arXiv:2010.09651v3 [math.AG] 27 Oct 2020 h aastsytefloigtopoete : properties two following the satisfy data The Let elemen identity structure with algebraic commutative an be to to identity-preserving. modern assumed space are in topological rings targets a all main of the subset are open spaces topological on Sheaves Introduction 1 X c.[,1)cnit h olwn data: following the consists 1]) [5, (cf. X 1 o n pnsubset open any For (1) 2 o vr inclusions every For (2) o vr inclusion every For • o vr pnsubset open every For • eatplgclsae a space, topological a be inclusions neapeo hae endo oeseupe ihthe with equipped posets on a defined student sheaves graduate Univer of a Normal example Taiwan of an National notes in lecture mathematics the of of department part a is note This particular, ler n on-e oooyaerqie stebackgrou the as required are ap g point- algebraic elementary req and in an concerned algebra it follow sheaves we while and sheaves note, extension, cellular this Kan tween In the theory. via category theory the sheaf in fact known sheaves lar ycekn eal,clua hae r culysheaves actually are sheaves cellular details, checking By homomorphism h lxnrvtplg,i sjs h ento fa of definition the just is it topology, Alexandrov the ( structures algebraic B A RIEF F W ellrsefi uco rmtectgr fapstt t to poset a of category the from a is sheaf cellular A . ( ⊆ ∅ = ) ρ V UV N ⊆ { V U 0 e.g. W T FOR OTE : U } U ⊆ F of lmnsin Elements . h olwn iga scommutative. is diagram following the , pre-sheaf of ⊆ U ( h aeoyo rus.Srcl paig vnequipping even speaking, Strictly groups). of category the X U X , foe ust of subsets open of V ) ρ hr sa bla ru rs.rn,agba etrspac vector algebra, ring, (resp. group Abelian an is there , → UU ⊆ ainlTia omlUniversity Normal Taiwan National F U [email protected] id = F eateto Mathematics of Department ( V foe ust of subsets open of F S fAeingop rs.rns lers etrsae,.. spaces, vector algebras, rings, (resp. groups Abelian of ) F ( aldthe called , HEAF U coe 8 2020 28, October ( ha-hnHu Chuan-Shen U api Taiwan Taipei, A F ) P A ) . r called are BSTRACT ( U REPRINT X ) ■ ρ hr sagop(ep ig ler,vco pc,..etc ... space, vector algebra, ring, (resp. group a is there , ■ UW ■ ρ etito restriction ■ S UV pre-sheaf ■ s n l ooopim frnsaeasmdt be to assumed are rings of homomorphisms all and ts, n oncste i ooopim.I h note, the In homomorphisms. via them connects and ■ RCUE ON TRUCTURES ■ sections leri emty[,2 ,4,wihasgseach assigns which 4], 3, 2, [1, geometry algebraic ■ / ■ F X F $ , ( dknowledge. nd ( oer,weeol ai commutative basic only where eometry, ntplgclsae.Ti sawell- a is This spaces. topological on W  V ρ ρ lxnrvtopology Alexandrov gbacgoer eia eda the at held seminar geometry lgebraic raht ecietecneto be- connection the describe to proach UW W V ) nteAeado oooia space. topological Alexandrov the on iy 00Fls tam ointroduce to aims It Falls. 2020 sity, ) of ie edr h r aiirwith familiar are who readers uires F . = on ρ W V U . ◦ ectgr fspecific of category he ρ UV aldthe called , nohrwrs o any for words, other In . P h oe with poset the OSETS ,..etc.) ... e, cellu- t. on etc.) . F ( U ) in , (1) .) A PREPRINT -OCTOBER 28, 2020

Intuitively, the purpose for defining sections s ∈ F (U) is trying to copy the concept of functions on U and view F (U) as the generalized space of functions on U. Hence, for section s ∈ F (U), we often denote ρUV (s) by s|V . A presheaves F of Abelian groups on X is a sheaves if it satisfies the following conditions : F (a) Let s,t ∈ (U) be sections. If {Ui}i∈I is an open covering of U (i.e., U = i∈I Ui) such that s|Ui = t|Ui for all i ∈ I, then s = t. F S (b) Suppose {Ui}i∈I is an open covering of U and si ∈ (Ui) are some sections such that si|Ui∩Uj = sj |Ui∩Uj F whenever i, j ∈ I. Then there exists a section s ∈ (U) such that s|Ui = si for any i ∈ I. We note that condition (a) implies that the existence of such s is unique. For presheaves of Abelian groups, we can use the language of exact sequences of Abelian groups to describe the definition of sheaves. Proposition 1.1 ([4] Lemma 2.7). A presheaf of Abelian groups on X is a sheaf if and only if for any open covering {Ui}i∈I of any open subsets U, the sequence ϕ ψ 0 −→ F (U) −→ F (Ui) −→ F (Ui ∩ Uj) (2) i∈I 2 Y (i,jY)∈I is exact, where ϕ represents the mapping s 7−→ (s|Ui )i∈I and ψ is the mapping (si)i∈I 7−→ (sj |Ui∩Uj − si|Ui∩Uj )(i,j)∈I2 . Example 1.2. Let X be a . For every non-empty open subset U of X, set C (X) to be the set of all continuous functions from U to C and C (∅) = {0}. On the other hand, if V ⊆ U are non-empty open subsets of X, then ρUV (f) is defined to be the restriction function f|V whenever f ∈ C (U). Then C is a sheaf of rings on X. In classical algebraic geometry, sheaf is a natural structure for describing regular functions defined on Zariski open subsets of a variety over an algebraically closed field. Example 1.3 ([1] Example II.1.0.1). Let k = k be an algebraically closed field and X be an affine variety over k. For each open set U of X, we define OX (U) to be the k-algebra of all regular functions on U. By equipping restriction of functions among all open sets of X, OX is a sheaf of k-algebras on X. Here we see a well-known example about a presheaf which is not a sheaf. Example 1.4. Let X = R be equipped with the usual topology. Define F on X by F (U) = {f : U → R : f is bounded} equipped with function restrictions. Then F is a presheaf of Abelian groups but F is not a sheaf.

Proof. It is clear that F is a presheaf of Abelian groups since sum of bounded functions is still bounded. Moreover, it also satisfies (a). To prove F doesn’t satisfy (b), we consider open intervals Un = (−n,n), n ∈ N. Consider R R ∞ F f : X → by f(x) = x and fn = f|Un . Clearly, = n=1 Un, fn ∈ (Un) and fn|Un∩Um = fm|Un∩Um whenever m,n ∈ N. However, the gluing function of all fn must be f but f is not bounded. S On the other hand, a cellular sheaf G [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] defined on a poset (i.e. a ) (P, ≤) is a rule consists of the following data:

• For every p ∈ P , there is an Abelian group (resp. rings, algebras, vector spaces, ... etc.) G (p), in particular, G (∅)= {0}. Elements in G (p) are called sections of G on U. • For every inclusion p ≤ q in P , there is a group (resp. rings, algebras, vector spaces, ... etc.) homomorphism ρpq : G (p) → G (q), called the restriction map. The data satisfy the following two properties :

(1) For any open subset U of X, ρpp = idG (p).

(2) For every p ≤ q ≤ r in P , ρpr = ρqr ◦ ρpq. In other words, the diagram

ρpq G (p) / G (q) (3) ❋ ❋❋ ❋❋ ρqr ρpr ❋ ❋❋"  G (r) is commutative for every p ≤ q ≤ r.


Compared with sheaves defined on topological spaces, a pre-sheaf F over a topological space X can be viewed as a cellular sheaf from the poset (Open(X), ≤) to the category of Abelian groups where U ≤ V if and only if V ⊆ U. Conversely, given a cellular sheaf G on a poset (P, ≤), we may also construct a topology A, called the Alexandrov topology on P . Then G can be canonically encoded as a pre-sheaf (still denoted by G ) of Abelian groups (resp. rings, modules ... etc.) over the topological space (P, A). Actually, the extended pre-sheaf G on (P, A) is a sheaf. This fact can be proved via categorical languages [10, 11]. Concrete construction for the extension were also given in [12, 8, 7, 13, 9]. Equivalent to the concrete approach, we use the base sheaf (i.e., B-sheaf) structure to express the extension, which is much more familiar with people who are using the language in algebraic geometry [1, 4, 14]. The same approach about using B-sheaves can be also found in [15], while the requirements of background knowledge in category theory (e.g. Abelian categories, limits) are still essential, and details for B-sheaf structures were left as exercises. In this note, we fulfill all elementary and essential details about Alexandrov topology and B-sheaf structure. On the other hand, we focus on the category of A-modules as the target category. It is naturally an Abelian category and the (co)limits exist in the category, hence many categorical preliminaries could be avoided.

2 Morphisms and Stalks

Let (X, T) be a topological space and F a presheaf of Abelian groups (resp. rings, ... etc.) on X, where T is the topology of all open subsets of X. Then the relation ≤ defined on T by U ≤ V if and only if V ⊆ U is a partial order on T. Moreover, the pair (T, ≤) forms a direct set since U, V ≤ U ∩ V whenever U, V ∈ T. Especially, if P ∈ X is a points, then the pair (TP , ≤) also forms a direct set, where TP := {U ∈ T | P ∈ U}. We define the stalk FP of F at P to be the direct limit [14]

FP = F (U) DP , U∈T !, MP where DP is the submodule generated by all elements of the form s − ρUV (s), where s ∈ F (U) and U, V ∈ TP with V ⊆ U (i.e., U ≤ V ). For s ∈ F (U), we often use the notation sP = s + DP to denote the of the canonical map F (U) → FP , which is called the germ of s at P . By the structure of direct limits, every element in FP can be represented by sP , where s is a section in F (U) with U ∈ TP . Moreover, if F is a presheaf of rings on X, then FP is also ring, where the multiplication is defined by

sP · tP = (s|U∩V · t|U∩V )P whenever s ∈ F (U), t ∈ F (V ) with U, V ∈ TP . For a presheaf F of rings on X, the stalk FP of F at P is defined by its group structures on each F (U) with U ∈ TP . Therefore, in many situations, to investigate the germs of sections of a sheaf F of rings (or other objects with based group structure), it is sufficient to investigate the germs of sections of the sheaf of Abelian groups inherits from F . Proposition 2.1. Let X be a topological space and F be a sheaf of Abelian groups on X. If U is an open subset of X, s,t ∈ F (U) and sP = tP for all P ∈ U, then s = t.

F Proof. If (s − t)P =0 in P , then there is an open neighbourhood UP ⊆ U of P in X such that (s − t)|UP = 0 in F (UP ). Because {UP } is an open covering of U and F is a sheaf, (a) shows that s − t =0 in F (U), as desired.

Given any two algebraic objects, it is natural to consider homomorphismsbetween them. In sheaf theory, the analogous concepts are known as the morphisms of sheaves. Definition 2.2. Let F and G be presheaves of Abelian groups (resp. rings, algebras, vector spaces, ... etc.) on X. A morphism of presheaves φ : F → G consists of groups (resp. rings, algebras, vector spaces, ... etc.) homomorphism φ(U): F (U) → G (U) for every open subset U such that for every V ⊆ U of open subsets, the diagram

φ(U) F (U) / G (U)

ρUV σUV (4)

 φ(V )  F (V ) / G (V )

commutes. For any P ∈ X, φ induces a homomorphism on stalks φP : FP → GP by sP 7→ φ(U)(s)P whenever s ∈ F (U). For any presheaf F , we have the identity morphism idF i.e., idF (U) = idF(U) for each U ∈ T(X).


Definition 2.3. A morphism of presheaves φ : F → G is called an isomorphism if it has two-sided inverses, that is, there is a morphism of presheaves ψ : G → F such that ψ ◦ φ = idF and φ ◦ ψ = idG . Obviously, it is equivalent to say that φ(U): F (U) → G (U) is an isomorphism for every open subset U of X. Theorem 2.4. Let φ : F → G be a morphism of sheaves on a topological space X. Then φ is an isomorphism if and only if the induced map on stalks φP : FP → GP is an isomorphism for every P ∈ X.

Proof. See Proposition 1.1 in [1] or Proposition 1.1.1 in [3]. Definition 2.5. Let X be a topological space and F , G be sheaves of Abelian groups. A morphism φ : F → G is called injective (resp. surjective) if φP : FP → GP is injective (resp. surjective) for all P ∈ X. Corollary 2.6. Let X be a topological space and F , G be sheaves of Abelian groups. A morphism φ : F → G is injective if and only if φ(U): F (U) → G (U) is injective for every open subset U of X.

Proof. The direction ⇒ was proved in Theorem 2.4. Conversely, if φ(U) is injective for every U and sP ∈ ker(φP ) with s ∈ F (U) and P ∈ U, then 0 = φP (sP ) = φ(U)(s)P . This shows that φ(V )(s|V )=0 for some open neighbourhood V of P in U. Because φ(V ) is one-to-one, s|V =0 and we conclude sP =0.

3 Posets and Alexandrov Topology

To introduce the AlexandrovTopology, we first recall the definition of pre-orderedset and partially ordered set. Further information can be found in [16, 17]. Definition 3.1. A non-empty set P which is equipped with a relation ≤ on P is called a pre-ordered set if the relation ≤ satisfies the following two properties: • (Reflexive) x ≤ x whenever x ∈ P ; • (Transitive) If x ≤ y and y ≤ z, then x ≤ z. In addition, a pre-ordered set (P, ≤) is called a partially ordered set (or, just a poset) if ≤ satisfies the property: • (Anti-symmetric) For x, y ∈ P , if x ≤ y and y ≤ x, then x = y. It is clear that (Z, ≤), (R, ≤), ... etc. are posets. Except posets of number systems, the following are some well-known examples we used frequently. Example 3.2. Let X be a non-empty set and 2X be its , then the set inclusion relation ⊆ on 2X makes (2X , ⊆) be a poset. N Example 3.3. Let (P, ≤) be a poset and P be the set of sequences (an)n∈N in P . Then the relation ≤ defined by N (an)n∈N ≤ (bn)n∈N if and only if an ≤ bn for all n ∈ N is a partial order on P . Example 3.4. Let X be an arbitrary set and (P, ≤) be a poset. Suppose P X is the set of all functions from X to P , then the relation ≤ on P X defined by f ≤ g if and only if f(x) ≤ g(x) for all x ∈ X is a partial order. V Example 3.5 (Abstract simplicial complex [18]). Let V be a non-empty set. A subset KV of 2 is called an abstract simplicial complex with vertices set V if it satisfies the following properties:

• If σ ∈ KV , then σ 6= ∅ and #σ < ∞;

• If σ ∈ KV and ∅ 6= τ ⊆ σ, then τ ∈ KV .

Each σ is called a q-simplex where q = #σ − 1. We can define relation  on KV by τ  σ, called τ is a face of σ if V and only if τ ⊆ σ. By inheriting the order property of ⊆ on 2 , the pair (KV , ) is a poset. We also exhibit an example of ≤ on a set X such that (X, ≤) is a pre-ordered set but it is not a poset. Example 3.6. Let N be the set of all positive integers and P ⊆ 2N be the set of all finite subsets of N. Define relation  on P by A  B if and only if |A| ≤ |B|. Then (P, ) is a pre-ordered set but it is not a poset.

Proof. It is clear that A  A for every A ∈P. Moreover, because (Z, ≤) is a pre-ordered set, we have |A| ≤ |B| and |B| ≤ |C| implies that |A| ≤ |C|, this shows that A  B and B  C implies A  C. Hence (P, ) is a pre-ordered set. However, if A = {1, 2} and B = {2, 3}, then A, B ∈ P and A  B, B  A since |A| = |B| = 2. However, because A 6= B, we deduce that (P, ) is not a poset.


Definition 3.7. Let (P, ≤) and (Q, ) be pre-ordered sets. A function f : P → Q is called order-preserving if f(x)  f(y) whenever x ≤ y. Proposition 3.8 (Poset associated by a pre-ordered set). Let (P, ≤) be a pre-ordered set, then the relation ∼ on P defined by x ∼ y if and only if x ≤ y and y ≤ x is an equivalence relation. If P is the set of equivalence classes with respect to ∼, then the relation ≤ on P defined by x ≤ y if and only if x ≤ y is a well-defined partial order on P and the canonical mapping π : P → P is order-preserving. Moreover, we have the following universal property: If (Q, ) is a pre-ordered set and f : (P, ≤) → (Q, ) is order-preserving, then there is a unique order-preserving map f : (P, ≤) → (Q, ) such that f ◦ π = f.

π P / P ❃❃ ❃❃ ❃❃ ❃❃ ∃! f f ❃❃ ❃❃ ❃  Q

Proof. We first check that ∼ is an equivalence relation on P . Because x ≤ x for every x ∈ P , we have x ∼ x. If x ∼ y, then both x ≤ y and y ≤ x. By definition of ∼, we have y ∼ x. Finally, if x ∼ y and y ∼ z, then x ≤ y, y ≤ x, y ≤ z and z ≤ y. By the transitivity of ≤, we deduce that x ≤ z and z ≤ x. If x = x′ and y = y′, then x ≤ x′, x′ ≤ x, y ≤ y′ and y′ ≤ y. If x ≤ y, then x′ ≤ x ≤ y ≤ y′ and this shows that ≤ defined on P is well-defined. By inheriting the symmetric and transitive properties of ≤ on P , ≤ is also symmetric and transitive on P . If x ≤ y and y ≤ x, then x ≤ y and y ≤ x. This shows that x ∼ y i.e., x = y. Hence π is order-preserving. Finally we check the universal property: if f : (P, ≤) → (Q, ) is order-preserving, then we define f : P → Q by x 7→ f(x). If x = y, then x ≤ y and y ≤ x. Because f is order-preserving, we obtain f(x)  f(y) and f(y)  f(x). Because (Q, ) is a poset, we have f(x)= f(y). It is clear that f ◦ π = f and f is uniquely determined by f.

Now we can define Alexandrov topology on pre-ordered sets (P, ≤). Proposition/Definition 3.9. Let (P, ≤) be a pre-ordered set. A subset U of P is called Alexandrov open if it satisfies the following property: If x ∈ U and x ≤ y, then y ∈ U. All Alexandrov open subsets of P form a topology on P , with is called the Alexandrov topology on (P, ≤).

Proof. Let A be the set of all Alexandrov open subsets of P , we check that A forms a topology on P . By definition, ∅, P ∈ A. For U, V ∈ A and x, y ∈ P satisfy x ∈ U ∩ V and x ≤ y, then y ∈ U and y ∈ V since U and V are Alexandrov open. Finally, if {Ui}i∈I is a collection of Alexandrov open subsets of P and x, y ∈ P satisfy x ∈ i∈I Ui and x ≤ y, then x ∈ Uj for some j ∈ I. This shows that y ∈ Uj ⊆ i∈I Ui, as desired.

The followingS proposition shows that the Alexandrov naturally extendS the order-preserving functions to be continuous functions between Alexandrov topological spaces. Proposition 3.10. Let (P, ≤) and (Q, ) be pre-ordered sets. Suppose f : (P, ≤) → (Q, ) is a ordering preserving function and AP , AQ are Alexandrov topologies on P and Q respectively, then f : (P, AP ) → (Q, AQ) is continuous.

Proof. Suppose U is an open subset of Q. If x, y ∈ P satisfy x ∈ f −1(U) and x ≤ y, then the order-preserving property of f shows that f(x) ≤ f(y). Because f(x) ∈ U and U is Alexandrov open, we deduce that f(y) ∈ U i.e., y ∈ f −1(U), hence f −1(U) is Alexandrov open in P .

Here we give an open basis for a Alexandrov topological space. Proposition/Definition 3.11. Let (P, ≤) be a pre-ordered set and A be the Alexandrov topology on P . For every x ∈ P , define the open star at x is the set

Ux := {y ∈ P : x ≤ y}.

Then Ux ⊆ Uy if and only if y ≤ x and the family B = {Ux : x ∈ P } is an open basis for A. Similarly, the closure of x is defined by x = {y ∈ P : y ≤ x}, which is the closure of {x} in (X, A).


Proof. It is clear that Ux ⊆ Uy if and only if y ≤ x. For x ∈ P , y ∈ Ux and z ∈ P satisfying y ≤ z, we have x ≤ y ≤ z hence x ≤ z i.e., z ∈ Ux, hence Ux is Aleandrov open. If U is an Alexandrov open subset of P and x ∈ U, then Ux ⊆ U; this shows that U = x∈U Ux since x ∈ Ux whenever x ∈ P . If x, y ∈ P and z ∈ Ux ∩ Uy, then for every w ∈ Uz, we have x ≤ z ≤ w and y ≤ z ≤ w. Hence w ∈ Ux ∩ Uy and we deduce that Uz ⊆ Ux ∩ Uy. Therefore, B is an open basis for A. S Next we show that the closure of x is the Alexandrov closure of the set {x} in P by verifying the following two facts:

• x is Alexandrov closed: For z ∈ P \ x and w ∈ P satisfying z ≤ w. If w∈ / P \ x i.e. w ∈ x, then w ≤ x. This shows that z ≤ x i.e. z ∈ x, a contradiction; • If x ∈ C and C is Alexandrov closed, then for every y ∈ x, we have y ≤ x. If y ∈ P \ C, then x ∈ P \ C since P \ C is Alexandrov open, a contradiction. In other words, x must be a subset of C.

Therefore, the set x := {y ∈ P : y ≤ x} is really the Alexandov closure of {x}.

Now we can view every poset (P, ≤) as a topological space. A natural question is how do we modify a cellular sheaf to a sheaf on the topological space (P, A). As we proved in Proposition 3.11, we know that Ux ⊆ Uy if and only if y ≤ x. Therefore, if G is a cellular sheaf on the poset (P, ≤), the assignment Up 7→ G (p) is well-defined cause 1 Up = Uq if and only if p = q . By defining ρUpUq = ρpq for p ≤ q, this assignment leads commutative diagrams

ρUpUq G (Up) / G (Uq) (5) ❍❍ ❍❍ ❍❍ ρUq Ur ρUpUr ❍ ❍❍$  G (Ur) whenever p ≤ q ≤ r. These are compatible to diagrams of sheaves on topological spaces as in (1). However, it is not sufficient to define objects and morphisms only on Up’s. To achieve this, we introduce the concept of base sheaf defined on a topological space.

4 Base Sheaves

Materials in the section are famous exercises in textbooks of algebraic geometry or commutative algebra (e.g. [14, 4]). A well-known application is using base sheaves to construct affine scheme on the spectrum of a ring [14, 4, 2, 1, 3]. In this note, we go through all details of base sheaves as a friendly invitation for beginners in algebraic geometry. Let X be a topological space and B be an open basis for X.A B-presheaf F of Abelian groups (resp. rings, algebras, vector spaces, ... etc.) on X consists of the following data :

• For every U ∈ B, F assigns U to an Abelian group (resp. ring, algebra, vector space, ... etc.) F (U) . • For every pair V ⊆ U of members in B, there is a group (resp. ring, algebra, vector space, ... etc.) homomor- phism ρUV : F (U) → F (V ), called the restriction map. Similarly, we use s|V to denote ρUV (s) whenever s ∈ F (U).

These data satisfy the following two properties :

1. For any U ∈ B, ρUU = idF(U). 2. For every inclusions W ⊆ V ⊆ U of members in B, ρUW = ρV W ◦ ρUV . In other words, for any inclusions W ⊆ V ⊆ U, the following diagram is commutative.

ρ F (U) UV / F (V ) (6) ■ ■■ ■■ ρV W ρUW ■■ ■■$  F (W )

1Here we use the anti-symmetry of partial order ≤ for p ≤ q and q ≤ p implying p = q. Therefore, the well-definedness of the assignment may not hold if (P, ≤) is just a pre-ordered set.


A B-presheaf F of Abelian groups (resp. rings, modules, algebras, ... etc.) on X is a B-sheaf if it satisfies the following additional conditions : B F B (a) Let U ∈ and s,t ∈ (U) be sections. If U is covered by {Ui}i∈I ⊆ (i.e., U = i∈I Ui) such that s|U = t|U for all i ∈ I, then s = t. i i S (b) Suppose U ∈ B and U is covered by {Ui}i∈I ⊆ B with local sections si ∈ F (Ui) such that for every i, j ∈ I, si|V = sj |V whenever V ∈ B, V ⊆ Ui ∩ Uj . Then there exists a section s ∈ F (U) such that

s|Ui = si for any i ∈ I. We note that condition (a) implies that the existence of such s is unique. In other words, a B-presheaf F of Abelian groups is a B-sheaf if and only if the sequence

0 / F / F / 2 F (V ) (7) (U) i∈I (Ui) (i,j)∈I V ∈B,V ⊆Ui∩Uj equipped with canonical maps is exact for everyQ collection {Ui}i∈IQof elementsQ in B which covers arbitrary U in B. To extend a B-sheaf to a sheaf on X, for arbitrary non-empty open subset U of X, we define I(U) = {V : V ∈ B, V ⊆ U}. Then (I(U), ≤) is a poset and we define

+ F (U) = lim F (V ) := (sV )V ∈I(U) ∈ F (V ): ρV W (sV )= sW ∀ W ⊆ V ←−   V ∈I(U)  V ∈YI(U)  + F + F + ′ ′ and define ρUU ′ : (U) → (U ) to be the canonical homomorphism for U ⊆ U being open inX. Then the extended assignment F is a presheaf on X. + Remark. If V ∈ B, then F (V ) ≃ F (V ) canonically since each I(V )-tuple (sW )W ∈I(V ) is unique determined th by sV . On the other hand, suppose W ⊆ V are members in B and s = (sO)O∈I(V ), then the W component of + s th s ρV W ( ) is the W component of . By the constrain of projective limit, which is ρV W (sV ). By the identification F + F + (V ) ≃ (V ), ρV W and ρV W are coincide. F + s F Alternatively, the (U) can be viewed as the set of all functions from I(U) to V ∈I(X) (V ), which satisfy the following two properties: ` (i) For every V ∈ I(U), s(V ) ∈ F (V );

(ii) For every V, W ∈ I(U) satisfying W ⊆ V , ρV W (s(V )) = s(W ). + F + F + ′ Up to this setting, the canonical homomorphism ρUU ′ : (U) → (U ) is just the restriction of functions s 7→ s|I(U ′). Lemma 4.1. Let X be a topological space, B an open basis for X, and I(U) = {V ∈ B : V ⊆ U}. Then the following formulas hold:

(i) U1 ⊆ U2 if and only if I(U1) ⊆ I(U2);

(ii) U1 = U2 if and only if I(U1)= I(U2);

(iii) I(U1 ∩ U2)= I(U1) ∩ I(U2).

Proof. (i) It is clear that U1 ⊆ U2 implies I(U1) ⊆ I(U2). Conversely, if I(U1) ⊆ I(U2), then U1 = j∈J Vj where Vj ∈ B for each j ∈ J since B is an open basis for X. Because Vj ∈ I(U1) ⊆ I(U2) for each j, we obtain U1 ⊆ U2. (ii) follows from (i) immediately. S

(iii) By (i), I(U1 ∩ U2) ⊆ I(U1) ∩ I(U2) because I(U1 ∩ U2) ⊆ I(U1) and I(U1 ∩ U2) ⊆ I(U2). Conversely, if V ∈ I(U1) ∩ I(U2), then V ∈ B and V ⊆ U1, V ⊆ U2. This shows that V ∈ B and V ⊆ U1 ∩ U2 i.e., V ∈ I(U1 ∩ U2).

In fact, F + is a sheaf, it can be verified as follow: s F + s (a) Let {Ui}i∈I be an open cover of an open subset U ⊆ X and ∈ (U) satisfy |I(Ui) =0 for every i ∈ I. For V ∈ I(U), each V ∩ Ui is open in X, hence it can be covered by elements in B. Hence we can assume B V = k∈K Wk where each Wk is an element in and Wk is contained in some Ui(k) with i(k) ∈ I. For each k ∈ K, s|I(W ) = s|I(U )|I(W ) = 0, this shows that ρV W (s(V )) = s(Wk) = s|I(W )(Wk)=0. S k i(k) k k k By (a) of B-sheaf of F , we deduce that s(V )=0. Hence s =0.


+ (b) Let {Ui}i∈I be an open cover of an open subset U ⊆ X with local sections si ∈ F (Ui) satisfy s s i|I(Ui)∩I(Uj ) = j |I(Ui)∩I(Uj ) whenever i, j ∈ I. Let V be an element in I(U), then

V = V ∩ Ui = W (8)   i∈I i∈I [ [ W ∈I[(V ∩Ui)   For each W in (8), W ⊆ Ui(W ) for some i(W ) ∈ I, define

tW = si(W )(W ) ∈ F (W ).

Note that tW is independent to the choice of i(W ). That is, if W ⊆ Uj with j ∈ I, then W ∈ I(Uj ) ∩ I(Ui(W )) and hence sj (W ) = si(W )(W ) = tW by compatibility of local sections. Then for W1, W2 in (8),

if W ∈ I(W1 ∩ W2) ⊆ I(Ui(W1) ∩ Ui(W2))= I(Ui(W1)) ∩ I(Ui(W2)) (by Lemma 4.1), we have s s ρW1W (tW1 )= i(W1)(W )= i(W2)(W )= ρW2W (tW2 ).

By (b) of B-sheaf structure of F , there is a t ∈ F (V ), such that

ρV W (t)= tW = si(W )(W ) (9)

for all W in (8). Suppose V, V ′ ∈ I(U) satisfy V ′ ⊆ V and t ∈ F (V ),t′ ∈ F (V ′) are derived by previous ′ arguments respectively. If W ∈ I(V ) ⊆ I(V ) and W ⊆ Ui(W ) for some i(W ) ∈ I, we have

′ ρV ′W (t )= si(W )(W )= ρV W (t)= ρV ′W (ρV V ′ (t))

′ via equation (9). By (a) of B-sheaf structure of F , ρV V ′ (t)= t . This shows that all (t, V ) really define an s F + s s element in (U) such that |Ui = i.

Now we can successfully extend a B-sheaf as a sheaf on the whole space. The following proposition tells us that, this extension would not change the local informations. Proposition 4.2. Let (X, T) be a topological space, B an open basis for X, and F and B-sheaf of Abelian groups F + F F + F (resp. rings, modules, ... etc.) . Let be the sheaf on X which is induced by , then P ≃ P as groups (resp. rings, modules, ... etc.) for every P ∈ X.

Proof. As we remarked, we view F (U) = F +(U) whenever U ∈ B. Because B is a subset of T such that (B, ⊇) is also a direct set, for each P ∈ X, we have canonical group (resp. ring) homomorphism

φ : lim F (U) −→ lim F (U)= F + −→ −→ P U∈B,P ∈U U∈T,P ∈U

F + s s F + B s Because each element in P can be represented by P for some ∈ (U) with P ∈ U and U ∈ , and corresponds to s(U) ∈ F (U), φ is bijective.

5 Universal Property of Base Sheaves

As we learned in linear algebra, if V and W are vector spaces over a field and β is a basis for V , to define a linear transformation T : V → W , it is sufficient to define a mapping β → W and linearly extend this mapping. An analogue version of extending morphisms on base sheaves is listed as follow, which is called the universal property of base sheaves. Proposition 5.1 ([4] Exercise 2.7, the first part). Let B be an open basis on a topological space (X, T). Let F and G be sheaf and B-sheaf of Abelian groups (resp. rings) on X respectively. Suppose that for every V ∈ B there exists a homomorphism α(V ): F (V ) → G (V ) which is compatible with restrictions. Then it extends in a unique way to a homomorphism of sheaves α+ : F → G +.


Proof. For every U open in X and V, W ∈ I(U) with W ⊆ V , we have the following commutative diagram: F (U) ✡ ✤ ✹✹ ✡ ✤ ✹ ✡✡ ✹✹ ✡ ✤ ✹ ✡✡ ✹✹ ✡✡ ✤ ✹✹ α(V )◦ρUV ✡ + ✹ α(W )◦ρUW ✡✡ G (U) ✹✹ ✡✡ ① ●● ✹✹ ✡ ①① ●● ✹ ✡ ① ●● ✹✹ ✡✡ ①① ●● ✹ ✡ ①πUV πUW ● ✹ ✡ ①① ●● ✹ ✡ ①① ●● ✹ ✡Õ ✡①{ ① ●# ✹ G (V ) / G (W ) σV W where ρ•• and σ•• denote the restriction maps of F and G respectively. Note that it is commutative because σV W ◦ α(V ) ◦ ρUV = α(W ) ◦ ρV W ◦ ρUV = α(W ) ◦ ρUW . By the universal property of projective limits, there is a unique + + + α (U): F (U) → G (U) such that πUW ◦ α (U)= α(W ) ◦ ρUW whenever W ∈ I(U). Note that the existence of α+ is a morphism of sheaves because for arbitrary U ′ ⊆ U and W ∈ I(U ′),

′ + + + πU W ◦ σUU ′ ◦ α (U)= πUW ◦ α (U)= α(W ) ◦ ρUW , + ′ πU ′W ◦ α (U ) ◦ ρUU ′ = α(W ) ◦ ρU ′W ◦ ρUU ′ = α(W ) ◦ ρUW . + G + ′ ′ ′ + Because elements in (U ) are uniquely determined by projections πU W , W ∈ I(U ), we obtain σUU ′ ◦ α (U)= + ′ + + α (U ) ◦ ρUU ′ . Finally, when U ∈ B, πUU ◦ α (U) = α(U) ◦ ρUU = πUU ◦ α (U) = α(U). In this case, + + πUU : G (U) → G (U) is the canonical isomorphism and hence α (U) and α(U) are coincide. + F G + ′ ′ ′ For uniqueness, because β(U): (U) → (U) satisfies β(U ) ◦ ρUU = σUU ′ ◦ β(U) whenever U ⊆ U implies + that β(W ) ◦ ρUW = σUW ◦ β(U) whenever W ∈ I(U). Hence + + σUW ◦ α(U)= α(W ) ◦ ρUW = β(W ) ◦ ρUW = σUW ◦ β(U.) G + + Because each element in (U) is uniquely determined by values sent by ρUW with W ∈ I(U), we conclude β(U)= α(U). Corollary 5.2. Let B be an open basis on a topological space (X, T). Let F be a sheaf of Abelian groups (resp. rings, modules, ... etc.) on X. Then the sheaf F + induced by its B-sheaf structure is isomorphic to F canonically.

Proof. By Proposition 5.1, there is a unique morphism β : F → F + where β+(U): F (U) → F +(U) is defined by s 7→ (s|V )V ∈I(U). Clearly, it is an isomorphism by the construction of sheaves induced by B-sheaves. Proposition 5.3 ([4] Exercise 2.7, the second part). Let B be an open basis on a topological space (X, T). Let F , G be two sheaves on X. Suppose that for every U ∈ B there exists a homomorphism α(U): F (U) → G (U) which is compatible with restrictions. Then it extends in a unique way to a homomorphism of sheaves α : F → G . Moreover, if α is surjective (resp. injective) for every U ∈ B, then α is surjective (resp. injective).

Proof. By the universal property of B-sheaves, there is a unique morphism α+ : F → G + which extend α. Because G + ≃ G canonically, the uniqueness and existence follow.

Let P be a point in X. If α(U): F (U) → G (U) is surjective for every U ∈ B, then for each tP ∈ GP pick an U ∈ B such that P ∈ U. Because α(U) is onto, there is an s ∈ F (U) such that α(U)(s) = t and we have αP (sP ) = α(U)(s)P = tP . On the other hand, if α(U): F (U) → G (U) is one-to-one and αP (sP )=0 with s ∈ F (U) for some U ∈ B, then there an V ∈ B, V ⊆ U such that α(V )(s|V )= α(U)(s)|V =0. Because α(V ) is one-to-one, s|V =0 and we conclude that sP =0.

6 Cellular Sheaves on Alexandrov Spaces

Now we can show how do we extend a cellular sheaf G of A-modules on a poset (P, ≤) to a sheaf G + of A-modules on the Alexandorv topological space (P, A). By the B-sheaf structure, it is sufficient to show that the assignment (still denoted by G ) G G Up 7−→ (Up) := (p) and ρUpUq := ρpq (10) whenever p ≤ q in P defines a B-sheaf of A-modules on (P, A). Because G is a cellular sheaf on (P, ≤), the pre-sheaf structure holds naturally. Here we check G satisfies properties (a) and (b) as axioms of base sheaves.


(a) Suppose , G and is an open cover of such that for each p ∈ P s ∈ (Up) {Upi : pi ∈ P,i ∈ I} Up s|Upi = 0 i ∈ I. Because Upi ⊆ Up, we have p ≤ pi for all i ∈ I. On the other hand, there is a j ∈ I such that p ∈ Upj , this shows that . In particular, ; pj ≤ p ≤ pj s = s|Up = s|Upj =0

(b) Suppose p ∈ P and {Upi : pi ∈ P,i ∈ I} is an open cover of Up. As we proved in (a), p = pk for some . If G are local sections such that whenever , then k ∈ I si ∈ (Upi ) si|Upi ∩Upj = sj |Upi ∩Upj i, j ∈ I s ∈ G (U )= G (U ) and s | = s | = s | = s | = s | = s | = s . k pk p k Upi k Up∩Upi k Upk ∩Upi i Upk ∩Upi i Up∩Upi i Upi i

There, G is a B-sheaf of A-modules on (P, A) where B = {Up : p ∈ P } is an open basis for A. By the discussions in Section 4 and 5, G uniquely determines a sheaf G + of A-modules on the topological space. Theorem 6.1 ([10] Theorem 4.2.10). Let G be a cellular sheaf of A-modules on a poset (P, ≤) and G + be the sheaf A G G + G + G G on (P, ) induced by . Then for every p ∈ P , the stalk p of at p is canonically isomorphic to (p)= (Up).

G + G G G Proof. By Proposition 4.2, p ≃ p canonically. Define φ : (Up) → p by s 7→ sp, where sp denotes the stalk of local section s ∈ F (Up) at p. It is clear that φ is an A-module homomorphism and φ is onto because every open neighbourhood of p in (P, A) must contains Up. Finally, if s ∈ ker(φ) with s ∈ F (Up), then sp = 0 implies that s|Uq = 0 where Uq ⊆ Up is an open neighbourhood of p by the definition of direct limit. However, p ∈ Uq implies that Up ⊆ Uq ⊆ Up, this forces that s =0.

In previous works [13, 8, 7, 19], authors usually directly defined G (p) as the “stalk” of the cellular sheaf G at p. The theorem gives an explanation that it is compatible to the definition of stalks for the induced sheaf on the Alexandrov topological space (cf. [10] Remark 4.2.11).

7 Examples

In the end of this note, we exhibit some basic examples of cellular sheaves. For convenience, we usually use diagram and arrows to represent posets. That is, p ≤ q, then we can represent it by p → q. For instance, the poset (Z, ≤) can be represented by ···→−2 →−1 → 0 → 1 → 2 → · · · . (11) Note that the self loops for representing x ≤ x are omitted in the diagrams. This notations were used frequently in the category theory [10, 20, 21, 22]. In the example (11), a cellular sheaf G of A-modules would be a sequence ···→ G (−2) → G (−1) → G (0) → G (1) → G (2) → · · · . (12) of A-modules and A-module homomorphisms. Example 7.1. Let (P, ≤) and G be poset and cellular sheaf of A-modules respectively represented by

ρq r q / r G (q ) 1 / G (r) (13) 1O O O 1 O

ρpq1 ρq2r

p / q2 G (p) / G (q2) ρpq2 G G Then the local section of U := Uq1 ∪ Uq2 is the A-module {(s1,s2) ∈ (q1) × (q2): s1|Ur = s2|Ur }. Example 7.2. Let (P, ≤) and G be poset and cellular sheaf of A-modules respectively represented by

p1 G (p1) (14) ❅❅ ❊❊ ❅ ❊❊ ❅❅ ❊ ρp q ❅❅ ❊❊ 1 ❅❅ ❊❊ ❅❅ ❊❊ ❅ ❊❊" pk / q G / G ? (pk) ρ (q) ⑦ pk q < ⑦⑦ ② ⑦ ②② ⑦⑦ ②② ⑦⑦ ②② ⑦ ② ρpnq ⑦ ②② ⑦⑦ ②② pn ② G (pn) n n G Then the local section of U := Up1 ∪···∪ Upn is the A-module {(si)i=1 ∈ i=1 (pi): si|Uq = sj |Uq ∀i, j}. Q 10 A PREPRINT -OCTOBER 28, 2020

Example 7.3. Let (P, ≤) and G be poset and cellular sheaf of A-modules respectively represented by

p1 G (p1) (15) ⑥ ❆❆ ① ❋❋ ⑥ ❆❆ ①① ❋❋ ⑥⑥ ❆ ρp q ① ❋ ρp q ⑥⑥ ❆❆ 1 1 ①① ❋❋ 1 2 ⑥ ❆ ①① ❋❋ ⑥⑥ ❆❆ ①① ❋❋ ⑥⑥ ❆❆ ① ❋❋ ⑥~ ①| ① ρp q ρp q " q1 o pk / q2 k 1 k 2 ` > G (q1) o G (pk) / G (q2) ❆❆ ⑥ ❋b < ❆❆ ⑥⑥ ❋❋ ①① ❆❆ ⑥⑥ ❋❋ ①① ❆❆ ⑥⑥ ❋❋ ①① ❆ ⑥ ρ ❋ ①ρ ❆ ⑥ pnq1 ❋ ① pnq2 ❆ ⑥ ❋❋ ①① ❆ ⑥⑥ ❋❋ ①① pn ① G (pn)

Then the local section of U := Up1 ∪···∪ Upn is the A-module n (s )n ∈ G (p ): s | = s | ∀i, j =1, 2..., n ∀k =1, 2 . (16) i i=1 i i Uqk j Uqk ( i=1 ) Y Example 7.4. Let (P, ≤) and G be poset and cellular sheaf of A-modules respectively represented by p G (p ) (17) ? 1 < 1 ⑦⑦ ②② ⑦ ρ ② ⑦⑦ qp1 ②② ⑦ ②② ⑦⑦ ②② ⑦⑦ ②② ⑦ ② ρ ⑦ / ② qpk q pk G (q) / G (p ) ❅❅ k ❅❅ ❊❊ ❅ ❊❊ ❅❅ ❊❊ ❅❅ ❊❊ ❅ ρqpn ❊ ❅ ❊❊ ❅ ❊❊ pn " G (pn) n G G Then the local section of U := Up1 ∪···∪ Upn and Uq are the A-modules i=1 (pi) and (q) respectively. Q 8 Conclusion

In this note, we briefly introduced the connection between cellular sheaves defined on posets and induced sheaf struc- tures on the posets equipped with the Alexandrov topology via base sheaf structure. Instead of using Kan extensions, base sheaves provide an elementary approach to explain the connection. On the other hand, because of the structure of Alexandrov topology, any functor from a poset to the category of modules satisfies the conditions (a) and (b) of base sheaves automatically. This topological structures provide a simple way to understand local sections defined on posets, and may have potential in analyzing topological information behind digital data.


The author and the student algebraic geometry seminar are supported by the projects MOST 108-2119-M-002-031and MOST 108-2115-M-003-005-MY2 hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan.


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