NorCal Open Access Publications Journal of Aquatic Research and NORCAL Marine Sciences OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION Volume 1; Issue 1 Manickam N et al.

Research Article Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Com- munity Structure of Zooplankton in a Two Perennial Lakes of , , Southern

Narasimman Manickam1,2*, Periyakali Saravana Bhavan2 and Perumal Santhanam1

1Marine Planktonology & Aquaculture Laboratory, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024, Tamil Nadu, India 2Crustacean Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, , Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding author: Narasimman Manickam, Marine Planktonology & Aquaculture Laboratory, De- partment of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024, Tamil Nadu, India, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Received Date: 9 October, 2017; Accepted Date: 23 October, 2017; Published Date: 12 April, 2018

Abstract lake management measures should be adopted by public and governmental organizations to sustain these ecosystems for fu- The present investigation was carried out in selected lakes of Co- ture generations. imbatore: Sulur and , Tamil Nadu, Southern India. The seasonal variations of zooplankton species composition and di- Keywords versity were studied for a period of two years from March-2012 - February-2014, on monthly interval basis of four seasons like Biodiversity; Crustacean Zooplankton; Rotifera; Sulur Lake; summer, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon. Totally 34 species of zooplankton, which include 11 species of Rotifera, 10 species of Cladocera, 7 species of Copepoda and 6 species Introduction of Ostracoda were recorded and identified from Sulur lake and 28 species of zooplankton comprising 10 species of Rotifera, 8 Freshwater zooplankton plays a main role in ponds, lakes and Cladocera, 6 Copepoda and 4 Ostracoda were recorded in Ukka- reservoirs ecosystem with food chain of the aquatic ecosystem dam lake. The Rotifera was found to be predominant with 34% [1,2]. Zooplankton communities play an important role in the followed by crustacean zooplankton of Cladocera (31%),- Co function of aquatic ecosystems by providing linkages in food pepoda (25%) and Ostracoda (10%) at Sulur lake while in Ukka- dam lake for Rotifera were found to be predominant with 35% webs through consuming primary and small secondary produc- followed by Cladocera (30%), Copepoda (27%) and Ostracoda tion and providing food to higher trophic consumers [3-6]. The (8%). The population density of zooplankton recorded at Su- zooplankton species were eating millions of little algae, bacteria lur lake was ranged between 51,895 and 1,07,505 ind./L and in and minute invertebrates which may otherwise grow out-of- Ukkadam lake it was 89,385 and 1,89,435 ind./L. Zooplankton control state. As filter feeders, a community of zooplankton can population was found to be higher in summer months (March filter through the volume of an entire lake in a matter of days. to May-2013) while lower in monsoon months (September to Especially zooplankton is more important live feed source of November-2012) and intermediate numbers were recorded dur- many omnivorous and carnivorous of fin-fish and shell-fish and ing post-monsoon season in the Sulur and Ukkadam lakes. The support the necessary amount of high nutrients of protein for present result revealed that the zooplankton productivity was high. Therefore, it could be continuously utilized for the inland the larval growth. Zooplankton is sensitive to changes in aquatic aquaculture purposes if properly water quality management environment and has been suggested to be good biological in- measures are adopted in the lakes ecosystem. Hence at regular dicators for water quality, lake trophic state, and types of water intervals monitoring of water quality, proper maintenance and mass [7-9].

NorCal Open Access Publications .01. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12. DOI:

The zooplankton has belonging to four major groups of includ- [16,20,21] like European countries, USA, Canada etc. Through ing Rotifera and crustacean zooplankton of Cladocera, Copep- these researches, vast nutrients into lakes, especially phosphorus oda and Ostracoda. They are highly sensitive to environmental and nitrogen, have been proved to be the major cause of lake variation of water quality, as a result change in their abundance, eutrophication and degradation of aquatic ecosystem [22]. The species composition, species diversity and community structure observation of present study is to investigate seasonal variation can provide important indication of environmental change or in species composition, percentage composition, population disturbance. Moreover, due to their short life cycle, these com- density, species diversity, species richness and evenness of zoo- munities often respond quickly to environmental change. Zoo- plankton from the two perennial lakes. plankton offer several advantages as indicators of environmental quality in both lakes and rivers: as a group, they have worldwide Materials and Methods distribution and the species composition and community struc- ture are sensitive for changes in environmental conditions, nu- Study area trient enrichment [10,11] and different levels of pollution [12]. In many lakes all over the world, the eutrophication has caused The two freshwater perennial lakes namely Sulur (Station-1; a drastic change in the biological structure, the disappearance of Lat: 11º1 N; Long: 77º7 E) and Ukkadam (Station-2; Lat: 10º59 submerged macrophyte and the regime shift of aquatic ecosys- N; Long: 76º57 E) in , Southern India were tem [13,14]. Eutrophication is a kind of nutrient enrichment pro- selected for present investigation. Two sampling sites were fixed cess of water body, which often results in an excessive growth of in each lake as shown in figure 1 and samplings were done from phytoplankton, an extremely low transparency and a significant March-2012 - February-2014. These lakes were brought under decrease in species diversity [15,16]. During the past centuries, Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, India, and main- lake eutrophication, as a worldwide environmental problem, has ly used for culturing common carps such as Catla catla, Labeo been a serious threat to aquatic organism survival and drinking rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala. Some aquatic plants like algae and water safety of surrounding residents [17], and a major cause of other water grasses are commonly seen in the lakes. A number concern in the developing countries [18,19] like China, India, of migratory birds are encountered in the lakes during winter Bangladesh, Pakistan etc., as well as the developed countries season.

Ukkadam Lake Sulur Lake Figure 1: Satellite view of study area.

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12. . 02 . Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of plankton Weaner’s formula [29]; H1 =pi ∑ log2 pi, I = 1s, Where, H1  species diversity in bits of information per individual, pi - ni / N The plankton samples were collected during early morning be- (proportion of the sample belonging to the species), ni  Num- tween 5.00 and 6.00 AM, at first week of the month. The zoo- ber of individual in all the sample; Species Richness (SR) was plankton samples were collected using Towing-Henson’s stand- calculated as described by Gleason [30]; D = 1 - C, Where, C = ard plankton net (150 µm mesh) by towing horizontally at surface ∑ pi2, pi - ni/N, ni – N/S, N  Total number of individuals, S for about 10 minutes with uniformly 10 km speed of boat. For  Number of species in the collection; Evenness index (J1) was the quantitative analysis100 liters of water were filtered through calculated by using the formula of Pielous (1966); J1 = H1/log2 a plankton net made up of bolting silk (No: 10, mesh size: 150 s, Where, H1 = species diversity in bits of information per indi- µm) using a 10-liter capacity plastic container. After filtering vidual, S = Number of species. Shannon and Weaner’s species out the water, the plankton biomass was transferred to specimen diversity index (H1), Species Richness (SR), and Evenness index bottles containing 5% of neutralized formalin and subjected to (J) were analysed using the PAST (Palaeontological Statistics), microscopic analysis. Zooplankton is segregated group wise un- software (ver. 2.02). der a binocular stereo zoom dissection microscope using a fine needle and brush. Individual species of plankton was mounted on microscopic slides on a drop of 20% glycerin after staining Results with eosin and rose bengal. Species composition (Qualitative analysis) The identification of zooplankton was made referring the stand- Totally 34 species of zooplankton were recorded in the Sulur ard manuals, text books and monographs [23-27] using a com- lake (Tables 1 and 2) and (Figures 2 and 3). Off these, 11 spe- pound microscope and photomicrographs were taken using, In- cies were contributed by Rotifera (3 families and 4 genera), 10 verted Biological Microscope (Model Number INVERSO 3000 Cladocera (4 families and 6 genera), 7 Copepoda (2 families (TC-100) CETI) attached a camera (Model IS 300). The 1 ml and 5 genera) and 6 Ostracoda (1 family and 6 genera). A total of sample was taken with a wide mouthed pipette and poured of 28 species of zooplankton were recorded from the Ukkadam into the counting cell of the Sedg-wick counting Rafter follow- lake, which comprising 10 species of Rotifera (2 families and 3 ing Santhanam et al., [28] and counted under light microscope. genera), 8 Cladocera (4 families and 6 genera), 6 Copepoda (2 Species diversity index (H) was calculated using Shannon and families and 5 genera) and 4 Ostracoda (1 family and 4 genera).

Zooplankton Family Genus Species Brachionus angularis Gosse, 1851 Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, 1776 Brachionus caudatus personatus Ahlstrom, 1940

Brachionus diversicornis Daday, 1883 Brachionus Pallas, 1776 Brachionidae (Ehren- Brachionus falcatus Zacharias, 1898 berg, 1838) Brachionus quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 Rotifera Brachionus rubens Ehrenberg, 1838

Keratella Bory de St. Vincent, 1822 Keratella tropica Apstein, 1907

Asplanchnidae (Har- Asplanchna brightwelli Gosse, 1850 Asplanchna Gosse, 1850 ring & Myers, 1933) Asplanchna intermedia Hudson, 1886 Filinidae (Bartos, Filinia Bory & Vincent, 1824 Filinia longiseta Ehrenberg, 1834 1959)

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12 .03. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Diaphanosoma sarsi Richard, 1894 Sididae (Baird, 1850) Diaphanosoma Fischer, 1850 Diaphanosoma excisum Sars, 1885 Daphnia carinata King, 1853 Daphnia Muller, 1785 Daphnidae (Straus, Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 1850) Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars, 1885 Ceriodaphnia Dana, 1853 Cladocera Ceriodaphnia reticulata Jurine, 1820 Moina brachiata Jurine, 1820 Moinidae (Goulden, Moina Baird, 1850 Moina micrura Kurz, 1875 1968) Moinodaphnia Herrick, 1887 Moinodaphnia macleayi King, 1853 Macrothricidae (Nor- Macrothrix Baird, 1843 Macrothrix goeldii Richard, 1897 man & Brady, 1867) Diaptomidae (Baird, Heliodiaptomus Kiefer, 1932 Heliodiaptomus viduus Gurney, 1916 1850) Sinodiaptomus Kiefer, 1937 Sinodiaptomus indicus Kiefer, 1934 Eucyclops Claus, 1893 Eucyclops speratus Lilljeborg, 1901 Copepoda Mesocyclops hyalinus Rehberg, 1880 Cyclopoidae (Dana, Mesocyclops Claus, 1893 Mesocyclops leuckarti Claus, 1857 1853) Thermocyclops hyalinus Rehberg, 1880 Thermocyclops Kiefer, 1927 Thermocyclops decipiens Kiefer, 1929 Cypris Muller, 1776 Cypris protubera Victor & Fernando, 1978 Eucypris Vavra, 1891 Eucypris bispinosa Victor & Michael, 1975

Cyprididae (Baird, Strandesia Stuhlmann, 1888 Strandesia elongate Hartmann, 1964 Ostracoda 1845) Cyprinotus Brady, 1886 Cyprinotus nudus Brady, 1885 Heterocypris Claus, 1892 Heterocypris dentatomarginatus Baird, 1859 Cypretta Vavra, 1895 Cypretta fontinalis Hartmann, 1964 Table 1: Check list of zooplankton recorded in Sulur and Ukkadam lakes during March-2012 - February-2014

Zooplankton Species Sulur Lake Ukkadam Lake Brachionus angularis + + Brachionus calyciflorus + + Brachionus caudatus personatus + + Brachionus diversicornis + + Brachionus falcatus + + Rotifera Brachionus quadridentatus + + Brachionus rubens + + Keratella tropica + + Asplanchna brightwelli + + Asplanchna intermedia + + Filinia longiseta + -

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12. .04. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Diaphanosoma sarsi + + Diaphanosoma excisum + - Daphnia carinata + + Daphnia magna + - Ceriodaphnia cornuta + + Cladocera Ceriodaphnia reticulata + + Moina brachiata + + Moina micrura + + Moinodaphnia macleayi + + Macrothrix goeldii + + Heliodiaptomus viduus + + Sinodiaptomus indicus + + Eucyclops speratus + + Copepoda Mesocyclops hyalinus + + Mesocyclops leuckarti + + Thermocyclops hyalinus + + Thermocyclops decipiens + - Cypris protubera + + Eucypris bispinosa + + Strandesia elongate + - Ostracoda Cyprinotus nudus + + Heterocypris dentatomarginatus + + Cypretta fontinalis + -

Table 2: List of zooplankton species presented in Sulur and Ukkadam lake during March-2012 - Febru- ary-2014.

Figure 2: Rotifera recorded from Sulur and Ukkadam lakes. Brachionus angularis (a), Brachionus calyciflorus (b), Brachionus caudatus personatus (c), Brachionus diversicornis (d), Brachionus falcatus (e), Brachionus quadridentatus (f), Brachionus rubens (g), Keratella tropica (h), Asplanchna brightwelli (i), Asplanchna in- termedia (j), Filinia longiseta (k)

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12 .05. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Figure 3: Cladocera recorded from Sulur and Ukkadam lakes. Diaphanosoma sarsi (a), Diaphanosoma excisum (b), Daphnia carinata (c), Daphnia magna (d), Ceriodaphnia cornuta (e), Ceri- odaphnia reticulate (f), Moina brachiata (g), Moina micrura (h), Moinodaphnia macleayi (i), Macrothrix goeldii (j)

Percentage composition 34% followed by Cladocera (31%), Copepoda (25%) and Ostra- In the present observation, among the zooplankton recorded ro- coda (10%) at Sulur Lake (Figure 4). At Ukkadam Lake, rotifera tifera holds the top rank in percentage composition at Sulur and were found to be predominant with 35% followed by Cladocera Ukkadam lake. The rotifera were found to be predominant with (30%), Copepoda (27%) and Ostracoda 8 % (Figure 5).

Figure 4: Copepoda recorded from Sulur and Ukkadam lakes.

Heliodiaptomus viduus (a), Sinodiaptomus indicus (b), Eucyclops speratus (c), Mesocyclops hyalinus (d), Mesocyclops leuckarti (e), Thermocyclops hyalinus (f), Thermocyclops decipiens (g)

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12. .06. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Figure 5: Ostracoda recorded from Sulur and Ukkadam lakes. Cypris protubera (a), Eucypris bispinosa (b), Strandesia elongate (c), Cyprinotus nudus (d), Heterocypris dentatomarginatus (e), Cypretta fontinalis (f)

Population density (Quantitative analysis) Species richness The population density of zooplankton recorded at Sulur and The overall species richness of zooplankton was ranged between Ukkadam Lake was ranged between 51,895 and 1,89,435 ind./L 0.91 and 0.96 in Sulur and Ukkadam lake waters (Figure 6c). At (Figure 6a). At Sulur Lake zooplankton of population was re- the Sulur lake, species richness was 0.95 - 0.96. The minimum corded in the range between 51,895 and 1,07,505 ind./L. The richness was reported in monsoon season (September to Novem- minimum population was recorded during the monsoon season ber-2012) and maximum in post-monsoon (December-2012 to (September to November-2012), while the maximum during February-2013). The species richness was noticed in the range summer season (March to May-2013). In the Ukkadam lake, population density was reported in the range between 89,385 between 0.93 and 0.96 in an Ukkadam lake. The minimum and 1,89,435 ind./L. The minimum population was recorded richness was recorded during the pre-monsoon season (June to during the monsoon season (September to November-2012), August-2013), while the maximum in post-monsoon- (Decem while the maximum noticed during the summer season (March ber-2013 to February-2014). to May-2013). Species evenness Species diversity The overall species evenness of zooplankton was 0.94 - 0.98 Overall species diversity of zooplankton in Sulur and Ukkadam in Sulur and Ukkadam lake waters (Figure 6d). The species lake waters was recorded in the range between 4.56 and 4.99 evenness was 0.94 - 0.98 with minimum recorded during the (Figure 6b). In Sulur lake of species diversity was reported in monsoon season (September to November-2012 and maxi- the range between 4.80 and 4.99. The minimum diversity was mum during post-monsoon season (December-2013 to Febru- recorded in monsoon season (September to November-2012) ary-2014) at Sulur lake. The species evenness was noticed in the while maximum in post-monsoon season (December-2013 to range between 0.95 and 0.98 at Ukkadam lake. The minimum February-2014). At Ukkadam lake species diversity was 4.56 evenness was recorded during the monsoon season (September - 4.71. The minimum diversity was obtained during monsoon season (September to November-2012), while maximum in to November-2012), while the maximum during post-monsoon post-monsoon season (December-2013 to February-2014). season (December-2013 to February-2014).

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12 .07. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Figure 6: Community structure of zooplankton in the Sulur and Ukkadam lake during March-2012 February-2014. Note: SUM - Summer; PRM - Pre-monsoon; MNS - Monsoon; POM - Post Monsoon.

Figure 7: Percentage composition of zooplankton record- Figure 8: Percentage composition of zooplankton record- ed in Sulur lake during March-2012 - February-2014. ed in Ukkadam lake during March-2012 - February-2014.

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12. .08. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12.

Discussion which might be due to high turbidity, low light intensity, cloudy sky besides high rainfall as agreed by earlier works (Thiru- The most of researcher have been reported on the rise in zoo- pathaiah et al., [52]; Manickam et al., [1,2,40,41]; Singh et al., plankton species was richness in the lakes ecosystem [31] on [53]; Patel et al., [54]; Watkar and Bardate [55]; Ezhili et al., size and with of lake depth [32]. The zooplankton is a major [56]; Dede and Deshmukh [50]; Bhavan et al., [43]; Dhanaseka- factor of aquatic ecosystem and changes in their abundance, spe- ran et al., [42]. In the present study zooplankton diversity was cies composition and seasonal variation have cascading effects higher in Sulur lake than that of Ukkadam lake in summer sea- at higher trophic levels [33]. Zooplankton community structure son while lower in monsoon season as agreed by Kannan and is influenced strongly by biotic-abiotic factor (water -tempera Job [57]; Adesalu and Nwankwo [58]; Rajagopal et al., [59]. ture, competition and predation) in freshwater ecosystem [34- Although Balloch et al., [60]; Ismael and Dorgham [61] found 37]. In the present study Sulur lake, results show the presence of that the diversity index (Shannon’s [29]) to be a suitable indica- 34 zooplankton species, comprising 11 Rotifera, 10 Cladocera, 7 tor for water quality assessment as the species diversity tends to Copepoda and 6 Ostracoda while in the Ukkadam lake it showed be low in stressed and polluted ecosystem [62]. The maximum the presence of 28 species include 10 Rotifera, 8 Cladocera, 6 and minimum population of Cladocera in summer might be due Copepoda and 4 Ostracoda. Rotifera group was greatest taxo- to favorable temperature and availability of food in the form nomic richness. Similar results were obtained by several Indian of bacteria, nanoplankton and suspended detritus while in mon- researcher studies on [1,2,38-41] (Lakes and reservoirs, Dhar- soon the factors like water temperature, dissolved oxygen, tur- mapuri and Krishnagiri District); [42] (Haledharmapuri lake, bidity and transparency play an important role in controlling the Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India); [43] (Sulur Lake, Coimbatore diversity and density of Cladocera [63]. The lake rich in organic District, Tamil Nadu, India). matter support higher number of cyclopoids, thus suggesting their preponderance in higher trophic state of water. Presently Cladocera and copepoda result were agreement with some earlier workers. [1,44-46] Some genera of copepoda and During present study, zooplankton species richness in the Sulur lake Cladocera are cosmopolitan in distribution, while others are was high in post-monsoon season during first year followed by- Uk restricted to some continents [47,48]. In the present study -zo kadam lake in post-monsoon season during second year and lower oplankton percentage composition was found to be more by levels in Sulur at monsoon season at first year as well as Ukkadam rotifera with 35% at Ukkadam and 34% at Sulur followed by in pre-monsoon season of second years. The result was reported Cladocera with 31% at Sulur and 30% at Ukkadam, copepoda that the higher species richness is characterized by larger food chain with 27% (Ukkadam) and 25% (Sulur) and Ostracoda with 10% [1,40,64]. In the present study zooplankton species evenness in the at Sulur lake and 8% of Ukkadam lake (Figure 8). The pres- Sulur as well as Ukkadam lakes was high in post-monsoon season ent result was analogous to earlier observation by Ramakrishna during second year and found low in Sulur during monsoon season [49]; Manickam et al., [1,2,40,41]; Dede and Deshmukh [50]; in first year. Equitability (evenness) was relatively high during the Bhavan et al., [43]; Dhanasekaran et al., [42]. rainy season indicating a reduction in the plankton diversity at this period [41]. Peet [65] has reported that species diversity implies During the present study, overall population density of zooplank- both richness and evenness in the number of species and equitabil- ton was found maximum in summer season at both stations (Sulur ity for the distribution of individual among the species. The pres- and Ukkadam lake). In the summer season zooplankton popula- ent study coincides with Odum [66] that the dominance value is tion was found to be high which might be due to favorable envi- inversely proportional to values of diversity, evenness and species ronmental conditions and availability of food (phytoplankton) in richness. The results of seasonal variation in environmental param- lake environment. The distribution and population density of zo- eters and plankton population suggest that the favorable period for oplankton in these water bodies depends upon the physicochem- primary production in Sulur and Ukkadam lake is October to No- ical parameters, the rich nutrient loading which supports the vember when nutrients accumulated from freshwater run-off due to high phytoplankton productivity which can ultimately support monsoon rainfall in these months. the zooplankton population as agreed by Manickam et al., [1] from Thoppaiyar reservoir (Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, The temperature is an important factor in any environment af- India); Ramakrishna [49] from Yelahanka lake, (Bangalore, Kar- fecting biological processes, the summer month showed high nataka, India); Gayathri et al., [51] from Doddavoderhalli lake, value temperature in Sulur and Ukkadam lake. Therefore, sum- (Bangalore, Karnataka, India); Dede and Deshmukh [50] from mer may be attributed to favorable temperature and availability Bhima river near Ramwadi Village (Solapur District, Mahar- of food in the form of bacteria, phytoplankton and suspended ashtra, India); Bhavan et al., [43] from Sulu lake (Coimbatore detritus while in monsoon the factors like water temperature, District, Tamil Nadu); Manickam et al., [40] from Barur Lake dissolved oxygen, turbidity and transparency play an important (Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu, India). role in controlling the diversity and density of Cladocera. The zooplankton population shows sudden decrease during mon- In the present study overall population density of zooplankton soon months indicates the fact that the prevailed physicochem- were found minimum during monsoon season in both stations ical conditions were disfavoring for the growth of zooplankton

J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12 .09. Citation: Manickam N, Bhavan PS, Santhanam P (2017) Seasonal Variations in Species Composition and Community Structure of Zooplankton in A Two Perennial Lakes of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. J Aquat Res Mar Sci 2017: 1-12. because of the lentic water system. This effect may also be due ic community, policy maker for the effective conservation and to over predation of zooplankton by the higher trophic members management measures to improve the water body in the lakes such as planktivourous fishes, which regulating the zooplanktonic ecosystem. population in a water body [1,67]. The lowest zooplankton popu- lation recorded during monsoon may be related to low temper- Acknowledgments ature [68]. Authors are thankful to the Head, Department of Zoology, Rotifera is one of the indicator organisms in the zooplankton Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, for the groups. The species of B. calyciflorus considered to be a good necessary laboratory facilities provided. The first author (NM) indicator of eutrophication [1,38-40,42,43,59,69]. Among rotif- gratefully acknowledged the SERB, Department of Science era B. angularis, B. calyciflorus, F. longiseta and Lecane spp. in- and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi, for granting dicate semi polluted waters [4,70], the dominance of Brachionus PI/National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (DST-SERB, File No.: sp. and F. longiseta in the lake designate eutrophy and are usual- PDF/2016/000738; Date - 05.06.2016) at Department of Marine ly recorded in mixotrophic waters [37,71,72]. In rotifera, species Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 24, Tamil such as B. calyciflorus, B. falcatus and Filinia longiseta, some Nadu, India. species of Cladocera (D. sarsi and C. cornuta), some species of copepoda (Heliodiaptomus viduus, Mesocyclops hyalinus and Thermocyclops hyalinus) and some species of Ostracoda (Cypris References protubera and Hemicypris anomala) are the pollution tolerant 1. Manickam N, Saravana Bhavan P, Santhanam P, Muralisankar T, species and indicate accumulation of organic matter and also Srinivasan V, et al. (2014) Seasonal Variations of Zooplankton Di- versity in a Perennial Reservoir at Thoppaiyar, Dharmapuri District, reveal that the lake is being eutrophicated and polluted [1,2,39- South India. Austin Journal of Aquaculture and Marine Biology 1: 41,43,73]. 1-7. Habitually the monsoon months were associated with low zo- 2. Manickam N, Santhanam P, Bhuvaneswari R, Saravana Bhavan oplankton population due to dilution effect and decreased pho- P, Vijayadevan K, et al. (2017) Seasonal variations in zooplankton diversity and physico-chemical characteristics of the Nagavathi res- tosynthetic activity by primary producers. Similar results have ervoir, Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Terrestrial been shown by Bais and Agrawal [74]. The population falls dur- and Marine Research 1: 28-35. ing the monsoon, due to a dilution effect of water turbulence. 3. Capriulo GM, Smith G, Troy R, Wikfors GH, Pellet J, et al. (2002) The population again rises to a higher level in winter, as a result The planktonic food web structure of a temperatezone estuary, and of favorable environmental conditions. Normally, the monsoon its alteration due to eutrophication. Hydrobiologia 475: 263-333. is associated with lower population densities due to its dilution 4. Turner JT (2004) The importance of small planktonic copepods and effect and decrease in photosynthetic activity by primary pro- their roles in pelagic marine food webs. Zool Stud 43: 255-266. ducers. Similar results have been shown by Edmondson [28], Baker [75], Bais and Agrawal [69], Salve and Hiware [76]. 5. Sotton B, Guillard J, Anneville O, Maréchal M, Savichtcheva O, et al. (2014) Trophic transfer of microcystins through the lake pelagic food web: evidence for the role of zooplankton as a vector in fish Furthermore, the relationship has been observed between a high contamination. Sci Total Environ 1: 152-163. number of the genus Brachionus and a high trophic level [77]. Thus, the quantitative and qualitative distribution and species 6. Zhao K, Wang L, Riseng C, Wehrlyd K, Pan Y, et al. (2017) Factors determining zooplankton assemblage difference among a man- composition of rotifers in Hulun lake indicated its highly eu- made lake, connecting canals, and the water-origin river. 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