Cornell University College of 1969-70
Cornell University ANNOUNCEMENTS College of Arts and Sciences 1969-70 CORNELL UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Volume 60. Number 18. March 27, 1969. Published twenty- two times a year: four times in August; three times in March and October; twice in May, July, September, and November; once in January, April, June, and December. Published by Cornell University at Sheldon Court, 420 College Avenue, Ithaca, New York 14850. Second-class postage paid at Ithaca, New York. Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences 1969-70 Cornell Academic Calendar* 1969-70+ Registration, new students Th,Sept. 11 Registration, old students F, Sept. 12 Fall term instruction begins, 7:30 a . m . M, Sept. 15 Midterm grade reports due S, Oct. 25 Thanksgiving recess: Instruction suspended, 1:10 p . m . W, Nov. 26 Instruction resumed, 7:30 a . m . M, Dec. 1 Fall term instruction ends, 1:10 p.m. S, Dec. 20 Christmas recess Independent study period begins Nl, Jan. 5 Final examinations begin M, Jan. 12 Final examinations end T, Jan. 20 Intersession begins W, Jan. 21 Registration, new students Th,Jan. 29 Registration, old students F, Jan. 30 Spring term instruction begins, 7:30 a . m . M, Feb. 2 Deadline: changed or make-up grades M , Feb. 9 Midterm grade reports due S, M ar. 14 Spring recess: Instruction suspended, 1:10 p . m . S, Mar. 28 Instruction resumed, 7:30 a . m . \1, Apr. 6 Spring term instruction ends, 1:10 p . m . S, May 16 Independent study period begins M, May 18 Final examinations begin M, May 25 Final examinations end T, June 2 Commencement Day M ,Jun e 8 Deadline changed or make-up grades M ,J une 15 * Students in the College of Arts and Sciences should see page 25 for “Important Dates 1969-70.” t The dates shown in the Academic Calendar are subject to change at any time by official action of Cornell University.
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