve her full term as outlined in this document. C. Be a general member for at least a one semester. ​ ​ 1. Exceptions may be granted for various reasons including, but not limited, to shortage of members, officer termination, etc. D. Maintain good financial standing with National Headquarters and Entity. ​ ​ Section 3: Methods of Selection to the Executive Council A. Nominations will be formally held a one week before elections and also ​ ​ ​ accepted at the floor on the day of elections.

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B. Nominees must present a platform of how they plan to use their position to better the sorority. C. A secret ballot will be held at the Entity meeting in which elections are to occur. D. Elections shall be held every spring semester; see Section 4 on apprenticeship.

Section 4: Apprenticeship All Executive Officers-Elect shall serve an apprenticeship period, beginning the day of election and ending when their term begins at the beginning of the spring semester. During this period of apprenticeship, Officers-Elect are required to learn their respective duties and responsibilities. There must also be an exchange of all paperwork and materials before Executive Officers can relinquish their duties.

Section 5: Term of Executive Officers A. Executive Officers will serve their term for a full year, beginning in the fall semester until the following year (calendar year). B. No member of the Executive Council shall serve more than two terms under the same position. C. If an Executive Officer is unable to fulfill her term and is succeeded by another Executive Officer, the successor is eligible to run for the position a second time. However, she must not exceed the two-term limit per ​ position.

ARTICLE V: Duties of the Executive Officers

Section 1: General Responsibilities A. Attend every Entity meeting of the Sorority or provide a written excuse ​ ​ to be approved by the President and Entity Advisor. ​ ​ 1. No executive officer should miss more than one Entity meeting. B. Fulfill all duties of the elected office C. Be knowledgeable and comply with the Constitution and Policies of Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority, Eta Epsilon bylaws, and amendments ​ ​ thereof. D. Send topics of discussion to the Vice President of Entity Operations two ​ ​ days prior to the weekly Entity meeting to be written in the meeting agenda. E. Must submit a calendar of planned events, meetings, paperwork deadlines etc. at the prior semester’s retreat. ​ F. Keep her position’s materials: emails, binder, documents, and records ​ current and train her successor before leaving office.

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G. Perform all other duties usually incumbent to the office.

Section 2: Officer Duties A. Duties of the President 1. Shall preside over all Entity meetings and function within the guidelines cited in the National Constitution. 2. Shall maintain strong communication with the Entity Advisory Committee, the National Board, and be responsible for keeping the entire Entity updated on all sorority issues that arise from either the National Board or the surrounding Greek community. 3. Shall be competent and knowledgeable of the various rules and regulations governing student organizations at Louisiana State University. 4. Shall oversee the Sisterhood Enhancement Committee (SEC). ​ ​ and the Sisterhood Enhancement Chair. ​ 5. Shall organize Spring and Fall Entity retreat. 6. Shall serve as alumnae liaison. ​ 7. All duties outlined in Article XIII, Section 7, Sub-Section F, Sub-Sub-Section 1 of National Constitution. 8. Shall fill vacant offices with approval of Executive Board. 9. Shall maintain updated position’s materials: emails, binder, documents, and records current and train her successor before ​ leaving office 10. Shall oversee the Vice President of Program Development and her chairs when necessary. 11. Shall oversee the Sisterhood Enhancement Chair, the Greek ​ ​ ​ Panhellenic Council Delegate(s), and Risk Management Chair. ​ ​ B. Duties of the Vice President of Program Development 1. Shall represent this Entity and preside over all regular and special meetings, the Executive Council, and the Member Development Chair (SEC), and assume her other duties in the ​ absence of the President. ​ 2. Shall oversee the Member Education Program and the Member Education Program Committee. 3. Shall oversee the Scholarship Program. 4. Shall lead Entity members in goal setting at the beginning of each term regarding program areas. 5. Shall work with the VP of Recruitment to streamline a successful Associate Member Education process. 6. Shall oversee the Sisterhood Enhancement Committee. 7. Shall serve as a mentor for the Entity membership.

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8. Shall have the responsibility of reserving locations for events. 9. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Shall maintain updated position’s materials: emails, ​ binder, documents, and records current and train her successor before leaving office. 10. Shall oversee the Scholarship Member Development Chair, the ​ ​ ​ Associate Member Educator, the Sisterhood Enhancement Chair, ​ the Greek Panhellenic Council Delegate(s), the Secretary and the ​ ​ Community Service Chair, Cultural Awareness Chair, Morals ​ and Ethics Chair, and SOD Chair. C. Duties of the Vice President of Recruitment 1. Shall lead entity members in goal setting at the beginning of each semester in regards to recruitment. 2. Shall ensure follow up with all members to assure that recruitment goals are accomplished and tasks are completed. ​ 3. Shall plan the overall membership recruitment strategy by analyzing the competition and developing or altering plans and preparations accordingly. 4. Shall communicate the priorities and progress of the Recruitment Program to the Executive Council on a weekly basis. 5. Shall oversee the Recruitment Program and Committees. 6. Shall work with the VP of Marketing on promoting ​ ​ programming for interested women. 7. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Shall maintain updated position’s materials: emails, ​ binder, documents, and records current and train her successor before leaving office. 8. Shall oversee the Recruitment Chair, Alumnae Chair ​ ​ ​ 9. Shall arrange and organize all social events of the entity for ​ ​ potential new members (i.e. dinner, movies, theater, etc.). ​ 10. Shall have the responsible of reserving locations for recruitment and social events. D. Duties of the Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations ​ ​ Entity Operations Duties 1. Shall work in conjunction with the VP of Financial Operations. Shall oversee the financial and administrative operation of the Entity. 2. Shall keep attendance at meetings and retreats.

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3. Shall record minutes and send a copy to each member via email ​ the following day after the meeting within 48 hours. ​ ​ 4. Shall inform and remind members of all events and projects organized by the members. 5. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester Shall maintain updated position’s materials: emails, ​ binder, documents, and records current and train her successor before leaving office. 6. Shall maintain chapter calendar. 7. Shall oversee the financial and administrative operation of the Entity. Shall oversee the Parliamentarian. ​ Financial Operations Duties 8. Shall lead her department members committee chairs in financial ​ ​ ​ goal setting at the beginning of their terms. 9. Shall make final approval on release of funds, along with the President and Advisor approval. Shall make final approval, along ​ with the President and Advisor, on release of funds. 10. Reports in accordance with the sorority calendar giving information as to the progress in the areas of finance and administrations Reports on financial aspects of events and ​ programs. 11. Shall maintain accounts pertaining to the entity at Louisiana State University. 12. Shall be responsible for developing all financial procedures for the Sorority and to submit them to the Executive Council for approval 13. Shall give monthly budget reports to the membership. 14. Shall submit monthly financial statements to the Executive Council. 15. Shall keep track of expenses to be reported in the annual budget made available by request through Empowernet. 16. Shall comply with all university regulations and procedures. 17. Responsible for programming at least two major Chapter ​ fundraisers per semester. 18. Shall work with the VP of Marketing to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness Programs. 19. Shall work with the Scholarship Chair at raising funds for a scholarship with an amount to be determined every year if funding allows.

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20. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Shall maintain updated position’s materials: emails, ​ binder, documents, and records current and train her successor before leaving office. 21. Shall have the responsible of reserving locations for recruitment and social events. E. Duties of the Vice President of Marketing 1. Shall be responsible for managing social interactions with other organizations on campus and throughout the surrounding community. 2. Shall be responsible for informing the Sorority of events occurring at Louisiana State University and throughout the surrounding communities. 3. Shall work with the VP of Recruitment and VP of Program Development on Entity exposure. 4. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Shall maintain updated position’s materials: emails, ​ binder, documents, and records current and train her successor before leaving office. 5. Shall maintain and update Chapter website and social media accounts, 6. Shall oversee the Historian and, the Social Interaction Chair, ​ ​ ​ ​ F.I.R.M. Fam Chair, and work with Alumnae Chair to develop marketing materials and communication with alumnae members.

Section 3: Removal of an Executive Officer A. Failure or neglect to fulfill duties as outlined under Article V, Section 1 and 2, neglect of provisions in the Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority Constitution, National Policy Manual, and Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma Bylaws can be considered grounds for removal. B. Upon petition by any member in good standing of Sigma Lambda Gamma, a vote will be taken at the next general meeting for the removal of the Executive Officer. It shall take a ¾ vote of the entire voting membership for the removal of the officer. C. The Officer who is in the process of removal must be present at the meeting in which the vote is to be taken and may deliver an announcement in her defense before the vote is taken. D. A decision for removal shall become effective immediately at the adjournment of the meeting. E. The vote for removal shall be conducted by secret ballot.

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F. The removed officer may be subject to disciplinary actions by the Sisterhood Enhancement Committee depending on the reasons for removal. G. Procedures for succession are outlined in Article V, Section 4.

Section 4: Replacement of an Executive Officer Vacancy A. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President of Program Development will automatically assume the position of the President B. In the event of a vacancy in another Executive Office besides President, the duties of that office shall be shared with the remaining officers. The position shall be filled within two weeks of vacancy through procedures outlined under Article IV, Section 3: B and C C. There shall be no succession of offices other than those outlined in this document.

ARTICLE VI: Standing Committee Chairs

Section 1: Composition A. Scholarship Chair B. Associate Member Educator C. Sisterhood Enhancement Chair D. Panhellenic Council Delegates E. Risk Management Chair F. Community Service Chair G. Cultural Awareness Chair H. Social Interaction Chair I. Morals and Ethics Chair J. Parliamentarian K. Historian L. SOD Chair M. Alumna Chair N. F.I.R.M. Fam Chair O. Step Mistress P. Recruitment Chair

Section 2: Method of Selection A. All members in good standing of Sigma Lambda Gamma are eligible to run for the positions of committee chairs. B. Nominations will be held in accordance with the Executive Board. ​ Article III, Section 3 of the Entity Bylaws.

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C. Chairs will also abide by Article IV, Section 4 of the Entity Bylaws.

Section 3: General Duties Note: No one member shall hold more than two chair positions unless there is a shortage of members. A. All Chairs shall attend every general meeting of the Sorority or provide a 24-hour notification of excuse for approval by Executive Board President ​ ​ and Chapter Advisor. ​ B. All Chairs shall fulfill all the duties of their elected office. C. All Chairs shall be knowledgeable and comply with the Constitution and ​ Policies of Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority and amendments thereof. the ​ Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority Constitution, National Policy Manual, and Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma Bylaws. D. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. E. In order to be official, all events must be proposed at least two weeks before the event. a. Each Chair is responsible for reserving locations for events and obtaining any supplies needed.

Section 4: Chair Duties A. Scholarship Chair 1. Shall develop and implement a scholarship program as advised through the national headquarters resources. 2. Shall fulfill the entity goal of maintaining study hour attendance, ​ ​ ​ informing members of learning enhancement workshops, and ​ recommending tutoring assistance and other academic resources ​ deemed necessary. 3. Is responsible for submitting an Educational report biweekly. This document is necessary for the entity to remain in good standing and should be submitted to the entity President. 4. Shall be part of SEC Board when cases involve scholarship issues or programs. When pertaining to the scholarship program or issues, the ​ Scholarship Chair will sit in, as a part of the SEC and will have voting power. 5. Shall organize a mid-semester Review with each member, as deemed necessary. 6. Shall serve as academic advisor to the Associate Members. 7. Shall develop a reward to recognize actives with a 3.0 and above with a gift chosen by the Sorority (funds allowing). 8. Shall track attendance of entity to academic events and workshops.

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9. Shall monitor entity fulfillment of Academics SOD and Greek Life Assessment requirements. 10. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. B. Associate Member Educator ​ 1. Shall abide by the Constitution, Policies, and Rituals of Sigma Lambda Gamma. 2. Will direct an Associate Member program aimed toward the education of future members. 3. Shall make sure Associate Members attend required events. 4. Ensure all Associate Members meet requirements for Initiation and keep records of activity completion. Collect study hours and grades ​ from Associate Members. Associate members will be held to the standards set by: ARTICLE VIII: Rules and Regulations Section 5: Study Hours Section 6: Grade Submission 5. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. 6. Shall prepare associate member bios to be voted on by the chapter before Initiation. 7. Reports to Vice President of Program Development. C. Sisterhood Enhancement Chair 1. This committee Shall hold an Entity gathering at least once a month ​ ​ to promote sisterhood. 2. SEC Shall organize monthly Entity dinners and mandate bonding ​ ​ activities i.e. weekly sister pairs, mother-daughter dates, etc. ​ ​ 3. SEC May also award sisters for individual improvement or ​ achievement at her discretion (funds allowing) ​ 4. Shall sit in on SEC hearings but only vote in the event of a tie. 5. SEC Chair Will be in charge of fining and completing/turning in fine ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ forms related to SEC sanctions to the Vice President of Entity and ​ ​ ​ ​ Financial Operations 6. Reports to President. D. Panhellenic Council Delegate 1. Fulfill PHC duties and obligations. 2. Update PHC of Entity events; update Entity of PHC events. 3. The PHC Delegate shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester.

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4. Reports to President. E. Risk Management Chair. 1. Shall educate members on all risk management policies and ​ emergency procedure policies. 2. Educate members on all local, statewide, and federal laws related to ​ hazing. 3. Complete all risk management required paperwork for any all events ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 4. Shall review the risk management policies at the end of every semester 5. Shall conduct a risk management event with sisters and a faculty member 6. Shall educate members on the Entity written emergency procedure policy every Fall Retreat. 7. Shall make sure there is a Risk Management Team/Sober monitors to ​ ​ ​ monitor social events. 8. Must sit on SEC. 9. Reports to President. F. Community Service Chair 1. Community Service Chair shall inform the members of any all ​ ​ ​ community service projects available in the Baton Rouge community and Louisiana State University campus. 2. Is responsible for setting a minimum of two major Chapter ​ community service projects a semester for the LSU and Baton Rouge ​ communities and follows SOD standards. ​ 3. Shall track member attendance of entity to community service events ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ and workshops. 4. Shall monitor entity fulfillment of community service SOD and Greek Life Assessment requirements. 5. Shall put on no less than 3 internal membership community service ​ ​ ​ events or presentations per semester, per SOD standards. 6. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Reports to Vice President of Program Development. ​ G. Cultural Awareness Chair 1. Shall be responsible for informing the Sorority of cultural events occurring at Louisiana State University and throughout the surrounding communities. 2. Shall be responsible for creating and proposing cultural events that expand on the Sorority’s Culture to the LSU and Baton Rouge communities.

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3. Shall make sure all members complete one cultural event per semester. 4. Shall track attendance of entity to cultural awareness events and workshops 5. Shall monitor entity fulfillment of cultural awareness SOD and Greek Life Assessment requirements. 6. Shall put on no less than 3 membership cultural awareness events or presentations per semester, per SOD standards. 7. Reports to Vice President of Program Development. H. Social Interaction Chair 1. Shall be responsible for managing social interactions with other organizations on campus and throughout the surrounding community. 2. Shall also be responsible for creating and proposing social events that promote Greek Life Unity with other organizations. 3. Shall track attendance of entity to Greek Life events and workshops 4. Shall monitor entity fulfillment of Social Interaction SOD and Greek Life Assessment requirements. 5. Shall arrange and organize all social events within the Entity (i.e. dinner, movies, theater, etc.) 6. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Reports to Vice President of Marketing. ​ I. Morals and Ethics Chair 1. Shall be responsible for upholding the morals and ethics principle of the entity. 2. Shall be responsible for creating and organizing events that promote recognizing, developing, and understanding recognition, ​ ​ development, and understanding of the values and principals ​ ​ principles we uphold as individuals and as an entity. ​ 3. Shall be responsible for recognizing the accomplishments of individual sisters. 4. Shall monitor entity fulfillment of morals and ethics SOD and Greek Life Assessment requirements. 5. Shall put on no less than 3 internal membership events or ​ ​ ​ presentations about personal wellness per semester, per SOD standards. 6. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Reports to Vice President of Program Development. ​ J. Parliamentarian

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1. Shall coordinate ritual and practices related to the entity. 2. Shall maintain order during regular and special meetings. 3. Shall assist President in ballot counting when a vote is held. 4. Reports to Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations K. Historian 1. Shall be responsible for preserving the entity’s historical material from previous years such as binders, scrapbooks, dropbox, etc. ​ ​ 2. Shall maintain and update a binder with all relevant information pertaining to that position in order to pass down at the end of the semester. Reports to Vice President of Marketing. ​ L. Standards of Distinction Chair 1. Shall keep track of the progress of SOD in the chapter 2. Shall work with each of the Executive Officers and Committee Chairs to meet the common goal of being a DISTINCT chapter. ​ ​ 3. Reports to Vice President of Program Development. M. Alumna Chair 1. Shall work as a liaison between alumnae members and undergraduate members of the chapter 2. Shall prepare a monthly newsletter to inform alumnae member of chapter progress, accomplishments, new members, graduating members, gammaversaries, sister of the month, and upcoming events 3. Shall plan and host an annual alumnae engagement event 4. Reports to Vice President of Recruitment. N. F.I.R.M. Fam Chair 1. Shall coordinate all events in collaboration with the Iota Tau and Rho Epsilon chapters of Fraternity, Inc. and Sorority, Inc., respectively. 2. Shall act as a liaison between the three chapters and promote the progression of a positive relationship between the chapters 3. Reports to Vice President of Marketing. O. Recruitment Chair 1. Shall implement all recruitment events as set forth by Vice President of Recruitment 2. Shall communicate with potential new members regarding recruitment dates and requirements. 3. Will host informational and coordinate with Vice President of Recruitment to host social events. 4. Shall conduct potential member interviews. 5. Prepares potential members bios to be voted on by the chapter after interviews. 6. Reports to Vice President of Recruitment

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P. Step Mistress 1. Shall coordinate events and practice times for performances 2. Shall keep a roster of performers 3. Shall supervise and facilitate practices Reports to Vice President of ​ Marketing.

ARTICLE VII: Advisory Committee The Sigma Lambda Gamma Advisory Committee is comprised of four advisors: Faculty, Entity, Academic and Intake. The purpose of this committee is to assist entities of Sigma Lambda Gamma in successful daily management, ensuring all national and local requirements are met, maintain open communication between university and National Headquarters, and serve as a resource for professional and leadership development.

Section 1: Method of Selection Any elected Advisor must be affiliated either with Sigma Lambda Gamma or with Louisiana State University.

Section 2: Nominations and Elections A. Nominations will be held the week of the Entity’s elections. B. All nominees should have expressed an interest to be eligible for the position of Advisor. C. A majority vote of all Entity members will be required to elect a new Advisor.

Section 3: Term A. The term of Advisors shall be one academic year. B. Advisors shall be reviewed annually by the Sorority. C. The Sorority has the option to re-elect the Advisors at the end of his/her term. D. The removal of an Advisor shall be by a ¾ vote of all members in good standing.

Section 4: Duties of the Faculty Advisor The Faculty Advisor is a member of the university staff or faculty and serves as liaison between Entity and university. This advisor should be knowledgeable on university and ​ ​ state policies and laws and ensure Entity is meeting these policies. The Faculty Advisor must live within a 50-mile radius of the university. The responsibilities are as follows: A. Serve as liaison between university and Entity B. Complete necessary university paperwork C. Provide Entity with university/community opportunities for involvement D. Advocate for Sigma Lambda Gamma on campus E. Coordinate leadership development workshops, presentations, events on campus, etc for all members to attend

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F. Keep open communication with other members of the Advisory Committee

Section 5: Duties of the Entity Advisor The Entity Advisor is typically an alumna sister of Sigma Lambda Gamma or an individual with Fraternity and Sorority Life experience and serves as liaison between Entity and headquarters. The Entity Advisor must be knowledgeable of the sorority's values, history, programs, and policies. The Entity Advisor must live within a 50-mile radius of the university. She must provide positive guidance while empowering sisters to make their own informed decisions. The Entity Advisor should never dictate during a meeting as members will learn through experience. An Entity advisor will set the example of what a committed and loyal lifetime member of Sigma Lambda Gamma should be. The responsibilities are as follows: A. Attend weekly or bi-weekly business meetings (the Entity should take into consideration the advisor's schedule when scheduling meetings) B. Ensure business management and programming are conducive to National Policies and Procedures C. Attend all Sisterhood Enhancement Committee mediations and hearings. D. Support Entity's programming E. Fulfill all responsibilities as outlined in the national Advisory Committee Manual available on the Empowernet Resource Center F. As an extension of Headquarters, remain as a liaison between Entity and Headquarters G. Assist in Executive Office transitioning H. Keep open communication with other members of the Advisory Committee and Regional Director I. Provide Entity with university resources J. Meet with Executive Board once a quarter/semester K. Be accessible to members through e-mail, phone and in person L. Meet with Regional Director for Entity visit

Section 6: Duties of Academic Advisor The Academic Advisor may be a university official, graduate student, or alumna of Sigma Lambda Gamma that has experience or specialization in academic success/achievement. This advisor should be able to read and interpret transcripts. The Academic Advisor should work in conjunction with the scholarship Chair and aid in implementation of academic incentive/recognition programs for members and live within a 50-mile radius of the university. A. Attend monthly business meetings to ensure members are on task with academics B. Meet with individual members on Academic Probation monthly to establish academic improvement plan and ensure they are meeting requirements C. Ensure academics are conducive to National Policies and Procedures

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D. Host academic workshop in conjunction with Scholarship Chair on topics to improve academics E. Provide suggestions for Sisterhood Enhancement Committee Academic Probation sanctions to ensure sister reaches GPA requirement set forth by the National Sorority and chapter F. Maintain grades confidentiality between Scholarship Chair, President, and Advisory Committee G. Provide on-campus and online resources for academic improvement and scholarship opportunities for members H. Keep open communication with other members of the Advisory Committee

Section 7: Duties of the Intake Advisor The Intake Advisor is typically (but not limited to) an alumna of Sigma Lambda Gamma. The Intake Advisor should be officially certified in current Associate Member Education Program, The Journey, and is expected to fully understand the execution of its facilitation; this advisor is also responsible for keeping all members involved in the education program and informed on the expectations of the educators and active members. Additionally, it is important that the Intake Advisor aids the chapter to recruit year-round. This advisor should live within a 50-mile radius of the university. A. Ensure recruitment timeline and events are conducive to National Policies and Procedures B. Attend recruitment events on campus C. Provide information on recruitment opportunities to aid the entity in year-round recruitment D. Ensure the entity is following The Journey and provide facilitation tips, if needed E. Review The Journey in depth and become certified F. Assist Associate Member Educator in meeting preparation and ritual set-up (if a member of SLG) G. Keep open communication with other members of the Advisory Committee

Section 8: Advisory Board Oversight Policy A. D2. A policy and practice of a chapter advisory board with full oversight and accountability for the new member recruitment and education process with at least one board member present at each new member meeting.

ARTICLE VIII: Rules and Regulations

Section 1: General Rules A. The following list of rules are in effect at the start of each semester:

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1. Grade verification and class schedules must be turned in by the last day to add courses of each semester to the Scholarship Chair ​ President 2. Grade verification from the previous semester must be submitted by the director of fraternity and sorority life and shared with the president, Academic Advisor, and Entity Advisor and the ​ ​ ​ scholarship chair within the first 10 days of each semester. ​ B. The following list of rules of conduct, not meant to be all inclusive, are expected to be met by every General and Associate Member: 1. Conduct herself in a manner that contributes to the welfare and good reputation of the Sorority by supporting and properly maintaining the standards of conduct benefiting an Entity of Sigma Lambda Gamma. 2. Abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, rituals, rules, policies, procedures and the five principles of the Sorority. 3. Meet all financial obligations 4. Not displaying Greek letters in any way, shape, or form, while consuming alcohol, smoking, using profanity, or anything in that nature. C. The following is a list of violations, not meant to be all inclusive, that may result in disciplinary action: 1. Abuse of illegal and legal drugs 2. Inaccurately representing Sigma Lambda Gamma to the public, especially the media 3. Intentionally causing physical or mental harm to another Member and/or Associate Member as stated in the hazing policy

Section 3: Greek Life Policies A. Drug Free Policy: C7. A “drug-free” policy for chapter houses and ​ chapter events with enforcement mechanisms and consequences for non-compliance and current compliance with their policy 1. Any initiated member or new member who distributes, sells or deals illegal drugs contrary to a valid prescription, at a chapter function will be immediately expelled from the chapter. 2. Any initiated or new member who possesses or uses illegal drug(s) in or on the property, or possesses drug paraphernalia at a chapter function will be immediately disciplined and could possibly be expelled from the chapter 3. All new member recruitment, new member education, and related activities to be alcohol-free. 4. Addiction or Abuse of Drugs Members and New Members who wish to participate in a drug intervention program shall have the support of the chapter advisors and chapter leaders upon review of the circumstances. The goal is to assist

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each member in becoming compliant with the federal, state and local laws and the laws of the national sorority while supporting that member in finding assistance to become drug free.

B. Social Activity for On and Off Campus Events: F. ii. A written policy ​ that bans hard alcohol (ABV>15%) and common source alcohol (e.g., kegs, punch dispensers) from chapter premises at all times and enforce this policy off-campus social events as well. 1. All new members and actives shall be subject to this policy and requirement. This policy has been integrated into the chapter’s bylaws and the placement and official wording will be voted upon August 18, 2018 at the chapter’s Fall 2018 Retreat.

Section 2: Mandatory Meetings and Events A. Entity meetings B. Rituals C. All recruitment functions ​ D. Study hour requirements E. Retreats F. Entity designated Community Service G. Fundraising H. Monthly sisterhood bonding

Section 3: Entity Meetings A. The parliamentary procedures cited in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised Edition, shall be followed at each Entity’s meeting. B. The regular weekly Entity meeting shall be convened on a day and time agreed upon during the calendar meeting. C. Entity meetings will not be held during midterms/finals week. D. The President may convene a special meeting, provided that notice is given to each Sister at least 24 hours in advance. Mandatory attendance is at the President’s discretion. E. President can convene an emergency meeting provide that notice is given to each sister at least 3 Hours in advance. F. A special meeting may also be convened with a 2/3 vote from the Entity with a 24-hour notice. G. Missed meetings due to academics or other non-emergency reasons will be reviewed on a case to case basis; however, a 24-hour notification of absence must be given to President and Entity Advisor and will be reviewed. Notification of approved and excused absence will be given within those 24 hours. If absence is not approved and the member does

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not attend the meeting, it will be an unexcused absence and a fine of $10 will be implemented and due by the following meeting. H. All members shall be prompt, otherwise subject to fines. I. All members shall bring with them their position binder containing the Constitution, Policy Manual, Bylaws and blank paper, otherwise subject to fines. Binders may also include meeting minutes, calendars, etc. at the member’s discretion. All members shall bring with them their retreat ​ folders containing meeting minutes, calendars, etc. J. No cell phones at Entity meetings. All electronic devices must be turned on vibrate and put away unless necessary. Exceptions will be made on a case to case basis. K. No eating or drinking (except water), unless a special snack is provided.

Section 4: Study Hours Academic A. At least 15 hours per week of study hours should be turned in after each week to the academic chair for sisters on good academic standing. B. Of the required study hours, some will be required to be completed with a study partner or in the library. These requirements are based on GPA: 1. 2 study partner hours for GPAs higher than 3.0 2. 5 study partner hours for GPAs between 2.6 and 3.0 3. 10 study partner hours for GPAs below 2.6 C. Study hours include review sessions, tutoring, group projects, scheduled scholarship programs or special work as approved by the Scholarship Chair. D. Members who will miss study hours must provide a 24 hour notice to the scholarship chair and make-up the missed hours for that week. If notification is not given, or study hours are not made up a fine of $10 will be implemented and due by the following meeting. E. All members will maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.85 to remain in good standing. If a member fails to maintain this GPA, then the individual will be put on probation, effective immediately. F. The probation period will end at the end of the semester at which time the member’s cumulative GPA must be a 2.85/4.3 scale. After two semesters on probation, the Scholarship Committee shall review cases on an individual basis and consult with National requirements to decide on a course of action. G. It is mandatory for each member to attend at least one academic workshop per semester. Members on academic probation will be required to attend two. H. Academic awards will be given at the end of the school year.

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I. Members with a cumulative GPA below 2.85 shall be placed on Academic Probation with sanctions decided on by the SEC and the Scholarship Chair at a hearing.

Section 5: Grade Submission A. Grades will be submitted regularly by each member to the Academic ​ Chair. These, along with study hours, will be turned in to the President. ​ B. For members in good academic standing, grades in each course will be submitted during the first meeting of the following month. If there are no meetings in the following month, grades will be due in the last meeting of the month. No professor signature will be required. C. For members on academic probation, grades in each course will be submitted during the first and third meetings of each month. If there will be no third meeting in a month, grades will be due in the last meeting of the month. A professor signature is required for each course grade submitted.

Section 6: Penalties A. Absences The following is how the general absence penalty will be enforced by the Executive Board with respect to excused and unexcused absences: 1. Excused Absences i. All excuses must be submitted by email to the President and Entity Advisor within 24 hours unless otherwise noted. Excused absences include: Death in the family. Sudden illness Academic circumstances- consult with president Natural Disasters Work circumstances- consult with president ii. Excused absences do not excuse a member from good standing requirements iii. Absent members will be left responsible to obtain their copy of the agenda for the missed meetings. 2. Retreats All retreats are mandatory and will only be excused under extenuating circumstances, or unless otherwise noted by the President and Entity Advisor. B. Tardiness The Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations, beginning at the scheduled time of event, will monitor tardiness. Tardiness is defined as ten (10) minutes past

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start time and a fine of $5 will be assessed. A letter of appeal may be submitted to the SEC no more than three (3) days after the fine has been imposed. Members of SEC will determine the excusal. C. Bad Standing If a sister fails to complete requirements for good standing as listed in ARTICLE III: Memberships Section 2: General Membership: B and ARTICLE VIII:Rules and Regulations Section 1: General Rules: B and C, for two consecutive semesters, membership is to be considered under review by SEC. D. Sisterhood Enhancement Committee 1. The Sisterhood Enhancement Committee is the disciplinary board of the entity and shall oversee the health and wellbeing of the entity, by hearing violations and executing sanctions when necessary. 2. The SEC shall be composed of the President, Vice President of Program Development, Sisterhood Enhancement Chair, a member from each class, and other members if the Sisterhood Enhancement Chair deems necessary. 3. When pertaining to the scholarship program or issues, the Scholarship chair will sit in as part of the SEC, and will have voting power. 4. When pertaining to financial program or issues, the Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations will sit in as part of the SEC, and will have voting power. 5. Anyone can be called before the committee because of conduct unbecoming of a Gamma. 6. The Committee will hold hearings with the President. 7. The Committee will decide sanctions with the majority vote. 8. The Sisterhood Enhancement Chair will cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie 9. The Entity Advisor is required to be informed in any cases involving expulsion of a Sorority member.

Section 7: Assessment of Fines A. Members will be notified of fines assessed no later than the following chapter meeting. All assessed fines will be announced during chapter meetings. B. All fines must be turned in to the Vice President of Entity and Financial ​ ​ Operations within one week of the occurrence or within one week after ​

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the SEC hearing in which the fine is determined. by the next chapter ​ meeting. C. The Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations will have a prepared record of all fines that are due at each meeting, and she will allot a part of her executive report for the collection and processing of these charges at each meeting. D. Members with any outstanding dues or fines to the Entity shall receive no type of monetary benefits until the outstanding balances are cleared with the Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations. Members ​ who have fines exceeding $25 or more will be required to attend a Sisterhood Enhancement Committee Meeting.

Section 8: Price of Fines A. The fine for any unexcused absence to mandatory meetings and/or events is $10. B. The fine for all unexcused absences to regional and national retreats is $10 plus the member’s share of retreat costs. The member is responsible ​ ​ for reimbursing chapter any retreat expenses incurred for the missing person. C. The fine for all unexcused absences to chapter retreats is $37.50 per day. The member is still responsible for paying the $25 due at retreat for chapter dues. D. The fine for tardiness exceeding 10 minutes is $5. E. The fine for cell phone usage during Entity meetings is $2. F. The fine for arriving at Entity meetings without necessary items is $3. ​ G. The fine for not responding to an official email within 12 hours is $3. H. The fine for being “out of pocket” (rude) will be $3.

Section 9: Appeals Process (Sisterhood Enhancement Committee)

Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

APPEAL PROCESS Process provided to all Chapters within organization within Sisterhood Enhancement Committee Manual

The Sisterhood Enhancement committee (SEC) is a working group that is directed and overlooked by the chapter president. This committee is responsible for monitoring chapter relations in accordance with the sorority rituals, national constitution, policy manual, Values System, and entity bylaws. In addition this

Updated, 9-24-18 27 committee is to maintain sisterhood relations among members achieved through sisterhood events, bonding, positive reinforcement and sisterhood recognition.

The SEC is a subcommittee of the President. The president shall serve as a chair of this committee an oversee its activities. The committee is composed of the chapter advisor, an active undergraduate sister from each ship currently present in the entity, Vice President of Program Development and the Vice President of Chapter Operations. If this representation is not possible, then every effort should be made by the president and chapter advisor to select four women who display good moral character and serve as role models for the entity.

This committee shall be responsible for program within the framework of the three C’s -- Character, Culture, and Conduct. This committee shall also serve as the disciplinary board of entity in serious disciplinary cases. It is essential to each entity that the committee is formed, functions on a regular basis, and is respected by the entity.

Committee Meeting Meetings are closed to members of the entity when disciplinary/standards business is being conducted. ​ ​ Any initiate or new member who wishes to address the committee will need to arrange a time with the president. All meetings must be formally recorded with minutes taken by the Vice President of Entity Operations.

Committee Responsibilities

Sisterhood Bonding and Sister Recognition Members work hard for their entities and should always be recognized for their outstanding contributions. In accordance with the Standards of Distinction, a monthly award is to be presented at entity meetings to recognize a sister who has most embodied kindness, honesty, work ethic, and the spirit of the Sorority as a whole. Members should also be recognized for their academic achievements be the scholarship chair. If no one has warranted the recognition, it should not be given

In addition, the SEC plans sisterhood bonding events. These events provide the entity with an opportunity to place all else aside and concentrate on group bonding. There should be a minimum of one sisterhood function a month and if time permits all entities should try to host two. One of these yearly events must be an awards banquet for sisterhood recognition.

Mediations/Standards To ensure integrity within our entities it becomes essential to recognize any issues and to be able to effectively work through them. Some examples of issues that may permit mediation include, but are not limited to, those actions and/or occurrences that are in direct violation of Sigma

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Lambda Gamma rituals, policy and procedure, National Constitution, national and/or entity bylaws, or disregard of the Sorority’s value system. There may be circumstances where members of our organization violate the university code of conduct and are called to a student body hearing. If at any given time is to occur, that member must have a sorority SEC hearing as well.

Standards and Mediations

Initial Meeting When a complaint or problem arises, the President, along with the Chapter Advisor should notify the involved member(s) for an initial meeting. Every effort should be made to have this meeting as soon as possible after the complaint/problem has occured. If the incident involves the President, the Vice President should act in place of the President along with the Chapter Advisor.

This initial meeting is the time to discuss the complaint/problem, gather facts, answer questions, and give an opportunity for a response by the involved member(s). The President and Chapter Advisor should be present at this initial meeting. Every effort should be made for this meeting to work around the involved individual(s) schedule(s).

Following the initial meeting, the President and Chapter Advisor will discuss what further action should be taken. Examples of matters that can be handled administratively include, but are not limited to: ● Failure to pay chapter dues ● Failure to complete study hours ● Failure to maintain GPA requirement (first semester only) ● Absence at meetings and/or functions ● 1st offense of underage drinking *Repeated violations of the same offense(s) will automatically result in an SEC hearing. ​ *Failure to comply and/or complete the administrative sanctions will automatically result in an SEC hearing .

Notification The member must receive written, electronic notification of the violation in question within 7 business days. The notification should also be sent to the Chapter Advisor and Regional Director, Included in the notification should be a summary of the initial meeting information to ensure that all those involved are reminded of the discussion and there are no misinterpretations. The individual(s) will have 48 hours to respond to the request of being called to an SEC. If the members fails to respond, SEC should still have the scheduled meeting.

Standards Hearing Pre-Hearing

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The President will send SEC members an electronic description of the allegations and the rule/policy violations 48 hours prior to the hearing. Presiding SEC members should discuss 15 minutes prior to the hearing the questions they have regarding the allegations.

Hearing The hearing contains the following steps 1. Call to Order: Committee takes their respective places in the hearing room and the President introduces each member of the committee, if necessary. 2. Opportunity to Object a Committee Member: Accused member has the right to strike (objectify presence) a SEC member from presiding the committee on reasonable grounds. After hearing the members reasoning for a strike, the President decides whether to remove the member or not. Committee members may also strike themselves in the event of an earlier dealing or close relationship with the accused member. 3. The Nature of Hearing Explained: President must ask the involved member if they understand the nature of the hearing and further explain if they do not. 4. Introduction of Witnesses 5. The Charges are Read: Charges are read one at a time, and the accused member(s) responds with a plea of responsible or not responsible to each charge. 6. Entering of Plea to Each Charge: ● Pleads Responsible: SEC must pose clarifying questions before entering a closed session to deliberate sanctioning ● Not Responsible to a partial or complete list of charges: Committee must ask clarifying questions for those charges that the party pled ‘responsible’ and then sets any reasonable pleas aside until the closed session to deliberate sanctioning begins. 7. Opening Statement: The accused member should explain why they have pled ‘not responsible’ and point out any evidence that would validate the plea. This would also be the time for the member to address any personal issues that have caused her to violate any policies. 8. Questioning by the SEC: Committee members are allowed to ask as many questions as necessary to acquire full information, The committee members notes will be used in the deliberation and sanctioning process. 9. Summary Statements: Limited to five minutes. Only the accused member may address the Committee for summary statements. 10. SEC Enters a Closed Session for Deliberation: Any parties that are accused are excused out of the room so that the committee may deliberate in private. The accused member must remain close to the room and the committee will either find the accused responsible or not responsible based on the hearing. 11. Reconvening of Hearing Committee: ● Found Not Responsible: Meeting adjourned ● Found Responsible: - The chair reads the member’s disciplinary history for the prior two years - If the member has a history of this particular offense, this should be taken into consideration when deciding sanctions

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- The accused may submit suggestions to the Committee that may or may not be implemented when formulating the final educational and disciplinary measures. 12. Committee Retries to Decide Sanctions: chapter advisor to help committee remember their responsibilities and refer to the list of sanctions 13. Reconvening to Read and Explain Sanction: The SEC members reconvene and read the sanction(s) and clarify the sanction(s). The President should make it clear that the member has the right to appeal the sanctions within 5 business days from the receipt of the official notification letter to the member, Chapter Advisor and Regional Director. The official notification letter must be sent to the member within 24 hours of the SEC hearing.

If the regional director does not accept the appeal, the member(s) may submit their appeal to the National Headquarters Office, within 5 business days of notification from the Regional Director.


Section 1: Allocation of Funds A. The Entity will develop allocation of funds with the Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations’ advice after the approval of the semester budget. B. Special assessments for miscellaneous expenses shall be allocated by the Executive Council with the advice of the Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations.

Section 2: Membership Fees The membership fees are an obligation of each member of the Sorority. Payment of such fees is as follows: A. Induction Fee w/ pin $140.00 (a one-time fee required by the National Sorority) B. Initiation Fee w/pin $175.00 (A one-time fee required by the National Sorority) C. Semester Membership Dues $270.00 (Per Semester, $120 required by the National Sorority, $150 for Chapter operations.)

Section 3: Payment of Dues A. All members will be required to sign a contract ensuring prompt payment of all sorority financial obligations to be renewed yearly. B. Semester dues shall be due according to semester: nd st 1. Fall Semester—The 2 ​ Friday in September for National; The 1 ​ ​ Friday in November for Entity st 2. Spring Semester—The 1 ​ Friday in February for National; The st ​ 1 ​ Friday in April for Entity ​ Updated, 9-24-18 31

C. Dues will be due in full unless a payment plan is requested. Payment plans must be formally completed by the Vice President of Entity and ​ Financial Operations outside of chapter meeting and before the due date. ​ D. If sister does not pay dues or fails to sign promissory note or signs promissory note and fails to follow up with Vice President of Entity and ​ Financial Operations by the first Entity meeting of the following ​ ​ ​ semester, she will be in bad standing with Entity.

Section 4: Penalty for Non-Payment of Fees A. If any checks made out to the Sorority are returned due to insufficient funds, it shall be the responsibility of the delinquent Sister to pay the bank’s charges plus her dues within the deadline period. After one bounced check, the member is required to pay cash for all future fees, unless otherwise directed by the Executive Council. B. If payments are delinquent and prior arrangements have not been made with the Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations, a $2.00 late fee will be added each day unless other arrangements have been made with Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations.

Section 5: Annual Fee Review A. The Executive Council shall annually review the fees of the Sorority and propose an increase or decrease in the membership fees. B. The proposal increases and decreases must be approved by a ¾ vote of the Entity

Section 6: Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Sorority shall begin on the first day of July and end on the last day of June each year.

ARTICLE X: Records A. All records of this Entity, which are not in use shall be kept in a secure box. The Entity President, Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations, and Entity Advisor shall be responsible for assuring the records are properly stored at all times. B. Records may be released to any officer or member when necessary and when either the President or the Entity Advisor has granted permission.


Section 1: Adoption These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon a 2/3 vote for approval by the Louisiana State University Entity. A copy must be sent to National Headquarters for approval. These bylaws shall be the only set of Bylaws of the Entity of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. at Louisiana State University. Updated, 9-24-18 32

Section 2: Amendments These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all members in Good Standing enrolled in this Entity. A. Revisions to these bylaws, as a whole, should be performed in a meeting amongst the following: The President, Vice President of Program Development, Vice President of Entity and Financial Operations, and Entity Advisor. B. The vote may be taken only after the proposed amendment has met the following requirements: 1. It must be presented during an Entity meeting in which it will be voted on the same day. 2. Absentee voting shall be allowed as long as the sister has notified the President of her vote within 24 hours from Entity. Only sisters with an excused absence shall be allowed absentee voting. 3. Amendments take effect immediately.

Section 2: Distribution and Review of Bylaws These bylaws shall be reviewed every year at the fall semester retreat and all members shall be supplied a copy. In addition, a copy of the bylaws must be submitted to the Campus Life office.

Section 3: Preemption Clause A. These bylaws shall be subject to all provisions of the Louisiana State University Student Code. B. This organization shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws.

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