LSU Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc

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LSU Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc LSU Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Bylaws ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose 3 Section 1: Name 3 Section 2: Purpose 3 ARTICLE II: Entity 3 Section 1: Good Standing 3 Section 2: Anti-Hazing Statement 3 ARTICLE III: Memberships 4 Section 1: Associate Membership 4 Section 2: General Membership 5 ARTICLE IV: Executive Council 7 Section 1: Composition 7 Section 2: Qualifications for Executive Council 7 Section 3: Methods of Selection to the Executive Council 7 Section 4: Apprenticeship 7 Section 5: Term of Executive Officers 8 ARTICLE V: Duties of the Executive Officers 8 Section 1: General Responsibilities 8 Section 2: Officer Duties 8 Section 3: Removal of an Executive Officer 12 Section 4: Replacement of an Executive Officer Vacancy 12 ARTICLE VI: Standing Committee Chairs 12 Section 1: Composition 12 Section 2: Method of Selection 13 Section 3: General Duties 13 Section 4: Chair Duties 13 ARTICLE VII: Advisory Committee 18 Section 1: Method of Selection 18 Section 2: Nominations and Elections 18 Section 3: Term 18 Section 4: Duties of the Faculty Advisor 18 Section 5: Duties of the Entity Advisor 19 Updated, 9-24-18 1 ARTICLE VIII: Rules and Regulations 19 Section 1: General Rules Section 2: Greek Life Policies 20 Section 3: Mandatory Meetings and Events 20 Section 4: Entity Meetings 20 Section 5: Study Hours 21 Section 6: Grade Submission 22 Section 7: Penalties 22 Section 8: Assessment of Fines 23 Section 9: Price of Fines 23 ARTICLE IX: Finance 23 Section 1: Allocation of Funds 23 Section 2: Membership Fees 23 Section 3: Payment of Dues 24 Section 4: Penalty for Non-Payment of Fees 24 Section 5: Annual Fee Review 24 Section 6: Fiscal Year 24 ARTICLE X: Records 24 ARTICLE XI: Amendments 25 ARTICLE XII: Bylaws 25 Section 1: Adoption 25 Section 2: Distribution and Review of Bylaws 25 Section 3: Preemption Clause 25 Updated, 9-24-18 2 ENTITY BYLAWS Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Eta Epsilon Chapter ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose Section 1: Name The name of this entity shall be the Hermosa Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. as authorized by the Constitution and Bylaws of the sorority at Louisiana State University. Section 2: Purpose The Eta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. defines itself as an organization committed to promoting the advancement of culturally diverse women in the community by providing social and academic support, while nurturing a sense of cultural pride and success. The members of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. at Eta Epsilon Chapter will develop and foster a group of diverse young ladies, all of whom will strive to: A. Support cultural awareness by promoting and respecting all cultures. B. Support the educational and social needs of the women at Louisiana State University. C. Support the interest and concerns of Baton Rouge and all other surrounding communities. ARTICLE II: Entity Section 1: Good Standing A collegiate entity in good standing and entitled to vote at the Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Convention shall: A. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.85/4.3 scale, effective Spring 2019. ​ ​ B. Conduct itself in a manner that contributes to the welfare of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc., as well as maintaining its good reputation. C. Abide by the national constitution, Bylaws, rituals, rules, policies and procedures of the Sorority. D. Cooperate and maintain strong communication with the executive officers of the Sorority, other entities and the National Board. Section 2: Anti-Hazing Statement Sigma Lambda Gamma strictly forbids hazing. The Eta Epsilon chapter will not encourage or condone hazing in any manner to any associate or initiated members. Updated, 9-24-18 3 A. The Eta Epsilon chapter will follow guidelines regarding hazing as outlined in the Sigma Lambda Gamma National Policy and Procedures Manual, Risk Management Standards, Section 3. B. The Eta Epsilon chapter will also follow guidelines regarding hazing as outlined in the Louisiana State University Policy Statement PS-108. ARTICLE III: Memberships Section 1: Associate Membership A. Criteria for Associate Membership A woman enrolled at Louisiana State University may be selected for associate membership in the Sorority given that: 1. She is a current, full-time undergraduate student in good standing at Louisiana State University which includes non-traditional students as well. 2. She is neither an Associate Member, nor a member of any similar University sorority or co-ed fraternity except honorary, professional, or service. 3. She is willing to pledge herself to uphold the bylaws, financial obligations, principles, policies and procedures of the Sorority. 4. She holds a 2.85/4.3 cumulative GPA to be inducted and ​ ​ maintains a 2.85/4.3 GPA to remain in good standing. ​ ​ 5. She has accepted an invitation to begin the Associate Member Education Program (AMEP) and successfully completes the AMEP. 6. She meets all special regulations placed on members of the sorority by the Panhellenic Council of Louisiana State University. B. Induction 1. Induction shall be held two weeks after all paperwork has been submitted to National Headquarters. 2. All general members are required to attend unless absence is unavoidable. An excuse/judicial form must be submitted, approved, and excused by the Associate Member Educator and President 24 hours prior to the Induction. 3. Conservative, Semi-formal attire is required for Associate Member Educator, Assistant Associate Member Educator, Associate Members, Executive Board, and General Members. All pieces in wardrobe should be black, which would include, but is not limited to, clothing, shoes and accessories. Updated, 9-24-18 4 4. Associate Member Educator, Assistant Associate Member Educator, Associate Members, Executive Board, and General Members are required to wear initiation pins. 5. Induction shall be held according to the Ritual Manual. 6. All Induction proceedings MUST be kept CONFIDENTIAL. C. Initiation An Associate Member, upon fulfilling the requirements for initiation and approval by a vote of Executive Board and General Members, shall be initiated by her entity and become a lifelong member of the Sorority. Requirements for Initiation include: 1. Enrollment in a minimum of 12 credit hours with at least a 2.85/4.3 cumulative G.P.A. along with registration for the ​ following semester at Louisiana State University. 2. Fulfillment of all financial obligations, standards of conduct and any other requirements listed on the Associate Member Education Manual. 3. Completion of the Associate Member Education Program. Section 2: General Membership A. Eligibility Members must be initiated, undergraduate women at Louisiana State University or active, undergraduate women who have transferred to Louisiana State University. B. Members in Good Standing Requirements for good standing are as follows: 1. Comply with all policies and procedures and uphold the five principles of Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority. 2. Attend Entity meetings, rituals, and sorority functions, with no more than two absences excused by the SEC President and ​ ​ ​ Chapter Advisor via email 3. Participate in all sorority community service projects, with no more than one excused absence. 4. Complete 3 hours of community service outside of chapter-organized events. 5. Two unexcused absences, will result in a meeting with the SEC within one week of the occurrence to determine necessary actions. 6. Maintain a current cumulative academic G.P.A. of 2.85/4.3 ​ scale., effective Spring 2019 7. Be an active member of at least one other registered student organization on campus Updated, 9-24-18 5 8. Maintain a good financial standing by paying dues, fines, etc. on time. Payment plans may be arranged with the Vice President of Financial Operations. Please see Art. III, Sec. 2, C, 2. ​ C. Probation 1. Academic Probation If a member does not have the required 2.85 cumulative G.P.A., then the member will be placed on Academic Probation until they meet the GPA requirement. Members on Academic Probation must: i. Pay dues in full. ii. Not vote. iii. Cannot be an Associate Member Mother. iv. Cannot run for office. v. Cannot attend chapter events without permission from the President and Entity Advisor. vi. Cannot attend Ritual or Journey vii. Follow academic plan as designated per Chapter Academic Advisor and/or National Headquarters. 2. Financial Probation. If a member does not take the necessary action and does not pay the set dues on-time, the following actions will be enforced: i. The member shall have a two-week grace period before being placed on Financial Probation. ii. The member will be considered on probation until the dues are paid in full. The member on probation: Must pay in full all outstanding fines from prior semester four weeks into the current semester; otherwise: the member: 1. Cannot attend social/rush functions without permission from the President and Entity Advisor. 2. Cannot vote. 3. Cannot be an associate member mother for that semester. iii. Any exceptions must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Financial Operations. All exceptions will be voted on by the SEC and approved by a majority vote. D. Transfer of Membership A member who transfers to a college or university where an entity or colony of Sigma Lambda Gamma exists may become a part of the current Entity roster in accordance to National Policy. Members ​ transferring from another entity to Eta Epsilon Chapter cannot: Updated, 9-24-18 6 1. Hold a leadership position, executive or chair, until she has completed one full semester as an active member in good standing of Eta Epsilon Chapter E. Alumnae Standing A member who has graduated from the institution from which she was initiated, or another four-year institution to which she has transferred, will be considered an alumni member in good standing.
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