TECH REVIEWS Tech Reviews SECTION EDITORS Misophonia BY CURT WETMORE ecreased sound tolerance is a should be made aware of this prior to being common audiologic complaint. encouraged to do their own research in Unlike the classic characteristics the area. With the growing awareness and Dr David Pothier, MSc, of hyperacusis whereby a curiosity around misophonia, I wanted MBChB, FRCS(ORL-HNS), D Staff Neurologist, patient is sensitive to the frequency or to highlight some online resources that Assistant Professor, volume of a sound, misophonia is a strong patients have access to: University of Toronto, emotional and psychological reaction to a Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, sound with a specific pattern or meaning. Toronto General Hospital, These trigger sounds can range from This website contains information on University Health Network, noises produced by other people (i.e. lip Toronto, Canada. common symptoms and triggers and smacking, chewing sounds, or pen clicking) E:
[email protected] introduces visitors to treatment options to environmental noises (i.e. a distant such as cognitive behavioural therapy engine or a cat purring). Misophonic (CBT) and tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT). reactions to a trigger sound can include The website also contains downloadable feelings of extreme rage, anxiety, resources which include educational frustration and disgust. brochures and explanation letter templates. First proposed in 2000, misophonia The highlight of this website is the online remains a complex and elusive support forum: a virtual environment phenomenon. It is currently not included where you can create a profile, connect with Carolyn Falls, MClSc, in the DSM-5 but has attracted media other people suffering with misophonia, Clinical Audiologist, Lecturer, attention and public awareness in recent read personal experiences and engage University of Toronto, Department years.