United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in the Near East arab partners unit update

The Arab Partners Unit Update (APUU) is a regular publica- tion from UNRWA’s External Relations Department (ERD) in Amman. The APUU reports on UNRWA’s major initiatives and events of particular interest in the Arab world. It also summa- rizes the activities of our donors and their latest contributions to our various portfolios. The APUU is intended for distribution to our donors, our partner NGOs, other UN Agen- cies and departments as well as UNRWA’s Field and Area Offices. I s s u e 3 March - May 2010 2 United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNRWA News efforts in Gaza andthe in efforts West Bank. relief support UNRWAto to million $10 than more Saudi contributed has the Campaign 2009, Since generosity. of gesture this forCampaign, Saudi the of Chairman and Arabia, Saudi of Interior of Minister and Minister Prime Deputy Second Saud, Al Aziz Abdul bin Nayef Prince JHCO HRH thanked at and Peter convoywarehouses the the received Mr. Ford, April, of 19 Commissioner-General, on Representative held UNRWA’s ceremony a In coming days. aid to via Jordan, Gaza of much-needed in-kind will be the deliveringtransportation this first shipment Gaza in to being $2 million worth flour made of by the Saudi Campaign. tonnes The Jordan Hashemite OrganisationCharity 2,000 (JHCO), UNRWA’s of a donation in facilitating partner of shipment first the is flour of tonnes convoy 750 32-truck Thecarrying Gaza. to way its on Amman in arrived Campaign) (Saudi Gaza in People Palestinian the of On 17 April, the first convoy of flour in a large shipment of food aid organised by the Saudi Campaign for the Relief CampaignSaudi Convoy ofFlour Headsto Gaza a bucket” andmuchmore was neededto address needsinGaza. humanitarian building of entry the Mr.Israelithe governmentthanked Ban for this on “positive,welcome step” restrictions thatwasadded thissimply but “a the drop in of some facility. treatment sewage a eased and Khan Younis, mill in flour houses a 151 of construction had the for allow to materials Israel that announced Ban Mr. visit, the During the of plight areas oftheStrip, for helaudedthepeopleofGaza showing the “heroism andquietcourage” intheirdailylives. with solidarity my express blockade.”the Gaza…to end worst-hitto the need of the underscoresome to and theresurveying Palestinianpeople After to go “I’ll Gaza: in people Palestinian the for support his expressed Ban Mr. Ging, John Mr. Gaza, in Operations UNRWA of Director and Grandi, Filippo Mr. Commissioner-General,UNRWA’s bynew Accompanied 2009. January in ended conflict 22-day the since Strip Gaza the to visit On 21 March 2010, United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon made his second Moon GeneralBanKi VisitsUN Secretary Strip theGaza BinZayedKhalifa Foundation First to Adopt inGaza aSchool will be named after Presidentwill benamedafter oftheUAE BinZayed Khalifa Al Nehyan. andRulerofAbu Dhabi,HHSheikh pupils with items such as uniforms, hygiene kits and textbooks. As a gesture of appreciation, the Beit Lahia schools provide also will but operate to school the help only not will contribution children. KBZF Palestinianrefugee The scheme has been designed to afford UNRWA’s to contribute directly to the opportunity education of partners This KBZF contribution is kind.the first of its The “AdoptSchoolGaza” a in was damagedinanIsraeli offensive. and war last the during refugees displaced 1,800 for shelter a as served with a total population of 2,576 students share one school building which UNRWAyear.schools two one for The School Coeducational Elementary Gaza by sponsoring the Beit Lahia BoysElementary School and Beit Lahia in school a adopt to partner UNRWA first the become has Dhabi, based Abu in (KBZF), Foundation Charitable Nehyan Al Zayed Bin Khalifa The UNRWA’s Commissioner-General Emphasizes Importance of UNRWA- Arab Partnerships in Dubai

As the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development (DIHAD) conference in Dubai kicked off on 4 April 2010, UNRWA’s Commissioner-General, Mr. Fillipo Grandi, a keynote speaker at the event, spoke of the growing importance of partnerships between UNRWA and Arab governments and humanitarian organisations.

Mr. Grandi noted that “refugee lives are dominated by a cycle of poverty, armed conflict and serious risks to welfare, liberty and life. This cycle is sustained by an occupation which is now in its forty-third year and by policies of border closures and movement restrictions which isolate, segregate and repress.”

Mr. Grandi called all the relevant parties and the international community to continue pressing forward towards the establishment of Palestinian state. “The establishment of a viable secure and the realization of a just and durable solution to the plight of refugees are the means by which the Palestinian situation will be resolved.”

Commissioner General Accompanies UN Secretary General at Arab Summit Visits Discussions over the issue of Jerusalem dominated the 22nd Arab Summit, which convened in Sirte, Libya on 27 and 28 March. The delegates called for action to ‘rescue Jerusalem” after Israel’s recent announcement that it would build 1,600 houses in East Jerusalem.

UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and UNRWA’s Commissioner- General, Mr. Filippo Grandi, were among the many distinguished attendees of the Arab Summit. The Secretary General and Commissioner General met a number of Arab leaders including President Bashar Assad, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Saudi Foreign Minister HRH Prince Saud Al Faisal. UNRWA’s Director of Gaza Operations Visits and UAE UNRWA Delegation Attends World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists in From 28 March to 1 April, Director of UNRWA Operations in Gaza, Mr. An UNRWA team headed by Representative of the John Ging, visited UNRWA’s partners Commissioner-General, Mr. Peter Ford, attended the third in Doha, Qatar and Sharjah, UAE to annual World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists, which discuss collaboration to aid refugees convened in Doha on 21 and 22 March. At the event, Mr. in the Gaza Strip. In Doha, Mr. Ging Ford gave a presentation on “Housing the Gaza Homeless”, met with officials in HH Sheikha which highlighted the integrated efforts of governments, Mozah’s Office, specifically from international intergovernmental Organisations and affiliated organisations including Muslim NGOs to help homeless refugees who lost their Reach Out to Asia, Education Above homes in the last war on Gaza, specifically through the All and Al Fakhoora Project. He also construction of shelters using new earth technology. met with several distinguished members of the Qatari Foreign To overcome the restriction on importing construction Ministry. In his discussions, he materials, aid agencies including UNRWA developed outlined the difficulties faced by the idea of building the new style shelters, which are Palestinians in Gaza, rising levels of constructed from locally –manufactured bricks whose poverty and unemployment and main components are sand, clay, natural aggregate and the negative implications of the cement. The shelters do not need steel reinforcement bars restricted access situation. Mr. Ging or concrete materials. In his presentation, Mr. Ford stressed topped off his visit to the Gulf by that the shelters were only a temporary solution to the meeting with HH Sheikh Dr. Sultan housing crisis in Gaza: “CEB shelters are not conceived as bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Ruler a long term solution. The long term solution can only be a of Sharjah, thanking him for his lifting of the blockade on Gaza.” support for a refugee registration scheme. 3 4 United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in the Near East for the provision of transportation. Direct beneficiaries include more than 295 children and pupils with visual with pupils and children impairments. are Upgrading dueto andequipping activities becomplete by theendofMay. 295 than more include beneficiaries Direct transportation. of provision the for and laboratory computer Kindergarten, Unit, PrintingUnit, Vision Braille the of operation the for items necessary Centre for Visually Impaired (RCVI) in the Gaza Strip. The generous donation is being utilised to equip the RCVI with In 2009, the Jeddah Women’s Committee Help Centre contributed $511,754 to urgently upgrade the Rehabilitation Children inGaza Jeddah Women’s Committee HelpCentre Contributes $511,754to Support Visually Impaired for students. requireditems forcomputerbasic labs provision of the second the towards while directed be will $50,000, worth also donation, Jordan across camps refugees in centres health several in equipment dental upgrading amount of $50,000, will cover the costs of replacing and the in donation, first The programmes. education and IICO pledged to contribute $100,000 for Jordan’s health first office and the Baqa’a refugee camp in August 2009, the UNRWA’s Jordan visited delegation its a After Jordan. in announced refugees Palestine support (IICO) to UNRWA to contribution Organisation Charity Islamic International Kuwait-based 2010, February In IICO First Makes Pledges to UNRWA inJordan Donors’ Contributions to rehabilitate shelters whichwere operations Strip. intheGaza damagedby themilitary future areathe in damage from floods.further Meanwhile, IDB expressed its readiness financeto another project it would project support to rehabilitate shelters affected by the last flooding in Gaza and build bridgea to prevent that confirmed IDB territory. occupied Palestinian the in cooperation of areas identify to Amman in officials (IDB) and senior members of UNRWA’s offices inGaza and the West Bank met with a team of Islamic Development Bank April,12 UNRWAand an 11 On Representativedelegationincluding Commissioner-General,the of Mr. Peter Ford, IDB Team withUNRWA Meets inAmman for Palestine refugees inGaza. efforts humanitarian support to million $1.2 has donated IIRO 2008, Since Strip. Gaza the in Centre Health Shaboura the equip to $170,000 contribute to pledge UNRWA’sand refugees Dr. activities. a confirmed Basha Palestine Mr. supporting assured to commitment who IIRO’s of Basha, Grandi Khalil Bin Adnan Dr. (IIRO), Aid with UNRWA’s President met Humanitarian of the International Grandi Islamic (DIHAD), Relief Organisation Filippo Mr. International conference Commissioner-General, Development Dubai and the At Centre inGaza for Shaboura Confirms Health IIRO Support Kuwait Red Crescent donates The donation comes at a time and orthopedic surgeries for $277,000 for Gaza refugee when unemployment rates among children under 18 years of age. families refugees in the Strip have surpassed 40 percent and 80 percent of Gazans Under the agreement, new essential have become dependent on food equipment will be provided to PRCS In response to UNRWA’s 2010 aid. The government of Oman made hospitals and health centres, which Emergency Appeal for the occupied similar contributions to UNRWA in is crucial for the improvement Palestinian territory (oPt), the Jordan, and Gaza in 2009. of quality in the hospitals. The Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS), Hamshari Hospital, operated by the donated $277,000 to help woman- PRCS, will purchase new machines headed families to repair their with the QRC donation which will homes which were destroyed in the Qatar Red Crescent Signs allow the hospital to perform more last Israeli assault in the Gaza Strip. to Secure Better Hospital complicated surgeries for patients Services in Lebanon who are unable to afford services In 2009, the KRCS embarked upon elsewhere. a new partnership with UNRWA. On 27 March 2010, the Qatar Aiming to address the dire needs Red Crescent (QRC) signed a of Palestine refugees in the Gaza memorandum of understanding Strip, the KRCS donated almost with UNRWA and the Palestine Red UAE Contributes $1 Million $2.4 million, under the direction of Crescent Society (PRCS) to improve President, Mr. Barges Hamoud Al hospitalisation services for Palestine In March, the government of the Barges to UNRWA relief efforts in refugees in Lebanon. Through this UAE transferred $1 million to Gaza in 2009. partnership, QRC aims to decrease UNRWA’s 2010 regular budget. the financial burden borne by This followed an exceptional $2.5 Palestinian refugees for medical million donation made to UNRWA’s procedures and to strengthen core budget at the end of 2009, Government of Oman and takes the UAE government’s Donates to Poor Families in the capacity of PRCS hospitals to respond to the needs of the contribution over the last 10 years Gaza population. to $10.1 million. UNRWA highly appreciates the valuable support In March 2010, the Sultanate of The tripartite agreement provides and understanding of the UAE Oman distributed cash assistance for the coverage of normal Government. UNRWA’s core budget to 1,850 families in the Gaza deliveries of non-risky pregnancies pays for the provision of education, Strip. These families represent not covered routinely by UNRWA, of health, relief and social services for the poorest and most vulnerable cataract and laparoscopic surgeries Palestine refugees in Gaza, Jordan, refugee families in the Gaza Strip. to all Palestinians living in Lebanon, Lebanon, Syria and West Bank.

WAMY Donates $20,000 for Rental Subsidies for UAE Red Crescent Sends NBC refugees Food for Victims of Gaza In March 2010, the World Flood Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) contributed $20,000 In late January 2010, the UAE to support displaced Nahr el- Red Crescent Authority (UAERC) Bared Camp (NBC) refugees dispatched to Gaza a convoy of with relocation fees. The sugar and flour worth approximately donation will help refugees $540,000. This contribution came in to cover the costs of alternate response to an urgent appeal from accommodation until UNRWA to aid the residents of the reconstruction of the camp is Gaza Strip suffering from the long-term economic blockade complete. This donation comes and to support those affected by flooding which occurred at at an opportune time as UNRWA the beginning of this year. The donation reached the Gaza Strip faces a severe funding shortage due to the coordinated efforts of the UAERC, UNRWA and the for NBC relief activities. NBC’s Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC). In 2009, the UAERC contributed displaced refugees may be more than $9 million in support of Agency projects in Gaza, homeless by August 2010 if Syria and Lebanon. UNRWA does not receive more support from its partners.

5 6 United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in the Near East barracks. At present, extended families are squeezed into shelters with an average area of 30 m army as serve to built was it when WarII, World to back dates Neirab in housing existing the of Much the NRP. Volker of Manager said Project Neirab,”Schimmel, the of for residents and UNRWA for occasion momentous a is construction “This CrescentRed (UAERC). Authority UAE the from generous million $5 of donation a to thanks families for 140 shelter provide eventually will houses These project. Palestinian rehabilitation for the of phase second the in refugees units new residential constructing on work began exciting contractors as month, last stage new an Rehabilitation entered (NRP) Project Neirab UNRWA’s BeginsConstruction onNeirab RehabilitationProject Stories from theField te dnr t te erb eaiiain rjc icue h Sra Aa Rpbi, h Uie Sae, Japan, States, United the Republic, Arab Switzerland, Syrian andtheCanadian InternationalDevelopment Agency. the include Project Rehabilitation Neirab to the aims to donors project Other the housing, residential to addition In encourage communal government. activities and employment programmessupport and capacity building Syrian in the Neirab camp. the and community refugee the The new residential units are the product of years of preparation, fundraising and joint planning between UNRWA, for relief from theseinhumanelivingconditions. Neirab camp constitutes one of the most vulnerable of groups in population Syria and refugeethe camp’sThe conditions. residents structural have hazardous waited decades generally and ventilation, and sanitation poor from for future collaboration schoolsinGaza. by announcing apledgeof$250,000to support enthusiasm his expressed Mr.signature,Hamedi Upon Bank). the West and Syria Lebanon, alleviating the suffering of the Palestine refugees in the Agency’s five fields (i.e. Gaza, Jordan, of aim the with IOPCR UNRWAand between collaboration fruitful for forward way a charts a framework agreement for cooperation in a ceremony held in Tripoli, Libya. The agreement the of President signed Hamedi Al Mr. and Khaled (IOPCR), Relief Peace,forand CareOrganisation International Grandi, Fillipo Mr. Commissioner-General, UNRWA’s March, 29 On UNRWA Signs Agreement withLibyan NGOIOPCR Partner NGOs Our 2 , where they suffer UNRWA’s Needs in the Field

In this section, the Arab Partners Unit identifies some humanitarian efforts and projects in need of urgent funding. Please note that the needs and projects highlighted in this section do not constitute all of the Agency’s needs.

Spotlight: Crisis for Nahr el-Bared Camp

NBC before (left) and after (right) the conflict

The fierce fighting which broke out between the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and militant group Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr el-Bared Camp (NBC) in northern Lebanon in 2007 forced at least 27,000 refugees to flee their homes and caused the complete destruction of the camp. The camp’s population of 27,000 refugees had fled within the first days of the fighting to nearby Beddawi camp or other parts of the country.

Though hostilities came to an end in September 2007, living conditions for the majority of displaced refugee families are largely unchanged. Due to the extent of the damaged caused by the conflict, only a small minority has been able to return to their homes in the adjacent areas of the camp. The effects of prolonged displacement and the low standard of living on the displaced refugee population of Nahr el-Bared Camp continue to be a concern.

UNRWA and the Nahr el-Bared Reconstruction Commission for Civil Action and Studies (NBRC), which represented and acted on behalf of the NBC refugees, agreed that reconstruction of the camp would be carried out in phases and divided into eight smaller areas or “packages”. An estimated $328.4 million is needed to reconstruct the entire camp.

By mid-March 2009, the area designated as “Package 1” was cleared of rubble and Unexploded Ordnance (UXO). By mid-November, approximately 99 percent of the rubble had been removed from the camp. On 25 November 2009, the first concrete was poured to create the foundation of the first residential housing units in Package 1. Delays had occurred regarding the construction for Package 1 when government authorities suspended backfilling and construction works in mid-August 2009 due to concern over the preservation of antiquities on the site. Package 1 is due to be completed by the end of 2010.

7 UNRWA has completed the detailed design for Package 2, which was approved by the Lebanese Directorate General of Urbanisation.

The Saudi Fund for Development and the OPEC Fund for International Development pledged $ 25M and $ 5 M towards the reconstruction of NBC and UNRWA’s schools respectively

Relief 2010 SHORTFALL: $7,500,000

Since the outbreak of conflict, UNRWA has been conducting relief efforts in coordination with local and international partners. The Agency began by addressing immediate humanitarian needs of displaced families and supporting hosting families in Beddawi and elsewhere while the conflict raged on. Since August 2007, UNRWA launched a number of appeals calling for assistance from its partners to prepare and support the NBC refugee families through a long period of displacement and recovery. Such support activities include the provision of food and non-food assistance, temporary shelter, basic health and education services, local employment creation and skills training, and essential support for vulnerable groups (e.g. women and children) through community-based interventions and psycho-social support until the camp is rebuilt.

Summary of relief Shortfall for NBC

Project/Intervention 2010 Shortfall Education: School transportation, student scholarships $446,000 Operating temporary facilities $1,087,000 Rental subsidies to displaced refugees $3,820,000 Health Services $1,332,000 Food Assistance $1,420,000 Livelihoods support $666,000 Infrastructure repairs in Adjacent Areas $555,000 Capacity/coordination/security $1,234,000 United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestine Refugees in the Near East Palestine Agency For Nations Relief and Works United


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