Publication of the Archaeological Society of British Columbia ISSN 004 7-7222 Vol. 35, No. 2- 2003 SIWASH BRIDGE - FaRv 3 PERMITS 2003 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MMIDDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published four times a year by the Dedicated to the protection of archaeological resources Archaeological Society of British Columbia and the spread of archaeological knowledge. Editorial Committee President Editor: Jack Aetcher(604.57 4-1392) Patricia Ormerod (604.733.0571)
[email protected] [email protected] Permit Lists: Richard Brolly (604.689.1678) Membership
[email protected] SarahLadd (604)737-7935 News Editor: Sandy Alexander
[email protected] [email protected] Field Editor: Rudy Reimer (604) 254-2660
[email protected] Annual membership includes a year's subscription to Publications Editor: Bill Angelbeck (604.875.9094) The Midden and the ASBC newsletter SocNotes .
[email protected] Membership Fees Subscriptions SarahLadd (604)737-7935 Individual: $25 Family: $30 Seniors/Students: $18
[email protected] Send cheque or money order payable to theASBC to: ASBC Memberships SUBSCRIPTION is included withASBC membership. P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station Non-members: $14.50 per year ($17.00 USA and overseas), Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 payable in Canadian funds to the ASBC. Remit to: Midden Subscriptions, ASBC ASBC on Internet P.O. Box 520, BentaU Station Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 Branches SUBMISSIONS: We welcome contributions on subjects germane to BC archaeology. Guidelines are available on request. Submissions Nanaimo Contact: Mary Perdios-Vassilopoulos should be directed to the appropriate editor at the ASBC address.
[email protected]. Lectures on the second Friday of every month, 7:00 to 9:00P.M.