(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,798,417 B2 Snyder Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,798,417 B2 Snyder Et Al US007798417B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,798,417 B2 Snyder et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 21, 2010 (54) METHOD FOR DATA INTERCHANGE application No. 1 1/325,713, filed on Jan.5, 2006, now Pat. No. 7,118,040. (76) Inventors: David M. Snyder, 1110 Wenig Rd. NE., (60) Provisional application No. 60/294,375, filed on May Cedar Rapids, IA (US) 524.02: Bruce D. 30, 2001, provisional application No. 60/232,825, Melick, 4335 Cloverdale Rd. NE., Cedar filed on Sep. 15, 2000, provisional application No. Rapids, IA (US) 52411; Leslie D. 60/213.843, filed on Jun. 23, 2000, provisional appli Baych, 4315 Woodfield La. NE., Cedar cation No. 60/174.220, filed on Jan. 3, 2000, provi Rapids, IA (US) 524.02: Paul R. sional application No. 60/572,140, filed on May 18, Staman, 1600 G St., Amana, IA (US) 2004, provisional application No. 60/727,605, filed on 52203; Nicholas J. Peters, 3229 260' Oct. 18, 2005, provisional application No. 60/813,899, St., Williamsburg, IA (US) 52261; filed on Jun. 15, 2006, provisional application No. Gregory P. Probst, 531 Woodridge Ave., 60/834,523, filed on Aug. 1, 2006. Iowa City, IA (US) 5224.5 (51) Int. C. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this G06K 9/06 (2006.01) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 G06K 9/00 (2006.01) U.S.C. 154(b) by 390 days. (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................... 235/494; 235/487 (58) Field of Classification Search ................. 235/380, (21) Appl. No.: 11/832,482 235/375, 492, 488, 462.01-462.25, 472.01-472.03 See application file for complete search history. (22) Filed: Aug. 1, 2007 (56) References Cited Prior Publication Data (65) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS US 2008/OO17722 A1 Jan. 24, 2008 4,175,693. A 11/1979 Nakanishi et al. 4,352,012 A 9, 1982 Verderber et al. Related U.S. Application Data 4,481,412 A 11/1984 Fields (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/015,635, 4,511,259 A 4, 1985 Horiuchi filed on Dec. 17, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,350,708, which 4,731,525 A 3, 1988 Hice is a continuation-in-part of application No. 10/847, 4,752,675 A 6, 1988 Zetmeier 4,791,281 A 12/1988 Johnson et al. 994, filed on May 18, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,267,279, 4,877,948 A 10/1989 Krueger which is a continuation of application No. 10/158,718, 4.902,883. A 2, 1990 Poland filed on May 30, 2002, now Pat. No. 6,764,009, appli 5,025,397 A 6, 1991 Suzuki cation No. 1 1/832,482, which is a continuation of 5,113,445 A 5/1992 Wang application No. 1 1/532,557, filed on Sep. 18, 2006, 5,159,180 A 10, 1992 Feiler now Pat. No. 7,337,948, which is a continuation of 5,159,635 A * 10/1992 Wang .......................... 380.51 application No. 1 1/325,713, filed on Jan. 5, 2006, now 5,178,417 A 1/1993 Eshoo Pat. No. 7,118,040, which is a continuation of appli 5,227,893 A T/1993 Ett cation No. 09/753,863, filed on Jan. 3, 2001, now Pat. 5,245,655 A 9, 1993 Buhn et al. No. 7,070,103, application No. 1 1/832,482, which is a 5,287,434 A 2f1994 Bain et al. continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/550,297, 5,315,093 A 5/1994 Stewart filed on Oct. 17, 2006, and a continuation-in-part of 5,331,137 A 7, 1994 Swartz application No. 1 1/131,853, filed on May 18, 2005, 5,363,214 A 11/1994 Johnson now Pat. No. 7,150,400, and a continuation-in-part of 5,369,571 A 11/1994 Metts storssSSMES M 80 PARSG ESES FE CREEEIGET (SSECTRNC - CCJET A 2. 8 OCHRORE sis) NERHARD DRE PECRENT I & OPEXECIRCENT 'TORECREBR (DDE). A SNSYESEED SYESEFE DEDITSER SANTEERIESINDOCETA EE DXENTE, SIRISTINPUISTA K} to-si YES BARCODEDDOCSIT TO s US 7,798.417 B2 Page 2 5,379,345 A 1/1995 Greenberg 6,666,377 B1 12/2003 Harris 5,420,943 A 5, 1995 Mak 6,668,293 B2 12/2003 Chen et al. 5,436,437 A T. 1995 Ho 6,669,087 B2 12/2003 Wiklofetal. 5,451,760 A 9, 1995 Renwall 6,674,924 B2 1/2004 Wright et al. 5.453,600 A 9, 1995 Swartz 6,685,094 B2 2/2004 Cameron 5,455,414 A 10/1995 Wang 6,707,581 B1 3/2004 Browning 5,468,945 A 11/1995 Huggett et al. 6,729,547 B1 5, 2004 Charlier et al. 5,489,763. A 2f1996 Conrad et al. 6,749,120 B2 6/2004 Hung et al. 5.490,217 A 2/1996 Wang et al. 6,758,391 B1 7/2004 Pickens, II 5,506,697 A 4, 1996 Li et al. 6,764,009 B2 7/2004 Melicket al. 5,563,399 A 10/1996 Wang 6,772,947 B2 8, 2004 Shaw 5,579,537 A 11/1996 Takahisa 6,772,950 B2 8, 2004. 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