Feminist City Audiobook Endnotes
Feminist City Audiobook Endnotes NOTES INTRODUCTION CITY OF MEN 1 Elizabeth Wilson, The Sphinx in the City: Urban Life, the Control of Disorder, and Women (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), 29. 2 Judith R. Walkowitz, City of Dreadful Delight: Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late- Victorian London (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1992), 11. 3 Wilson, 27. 4 Wilson, 39. 5 Lee Maracle, I Am Woman: A Native Perspective on Sociology and Feminism (Vancouver: Press Gang, 1996); Andrea Smith, Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide (Cambridge: South End Press, 2005). 6 Sarah Hunt, “Representing Colonial Violence: Trafficking, Sex Work, and the Violence of Law,” Atlantis, 37.2,1 (2015/2016): 25–39. 7 University of Toronto Magazine, The Cities We Need, Autumn 2018. 8 Sara Ahmed, “White Men,” feministkilljoys, accessed January 28, 2019, https:// feministkilljoys.com/2014/11/04/white- men/ (original emphasis). 9 Adrienne Rich, Blood, Bread, and Poetry: Selected Prose 1979–1 985 (New York: W.W. Norton, 1994). 10 Rich, 213. 11 Rich, 216. 12 A group originally created by activist Tarana Burke in 2005; “#MeToo” exploded as a Twitter hashtag in 2017. 13 For example, over 150 women testified to abuse at the hands of Larry Nasser, a doctor for elite U.S. gymnasts and college athletes. 14 Gerda Wekerle, “A Woman’s Place is in the City,” Antipode, 16,3 (1984): 11–19 . 15 Elizabeth Stanko, “Women, Crime, and Fear,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 539,1 (1995): 46– 58. | 177 Kern_FeministCity_interior05.indd 177 2019-08-28 11:44 AM 16 Wilson, The Sphinx in the City, 31.
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