A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design



Hestin Mulyandari, Muhammad Zein Kelanohon Architectural Studies Program, Faculty of Science & Technology University of Technology Yogyakarta, [email protected]

ABSTRACT Sawai Bay is a part of Central Maluku, that can be reach by sea (from west and east). It is 170 kilometres from city (the capital of Central Maluku) during 4 hours passing roads. This area is supported by water resources that flow to the sea directly, so that can used for development of tourism areas. Research method uses the character of a qualitative and eksplorative. The discussion is conducted architectural matters which related to building appearance. It is refer to the image of local architecture (Sawai). Sawai village has a locality in architecture, housing, and urban environment. It is a traditional kampong that known as fisherman kampong. Two traditional houses of sawai village are house of Luma Salaola and stage houses above of water. Locality of stage houses are consist of three parts that is classified function: (1) Ulu (head) is placed at roofs or part of plafonds. It is called kinati, that made from dry sago leaves; (2) Hatan (body) is placed at core of building, that is functioned as activity of building users; (3) Ai (foot) is in the form of structure foundation that made from local wood as lingua, ulin, etc.

Keywords : architecture, customs, Bay, Sawai


The capital of Central Maluku is Masohi which has an area of 147.480 km2. It is consist of 136,116.1 km2 as sea and 11,364,6 km2 as land. Administratively, it is made up of 11 districts.

Figure 1. Peta Maluku tengah Source : www.potensidaerah.ugm.ac.id

Boundary of Sawai Bay area: - To the west: Sawai Village - To the east: Supun Stone and the Village Saleman - To the north: Sea and Island Lusan - To the south: Cliff Stone Supun

A-225 A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design

Figure 2. Peta Teluk Sawai Source : Lisar Bahari Maluku

Sawai Bay with area is a area of Sawai village area, can be reached by sea from the west (the village of Sawai) and east (Saka hamlet, Saleman Village). Sawai village can reached from Masohi City (the capital city of Central Maluku) with travel distance of 170 km. Travel time of less than 4 hours by landline, it adjusts to road conditions are surging road. Sawai village can be reached within 1.5 hours through Saka Hamlet. The distance from Saka hamlet to the City Masohi own is approximately 83 km or takes 1.5 hours. Good location is surrounded by cliffs, with stunning coral reefs are very beautiful so that become a good value in developing the region as an international tourist area.

Figure 3. Some cliffs in the Bay of Sawai Figure 4. View of Sawai Village from east to west Source : Documentation writer Source : Documentation writer

The area of this site is supported also by the existence of a spring that flows directly into the sea water so that it can be used as a source of clean water for the development of the region as a commercial area that can be inhabited.

Based on data from the Board of Tourism in Maluku, Sawai Bay is one of the tourist central in Maluku, that have Maluku tour packages four, included maritime adventure tour (marine park of Sawai), nature adventure tour (National Park of Manusela), cultural tourism (cultural village of Sawai), and beach tourism (Sawai beach).

Beautiful of nature and cultural tourism in Sawai Bay have great potentials to improve the regional income. It requires a great attention from the government in providing adequate facilities and infrastructure to be able to support the Sawai Bay area as a famous tourist area.


Research method has the character of a qualitative. The discussion is conducted architectural matters which related to building appearance. It is refer to the image of local architecture (Sawai).

A-226 A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design a. Results and Discussion

Sawai Village is a fisherman kampong, because most of people living as fishermen. Sawai village is located in the bay area, namely in District Sawai Bay north Seram, central Maluku Regency.

The village has a wide petuanan and it is a combination of six residential areas as Sawai village. Sawai village is a core of residential, and there are five subordinates include Masihulang, Rumaholat, Iron, Openg, and Olong.

Wide of Sawai village is 275 km², that consist of: a. Ocean25% b. Mainland 75%, that consist of: - Forest land 42% - Agricultural and settlement land 30% - Marshland 2% - Bare soil and rocky 1%

Sawai village have had two types of traditional houses, included the traditional houses of Luma Salaola and stage houses above the water. b. Custom house of Luma Salaola

It was an old house or a custom house as gathering place of IPALATU and ANIALA could be used to discuss indigenous issues or meetings to accommodate parts of village and landlord in Sawai). - IPALATU : eye of house or landlord in Sawai - ANIALA : parts of village from Sawai IPA LATU consist of : a. Musiin : lessyyain (first person) b. Ipaenin : Malakau and Luma suci c. Rumasoreng : Latukahuny, latuikini, niharepiti and Nihulain d. Letahiit : sea of Kapitan laut ANIALA consist of : a. Amala titalopun (rumah olat) b. Amala tapinulun (Loaulu/Naulu) c. Amala Hatamalu (masihulan) d. Amala masihulan e. Amala patahoran (horalle) f. Amala silalohun (opin) g. Amala tolo sei (hatilung) h. Amala Tuaparan (warasiwa) i. Amala Paku wau (Pa’a) j. Amala waranuellai (pupue) k. Amala lusiala (saleman)

Eleven Aniala had duty to support of roof (Kinati) to determinate a traditional house (luma salaola) and in the process of Aniala was installed the first roof (sintimatanhulun) then proceed with a general roof.

In the roofing process of luma salaola since ancient times was required two human head (called Tinahan). Person in charge of taking and installing was called malessy. Malessy came from the clan musiin (lessyain). Tinahan was fitted above the last roof truss. Now in accordance with the development of time (since the entry of religious norms and legal norms), this culture was removed.

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Figure 5. Traditional house village Sawai Source : Documentation writer c. Stage houses above the water

Stage houses consist of body and columns. Columns is continuous from home base to the foundation. The foundation used the house on stilts over the sea is piling. Minimum depth of pile on the stage house foundation is 3 ft or equivalent to 1 m. 29

Most users of stage houses over the sea is fishermen community. The residentials tend to adjacent and building orientation overlooking the waters (sea). This is consistent with the image of the fishermen communities who have been already accustomed to living on the sea, utilizing the sea as a source of livelihood and also the main transportation route. 30 However, in its development of stage houses is now not just as a settlement of fishermen, but also have begun to be used as commercial buildings such as resorts etc.

In the development of stage house areas are various potential negative impacts, including damage to marine ecosystems such as coral reef destruction of habitat due to construction of buildings, marine pollution caused by waste bin, and others. For preventing, It requires more attention from building users and local government. Selection of appropriate development sites, the availability of facilities and infrastructure are adequate garbage disposal and holding of special programs related to the natural environment revitalization can be a kind of solution in tackling the impacts caused.

Figure 6. Captive breeding of coral Figure 7 . Examples of stage reefs in the village of Sawai houses in the village of Sawai Source : Documentation writer Source : Documentation writer

This village has a specific local architecture, most of stage houses have local wood such as lingua, ironwood, etc. This is supported by Sawai sea state is very quiet because it was dealing with a group of small islands, so protected from the dangers of tidal waves, etc.

Figure 8. Elements of Ulu Source: Author survey results and analysis

29 M. Hestin. (2008). Perancangan Bangunan Tepian Air . UTY, Yogyakarta 30 Ir.Suprianto, Iwan , MT. Ars, MM.______Studi Pengembangan Coastal City di Indonesia

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Hatan Figure 9. Analysis of local architecture Ai building philosophy Sawai. Source: Author survey results and analysis

Indeed stage houses buildings consists of 3 parts which are separated by function and role including: - Ulu (head) that is placed on the roof or sky cover part of the building. Closing the roof in a traditional building in a language called kinati Sawai, which is made from dried sago palm leaves woven throughout 1.5 m. Sago palm leaf roof will be installed on usuk (asa) using bound (ulanin). - Hatan (body) is placed in the core area of the building, which as an activity for building users. Walls and floors in a traditional house Sawai is made form wooden planks that arranged both vertically and horizontally. - Ai (feet) in the form of truss structure is placed above the sea. This column is usually continuous from ringbalk to the foundation (underground of sea land). Type of wood is selected from nisat wood or nani wood (the best type), because its type is very strong and it is also one of a endemic wood species in and has a fairly high level of durability in water.

Figure 10. Materials for Hatan elements Source: author survey results and analysis

Figure 11. Position board of floor sloof Source: author survey results and analysis

A-229 A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design

Figure 12. Position of hinin and skor Source: author survey results and analysis

Column under sloof consists of two kinds is namely: - hinin (truss construction) - skor (underpinnings of hinin )

Figure 13. Direction ai inan always opposite to the direction of the house or building Source: Author survey results and analysis

The type of foundation is piling. Based on the architectural culture of Sawai, there is no official limit on the level of depth of pile foundation, but by the standards of the buildings on the water, the minimum depth of underpinning is 1 m.

Figure 14. The minimum depth of underpinning Source: Author survey results and analysis

A-230 A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design

The pattern of Sawai traditional house building design is a square shaped, and divided into three parts, namely the area front, middle, and back. Front area is a terraces, usually used to relaxing well as interacted with their surroundings (neighbor). Central area which contains the living room, family room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. The living room is joined with the living room and without a teritory with a kitchen and a dining room. This agrees with the philosophy of Sawai community namely "itaem basudara" which means we all are brothers, so for them, guests were already regarded as his own family. Behind of the Sawai traditional home is a pier.

wc gudang R. tamu dan R. keluaraga teras dapur dan dermaga R. makan kamar 1 kamar 2

Behind Central area Front area area

Figure 15. The composition of the common room house in the village of Sawai Source: author survey results and analysis

All the stage houses in the Sawai village has a special dock (tapalan). This pier has a crucial role for the community of Sawai because it serves as dock of their boats which is the main transportation there, also used as a place to wash dishes, hang dry fish and sago. Besides it is also often used as a family gathering area. Figure 16. The pier in the village of Sawai Sumber : Dokumentasi penulis

Spatial pattern of Sawai village has been formed elongated linear pattern of West Sawai, Central Sawai and Eastern Sawai. In the center of the village are in the middle of the kampong, namely in the area around the field, mosques, community halls, and the custom house. In this area is often used in place of important events held villages, including for weddings, ceremonies, ceremony welcoming guests, celebration of holidays, etc. Based on information from local traditional leaders, in the mid 1800s the area was still a sea area, while the village of Sawai has been almost the entire village above sea level (except for custom house and leaders traditional houses), but because of the times, the influence foreign cultures and the growing number of Sawai people, then be made a permanent home on the ground with how to create artificial land settlement. Approximately more than 60% area of residential land on the ground in the village of Sawai now is made in the area (Reclamation).

A-231 A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design

Figure 17. Estimation of Sawai village spatial before the 1800s Source: Results of interviews and analysis of the author

Figure 18. Spatial pattern of the current village of Sawai (now) Sumber : The survey results and analysis author

Figure 19. Materials of stage houses in the village of Sawai Source: author survey

Materials and structures of stage houses are dominated by local material such as ai eta (ironwood) in the structure of the building and kinati column (from dried sago leaves) on the roof of the building material. In certain parts of the building materials are adjustedcto the needs of the building. With little to give more local character of the structure and materials are expected image of local architecture easily caught visitors.

A-232 A. Indigenous Architecture as Basic Architectural Design


Sawai village has a locality in architecture, housing, and urban environment. It is a traditional kampong that known as fisherman kampong. Two traditional houses of sawai village are house of Luma Salaola and stage houses above of water. Stage houses have roofs, walls, floors and columns that penetrate to land (under water). The settlement of stage houses tend to at close quaters, and orientation of buildings face to the sea.

Locality of stage houses consist of three parts that is classified function: (1) Ulu (head) is placed at roofs or part of plafonds. It is called kinati, that made from dry sago leaves; (2) Hatan (body) is placed at core of building, that is functioned as activity of building users; (3) Ai (foot) is in the form of structure foundation that made from local wood as lingua, ulin, etc. It is supported by beauty of the sea which have little islands, so that is covert from high wave.


Lisar Bahari Maluku ______M. Hestin. (2008). Perancangan Bangunan Tepian air . UTY, Yogyakarta. Ir.Suprianto, Iwan , MT. Ars, MM. _ Studi Pengembangan Coastal city di Indonesia. http://www.potensidaerah.ugm.ac.id (download 23 Maret 2010).
