Philippines & Pollution Health Impact, Economic Impact, Injustice, and Solutions The Lancet Commission on pollution and health Pollution in the air, water provides data related to the health and economic costs of pollution for 190 countries. It also gives and soil was responsible specifics on the inequity of pollution’s impact, and for 16.4% of all deaths provides an overview of solutions implemented or possible to reduce the burden of pollution. in the Philippines. The Commission’s lead authors have prepared this brief summary of pollution’s impact specifically in Average % of Deaths from Pollution the Philippines. High-Income Countries 7.3% Health Impact Upper-Middle-Income Countries 10.3% In 2015, the report indicates that 91,500 people in the Philippines died from pollution-related disease. Lower-Middle-Income Countries 14.7% That is close to four times more than deaths from Low-Income Countries 19.2% HIV, TB and malaria combined. Causes of Death — Philippines 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 - Lead Occupational Water, Total Air Total Diet High in Road Conflict and HIV/TB/ Alcohol & Tobacco Use Pollution Sanitation & Pollution Sodium Accidents Violence Malaria Drug Use Hygiene Source | The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, October 2017 WWW.GAHP.NET FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
[email protected] TEL. +1 212 870 3490 Economic Impact A valuable strategy recommended at the national and state level, the Health and Pollution Planning The economic cost of pollution to the Philippines is process involves multiple national or state calculated in two ways: government agencies (environment, health, industry, transport, finance, etc) meeting to • The costs of lost productivity from pollution- identify, evaluate and prioritize pollution issues related diseases are estimated to be between based on health impacts.