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[email protected] magazine Music a nd Emigration ”Two times two is four in every country” - Emigrant, Cosmopolitan or Victim of Persecution? Twelve Questions on the Subject of “Emigration” 1. What were the most important reasons why you left your 01homeland? 2. What effect did emigration have on your02 work in general? 3. Are there direct references to the subject of emigration03 in your music? 4. Did the music help you come to terms with04 your personal fate? 03 Music and Emigration - Feature 5. What connections to your former 04 homeland have you been Franghiz Ali-Zadeh able to maintain, 06 Lera Auerbach emotionally05 and outwardly? 08 Xiaoyong Chen 6. Is music at all capable of 10 translating political, societal Elena Firsova and personal problems 12 Sofia Gubaidulina into the 06language of music? 13 Giya Kancheli 15 Milko Kelemen 7. What means are best suited to do this? 16 Krzysztof Meyer 07 17 Slava Ulanovski 18 8. Do you feel like a kind Lin Yang of ambassador for the country 20 Benjamin Yusupov of08 your birth? 9. Of the composers who have CONTENTS IMPRESSUM Quartalsmagazin der SIKORSKI MUSIKVERLAGE remained in your homeland, with erscheint mind. 4x im Jahr - kostenfrei which ones do you maintain contact? 09 VERLAG Internationale Musikverlage Hans Sikorski Briefanschrift: 20139 Hamburg, Paketanschrift: Johnsallee 23, 20148 Hamburg, Tel: 040 / 41 41 00-0, 10. How was your emigration evalu- Telefax: 040 / 44 94 68, ated by these composers at the time,
[email protected] of your emigration? Fotonachweis: Cover: peepo, Yuri Arcurs, David Franklin, Jay Spoone / istock / Sofia Gubaidulina: Archiv Sikorski / Benjamin Yusupov: Archiv Sikorski / Lera Auerbach: 10 Christian Steiner / Ali Sade: Archiv Sikorski / Gija Kantscheli: Priska Ketterer / Xiaoyong Chen: Archiv Sikorski / Jelena Firssowa: J.