2 & 4. %Z-E Cézé,26
Oct. 16, 1951 R. L. LONGIN 2,571,905 ZINC SULFIDE X-RAY PHOSFHORS Filed Aug. 28, 1947 777 (AZhosphor Afficiency) X (Kay Asorptiora Coefficieri.) Ahosphor Afficiency 2C-Alay Absorption Coefficier? . O ..f ..a 3 Azo de Araction of A Zux WITNESSES: INVENTOR 42% 42-az Aicha. d.?. longini. 2 & 4. %z-e RY Cézé,26. Patented Oct. 16, 1951 -3. 2,571,905 UNITED STATES PATENT office 2,571,905 ZINC SULFIDEX-RAY PHosPHORs Richard L. Longini, Pittsburgh, Pa., assignor to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pitts burgh, Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania, Application August 28, 1947, Serial No. 71,113 4 Claims. (C. 252-301.6) 1. 2 My invention relates to materials which be In making measurements of the luminous effi come fluorescent to produce visible light under ciency of Such materials, I have found that while the impact of X-rays and, in particular, relates Zinc sulphide produces a much larger yield of to a method of combining different substances visible radiation than does calcium tungstate for to produce a maximum yield of visible radia a given absorption of X-ray energy, the luminous tion for a given X-ray energization. intensity of the zinc sulphide screens is made In the medical and other X-ray arts, it is fre undesirably low because zinc sulphide has a very quently desirable to make visible the X-ray pat low absorption coefficient. I have, however, found terns produced by irradiating various objects that this difficulty can be corrected by admixing Which are opaque to visible radiation by streams 10 With the zinc sulphide an ancillary material or of X-rays, and screens covered by fluorescent ma “flux' in the form of an alkali halide.
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