Volume 74 May 2014 Number 5 Backpacking: Inside This Issue Stretch Your Limits, Discover the Backpacking 1 Beauty! Painters Wanted! 2 Wilderness Challenge 2 Welcome New Members 2 Becky Lipton Trail Volunteers 3 f you love the outdoors and camping, you will love backpacking! May Board Notes 4 I Backpacking offers an opportunity to reach destinations that are unattainable Trip Reports 5-12 in one day. Backpacking provides an opportunity to see how rich life can be Upcoming 13 with very few material possessions. It provides a sense of freedom and in- Upcoming Bus Trips 14 creased self confidence from the success of each day. Backpacking provides an Joaquin Miller’s Ghost 15 opportunity for your inner self to slow down and enjoy the moment—the aston- Saving Rainbow Falls 15 ishing beauty of a meadow in bloom, the song of frogs and birds, the changing Saving Three Sisters 16 sun on the mountains at dusk, the glittering fullness of the night sky. Mardy Murie 17 The Obsidians club offers six backpack trips in 2014. Come and join us! Potluck 18 Leaders! If you can offer another backpack trip this summer, email in your ExploraTalk 18 trip description and info to
[email protected] soon. That way partici- Carpooling 19 pants have time to plan their own schedule before signing up! Online Mapping 19 May 30–June 1 Blacklock Point Blacklock Point, located on the coast just Calendar 19 north of Port Orford, offers breathtaking beauty. Backpack in 2.5 miles Friday. Picture of the Month 20 Day hike eight miles Saturday.