The unbroken spectrum of Frobenius seaweeds II: type-B and type-C Alex Cameron∗, Vincent E. Coll, Jr.∗∗, Matthew Hyatt†, and Colton Magnant†† July 23, 2019 ∗Department of Mathematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA:
[email protected] ∗∗Department of Mathematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA:
[email protected] †FactSet Research Systems, New York, NY, USA:
[email protected] †† Department of Mathematics, Clayton State University, Morrow, GA, USA:
[email protected] Abstract Analogous to the Type-An−1 = sl(n) case, we show that if g is a Frobenius seaweed subalgebra of Bn = so(2n +1) or Cn = sp(2n), then the spectrum of the adjoint of a principal element consists of an unbroken set of integers whose multiplicities have a symmetric distribution. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010 : 17B20, 05E15 Key Words and Phrases: Frobenius Lie algebra, seaweed, biparabolic, principal element, Dynkin diagram, spectrum, regular functional, Weyl group 1 Introduction Notation: All Lie algebras will be finite dimensional over C, and the Lie multiplication will be denoted by [-,-]. The index of a Lie algebra is an important algebraic invariant and, for seaweed algebras, is bounded by the algebra’s rank: ind g ≤ rk g, (see [11]). More formally, the index of a Lie algebra g is given by arXiv:1907.08775v1 [math.RT] 20 Jul 2019 ind g = min dim(ker(BF )), F ∈g∗ where F is a linear form on g, and BF is the associated skew-symmetric bilinear Kirillov form, defined by BF (x,y) = F ([x,y]) for x,y ∈ g. On a given g, index-realizing functionals are called regular and exist in profusion, being dense in both the Zariski and Euclidean topologies of g∗.