OTICE Is Hereby Given, Tliat Application .Is Intended To
3965 OTICE is hereby given, tliat application .is And notice is hereby also given, that it" is. in-- intended to be made to Parliament in the tended to take powers, in the said Bill, to make- next session, for a Bill for making and maintain- certain alterations in the railway or tramroad ing a railway, with all proper and convenient sta- called the Mansfield and Pinxton Railway, within tions, wharfs, erections, works* bridges, communi- the parishes) townships, and extra-parochial places cations, approaches, and conveniences connected of Mansfield, Sutton in Ashfield, Kirkby in Ash- therewith, to commence at of near the point of field, Selston, Pinxton, Bagthorpc, Underwood, junction of the roads leading from Lincoln to and Westwood, in the said county of Nottingham; Newark-upon-Trent, and Winthorpe to Newark- and of Pinxtoh, in the said county of Derby; and to upon-Trent, with a certain street or road called enable the Company to be incorporated by the Northgate, in the parish of Newark-upon-Trent, proposed Bill, and the Mansfield and Pinxton and in the borough of Newark, in the county of Railway Company, and all other parties who may Nottingham* and to terminate in the township of be interested therein, or in the rates, tolls, and Tapton, in. the parish of Chesterfield, inr the duties arising therefrom, to enter into and cany county of Derby, by a junction- with the Midland into effect such mutual arrangements as may Railway, near the Chesterfield station, in the seem expedient for the purchase and sale; or for parish of Chesterfield
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