20 21 05.13- 05.20
20 21 05.13- 05.20 Proclaim your love of cinema in style! T-SHIRTS, SOCKS, SWEATSHIRTS, JOGGERS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT WILDWOODPRODUCTIONS.COM Welcome A reckoning has occurred for cinephiles, In this guide are the films our team of cu- especially over the last year when most rators have loved and been inspired by in public cinema spaces have remained this distinctly unlovable year. They’ve been closed or inaccessible: It’s a streaming rays of light for us, and hopefully they will world and we are just living in it, trying to be for you, too. These new selections are watch movies. However, it can be difficult often in dialogue with great movies chosen to find good movies to watch amongst from across all eras of international cine- the over-stuffed, yet under-nourished ma history. We’re grateful to share these libraries and catalogues of even the most discoveries with an audience of equally popular home viewing providers. Just ask passionate moviegoers, who themselves anyone who has killed an evening in that become inspiring recommenders of cin- quintessentially modern wild goose chase: ema. Now, the 100+ movies in this guide endlessly scrolling through a streamer’s are yours to react to, wrestle with, and, if gallery of poster art, hunting for something you like, tell a friend about. appealing to watch. It’s easier finding a We all know it’s been a long, weird year vaccine appointment. since the 2020 fest was canceled. But In a recently published essay, the legend- spring is here, and there may just be a ary director and indispensable cinema light at the end of the tunnel.
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