Minutes of the Council
Minutes of the Council Date: Thursday, 28 July 2016 Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices PRESENT: Mrs C L A Hockley (Mayor) G Fazackarley (Deputy Mayor) Councillors: K A Barton, B Bayford, Mrs S M Bayford, Miss S M Bell, F Birkett, Mrs M Brady, Mrs P M Bryant, J E Butts, T M Cartwright, MBE, S Cunningham, Mrs T L Ellis, J M Englefield, K D Evans, M J Ford, JP, Miss T G Harper, Mrs C Heneghan, L Keeble, S D Martin, Ms S Pankhurst, R H Price, JP, D L Steadman, Mrs K K Trott, N J Walker and S D T Woodward 1. PRAYERS The meeting opened with prayers from the Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Susan Allman. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs L E Clubley, P J Davies, A Mandry, Mrs K Mandry and C J Wood. 3. MINUTES RESOLVED that the Mayor be authorised to sign as a correct record the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on 16 June 2016 and the Council meeting held on 16 June 2016. 4. MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor announced that she will be holding Tea Parties on Thursday 1 September and 6 October 2016. On the 1 September, there will be talk on the History of the Field Gun, and on the 6 October some of the Fareham in Bloom volunteers will be giving a talk on “People, Parks and Plants”.Both of these will be held in the Mayor’s Parlour and start at 2.30pm with an admission is £4.00 On Saturday 3 September there will be a Barn Dance to raise monies for Mayoral Charities.
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