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02139 MIT Living Groups Show Off at Midway /FC Rules Simmons Starts Recruiting One Year Early; Panhellenic Association Takes ore Booths Confuse By Jennifer Krishnan a freshman that the be t thing about NEWS EDITOR it~ons was that "it's got holes in Freshmen The la t Residence Midway of its kind gave the Clas of 2005 a first glimpse at MIT' large array of Pan bel g t mor booth By Shankar Mukherji living options. The Panhellenic Association had ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR The Midway, which wa held four booth spaces at thi year' Mid- Residence selection can be a con- last night in Johnson Athletic Cen- way a significant increase from last fu ing and overwhelming process ter, featured all of MIT's FSILG , year, when the five ororities hared for incoming students which i only and every dorm except for Bexley a single booth. compounded by the many rush rules Hall. "In the past, [the Re idence Mid- that govern FSILGs. "It's a little overwhelming, but way] has been more useful to guys," For example, a FSILG member it s exciting at the same time," aid said Panhellenic Vice President of may not speak to a freshman prior Isaac B. Taylor '05. Recruitment Ariya Dararutana '03. to the residence midway. The 200] East Campus' booth featured a "We're hoping to have a larger pres- Interfraternity Council rush rules variety of eccentric costumes, and ence this year." state that 'conversing with freshmen upperc1a smen offered freshmen a Mackenzie L. Duelge '05 said hall not be allowed between the ride in a dentist's chair. the Midway was male-heavy, "but I end of urnmer Rush and the Begin- Despite this bizarre display, PEDRO L ARRECHEA THE TECH don't really care that much. ning of Rush Week. .." some freshmen were impres ed. Dan Ramage '04 (left) and Ankur Mehta '03 offer information about "Tonight i guy-oriented, but I Once rush has begun, FSILGs "I've been hearing rumors that EC Simmons Hall, a dorm that is currently under construction, during think it will equalize after tomor- must follow a set of complicated is pretty weird," said David C. yesterday'S Residence Midway in Johnson. row, when the sororities talk to us," procedure for checking freshmen Wang '05, "but they seem like pret- said Lynn K. Kamimoto '05. out of the clearinghouse system. ty cool people." "The Sponge Committee," a group "We have a booth because when Dararutana aid that Panhellenic Many freshmen do not under- Simmons Hall also made an of students who plan to move to the dorm opens, it's not going to be sororities conduct rush together, in stand these rules. "Some of [the appearance at the Midway, though it immons Hall next year, distributed an all-freshmen dorm, and we want accordance with national Panhel- rules] are ridiculous," aid Haiming is not scheduled to be completed a pamphlet which described the upperclassmen to move in," said Sun '05. "I mean we're supposed to until August 2002. Members of dorm's advantages and facilities. Daniel R. Ramage '04. Ramage told Residence Midway, Page 8 get as much information as we can," he said, "but we can't if no one can tell us anything." Activist's Speec Covers NlWigating Institute Phone Other freshmen echoed Sun s sentiment. "I really don't like the rules," aid Mitun Ranka '05. "I Sexual Attitudes, Rape Network, Distance Calling mean it's like they're trying to push us into dorms." Koestner Shares Own Story, Attacks Sexist Humor By Alice S. Wang during Orientation who lives three STAFF REPORTER floors down from you, but you've Ru h rule to en ure fairne s By Brett Altschul wrong.'" To the freshman navigating the lost his number? IFC Ru h Chair Joanne Chang STAFF REPORTER "It's really because of you men jungle of MIT's campus, anything In many of MIT' dormitories, a '03 said that the rush rules are On Friday morning, freshmen that I'm here today," she said. and everything can seem to glow room's number and its telephone intended to "make sure that every- and transfer students gathered in "While not all men are rapists, most with mystery and fascination - number are related. To determine one has the same opportunity as Kresge Auditorium to hear Katie rapists are men." from the Greek letters that overhang the former from the latter, simply everyone else. They're to ensure Koestner, an activist and date rape She attacked sexist humor and fraternity house to the oddly- learn to recognize the pattern in that everyone starts on an equal victim, speak about sexual attitudes other insensitive behavior she had shaped auditorium that is Kresge. each dorm s sy tem. footing." and rape. seen in men across the United The first-year student may be ju t III Baker House, for e ample, the IFC Judicial Committee Chair A woman who has been raped States. With these things going on, itching to dial home and brag to par- five-digit extension always begins Thomas B. Fisher '02 said that needs three kinds of help, Koestner how can men develop the "respect ents and younger siblings. with a "57." If the re, ident live on houses which have contact with said: medical, which must occur for women that they need in order to But how? within three days of the rape if evi- build a world without rape?" she When a new undergraduate Phones, Page 9 Rush Rules, Page 8 dence is to be collected; legal; and asked. may not even know his own phone counseling. number, conquering the Institute Koestner proceeded to talk in Activist Faces Audience Question phone sy tern may eem out-of- detail about her own rape, which After her presentation, Koestner reach. occurred during her first semester at took questions from the audience. ot to worry; with a little guid- William and Mary College. On her The fir t questioner directed his ance, all freshmen hould be well first serious date in college, her question to the men in the audience, on their way to conquering MIT boyfriend pressured her to have ex asking them to immediately stand itself, or at lea t being able to tell and raped her when he refused. and denounce rape, as Koe tner had their little brother that they did. She discus ed the important role suggested. played by a rape victim' friends early all the men in Kresge did. Campu numbering sy tern and family - providing direct sup- stand, to thunderou applause from If one i on campus, it i nece- port and help in getting professional the women in the audience. Koest- sary to dial only the last five digits a sistance. ner thanked the men and admon- to reach another number on cam- In her ca e, Koestner said, she ished them to continue oppo ition to pus. To call out ide campu but got little support. She was vilified an atmosphere tolerant of date rape. within the "617" area code, pres on the William and Mary campus Another questioner asked Koe t- "9," then "617," and then the for peaking out against the ner about how she would suggest seven-digit number. wealthy, popular man who raped dealing with situation similar to In the case that your dorm tele- her. At the same time, she was that faced by Julia M. Carpenter phone number slip your mind, alienated from her father, who dis- '03, who took her own life after there no need to walk all the way KATHY CHEN-THE TECH approved of her behavior in the In titute authorities failed to proper- downstair to the front desk. im- Paul Mr. Magnet" Thomas, Technical Supervisor of the Plasma events leading up to the rape. ly respond to a harassment com- ply dial "9400" on any campu Fusion Center, explains a Nuclear Engineering plasma demo to Koestner called on all the men in plaint she filed. phone to get the number from Chang She '05 yesterday at the Academic Expo in Johnson Ath- the audience to "stand up in the which you are dialing. letic Center. middle of MIT and ay, 'Rape is Koestner, Page 8 What if you meet someone

The Tech's Daily Comics QPINIO Confusion Jyoti Tibrewala offer freshmen World & ation 2 some tips for surviving life at the Opinion 4 Institute. Comic 6 Daily Confusion - .19 Page 12 Page 6 Page 4 Page 2 THE TECH August 25, 200} WORLD & NATION onomers Claim eroid Firestone Settles Suit, Pays s Larg s on Record or 200 year the giant a teroid Cer ha held the title a th Texas Family $7.5 Million large t known "minor planet" in the olar y tern. Cere i a pherical pace rock orbiting in the a teroid belt By Caroline E. ayer and Frank ba is." The Rodriqu z a wa one dent," the company aid in a pre- between ar and Jupiter. It i ne rly 600 mil in diameter roughly Swoboda of more than 200 ca e that Fire- pared tatement. the di tance from Baltimore to Chicago. THE WA 'HINGTOro,rPOST tone h ettled. In addition there ource aid the .5 million et- ow a team of European a tronomers i cl iming that Cere has is a major cia -action law uit in tlement wa in addition to 350,000 been ec1ip ed in ize by a newly di cov r d object, found near the Bridge tone/Fir tone Inc. Indianapoli hich i till far from in expen e Firestone already ha orbit of Pluto. agreed Friday to pay 7.5 million to going to trial. paid for Rodriquez' medical care. The new a teroid could be a big a 0 mile acro , a cording to ettle a law uit by th family of a While both ide claimed victo- the jury deliberation wore calculation by a team led by Gerhard Hahn, of the German ero- Te as woman left paralyzed and ry, th take were much higher for on ource aid each ide became pace Center in Berlin. brain damaged when a tread pa- Fire tone. The company had gam- " orried about the po ible verdict The team' new relea e called the data 'deci i e relegating rated on a tire of her Ford E plorer, bl d it future during the o-week - particularly after the jury a ked [Cere] to cond place after holding th a teroid ize record for 200 cau ing it to roll over. trial by trying to per uade the jury for the maintenance r cords for the years." The ettl ment wa worked out to a e at lea t part of the blame Rodriquez's 1998 E plorer. The ot 0 fast, aid Brian ar den director of th Int rn tional in a brief morning meeting a a on Ford Motor Co. for the more record hadn't be n entered into tronomical Union's inor Planet Center. H aid an a teroid's ize nine-member federal jury in than 200 death and 700 injuries evidence, but each ide interpreted can't b determined precisely without :fir t knowing b th it di tance lien Te as, wa entering it attributed to the tire failures. the request a a ign of just how and it brightne , or reflectivity - al 0 called its "alb do. ourth day of deliberation . It a oid- o t of the Fire tone tire at serious the jury was about a sessing The Europeans have determined the object' orbit and di tance he ed the fir t jury verdict again t the i ue were u ed a original equip- blame. said. But he added, It a little premature for them to boldly come tiremaker ince the tart of a rna - ment on the Ford E plorer sport- Firestone has been trying to con- along and give a ize, when they're still a uming an albedo. ore ive recall of Firest ne tires a year utility vehicle. Ford ettled with the vince federal safety regulators and preci observations are ne ded." ago. Rodriquez family for $6 million the public that the tread-related ttorney for both id met b fore the trial started, accidents are at least partly due to with the jury after the ettlement Fire tone aid it was glad it wa the de ign of the Explorer. The wa announced and aid it mem- able to reach agreement with the automaker has consistently denied Bush Offers First Comments on ber wer not clo e to reaching a family of the injured woman any blame, insisting the accidents v rdict. 'They told u they till had arisa Rodriquez a 39-year-old were strictly the result of a tire Missing In ern Chandra Le a lot of work to do," one of the mother of three young children. problem. LOS A GELES TIMES lawyer aid. " ince the outset, when we provided U.S. District Court Judge File- CRA WFORD, TEXA Lead Fire tone coun el Knox financial a sistance to help with the mon Vela had instructed the jury Breaking a month -long ilence on the ca e, George W. Bu h on unnally aid that a a re ult of this family' medical bills, we have been that if it found Firestone at fault, it Fridaye pr ed hi sympathy for the family ofmi ing Wa hington, case he expected the majority of the hopeful that we could reach a fair also had to determine how much D.C. intern Chandra Levy and said he hopes that' the Levy (family) remaining law uit again t the tire- settlement that would also bring clo- blame, if any, was attributable to prayers are an wered." maker to be settled on an "amicable sure to them following the acci- Ford. 'Thi i n't about a congres man," Bush added, referring to Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif., who ha admitt d to a "very clo e" relation- ship with the Mode to, Calif., woman before he my teriously van- ished in Wa hington in pril. ew Judge Assigned to Hear 'This is about a family who 10 t a daughter, and that' what I'm concerned about," the president aid during a news conference here. "And I hope that if he i alive, she's returned soon: And I pray she's alive. That's what - that' where my heart is and that' where Remainder of Microsoft Case my concerns are on this i sue," Bush continued.

By Jonathan Krim case by a federal appeals court in want to push ahead as rapidly as R Ia Down a sAB Remarks and Carrie Johnson June. possible. They have argued that TlfE WASHfNGTOV POST THE WASHINGTON POST The appeals court ruled that failure to quickly rectify MO cow WASH! GTO Jackson, who presided over the trial, Microsoft's anti-competitive con- Russian officials reacted mildly Friday to George W. Bu h's A new judge was assigned to the made improper and biased com- duct damages the public interest bluntest tatement yet that the United tates will scrap a 30-year-old Microsoft antitru t ca e Friday, ments about the case to the media and are particularly concerned arm control treaty 'on our timetable" in order to test a national mis- opening what could be the final and failed to hold separate hearings about the imminent launch of sile defen e y tem. chapter in one of the most con- before ordering that the company be Microsoft's new operating system, The Foreign Mini try imply aid talks about the future of the tentious, highly publicized and broken in two. Windows XP, which they believe treaty have been u eful, and bilateral ties between the two countries important antitrust litigations in a But although it excoriated Jack- repeats some of the conduct that have improved since Bush met with President Putin in June and July, generation. son for his conduct and threw out sparked the original case. Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov in the late t of a eries of high-level U. . Di trict Judge Colleen his breakup order, the appeals court But at almost the same moment consultations, made an implicit pitch for Russia's propo al for deep Kol lar-Kote lly will hear the upheld many of his conclusions that that Kollar-Kotelly was assigned to cuts in the number of trategic warheads. In a meeting with John R. remaining parts of the four-year- Micro oft illegally abused its the case, Microsoft was releasing Bolton, under ecretary of state for arm control and international old ca e and determine what penal- monopoly over personal-computer its final, "gold" version of XP to ecurity, Ivanov reminded Bolton that Bu hand Putin had agreed that tie will be impo ed on the Red- operating systems. computer manufacturers in a the i ue of missile defense and weapons cuts were "in eparably mond, Wa h., oftware giant. It will now be up to Kollar- splashy ceremony at its Redmond connected," a ministry statement aid. Unle s the case is settled, her rul- Kotelly to set the pace for the next headquarters. PC makers will now Bu h' comments Thursday were the strongest sugge tion yet that ing could help hape how antitrust phase of the case. Although she has install and test the software on new the United tates will jettison the agreement despite Rus ia' objec- law will be applied in the rapidly little experience presiding over machines, a process that usually tions. changing marketplace of high tech- antitrust ca es, she has a reputation takes about a month, and then are nology. as a no-nonsense, efficient trial free to ship them to be sold via Kollar-Kotelly, 58, replaces fel- judge who almost never speaks to stores, catalogues or online. The low Di trict Judge Thomas Penfield the news media. software will be available in stores ~_W __~_TH_ER__ o----f--I;;~dWAkF~;;als~;g~;tRegan ho ers Decide to Wait Out Rush By Tao Vue Accused of Stealing Secret Data ASSOCIA TE [GHT EDITOR Murphy's Law states that rain will come whenever an important By Robert L. Jackson short and dark green slacks. Regan, according to a 21-page event i held outdoors. Four years ago, that happened to the Class of LOS A GELES rives Prosecutors would not di close affida it filed in court, chiefly stole 2001. Killian Kickoff was moved from it name ake location and WASHI GTO.' the country for which Regan computer documents from the moved to Johnson Athletic Center, where carefully prepared' peech- A retired Air Force rna ter allegedly conspired to spy, although ational Reconnaissance Office, e and attention-grabbing tunt were et aside. The Dormcon presi- ergeant working for a government ource said it wa not Ru ia. or where he worked. The documents dent s speech in fact, wa abridged to two sentences. contractor wa charged with con- did pro ecutors allege any motive were labeled "secret," which is not The next three years fortunately aw no repeat of that. Killian piring to commit espionage Friday for e pionage except to ay Regan the highe t classification and dealt Kickoff wa favored with ideal conditions: moderate temperatures for tealing classified data from a had accumulated consumer debt of with electronic images from over- and blue skies. super- ecret federal agency that $53 ODD. head satellites, clas ified pages It look like today' event will ee the same great weather. design and operates the nation's Law enforcement source who from a CIA newsletter, and por- Clouds will be moving in later, with hower and thunderstorms pos- spy satellites. reque ted anonymity said initial tions of a CIA intelligence report, sible. The e won't arrive until Tue day, after the bulk of cheduled Brian P. Regan, 38, did not a essment indicate the damage according to FBI agent Steven A. Ru h activitie have been completed. immediately respond to the charges allegedly caused by Regan was far Carr. If it rains, though, remember who to blame: that proverbial but- during an appearance in U .. Dis- less extensive than that caused by Other purloined documents, terfly who flapped its wing weeks ago in Beijing. Remember: it was trict Court in nearby lexandria, FBI spy Robert P. Hanssen, who Carr's affidavit said, related to "a at IT that chaos was fir t ob erved in computerized models of Va., a day after his arrest by FBI confessed last month that he spied foreign country's satellite capabili- weather. agents a he attempted to board a for Russia for nearly 20 years in ty" and the "unclassified" table of flight for Europe. He was held with- return for $1.4 million in cash, dia- contents for an otherwise' top Toda 0 tly unny. High in the mid 70s OF (23 to 25°C). out bond pending another court monds and Rolex watches. secret" intelligence manual. ortheast wind 5 to 10 mph (8 to 16 kph) becoming southeast late. hearing next week. Hanssen provided Moscow with Authorities, however, were not Tonight: Clear. Low in the mid -Os. U.. agistrate Judge Welton information about U.S. early warn- minimizing Regan's alleged criminal- Tomorrow: 0 tly sunny. High in the lower Os. ewell said he would appoint an ing system , satel lites, nuclear ity, especially in view of his 20-year onda: 0 tty cloudy with a chance of showers and thunder- attorney for Regan after the defen- defen es and communications intel- Air Force career, including an award torms. High in the lower 80 OF (27 to 29°C). dant aid he had no lawyer. Regan ligence. He al 0 confirmed the iden- for distinguished service a an intelli- who was not handcuffed, wa tity of some Ru sian agents working gence analyst following the 1990 dre ed casually in a triped polo for the United tates. Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. ugu t 25,2001 WORLD & THE TECH Page 3

FBI's Controversial 'Carnivore' Palestinians Drop Bid for Resolution ondemning Israel May Soon Expand, Says Group THE WASHINGTON POST the indu try ha been unable to rier . The Pale tinians Friday dropped their bid for a U. . re olution come up with a ay to gi e la Pri acy ad 0 ate agreed with condemning Israel after failing to muster sufficient upport in the 15- enforcement agencie the ability to Alt hul that the indu try techni- nation ecurity ouncil. Federal law enforcement author- monitor digital communications a cal problem could mean an. e pan- The deci ion was a ignificant diplomatic setback for the Pales- itie may soon expand the u e of a they can the more ea ily captured ion of ami ore u e. Da id obel tinians becau e they were unable to ecure the unanimous backing of controver ial FBI monitoring y- analog me age, a required by a general coun el of the lectronic a key bloc, the seven council member from the movement of non- tern to capture e-mail and other text 19941a . Privacy Information Center said the aligned nations, that traditionally has supported Palestinian positions mes age ent through wirele s tele- In an ug. 15 letter to the Feder- FBI h not demon trated that it can in the council. phone carrier ,a well as mes age al Communication Commi ion, narrowly target the ystem. That In addition to condemning Israel, the resolution called for an from their Internet ervi e ichael It chul the a ociation' s rai e the pro pect that it will collect unspecified "monitoring mechani m" to cool the violence that has provider , according to a telecom- enior vice pr ident and general information from many people s taken the live of more than 530 Palestinians and nearly 150 Israeli munications industry group. coun el, aid its members can t communication while earching for since late eptember. The FBI ha been using the sys- meet the ept. 30 deadline for the a uspect s communication . a er Kidwa, the Palestinian repre entative at the United tem, called Carnivore, for two year technology. It opens the door to the collec- ation aid Friday he was' withdrawing the proposal because it ubject to court authorization, to tap it chul aid in an interview that tion of communication of people faced a econd U .. veto. In March, the United States vetoed a previ- into Internet communications, iden- the FBI has told industry officials it who aren't even named in (court) ous Palestinian resolution calling for international observers in the tify e-mail writer online or record would use Carnivore in the absence orders," obel said. West Bank and Gaza, an idea Israel has strenuously opposed. the contents of messages. It doe so of another y tern. 'It could well be Law enforcement agencies u e Kidwa said however, that the Palestinians would continue to by capturing "packets of informa- a huge expansion of the u e of Car- two legal method to collect infor- pre s for international condemnation of Israel at a global conference tion containing tho e detail . nivore, ' he said. mation about su peets' communica- on raci m in Durban, outh Africa, later this month. Civil liberties advocate and The FBI said in a prepared state- tion . Under federal "pen regi ter" " vote in the ecurity ouncil on our draft resolution is not orne lawmakers have expressed ment Thursday: "We have never procedures, authoritie need only going to achieve a much better result than the vote which took place concerns because the ystem could propo ed or planned to have Carni- ay that call information is relevant in March," Kidwa aid. "We think it would be more appropriate not scan private communication about vore used a a solution for '" com- to an inve tigation to get court per- to proceed immediately." legal activities of others besides pliance." spokesman aid Internet mission to obtain the origin or desti- those under investigation. The Ju - service providers are now so adept nation of electronic communication tice Department is reviewing the at meeting the technical demand of to and from a u pect. Tho e rules Software Bugs Cause Problems system's impact on privacy. approved urveillance of uspects' do not allow authorities to capture ow the Cellular Telecommuni- Internet traffic that the FBI has u ed the content of communication. With ed School pplications cations & Internet As ociation is Carnivore only twice thi year. But obel and It chul said Car- LOS ANGELES TiMES warning that authorities could use The spokesman declined to say nivore cannot separate address More than 30,000 of the most hard-driving students in America Carnivore as soon as October to whether the FBI would use Carni- information from the content of a now have an extra reason for heart palpitations: near-collapse of a examine messages such as those vore - now known in the agency me age in a packet and so authori- computer sy tern that di tributes their application to medical school. sent by cellular telephones and other as DCSIOOO to capture commu- ties must be tru ted to weed out data And with life decisions at take, applicants who have been striv- handheld devices. That's because nications handled by telephone car- they are not allowed by law to have. ing for straight A's since middle chool are not taking the technologi- cal betrayal lightly. "You couldn't pick a wor e group of people to throw a bombshell in the middle of," said Richard ilverman, director of admissions at Bush's Pick for Top Military Post Yale University choolofMedicine. In a move that wa supposed to speed decision-making, the clear- inghouse for the first time this year asked students to file their appli- cation online. But a erie of oftware bugs has nearly crippled its Reflects His Pentagon Priorities efforts to process applications for the 16,000 medical school slots available for the 2002 academic year. By Craig Gordon defense system, even as Democrats too, has run into strong opposition "It's just a black hole," lamented James Chen, 24, of Los Angeles, NEWSDAY in Congress, European allies and in the Pentagon and on Capitol whose online application was submitted in June but still hasn't WASH! GTO some inside the Pentagon question Hill, where orne already are lining reached his more than 25 pro pective schools. "We're all just super- President Bush's choice for the its need, cost and effectiveness. up to oppose possible base clos- frustrated. Inever expected it to culminate in this." United States' top military officer, That issue is likely to be one of ings. The breakdowns mean delays of several weeks or more in applica- Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, the most contentious facing Myers, Several analysts said Myers' tions and admission . And they have set off a scramble among many comes with hands-on experience but several analysts also said they experience in the Pacific fits well students to apply to their top-choice schools directly, before someone with the president's key Pentagon believed he would use a self-effac- with the Bush administration's el e grabs their slot. priorities: space-based defense, the ing, level-headed demeanor to increased focus on threats in the Asian theater and a sweeping but smooth differences inside the Penta- region, particularly from China and troubled military restructuring. gon and out. orth Korea. Privately Funded Researcher to Bush nominated Myers to be "I think Myers is a pragmatic "The experiences that he's had chairman of the Joint Chiefs of choice. I think he's for reform, but I cut across all of the priorities which Create ew Stem-Cell Lines Staff, calling him "the right man to don't think he's going to upset the the administration seems to have LOS ANGELES TiMES WASHTNGTON preserve the best traditions of our apple cart," said Ivan Eland, direc- enunciated in the eight months it's armed forces while challenging tor of defense policy studies at the been in office," aid Dan Smith, A privately funded Harvard University researcher soon will begin them to innovate to meet the threats Cato Institute, a Washington think chief of re earch for the Center for creating tern-cell lines for himself and other academic researchers of the future." tank. "He's very pragmatic and real- Defense Information, a military from di carded embryos provided by a large Boston fertility clinic, an Myers, 59, went from a child- istic about what missile defense can affair think tank. arrangement that dramatically could enhance the supply of cells hood fear of airplanes to flying com- do. You don't get up that high in the At a news conference in Craw- available for study. bat missions over Vietnam, and hierarchy by having rabid, radical ford, Texas, where Bush is vaca- But research on the e cell could not be conducted using federal most recently was vice chairman of views." tioning at his ranch, Myers said he money, as these cell line would be e tabli hed subsequent to the 60 the Joint Chiefs. He also has com- In another controversial area, was "eager to get back to work to lines identified by the ational Institutes of Health and allowed under manded U.S. forces in the Pacific, Myer is working on a major building the kind of military that President Bu h s recent deci ion. and he headed the Air Force Space strategic reassessment of Ameri- President Bush envisions." The deal - unusual in that mo t privately funded stem-cell lines Command until last year. ca's military in the po t-Cold War If confirmed by the enate, are created by companies for commercial purpo e - could serve as In that post, Myers became an era, ordered by Defense Secretary Myers will replace Army Gen. a catalyst for other private intere ts to support academic researchers expert in computer and space war- Donald Rumsfeld and due next Henry Shelton, who teps down who otherwise are largely dependent on federal grants. In addition, fare, leading some analysts to say month. Rurnsfeld has talked of the Sept. 30. Myers would be the first because these tern-cell line would be new, they could be more valu- his choice reaffirms Bush's commit- need for a smaller and more rapidly Air Force officer to head the Joint able to researchers than the existing lines, who e age and viability ment to press ahead with a missile- deployable fighting force, but that, Chiefs in almost 20 years. have not been disclosed. The arrangement, first reported in Friday s Bo ton Globe, was not "a respon e to President Bu h's thinking and deci ion,' aid Douglas Melton, chairman of Harvard's cell and molecular biology depart- ment. Militant Utah Polygamist Sentenced In an interview Friday, Melton said he first drafted the proposal more than a year ago and sought approval from his employer, the To Five Years in Jail, Fine Imp sed Howard Hughe Medical Institute.

By Julie Cart on each count, but the judge ordered believe they would suffer emotion- Taiwan Panel's Review Signals LOS ANGELES TiMES the sentences to be served concur- ally and mentally by his being taken DE YER rently. Prosecutor David Leavitt had away. I worry that our children will Pressure for Trade with hina A Utah polygamist who all but asked for a 10-year sentence. learn to disrespect government for LOS ANGELES TiMES dared prosecutors to arrest him was Green testified for an hour Fri- generations to come becau e of hav- TAIPEI, TAIWA sentenced to five year in prison Fri- day and remained defiant about ing their father ent to prison for his A high-level Taiwanese panel began a three-day review of the day on felony bigamy charges, what he consider to be his religious religious beliefs." island's economic future Friday amid signs that it government i while his five wives and some of his beliefs. After a king his wives and The courtroom in Provo wa about to abandon increasingly futile effort to limit commercial ties 30 children wept in the courtroom. seven of their children to stand in filled with a smattering of polyga- with mainland China. Torn Green, 53, al 0 wa ordered the courtroom, he pointed and aid: mi L supporting Green and a small The meeting, which unfolds as Taiwan appears to be heading for to pay $78,000 to the state in restitu- "I am not ashamed of these people, group of anti-polygamy activists. In it first recession in more than three decades, was called by Presi- tion for welfare payments to hi 25 and I'm not ashamed of my relation- hi argument Leavitt spoke about dent Chen Shui-bian to explore ways of reinvigorating what only a children under 18. ship with them." the hi tory of polygamy in Utah. year ago wa viewed a one of East A ia's mo t vibrant economie . The case was the fir t prosecution Each of hi wives, whom he mar- Once a tenet of the ormon reli- But intere t has focu ed on the government's restraints of trade ties of a polygamist in Utah in 50 years ried as teen-agers, took the stand and gion, it wa outlawed by the church aero s the Taiwan trait - policie viewed by a growing number of and has focused an uncommon spot- a ked for leniency. In letters to the in 1890. analysts as outdated, ineffective and damaging to the island's light on plural marriage in the tate. judge, they pleaded with the court to Leavitt, who i the brother of future. Green was ilent a Judge Guy consider the effect Green's impris- tab Gov. ike Leavitt and him elf ource following the debate believe that the panel of busine s Burningham announced the entence onment would have on his family a descendant of polygami t , and political leaders will urge an immediate ea ing of restriction on on four count of bigamy and one and its ability to take care of itself. received death threat during the trade with and inve tment in mainland luna. Chen ha pledged to count of criminal non upport of a "Tom's children are very clo e trial. After Friday' hearing, he aid implement recommendation of the panel. child. He was entenced to five years to him," Linda Green wrote. "I that Green had not been ingled out. Page 4 August 25 2001 OPINION

hairman Jordan Rubin 02 LOCt' lOUR ditor in bief Dana Levine '02 ~,tfoNEt ... Bu in nag r Huann T. Thoma 0 aging ditor Eric 1. holankeril '02

PRODUCTIO STAFF ditors: Gayani Tillekeratne '03 Joel rbo '04, Joy Forsythe '04; oci te ditor: ndrew Mamo '04, Shefali Oza '04, Tao Yue '04; taff: Mary Obelnicki '9 , Ryan Ochyl ki '01, Ian Lai '02, Anju anumalla '03, Vimal Bhalodia '0 , Andy Leiserson '04, Eric Tung '04.

ditor : Devdoot ajwndar '04, Annie . Choi; oci te ditor: Fred Choi '02; taff: Erik Blankin hip G, Lance athan G, Bence P. Olveczky G, onja harpe G, Vladimir V. Zelevinsky '95, Bogdan Fedele '03, Jumaane Jeffries '02, Jacob Beniflah '03, Daniel 1. Katz '03, Jane Maduram '03, my eadows '03, Jeremy Baskin '04, Chaitra Chandrasekhar '04, andra M. Chung '04, Izzat Jarudi '04, Chad errant '04, Joseph Graham. Letters TOThe Editor PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF marketing expenditures. Even in the United high wages they were told by recruiters from ditors: athan Collin G Roshan Baliga '03, A Progressive's States, minimum-wage hikes are barely the factories - much like the promises made Wendy Gu '03' taff: Erika Brown G, Krzy ztof Gajos G, Garry askaly G, Karlene Progress noticeable in terms of employment or infla- about Manila's sex trade. R. askaly G, ichelle Povinelli G, Bob tion. These workers want some other small umner G, amudra Vijay G, Gregory F. uh- Daniel Tortorice raises some valid points Another 'myth" he maintains is that "free things, such as democracy, unions, the right to nen '00, Wan Yusof Wan Morshidi '00, ephir in his article [ The Real Progress of the Pro- trade" is indeed beneficial for third-world strike, enforcement of labor and environment Hamilton M '01, Charles Boatin '01 ii gressive ovement," ugust 22J about pro- workers: it provides them a new option, and standards. Such denials of what we now con- Dodoo '01, ailas arendran '01 James ny- gressives seeming hort-sighted with regard to why would they choose it if they didn't want sider basic rights, rather than people's free der '01, Yi Xie '02, Leonid Drozhinin '03, Eka- the plight of developing countrie , but his it? There is much truth in this logic, but too choice, are largely responsible for the miser- terina Os ikine '03, Matt T. Yourst '03 Pedro L. pIau ible-sounding abstract arguments do not often this degenerates into a mindless defense able conditions much of the third world faces. Arrechea '04, Brian Hemond '04, ax Planck square with reality. For anyone intere ted in of the status quo. Remember that people can In order to benefit from industrialization, '04, Jacqueline T. Yen 04, i ir Botta '04. examining the facts, I highly recommend No be coerced' they can be lied to; they can be American and European workers had to strug- Logo by aomi Klein. he outlines the deep desperate and take any job that comes along gle and not meekly accept their lot. Change changes in many We tern multinational dur- for fear of starvation; they can be forced out fmally occurred through unions, government ing the 1990s, uch as globalization, and actu- of school and sent to a sweatshop by their action, strikes, journalistic muckraking, public ally visited and talked to workers in the Third family. outrage, boycotts and other progressive action World. Let us dare to ask the 16-year-old Filipino - precisely the tools workers in the Third The fir t "myth" Tortorice defends i that girls who manufacture our ikes, rather than WorId are trying to wield. minimum wage and other labor laws will blithely declaring that all is right with the We should never rely on soothing plati- anager: Rachel John on '02; drive up the prices of good manufactured in world. Klein did this, and was met with out- tudes to explain complex and painful human n ger: Ja mine Richards '02; developing nations. However, whole ale out- rage when he suggested the rural migrant situations. We should open our eyes to the '03, ourcing of manufacturing from developed factory workers preferred this life to farming. facts of globalization., and our ears to what countries to third world "export proces ing They explained to her how many of their fam- people of developing countries are trying to zone " has immensely reduced labor cost - ilies were forced off their land (which they say. We should hear echoes of our own histo- and increa ed corporate profits and marketing were never allowed to own) by "develop- ry in the emerging struggles of third world budgets. Increa ing third world wages will ment" (such as golf courses, export processing workers for a better life; and as then, we have a very small effect on corporate bottom zones), and therefore had to go wherever work should act. lines, and would mainly decrea e profits and was available. They described the lies about David Strozzi G

ADVISORY BOARD Paul E. chindler, Jr. '7 , V. ichael Bove '83, two days before the date of publication. Barry urman' 4, Diana ben-Aaron '85, Opinion Policy Letter and cartoons must bear the authors' signatures, address- Robert E. Malchman '85, imson Garfinkel' 7, ditorial are the official opinion of The Tech. They are written es, and phone numbers. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. 0 let- Jonathan Richmond PhD '91 Reuven . Lern- by the editorial board, which consists of the chairman, editor in ter or cartoon will be printed anonymously without the express prior er '92, Jo h Hartmann '93, Jeremy Hylton '94, chief, managing editor, executive editor, news editor, features edi- approval of The Tech. The Tech re erve the right to edit or condense Anders Hove '96, aul Blumenthal '98, lndranath tor and opinion editors. eogy '98 Joel Ro enberg '99, B. D. Colen. letters; shorter letter will be given higher priority. Once submitted, Di ent are the opinions of the igned member of the editorial all letters become property of The Tech, and will not be returned. board choosing to publish their disagreement with the editorial. The Tech makes no commitment to publish all the letters received. Column and editorial cartoon are written by individuals and repre ent the opinion of the author not neces arily that of the new - To Reach Us The Tech (ISS 0148-9607) IS published on Tuesdays and friday paper. during the academrc year (except dunng MIT vacanons), Wednes- days during January and monthly during the ummer for $45.00 per Letter to the editor are welcome. Electronic submi sion are The Tech's telephone number i (617) 253-1541. E-mail is the year ThIrd CI by The Tech, Room W20-4 3. Massachusens encouraged and hould be sent to [email protected]. Hard easie t way to reach any member of our taff. If you are unsure who ve.• Cambridge. Ma .02139. Third Class postage paid al Boston. Ma . Permit 0 I. PO T 1 TER: Please send all address copy ubmissions should be addre sed to The Tech, P.O. Box to contact, end mail to [email protected], and it will be changes 10 our marhng address: The Tech. P.O. Box 397029, Cam- bridge. Mass. 02139-7029. Telephone: (617) 253-1541, editorial; 39 029 Cambridge, ass. 02139-7029, or sent by interdepartmen- directed to the appropriate per on. The Tech can be found on the (617) 258- 324, bu mess; (617) 258·8226, fa urule. Advernsmg, World-Wide Web at http://the-tech.mit.edu. subscription, and typesetting rates available. Enure contents C 2001 tal mail to Room 20-483. All ubmi ion are due by 4:30 p.m. T e Tech. Printed all recycled paper by Charles River Publishing. August 25 200 1 OPINION THE TECH Page 5 Beware the Rogue State Sage Advice fuca. Being the orld large t e porter of tho e perpetrated in Kosovo. The proposed small arms, it i plain to ee hy Iraq would court would be e tablished permanently Jyoti Tibre ala want to maint in a large arm m r et in under authority of the United ation and We live in troubl d time ind ed. ith frica. ould prosecute only the worst war crime Fre hman Orientation and Rush compri e all of the nation that currently threaten the In contr t to Iraq' dealing ith frican including genocide and crimes against two of the rno t fun wee in all of the MIT ecurity of the United tate it' no v onder nations it major military deal in Latin humanity. 0 doubt the re istance from Iraq academic calendar (oops, I don't think I wa that we're pending half of the pendable meri a have been ith go ernm nt , not stem from fears that government leaders supposed to reveal that to the freshmen ju t federal fund - hundreds of billion of dol- guerrilla group . La t pring, Iraq lent the may be prosecuted by this court. yet; ah well, they were bound to learn it oon- lar - on defen e. e have to be prepared Columbian go ernm nt more than a billion Perhaps the most telling of Iraq's nefari- er or later). Free goodies, free food - and it's in the event of an attack. Further, it's no dollar in mili ry aid. Thi , de pite the fa t ou action ha been it desire to escalate an better than the usual fare - who can dis- wonder that the Department of Defense ha that olumbia ha the worst human rights arm race througb the destruction of an arm agree? such a clo e relation hip with univer ities record in the We tern Hemi phere, despit control treaty. The Iraqi government a sure But like all good things, RIO must come to like IT; nearly a quarter of MIT's funding evidenc that the Columbian military and the world that it proposed new weapon sys- an end. Once classes kick in, we'll have our comes from the Defen e Department alone a ociated paramilitary forces have been tem i trictly defen i e. But why would they heads buried in our books until all hours of the (as seen in MIT Spotlight). Where else can responsible for a large majority of violation create a defensive sy tem if they weren't night. There is a way, though, to keep the fun the government go to tap the human of international human rights law. a mall already e pecting a retaliatory action to orne alive. Just keep these few things in mind, and resources necessary to build up our defensive signal of the world' di sati faction with aggression on their part? you can turn your years here into some of the capabilities? Iraq s continued neglect of human right , Finally Iraq remains the only country in best you'll ever have. But who are these rogue nations that we Iraq wa recently voted off the five-member the world to reject a treaty that would reduce Get out oj MIT at least once a week. It's are watching out for? Who is the enemy? Human Rights Commission. emis ions of greenhou e gase to 1990 lev- important to give yourself a break once in a And what is a ' rogue nation" anyway? Well, You might hope addam would be some- els. The motivation behind this seems largely while, and a weekly basis is just the right fre- a rogue nation does what it want , even if what kinder to the Iraqi people, but the gov- economic, Iraq is an oil-producing country quency. After five days of classes, problem sets, that means going against the wi hes of the ernment continues to enforce an embargo on and would benefit if oil consumption were and exams, you're going to want to forget about re t of the world. A rogue state will frequent- imports of food and medicine. U ICEF not regulated by th treaty. till, the Kyoto it all, and those two days each week are an ly violate international law, and it action reports that the embargo has cau ed the Protocol repr ents an unprecedented effort opportunity to do just that. Explore Boston. It's are undeterred by punishment. Sucb nations death of million of children ince the early to combat global warming. include Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Iraq, nineties. Millions m re are malnouri bed and Wait a econd ... that' not Iraq. It's the which is perhaps the most rogue nation on sick for lack of adequate supplie . The United tates alone that refu e to ratify the earth. You would think that after the Gulf embargo is a violation of international laws yoto Treaty. Actually, it s been the United "YOudon't want to get locked out War, add am Hus ein and the Iraqi govern- and has drawn worldwide criticism, but that States all along. All right. My bad. ment would fall in line with the re t of the by definition i irrelevant to rogue tates like o th symmetry i n't perfect: Iraq might of your room wearing a bathrobe world. But a the following will demon trate, Iraq. have a legitimate reason for a defen e sys- orjust a towel. Oh, and Iraq continues to defy the largely unified Likewise, the hiite and urdi h minority tem as they are currently being attacked by voice of the rest of the world. groups in Iraq continue to suffer under the U.S. and British forces. The U .. , however, McCormick residents} This past July, 55 of 56 countries igned a government. till, the Iraqi government ha i being attacked by no one, so its call for a treaty which would open each country's bio- threatened to ab tain from tbe upcoming mis ile defense system is absurd at be 1. But we're not immune either. logical weapons plants to international Conference on racism if the subject of repara- the concept of a rogue state is useful in con- inspection. Iraq was the only nation that tions is even brought up. Apparently, the gov- vincing the public that missile defense is refused to sign the treaty, citing economic ernment does not want to acknowledge the needed. Further, it is true that minority reasons. It is obviou that Saddam is being wrongs it ha done to its minority population. groups in Iraq are directly oppressed by the right in your backyard, and the Harvard Bridge belligerent because he's developing biologi- This trend of denying wrongdoing contin- Iraqi government, and only indirectly by the is only a lO-minute walk. If it's late, there's also cal weapons illegally. ues on a larger scale as the Iraqi government U.S. government. The analogy was meant SafeRide to get you around campus or between Well, that same month, during a UN con- has recently expre sed opposition to the for- more to reflect U.S. sentiment toward F ILGs on the other side of the river. And if ference on global small-arms trading, Iraq mation of a permanent International Criminal African-, Latin-, and ative Americans. But there's somewhere else you want to go that's on vetoed a proposal to ban arms sales to guer- Court. Previous UN courts have been created you get the idea. the way, or even one that's a little off the route, rilla groups that are wreaking havoc in in an ad hoc fashion to try war crimes like Welcome to MIT. Peace. talk to the SafeRide drivers; they're nice people. And then there's always the T. It's a little bit smaller than orne other cities' metropolitan railways, but there's a good chance that your destination is within a reasonable distance from Be More Selfish a train station. est, and therefore they take precedence. to practice it, you are condemned to Original Take the time to get to know people. Tills is Matt Craighead This is a dangerous road for you to tread. Sin and a life of guilt. Although you know one of the most important things to do here, and Remember that a valid concept must be linked that you must fulfill your duty to that ideal it applies to everyone. MIT is filled to the brim If there's one thing that everyone seems to objects in reality. Yet your deceivers would regardless of the cost, you often pursue your with interesting people. Fre hmen, upperclass- to agree on, it's that selfishness is evil and is tell you that you cannot grasp the importance self-intere t in tead. Any compromise or men, graduate students, staff, faculty; everyone the cause of many problems. Poverty, they of, say, equality on a "materialistic" level; middle ground between selfishness and sacri- has something to offer. Don't get me wrong; claim, is caused by the selfishness of busi- instead, you must recognize its transcendent fice is destined to failure, at the cost of your academics are top priority. But in ten years, nessmen. Racism stems from white people value as an ideal. Observe that this is a reli- sanity. you're going to remember the friends you've who refuse to sacrifice their position of supe- I propose a simple alternative to this life of made more than anything you've learned in riority, and environmental destruction from suffering and guilt. To decide whether an class. people too selfish and conceited to give up action is right or wrong, use logic and reason Shower daily. I know what you're thinking their cars. 70 decide whether an action is to deduce its consequences on yourself alone. but let me explain myself. I'm not going to lie Since you've likely already heard these right or wrong} evaluate} using If the action benefits you it is proper and if it to you. You may find yourself pulling many an exhortations to sacrifice and selflessness, I'd harms you, it is wrong. all-nighter (to date, I haven't, but I have friends like to present to you the opposite view. I logic and reason} its consequences This standard is not as controversial as who have). But even if you're not sleeping think you should be more selfish, not less, for you might think, as I will. illustrate by apply- every night, make a point of showering. Aside your sake and for mine. You should look out on yourself alone. if the action ing it in a less obvious way. If you were from the obvious benefits, it will give you a for yourself first and foremost, not for others, investigating two way of building a sense of pause in between the days. Also, take not for your community, family, race, nation, benefits you} it is proper; if it machine, you would evaluate the advantages your clothes with you when you go to shower. or planet. harms you} it is wrong. and disadvantages of each before choo ing You don t want to get locked out of your room It's odd to need to take this side of the between the two possibilities. For example, wearing a bathrobe or just a towel, e pecia11y if debate. After all, it's easy and rewarding to be you might say that one design i objectively you're in a co-ed dorm. Oh and McCormick selfish. (Note that I am referring to the idea of good, i.e., it contributes to your value . You re idents, we're not immune either. You'll selfishness in its strictest sense: seeking one's gion, a religion where equality is a supernatur- ought to recommend that your company build come to learn how many males populate the own self-interest. I reject many of its false al concept, pursued for its own sake, as an end the better design, as wa ting time on the other McCormick lobby on a given day. Better to connotations, like boorishness, hedonism, or in itself. design would be wrong. That which is right learn under more positive circumstances. Or, if mindless obsession with money; these are cer- Once you believe that there is any idea promotes your life, and that which i wrong you insi t on only bringing a towel or robe, tainly not in one's self-interest.) which, by itself, can override all worldly con- does not. Severing the connection between make sure you have your keys with you, espe- In fact, it seems that it would be difficult to cerns, you are in grave danger. Upholding that these ideas make ethic inapplicable to life cially if you live in East Campus. convince people to be unselfish. What argu- belief consistently requires following it in all as we know it. Be careful when crossing Mass. Ave. Sure, it ment could you make? If you link a supposed- cases, not just some. So, for example, if equal- This standard is based on reality and not sounds simple enough, but any number of ly unselfish action to some benefit down the ity conflicted with your desires, you would be the supernatural; you can only decide what things can happen. First of all, don t eros in road, that action is no longer unselfish! An obliged to pursue equality, regardless of the is in your self-interest by observing the front of 77 when there are fast cars coming. If example is the Christian concept of heaven; if cost. Likewise, if equality conflicted with world around you. Acting ba ed on feeling you start as oon as the signal turns to Walk, you do "good deeds" (which happen to be someone else's life, liberty, or property, you or intuition alone will only harm you. This there should be no rea on to run, but try to unselfish) in life, Christianity claims, you will would be compelled to take any mean neces- standard is very practical, as it never forces move faster than a snail. If you come out of 77 eventually receive a reward that compensates sary, including murder, to ensure equality. you to choo e between the moral and the and the Walk sign is already there, and you're for all your earlier suffering. Pick any ideal; you will find that you must practical; they are the same. It i the quintes- not sure how many chirps have passed, play it The modern advocates of selflessness are follow similar rules, no matter which one you ential American standard; what i "pursuit afe and wait for the next ignal. far more sinister. Typically, they do not even place at the top. If you unconditionally uphold of happine s" besides seeking your own Own at least one pot or pan. Signing up for attempt to link actions to benefits; instead, it, you will sacrifice yourself and everything goals? It also leaves plenty of room for a meal plan is one thing that will defmitely they link them to ideals. For example, they you know. ideals that can be linked to reality and self- force you to learn how to cook. I don't care how might insist that you donate to the poor in the So most practitioner of sacrifice do not interest, such as ju tice, honesty, integrity, bad a cook you think you are; there's no way I name of "fraternity" or "compassion' or insist that you uphold their ideals consi tent- and productiveness. wasn't at least ten times worse than you a year "equality." They claim that these ideals tran- ly, only when it is feasible or practical. But So be more elfish. It's in your self-interest ago. Aramark food i convenient around scend any materialistic values, like self-inter- when you hold something as an ideal and fail to do so. lunchtime - breakfast, too, if you're into that ort of thing - but you re going to want some- thing different for dinner. Trust me. And Ramen oodles are one of the basic food group of col- lege students. 0 make sure you have at least Join Opinion! one pot or pan to cook them in. I came to MIT last year with the arne e pectations and notions a many of you. But let me tell you that I had a blast. And I contin- ue to do 0 a long a I keep certain sugges- Stop by W2Q-483 or call x3-1541 and tions in mind. I realize that I haven't given you any academic advice, but you'll get plenty of ask for Jyoti or Kris useful help on that from just about everyone el e here. WeJcom to MIT. Good luck! ugust 25, 2001

Page 6


ox rot by B '11Amend


® by Scott Adams

DO YOU MIND IF I I CAME DOWN TO MEET TURN OFF THE LIGHTS YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND TO ... UM ... SA.VE BUT OW I THINK IT'LL ~ E ERGY? BE A.WKLJARD. \ "I don't mind all the construction one bit ...because I know that when its finished there will be SO MANY more tunnels to go hacking in! YES!"

Crossword Puzz e Solution, page 8

ACROSS 34 Listed correction 69 Dadaist Max 28 Man alone 1 Theater box 37 Immediately! 70 "Auld Lang_" 29 Facility 5 Knowing 39 Sampras of 30 Drama set to 10 ore han tennis DOW music enough 40 "Invisible Touch" 1 Secular 35 Salt Lake's state 14 Economist group 2 Gymnast Korbut 36 Distribute Greenspan 44 Step into 3 London lockup 38 Part of a hammer 15 Edmund and character 4 Operatic tenor 41 Long and lean Rob 47 Took chairs Caruso 42 Repeat oneself 16 Flintstones' pet 48 Greek letter 5 Roman greeting 43 Giving more lip 17 Mr. Stravins y 49 Ta e in air 6 With 22A, 44 Tooth problem 18 Loafs about 51 Showy flowers Welsh golfer 45 Kin of a 19 Von Bismarck or 53 Mar et 7 Hole-making flambeau Klemperer 54 Swiss peak tool 46 Swiss marksman 20 Islamic leaders 55 Fem. address 8 Palliate 50 Periods of 2260's first name 56 "The Chronicles 9 Theme writer readiness 24 Picture border of arnia" writer 10 Commotion 51 Loses color 25 "Misery" star 60 Sugges ive look 11 Chemical acidity 52 Pick 26 Optic-wash 62 Adjutants proof 57 Watchful applicators 64 Pair of an lers 12 Scheduled next 58 Religious image 28 City near Madrid 65 Light brown 13 Horn sounds 59 Scottish island 31 Calf meats 66 Tantalize 21 Lay asphalt 61 Tight spot 32 Old salt 67 Home of Paris 23 Close at hand 63 Jacob's fifth 33 Shade tree 68 Wild ouess 27 Give a hand son 2/16/00 ugust 25, 2001 Page 8 THE TECH August 25, 2001 Koestner Next Thar's Midway To Take ewForm one id ay put all li ing group on an equal footing, 'Roberts aid. leni regulations. ill no Int rfraternity Council Recruit- identif the group they belong to ment h ir Joanne Chang 0 id oestner, from Page 1 until after thi aftem n's omen's th idw will till exi t next Convo ation. year 'but it will be completely dif- Koestner declined to answer the "It make it ea ier for u , , ferent. tud nt till need to knov que tion claiming lack of familiari- Dararutana aid. "Thi way, our that there are other option , but th y ty with Carpenter's case and in uffi- Rho Chis R cruit- are no longer going cient experti e in dealing with cases ment Counselors) to be living options: that do not involve rape. can coun el all fter the talk, the incoming stu- women [ru hing], "Its pretty over- ea tion to id- dents returned to their Orientation and it easier for u a ar groups, and di cus ed their reac- to deal ith inter- helming but it' a The Re idence tions to the talk over lunch. sorority di putes." useful starting id ay , a n't all that u eful for me, t id a wil! place "-8tephanie but it's handy for ta n form people who have no With next year's a« en '05 idea where to go," o erhaul of the entire aid Delta Tau Delta re idence selection Pr ident John C. proce s, the current Rondoni 02. format of the Residence idway "It' pretty overwhelming but may have to be rethought. it's a u eful tarting place" said "In our di cu ion of rush 2002, Stephanie . Clau sen '05. the current plan i to have a Re i- "It dep nds on the type of per on denc idway," aid Dormitory you are,' said Bryan D. bu zew - Council Ru h Chair Jeffrey C. ki '05 who at at at ble in the cen- Roberts 02, "but will dorms partici- ter of the room, crossing out far- KATHY CHEN-THE TECH pate. e haven't answered that away fraternitie . 'I m not one to Professor Philip Khoury, Dean of the School of Humanities, question yet.' talk until I know omeone." rts & Social Sciences, explains the importance of the HASS The Tech e The current y tern of combining I wa n't going to join a fraterni- requirement to the class of 2005 at yesterday'S Core Blitz in donnitorie fratemitie sororities, ty" Wang aid "but now, I might resge Auditorium. 2 and independ nt li ing groups into rush. ' nos' Follow ewer Rules Than Frats

Rush Rules, from Page 1 Pheiffer believes that the current nights at houses which don't house rules may turn some freshmen off, women during the year. This fre hmen prior to the beginning of and don't really change the outcome ensures that they will be available ~'tt probably saying rush may have an advantage over of rush. "The rules that people tend for overnights at all-female and to bend and break aren't going to coedILGs. to}oursdf, any fOur-},="-old houses who do not. "It would cer- tainly be better for rush in general determine whether or not you get knows how to use the bath- (to eliminate the restrictions on talk- freshmen. There is enough diversity Dorm rules less strict

room. But you may not know ing to freshmen), but not for every in the freshman class that every Though not as stringent as those house," he aid. house should be able to get fresh- for FSILG's, dormitory rush rules Although the current set of rules men," he said. are still built on the same principles bathroom than anyplace: else in is quite complicated, Chang said Transfer student Eric of "fairness and not doing anything that enforcement of the rules is Dominguez '04 was particularly to mess up another's experience," }"Oln" home, In fua, between the ba ed more on whether FSILGs dis- annoyed by the rush rules, saying according to Jeffrey C. Roberts play good conduct rather than the that they "produced a negative '02, Dormitory Council Rush

sink you can use up yourshowcr letter of the law. "There is a thing image of fraternities." Chair. we call [the] 'spirit of rush ... ' "The fraternities .. .ignore me "The rush rules for dorms are to 55 gallons a day. sounds like We're trying to make sure that because they're afraid of getting less strict and there's different y""mulJnJ." Mulriply that by the : anopera ~:xJ.,a1'A> every house has a clean and fair fined," he said. Still, the feelings enforcement," said Roberts, "espe- b_by numbaofhomes hall, don't ru h,' she said. were not universal. cially since there are already fresh- ~·Iow-fiow However, Chang said that next "I like the room I stay in," said men temporarily living there." ~ lmJ. in the world, and year may give the IFC a chance to Yiuka Leung '05, "and I want to The dorms simply do not operate

l.hatS a lot of natural J:t':SOl1I"(XS· : to sing one. revise the rules, though they have stay there." on the same membership ideas as remained relatively untouched for "I don't plan on joining a sorori- the FSILG's, said Roberts. going down the drain, : 9lorttt songs make · many year . "If you look at the rush ty, I don't see the need for it," said "Since not everyone in a dorm is ow, M:'re not saying you • for shorter showas. And for }'OU the next time }'OU go. rules from ] 981, and you look at Gul Gurkan '05. required to take responsibility for them now, there are few changes," the actions in their dorm's rush, should stop taking showers • the biggest culprit of them This message brought to you she said. Some rules change this year enforcement is much more diffi- or brushing your teeth. We're all, the toilet, tty putting a by the 43 environmental char- Chang said that there have been cult," said Roberts. just suggesting some simple : weighted jug in the tank. It will ities that make up Earth Share. Current rules may hinder rush several changes to the rush rules Roberts also said that the very IFC President Rory P. Pheiffer which pertain to freshman women. nature of dorm rush affects the bathroom training. For instance, : help save water every time you li!r.rwLtipsJ!..ir!formatio on howJ!1!! · '02 said that the current rigid rules For example, it has become a rush rules of the game, "Dorms just are only necessary because there is a violation to remove freshman want to present an image of the ~~_: t.:'. lack of trust within the IFC. "I think women from Killian Kickoff. This dorm to give freshmen a sense of turn out the lights when narictJaIDrivtNW~ the reason fairness is an issue is that is an attempt to raise attendance lev- choice, though ultimately the hous- Do the same when you leave. You1l be helping 2K.(.dD2)~ • there is a lack of trust. I wish that els at women's convocation, which ing lottery has the final say," he

to COIlSa"Ie dectricity. houses would trust each other more occurs later on in the day. said. ~ Earth Share and be more of a community," he Another change is that freshman Dana Levine contributed to the DO YOUR SH RE. IT'S A CO aid. women won't be able to spend reporting of this story. This space dona ed by The Tech Moonlight Sailing - Freshmen & New Grads Welcome Solution to Crossword FRIENDS from page 6 Friday, Aug. 24th. 2001,8 pm - midnight DON'T LET Come down to the MIT Sailing Pavilion (across from Walker on FRIENDS emorial Drive) and enjoy a beautiful sail on the Charles River after sunset. DRIVE No sign up or sailing skills DRUNK. required. Just show up, bring a m!I IJs.~Gn~ friend, and get to know people in This space donated b The Tech the relaxed atmosphere on board a sailboat. Tax info, toll·free. Tax questions? Call TeleTax for recorded information The MIT Nautical Association on about 150 tax topics 24 hour a day. is looking orward to meeting ~.rl& Department of the Treas ry • e e·~ax you. ~ Internal Revenue service ~ . ~• 4 .. http://www.ustreas.gov 1-800-8 9-4477 This space donated by The Tech ugust 25, 2001 THE TECH Page9 Options for Long Distance Aldus Manutius Phones, from Page 1 alternari e include cellular ph ne an or calling rd ampu link floor 1 through 3, the ten ion remains the ole MIT long-distan e ends with the room number. For re - ervice provider. Paul Rand ident on floor 4 through 6,the la t To ign up online, 1 It three digits of the telephone number or c 11 1- 00-962- imilar sy tern exi t in all the In ti- 4772. Hermann Zapf tute Hou es. It i a1 0 po ible to ign up for t Burton- onnor, however the voic mail and all aiting er- telephone number doe not correlate ice ia ampu link ithout u ing Helen Thomas with the e act location of the room. their long-di tance service. To use ll Burton-Connor telephone num- Campu link on campus, a P num- ber are a igned in a con ecutive ber i nece ary to place direct- fashion, from 5- 121 to 5-84 9. dialed call . Campuslink al 0 i ue Eugene Roberts Therefore, find a friend' number by a calling card, 0 it' po ible to call adding to or ubtracting from your long distance for 15 cent per exten ion the number of rooms minute even when not in the room. Ben Franklin between your and the friend' Campu link's standard plan thi room. fall is a 9.9 cent-per-minute rate to If all else fails just try dialing call anyone in the United tates. "0" for MIT directory assistance. Alternate rates include a 3.9 Zuzana Licko cent-per-minute plan with a one- Local and long-distance connections time charge of 75.00 for the year, If you live in on-campus housing as well as a 2001-minute plan with a and want long distance service with one-time charge of 129.00 for the Kevin Carter your MIT number, you have the year. option of using Campuslink or, Nancy Keuss contributed to the well, Campuslink. While popular reporting of this story Important Telephone Numbers Want to meet these peop e? MIT Campus Police Emergency • from campus phone: 100 • from off-campus phone: 617-253-1212 • from Lincoln Lab: 3333 Local Emergency 911 MIT Medical Urgent Care • not life-threatening: 617-253-1311 (collect) • mental health emergency: 617-253-2916 MedLINKs 617-253-1316 Nightline (7pm-7am during term) 617-253-8800 _

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Page 10

450. Plus if well seasoned, ender, ho to hula as our expert Hawaiian airborn unaided! One half filled wa erbed ride ... no experience required. 6:00 p.m. - Theta XI- tt?s ime for the juicy meat isn't your thing e' e got coconut dancers amaze you ith their ith you on one side, and se erat air- eo. Annual TXI Lobster and Stea Feast! sweet moves ... the Phi Sig LUAU is still heads to jump on the other. Gravity go 4:39 p.m. - Senior House - Hey Buddyl Come dine on superb e England Lob- much much more! 6:30 p.m. - Zeta Psi - Steak & Lobster! gomg on! you do n? This ill keep your spirits up, hat's his all aboot? - Javid Sadr jus ster supplemented ith succulen n old Rush fa orite - Great Stea and 3:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - House along ith the rest of you. 617-262- got married, so we regret to inform you s ea s. Ea ill you burs I fresh aine Lobster prepared by our chef Tours - Stop by, hang out and get a tour 5090 for flight clearance. that he will not be participating in rush 6:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - e're still serv- Steve. Bes dinner a MIT. Call for ride: of our hizzaus. 3:45 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - How do you since he will be too busy making babies. ing the best steaks and lobsters around. 3:00 p.m. - ZBT - TARGET PRACTICE, know there's been an elephant in your :4 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - on-new- Come for orld famous chef J. . 6614111 x401 6:30 p.m. - Student House - Don't just ma e yot'n own POTATO GU S and test refrigerator? There are elephant prin s in tonian fun for the masses. Marvel at an Plamplano's lobsters. Call 888-692- sit there! Go out and get some free food. your shoo ing skills. Call Rick for rides at he jam. How do you now there's an ele- entire front-room full of the liquid that 8648 for a ride. We're serving a full array of e otic dish- 617-232-3257. ZBT, THE POWERHOUSE phant in the puzzle box. ell, he box you can toss like a ball and catch like a 6:00 p.m. - ZBT - AINE LOBSTER and es. If ou're game, come sample turkish OF EXCELLENCE says i 's an elephant ... Come help us puddle. That number again: 617-262- ALET IG O. e're no just alking delights juxtaposed wi h sushi. 3:00 p.m.- Theta Eps Ion Chi - It still with the elephant puzzle. Call x3-8888 5090. steak ... this is honest- o-goooness FILET 6:33 p.m. - WILG - e saved you some isn't 00 late to show up at The Tech and for a ride to our coed house. 5 p.m. IG 0 . Delicious egetarian meals lasagna and chicken parmesean! Call us grab a story for tomorrow's issue. 3:45 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - yep, the 5:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - 01 E available. Call Rick for rides at 617-232- for a ride! (617) 253-6799. 3:00 p.m. - Theta Xl - Daiquiris made LUAU is still going on ... we'll be pia ing HAWAIIA STYLE IN PARADISE. you've 3257. ZBT, THE PO ERHOUSE OF 6:33 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - We've built by professional bartenders. So good you Hawaiian games for prizes of macadamia never had it so good ... SEATI G II ITED EXCELLE CE a massive rice krispy castle. Hide inside can?t tell their virgin. nut chocolates and leis. you've GOnA 5:00 p.m. - Theta Xi - Ever nought of 6:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - Bush it or devour i swails. 3:00 p.m. - PI Kappa Theta - Come try this food! being a pilot? Test your skills of piloting ucker grilled out back on our courtyard 6:36 p.m. - Delta PsijNo. 6 - Watch over to PKT and mee the Brothers. We 3:47 p.m. - Random Hall- Come see i h he 10 foot long radio controlled TXI barbie. We've got KA G ROO, GATOR, the sunset from our rooftop. Enjoy the have Ping-Pong, pool, and lots of free our Athena cover-sheet collection - It Blimp. STEAK, and oops a LOBSTER somehow savory island fare - kebabs from the grill food and soda. grows daily and threatens to consume us 5:00 p.m. - French House - Sushi - managed to sneak in there. Come eat and fried plantains. 3:00 p.m. - EAs camP S - Still all. o hing says "La Maison Francaise" like Aussie-style. 6:41 p.m. - pika - once om old the haven't tried the back nine? Well we've p.m. raditional Japanese cuisine. Come learn 6:00 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - How well- story about "the bee bee que" that was only got 6 friggin' holes actually, but you 4:00 p.m. - ZBT - SWI G DANCE o make and ea one of French House's done do you like your fish? Yes, that's jus him laughing uncontrollably for twen- should play them anyway. LESSONS and CHA CHA in the party favorite meals. Bon appetit and itadaki- right, i 's time for SUSHI! We've got ty minutes. hopefully ours will be as 3:00 p.m. - Zeta Psl- Foosball Tourna- room of ZBT. Call Rick for rides at 617- masu! (French House i chen, 5th floor hings from sushi to sandwiches, fish to funny. vegan, vegetarian, and traditional ment! Singles or Doubles! Good at foos? 232-3257. ZBT, THE NON-PLEDGING ew House 6) meat, and raw to crispy. You can assem- barbecue dinner at pika. 617-492-6983. Got a friend from FLP who's good at FRATER tTY 5:00 p.m. - Chi Phl- Need 0 cool off? ble anything you can imagine, but don' 6:45 p.m. - French House - Heard dur- foos? Come test your skill against Zeta 4:00 p.m. - Zeta Psi - House Tours - Well come on over cuz we're having he worry, Ian will ea it. ing Rush fast year: "French House is one Psis best! Call for ride: 617-6614111 Most modern fraternity house on cam- onl S OWBALL FIGHT during rush. 6:00 p.m. - Sigma Chi - A casual buffet big low-key party." Come get down with 401. pus. Cambridge side. 5 minute walk from We're trucking in 1 tonne of snow and dinner from Vinny Testas will be served us! ew House 6, top floor or call xTOFU- 3:00 p.m. - Ipha Epsilon Pi - Games class. Pool, Foosball, & Ping Pong. dumping it in our backyard for your enjoy- in our dining room. Stop by to hang out 8 from a campus phone and we'll whisk Extravaganza - Drop by the house for eight Room. Full access kitchen. You ment. and grab something to eat before the big you away. casino games, video games, foosball, have to check it out. Call for ride: 617- 5:00 p.m. - French House - Sushi - A party. 6:47 p.m. - Theta XI- The TXILobster pool, and food. 6614111 x401. LMF, nous pensons que rien n'est plus 6:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - Steak and Steak Feast is s ill going strong! 3:00 p.m. - ext Hou e - Can you say 4:00 p.m. - heta XI - Do you like francaise que la cuisine traditionnelle and Lobster Dinner - Steak. Lobster. Eat. Drop by for some of the best food you?1I Wet T-Shirt Contest??? Stop by the ext music? Ever thought of playing in a Japoniase. Venez apprendre a faire et Yum. eat all of RUSH. House Courtyard. Join in, or just watch. band? Come jam with us as our resident manger un des repas preferes de LMF. 6:00 p.m. - PI Lambda Phi - We too 6:50 p.m. - Student House - Interna- 3:00 p.m. - Sigma u - If you're walk- musicians pull out their 2 guitars and 2 Bon appetit et i adakimasu! (La Cuisine, have copious am mounts of steak and tional flavors are waiting to be eaten. ing anywhere during Rush, you're doing elec ric pianos complete with audio mix- LMF, 4eme etage, New House 6) lobster. Come and get it while the gettin' Call us and we'll provide transport. something wrong. Call 617-536-9925 ers. 5:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - Come and join is good. Remember, you need food to live. and we'll come pick you up. 4:00 p.m. - Ipha Epsilon Pi - Games us for the annual Steak and Lobster Din- 6:00 p.m. - Phi Kappa Sigma - Come 3:00 p.m. - ew House - The TACO Extravaganza - Drop by he house for ner. Call 888-692-8648 for a ride. join the Brothers of Phi Kappa Sigma for 7 p.m. BUFFET is still going strong until 4pm! casino games, video games, foosball, 5:00 p.m. - Next House - Come play an all-you-can-eat Lobster and Steak Buf- 7:00 p.m. - Alpha Epsilon PI - Come But, if you're already full, ry to recover pool, and food. with our balls! 24-hr ping-pong and pool, fet. As you feast away on your lobster over and enjoy finely barbecued meats your youth with our BE-A-KID-AGAIN day! 4:00 p.m. - ext House - Volleyball and ALL RUSH LONG! and steak, you will be entertained by the (and other stuff), courtesy of Chefs Drew jump ropes, croquet, badminton, big ball smoothies! The beach party con inues ... 5:00 p.m. - Chi Phi - Tired steak and hilarious nationally acclaimed comedian, volleyball, hoola hoops ... what more could 4:00 p.m. - Delta appa Epsilon - lobster? Come to Chi Phi for he lobster Robert Kelly. It is Robert Kelly's third and Jacob. 7:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chl- Don't you want? Come to our backlot basketball court for and steak dinner that started it all. rush at Skullhouse. worry, it comes off a farm. We've got 3:00 p.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Come a 3-point basketball competition with 5:00 p.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Kick back 6:00 p.m. - Next House - I'm gonna bush tucker grilled out back on our court- drink as much of the world-famous Phi prizes! and challenge brothers and fellow fresh- make you an offer you can't refuse: a yard barbie. We've got KANGAROO, Delt virgin daiquiri as you can. Just try to 4:00 p.m. - Sigma u - Call 617-536- men to pool, foosball and darts. free Italian dinner! Complete with GATOR, STEAK, and oops a LOBSTER avoid brain freeze. 9925 for a ride over to Sigma Nu. Are 5:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - Bush lasagna, fettuccine alfredo, pasta with somehow managed to sneak in there. 3:00 p.m. - Bexxxley Hall - Come hang you getting a busy signal? A lot of fresh- tucker grilled out back on our courtyard tomato sauce, caesar salad, garlic Come eat Aussie-style. out with us while we show flaccid men are calling to come over to Sigma barbie. We've got KANGAROO, GATOR, bread, biscotti, and tiramisu for dessert! 7:00 p.m. - MacGregor House - Baby movies, kiss your ass and pretend to like Nu, so have patience and we'll make STEAK, and oops a LOBSTER somehow 6:00 p.m. - Bexxxley Hall - Hoo boy! got back? Come wiggle and contort your- you!!!! FREE FOOD!!!! Call your mom for a sure you're taken care of. managed to sneak in there. Come eat Look at us, we have steak. And lobster! self at the Hula and Limbo Olympics at ride. 4:01 p.m. - WILG - Start ercismg Aussie-style. Ours was the ORIGINAL lobster dinner! MacG. We've got grass skirts, hula 3:06 p.m. - Delta P ij o. 6 - Sip on those engineering skills early with our 5:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - Conan, our resi- No way are we losers. hoops, and low low bars. Win tons of frozen dacqulris and smoothies. Dance egg drop contest at WILG dent advisor, is also a professional 6:00 p.m. - Kappa Sigma - Steak and awesome prizes!!!!! Plus get free t-shirts to the Carribean beats of our live 4:04 p.m. - Fenway House - Spoil your lounge singer. He'll be helping everybody Sushi Dinner and things for just participating. band (actually salsa, but who can tell the dinner! Eat chocolate chips right out of cool down for dinner after the first hectic 6:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - At Sigma Nu we 7:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - Daquiri difference?) the box. Why? Because your mother did- hours of Rush. Call 617-536-9925 for a won't just throw a lobster at you and run Social- Cool off with some ice cold 3:12 p.m. - Sen or House - That's the n't let you. 437-1043 ride over to Sigma Nu. off. Dinner is served promptly at 6 and daquirj's and mixed drinks served up by excited southerner himself, former 4:05 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Come visit 5:04 p.m. - WIlG - We still haven't again at 7. Call 617-536-9925 for a ride the finest barkeeps this side of campus. Senior Haus resident Dan Collarini, say- our conveniently-located vjneyards as we given away our 5 lb. bar of chocolate! over to Sigma Nu or to make reserva- 7:00 p.m. - Gamma Alpha Gamma - ing, • Smoke more free Rush cigarettes demonstrate the ancient fine art of bev- Stop by our chocolate casino for your tions (not required, but recommended). Lobster dinner. We have brought the you little bitches. " erage making. Take some home! chance to win. 6:00 p.m. - Delta Kappa Epsilon - It finest champagne back from France for 3:15 p.m. - Zeta Psl- Ping Pong Tour- 4:05 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - What hap- 5:06 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - Sip on doesn't get any better than our chef's your dining pleasure. Black tie attire; nament! Singles or Doubles! Good at pens when you are playing ettlers, but ice cold smoothies and dacquiris while surf and turf on the grill. Then hang those who come dressed inappropriately ping pong? Got a friend from FLP who's SUddenly the ducks start invading the dancing to ... oh wait. The band just left. around for some post dinner rock climb- will not be ·served" by our Little Sisters. good at ping pong? Come test your skill sheep port? Can you summon Cthulhu to But you can rub tanning oil on Paula's ing and basketball. 7:00 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - What do against Zeta Psis best! Call for ride: 617- eat them? Or maybe you just duck the back instead. 6:00 p.m. - Sigma Phi Epsilon - At the you get when you cross Russell with 6614111 x401. seven of spaces. Call x3-8888 for a ride 5:07 p.m. - Senior House - Cory does. Texas BBQ Burnoff, enjoy Steak Tips, twenty rolls of duct tape? One lieutenant 3:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Want to games you've never played. And he's gonna be grilling it in the court- BBQ Chicken, Corn on the Cob, and Baby Commander Data, two aliens, desert? How about 22 feet of ice cream 4:06 p.m. - Delta PSi/ o. 6 - Mambo yard. Rre and Meat... what else do you Back Ribs slow-cooked by our gourmet three ... anything you can possibly imag- in Tep's world renowned Ice Cream with eredith, Rhumba with Rui, and want? You can still throw bouncy balls at chef, Kevin Boudreau, assisted by real ine. Maybe he'll build us a new house Trough(R)? Ice Cream and snacks of all Cha-cha with ... Annemarie? your friends, too. Veggie Burgers upon Texans. this time! Call x3-8888 for a ride to our varieties. Call 617-262-5090 for a brain- 4:10 p.m. - french House - Throughout request. But remember, plants have feel- 6:04 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - The caval- co-ed house. freeze of previously unimagined propor- rUSh, if you need to relax, come to ings too. cade of culinary delights continues at 7:00 p.m. - Next House - Lasagna, tions. French House: we have fresh-baked 5:07 p.m. - Russian House - Come EC. Check out our Tex-Mex dinner. spaghetti, and more! Italian dinner con- 3:23 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Watch out cookies all day, both regular and 3D puz- beat us at any board game of your 6:05 p.m. - WILG - Mama mia! Dinner for the EC fleet of home brewed vehicles. zles, and people who will talk to you in choice. Chess/Checkers/Reversi are time already? S op by WILG for an Italian tinues ... 7:00 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phi - Oh no, Catch a ride to the east side. French or English! especially welcome. Deserts are provid- feast cooked by our own talented house brain freeze!!! This ice cream is worth it. 3:27 p.m. - WILG - Give WILG a ring for 4:10 p.m. - French House - Pendant Ie ed to the most active fans members. Call for a ride 617-576-2792. a ride! (617) 253-6799. We can get you 'rush,' si vous voulez vous detendre, 5:17 p.m. - Random Hall- Move over, 6:06 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - Come 7:00 p.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Great here in time to egg on our egg drop con- venez a La Maison Francaise: nous Ben and Jerry. We want our ice cream and grab the last of the smoothies! food, great scenery and great company. testants. avons des biscuits, des puzzles, et des and we want it NOW. We'll demonstrate Fresh strawberries, raspberries, oranges, 7:00 p.m. - La Casa (Spanish House) - 3:30 p.m. - Student House - Bored? gens qui peuvent parler avec vous en LIQUID NITROGE as we go from ingredi- bananas, kiwi fruit and loquats make our Come chill with some future housemates Call us for a house tour. It probably francais ou meme en anglais. ents to ice cream in 17 nanoseconds. drinks extra tasty (kind of like Fahad). for an hour on the 5th floor lounge, while won't relieve your ennui but hey, it'll kill 4:11 p.m. - Senior House - Well, we Here at Random, We Make Common 6:17 p.m. - Random Hall - It's dinner indulging on some Mexican deserts and 20 minutes. Call us, we'll come get you. sure do. Thousands of bouncy balls are Gases Fun! time! Come savor our famous home- drinking Daiquiris before we head out to 3:30 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - girls on going to be thrown off of our balcony and 5:30 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Ever tried made LASAGNA, available in two flavors: Boston. Don't forget you must attend trampolines! (note to self ... bring tram- into the courtyard all at once. Afterwards, sushi? Ever wondered how to make it? meat and non-meat. This ain't no cafete- one of the two meetings IN AIR CONDI- poline) hrow them at your friends. We have traditional ingredients and plen- ria lasagna! TIONING!! 3:30 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - The 4:17 p.m. - Random Hall - Mar thinks ty of cooked and vegetarian items. 6:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Arriba Arri- 7:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - Dinner is now music gets funkier as our own house he's the cock of the walk. He's wagered There's also sandwich making less ba! Fiesta time with Tep Force 22! Burri- being served in the Sigma Nu Dining band, TEN DEGREE CHILL, takes control that he can beat you at Mario Kart 64. adventurous. Call x3-8888 for a ride to tos! Tacos! Tostadas! Collect them all! Room. Be on time to ensure a seat. Call of the deck. Bring your own instrument Come show off your mad racing abilities our coed house where the war between Some like it HOT; watch Elvis and 617-536-9925 for a ride over to Sigma and Jam, or just groove and munch. and win all his money! Spanish, Japanese, and French contin- Strangelove turn red and cry as they rep- Nu or to make a dinner reservation (not 3:30 p.m. - Ipha Delta Phl- othing 4:20 p.m. - acGregor House - Hun- ues! resent their homeworlds in an Intergalac- required, but recommended). works up our appetite like gladiator joust- gry? We are. Tons of food at M450. 5:30 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phi - Juicy tic Pepper Eating Competition. 617-262- 7:00 p.m. - Delta Kappa Epsllon- ing. Good thing we'll be having lobster Come eat and sit in the lawn chairs in steak and succulent lobster combine to 5090 para un sombrero gordo. Come see how high you can get on our and steak shortly. Call for a ride 617- our sunny courtyard. make a meal fit for any Alpha Delt! Call 6:25 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - FRESH MAINE LOBSTER!! We sent Larry all the climbing wall right in our backlot. 576-2792 4:20 p.m. - pika - well-hung with snow- us for a ride at 617-576-2792. 7:00 p.m. - Theta Epsilon Chi- Dinner 3:30 p.m. - New House - The tacos white tan; david bowie tribute moment. 5:36 p.m. - Delta PsI/No.6 - Dac- way up to Maine to bring you Fresh Lob- is served at The Tech office. Come to may almost be gone, but you can still 617492-6983. quiri's will melt. Armando's hair is svelte. ster. We also have steak and potatoes expertly prepared by our cooking staff. claim a story for tomorrow, stay for the savor your last chance 0 BE A KID 4:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Three-man And he has a black belt. He may give you free food and soda. AGAIN before you have to face college (or women!) slingshots, ballistic mis- a welt. Won' you eat some smelt? (Will Come get some! 7:00 p.m. - Senior House - Dan shows life ... believe us, after this year, you'll be siles, and candy everywhere! We provide swordfish and steak kebabs do?) 6:27 p.m. - Senior House - But Tire us how sleazy improv comedy sluts can on your hands and knees thanking us. safety goggles and Grape Soder, as well 5:45 p.m. - WILG - Tired of BBQ and Swings on trees are for the hardcore!!! 3:30 p.m. - pika - Sail the Charles. as the ammunition. Call 617-262-5090, burgers? Stop by WILG for fabulous Ital- Come to the Senior Haus courtyard for be. 7:00 p.m. - Beta - whatchu about . 617492-6983. aim, and fire! ian food with veggie and meaty options. Tire Swinging lessons. Senior Haus cuban food, ish? we know about cuban pika, whatever boats your float. 4:30 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - it's Call us for a ride! (617) 253-6799. bucks if you can smoke a free rush ciga- food. from a dope little spot in JP 3:33 p.m. - pika - Surf will never die. almost time for fine Hawaiian cuisine. 5:46 p.m. - pika - we like the idea of rette and tire swing at the same time. straight to your mouth. come check out Dick Dale is our hero. More of that sweet get over here 0 secure your place for karaoke more than we ever like the 6:30 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phl- Lobster some of he best eats this side of cas- California sound. 617492-6883, you're some of he greatest (and most original) results. karaoke free aroake. bob your AND Stea? ost defini ely. Stop by for ro's gold tooth. this place is the bomb, ou of gas, we're still afloat. dishes you've ever tasted .,. SEATI G head to the surf music, it's still on. some awesome food and meet some aight? 3:36 p.m. - Delta PSi/ o. 6 - Eat some II ITED 5:47 p.m. - Random Hall- Has your pet awesome people. Call us or a ride 617- 7:02 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - MORE kebabs, dance to the live reggae band, 4:36 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - Come sip Gelatinous Cube go en away agian? If a 576-2792. LOBSTER!! There is still plenty of Fresh and dip your feet in our kiddie pool. It's on smoothies, while being smooth talked Baatezu jumps into an ocean of holy 6:30 p.m. - Sigma Nu - The second Maine Lobster to go around. Don't miss Just like being in Barbados, but without by Carlos and feeling Chin Yee's smooth, water how long does it take to dissolve? and final seating of dinner will be served promptly at 7. You're a little early, so your chance! the sand up your ... hairless arms. In case you're wondering, 0&0 has started at Random on Black 7:06 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - You've 3:39 p.m. - french ouse - Yes. We both of he two Carli have equally Hole, you should come and join the fun. relax wi h our resident advisor in the just Ii your 6th cigarette,; Now list all know the banner is spelled wrong. We're smooth arms. 5:55 p.m. - Senior House -Impress us Sigma Nu Lounge until the first dinner the people you've met:/ Jon, Alex, and upset too. La aison Francais_E_, ew 4:39 p.m. - Epsilon eta - Can you with your oh-so-Iow purity score on the seating finishes. Call 617-536-9925 for a ride over 0 Sigma Nu. Saad,j Paul, Torno. and Fahad./ Now Hous 6, top floor. make chartreuse and magenta out of the Senior Haus punty est. Are you Lambda that is a classy sexte .; (too classy to be 3:44 p.m. - Tep force 22 - Breaking primary colors? Come play With dyes and Sigma Delta material? 6:30 p.m. - acGregor House - e've flipping burgers like Dasha at the grill) news: Tep has achieved keeping humans tle-dye a shirt. Call x3-8888 for a 6 p.m. got a B8Q and more raging down here at August 25, 2001 THE DAD..Y CONFUSIO THE TECH Page 11

7:07 p.m. - Fenway House - Happy HoI. raunchy humor wi h Peter some rung, show up at our office by 9, and you can hepca s at 617-262-5090. on 617-262-5090 to see/feel/hear the idays! We're ha ing a non-denomination- orld re nowned hypno is . be that person. 9:30 p.m. - Baker House - Swing by bass. at, hree dimensional, all-purpose, home- 8:00 p.m. - Theta XI - Our infamous 8:30 p.m. - Kappa Sigma - Casino he 8aker House BBQ pits before going 10:25 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - ICE cooked holiday dinner. Fea uring turkey, onte Carlo Casino lght, Come win ight out tonight. All your favorite meats, fake CREAM!! Enjoy Ice Cream Sundaes with mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and ege- e ravagant prizes and test your blu ng 8:35 p.m. - Fenway House - Fabulous mea s, soda, and snack food. every topping imaginable on our tarian stuffing. Still looking for a vege art- skills against fellow freshmen and poker iraculous Splendiforous Ridiculous 9:30 p.m. - French House - Visitez La roofdeck. Also enjoy the great view we an 0 s uff. Call 37-1043 for a ride. fiends. 80's Movie Madness Marathon at Fen- Maison Francaise sur la web: have of downtown Boston at night. 7:11 p.m. - pika - masquerade. too 8:00 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - COMEDI· wayl Yes, all the great films from the web.rntt.edu/lrnf/www, ou telephonez- 10:30 p.m. - Beta - jungle ruckus. Get bad it doesn' look like any other word. A - Come be entertained by our live decade the world is collectively trying to nous: xTOFU8 your night right with the iIIinest jungle come over and be someone else for a comedian and stun man. It is a laid-back forge. Call 437-1043 for a ride. 9:30 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - Skank beats spun by the fiend himself. Follow hile. pika, 617-492-6983. acti i ,with plenty of opportunity for 8:47p.m. - Random Hall - Fun With the night away on the deck with BIG 0 & up with the kickin beats of OJ Goodfella. 7:13 p.m. - French House - Hungry? audience participation. Hair! Braid i , dye it, chop it off - Fun Fun THE KIDS TABLE. Ska-punk from Boston Party till dawn or your legs fall off. We're still making Sushi at French 8:00 p.m. - French House - Swing Les- Fun! ot to worryO Joia is ery good with on Asian Man records. 10:36 p.m. - Delta PSI/ o. 6 - Our Brit- House! Come learn how to roll these lit- son - Not only are we confused about our scissors and even better with tape. 9:30 p.m. - Phi appa Sigma - Come ney Spears marathon is still going on. tle bundles of yumminess! location here at French House, tonight 8:59 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Deepali, to Phi Kappa Sigma's Pub Night and Come and enjoy hour 2 of her greatest 7:15 p.m. - WllG - Thirsty after a great we're confused about the decade-come no! Don't take the circ saw to the enjoy refreshing tropical and mixed hits. She's still popular, right? Kenji dinner? Come by and join in WILG's vir- learn to swing dance with us! New library!...ok ... Deepali, no! Don't play drinks. You gotta try what we think are seems to think so. He may even have gin mixed drinks while we settle in for an House, firs floor house 6. with the blowtorch and the living room ... the best ribs and wings on this side of his extensive sticker collection on dis- evening of a capella! Call (617) 253- 8:00 p.m. - Student House - e can No, Deepali - why are you following me the river! play. 6799 for a ride. cook anything but some s uff is best Ie with the Sawzal? ... call x3-8888 for a ride 9:36 p.m. - Delta Psi/ o. 6 - Ever 10:39 p.m. - Senior House - Willing vol- 7:17 p.m. - Random Hall- Meet the to the pros. For desert: Newbury Street. before Deepali destroys our house. been to Colombia? Neither have most of unteers are put in hot suits and put into great great grand nephew of NIKOLA ew England's capital of posh and pre- 8:59 p.m. - Fenway Hou e - 00 you us, but Pablo tells us that they all make motion through flaming loops. See, fire is TESLA, the world's greatest mad scien- ense. Just a hop, skip and a jump away. like Corridor, Risk or Settlers of Catan? the same funny face he does when they too used for things other than cigarettes! tist! Among others, his inventions 8:00 p.m. - French House - Lecons de 00 you believe that Combat for Atari dance down there. Come to our party, Hopefully in the President's House. include: AC power, fluorescent lights, Swing - A LMF, nous ne nous trompons 2600 is the best video game ever? Have stand on the sidelines, and laugh at all 10:45 p.m. - French House - II faut vouz radar, the Tesla coil. Come see what his pas seuelement de pays - nous nous you played the elusive Combat 2? How the dancing people. coucher: en France ils est deja en pleine genes are up to todayo only at Random trompons aussi de decannie! Viens about some good old DOA2 ass-whoop- 9:44 p.m. - Senior House - Nelson, nuit! Hall! apprendre a danser Ie Swing avec nous, ing? Call 617-437-1043 for a ride. Thunda and Nathan will share with you 11 p.m. 7:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Relax after ce soir, Rez de chaussee, New House 6. 9 p.m. their lifelong subscription to Maxim, 11:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chl- Don' dinner and enjoy a cool Grape Soder 8:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - Ever want to be 9:00 p.m. - Zeta Psi - * CAR BASH Gear, and Playboy. Nevermind the pages miss these guys ... Skank the night away while schmoozing with the authors of hypnotized? Want to see live snakes? * 10th Annual leta Psi Car Bash. that are stuck toge her. on the deck with BIG 0 & THE KIDS Elvis's favorite publication, Tep Force 22, Call 888-692-8648 for a ride to see our Long first day of Rush? Need a break? 10 p.m, TABLE. They're playing all Ska-punk from and the creators of the Hanging Couch ever-popular R-rated hypnotist show. Check it out: Loud Music. Sledge Ham- 10:00 p.m. - Chi Phi - Already a pro Boston on Asian Man records. and lee Infamous Foam Room. Call 617- 8:00 p.m. - la Casa (Spanish House) - mers. and One Soon to be Demolished dancer? Want to test out your newly 11:00 p.m. - French House - Just 262-5090 for a lift. Boston has a lot to offer when it comes Car. 617-661-4111 x401 learnt dancing skills? Take part in the because we call it "rush" doesn't mean 7:29 p.m. - WILG - Don't why it is, but to cultural food. Join us on a trip to the 9:00 p.m. - Delta Kappa Epsilon - dancing competition and see who's the you have to always be running hither and they're simply irresistable. Ok, we won't orth End for some dessert from Mike's Come enjoy a night of great food and King and Queen of the dance floor. thither. At French House, we've got 2- torture you with our singing ... Let an all Pastries, an authentic Italian pastry drinks with a little bit of casino added, 10:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa -I'm not and 3-0 puzzles and a bottomless cookie male a capella group serenade you shop. Want 0 experience some Boston for prizes! tired yet. Let's get it on .... the dance jar, so come relax with us! instead. Nigh Culture? Join us as we go out to 9:00 p.m. - French House - Dancing- floor, I mean 11:00 p.m. - Pi lambda Phl-Ice-<:ream 7:29 p.m. - Student House - Interna- Quincy Market and grab some food! The lesson's over, but the music has 10:00 p.m. - MacGregor House - Black on the roof. This is pretty self-explanato- tional Feast. stuoent House, expanding 8:00 p.m. -Alpha Delta Phi - Profes- just started. Come swing with French lights in a moonbounce? Is it possible? ry, except for the part about coming horizons since sometime in the 60's. sional Improv Comedy by a group so house, on the first floor of New House 6. We're sure going to try. Come bounce inside if it rains. 7:30 p.m. - Chi Phi - Want to learn famous they asked us not to list their We might even throw in some salsa! and glow at M450. How trippy. 11:00 p.m. - Alpha Epsilon Pi - S'mores Salsa and Merengue? Then come over name here. Call 617-576-2792 for a 9:00 p.m. - French House - Le Bal - La 10:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - Skank and more. S'mores. Need we say more? for a dancing lesson on the largest danc- ride. lecon s'est termine, mats la musique the night away on the deck with BIG 0 & 11:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Start ing floor of any living group with profes- 8:00 p.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Enjoy viens de commencer. Viens danser Ie THE KIDS TABLE. They're playing all Ska- heading over to Phi Sig cause "The Jim sional instructors. Guys and girls wel- dessert, music and dancing while we Swing avec LMF, au rez de chaussee de punk from Boston on Asian Man records. Show" is on in 30 minutes ... the great- come! cruise around Boston Harbor. New House 6. On mettra peut-etre meme 10:00 p.m. - Zeta Psi - Dance Party- est street performance in Boston, direct 7:30 p.m. - Sigma Nu - You missed the 8:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - Dessert is du Salsa! Psyched after Car Bash? Chill at the from Fanueil Hall! final seating of dinner, but if you're still being served in the Sigma Nu Dining 9:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - PARTY! dance party. Drinks will be served. 617- 11:00 p.m. - New House - Still hungry hungry our chef may be able to scrounge Room. Come and join us, even if you PARTY!! PARTY!!! OJ Ken turns it up a 661-4111 x401. after a day of eating? Then come to our something up in the kitchen. Just ask. opted to eat dinner somewhere else. We notch with some crazy vinyls from around 10:00 p.m. - Gamma Alpha Gamma- huge MIDNIGHT BREAKFAST (starting Call 617-536-9925 for a ride over to won't hold it against you; everybody the world ..... show off them dance moves Toga Party! Come to our authentic now)! Pancakes, french toast, bacon, Sigma Nu, and we'll save a plate for you. makes mistakes. or just laugh at everyone else ..... all Roman orgy - We'll provide the togas sausages, our housemaster's famous 7:36 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - The last 8:00 p.m. - Burton-Conner House - 00 ladies invited and the vomitorium. smoothies, oh my ... of the uncooked kebabs (the ones which you wanna get lucky? Join us at Las 9:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - LATE 10:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - 11:00 p.m. - Sigma u - Are those have been festering in the hot sun all Vegas Nite cause Nevada doesn't have NilE at Phi Sig kicks in relax down- Roofdeck Party! - Get down and funky to other rush parties getting lame? Come day) are being thrown on the grill right anything on us. stairs, away from the crazy party, and the phattest beats pumped out by our ill on over to Sigma Nu, where we know now. It's chow time! Don't feel hungry? 8:00 p.m. - Sigma Phi Epsilon - Come enjoy pool, foosball, ping-pong, poker, or in-house OJ's. how to throw a good party without relying It'll free up your mouth to talk to Dan. toss back a cold one and listen to the just hang out and meet some cool peo- 10:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - Check out our on alcohol. 7:36 p.m. - pika - shiny/pretty. acoustic rock sounds of the Mike Willis ple. live band! Rnk Fank Funk plays great 11:06 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - We have sequined undergarments are the neces- Band, LIVE at SigEp! Root Beer Floats 9:00 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phi - Be pre- music while you can enjoy good food, the greatest dance music in the world. sary accessory to any outfit. we've got and non-alcoholic mixed drinks are on pared to laugh. Call us for a ride at 617- drinks, and snacks. Call 888-692-8648 Ask Carolina. She wears all black, so tons of sequins. they are very heavy. tap, and mingle with freshmeat from MIT, 576-2792. for a ride. she must know (that's if you can get her 617-492-6983 to ride in the shiny car. Wellesley, BU. Here's your chance to 9:00 p.m. - Bexxxley Hall - Exclusive 10:00 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phi - ROOF off the dance floor). 7:37 p.m. - Russian House - Come join meet and mingle with all the ladies. South Boston blanket party. Rodney DROP! Six stories down, we're dropping 11:17 p.m. - Random Hall - Die Hard: us for the funky foreign films with the 8:00 p.m. - Pi lambda Phi - We're hav- King-Size it! computers, televisions, and even the With A Vengeance. Hardcore Action Night gang of Russian House. We promise ing a Casino Party on the first floor of our 9:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - Our house DJs kitchen sink as a test of structural kicks off with Die Hard 3, starring Bruce there will be refreshments and subtitles! house. Coincidentally, the first floor is are getting warmed up in the ballroom, integrity vs. gravity. Stop by or call us at Willis, Jeremy Irons, and Samuel L. Jack- :-) the only part of our house owned by the some come on over and get groovin'. Or 617-576-2792 for a ride. son running around shooting things and 7:40 p.m. - WILG - You're not too late Massa-Pequot tribe. if partying isn't your thing, grab a house 10:00 p.m. - ext House - Good with generally being badasses. Celebrate with to hear the all male ...that's right, all 8:01 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Today in tour or cool off on our roofdeck. Call 617- your fingers?? Prove it! Playstation on us as Bruce Willis sacrifices a BMW to male a capella group. Call quick (617) Rush History, 1452 - Gutenberg invents 536-9925 for a ride over to Sigma Nu. the big screen! some sort of geyser. 253-6799 to catch their show and stay the printing press; East Campus resi- 9:00 p.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Stay after 10:00 p.m. - ZBT - Deluxe ICE CREAM 11:17 p.m. - Fenway House- for 19 flavors (and counting) of delicious dents first to mass-produce copies of dinner for one of our chefis most extrava- SUNDAES, strawberry shortcake, he Ornphaloskepsis. Rnd out! 437-1043 cheesecake. their own buttocks. gant desserts. Rambe means lfruit on works! Call Rick for rides at 617-232- 11:30 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - You've 7:42 p.m. - Senior House - Are you an 8:02 p.m. - pika - poker, blackiack and fire served on delicious ice creami when 3257. lBT, THE NON-PLEDGING FRATER- gotta check out "THE JIM SHOW" be Asian Punk girl looking for Love? Go to other casino games. david and casey translated to English. NITY throughly entertained by Boston's great- room 228. Nelson has all that you need. teach card counting. manda teaches 9:01 p.m. - Senior House - laamen 10:00 p.m. - Theta Epsilon Chi - All sto- est street performer: jokes, juggling, 7:46 p.m. - pika - American Band deck stacking. pika, 617-492-6983, den Bukkake. Preference given to the Frosh. ries are three hours overdue by now. magic, the works ...... absolutely hilari- Stand. it was a show. nicole is turning it of thieves. Celebrate the excesses of Japanese However, we have plenty of assignments ous ...... the show is on our roof deck! into something else. pika, 617-492· 8:15 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - PARTY! porn. Hopefully in the garden of the Pres- left for our next issue. 11:33 p.m. - Senior House - Senior 6983, come and see. PARTY!! PARTY!!! non-stop dance music ident's House. Afterwards, how about 10:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - This party just Haus second floor-Rob Kyker Dresses up 7:47 p.m. - Random Hall- We've got with OJ Ken spinnin the turntables. free cigarettes? keeps getting hotter. Grab a drink from in Wokmen's Underwear and sings the $240 WORTH OF PUDDING; come and you're GODA check this guy out - he's 9:02 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Noticed Sigma Nu's famed non-alcoholic bar and greatest Hits of the Eagles. touch the sky. That's right. Rush pseudo- damn good! the lights shining out of our courtyard get out on the dance floor. Call 617-536- 11:34 p.m. - French House - A La Mai- chairs Barry and Levon have made tons 8:18 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Ever been from West Campus? They're from our 9925 for a ride over to Sigma Nu. son Francaise nous aimons beaucoup la of this creamy, sensual delight. I bet to the Eiffe! tower? Let's build one to go outdoor rave. Come by for loud sounds 10:01 p.m. - pika - this is not a love grammaire. Nous avons un M. Subjonctif you're wondering where we got $240 with Russell's new duct-tape house. No and dancing. song. this is pole dancing. spin, twirl and et une Mile Futur, mais nous avons from. Don't worry you're pretty little head power tools required, but if you want ... 9:06 p.m. - Theta Xi - Casino Night! sway along with the rest of us. pika, perdu notre M. Imparfait. Si la position about it baby. Call x3-8888 for a ride. We'll come pick Going once, going twice?almost gone I 617-492-6983. vous interesse, visitez LMF, 4e etage, 7:55 p.m. - German House - Join us for you up in our duct-tape car. Come before it?s too late and win big. 10:04 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Beginning New House 6. Les gens parfaits ne German House dinner. During the 8:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Let the SCI- 9:06 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - Dance to adjust to MIT eating times (lunch, din- doivent pas appliquer. semester our living group cooks together ENCE SMORGASBORG Begin! Electric hot the night away at a No.6 party with the ner, and LATE)? Crepes at East Campus 11:36 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6-It's only providing a great alternative to on cam- dogs and glowing pickles! Tep's Very latest dance/club music. Come party! are light and tasty. the first day of rush, so we've got energy pus dining. See what it's like! VERY Large Capacitor Array! Spark! Ka- 9:10 p.m. - pika - bow tied boys serve 10:06 p.m. - Delta PsI/No.6-It was at to spare. Good luck catching us dancing 8 p.m. Bang! Good thing we have a blooter fume snacks on trays with startling efficiency. this very party two years ago that Fahad two days from now ... 8:00 p.m. - MacGregor House - You hood. Call 617-262-5090 to join in this dial 617-492-6983 for chauffeur had an interesting conversation with Rani 11:40 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - Not know what's great about rental places? scientific charade! 9:10 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - PING about her pockets. You might be as tired yet? Neither are we. Give us a call They set stuff up earlier than they 8:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Smell the PONG! Challenge the skilled Brothers to lucky. We got enough music to put Prav- and we'll come pick you up to come chill should. So come take advantage of our ozone as we vaporize chunks of copper a game of Ping Pong on our new table. dato shame. at PKT. We have pool, ping-pong, and Moonbounce. What could be cooler than pipe with Tep's Blooter Capacitor Array 00 you have what it takes? 10:08 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Epsilon video games. bouncing in the dark then haVing a tasty right before your very eyes! The schmor- 9:10 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - We've still Theta Poetry:Part I There once was a girl 11:42 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - The signifi- sno cone? gasborg continues. got plenty of duct tape and legos. Right named Erin/Who thought the music was cance of the number 42 is very deep. 8:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - PARTY! 8:25 p.m. - WILG - Cheesecake in at now we're building an amphibious attack blarin'/But when she reached the Come ponder it at Epsilon Theta. Call x3- PARTY!! PARTY!!! we're bustin out the least 20 different flavas! Chocolate, fruit, helicopter. Whee! Come join us as we remote/She fell out of the boat/And we 8888 for a nde and we'll read you bed- dance floor and crazy sound system for plain, peanut butter, Wilg has them all! reflect on the aerodynamics of duct tape. all thought she was quite darin'. Come time stories, too. this one ... freshmen girls invited! What's yours?! Stop by to sample our Call x3-8888 for a ride to our cO€d house. help us with our poetry ... we clearly need 11:45 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - still 8:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - If you can selection. 9:11 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - Play it. Call x3-8888 for a ride. some time to catch the tail end of uTHE balance a shopping cart on your chin, 8:27 p.m. - pika - Audrey dances POOl! Our brand new competition-size 10:17 p.m. - Senior House - Well, Dave JIM SHOW" - Boston's greatest street don't come. If you aren't mildly amused Vegas-style. You can too. Swingin' hips pool table can be the stting for fierce Morales does. Come and watch some performer! by fire flying through the air, don't come. and sequins, 617-492-6983 competition or friendly play. Either way, porn in the senior haus courtyard, on the 11:58 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - RAVERAV- If you don't want ride on the shoulders of 8:30 p.m. - ZBT - CASINO NIGHT - Las it's a nice table. huge video projector. Did you know that ERAVE a unicyclist, don't come see PETER Vegas style done lBT style. Play your 9:17 p.m. - Random Hall- It's party Chuck Vest is our next-door neighbor? 11:59 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - Don't PANIC perform in our courtyard. favorite casino games for a chance to time, Random-style! Shake your funky This is his favorite event. miss these guys ... Skank the night away 8:00 p.m. - Sigma Chi - We've perfect- win fabulous prizes. Call Rick for rides at groove thing at Random's ROOFDECK 10:17 p.m. - Random Hall- Hey! Why on the deck with BIG 0 & THE KIDS ed our daiquiri mixes and we've invited 617-232-3257. lBT, THE POWER HOUSE PAnTY I Music courtesy of Napster. aren't you at our ROOFDECK PARTY? TABLE. They're playing all Ska-punk from all the women. Come see what the social OF EXCELLENCE 9:17 p.m. - Random HaJl- 80s Dance Can't dance? Neither can we. Don't Boston on Asian Man records. life at our house is like during our annual 8:30 p.m. - Alpha Epsilon Pi - Enjoy Party at Random. Come shake your know the way? Just follow the loud bass 11:59 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Ok, virgin daiquiri party. professional magic and comedic acts, as groove thing on Random's all-access flowing from Mjolnir, the largest and loud- now j'm getting tired. Crash at Phi Sig- 8:00 p.m. - ZBT - Come relax after your well as the comic stylings of AEPi's own roofdeck. Your DJs spin the best dance est subwoofer we've ever built. It can enjoy our plush accomidations of AIR first day of rush, and enjoy a spectacular Danny Fein! hits from the 80s, and maybe some stuff blowout its own birthday candlesl CONDITIONING and DOUBLE BEDS. view of Boston and Brookline from our 8:30 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - the from today. We know, most of you were 10:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Lasers, 11:59 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Delicious roof deck, with non-alcoholic mixed PARTY is really getting going now - get around -4 when the 80s started. Light, Fog, Music, and mind altering sundaes at EC. Toppings galore for a drinks. Call Rick for rides at 617-232- over here and ge down on the dance 9:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - One fish, rhythms. Tep Force 22's Original Laser late night sugar fix. 3257. lBT, THE NO -PLEDGING FRATER- floor. or just chill with the ladies. twenty-two fish, purple fish, Tep fish. Ugh Show combines ones, zeros, highs, 11:59 p.m. - Theta Chi - Don't end your NITY 8:30 p.m. - Theta Epsilon Chi - Ever Okay, maybe not. Come to the Beatnik and lows. We've dug deep into the time first day of rush hungry! Stop by and sam- 8:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - X-Rated wonder who chooses the articles that go Or. Seuss Poetry Reading and learn all and frequency domains to make this ple our MidNite Snak, a daily Theta Chi Hypnotist - Come and enjoy 1.5 hours of in our World and Nation section? Well, about green eggs and Spam. Call the bedroom dance and evanesce. Hammer tradition. Call 888-692-8648 for a ride. et earn or he dry 2:01 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - The wa er team?" M ell, we're dry is warm. The wa er is arm and dry. now so let's rna e them Come e perience the wa er! Call x3- the e team!" The water 8888 and join us in chasing Stephanie figh can inues - come cool around he park. Call x3-8888 for a ride. off and ge and soak 0 her 2:03 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - hy is it people. Call 3-8888 for a called the ark Feldmeier orld Famous ride. Our house is co-ed. Ride of Death? You'd be er find out for 1:33 p.m. - EAsT cam- yourself at EC. PUS - What on earth is 2:06 p.m. - Delta PsI/No.6 - Do you that blue-and-white mon- like throwing skewers and hot dogs off strosity cruising campus? the roof? So do we, (bu not until after House-Come the house ... LET THE LUAU BEGI ! chowlng do n on some home-cooked Our air-conoi ioned, re urbished 1972 rusn). Join us for some fabulous fare. on .. .it's late ... ea more ... 1 know you're 12:45 p.m. - EA T camPUS - East Cam- BBQ goodness. Winnebago. Come chill out. 2:07 p.m. - WILG - So, what's a WILG? hungry ... pancakes (mmmm) .. .french pus Rush 2001: The most ridiculous 1:00 p.m. - Student House - Le the 1:35 p.m. - WllG - Give us a call and Stop by and find au ! We'll be giving toast (ahhh) ... bacon and sausage (oh waste of a $20,000 budget in his ory. Glu ony commence! We're BBQ-ing we'll send a van your way for a ride! house tours all afternoon and evening. god) ... smoothies ( & !) ... Tha 's right, we blew twenty grand on kabobs and s ea right in front of our (617) 253-6799 Stop by and take a tour. 1a.m. his crap! casa. s al ays, every meal is vegan 1:36 p.m. - Delta PsI/No.6 - E er had 2:10 p.m. - Student House - Want 1:00 a.m. - ew Hou e - We're still eat- 12:45 p.m. - S gma Chi - Stop by right sympathetic. a Croatian mea puppy? Ivana has, and dope frosting? Maybe you're metal but ing BREAKFAST at e House ... maybe after Killian Kickoff for some burgers and 1:00 p.m. - Alpha Epsilon PI- Games all she has to say is, "mff ggd" because can't express it. In ei her case, e'll jus stay up all night ... Come get hot dogs. House tours and a slide show Extravaganza- Drop by the house for her mouth is stuffed (and she doesn't STUDHOUSE's hair dying assault will some pancakes, french oast, bacon, will be shown every half hour. casino games, video games, foosball, speak good england). take care of you, black, brunette or sausages, and smoothies before we fin- 12:46 p.m. - Phi appa Theta - BBQ pool, and food. 1:42 p.rn. - Epsilon Theta - So you can blond. ish them off! After all, this is the only RIBS. Uncle Pete's Hickory Ribs delivers 1:01 p.m. - pika - Sushi, pika style. act like a moose or an armadillo, but can 2:15 p.m. - French House - Come free food we'll be getting all year ... the best BBQ Ribs in Boston. Just look vegan, vegetarian, fishy, spamy. 617- you hold clothes? No? Maybe you should check out lMF! We are a coed living 7a.m. for the PKT sign at Killian, and we'll take 492-6983 for a ride. be an orangutan. Call 3-8888 to come group of 27 people who cook heir own 7:00 a.m. - Be ley Hall - It's 7am. you right to the food. 1:01 p.m. - Senior House - Eager to impersona e furniture a Epsilon Theta. meals on teams of four, and try to speak Good a time as any to go drown yourself 12:48 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Come to Rebel? Ready to make that Fuck You We're a co-ed fraternity. french at the dinner table. 5th Floor, New in the Charles. EC to play with our 5' balls. statement to the world? Ready to piss 1:45 p.m. - Phi Kappa Theta - BBQ House 6. Tours all day. 7:05 a.m. - Be Ie Hall- Scholar- 12:51 p.m. - Fenway House - um ... wait off your paren s? Why wait? Come to Ribs!! If you missed us at Killian, just 2:15 p.m. - WllG It's not too late to ship. Excellence. Honor. Leadership. Dili- a minute ... was killian kickoff today?' - senior haus right after Killian Kickoff and give us a call and we will come piCK you stop by WILG. You can still try your luck gence. Fascist indoctrination. These are call 437-1043 and remind us to show dye your hair some crazy God-forsaken up. There is still plenty of food left. at our chocolate casino or run through the ideals our distinguished Fraternal up. color. 1:45 p.m. - Student House - We're still our bounce house. Brotherhood strives to uphold. Which 12:53 p.m. - pika - Now my story begins 1:02 p.m. - WllG - After a hot after- rocking steak and kabobs. But we need 2:15 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Twist, tie, explains the drunk chicks from Simmons. in 19-dickety-two. We had to say 'dickety' noon on Killian, come to WILG to cool off you to eat them. twist, tie, squirt squirt squirt! Learn how We have cell phones, thus are important. cause the Kaiser had stolen our word with a snow cone. 1:46 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Come by to make tie-dyed shirts, or possibly just We are Gladiators. 'twenty'. I chased that rascal to get it 1:03 p.m. - Fenway House -1:03 pm EC to stomp grapes, press out the juice how to tie-dye Deepali. Ooh-Iala. Red, yel- 10 a.m. back, but gave up after dickety-slx miles. Random Spontaneity Begins! 437-1043 and stir vats of the stuff. Take home a low, green, red, blue blue blue! Call x3- 10:00 a.m. - ext House - We'll do as pika. 617-492-6983 for a ride. bottle of our vin age at the end of rush. 8888 for a ride. We are a co-ed house. much as it takes to make your Nextual 12:55 p.m. - Student House - Welp, 1:04 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Forget 1:47 p.m. - Random Hall- Has Kickoff 2:17 p.m. - Random Hall - Crazy? I'm experience phenomenal. Come by and you've just been Mkicked off" whatever those other low-cost barbecue. Our mas- made you hungry? We're starving. Come not crazy. They say I'm crazy. Rubber ask for a tour of Next House! that means. Start the insanity with the sive food budget and gourmet chef will visit us and have some lunch. We have room, they put me in. Rats, running 10:30 a.m. - ew House - What can be chicks and suds in black. Come to STU- be bringing you delicious vittles all rush all sorts of food! across the room. White walls. White better than waking up to a huge home- DENT HOUSE for your post kickoff chill long. Come by now for a REAL barbecue 2 p.m. floor. Rubber all around. Crazy? I'm not cooked breakfast? Well you're not at 12:55 p.m. - Senior House - Smaoking - texas style. 2:00 p.m. - Theta Xi - With the sno- crazy. home anymore, but if you come to Ne may cause empheseyma, lung cancer, 1:05 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - East Cam- cone machine on full blast, who cares 2:22 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - We invest- House, you'll feel like you are! We're unwanted pregnancies, and syphilis. But pus scientists have perfected pneumatic about the hot and humid boston after- ed in a cotton candy machine so we can slaving over a hot stove to make you it makes you look sooooo cool. ... Free air cannon technology to bring you the noons? have fluffy deliciousness all rush long. pancakes, french toast, sausages, Cigarettes at Senior Haus. For the entire Tennis Ball Cannon Shooting Range. 2:00 p.m. - Alpha Epsilon Pi - Games 2:22 p.m. - Tep Force 22 - Steak and bacon, and our amazing smoothies! Rush. Come take target practice or suit up and Extravaganza - Drop by the house for Lobster?!? But I just met 'erl Phase two: 12 p.m, 12:58 p.m. - WllG - Bounce into WILG be a target. casino games, video games, foosball, go to TEP and begin training! Wumph Bag 12:00 p.m. - Bexxxley Hall - Midget, for the afternoon and jump around in our 1:06 p.m. - WllG - Come eat shish- pool, and food. and Oobleck will get you prepared. Call the Chicken of the Sea. Yes we have moonwalk. kabobs to feed a small army and hang 2:00 p.m. - Student House - Always 617-262-5090 for a lift. Heinz 57. 12:59 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Keep your out on WILG's patio. wanted to be a punk rockah? Now's yer 2:24 p.m. - pika - The metric system is 12:00 p.m. - Alpha Epsilon Pi - Games eyes peeled for the start of the EC 1:06 p.m. - Delta Psi/No.6 - Enjoy chance monkeyboy. We'll dye every foli- the tool of the Devil! My car gets 40 rods Extravaganza - Drop by the house for minigolf course, near Kresge. Playa savory swordfish, steak, chicken, and cle your choice of green or orange or to the hogs head, and that's the way I casino games, video games, foosball, round of 6 holes to win prizes. veggie kebabs, hamburgers, hot dogs, maybe fushsia. Yeah, Fuchsia. That's likes it. pool, and food. 1p.m. and meat puppies fresh off the grill. the ticket. 2:30 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Still get- 12:00 p.m. - Chi Phi - Come to Chi Phi 1:00 p.m. - Next Hous -,.. ext on the 1:10 p.m. - WILG - Chocolate Casino! 2:00 p.m. - Theta Chi - Think you're ting leid ... the Phi Sig BIG BAD LUAU for an afternoon of Bouncing Boxing, Beach: Beach Party! Music, smoothies, Come test your gaming skills and take a good at darts? You're probably better continues, still complete with Hawaiian GyroMan, and BBQ. This should warm food, volleyball, and slip'n slide! We've shot at winning a 5 lb. bar of chocolate than anyone at Theta Chi, but maybe one food, hula dancing, and virgin pina you up for the snowball fight at 5. got kebabs, watermelon, burgers, dogs, 1:15 p.m. - WILG - Hot? Cool off vicari- of us will get lucky and beat you. coladas. 12:00 p.m. - Delta Kappa Epsilon - Put chips, and smoothies! ously through others! Come by WILG and 2:00 p.m. - Student House - Eat our 2:30 p.m. - Zeta Psi - Pool Tourna- on your bathing suit and some sun- 1:00 p.m. - ew House - Come sit (in pitch a ball or two to dunk someone in house and tour our food. ment! Singles or Doubles! Good at pool? screen and we'll send you to Hampton an air-conditioned building), relax (yes, our dunk tank. 2:00 p.m. - ZBT - CASTLE of FUN and Got a friend from FLP who's good at beach with the DKE women! we have food, too) and chill with the 1:23 p.m. - pika - I saw this in a movie ULTIMATE on the grounds of lBT. Play all pool? Come test your skill against leta 12:11 p.m. - senior Hou e - Check out friendliest people on campus. Take a about a bus that had to speed around a afternoon long on the moon bounce . Call Psis best! Call for ride: 617-661-4111 the Senior Haus Annex on Kresge Oval. tour and get to know us. Believe me, you city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if Rick for rides at 617-232-3257. lBT, x401. We'll be there to do two things: Kick ass won't be sorry you came ... itis speed dropped, it would explode! I THE NON-PLEDGING FRATERNITY. 2:32 p.m. - Senior House - So here is and chew bubble gum. And we just ran 1:00 p.m. - Sigma .u - We're firing up think it was called IThe bus that couldnit 2:00 p.m. - MacGregor House - Ever the deal, we're giving away senior haus out of bubble gum. the rooftop BBQ and the house tours are slow down." 617-492-6983 wanted a flamming eagle tattoo that cov- bucks. Collect them, and then at the end 12:30 p.m. - ext House - Stop by Next getting s arted. The BBQ will be burning 1:27 p.m. - Fenway House - Had ered your entire chest? Down here at of rush, you can buy your favorite senior House: Anytime, All the Time! until dinner starts at 6, and the tours are enough of kicking Killians? Head over to MacG we've got tons of awesome tempo- haus rush worker!!! 12:45 p.m. - pika - "vegans are more going on all day. Call 617-536-9925 for Fenway for our spectacular kick-free rary tattoos. Come play with dozens of 2:36 p.m. - WllG - UMy what beautiful fun" luau afternoon pale people in biki- a ride to Sigma u. lunch. Call 437-1043 for a ride. beachballs and join in our super frisbee hardwood floors!" Our floors are just one nis ... slushy treats sushi and (wi wlo 1:00 p.m. - Burton-Conner House- 1:27 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Deepali, games in the courtyard. Now if only we of the many appealing aspects of WILG. spam) surf music house BBQ and Tours of Burton Available all just because we let you make candles had a beach . Call us for a ride (617) 253-6799 or stop tours attempts at hula Day. doesn't mean you can burn the house 2:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - Playsta- by for a tour. 12:45 p.m. - Theta Eps Ion Chi - Ditch- 1:00 p.m. - New House - What? Rush down. Make your own candle ... call x3- tion Mania - Test out your ski liz against 2:36 p.m. - Delta PsI/No.6 - Our resi- ing Killian? Come to The Tech (4th floor has just begun and you're already hun- 8888 for a ride. the Phi Beta Gamers in the hottest new dent Greek demi-god Stefanos has been of the student center, room 483), and gry? Come to our TACO BUFFET!! We 1:30 p.m. - Beta - back lot cookout. An PSX, PSX2, Dreamcast and PC Games. submitting offerings of burnt swordfish grab a story for tomorrow's issue. See have tons of meat and fixin's, not to urban feast, cooked up by Jim D. Cook 2:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - Experi- and steak to Helios. Come supplicate your name in print. mention the friendliest people on cam- himself. Enjoy a view of the river, street- enced the melt-in-your mouth goodness yourselves with him. 12:45 p.m. - Delta Kappa Epsilon - pus. Contrary to popular belief, vegetari- ball, burgers the size of your head, and of a Krispy Kreme Donut? Wash them 2:37 p.m. - Russian House - We are Good food and a good time in our back- ans are welcome. find out what Beta's all about. down with piles of fresh fruit and juice. taking on the evil French, who just lot. 1:00 p.m. - Phi Delta Theta - Rnd the 1:30 p.m. - Theta Chi - Think you're a Fresh fruit. Juice. Donuts that are both recently won the World Cup. Well, unfor- 12:45 p.m. - Burton-Conner House- blue and white Phi Deft banner at Killian pool shark? Greg Mahowald will kick your crispy and creamy at the same time. tunately, lidane does not go to MIT, so After taking your class photo, come back Kickoff. Meet all the brothers and tour arse, guaran eed. But you're welcome to Amazing. If you've had them you know. we have a chance. to Burton to find out why we Jive the our beautiful home while feasting on try your luck anyway. And we've got milk. 2:42 p.m. - WllG - Stop by WILG's mini MSuite" Life. every type of kabob you can imagine. 1:30 p.m. - Pi lambda Phl- So we go 2:00 p.m. - Zeta Psi - Fajitas, Buffalo carnivall Play in our bounce house, take 12:45 p.m. - ew House - We are one 1:00 p.m. - MacGregor House - So a dunk tank, some girls, some white Wings, Burgers. Tour the most modern a shot at our dunk tank, or just enjoy of the most unique dorms on campus you've been sitting in Killian half the day shirts, and no idea what to do with them. house on campus & get a bite to eat. some snow cones and cotton candy. because we offer great rooms in 4 hous- already, you've got to be freakin hungry. Call 617-267-4935 for a ride over. 661-4111 x401. 2:45 p.m. - EAsT camPUS - Ever want- es, each with a different personality. Come by MacG for some good old BBQ. 1:30 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phi - Bored 2:00 p.m. - Alpha Delta Phi - Unleash ed to fuse two hunks of metal together? Even better, we have 5 cultural houses, We'll only add the extra sauce if you ask with speeches already? Stop by 351 your inner Gladiator at Alpha Delta Phi. Want to weld a muffler onto the Great so YOU'll never get sick of seeing the - we promise. Mass. Ave. to chill with brothers, alumni Call 617-576-2792 for a ride. Sail? Welding lessons at EC! same people all the time. Come find out 1:00 p.m. - Sigma Phi Epsilon - After and friends! And did we mention Gladia- 2:00 p.m. - New House - Mmm, we 2:47 p.m. - Fenway House - Want to which house is for youl Killian Kickoff, join us for a front-porch tor Jousting? Call 576-2792 for a ride. love TACOS ... don't come ... we want them test your musical skills? Or do you sim- 12:45 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - No, Car- BBQ ... after you've had your fill, come 1:30 p.m. - Theta Xi - Want something all for ourselves we are starving upper- ply want to frighten passing music stu- Olyn, that's not a hat. It's a bread bowl. inside for tours of our two brownstones. to wear that will set you apart? Come classmen ... um i mean ... of course, dents? If you said yes to any of the See, you can put your food in it. NO! Try your hand at the indoor climbing wall, over and make your own t-shirt! come sit in an air-<:onditioned building above questions, or not, come on over. Don' put it on Dan's head! Call x3-8888 playa round of pool or table tennis in the 1:30 p.m. - French House - Soccer- and make your own taco while chillin' It's Karaoke time. Call 437-1043 for a to use bread bowls, soup, salad, and pub, check out the roofdeck. Call for a It's World Cup time! The French will take with us at New House ride and we'll try to have you avoid sanwiches as fashion accessories or ride 617-536-1300. on the Germans and the Russians this 2:00 p.m. - New House - You're now a Andy's singing. lunch. 1:00 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - You can afternoon on Briggs field. Join the French freshman in college. You have to act all 2:47 p.m. - Epsilon Theta -Is it an ele- 12:45 p.m. - The a Xi - Come over for a toss them like a frisbee! Wear them like team at New House 6, 5th floor or on the grown up! But we have something no phant? Is it a fish? Is it a Lokie? The jig- savory adventure with an authentic a hat! Use them 0 make little bread field. other dorm can offer: a fountain of youth! saw continues ... call x3-8888 for a ride to southern bbq. You?ve never tasted one houses. Or play baseball with them. 1:30 p.m. - French House - Le Come remember the good old days when our co-ed house. quite like it! Comes with a sno-<:one Some people even put soup in them. Foot(ball) - C'estla Coupe du Monde all you did was have fun! Hoola hoops, 2:47 p.m. - Random Hall - Reclaim machine And eat them. Gosh. Call x~88 for a (encore)! Les francais, les allemands, et big bouncing balls, croquet, we've got it your base at Random's Video Game 12:45 p.m. - French House - MChoose ride to lunch at our co-ed house. les russes se battent cet apres-midi au all. Timeline! Atari, intendo, and anything your own rush adventure" a LMF: vous 1:00 p.m. - Beta - Charles Riverboat Briggs Reid. 2:00 p.m. - Sigma Nu - You've heard else we find in the basement, N64, avez passe toute la journee dans Kil- Ride. Surfing the choppy wa ers of the 1:30 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Get leid all the hype. Now find out for yourself Dreamcast, maybe even a PS2. Multi- lian ... vous voulez du pizza. S'll FAISAIT Charles while checking au he Boston at Phi Sig's BIG BAD LUAU. See how we why Sigma Nu is first on many people's player action! Try to beat Roger in Perfect CHAUD - allez consumer des popsicles et skyline. Kick back, have a drink, and do it Hawaiian-style, featuring tasty lists. Call 617-536-9925 for a ride to our Dark and Chad in Super Smash Bros. des boissons froides a LMF. S'IL FAISAIT enjoy your ride back to Beta from Killian Hawaiian food, hula dancing lessons, vir- house. Bring a friend. Don't forget your thumbs. FROID - allez consumer du chocolat Kickoff gin pina coladas, and yes, even girls in 2:00 p.m. -La Casa (Spanish House) - 2:49 p.m. - pika - master chefs make chaud et des galletes a LMF. 1:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chi - othing grass skirtsl Rush has just started and you're hungry monster slushes for the people. pika. 12:45 p.m. - French House - Choose goes be er with fresh KRISPY KREME 1:30 p.m. - ZBT - EIGHT FOOT SUBS. already? Stop by Spanish House and tasty. pretty. cold. 617-492-6983, snow- your own French House rush adventure- donuts than live rock and resh air. Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, four kinds of come have Jeannette and Cesar's cone express. You've been in Killian court all day. You ARMY OF LINUS is jamming on our deck cheese, and all the fixins you desire. famous restaurant style enchiladas (2nd 2:55 p.m. - German House - Come by want pizza. IF WAS HOT, go 0 FRE CH IT to aid your gastronomical juices. Vegetarian meals available. Call Rick for prize winners of New House cooking con- German Housel Rnd out what language HOUSE for some popsicles and cool 1:00 p.m. - Theta Delta Chl- Experi- rides at 617-232-3257. lBT, THE NON- test). Have some food and talk to some house life at MIT is like! drinks. IF WAS COLD, go to FRENCH IT enced the me -in-your mouth goodness PLEDGI G FRATERNITY future housemates. 3 p.m. HOUSE for hot cocoa and cookies. of a Krispy Kreme Donut? Ever tried 0 1:30 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - Wax 2:00 p.m. - Delta Kappa Epsllon- 3:00 p.m. - MacGregor House - The 12:45 p.m. - Theta Chl- Hungry? get one in ew England? We've got 'em on ... wax off. Wax on ... wax off. Wax on Come suit up and throw around your beachballs are everywhere. Come play Bored? Want to see our house? S op by freshly delivered from distant lands. And the table ... wax on the f1oor ... wax on the weight with the big boys. beachball games, toss a fisbee, chill in or give us a call at 888-692-8648. we've got milk. ceiling ... Come make a candle! You'll 2:00 p.m. - Next House - Stop by the the MacG courtyard, eat some food. It's 12:45 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Look 1:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Epsilon - have a wick-ed good time! Call x3-8888 Beach Partyllt's wet, it's wild, and a good day to hang my friends. for Phi Sig's big CITGO sign at Killian Roofdeck BBQ - Relax and enjoy the for a ride. there's plenty to go around! 3:00 p.m. - Phi Sigma Kappa - Learn Kickoff for a free luxury bus ride back to amazing view from our roofdec while 1:30 p.m. - Epsilon Theta - MAre we the