13606743_17-1.qxd 1/23/13 10:29 AM Page 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS Submitted papers as well as general correspondence should be sent to the appropriate editor, as follows: Bernd Kortmann: papers on present-day English syntax and morphology, papers not obviously falling under any of the areas listed below editors April McMahon: papers on historical and present-day phonetics and phonology Professor Bernd Kortmann, University of Freiburg Wim van der Wurff: papers on historical syntax and morphology Professor April McMahon, Aberystwyth University Bas Aarts: book reviews Dr Wim van der Wurff, Newcastle University Dr Wim van der Wurff Professor April McMahon Editor, English Language and Linguistics E-mail:
[email protected] Founding editors: Professor Richard Hogg (1995–2007) School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics Professor David Denison (1995–2010) Percy Building Professor Bernd Kortmann Professor Bas Aarts (1995–2012) Newcastle University E-mail:
[email protected] Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK Email:
[email protected] Professor Bas Aarts book review editor E-mail:
[email protected] Professor Bas Aarts, University College London associate editor North American contributors may, if they prefer, submit manuscripts to: Professor Douglas Biber Professor Douglas Biber, Northern Arizona University Associate Editor, English Language and Linguistics editorial board Department of English Northern Arizona University Professor Laurie Bauer, University