U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge Represented by the following Members of Management Activities Congress: n Protect fragile wetland plant Senator Robert C. Byrd (D) communities and control Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D) accelerated erosion on uplands. Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (D-1st) n Protect habitats of threatened and endangered species Contact n Perpetuate nesting habitat for Stan Skutek, Refuge Manager grassland-dependent migratory Canaan Valley National Wildlife birds Refuge n Maintain early successional HC 70, Box 200 habitat for songbirds and USFWS Davis, WV 26260 American woodcock Woodcock on nest Phone: 304/866 3858 n Control invasive species Fax: 304/866 3852 TDD: 800/982 8771 E-mail:
[email protected] Highlights Forty-one miles of trails are open The refuge contains a wetlands to public uses, including 31 miles for Purpose complex of more than 5,171 acres pedestrians, 22 miles for horseback The Canaan Valley National that has national significance. riders, 23 miles for bicyclists and Wildlife Refuge was established 7 miles for motorized vehicles. to preserve the unique plant The valley has one of the largest Ten additional miles of trails are and wildlife communities of the shrub swamps and the fourth largest available for cross-country skiing on nationally significant Blackwater bog in the eastern United states. the refuge. River wetlands. The refuge was also created to perpetuate wildlife The climate supports a relict boreal Issues species, including migratory birds and ecosystem that includes at least 580 Boundary posting continues on threatened and endangered species, species of plants, 109 of which are existing property.