CURRICULUM VITAE Louis F. Groarke PERSONAL Born London, England; Canadian, Irish, British Citizen ADDRESS Professional: Philosophy Department St. Francis Xavier University P.O. Box 5000 Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5 Office: 902-867-3611 Fax: 902-867-3243 (Department of Philosophy: c/o Janice Munroe (902-867-4983) Quebec Residence: 122 rue Bourbeau Louis Groarke 2 Trois-Rivières, Québec G8T 1M5 (819) 379-5492 RESEARCH/SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Single-Authored Books: Moral Reasoning: Rediscovering the Ethical Tradition (Toronto, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 480 pages. (This book is a detailed history of Western Ethics from the Pre-Socratics to contemporary authors.) An Aristotelian Account of Induction: Creating Something From Nothing (Montreal, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009), 470 pages. (Awarded Aids to Scholarly Publications SHRRC Grant; in McGill-Queen’s Studies in the History of Ideas Series.) The Good Rebel: Understanding Freedom and Morality, (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 2002), 326 pages. Books in Progress: Louis Groarke, Paul Groarke, Paolo Biondi, Living Wisely, Broadview Press, under contract, the manuscript has passed through all refereeing, only copy-editing left; forthcoming, between 500-600 pages. Parallel Lines Converge at Infinity: Aristotle, Religion and Literature (presently under review at a Canadian publisher). Co-Edited Books: (Equal contributors) Paolo Biondi, Louis Groarke, editors, Shifting the Paradigm: Alternative Perspectives on Induction (Frankfurt, Germany: Ontos Verlag / De Gruyter, 2014). (Contributing Editor) Jonathan Lavery, Louis Groarke, William Sweet, editors, Ideas Under Fire: Historical Studies of Philosophy and Science in Adversity ( (Madison, Teaneck NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; Lanham MY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013), 374 pages.
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