T“Herl Id^ Erect Honor Roll
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m in Can Collection Friday, Aug. 27 - Place Cans At Curb By 9 A. M. d1..XIV',.No. 982 .HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS To Register Voters Urges Forming Dr. Orris Wins Citation, School Board Is n f f i P i o l e A p f T n August In Clerk’s Office Howard J. Bloy will be open from IVlirliier AridDaiF Order Of Pitrple ~Heart ~ 1 Concerned Ovcr— ll / l l l v l d l f r —L U 8 a. mrJay(Lpr m. and from 7=p^m. to 9 p. m. for the purpose .register- Promoted To Major all For ing voters for the approaching Pri Service Club In North Africa mary election next month. The office T“herl id^ Erect Honor Roll will be open during the hours’ above Spanish War Vets Three separate distinctions for Higher Offers Of on Friday, ■ Monday and! Tuesday, Commander Lists outstanding service while a captain Other Towns Place Committee Appointed >ervice when registration for the Primary in the Medical Detachment of the Former Employe will-be closed. Purposes Of Group u. 3. Army in north Africa have- Hillside On Spot— To-PnrsueEroject___ been- awarded' to <Dr. Harold j. In llhe with "sentiment expressed . Registrants Report , Formation of. a “Mother and Dad Expressing concern over being Sues For $50,000 Orris, who formerly, practiced modi-* iy veterans’ and other groups here C lul^ lq^ pk:lal tei_lhc. interests„of cine here at&1463—Maple -avenue. placed in the position of having to Company, iAbru.' Hillside On August 27-At COhipste “With other £ municipalities l by the Purple Heart For local -ihen-andJvomen nn-Crie armed The Times leaned this week that Hillside avenue tile— Township c o mmittee — Induction Center forces was- suggested yesterday .hjt -DrrGn^has-beeh-advahCed-jio-the- the natter of salaries for school ant in a suit lx $50.000 .whlcli UTe Board "Cf Education iiesOay-nigh4H^-M^ot-4L-roii— John-E. Trousdell, of 1532 -Munn- -iankr-^Qf--major, that he has been fired Monday oi Hillside men and.women Pile August Selective Service. call iiigrhtragreed-ttr-raiae Walter M. Jacobi avenue, commander of Gen. Hugh awarded the Order of. toe PurplO Courtr—Elizahe u-rned services. The first issued yesterday by Hillside L. Seot-t Gamp 22r United Spanish Qf; nale teache A purple heart medal was re^ Heart and1 has been cited—by his brought by Ex b- appitintmmit of . a dpi Board1 No. 3 and registrants War Veterans The purpose of the Leonard Buchner, junior high school eld, cently received by P. F. C. Walter commanding general for gallantry •0 to plan the honor roll, to. report on Friday August 27 club, he said, “would be to do some English teacher, from $1800 to $2000. the Newark induction station for M. Jacobi, U. s. M. C., at the U. S, in action. u___ W 1 of Committeemen Benja^ Naval Hospital; Oakland, Cal.- He- thing Tor .our boys- wh.o are doing In~their chronological order, Maj. Buchner told the board he had been jnination. — offered $2500 by another school min Hale and Robert O. Thompson, Us- th e‘son of George E. Jacobi, -ofJ so much for'us.” i^rris received the PUrple Heart who comprise*-the board's subcom- ’ fames of those caHedy- given be- board', but would agree to remain 121U North Broad sweet. The oii'i- Sp©ciftCEity;~tter said7 'isuch a dub- gometimr iiT June for* military merilr mitteo^oii-butitUng....It is estimated \ consist mostly of married, men dal statement declared- the award could help in the movement to es in_ February. in' Hillside if. he were given $200 additional.,. He was also voted the that there are about 1,000 M ll- hout children, according to Ed- was given him “for injury received1 tablish . a veterans’ home here, to Helped Save Lives siders in toe service. Officials ex usual $100 bonus. rd W, Earle, board chairman. ' as "A r&ult of enemy action in- .the help them get back their old jobs Early irr July he .received the pressed a desire for an attractive Apprehensive over its ability to; egistrants accepted for Army South Pacific area on September; when the war_ is-over and to "ob citation, “for exceptional and meri roll in a prominent location. keep teaching personnel.. intact vice in toe-July call- departed for 12, 1942,” was signed by W. 'F.- tain jobs for: others, to -aid in pre= torious-service.” Ttie ^citation re The contract for the repair of 'vice yesterday morning, having Halsey, Admiral, U. S. N. parationof a complete roll of honor vealed that Oapt. Orris’ regiment should a large number of teachers make similar demands, board mem toe footbridge -over the Lehigh ~ pleted their three weeks fur1-! and to- keep those in service in was in a position facing a strongly Auto Pennants To Valley Railroad tracks between Jacobi, who is 24 years Old, has bers described the situation, es formed of events at-home. defended mountain occupied .by Hollywood and?—Pennsylvania ave I been in the Oakland hospital since pecially as regards male teachers, Jliam. J, Adamchak, 61-34 55th The movement for a service men’s ' German forces, the position being nues was awarded to the H, R. last April, and was. wounded in the as critical. They recalled ' that Aid Air Wardens lye, Maspeth, Long Island, N .ijj arm and shoulder during the en home and a roll of honor has al- under almost continuous fire. He MAJt-HAROLD j . o r r is Goell'er Iron Company of Hillside l L. Anderson, 1540~Center _St. ready been undertaken by the local made the trip forward! several times gagement on Guadalcanal. He also toe local. school' at a cost of $895. This will include veterans'- organizations, Trousdell a day to care for the wounded and vancement to major was received Will Designate Cars Iton Belsky, m Mapes Ave., New- contracted' rheuteatlc lever, ' Es| quests for Incretu replacing iron railings, planks and pointed out, and the proposed .to evacuate them. The citation de- here oh July 30. A member of the Ipartlclplted in seven major battles, granted in time. Permitted fTo Move other portions which have deterior Bewley, 302 Fitzpatrick Mother and Dad Club could co-, Clares “his courageous and efficient Medical Corps Reserve, he entered and saw sixty-seven days ol actual ral Te chcr Changei TRENTON, N. J., Aug. 19—1 ated. Besides toe cost of actual re operate with them. Because of the! efforts contributed materially to- the service in December 1940 and fighting against the. Japs, Acti< take pairs, the township has agreed to iel F. Blaney, 1575 Summit Ave. number of persons .who Have voiun-1 ward-savtng-the-'Uves -of-many-men departed—for England in—August. -pay-LheLeost of a railroad flagpian in a wheeLchaif when awarded the changes in teacher personne aid today that atte exander Bodnar, 423 Lehigh PI. ribbon bar and citation. Fifteen* teered their services, Selective Ser of thisroommaad, - The persistence 1942. He arrived in Africa with at the rate of $12 a day whffe toe1 and devotion to duty: with complete the’ American Invasion armyi and •esignation of Miss Kathleen ter P. Oerven, 1289 Avy St. , others received m^ala. at the same, vice' boards are not. in q, position to nan and Mrs. Frances Gompl vehicles,* permitted to operate dm work is being done. Engineer ank Jr Connelly, 346 1.4th Ave., furnish complete lists, lie declared. disregard for his own welfare dis was- in every major “engagement of Henry Kreh Jr. will supervise toe ceremony. ierson were, accepted. Twt lng-an air raid dlarm will be re Newark. played by Capt.'Orris reflects great the North African campaign. For jpg a letter'to his father, _Jacobi Another object of the olub, he said, ippointed quired -to display a pennant bear lude Courian, 17 Vine St. credit upon himself and his or the duration of the war his wife re While.there was further discus- writes, “Today August 7th is end would be to see that those in the Irs. Jee lng the Civilian Defense insigi I tag M. Diamond, 287 Gdftklin service receive plenty of' mail from ganization.'’ sides it 212 Williamson avenue with ion of the proposed Change in the ing .a complete-year since I went Miss a.mmechie righ toe ehicle. one.. My-time on the.islands was home "and1 the, local news. Notification of Oapt. Orris’ -ad their daughter Adrienne. ' losing hours, of barber shops, , ac- ‘ Only those f toold Lon WSS lef t for s subsequeiTF meet- il C. Dolan, 946 Grandview Ave., has been- :-ar-hard^uiid~yet Bh §asy “ Trousdell said he has spoken'W nry L. Campbell the Emergency vehicle cards wmen TestfielcT " [one. My time on the isleads was a number- of persons regarding such "the .j unior high school at $1600 are displayed in toe right hand cor David O. Evans, local contractor, >rge F. Egler, 1012 Raritan Rd., hard. Since- February life for ine a,.club- and practically all of them s $100 bonus. r. he board voted ner of the windshield or those who vas asked to prepare and file' .with | ijfanford1. has beehT¥ lot easier. ■ In fact I favor~it. - He said a. couple...oldozen. Amusement Spree [Service Station ■return -Walter Krumbiegel as are eligible to- receive , them iii toe he committee a plot plan of the [gene Freund, 160 G-rumman. Ave. think it’s about time I started to people .could'start.the organization, school English future-will be permitted to have the it111filiam Frisch, 1423 Franklin St.