VOLUME 55: 5 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2015 www.namyco.org Regional Trustee Nominations Every year, on a rotating basis, four Regional Trustee positions are due for nomination and election by NAMA members in their respective region. The following regions have openings for three-year terms to begin in 2016: Appalachian, Boreal, Great Lakes, and Rocky Mountain. The affiliated clubs for each region are listed below; those without a club affiliation are members of the region where they live. Members of each region may nominate them- selves or another person in that region. Nominations close on October 31, 2015. Appalachian Cumberland Mycological Society Mushroom Club of Georgia North Alabama Mushroom Society South Carolina Upstate Mycological Society West Virginia Mushroom Club Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club Boreal Alberta Mycological Society Foray Newfoundland & Labrador Great Lakes Hoosier Mushroom Society Illinois Mycological Association Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club Minnesota Mycological Society Mycological Society of Toronto Four Corners Mushroom Club Ohio Mushroom Society Mushroom Society of Utah Wisconsin Mycological Society New Mexico Mycological Society Rocky Mountains North Idaho Mycological Association Arizona Mushroom Club Pikes Peak Mycological Society Colorado Mycological Society Southern Idaho Mycological Association SW Montana Mycological Association Please send the information outlined on the form below to Adele Mehta by email:
[email protected], or by mail: 4917 W. Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, MN 55437. Regional