Angelina National Forest in , Compartment 63 Forest Management Activities Proposal FY 2013 Federally Endangered, Threatened and Candidate Species, and Regional Forester’s Sensitive Species Checklist No Suitable Species Species Scientific name Status Suitable Habitat Present Habitat* Present Requirement Federally Listed

Endangered or Threatened Mature pine, no midstory, park-like Picoides borealis Red-cockaded Woodpecker E X (USFWS, 2003; Conner, et al., 2004) Swamps and water-ways near forests Black Bear Ursus americanus luteolus T X (Texas Parks & Wildlife 2005) Glade areas over Weches formation with glauconite. (Nixon &

White Bladderpod Lesquerella pallida E X Kell 1993)

Regional Forester Sensitive Open pine woods with shrubs for Bachman’s Sparrow Aimophila aestivalis RS X Nesting (Rappole & Blacklock 1994)

Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus RS X Very large, tall trees, near large water bodies. (USFWS 1989) Farmland with scattered trees. Migrant Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicia migrans RS X (Pruitt 2000). Pituophis melanoleucus Longleaf pine and deep sandy soil. Louisiana Pine Snake RS, C1 X ruthveni (USDI, USFWS 2003; Ealy et al., 2004) Fine silt-free streams up to moderate Sabine Shiner Notropis sabinae RS X Current (Warren et al.,2000)


Streams near pine hardwood 2nd margarita Big Thicket Emerald RS X growth forest (Price 1989). (Crustaceans) Temporary pools & impoundments.

Sabine Fencing Crayfish Faxonella beyeri RS X (NatureServe 2006) Stream inhabiting.

Blackbelted Crayfish Procambarus nigrocintus RS X (Peterson 2006 pers. comm..)

(Mammals) Forested areas usually within 1km of large water bodies & large streams Corynorhinus rafinesquii Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat RS X (Bat Conservation International 2001) Forested areas usually within 1 km of large bodies of water & streams Southeastern Myotis Myotis austroriparius RS X (Bat Conservation International 2001)

(Freshwater Bivalves) Rivers similar to Sabine River in Texas. Texas Pigtoe Fusconaia askewi RS X (Howells 1996; Howells et al., 1996) Rivers and creek with moderate current.

Triangle Pigtoe Fusconaia lananensis RS X (Howells 1996; Howells et al., 1996)

Sandbank Pocketbook Lampsilis satura RS X (Howells 1996; Howells et al., 1996) Rivers with sand and gravel base. Southern Hickorynut Obovaria jacksoniana RS X (Howells 1996; Howells et al., 1996) ANF TES C-63 page 1

No Suitable Species Species Scientific name Status Suitable Habitat Habitat Present Habitat* Present Requirement Rivers similar to Sabine/Red in TX Louisiana Pigtoe Plerobema riddelli RS X (Howells 1996) Rivers similar to Sabine/Neches Potamilus amphichaenus Texas Heelsplitter RS X (Howells 1996; Howells et al., 1996) Rivers similar to Sabine/Neches Texas Heelsplitter Potamilus amphichaenus RS X (Howells 1996; Howells et al., 1996) (Plants) Sandy, open longleaf sites. Incised Groovebur Agrimonia incisa RS X (MacRoberts and MacRoberts 1997) Panicled indigobush Amorpha paniculata RS X Deep acid woodlands and bogs within the Catahoula Formation. Wet places in sphagnum along streams. Bartonia texana Texas Bartonia RS X (Nixon & Kell 1993; Correll & Johnston 1979). Xeric sandy soil. (Correll & Johnston 1979; MacRoberts and Mohlenbrock’s Umbrella Sedge Cyperus grayoides RS X MacRoberts 1998) Streamside and Mesic hardwood forest. Southern (KY) Lady’s Slipper Cypripedium kentuckiense RS X (Allen et al., 2004) Wetland pine savannah and bogs. Bog Button Lachnocaulon digynum RS X (Nixon & Kell 1993). Texas Blade Cress (Texas Glade areas over Weches formation Leavenworthiia texana RS X Golden Gladecress) With glauconite. (NatureServe 2006; Nixon & Kell 1993). Sandy open longleaf sites. Slender Gayfeather Liatris tenuis RS X (Orzell 1990). Wetland pine savannah and bogs. Yellow Fringeless Orchid Plantanthera integra RS X (Liggio and Liggio 1999) Mesic areas near streamsides. Barbed Rattlesnake Root Prenanthes barbata RS X (Singhurst et al. 2004; Kisatchie National Forest 1999). Wetland pine savannah & bogs Large Beakrush Rhynchospora macra FS X (Kisatchie National Forest 1999). Wetland pine savannah & bogs. Sabine (Bog) Coneflower Rudbeckia scabrifolia RS X (Orzell 1990). Sandy open sites usually in longleaf Scarlet Catchfly Silene subciliata RS X Not xeric. (Orzell 1990). Glade areas over Weches formation with Oklahoma Twistflower Streptanthus maculatus RS X glauconite. (Corell & Johnston 1979) Trillium pusillum var. Riparian and baygall wet edges. Texas Trillium FS X (Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fish 1994; texanum MacRoberts and MacRoberts 2005). Wetland pine savannah & bogs. Xyris drummondii Drummond’s Yellow-eyed Grass RS X (Godfrey and Wooten 1979) Lower edges of hillside seepage slopes and wet claypan pine Louisiana yellow-eyed grass Xyris louisianica RS X savannas. Wetland pine savannah & bogs. Xyris scabrifolia Rough-leaf Yellow-eyed Grass RS X (Kral 1983) (Source: Land and Resource Management Plan, Appendix D, 1996 and Regional Forester’s List August 2001 as amended)

Status: E indicates Federally endangered; T indicates Federally threatened; C indicates Federal Candidate, RS indicates Regional Forester’s Sensitive Species (Region 8), FS indicates NFGT Sensitive Species. *Species identified as having no suitable habitat within the project area are not considered further within the biological evaluation. (See section III of document).

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