2015-2016 TECHNICIAN Option Workforce Development Certificate Program Description: This option is for phlebotomy trainees and professionals new to the medical laboratory technology field who need to rapidly acquire phlebotomy (the drawing of ) skills, as well as acquire a comprehensive overview of the key areas of the clinical laboratory to include specimen processing. The Phlebotomy Program is approved through the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences. Graduates with a phlebotomy certificate may apply for the National Phlebotomy Registry examination through the American Society of Clinical . Degree Awarded: Certificate of Achievement For More Information Contact: Allied Health Services, Metro Campus: (918) 595-7002 for program application form and any specific program information. Procedures For Application: 1. Submit completed program application form to Allied Health Services, MP450 909 S. Boston Tulsa, OK 74119 2. All prospective Medical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomy program students must complete an application for enrollment to the College. 3. Acceptance to Tulsa Community College does not guarantee admission into the Medical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomy program. 4. Eligible applicants to be interviewed for consideration for admission into the Medical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomy program will be notified by mail or phone. 5. In order to enroll in courses that include a clinical component and are part of the program degree plan, students must receive clearance on a criminal background check, including sex offender registry. Potential students need to be aware that drug testing and clearance is a requirement for participation in all clinical components. Medical Laboratory Technology 7 hours º+MDLT 1203 Phlebotomy º+MDLT 1212 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology º*+MDLT 1222 Phlebotomy Clinical

Total Credit Hours: 7 *Course has prerequisite (See course description section of catalog). º Course must be completed with a “C” or better for admission to the Medical Laboratory Technician program. + Courses must be taken concurrently.