BIBLIOGRAPHY - Manuel Neri LIMITED EDITION BOOKS: Klimenko, Mary Julia. She Said: I Tell You It Doesn't Hurt Me. San Diego, CA: Brighton Press, 1991. Handpainted etchings by Manuel Neri. Limited edition of 33. _____. Territory. San Diego, CA: Brighton Press, 1993. Photolithograph illustrations by Manuel Neri with one original drawing. Limited edition of 55. _____. Crossings/Chassé-croisé. Berkeley, CA: Editions Koch, 2003. Photographs by M. Lee Fatherree; original artwork by Manuel Neri. Limited edition of 45 plus 10 deluxe editions. BOOKS: Albright, Thomas. Art in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1945–1980. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Andersen, Wayne. American Sculpture in Process: 1930–1970. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1975. Illus.: Figure, 1963. Anderson, Mark; Bruce, Chris; Wells, Keith; with essay by Jim Dine. Extending the Artist's Hand: Contemporary Sculpture from Walla Walla Foundry. Pullman, WA: Museum of Art, Washington State University, 2004. Illus.: Posturing Series No. 3, 1980; Untitled Standing Figure No. 5, 1980; Virgin Mary, 2003. Barron, Stephanie; Bernstein, Sherri; Fort, Ilene Susan. Made in California: Art, Image, and Identity, 1900–2000. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; University of California Press, 2000. Cancel, Luis R., et al. The Latin American Spirit: Art and Artists in the United States, 1920–1970. Bronx: Bronx Museum of the Arts and Harry N. Abrams, 1988. Illus.: Untitled Standing Figure, 1957. Cándida Smith, Richard. Utopia and Dissent: Art, Poetry, and Politics in California. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1995. Clark, Garth, and Hughto, Margie. A Century of Ceramics in the United States, 1878–1978.
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