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LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS To Provide Insight on Barriers and Facilitators to Policy Translation and Commodity Access in the Public and Private Sector for Child Survival in Pakistan Analytical Report & Accountability Framework Copyright © UNICEF Pakistan Photo credits: UNICEF Pakistan Design: Human Design Studios ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “Landscape Analysis to provide Insight on Barriers and Facilitators to Policy Translation and Commodity Access in the Public and Private Sector” is a project funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and UNICEF to contribute to increased child survival in Pakistan and is implemented by Contech International. Contech International highly values the support extended by MNHSR&C, DRAP, Provincial Health Departments, MNCH programs, members of provincial Child Survival Groups (CSG), Sindh Child Survival Programme, paediatricians, Pakistan Paediatric Association, WHO and other development partners in enhancing the quality and scientific rigor of the study as well as the report. We are also grateful to the pharmaceutical manufacturers who provided us with their invaluable insights about the industry and to the all those who were involved in and facilitated the data collection: Federal, Provincial and District Health Managers; data collection teams including field teams and the support staff. We would also like to extent our gratitude to facility and pharmacy in-charges, community health workers, GPs and parents/ care-givers whose participation and freedom of expression allowed us to gather relevant and reliable information for this report. Last but not the least, we would like to express our gratitude to UNICEF’s national and provincial project implementation teams and UNICEF Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (PMER) Unit for their unstinted support and invaluable feedback during the process of this landscape analysis.
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