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I~ Unittdscottish~Ians ~ ~ Ii ~.~~~~~~.~,......••~.--...•.-.- ••~••~.~'! ; ~--_..........---~-_._-_._---: I • ~ t • I!SOUVE.!'{IR PROGRAM II i~ ~ H il ••Jlbl·t l~tlC ~arU1"afl . I.. I11t 11 OF T HE I i q . l ~ I~ Unittd Scottish~Ians ~ ~ t l . OF GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY l i • I ; ~ t l t t • l I . til t iI ; t lit t ill i i'l ~ • I · .r At CEL TIC PARK I t II LONG I SL AN D CITY l t. i I ' H l ~ .•OnSaturday, ]uly4tb,1908.. ~ l tit t I ~ P RIC ' E.. T E. NCENT S ~ t i·_.~-.-.-.-.. _.-.-.-.._.~.~.~.._..~-. t +-~..~.~~ ,, ~........--~..~.-.-..----..,......••-......-... ....--...+ The 'De Lu.xe o/, Scotch Whi ...!(ey • THE BAILlE - NICOL JARVIE BLEND OF = OL D SCOTCH WHISKEY = N COL ANDERSON & CO ., Limited, Glasgow Sole 'Proprietor-s Ca ll be had at the Wa ldorf, Del mon ico's, Cafe Martin and Cafe Lafayette CR... .AIG ... Marine Ga:.s-olineEngine.s- BUILDER. OF TtilE . .... WOR.LD'S GR.EATEST MOTOR. YACHT • AILSA CRAIG JAMES C'R A IG 556 West -34th Street New York 2 COMMI TTEES GENERAL GAME S COMMITT EE Pa st Chief Bryce Martin, Clan MacDonald, No. 33, Chairman Past Chief Charles Patte rson, Clan MacDuff, No. 81, Vice-Chairman Past Chief William Da vidson, Clan MacDouald , No. 33, Secretary Clansman F enwick W. Rit chie, Clan MacDonald, No. 33, Assistant Secretary Pa st Royal Deputy W . B. Simpson, Clan MacKenzie, No. 29, Tr easurer Clansman J ohn Kirk, Clan MacKenzie, No . 29 Pa st Chief David Warnock, Clan MacKenzie,No. 29 Clansman Henry Dunn, Clan MacKenzie, No. 29 Clansman Hobert Lumsden, Clan MacDonald, No. 33 P ast Chief Alexander Carnah an, Clan Forbes. No. 52 ClansmanAl exander Carnahan, J r. ,Clan Forbes, No. 52 Past Chief Andrew McCutchan, Clan Forbes, No. 52 'Chief William A . Hay, Clan Drummond,No. 62 Clansman Alexander R . Rogers. Clan Dr ummond, No. 62 Clansman George Kil oh, Clan Dru mmond, No. 62 Clansman Alexander Davidson, Clan MacDuff, No. 81 Clansman J ames Grant, Clan MacDuff, No . 81 P ast Royal Deput y Jam es Kennedy , Clan MacDuff. No. 81 Clansman Oliver Scott, Clan MacGregor, No. 106 Clansman Henry Scott, Clan MacGregor, No. 106 Past Chief Alexand er Br uce, Clan MacGregor, No. 106 Clansman Woo. J ackson, Olau MacGregor, No. 106 Chief J ohn Conua l, Clan Graham, N o. 142 P ast Chief Alexander Smith, Claa Graham,No. 142 Clansman David \Vinton, Clan Graham , No . 142 Clansman William Mitchell. Clan Graham, No. 142 Chief W. W.Smith,Clan Bruce, No. 180 Clansman Samue l F air weath er, Clan Bruce, No. 180 Clansman George Dodd s, Clan Bruc e, No. 180 EVENTS COMMITTEE Clansma n Sam '! Fairwe ath er Clansman Wm . J ackson Clansman David War nock Chief W. A. Hay J ames Grant William Mitchell Pas t Chief A. Carnahan , Sr. Rob't Lumsden RECEPTIO N COMMITT EE Clansman Oliver Scott Clansman Jo hn Kirk Chief Jo hn Oonnal Alex. R. Rogers W. W.Smilh MUSIC COMMITTEE Past Chief Charles Patterson Pa st Chief David Warn ock P ast Chief A . McCutcha n P . R. Depu ty J as. Kennedy ' PR INTING . PRESS AND ADVERTISING COMmTTEE P . R. Depu ty Ja s. Kennedy Clansman A. Carnaha n, Jr. P ast Chief Alexand er Smith ' Clans man Alex . R. Roger s Jo hn Kirk Clansman F . W.Ritchie .. Oliver Scott Chief W. W . Smith PRIZE COMmTTEE Pas t Chief Bry ce Marti n Past Chief Wm . Davi dson I FLOOR MANAGERS Clansman Alex. Devtdeca Clansman George Dodds BOWLING COMmTTEE Clansman J ames Stewart Clansman Wm . McDonald FOOT BALL REFEREE Mr. Allan Montgomery JUDGES HIGHLAND BAGPIP E COMPETITION P ast Chief Dunc an MacInnes Mr. A.. S. Cattanach Clansman Jam es Fergu son JUDGES HIGHLAND DANCING Paal Royal Chief Wal ler 8coll, O. 8. C. Olenemaa J ohn 8. MacNab Mr. J oh11G. an derson 3 OF FIC IALS R ef e-ree l 'imers John J, Walsh, P resident Pas time A. C. Charles J . Dieges, New York A. C. W .L. J ones, Pa stime A. C. JudgCB-at.Finis1l, J ohn J. O'Brien, New York A. C. Maj or D. J . Murph y, 22d Regt. A. A. A. G. Ha rvey, St . Bartholomew A.C. M. Sulliva n, Ir ish-American A. C. I nspectors Th os. J . Hughes, Mott Ba vcn A.C. J ames J . Coffey, Xav ier A. A. George Matt hews, Acorn A. C. W . H . Brady, Tr inity A. C. H. Obert ub bcssing, Y . M. C. A. E. Spit zer, Pastime A. C. FI·cld JU<1ges JUdgeof Walking A. Arnold, P astime A. C. BROAD JU MP ~D tree , STE P AND JU:uP Scorers F. J . X . Delaney, Xavie r A. A. H oward Valentine, New York A. C. J . St umpf, Grace A. C. Edward Gilson, :Matt Haven A.C. G. ~f cGraham, 22d Rcgt. A. A. J ohn B. Oloug bau, Irish-Am erican A.C. Philip J. CofIey, .Irlsh-American A.C. Olerk of C01t1'H8 Ohes. Vulz , St. Bartholomew A. C. l6 -L Bo R AMME R A sst. Olerksof Course J . Cosgrove , Ir ish-American A. C. G . Jami eson, Pastime A. C . R. F . :hic Kini ry, Pastime A. C. W. P. Sheridan, Pa stime A . C. P. Sayles, 22d Reg t. A . A . A mw uncer PUTT ING 1 2 ·L B. SHOT Will iam Rosbach, St. Bart h. A. C. Starter Edward B art, Mohawk A.. C. J ohn J . McBu gh, Pasti me A. C. J ohn Detgm an, St. Bar th olomew A. C. lIa nd icapp e1' ~I. J . Fl ynn, Sta r A. C. Th omas F .O 'Brien, Warr en A .C . THE SCOTTISH -AM E RI CA N The Recognized Organ oC~ all .Scotti sh Societies on the American Continent ESTABLISHED IN 1857 .,. J VBILEE YE A R, 1907 A' t he N ew s f r a e H arn e-Hum or ou s Sco toh Stories a n d A ne c clotes ­ Sket che s of Emin ent Sco tsm e n , Etc .- Re p or ts from All Sc otti s h Or gan iz ations Thr ou ghout the U nite d St at e s And C anada -e -e 2) ~come a Su.h.sc~/h e~ at Onc _ Ha !/ Y early , $1.50: Y.arly , $3 .00 A. M. STEW A RT. Publisher :n ROSE ST. , NEW YORK 4 Official Jewelers CLASS PINt FRATER lllTY P INS of the MEOIIl S CUPS. lT C. Leading Colleges WA,TCHU OI,td,lONO. Schools and J EWlL RY Associat ions 23 JOHN STREET NEW YORK Tel e ph on e , 325-J Sout h PETERCHRISTIE QI;b. jFLoti~t 561 FIFTH AVENUE O UR BU L B CATALO GUE , B e t , 15th en d 16th S t • . be autifully illu strat ed with BROOKLYN, N. Y. fu ll and reliable cult ural direc­ ti on s, and cont ain ing as for mer-. 11111 ly, t he lar ge st and mos t var ied £bolCe £ut llowersofall kindsmry day asso rt ment of h igh cla ss Bu lb s In Plants, Designs and Decorations A merica, w ill be ready Aug . 15, Special Jlttlntlonpaidto Receptions, Parties, an d will be mailed free to all wh o Weddings, Balls,lunerals, Etc. send for it . A p osta l is su fficie nt . J. M.THORBURN& COMPANY 11111 3 3 B ARCLA Y STRE ET ORDERS PROMP T LY AT T END ED T O 3 8 PARK PLACE '1'11 11 NEW YOR.K Gre enh ouse s Nura er y 'OU N o t o IN 18 0 2 Lon g bl and Klnll' ftl llh wa y . N. V. EJVTR..IES 100 YARD SD.\S II, ~OYICE. 6683 50 E . Bloo dgood, Y. ),1. C. A 7 7391 51 R. A yer s, Gord on A . A 8 F irs t and second i.n eac h heat to run in se mi- 9174 52 C. Cosscn as , Y. ),1. C. A 734 fina l hea ts. 846 53 C. Fin neran , Y. 1\1. C. A. 8~ No . No . Name . Clu b. 4140 54 Chas . H an sen , unatt ached 7 ~ 9750 1 L. A. ::\Ia es Unattached 813 7 56 ) 1. Bloomt..Atla s A. C 9 8802 2 A Oliv er Ir ish-Arner ican A. C. 5604 57 C. Clark, x avi er A. •\ •.... ... 5 ~ 83 10 10 B: McN elua Acorn A. C. 2261 58 ·R. T . Edw ards, 1-1. G. A. A 6~ 93 56 11 J. Hu ssey H ol y Cross Lyc eum 9905 59 H. Guer-r-ivn, St. Ann's .-\. C 9 8 188 12 T. H ealy Do minican Lyceum 9526 60 S. E. Bis hop, Moh aw k A. C 9 9392 13 R. B. Nix on . .I ri sh-American A. C. 6619 6 1 J. )lc), 1:'!ster. Acorn A. c. 8 93 50 14 G. B loch E duca tional Alliance 9699 62 n. J . E dward s, K. Y. A .C 70: 82 16 15 R. N olan ),1ohaw k A. C. 4626 63 H. 'F. P otts, Na tional A. c. 4340 16 i\ I. Lydon N ew W. S ide A . C. 9846 65 John W est, Nati on al A. C 8 9966 J7 M. Schwartz A tlas A. C. 6836 66 O. G. T el schow, St.
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