Math 131Infinite Series, Part IV: the Limit Comparisontest

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Math 131Infinite Series, Part IV: the Limit Comparisontest 21 The Limit Comparison Test While the direct comparison test is very useful, there is another comparison test that focuses only on the tails of the series that we want to compare. This makes it more widely applicable and simpler to use. We don’t need to verify that an ≤ bn for all (or most) n. However, it will require our skills in evaluating limits at infinity! THEOREM 14.7 (The Limit Comparison Test). Assume that an > 0 and bn > 0 for all n (or at least all n ≥ k) and that a lim n = L. n!¥ bn ¥ (1) If 0 < L < ¥ (i.e., L is a positive, finite number), then either the series ∑ an and n=1 ¥ ∑ bn both converge or both diverge. n=1 ¥ ¥ (2) If L = 0 and ∑ bn converges, then ∑ an converges. n=1 n=1 ¥ ¥ (3) If L = ¥ and ∑ bn diverges, then ∑ an diverges. n=1 n=1 an The idea of the theorem is since lim = L, then eventually an ≈ Lbn. So if one n!¥ bn of the series converges (diverges) so does the other since the two are ‘essentially’ scalar multiples of each other. ¥ 1 EXAMPLE 14.19. Does converge? ∑ 2 − + n=1 3n n 6 SOLUTION. scrap work: Let’s apply the limit comparison test. Notice that the terms are always positive since the polynomial 3n2 − n + 6 has no roots. In any event, the terms are eventually positive since this an upward-opening parabola. If we focus on ¥ 1 highest powers, then the series looks a like the p-series ∑ 2 which converges. n=1 n 1 1 argument: Since the terms 3n2−n+6 and n2 are positive, we can apply Theorem 14.7. 1 2 a 2 n 1 1 n = 3n −n+6 = = = > lim lim lim 2 lim 0. n!¥ bn n!¥ 1 n!¥ 3n − n + 6 n!¥ − 1 + 6 3 n2 3 n n2 ¥ 1 ¥ 1 Since converges by the p-series test (p = 2 > 1), then converges ∑ 2 ∑ 2 − + n=1 n n=1 3n n 6 by the limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). note: When the series involve fractions, the first step in the limit process can be done more efficiently. Instead of dividing one fraction by the other, we can multiply one fraction by the reciprocal of the other. For instance, earlier in this example we could have written a 1 n2 n = · lim lim 2 n!¥ bn n!¥ 3n − n + 6 1 and then carried out the rest of the calculation. ¥ 1 EXAMPLE 14.20 (The General Harmonic Series). The series is called the gen- ∑ + n=1 cn d eral harmonic series. If c > 0 does this series converge? SOLUTION. scrap work: Let’s apply the limit comparison test by making the obvi- ¥ 1 ous comparison to the harmonic series ∑ which we know diverges. n=1 n math131 infiniteseries, part iv: the limit comparisontest 22 1 argument: Since the terms cn+d are positive once cn + d > 0, in other words when d 1 n > − c , and since and n is always positive, we can apply Theorem 14.7. a 1 n 1 1 lim n = lim · = lim = > 0, n!¥ b n!¥ cn + d 1 n!¥ d c n c + n ¥ 1 since c > 0. Since ∑ diverges by the p-series test (p = 1), then the general har- n=1 n ¥ 1 monic series diverges by the limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). ∑ + n=1 cn d p ¥ n EXAMPLE 14.21. Does the series converge? ∑ 3 + n=1 2n 4 p ¥ n SOLUTION. scrap work: This time if we focus on highest powers, is ∑ 3 + n=1 2n 4 ¥ n1/2 ¥ 1 roughly equal to = , which diverges ∑ n3 ∑ n5/2 n=1 n=p1 n 1 argument: Since the terms 2n3+4 and n5/2 are always positive, we can apply Theo- rem 14.7. a n1/2 n5/2 n3 1 1 n = · = = = > lim lim 3 lim 3 lim 0. n!¥ bn n!¥ 2n + 4 1 n!¥ 2n + 4 n!¥ + 4 2 2 n3 p ¥ 1 ¥ n Since converges by the p-series test (p = 5 > 1), then converges ∑ 5/2 2 ∑ 3 + n=1 n n=1 2n 4 by the limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). ¥ 1 EXAMPLE 14.22. Does the series ∑ p converge? n=1 4n + 5 ¥ 1 SOLUTION. scrap work: The obvious comparison is to the p-series which ∑ 1/2 n=1 n diverges. argument: Since the terms p 1 and 1 are always positive, we can apply Theo- 4n+5 n1/2 rem 14.7. 1/2 1/2 1/2 a 1 n HPwrs n n 1 lim n = lim p · = lim p = lim = > 0. n!¥ bn n!¥ 4n + 5 1 n!¥ 4n n!¥ 2n1/2 2 ¥ 1 ¥ 1 Since diverges by the p-series test (p = 1 < 1), then the series p ∑ 1/2 2 ∑ n=1 n n=1 4n + 5 diverges by the limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). ¥ 6n2 · 2n EXAMPLE 14.23. Does the series ∑ 4 converge? n=1 n + 3 ¥ 6n2 · 2n SOLUTION. scrap work: Focusing on highest powers, ∑ 4 is roughly n=1 n + 3 ¥ n2 · 2n ¥ 2n = ∑ 4 ∑ 2 which we saw is divergent in Example 14.5. n=1 n n=1 n 6n2·2n 2n argument: Since the terms n4+3 and n2 are always positive, we can apply Theo- rem 14.7. (Note the use of the reciprocal.) a 6n2 · 2n n2 6n4 6 n = · = = = > lim lim n lim lim 6 0. n!¥ bn n!¥ n4 + 3 2 n!¥ n4 + 3 n!¥ + 4 1 n3 ¥ 2n ¥ 6n2 · 2n Since ∑ 2 diverges from Example 14.5, then the series ∑ 4 diverges by the n=1 n n=1 n + 3 limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). 23 ¥ (−1)n · (2 ln(en) + 2) EXAMPLE 14.24. Does the series converge? ∑ ( ) 3 n=1 cos np n SOLUTION. scrap work: First simplify the nth term: cos(np) = (−1)n right? And n n ( n) = (−1) ·(2 ln(e )+2) = 2n+2 ¥ 1 2 ln e 2n. So cos(np)n3 n3 . Use a limit comparison test with ∑n=1 n2 . n n (−1) ·(2 ln(e )+2) = 2n+2 1 argument: Since the terms cos(np)n3 n3 and n2 are always positive, we can apply Theorem 14.7. a 2n + 2 n2 2n3 + 2n2 2n3 n = · = HPwrs= = > lim lim 3 lim 3 lim 3 2 0. n!¥ bn n!¥ n 1 n!¥ n n!¥ n ¥ 1 ¥ (−1)n · (2 ln(en) + 2) Since converges by the p-series test, then the series ∑ 2 ∑ ( ) 3 n=1 n n=1 cos np n converges by the limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). ¥ 1 EXAMPLE 14.25. Does the series ∑ sin 2 converge? n=1 n 1 SOLUTION. scrap work: The terms sin n2 are always positive. Use a limit com- ¥ 1 parison test with ∑n=1 n2 . 1 1 argument: Since the terms cos n2 and n2 are always positive, we can apply Theo- rem 14.7. sin 1 sin 1 cos 1 · − 2 a n2 x2 l’Ho x2 x3 lim n = lim = lim = lim n!¥ n!¥ 1 n!¥ 1 x!¥ 2 bn 2 2 − n x x3 1 = lim cos x!¥ x2 = cos 0 = 1. ¥ 1 ¥ 1 Since ∑ 2 converges by the p-series test, then the series ∑ cos 2 converges by n=1 n n=1 n the first part of the limit comparison test (Theorem 14.7). The Ratio Test One difficulty with using the two comparison tests is that requires you to know something! It requires you to know something about the convergence or di- vergence of a similar or related series. The ratio test does not depend on such knowledge—it is a self-contained or self-referential test and the results depend only on the series under consideration. One of its drawbacks, however, is that the test is often inconclusive in terms of deciding whether there is convergence. How- ever, we will see that this test is extremely useful in dealing with so-called power series, which is our final topic of the term. Ok, here’s the test. ¥ THEOREM 14.8 (The Ratio Test). Assume that ∑ an is a series with positive terms and let n=1 a + r = lim n 1 . n!¥ an ¥ 1. If r < 1, then the series ∑ an converges. n=1 ¥ an+1 2. If r > 1 or lim = ¥, then the series an diverges. n!¥ ∑ an n=1 3. If r = 1, then the test is inconclusive. The series may converge or diverge. math131 infiniteseries, part iv: the limit comparisontest 24 a + Proof. Here’s the idea for the proof of part 1. Suppose that lim n 1 = r < 1. This n!¥ an means that when n is sufficiently large (say n > k), we have an+1 ≈ r ) an+1 ≈ anr an an+2 2 ≈ r ) an+2 ≈ an+1r ≈ anr an+1 an+3 3 ≈ r ) an+3 ≈ an+2r ≈ anr an+2 . ≈ . k an+k ≈ anr So the tail of the series is approximately geometric: ¥ ¥ k ∑ an+k ≈ ∑ anr . k=0 k=0 ¥ But the geometric series converges since r < 1. So ∑ an converges by the (limit) n=1 comparison test. Using the Ratio Test The real utility of this test is that one need not know about another series to deter- mine whether the series under consideration converges. This is very different than with the comparison tests or the integral test where some sort of comparison to another series is required. ¥ n EXAMPLE 14.26. Determine whether ∑ n converges.
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