(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,702,308 B2 ROSS (45) Date of Patent: *Apr
USOO8702308B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,702,308 B2 ROSS (45) Date of Patent: *Apr. 22, 2014 (54) REDUCED OPENING ELASTIC : E: 5.3% R DRAWSTRING BAG 6,921,202- w - B2 7/2005 Ratermanaspina 6,939,042 B2 9, 2005 RuSnak et al. (75) Inventor: Michael A. Ross, Dallas, TX (US) 6,994.469 B2 * 2/2006 Sleight et al. ................... 383.43 7,137,737 B2 * 1 1/2006 Schneider ....................... 383,75 (73) Assignee: Poly-America, L.P., Grand Prairie, TX 8,523,439 B2 * 9/2013 Ross ............................... 383,75 (US) 2001/0019638 A1* 9, 2001 Fox et al. ........................ 383,75 2006, O165319 A1 7/2006 Patridge et al. 2013/030 1958 A1* 11/2013 Ross ............................... 383,75 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 1109 days. DE 19636511 A1 3, 1998 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- EP 0978459 A1 2/2000 claimer. WO WO 2006050576 A1 5, 2006 (21) Appl. No.: 12/262,027 * cited by examiner Primary Examiner — Gary Elkins (22)22) FileFiled: Oct.c. 30,5U, 2008 Assistant Examiner — Christopher Demeree (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Brandon J. Lee US 2010/O 111452 A1 May 6, 2010 (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl The present invention is directed toward an improved con we struction of an elastic drawstring trash bag. The elastic draw B65D 33/28 (2006.01) string trash bag described herein is comprised of a plastic bag (52) U.S.
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