Businss Majors to Manage Hart's Stores in Workshop Project by BOB PETERSON Marketing Field, Iughlight Retailing Career Possibilities and ,Osioiori
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41, oeial Mate Libraa "toroteritc 9, BusInss Majors To Manage Hart's Stores in Workshop Project By BOB PETERSON marketing field, iughlight retailing career possibilities and ,Osioiori. peisonnei itwiiager, all supersise a regular class- paper risk( t tonnig fur the lust three days of May. Home assist aware of their own aptitudes In room training and store procedure Participants in the Business Department's Student students in becoming system. "Students will economic. students isoi. developed fashion shows and home terms of specific retailing jobs. To provide students with an then go to their assigned Management Workshop vsill climax three months of activity positions fur personal training management demonstrateitis. Descriptions' of all of the ma - opportunity principles are applied which will continue nassement with Operation Take-Over tomorrow as more than 100 bus- to visualize how classroom through Friday. positions in the stores have beret written by stu- in on-the-job situations. "Saturday at 11 a.m., Alex Mart Jr. is meet- dents majoring in iness majors assume all managerial positions for three days convening a industrial relations. Occupational therapy To help such basic management ing of the board of directors at which students at Hart's San Jose and Sunnyvale stores and San Jose students gain insight into time Bill Ronson. have evaluated department store jobs in terms of Hart's Warehouse. tasks as fact finding, interpretation of data, problem dis- student president, will preside. All students holding the capabilities and needs of the handicapped. covers' analysis of alternative courses of action, decision major levels of administration will attend," Norwood ex- -Real estate students have conducted an analysis of Byron (Scott n Norwood, assistant professor of business, making and follow through. And to assist students in gain- planted. possible suburban locations for future branch stores. Radio and Alex J. Hart Jr., president of L. Hart and Son Co.. con- lug an appreciation of the Importance of both human rola- "Then. at 4 pm., there wil be a final program and certi- and television students have prepared a funs minute (locu- ceived the workshop idea through a work-together-more- tions and leadership ability in the conduct of business af- ficates of completion still be awarded to all participating mentary film for KRON TV in San Francisco. And Police closely objective and as a serious educational activity, which fairs, students and those students who hese done special study School students have studied security procedures required has called for more than 5000 hours of student, faculty and Norwood stated that following the orientation meeting. Projects. Several hundred students in the various college in a large department store," continued Norwoud, executive time in planning. in which Pres. John 'I'. Wahlquist will deliver the keynote departments have been working on special study projects re- Norwood commented that every occupational and art Professor Norwood defined workshop goals as follows: address, Lynn Lindstrom, Hart's training director, along kiting to department store operation, stated Norwood. department in the college will be represented in the windows To acquaint students with the department store phase of the with Aramando Gayton, student training director and Don "Advertising students have prepared all of Hart's news- of the downtown Hart store. SJS EXECUTIVES PREPARE TO TAKE CONTROL OF HART'S DEPT. STORE Candidates Say 4 ISB Not A Farce' 'Improve ASB Don Ryan Government' By JIM DRENNAN By BILL PHILLIPS Student government is not a Bill Sturgeon said yesterday that improved communication end farcebut there's plenty of room representation is the only way to stimulate more interest in student for improvement. government a+ San Jose State. SJS students still take over top management positions at merchandise manager; Bill Benson, president; Scott Norwood, While SJS has about the best student government in California, Dart's department stores in San Jose and Sunnyvale tomorrow SJS faculty adviser; Rita Morrison, executive of steering com- Particiaption in government has the main problem is the lack of interest by the students, the ASB through Saturday. lion Peterson, steering committee; James mittee; Shelley Detrick, general manager; Bill Squires, store su- increased this year but only five Chureh, San JOKY dIsplay manager; Shirley Smith, Sunnyale dis- perintendent; Pete Ireberroth, assistant store manager; Aramando presidential candidate said. per cent of the student body is play manager; Donald Vliardrop, personnel manager; Ron Prince, Dayton, personnel manager; James Moore. Joseph f atanzaro and Sturgeon, a business major, doesn't believe the Student Council Sunnyvale store manager; William Stewart, Sunnyvale General Lansing Warren, steering committee.PubBe Relations photo active in it. *should be enlarged to include any The Student Court is antiquat- more representatives. ed and its proceedings are marked 'Including more representatives by a lot of "Mickey Mouse." Writer, Lead on the Council can get 'things out Greeks definitely dominate stu- of hand'. dent affairs, but this lopsided con- "If there isn't enough Interest trol is not a problem. Of Revelries shown by the students, I can't be- These are some of the opinions lieve that adding more representa- of a man who has seen at close tives will solve the problem," he range the workings of SJS' much - Likes Action explained. maligned student government: By PHIL GEIGER FAVORS MORE MEMBERS outgoing ASH Pres. Don Ryan. Opponent Dick Robinson main- This is the first in a series of two It is unlikely tnat one man has tains that more representation is articles outlining, in question and ever been in three places at one needed "in order to more effectise- answer form, Ryan's opinions of time, but if anyone comes close, ly and fairly represent and keep VOL. 45 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1958 NO. 117 the government he has headed this certainly it is Pat Garvey. co- Informed our ever increasing stu- year. The voters are making their writer, director and male lead of dent body." verdicts known at the pulls today "Tamaloo," Spartan Revelries of Robinson proposes to include on and tomorrow. '58. Students Circulate "I'm happiest when I've got the Council voting representatives SJS Q. How many SJS students from all groups, such as college now actively participate In stri- things happening all the time," departments, religious groups, ser- dent government? he said in a calm, easy-going voice. Bomb Protest Petition Last weekend he concluded a run vice organizations, Panhellenic A About 500 to 600. Council, Inter-Fraternity Council, A protest against nuclear bomb SJS students make the trip. The Q. Common opinion is that In- of "Anniversary Waltz" in Los Ga- special interest groups and inde- testing is now circulating around caravan will 11-21s e from the stu- terest In strident government is tos community theater. During pendent students. the campus. dent at 9 Saturday morning. declining. What do the statistics that time he conducted rehearsals He cited the expanding 5.11.4 Student organizers, who com- Anyone interested in offering show? for "Tamaloo," learned his lines enrollment as an important rea- posed the petition Monday after- transportation or wishing a ride A. Although we'd always like both singing and speaking, kept a son o Ity liii enlarged C lllll icil Is noon, said they already have the should call CY 7-1615, to have more people participate, 'full study load satisfied and work- needed to COW` with the 'omicr- signatures of a boo t 30 faculty we're encouraged to see that the ons canipus organirations. members. number of sign-ups for offices and Inetrnd of enlarging Me mem- ',DEPARTMENT HEADS SIGN committees has increased this Sorority Recital bership of the Courcil and creat- "We even have signatures of year. ing what he calls a -conflict of department heads," stu- Features Chorus Q. Many people contend that said one special groups." Sturgeon said he dent, "but these men signed A women's chor s, a string *Judi-tit goternment actually has this favors stimulating student inter- petition as individuals so it would quintet and various vocal and in- little effect on the average stu- est by publishing a "newsletter." not be proper to name them as strumental solos will be featured dent. Is this t rue'? The letter would include a syn- representatives of any specific at the annual spring recital spon- A. No. It affects the student in opsis of the week's events in the JANE ANN FRITZ group.' sored by Mu Phi Epsilon, national MISS VIOLA PALMER many ways. On the cultural side, Council, a copy of the minute's and . will give recital The originators of the petition. music sorority, tomorrow night at . refiring it sponsors the Monday movies, lists of any pending committee ap- Charles Bustamante, G. Allen 8:15 in the Concert Hall of the dances, Revelries, and plans to pointments. Carrico, Ashleigh Brilliant and Music Building. bring big-time entertainment to It would be mailed to all cam- William Pounds, plan to get the The recital will Include pieces by Cummings SJS next year. It contributes hea- pus organizations. Star Singer petition out to the student% to- such well-known composers as vily to the SJS athletic program, MILLER SAYS Mt/RE STUDY day. Bach, Handel, Haydn, Chopin and to The Spartan Daily, to the The third aspirant, Chuck Mil- The text of Debussy. To Succeed Marching Band, to the Speech and the petition is as ler, said lest week he doesn't he. Sets Recital follows: "Mr. President: We, the , Approximately 20 girls will par- Drama Department, and to the live there is a need for so many undersigned, of San Jose ticipate in the program. Women's Athletic Assn. It hires By ANTHONY TARAVELLA State class representatives 00 the Coun- College, in recognition of the fact SJS Official student affairs business man- the cil.