Karta Katalogowa QNAP TS-412

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Karta Katalogowa QNAP TS-412

All-in-one NAS Server Features for Digital Home All-in-one NAS Server Features for Small Business

QNAP Digital Home Series Turbo NAS servers are the ideal solutions for QNAP Small Business Series Turbo NAS servers are powerful, affordable, you to store and back up digital pictures, movies, music, and videos; Printer Server Surveillance Station NMP-1000P for Cinema-grade Secure Measures for Data Storage and Access and easy-to-manage storage solutions with iSCSI service for backup and External Storage play and share multimedia files within the home network, and set up Video & Audio Experience storage expansion. They offer versatile business-critical applications to The NAS supports the network printer The Turbo NAS enables you to configure Policy-based Unauthorized IP Blocking: an intelligent home media center with various networkable devices. maximize the efficiency of limited IT resources in today’s small business Cloud Storage (Amazon S3) sharing function (max 3 USB printers). and connect to multiple IP cameras QNAP NMP-1000P network multimedia player plays Ā3 o kˆ kQR, kRKKZ‰ľ RŒZk|wZKZGoh 7* Åòk ooZkR w‰ZkGZQ7R You can install the NAS in your living room easily and experience NetBak simultaneously for remote monitoring, and streams high-definition videos and next-generation environments. Replicator Router ‰373ww QhwowZZRR wwZw3 Ā|kZݕùˆ7ùùÁşĀ KR wşÁĀĀòřùŚş¹ĀòşoQş•¹òĽ the powerful features of the NAS with ultra high speed, maximum X video recording, and playback.. 3 surround sound with commercial-like menu navigation Remote Login: flexibility, and low power consumption & noise. for digital home entertainment. It not only features high Remote Replication Ā3 Ā|kZݕùo|hhZkwok QZw KZ,7RŒùùÁřo |k o3 KKŚZkĀ KR wZRR w7ZRĽ performance Wolfson stereo DAC and automatic media Complete Backup Solution Router SSL Security (HTTPS): Multimedia Station for Media Sharing management, but also supports file sharing across Time Windows, Mac, and /Unix. Ā3 ݕùZ)) koZQhK w G|hoZK|w7ZR)ZkwhkZw w7ZRľ7RK|7R, Machine Ā3 Ā|kZݕùR  oo RZR*,|k Œw3 ‰ kZ‰o ko |k KŒĽĀ3  KZ|ńo owZk, G|hř•Q‘ZRùǁŚľ•hhK Ā7Q Ü37R  Q7R7owkwZkRKoZ|hKZo |k  kw7*w Rõù•hk7ˆw G Œ7RĔĽǃƾLJò¯Ü)ZkQw The Multimedia Station v2 is entirely built on USB o|hhZkwľ RkŒhw k QZw k hK7w7ZRľw37khkwŒoZ)w‰k G|hľ OTB 7oo| Œwk|ow hkZˆ7 k)Zkw3 |o kowZ oow3 Ā|kZݕùŒo |k ùùÖKZ,7RĽ the Adobe Flex/Flash technology to offer the best browser compatibility and user ZR ńwZ|3ńZhŒG|hRôݕò ‹K|o7ˆ Ē7RZ‰ońo |w7K7wŒ Secure FTP: experience. It is designed with Ý w¤Gõ hK7wZkĽ 3rd Party Ā3 wR wkRoQ7ww ‰7w3ùùÖşĀÖùř ‹hK77wŚ RkŒhw7ZRĽòoo7ˆ ¹ĀòhZkwkR,  Software Rsync Server QNAP NAS a completely new user interface o w|h7oKoZo|hhZkw Ľ with greater ease of media Encrypted Remote contents sharing. Advanced RAID Management with Flexible Built-in iSCSI Target Service Replication by Rsync: Web Visitors In addition, the audio playlists can now be Branches easily created and shared among your friends Hot-swap Design Ē7w3w3 |7Kwń7R7ù¥ùÅwk, w) w|k ľw3 ݕùR R7 KoZK|w7ZR)Zk Ā3 wZRw3 Ā|kZݕùR and at the same time allowing you to discover  G |hwZZk)kZQRZw3 k Encrypted Remote G|hZkowZk,  ‹hRo7ZRĽĀ3 |o koR o7KŒk w  7w ˆ7kw|K Replication the new music from them. Ā3 Ā|kZݕùZ)) koõ•Å«ƾľƿľǃľǃŲ3Zwohk ľDŽľƿƾľo7R,K 7oGľRѤä« Ā|kZݕùZkõoŒRo kˆ kZˆ k Web Server k7ˆ oZRw3 ݕù)Zkw3 7kò¥oZk ‹7ow7R,o kˆ koĽĀ3 7ù¥ùÅk7ˆ oZRw3  Customers (Joomla!, PHP/ 7oGZR*,|kw7ZRoĽÅwKoZo|hhZkwo3Zwńo‰h o7,Rw3w)7K Q Q k MySQL/ SQLite) w3 R w‰ZkGo |k KŒĽ FTP Server k7ˆ Z)õ•Å«ZR*,|kw7ZRřõ•Å«ƿZkZˆ ZRKŒŚR k hK Œ3Zw ݕùR )ZkQww o*K oŒow QR|o oKZKk7ˆ oĽ Share Folder Management: o‰hh7R,‰7w3Z|ww|kR7R,Z))w3 o kˆ kĽ On NAS (LUN1) ¹Zkw3 o |k7wŒZ)Ē7RZ‰o Backup R w‰ZkG Rˆ7kZRQ Rwľo kˆ k Online RAID X3 Online RAID Capacity Expansion: LUN 1 QR, koR37 Zko3Z‰ Printer Server Ā3 owZk, h7wŒZ)õ•Å« Capacity Expansion Local drive E:\ drive Server C:\ drive R w‰ZkGo3k )ZK koĽ Syslog ZR*,|kw7ZRR  ‹hR Œ Server Backup Server User Authority Management: Windows AD k hK7R,w3 Kk, k3kk7ˆ oĽ•KK Volume Supports PS3 and Xbox360 Ā3 Ā|kZݕùKKZ‰ow3 o kˆ k File Server 500GB 1TB

500GB 1TB

500GB 1TB w3 w‰7KK G hwRo QK ooKŒ 500GB 1TB On NAS (LUN2) All the photos, music, and videos stored on the QZˆ wZw3 R ‰KŒ7RowKK 3k QR, kwZk w Q|Kw7hK |o kÅ« LUN 2 Rhoo‰ZkľR *R w3  Turbo NAS can be played via the PS3 or Xbox360 k7ˆ o‰7w3Z|ww|kR7R,Z))w3 o kˆ kĽ Local drive Headquarters on your LCD TV or stereo Hi-Fi system. PC C:\ drive |w3Zk7wŒRj|Zw)Zk 3|o kĽ MIS 1.5TB (RAID5) 3TB (RAID5) F:\ drive Online RAID Level Migration: ĕZ|R|h,k w3 7oGZR*,|kw7ZRwZ37,3 kõ•Å«K ˆ K‰7w3w3 w ISO File Archiving and Sharing Convenient Authority Control Management FTP Server k w7R ‰7w3Z|ww|kR7R,Z))w3 o kˆ kĽ Ā|kZݕùo|hhZkwoQZ|Rw7R,Åùä7Q, oZ)¥«R«đ«7oooR w‰ZkGo3k o)Zk Windows Active Directory (AD): The built-in FTP server and the Web File Share your media files from the QNAP NAS Online RAID õ•Å«ƿ wk37ˆ7R,ľowZk, ľRo3k7R,Ľ Ā3 Ē7RZ‰o•«) w|k  RK oŒZ|wZk wk7 ˆ w3 |o kZ|Rwo)kZQw3 Ē7RZ‰o Manager enable you to upload or Level Migration •«o kˆ kwZw3 ݕùwZk | w3 w7Q R ))Zkw)ZkZ|Rwo w|hĽĀ3 |o koR|o  download the media files remotely. ŃÜZ|Rw|hwZǀǃDŽÅùä7Q, *K oĽ ù7R,K ѤkZ‰o Ro3k 7o7Q, *K oZˆ k֕ݺĒ•Ýˆ7Q|Kw7hK R w‰ZkG w3 oQ o wZ)KZ,7RRQ Rhoo‰ZkwZ oow3 ݕùĽ UPnP Media Server (with built-in TwonkyMedia Server) QMobile for iPhone and Android Devices õ•Å«ǃ Ų hkZwZZKoo|3oùܤľ•¹òľݹùľ¹ĀòľRĒ «•đĽ Share Folder Aggregation: PC-less Download Station The Turbo NAS is a perfect media storage center which works QMobile is an application dedicated to iPhone and Android phones users. You ĕZ|R o7KŒ oow3 o3k )ZK koZ)Zw3 ko kˆ koZRÜ7kZoZ)wÝ w‰ZkG7R, well with UPnP media players. You can view the photos, play can browse and play the multimedia files stored on the NAS, upload photos to õ•Å«DŽ w3kZ|,3w3 ŔhZkwK)ZK kœZRw3 Ā|kZݕùĽĀ37ooˆ oŒZ|kw7Q R ))ZkwwZ The Turbo NAS supports BitTorrent, FTP, and HTTP download videos on TV, and listen to your favorite music on your Hi-Fi the NAS and publish them instantly on the Web, or download your favorite A B B A C KZ,7R7)) k Rwo kˆ koZR ŒZR Ľ LAN without PC. TCP/UDP, encrypted BT download function, and system. multimedia files to your iPhone/Android phone and play them offline. It also ISO TM provides auto-synchronization feature upon every connection. *Ā3 õ•Å«ZR*,|kw7ZRoˆ7KK ˆkŒZk7R,wZw3 hkZ|wQZ KoRw3 R|Q kZ) DHT (Distributed Hash Tables) are offered. You can also Office 2007 Photoshop Drivers/Utilities 3k7oGk7ˆ o7RowKK Ľ download BitTorrent, eMule/eDonkey and NZB files. Host A Public Law_Share Host C Web Server with Virtual Hosting Internet Network UPS You can host multiple websites on Turbo sitel.mysite.com site2.mysite.com www.mysite2.com iTunes Server for Music Sharing 1 NAS with the built-in web server and Software Expansion via QPKG 2 ŃĀ37o) w|k KKZ‰oQ|Kw7hK Ā|kZݕù HR_Share Portal_folder RD_Share virtual host feature. The NAS supports Host B Host D All your MP3 music can be collectively stored and 3 o kˆ koZRw3 oQ h3Œo7KR w‰ZkGwZ  Ā3 ôòÓºoZ)w‰k hG, hKw)ZkQ RK oŒZ|wZQ‹7Q7‘ w3 |o, Z) PHP, MySQL, HTTPS connection, and SSL Internet 4 Slave streamed to Mac or Windows PC. Just turn on the iTunes 5 hkZw w Œo7R,K ąòùˆ7k  7ˆ7R,ąòù w3 ݕùŒ7RowKK7R,7w7ZRKoZ)w‰k  authentication. It is the ideal solution for window Optware iTunes window window Comprehensive Event Logs program and enjoy all the music around your home RZw7*w7ZRZ|wRZkQKhZ‰ ko|hhKŒĽ hG, o ˆ KZh Œw3 |o koR you to create your own websites, network USB MLDonkey More... network. ZQQ|R7wŒ‰ZkK‰7 ĽĀ37oR ZR  Joomla! e-shops, blogs, content management ŃĕZ|RZR*,|k w3 ݕùwZ|o ąù¤şùÝÜò « w7K KZ,oZ)*K ńK ˆ Kw oowZw3 Ā|kZݕùˆ7 Master Œo7QhK ŎZ‰RKZţ7RowKKŎK7G7R, system (CMS), wiki, and so on. owRKZR ąòùQZ ľZkoR w‰ZkGąòù ù•Ü¤•ľ7ù¥ùÅľ¹Āòľ•¹òľÁĀĀòľÁĀĀòùľĀ KR wľRùùÁľR ‰7w3Z|w,Z7R,w3kZ|,3RŒZQhK7w  QPKG Software Platform iPhone Qow kZkoKˆ Ľ Android phones hkZ ooĽ QNAP NAS R w‰ZkG7R,o kˆ7 o oo ŒZRK7R |o kok KKk Zk Ľ Slave

Software Specifications Comparison List About QNAP NAS NMP-1000P QNAP Systems, Inc. is a privately held company founded in 2004 and is dedicated to NAS NMP1 000P bringing world class NAS storage, professional NVR video surveillance, and network video Operating System • Smart Fan Control • Video: Networking • Dynamic DNS (DDNS) - Playback: FLV, MPEG-4 Video (H.264 + AAC) • TCP/IP, HTTP, CIFS/SMB, NFS, AFP, FTP, players to consumer, small/medium business, and entry level enterprise market segments. Embedded Linux QNAP leverages not only hardware design but also a growing core competency in software • SNMP Traps (v2 & v3) - Transcode: AVI, M4V, MPG/MPEG, RM/RMVB, WMV DDNS, DHCP client, BitTorrent P2P Protocols • UPS Support with SNMP & USB iTunes Server engineering that is precisely focused on bringing to market products that offer the • Resource Monitor • Audio and Video Sharing Remote Share CIFS/SMB, AFP (3.2), NFS(v3), FTP, FTPS, HTTP, highest available performance coupled with outstanding reliability, scalability, and ease • Network Recycle Bin for File Deletion via CIFS/SMB • Smart Playlist for iTunes Client (Windows & Mac) • Up to 32 remote shares via SMB/CIFS or NFS HTTPS, Telnet, SSH, iSCSI, SNMP, SMTP, SMSC and AFP • Automatic share folder discovery on Microsoft of installation and use. QNAP is a multi-national company with headquarters in Taipei, Mobile App Model Name TS-112 TS-119P+ TS-212 TS-219P+ TS-412 TS-419P+ NMP-1000P Platforms • Comprehensive Logs (Event & Connection) network Taiwan, and subsidiary offices in China and the United States. • Real-time Online User List • QMobile for iPhone • Automatic QNAP NAS discovery CPU Marvell® 1.2 GHz Marvell® 1.6 GHz Marvell® 1.2 GHz Marvell® 1.6 GHz Marvell® 1.2 GHz Marvell® 1.6 GHz Sigma Designs SMP8643 • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista (32/64-bit), • Syslog Client - Compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad - iPhone OS 3.0 or Later Required • Discover and playback from UPnP supported Windows 7 (32/64-bit), Windows Server 2003/2008 • Firmware Live Update storage devices System Memory 256 MB 512MB 256 MB 512MB 256 MB 512MB 512MB • Apple Mac OS X • System Settings Backup and Restore • QMobile for Android - Compatible with Android OS 2.2 or below Flash 16MB 256MB • Linux & UNIX • Restore to Factory Default File System UPnP Media Server 2.5”-inch (SATA/ SSD)* -- Yes -- Yes Yes Yes -- File System Multilingual Support • NTFS (system default) • Real-time & Background Photo Transcoding • FAT32, EXT3 3.5”-inch (SATA/SATAII)* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes • Internal: EXT3, EXT4 • Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, • Media Player Internal HDD Max. Capacity*** 3TB 3TB 6TB 6TB 12TB 12TB 2TB • External: EXT3, EXT4, NTFS, FAT32, HFS+ English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, - Game Consoles: PlayStation 3, PSP, and Xbox 360 User Management Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish Digital Media Adapter/Player • User account management (max. 128 users) Hot-swappable -- Swappable -- Yes Yes Yes -- Networking - Mobile Devices (e.g. iPhone, iPod Touch) • User group management (max. 32 groups) USB 3 (Front:1, Back:2) 3 (Front:1, Back:2) 3 (Front:1, Back:2) 3 (Front:1, Back:2) 4 (Front:1, Back:3) 4 (Front:1, Back:3) 3 (Host:2, Slave:1) • TCP/IP IPv4 & IPv6 Dual Stack Browser Support • Supported Formats: • Dual Gigabit Ethernet with Jumbo Frame * • Internet Explorer 7 & 8 or Later - Photo: JPG, JPE, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, PNG, BMP File System Management eSATA* 1 1 -- 2 2 2 2 (Host:1, Slave:1) • Port Trunking/NIC Teaming (Modes: Balance-rr, Active • Firefox 3 or Later Audio: MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B, 3GP, APL, AC3, • Network share management (max. 128 shares) I/O Interface HDMI, Analog audio, Backup, Balance XOR, Broadcast, IEEE 802.3ad/Link • Safari 3 & 4 or Later M1V, M4V, MOV, AAC, AMR, AWB, WAV, • Unicode support Aggregation, Balance-tlb, and Balance-alb) * A/V Output ------Component/ Composite • Google Chrome PCM, LPCM, MP1, MP2, AIF, AIFF, AIFC, • Web File Manager • Load Balancing, Failover, Multi-IP Settings * video, S/PDIF optical SND, WMA, OGG, FLAC • DHCP Client, DHCP Server Gigabit LAN Port 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 File Server Video: WMV, ASF, VDR, AVI, XVID, DIVX, FLV, File Server • UPnP & Bonjour Discovery MPG, MPE, MTS, MT2S, M2T, MPEG, • Protocols: CIFS/SMB (Plus DFS Support), AFP, NFS, • Share files across Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX and Network USB Wireless N adapter* Optional SPTS, M2P, M2V, MP2T, MP2P, MPG2, Security FTP/FTPS, HTTP/HTTPS (Web File Manager), WebDAV centralized management Wake On LAN -- Yes -- Yes -- Yes -- DVR-MS, VOB • Platforms: Windows, Mac OS, Linux/UNIX • IP Filter System Tools • Network Access Protection with IP Auto-blocking • Web File Manager: Download Station Dimensions 165.5 x 60 x 218.4 mm 150.2 x 67 x 216 mm 165.5 x 85 x 218.4 mm 150 x 102 x 216 mm 177 x 180 x 235 mm 177 x 180 x 235 mm 204 x 176.4 x 62mm • Hard disk standby mode settings • HTTPS Connection - File Management by Web Browser (H x W x D) 6.52 x 2.36 x 8.60 inch 5.91 x 2.64 x 8.54 inch 6.52 x 3.35 x 8.60 inch 5.91 x 4.02 x 8.5 inch 6.97 x 7.09 x 9.25 inch 6.97 x 7.09 x 9.25 inch 8 x 6.9 x 2.4 inch • PC-less BitTorrent/FTP/HTTP Download (Max 500 Tasks) • System firmware upgrade Physical • FTP with SSL/TLS (Explicit) - Smart File & Folder Search • BitTorrent Download • System logs • Encrypted Remote Replication (Rsync over SSH) Specification - TCP/UDP Tracker Protocol • Playback logs 0.79kg/ 1.74 lb (Net) 1.06kg/ 2.34 lb (Net) 0.91kg/ 2.01 lb (Net) 1.74kg/ 3.84 lb (Net) 3Kg/ 6.61 lb (Net) 3Kg/ 6.61 lb (Net) 0.7kg/ 1.54 lb (Net) • Importable SSL Certificate FTP Server Weights (Net/Gross) - Scheduled Download 1.7kg/ 3.75 lb (Gross) 1.86kg/ 4.10 lb (Gross) 1.9kg/ 4.19 lb (Gross) 2.92kg/ 6.44 lb (Gross) 4.6Kg/ 10.14 lb (Gross) 4.6Kg/ 10.14 lb (Gross) 2kg/ 4.4 lb (Gross) • E-mail and SMS Alerts • FTP over SSL/TLS (Explicit) - Configurable Port Range • Concurrent Connections: Max 256 Audio Formats** - Bandwidth Control • FLAC/CUE, APE/CUE, WAV, WMA, AAC, PCM, Single Disk, JBOD, Single Disk, JBOD, Disk Management • Passive FTP Port Range Control - UPnP NAT Port Forwarding Single Disk, JBOD, Single Disk, JBOD, • FTP Bandwidth & Connection Control AC3, MP3, Ogg, M4A, DTS, Dolby Digital RAID Support Single Disk, Q-RAID1 Single Disk, Q-RAID1 RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, Single Disk • Single Disk, JBOD, RAID 0/1/5/6/10/5+Hot Spare * • HTTP/FTP Download RAID 0, 1 RAID 0, 1 • Supports FXP & Unicode 5 + hot spare 5 + hot spare • Online RAID Capacity Expansion * - Configurable File Saving Directory Video Formats** RAID - Bulk Download with Wildcard Settings Online RAID Customer Service • Online RAID Level Migration * • Codec: MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, XVID, H.264, Managemnet ------Yes Yes Yes -- Backup Server - RapidShare Download Capacity Expansion • HDD S.M.A.R.T. H.263, WMV9, VC1 Online Support: http://www.qnap.com/ • Apple Time Machine Support with Backup Management • QNAP Download Management Software: QGet • Bad Block Scan • Container: AVI, MPEG/MPG, DVD (VOB, IFO, ISO, Online RAID • QNAP NetBak Replicator Backup Software - For Windows & Mac OS ------Yes Yes Yes -- MSN: [email protected] • RAID Recovery * NRG), WMV, ASF, TP, TS, TRP, M1V, M2V, M4V, Level Migration (Windows Client) - Remote Download Tasks Management of Multiple • Bitmap * M2P, M2T, M2TS, BDMV/ BD ISO, MTS, MOV, Skype: qnapskype • Backup to Cloud Storage (Amazon S3) NAS over LAN or WAN Power Supply AC Input Power Voltage: 100V-240V Power Frequency: 50Hz~60Hz • ISO Mounting: Max 256 (via Web File Manager) MP4, RMP4, MKV, MOD, 3GP Power Forum: http://forum.qnap.com/ • Backup to External Storage Devices External Power Adapter 36W 36W 60W 60W 120W 120W 60W • USB One Touch Backup (Import/Export) Printer Server Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/QNAPSys iSCSI Image Formats Fan Smart Fan 1 (5cm, 12V DC) 1 (5cm, 12V DC) 1 (6cm, 12V DC) 1 (7cm, 12V DC) 1 (9cm, 12V DC) 1 (9cm, 12V DC) 1 (4cm, 12V DC) • Block-level Remote Replication: • Network Printer Sharing (USB) Twitter: http://twitter.com/QNAP_nas • iSCSI Target - Work as Both Rsync Server & Client • BMP, JPEG/JPG, PNG, GIF Power** • Printers: Max 3 Sleep/Operation 5W / 7W 5W / 12W 6W / 13W 7W / 19W 11W / 26W 13W / 31W 9W / 16W - Multi-LUNs per Target - Encrypted Replication to/from QNAP NAS Servers consumption - Up to 256 LUNs QNAP • Third Party Backup Software Support: Acronis Surveillance Station Playlist Max. User Accounts 2048 4096 128 - LUN Mapping & LUN Masking True Image, CA BrightStor, ARCserve Backup, EMC • M3U, PLS, WPL, ASX - SPC-3 Persistent Reservation • Supports IP Cameras: Max 4 * (Optional Purchase) Updates & Download Retrospect, Symantec Backup Exec, LaCie • Network Surveillance: Remote Monitoring, Video Max. User Groups 256 512 32 - MPIO & MC/S SilverKeeper Subtitle Compatibility Access Right http://www.qnap.com/download.asp • Virtual Disk Drive (via iSCSI Initiator) Recording, and Playback Management Max. Share Folders 256 512 128 Home and SOHO Series • SRT, SUB, SMI, TXT, ASS, SSA, SUB (with idx) - Stack Chaining Master Max. Concurrent Web Server QPKG 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 256 16 - Virtual Disk Drives: Max 8 Connections • HTTP/HTTPS Connections • Web Applications Online Contents - Store & share your digital collections • Built-in MySQL Server • Flickr and Picasa photos, Apple movie trailers, Surveillance Max. IP Cameras* 2 2 2 2 4 4 -- Product Information Power Management - Joomla! - Ultra low power consumption & quiet operation • Web-based Management via phpMyAdmin (QPKG) - phpMyAdmin Internet radio, Mediafly™, weather forecast Performance** SMB (MB/sec) 73.2 / 46.7 103.3 / 65.1 70.2 / 40.7 102.9 / 57.4 69.3 / 32.7 100.2 / 45.4 -- http://www.qnap.com • Wake on LAN * • Virtual Hosts: Max 32 - WordPress (Read/Write) FTP (MB/sec) 106.3 / 44.5 114.1 / 60.2 107.5 / 38.8 113.1 / 54.1 110.3 / 32.8 113.7 / 42.7 -- • Scheduled Power on/off (Max 15 Settings) - AjaXplorer FTP Server • Automatic Power on after Power Recovery Media Server - VtigerCRM • Access from remote location via FTP server * Please check QNAP website for the compatibility list. ** Actual testing results may be different depending on your operation environment. *** Using 3TB Hard disks. • Network UPS with SNMP Management Multimedia Station - eyeOS • Supports up to 16 concurrent connections • Internal HDD Standby Mode • Photo Viewing, Audio & Video Playback - Magento (NAS mode) • Image Slideshow and Rotation - GPLI Access Right Management Dealer Seal • Automatic & Scheduled Thumbnail Generation for • P2P Applications Download Station • User Accounts: Max 4,096 * 15 17 Easy Browsing - MLDonkey (eMule) • PC-less BitTorrent download 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 • Groups: Max 512 * - SABnzbd+ Front & Rear (TS-419P+) Front & Rear (NMP-1000P) • Display Photo Details from EXIF: Date, Exposure Time, • Unique download utility QGet (Windows/Mac) for • Shares: Max 512 * Aperture, etc. - NzBGet remote management • Batch User Creation • Display Audio Details from ID3 Tag: Album Cover, Title, • Server application • Import User List - Asterisk 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 Artist, Album, etc. Content Management 1 : Enter Button 1 8 : Fan 1 : IR receiver 10 : USB device port • User Quota Management - XDove(Mail Server) • Access Authority Management • Automatic categorization of local and remote disk 2 : Select Button 8 9 : Password & Network 2 : Power button 11 : eSATA device port • Supports Active Directory Authentication • Multimedia (Video & Audio) Streaming - OpenLDAP data 3 : LED Indicators: 9 Settings Reset Button 3 : VFD display 12 : Fan - Domain Users Login via CIFS/SMB, AFP, 2 • Cooliris 3D Wall Display • Media Server • User rating of video and music files Status, LAN, USB, 10 : eSATA x 2 4 : Four directional buttons 13 : HDMI FTP, and Web File Manager 3 10 • Web Publishing (Facebook, MySpace, MSN Live, - Squeezebox Server • Photo sorting by date taken & keywords eSATA, 11 : Gigabit LAN x 2 5 : OK/Play button 14 : eSATA host - NTLMv2 Authentication 11 Twitter, Plurk, and Blogger) - IceStation • Parental control 4 : LED Indicators: 4 12 : USB 2.0 x 3 6 : Option button 15 : Analog stereo out • E-mail Publishing • Misc. HDD1-4 13 : Power Connector 7 : Decoration LED 16 : Component(Y, Pb, Pr) 12 Administration • Supported Formats: - Optware IPKG 5 : Power Button 14 : K-Lock Security Slot 8 : K-Lock security slot 17 : Composite video User Customization • AJAX-based User Interface - Photo: JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG - Python 6 : One Touch Copy 5 9 : DCIN 18 : S/PDIF optical • Home menu style selection 13 • HTTP/HTTPS Connections - Audio: MP3 - iStat Button 6 19 : USB host • Subtitle size, location,and time offset settings 7 14 • …and more 7 : USB 2.0 20 : LAN 15 17 Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. 2010/12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 P/N: 51000-022984-RS * The features may be different depending on different models. ** Support unprotected files only.

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