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8-20-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-20-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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OF S HOSTS OF SHIP OFFICERS CAPTAIN FOIf HUHDAH TAX N NEW BILL KNEES NEXT YEAR 1 -- tW bM'S Germans on Three Important Man From the Submarine 3ne of Their Number, an Of- Treasury Protests Against an Ger? J March Telis the House Sectors of Western Battle That Sank the Oil Steamer Reviews ficer, Wanderings But House i Increase, the ML; committee I hat Front Are Compelled to Give 0, B, Jennings Seen in New of These Men Who Arc Now Ways and Means Commit- Ourt Are Drawn to End Up Their Positions, York is Claim, in Saloon, Fighting Siberia, J tee Seems to Favor Raise, StrugV-- 1919, 2 i V7TT FRENCH DRIVE BACK FOE, PEOPLE ON LAND MAY REQUIRED j icT 57 DAYS TO fit r v MAN-POWIL- BOTH SIDES WILL GET L IS TO TAKING 2,000 CAPTIVES HAVE AIDED REACH VLADIVOSTOK! TOGETHER, PREDICTION GET PR0u ATTENTION - J" Unofficial Reports Say British One of the Divers, It is After Ukraine Journey Leaving Narcotics Schedule is to Be Congress Prepares to Enact Have Taken the Railway Thought, Cut Two Atlantic Made Under Difficulties; IIItTA,,lilllMrtMillfti ilii.ii .irJi"rt-'"-:iHi- J Framed so as to Yield Ap- Quickly Exten- I a Bwwr. Legislation Station on the Northwestern Cables; From 160 to 180 Bolsh'eviki Tried to rvnaj Hamper proximately $4,000,000 a ding the Draft Ages; West Outskirts of Divers Now in These- M,lilii-r- arc incinlicrs CzoclitK-Slova- k Roye, Commission, Every Movement, (,f a niilitary Year, Kitchin Amiouccs. Front is mission which has just omo from .Siberia to report to illr Crucial Point, I'rt.fcssor Thomas ;. Masaiyk, in Vashiu;;toii Tbcy Bm ,.ft lt Private It. ( I.iciiti-iu-n- t r mornins rV MORNlNJ JOURNAL right. hvtil. Daniclovsky ami i'aiiluiit V. S. journal man liaiid wirij IPICIAL LlOItO WIRII MOKNINtt JOURNAL liCIAL LCASCO WlOTM) lr MOANING JOURNAL IPCClAL LCAACO WIN! IIV MOANING The Germans on 1 JOURNAL W,RI- - thrco important Washington, Aug. 9. Information Washinnlon. Au:;. 1,.- CauL 'l;uli- - RC,AL LIAIID . Aug. 19. sectors of the western Urn-ban- Washington, Disagree Washlngion, 19. battle front furnished by officers of vessels at- mir S. an officer in the1 J Aug. Congress have been t incut arose between the compelled to give up posi- C'zecho-Slova- k again today prepared today to enact the new man- tacked by German submarines along army which Japan and,1 into the ,handsof the lis. Ka.-- tions of great strategic value under the United Slates have In treasury department and the house power the American coast has decided to aid of our regiments hart :'(ii to :;o ma-S- i legislation, extending the draft the of the strengthened ron-.- i onslaughts British and berta, has to from chine Kiu-su- , STAY ways and means committee as to pro- limits to IS the belief held Washington guns ,nd nobtnly in in WILSON'S ago and 45 years. General French troops. by many officials tha' Vladivostok to make a to I'ro-- visions of new revenuo 1,111. In report I say nothing of .Moscow, have the Tho March told the house militnry com- the rs sector, west of Armen-tiere- s, the enemy raiders had had communi- fessor commandcr-in-- i Maaaryk, hief at ull op-o- contemplated an attempt at f treasury has submitted a letter pro1, mittee the should win the enemy Czecho-Slov.i- k - , program the has retreated over cation with persons on shore the army and presl- woi-.'- a and may position, .Moscow, testing Increases In the excess war in 1919. front of nearly six miles, leaving even have dent of the national council. have against landed members of their Captain received us with open arms. But AT - the town of Mervllle in British hands. has iven lo MANCHESTER profits tax rates of tat- present law. While the house committee crews to secure information. The Hurban the Associated we wcro dutermined to as the began Between the Matz and rivers the Press his story of the of arm The committee and the treasury work on the bill General to- experiences of a friendlv brother nation by hearing French have their to navy department officially refused Cxecho-Slovak- g have reached an to an fought way the the from the time the an army which in spit-- of all bad agreement i,s Match, Secretary Baker and General western outskirts of the night to indorse this belief of SO dominating though escaped prisoners foushtj periences, wished Itusiiu the strenmh-thei- r per cent war profits tax based on Crowtler, the senato set aside its sum- position of Utsslgny and farther south the way eastward from Ukraine. IS A L admitting possibility. enhiB of real democracy. AlthouHi lire-w- but have been una mer vacation and wih in this hill and wooded "The of the of our NF earnings, take up the region have' Positive claim that he met an of history origin we t.ouI(1 not 8vmmllliw thl. ble to at a common on measure Thursday. It debouched from the wood army, of its on the Russian arrive standing appeared prob- fleer from the submarine that sank operations Bolshevik government, we as guests the method of excess able tho bill would be debated simul- Pim-pre- reaching profits, and also captured the town of z, front, and Its march around the world! the oil tank steamer O. B. it refrained from all action against i! which classification it lias been esti taneously In the senate and house the situated in the Oise on Jennings ... - valley i.u,. nu.c ,., remainpf! at.Ho),iteh- to it. IVY MONt'l(l JOURNAL APICAL I.KASCO W,V 10 last of this -Compiegn- mated will per week the e road. a New York saloon is made by the like a fantastic romance, before which loyal affect omy about and passml quickly. Turned Over Their Manchester, Mass., Aug. III. cent, of to be Senate prohibition Around the curve In the first officer of fades into the pro- Anns. the total corporations advocates agreed battle line, that vessel, according the Imagination I'resident Wilson's out Ins luis much taxed. to northwest of Soissons the to he said. "To prove indisputably our loyalty, temporarily lay aside their bill antf French from a story the saic," his man-pow- reaching department. we over lo the ev- improved health. Stands Firm. t;ive the near to Kontenoy on the The between "Our army in Russia was organized turned Bolshevik Treasury program right of recognition the Ameri ex- Today 'he played tho best, game of Tho asked that tho pres- way. Aisne, a distance from C'zecho-Slova- k war erything, all our arms, with the treasury of approximately can and the German is said to have prisoners of of his from bo In difficul- ception of a few rifles which we golf stay, winning,' lr. ent excess profits law included Before the hoiiso committee, Secre. nine miles, have driven back en- been under almost insurmountable kept . the instantaneous, the latter making for our. so to Chi-- T. Grayson, his phy-iiriitn- tho new bill with an alternative wai lary Baker and his aides emy to an average of more his when ties. We were with the say, personal, safety again urged depth escape the American appeal (10 rifles 100 While the president und Mrs. tax of 80 per cent. The committee ha? action on the bill, than a mile and vil- ed to a Husslan army, and since the summer for.each .men). The discussing various captured several brother officer accompanying Wilson drove along thu shore t.r to an S cent phases of the and 2,290 mm of 1917 were practically the only army equipment wo turned over to the tentatively ugretd per enlarged, program which, lages prisoners. for confirmation of bis belief. strolled on the beach an, I in the in addition to u specific calls for an of HriUsli Havp Itcaclicri CHlier on the Russian front, capable of any including arms, horses, auto- exemption, army nearly 4.000,000 Roye Case Are Citod, woods they were acroiMpaiil'.',! as $.1,000 exemption on excess Americans In J unofficial record Other military action In the proper sense of mobiles, airplanes, etc., was worth profits by Juno 30, 199, reports the cap' instances have been heard usual by secret service' men. I,-s- with a (ax of 41) per cent on profltf with another in u, ture sta-- word. Tn 1917, thei than 1,000,000,000 rubles, ami it 1,000,000 training ill by the British of the ; not so well of the July, during "' i 0 railway substantiated, the dis noticeable and observed f cent The committee this , tioii on the western first revolutionary offensive under Ke-- I ,va3 legally In our possession, for we by but few xeeeding per country, outskirts of Itoye, covery of evidence that German sub was the the submitted its decision to the Win one of it was our that real took it away from the (iermiiim, lo part played by iviv.v. treasury or hi West., f the pivotal points on the buttle marines have been in close touch with rensky only army Marines for its views. The today, ir I,s , front between attacked and advanced. whom It hail been abandoned by the picketed the grounds. "Vt, treasury Predicting that the war will be wpn the Somme and the shore. One ly hydro-airplane- s the story along this line soviet Bolsheviks. This searched at! 'tis letter which was not made public or lost on (he western front Oise, was that the 4 "When the Bolshevik govern fleeing transfer of jacciit regard- captain of coastwise waters at stood firm In its position In opposi- less of Oon-cn- ".most inent signed the peace treaty at the the equipment van of course preceded and a little distance off what happens elsewhere- il 'The gains aie Important for vessel, being ordered to, the subtle. . tion to of excess tax, iieglnning of March, our army, ofi by an agreement made between us tile coast two torpedo boat ijesl rov-- increase profits March told the committee that and i. fleet of Tlier-- were. Indlcetlons, however, with HO Wwr4'ii v was "in and' the ''f y trained. American divisions - , ...... no enemy has been com mander's desk New York of "about 1,0,000 men, I'krainla, Mosiw government, by Increase the of papers Kiev. The Tkrainiaii which we were Kept guard. This watch over the that the committee would about 43,000 men each, In France, pelled to acknowledge defeat- the the same date. near former guaranteed unmolested tax. to the Bolsheviks, passage to which the wan taken because the president present under an American vie-to- wrenching In the German defense is Communication between the government, escape through Siberia, The committee change the "I- commander, raiders themselves Into the arms of the to un- and .Mrs. Wilson selected a 'louse may ought to rest on American becoming dally more noticeable. With- arid the main land Is a! threw government pledged give its so to it an ex- arsis possible conditional almost at a nduction rate as make next year. his in a short time scores Germans and called for German help. support. standing the ertgn i.r in Reiterating belief that they probably will be of places along the Atlantic ar- tension of 10 per cent Instead of 8, such a force could forced to commence a When tho German and Austrian "Already there were signs that the promontory that commands a wide go through the retrograde shore, naval officials believe, because i addition to tho specific $3,000 exemp- movement on mies their advance into llkrain-la- , Germans were to bo view of lie sen. and which, inliirn. German lines at will. General March a scale that will mean of the irregularity of the American began beginning uneasy tion. the of our was almost can be plainly seen from some dis-- 1 went further and electrified the com- the entire blotting out of old lines coasts. position army about our movement. Today wc have Will We were in a state which "ic I It was not believed to "(Jet Together." mitteemen by such a foroe and the taking up 0f new ones to the Ueeently the taken desperate. documentary evidence of the fact that It was in favor of u 10 per declaring precautions by had concluded pea,oe, Into which, how- In March the Germans lie beyond Hie range of originally "should bring the war to a successful east and southeast possibly from the the authorities to such com- considered our poFsinilily rent dedtit tion, and it may return to prevent ever, the Germans were advancing and as naive which that some German submarine ro conclusion in 1919." region of Rheims to Ypres. munication have been aug- progress adventure, it by some compromise action. ISoih ' greatly occupying large territories without re- soon would end in would be to rl.'l' To exert this American man-oow- Ii'H Salient .Melting Away. mented, both shore and failure. When tempted his Chairman Kitchin and Mc- - by patrol sistance. The red guards of tho Soviets ship to lake a ut so Secretary in securing victory, General March The Lys salient is fast other messages which can not dis- they saw, however, that tho '"impos- pot nl)t ion Adoo have Mated that would fading away be did not real a they "get said, 1 under the attacks the cussed. No represent any military sibility" as they called it,' was be- spicuoiis target. some satisfao "every plngle man" between of British and official report has beer, together" on mutually 45 1 the power. a to do and years in class would be need, voluntary retirement of the Ger- made giving any definite evidence o' coming reality, they began tory plan, chairman Kitchin authori- ed mans to new Mcnaceil by their best to frustrate our nnd 20G N, M, by next spring. Shipping faollittej defense east- an , . efforts, GRAMMAR statement at the positions enemy boat having landed. "Tho Germans advanced against ur zed tho following are assured and maintenance ward and seemingly the From sources organized un army against us. As I t.losH of session: prot. big westerly authoritative it win In overwhelming numbers and there SCHOOL today's Icms have been on me ' had said, the liolshoviks, not CALLED con considered th "iiikp into allied line between learned there Is reason to behove three was we would be sur though jjRADS "The committee spent tho day danger that to us, restrain- program. Kpres and La Bassee soon must dis- German submarines have been oper- rear was not covered exceptionally friendly ksiderirtg administrative provisions of rounded. Our N Suggestions that tho 5,000,000 appear. ed so far from ull direct action ly MOAN, JOURNAL ..COAL LlA.tD and reached no decision. The army ating on the American coasts, at three and the Germans were liable to attack W.R., tho bill program would exhaust Under the new of Brit- Two against us. Their only desire In that Washington, Aug. 1!!. tax schedule of the present law Amerltm's gains the separate points. of these hae us there. We had no lines of com Eighteen iitamp map-pow- were ish respect, to which devoted much states were ca'lcil pro-ves- com- laughingly denied by around Roye am particularly recently "ceased either nitinlcation behind us, no of ma they upon by the was left Intact, except that the operating," stores was lo volun- marshal General March, but Mie Joined Secre- those made by the Las-slgn- y because ex- money, persuade our general today' to mittee Increased the tax rate on play- er French from their stores have become terials and no reserves; everywhere rurnlsli tary In to . Oise teers to join their Ited Guard. We r,7uD while draft from 7 cents to 8 cents a explaining that it rep- the valley and north- hausted or as a result of danupe there was disorganization and registrants of gram- ing cards resents west of anarchy did practically to it, mar school education fit. America's maximum effort for Soissons, the Germans now in contact with the Bolshevik red seize-- ! nothing opposo for General pack. patrol and the guards but we knew our men. on tho present. are In a bad predicament. Here their fleets. H is known that the activities locomotives and were easl Our people military service. The men will entrain "Tho committee considered a tax the fleeing too 1. a Plan for Thrre Classen. ImsitionH are dominated by the allied of one boat ceased In are well eiiuculeil politically and September Voluntary enlistment., narcotics and it expects to frame Immediately after panic in will be Tliins for new guns from the west, southwest and a destroyer tllschai thnsn Em every other way, to bo carried accepted until August schedule which will yield approximate- calling registrant reported having "I'nder circumstances All of 2. under th proposal south for many miles and sent us en away by the methods of Leninu and theso men will be sent t.i ly $4,000,000. explained by Sec apparently on PaKeTw o! ) peror Charles a special schools or rctnry Baker, provide for three classes a retreat eastward. if we Trotsky. training centers for in- - Income: Tax I'p Today. voy with tho promise, that would probably to be called In thews of Plcardy and over the Homme and wo would be amnestied and Work of German Agents. structitMi in special linns of uorv.-- a "The committee tomorrow will, past order, in return, for rec- between 19 and 37 of even from the western Aisne be niriTi nniTinn our "More dangerous was the work which they are wanted. upon Secretary McAdoo's plan for years ago, those will lands would receive autonomy. between 37 and 45 those necessitated. we of German agents, who, under the Included among the. states im.i the ommendation plan for a nor- and between uAriHINunlllull We answered that would not ne 18 and 19. Mr. Baker did not Germans Don't Admit the Austrian mask of internationalism found their points lo which the men nro or.lci-v- mal tax of 12 per cent on object Truth. gotiate with emperor. to separate classification tit The latest German communication "As wo could not hold a front way into the Soviets, In every soviet "re: unearned Incomes. The treasury was a 10(1, youths, but he and General March asserts that French attacks between we began a retreat to the east. Already there German who exercised Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.; un. department has 'recommended a Oise. aid all eligible probably would be the and In a great influence over all its mem- versityof Arizona. normal tax of 12 per cent on -- Alsno. delivered over a SRIP PEIIISTONE then agreement with the allies, (out earned, ailed ort not wide front bers. California, 10i, Tucson. 'Ariz. and 15 cent on unearned Incomes. later than next sprinf. failed, but the French army had been proclaimed a part of per The told Czecho-Slova- "Soon came New Mexico, i!0fi. be secretary the commute statement Is specific in the k army on tho west- there the news that MesillaTark, Tho uestion will whether to adopt announcing M. that his previous statement of the de- the penetrations of the environs of ern front, and thus allied with the the German and Magyar prisoners of this rate, which the treasury has urged war were In und on that a normal partment's intention to liberalize tho , th cutting of a passageway GIVEN French army) it was decided to trans- organizing Siberia the ground high draft In FREEDOM were armed by the Bolsheviks rate- will sell or regulations dealing with the through the Thiescourt wood and the port our army over Siberia and Amer- being help Liberty Bonds, older men to be cent In- made subject to call capture of Plmpreji. That there has ica to France. We began the difficult under the pretense that they wcro TANKER to retain the 10 per on normal had been to SINKS All comes as been misconstrued. He said there hard fighting Is Indicated by the retreat from Kiev. The Germans in going fight againBt "world imper- about $4,000 annually, was no intention to British an ialism.' We have how the agreed upon, and place a IS exempt married statement, which savs that overwhelming force were trying to proved that men as a class and that men 1ST MORNIN tax on incomes. married northwest of Chaulnes the Germans JOUSNAL SPtCIAt. LRASIO Wlftll prevent out escape. About a hundred Germans were planning to provoke per cent unearned who do not Ev-Hii- support their wives or are succeeded in Boston, Aug. 19. Capt. s miles behind us our conflict with the Bolsheviks und The has submitted that a penetrating the British Iav(d they seized the impor- treasury not engaged In useful wll lines at several of the British steamer PetUstone, tant to destroy us piecemeal with tha SUB AFTER high normal tax will promote- the salo occupations points but later were railroad Junction at Bachmas, be called as they now are. driven out. who was taken aboard a Germaji sub- which we were to In our aid. of the armed prisoners of war. Era of tho coming Liberty Bond Issue, ns obliged pass "Work or Fight" Clause. On the, other battle fronts marine as V prisoner of war after the trains on out retreat to the east. "Under such circumstances we be- the Income from Liberty Bond Issue, there is l Discussing the "work or n undersea Nan- the Income from Bonds fight" little activity, except-I- the nature of boat sank his vessel off Ilot Huns at Harhinac, gan our pilgrimago east. I wus in as Liberty amendment of tucket last was we not scheduled to the normal tax but Senator Thomas of artillery duels and patrol encounters. week, landed here "When arrived at Bachmac the the first train, (there were then 80 BATTLE Colorado, to the senate late today. With Evans were Germans were of which was the surtax and try the normal bill, Secretary Additional American troops arrived Captain already waiting for us. trains us), to 'prepare BUil raising Baker said It "seems consist- last in eight members of the crew of the Nor- There a battle the we were tax, Liberty 'Bonds will b0 mado espo entirely week Vladivostok to aid the began lasting four days, way. determined to ent" with the present regulations and other international In wegian steamer San Jose, also a victim in which they were badly defeated and leave Russia without a conflict. dally attractive to capital." is troops their MOANING unobjectionable. He said It does not of the same which tY JOURNAL RR.CIAL LCAICD operations against the Bolshevik and submarine that destroyed enabled us to get our trains the fact that we kept WIRt) for of the Penistone. The Philadelphia, Aug. 1 9. A German provide conscription labor, as German forces In Siberia. through commander of tho Ger- our word, that we surrendered all DUBJJN RED CROSS contended or- submarlno was In bat-li- o by representatives of The San Jose was some man forty-eigh- sunk a sunk time detachment offered us a arms wih the exception of the few running ganized labor, but be a tonay. Captain been hours' with a British tank steamer !asl AIDS U. S, SOLDIERS merely would, Clear Trark for Week. Evans, who had truce, which we accepted necessary, our progress was hindered declaration by of the "work kept on the for our was to leave Friday, about 300 miles northeast of congress Boston. Mass., Aug. 19. Governor prisoner submarine eight duty Ukrainia: and unending negotiations had to be or fight" principle Into was Nantucket, to RV already put McCall today announced he had re- days, put Into one of the San but, the truce was cancelled by the in every sat of a local so- according members of MORNIN9 JOURNAL RRICAL LBASSD WlR repeated tho tankers crew. Tho effect by the draft regulations. Joses small was German ma-chi- oil ar Dublin, 19. An American Red considered his decision to become a boats, which picked commander, Linsingen. but viet. We were threatened by n ship Aug. Secretary Morrison of the American for up mier Dy a vessel. Twcn too late: our trains had lived here tonight from Mexico Cross committee has been formed In candidate the republican senatorial government already got guns, by cannon, but we patient- Federation of Labor In op- ty-ii- otner members nt Ban away.- - we When first sighted the was Dublin has appeared nomination. This leaves the field clear iha lost altogether about 600 ly stood it all, although the Bolshe- and opened comfortable to the It Jose's crew men two miles away, to the cap- rooms the position amendment and was for Senator John W. Weeks. had not been accounted in dead, wounded and unaccount vik Red Guard could have been dis- according for benefit of wounded to hear him ior Naval we tain of the who said he Im American In hos- arranged and other labor lomgnt. authorities refused able, while burled 2,000 Germans banded by a few of our volunteers. tanker, soldiers and sailors tomorrow. to give out In one mediately opened fire. Two shots from In Dublin district. The representatives Chairman anything concerning the only day. After D7 days of such tiresome travol pitals the Dent said re- - ' the submersible tonight that he hoped to experiences of Captain Evans nr fh- "In this manner we from in struck the British opening ceremony was by or escaped our first train arrived Vladivostok, one performed port the measure Wednesday or THE WEATHER sinning tne ship. Lkrainla. Our relations with Bol ship, passing through the boiler the vice president. Lady Derles In the the where we were enthusiastically room and the Thursday, probably with amendments. Captain Evans appeared little the sheviks were still good. We the allied other through a tank absence of the president, the Countess worse for refrained by units stationed of shells If sentiment In the committee for pro. FORECAST. his adventures. He was from meddling with Russian Neither the exploded and of Granard, formerly Miss Ogden seized internal there. did no material visions specifying the order of classes by the German commander affairs and we tried to come to an the damage, the captain Mills. to when he to "When Germans saw that we be called and specifically to defer Denver, Colo., Aug. 19. Xew Mex tried return to his with the Bolshevik reported. 18 sinking agreement govern- notwithstanding all their Intrigue shots were fired calls for year-old boys are adopted, ico! Tuesday and Wednesday general- iui me snips papers. ment with respect to our were Twenty by the tank NORWEGIAN VESSEL departure, nearing Vladivostok, they exer- ship, one or more of which her master Representative Kahn of California, ly fair; not much change In tempera- or passage Russia. But al- Man Drowns through cised a direct pressure on Lenine anc declared, scored clean as ranking republican member, plana ture. Mining ready, were visible Bo- hits, flames SUNKBYHUN DIVER Xew signs that the Trotsky: , for the things that were minority report In favor of the ad Arizona: Tuesday and Wednesday York, Aug. J9 The death lsheviks were seen bursting from the port side from fen either under German influ- later committed by the Soviets, cannot of ministration plan. not much in drowning Saturday of N ence the submarine which, he said, sank 1ST MORNIN JOURNAL generally fair; change Bruce or because we then representd any furhcr be explained away ' (RlCAl, LIAIIO W,R( End of Cla. t Men. temperature. Mackelvte, president of the the by a few minut?s later. Washington, Aug. 19. The Norwe- Butte and only real power In Russia would The trains were stopped at General Crowder told the commit, Superior Mining company, try to obstacles in gian bark Nordhav was sunk by a tee men LOCAL was 39 years old. a put our way. It different stations go that they finally NEW MEXICO MAN that now In class 1 would be REPORT. member of the would have sufficed to one of were a IS German submarine 125 miles off the exhausted firm of Hayden, Stone & Co. order separated by distance of over after the September call of thin our was 50 one Virginia capes Saturday Her crew and A summary of local weather condi- city, and a director of regiments (our army then. miles from another. Provok- WOUNDED IN ACTION urged speedy action on the bill U several mlnin.t In March, near to Mos- escaped in small boats and have been tions for the twenty-fou- r hours end other Moscow) take ing Incidents of all kinds were the or- provide sufficient men for future calls, end corporations, including thi cow, and in brought Into an Atlantic port an m.. follows-Maximu- n half a dav there would der of the day. The by islthough General March aaid Ing at t p. yesterday wngnt-aiarti- arming of the KORNIN JOURNAL RRMIAL WlRRl 'he Aircraft corporation have been no Bolshevik Ml American warship. there will be 89 Mr. German and Magyar was be l!.--T- hi thought enough men to temperature, degrees; Mackelvie suffered a stroke jf for prisoners Ottawa, Ont.. Aug. follow-in- :; The Nordhav sent down noon 51; then we were well armed, having gun en a scale. One wag at last until November wtthout the ne minimum, range, 38; temperature apoplexy while at his estnt large of tht American name In vf 120 bathing taken from the appcircd Saturday about miles southeast of , $t 6 p, 81; southwest winds; clear. at Sands Point. front everything we of Tchttcherin. ths Bolshevik list: legislation. By January 1. General Long Island. coma to It casualty Cape Henry. There were 28 in Jier Crowder riy, nrevent. frotn, falling '('Continued t said he hoped to complete faseVoTr II. New Mexico, wounded. WIT. , . St"on, w ;cla.lfylmr u natiga." ... t: ; TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. EXPERIENCES OF CZECH0 HMD'S PRESSURE CHINESE IR OOPS SLOVAKS ARE RELATED 3kVe Expect a Carload of BY CAPTAIN HURBAN Calomel Loses You a Day's Work! TO FORGES EBEMY TO. E HASTE NED (JPontlniiea from Ace One.) Take Dodso'n's Liver Tone Instead Stone Jars foreign minister, reads: 'Dispatch all V German ami Magyar prisoners out of ! head- Flower Czecho-Slovaks- .' Kead If bilious, constipated or , 3tone Churns, Pots WfTHDRAW TROOPS BORDER Siberia, stop the my. guarantee 1 IERI Three members of our national coun- need not take nasty, sickening, danger- Us Wi-'- in a Few Days. cil wo were sent to Moscow- for An achy you u explanation of tho stopping of our ous calomel to get straightened up. will let us have order now we will trains, were arrested. At the same Jf you your I P ARID Po- ' MORNIN JOURNAL RPECIAI HI time our trains were attacked in dif- V Vhen the Car is Unloaded. Germans Opposite British Am-- . Tlif 'bines,, jpelivcr Washington, ferent stations by the soviet troops, in town drug- constipation, you have only to ask for 1 a force of Every druggist your to Give government has sent large formed mostly of German and Magyar no- your money back. sitions Contimio to gist and everybody's druggist has g, troops to the Siberian border pre- prisoners. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant-tastin- of Chinese ticed a great falling off in the sale of Ve Ground; Trulons Stu render vent a threatened invasion The Incident at purely vegetable remedy, Have a Good Stock of German ami Hungarian Irkutsk. calomel. Thev all give the same rea harmless to both children and adults. territory by "I will its Without Much Opposition, prisoners of war, who joined with the recall the Irkutsk incident. son. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking Take a spoonful at night and wake up of tho Our train of about 400 men, armed place. feeling fine; no biliousness, 'sick head- guard and other elements acid stomach or Etc. Cze ho Slovaks in with ten rifles and 20 hand grenades, "Calomel is dangerous and people ache, constipated Fruit Jars, Caps, Rubbers, against the Tone is bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause in- 11V MORNINO JOURNAL SPEf.tAl. LEASED WIRE) trami-Raik- was surrounded by a few thousand know it, while Dodson's Liver the region. re- convenience all the next day like vio- With in I!ed Guards armed with machine guns perfectly safe and gives better the British Army France, The sending of the Chinese force a lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel 19 Associated Press.) means and cannon. Their commander gave sults," naid prominent local druggist. will feet Aug. by tho was taken to mean that every Dodson s Liver Tone is personally today and tomorrow you Cwoho-Slo-va- our men ten Don't losa In response to pressure applied first of relief to th minutes to surrender every who sells weak sick and nauseated. f bringing to guaranteed by druggist Take Dodson's Liver & MAUGER at one and then another i"'t "lp was being taken by tho allied their arms, or be shot. According it. A bottle doesn't cost very a day's work! RAABE large Tone' instead and feel fine, full of 15-11- line, the Gi rintms opposite the British a of prisoners their habit, ours, began negotiations, much but if it fails to give easy relief 1 7 North First Street. powers. That the nay ambition. on several portions of the front con- set free by the Bolsheviki and anyed Suddenly thorn was heard the German in every case of liver sluggishness and vigor and me- "If It's Hardware, We Have It." tinue to give ground. to fight the Czecho-Slovak- s was command, '.schiessen' and the Red The German which have tho Chinese has been Guardg began firing at the train. Our troop:: nacing cover. The of them are ex- been encountered in the la: t few clays, known here. China has declared she men jumped off the train, and in five majority cited who therefore cannot especially (luring the operations of will not permit them to ' toss her bor- minutes all tho machine guns were in people AZTEC FUEL CO. last night in which ml tcrxtoen ridge der, and if Chinese territory is violat- their possession, tho Russian ISolslic-v'ik- s organize. "The allies the psychology CAPTAIN TWITCHELL'S Wits captured and consolidated, seem ed a battle is promise,!. disarmed and all the Germans kndwing de- of Russia the to have lost in fighting effi It was said today at Hie stale and Magyars done away with. today, and knowing 1 GROSSES AWARDED IN THE AIR" IS greatly real of Russia, will extend "UP ciency. Of nearly 7 '.hi Germans cap- partment that the allied troops in "The Siberian government which strength Jewett Fire tured the Out lerslcf n opera- Vladivostok are not under orders to resides in Irkutsk and which, as it their help in the proper manner. SUCCESS during our can be of UNQUALIFIED tion, many surrendered .lamely after remain there, as was indicated in an appeared later, ordered this attack, think that army greot Brick. and be- assistance tveontly made can thank the of the assistance in this task; all of our boys 7 TO MORNING securing their rations personal appeal for only intervention SPECIAL CORRCSPONOKNCE OURNAI.l 'zeehn-Slo-va- four AMERICANS .FOR General Uiedriehs, the ( k American and consuls thai It have learned Russian in the 19. A dis- longing.".. by French to Storage., coal and I Santa Fe, Aug. special of last astride but go anywhere they was not em- years of war, and know how treat I re- The operations night leader, may destroyed by our rightly of wood. from San Francisco today, indiea-tio- n know tho Russian all kinds patch the Soarpo river may serve as can assist. Japanese troops probably bittered volunteers. the people. They ceived Mrs. K. Twitchell, Gen- and' Russian and by Ralph "f the Germans' Intentions. The wijl be the first to tender aid to "To what extremes our was people situation, -- says: in the nir," by Captain Wal- loyalty desire the of Russia. "I'p old llindenhurg line crossed the river eral Diedriehs. carried, Is shown the fact, that al- they only good 251 c ALLANT CONDUCT do' its $20,00(1 prem- by Czccho-Slovak- s who wero Phone Twitchell, given hero on an angle, so that compared and al- It was the iere at the Cort theater last evening, though perfidiously attacked, accused of wilh Ilio present line which here, runs though we disarmed the Red Guard in always exaggerated a success. There were repeat- l remained out on the the Germans and Mag- great nearly north :ui south, the direction but. the observer we still began new negotia- by MEN FROM TEUTON ed encores for every number. It is is near tin: Then ho Irkutsk, it is the of fate that of the ground south of the Seaipe wing until ground. tions, with the result that we sur- yars and irony MOKNIN4 JOURNAL PVCfAt. LtASSD WIR headed for ISroadway." Hie machine landed we suffer so much In Russia tT closer to Hie present line north of the climbed back and rendered all our arms, on the condi- had to RAIDERS VISITED SHORE .... 19. Award o Twitehe:: ,: a Aw Mexi- - ' and desire that our sacrifices Washington, Aug. Captain Searpe than south of it. British pa- safely. tion that all German and Magyar We hope the service cross to co an alumnus of the Norma! not in vain." IS BELIEF OF OFFICERS n distinguished youth, trols operating north of Hie river have prisoners would he disarmed and dis- be offered three officers and foul men for gal university and the University of but south of met with stiff opnosil ion, AVIATOR IS banded, and that we would be al- lant conduct at the front, was nn river have to AMERICAN ' the patrols managed lowed to procee unmolested. The Si- BODY OF PETERSON IS fTonttnued ...... 1 iaJ,... U A " fromBsinBj llUliilWULi tUUU.V III nrn!Utimui viiiihb penetrate for some distance. IN HOLLAND us un- Tor INTERNED berian government guaranteed '. communique Sunday. of Horses. r ed bombs near the spot where MOVEMENT JAPANESE Germans short molested passage, and, by bit-u- BEING HELDAT JUAREZ depth It follow: There are indications that the Ger- taught the submerged. fPV MORNINU JOURNAL OPECIAL LEASED WIR! It was dangerous ac- DELAYED in of experiences that Cables. "Section A: Aside from mans also are way parts C.echo-Slo-vak- s, 1 CASED WIRE1 One to Cut artillery TR00PSJS .iving The Hague, Aug. 19. Don Kyon to attack even unarmed BY ATRNlltC JOURNAL liquippcd und hostile raids in the the Merville see'er. m tho new Sommc 1ft. One of the three submarines, it is tivity fruitless Harris of Afton, N. C., the American let us proceed to Vladivostok. FJ Paso, Tex., Aug. The body is to MOAHtNO JOURNAL SPiCIAL. .RASKO WtRBl front, the Germans" overlook no oppor- wa was as a cable Vosgea. there nothing report. (HY airman who made an involuntary de- True, this concerned only the trains of Edward Petersen, the man who thought, equipped commander-hv- 19 tho Associated to rear guard actions. They cutter. This is held to the u "Section II: The ; Peking, Aug. (by tunity fight scent in a potato field near in the vicinity of Irkutsk: the trains shot and killed by United Stales gov- explain sorv-ic- e to but Friday ca- f. .. chief has awarded The movement of Japanese appear ready retire, apparently his ma- or- ernment officers whilu recently of two Atlantic distinguished press). in Koudekerk, Zeelanl, after west of Irkutsk were under the Saturday night parting crosses to th6 following members troops from Chang Chung on the want to be pushed a little, because disabled German to cross the Rio Grande at bles. A naval repair ship escorted be chine had been by ders of Moscow attacked in the same attempting to the Man- the operation they may anti-aircra- both. of the. American expeditionary forces Mukden Harbin railroad, pushing ft gunfne, has arrived hero but always with the same Juarez, is being held in the municipa' by fighting craft, spliced af--. fur- nfforded an to get In their manner, . . for tho acts of gallantry set forth churia, Siberia, front has been opportunity from to be interned. tho Bolsheviks morgue in Juarez further in Descriptions of the submarines have work with machine guns. Flushing result; everywhere pending ' tor their names: ther delayed because of the demana deadly Harris who was uninjured, ascend- were vestigation of the killing. given their lengths as 300 feet and At the same the Germans ap- disarmed. "Second Lieutenant Carl .C. Rice, made by the Japanese that they vir- time, ed somewhere in northern France with According to the report made bv their armament as two guns of either the do not want to fall back fur- Proclaimed Murderers. machine in command of tually control the operation of parently a. Scotchman, James Muuroe, and was the government officers Petersen was 5.7 or 5.9 inch caliber. Naval experts gun battalion, is necessary before the com- "The arrest of the members of our machine gun sector on June 6, 1!HS, Chinese eastern railway. ther than tiombs on the Hrugcs taken into on tho American adduce the craft have a cruising ra- !.' of the around Tloye. busy dropping national council took immedi- custody France. He was The Chinese officials, by pletion operations docks an altitude of 1:1,000 feet place side of the line. Ho broke away from dius of not less than 17,000 miles. r..t Jiear chateau Thierry, supported no of counter- from before at- wounded soon after the advance be entente allied in There are signs further when a shell hit his machine ately these treacherous officers ran. Four shots The German now in the representatives at this time. splinter tacks. Then thousands of armed the and admiralty has refused to have his wounds have declared to consent to attacks in a vital part. The motor worked so were fired at him and he was killed commission between 1G0 and ISO sub- gan but Peking, 1, Ollendorff is Germans in the inr: for would the over of the railroad by That General that the aviators calculated it and Magyars vicinity Ilis to the marines while de- dressed fear it delay the taking a poorly and instantly. body floated the total number movement. He continued to anxiety regarding possible would be for them to make of Omsfc, Krasnoyars Chita bank of tho river. It was allies has tho bravely Japan. of horses for the German army, is impossible forced our between and Mexican stroyed by the passed lead the section until he fell from ex- - their first home base. Neith- army Volga to the morgue where the Mex- 200 to the most re- indicated in a. secret order Just cap Nieuport, Irkutsk to take the Siberian admin- taken mark, according , , haustion. er was injured. ican federal investigation was held. liable information available hero. If ' "PUBLIC BE DAMNED' tilled. This order cautions all com istration into their hands (toward the ii Tlreodorc Pistieoulis. rnn-- " Petersen was Identified by tho United correct, these would indicate "Private mandrrs not to expend their horses end of June). P.ut even at this figures battalion: When three POLICY S AT AN END l'VtVrnl Mana-jo- Pullman Tiinp. stngi States officers who examined his pa- that new German construction has thine gun as "Wiey cannot, be replaced." The we were trying to enter into negotia- were buried a shell ex nec- Aug. 19. I,. S. to his escape. Ho was said barely held its own over the period fantrymon hy men must that this is Washington, Taylor, i. o , pers prior understand tions with Moscow. But Moscow, in hin Chateau Thierry, Juno BY MORNING JOURNAL CPtCIAL LEASED WIRE of the Pullman to have had a Mexican map of four years, as at tho beginning of plosion pear essary in order to continue the war comptroller company, Lcnine and Trotzky, proclaimed us 1 he in I II. General was believed to the war the Germans are known to 6, 918, fearlessly left shelter Washington, Aug. Railroad until victory is reached." It has been was appointed by Director and mobilization possession. Petersen rescued ' or- murderers began of Sweden. have had 150 submarines. Tho face of a heavy shelling and employes today were specifically ascertained that, 900 remounts recently McAdoo today federal manager of the us. these circum- have been a subject about to against Under toll in the six months has been them. dered by Director General McAdoo received by one German formation Pullman car line consisting of the our were forced to take last stances troops times that in pre- '"First lieutenant It. C. TTolesborry, show courtesy in dealing with the Were composed of horses taken from operating department of the Pullman of over DENVER WOMAN CUTS many attained any j. . possession the bridges the In- In the of I.e Thiolet to cease excusing train officer:-- under federal management. vious period and the constantly ' engineer: vicinity public and ilc company Volga. on of June 7, 1018, be errors with the u will be in V WITH RAZOR creasing nllied forces, the night lays and other pica A British pilot recently dropped Headquarters .Chicago. "I must mention the fact that our .THROAT , of and the rail- in accordirfg to naval officials, "will" put courageously took command that "Uncle Sam is running bomb on an enemy machine the nccess'-tate- an of Contracts for IS Aessols defense which, as said, was d the ratio as time efficiently directed tho advance of roads now." air. The missile broke off a wing ev- BV MORNINO JOMRNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIREl continually higher when all Its officers Had " be dimmed' will In no and then ex- Washington, Aug. 19. Contracts by treacherous attacks and 19. The passes. 'nolnfantry unit The public the Gorman machine In Denver, Colo., Aug. body killed or wounded. nn the railroads un- on the In another for wooden cargo vessels each of erywhere resulted the disarmaaient was t,i hern case bo tolerated ploded ground. of the was of a woman, her throat slashed, Men. Private Jefferson Holt, medical tie. said the di- an observer elinrried out on the 3,500 deadweight tons, seven wooden Bolsheviks, joyfully greet found in a local hotel. Aid for Uvcstock der government control," fight ed the of tho Russian this afternoon 19. tnrhment, engineers, and Private rector order, addressed to wing and stopped a puncture in the barges and three wooden .harbor tugs by majority A note, found in the room, was signed Washington, Aug. Secretary - general's took ad- McAdoo that the Charles Raffington, medical detach- "ail in the railroad service gasoline tank with his glove. The ma- were let the week nding August 10, the population. Bessio but police believe that announced today employes vantage situation and over- Ranoy, war finance had com- jnent, engineers: During the day and of the United States." chine sideslipped during the operation, shipping board announced today, ofytho she had not killed herself. They found corporation 22-2- cx-j'- Soviets. We did not inter- night of June 1918, they ! threw the no knifo in tho room. pleted plans for makinii direct loam themselves to severe and co- fere with their internal affairs even said that to Individuals, firms and corporations posed dis- Tho manager of the hotel ntinuous fire call of in or-- c after the open conflict. We only not seen woman before. engaged in the raising of livestock beyond duty us. to she had the der to bring aid to wounded engineers armed those who attacked The dead woman was identified aa Two agencies will bo created by the make; of attacks with a. and marines. repetition impossible. Mrs. Bessie Raniey of, Denver. She corporation headquarters "First Lieutenant Charles C. Rent- - "The Germans were trying to was the wife of Scott Ramcy. It was Kansas City and Dallas. For three days, June 15 Catholic Sisters Soon Jo:Sail as spread rumors that our volunteers said she and her husband had fro, infantry: that "Two-Bit- " to 1918, before St. Agnan, France, committed brutalities during these, been She had three Pon't neglect the Itcd 1, living apart. Club. he went without sleep in order to care battles. That Is not true. The facts children. Cms Join tmla. for wounded, and performed work, AmericanRed Cross Nurses to are this: Russian Bolshevists taken Police found a razor, with which her without shelter a Italy hy our troops were disarmed arid sent 'death was under her - II fearlessly during accomplished, continuous bombardment. home, but the Magyars and German, body. . "Private George W. Holly, infantry: prisoners, taken with arms in hand, near GIRLS! USE LEMONS On the night of Juno 2.1, 1918, were killed. That was made known MERCHANT STEAMER J3ascarat, Francs, he attempted to to them beforehand. The Austriam catch a hand grenade thrown into the hanged all our wounded whom they SUNK IN COLLISION FOR SUNBURN, TAN window of his dugout by a German u! I - i v y captured on tho Italian front, an did succeed in it and ryX one of of end directing they attacked our trains MORNING LEACED WIRB1 v' ?V (BY JOURNAL OPrCIAL Itl Make this lemon lotion f a thereby saving from death or injury woundtM. in Siberia. Four years of a 19. The mer- Try t ri.v Washington, Aug. tanned in to whiten your or jiumbcr of his comrades, but the struggle for life have taught us to be chant steamer Proteus of 0,00(1 tons J of his hand." Ger- I lost part on guard. We did no harm to was sunk bod night in collision with freckled skin. man or who did not thirty-fou- r Magyar prisoners another steamship about - GRAND ARMY SESSION oppose us although they were our miles southwest of Diamond Shoals, !"''"".-'""''- killed thou- ' enemies; wo could have off N. the navy the of two lemons v OPENS AT PORTLAND Capo Ilatterus, C, Squeeze juice ,. sands and thousands of them, but wi today was informed. The into a bottle three ounces in department containing allowed them to leave Siberia peace other vessel, which was not seriously of Orchard White, shake well, and V VORMIJVO JOURNAL LP a C It they desired to go home. When, Blood and tho of the best ' ' : ' damaged, by you have a quarter pint 'J. Portland Ore., kntt- - however, they threachei onsly attack- crew of tho Proteus. freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and '"Berond encatnpm'v t th ed us Uicy wcro of necessity made Tho announcement of tho navy de- complexion whitencr, at very, very rmy of th J;r- c.;. , harmless. We made an official an- follows: small cost. ,pr..- ct: '! i. .ne partment lemons Jtfsv. o.i nouncement that every German and "Tho navy department, is informed Your grocer has the and any store or toilet counter will Magyar caught by us with arms in that-th- merchant steamer Proteus, drug . ... j.-- v of col- three ounces of Orchard v.ij,. :,:,,! Indianapolis band would be given no quarter. On 3,000 tons, was sunk last nisht In supply , :o..,ir'cr-;u-ehie- f White1 for a few cents. Massage this :. ofjtho Grand we could cite in- about - the contrary many lision with another steamship lotion into the face, i J at the session, Dia- sweetly fragrant opening stances of unprecedented brutalities thirty-fou- r miles southwest of arms hands and see how "V .ne and neck, and municipal auditorium, committed on our wounded by tha mond off Cape Uatteros, N. wind-bur- n were welcomed Gov- - Shoals, quickly the freckles, sunburn, delegates by pris-oners- . C. vessel was not seriously tan and how on German, and especially, Magyar The other and disappear nvnior James Wilhycombe, behalf and stood by to the rescue clear, soft and white the skin be- ami L. damaged T,f the state, bv Mayor George "Jn Siberia there are today soino of the crew of the Proteus." comes. Yes! It is harmless. on behalf of the Patriot-v- a' tUsker city. hundred thousand German pud Mag- Hie kcvnoUof the meeting. a number of d v.oo' Vs affiliated societies, yar prisoners, great r- - -- whom are armed. It is these met . rans and the Army - resistance to T-- the Socie- - who offer considerable ei and our Russian Bolshevik? u.t: y.-- cL pre- - army the ty ' began first shot. ."liiMinai. ii 'ui their con surrender after the Naval Bolshevik! Inefficient. ,ventlon. with ninety other nurses belonging War, having served at the com .. nade exten- - "The Bolsheviks a j Local to the unit. Hospital, Portsmouth, Va., ana bi gave sufficient i - A Part of Unit of in- j s've plans in i., v,,., ;or cntertain- Loyola Hospital,-For- t Thomas, proof of the fact that they are - It was nt the suggestion of X the Army , ment of i'f round of lunch- to rule. The number of the'i i A. New who!. Is Ky. What was a new experience capable I - ti sight-seein- g tours Danna of Orleans, ans, ,t:v! for these harbingers of good was fighting supporters is very indefinite was and will continue One Hundred to he In charge, of tho unit, that of mases. in!,: Sisters the having their pictures taken. They They consist chiefly hungry r is i mo lasts. Mrs. Plbort dontifcd $100,000 to 30 tc j rial' 1, encampment consented because felt loath to work, who are getting - m will tomorrow. Bed Cross lo ho tisf.1 in financing only they p.:,!.- begin It was a sacrifice and 40 rubles a day in the red guard. (ho en iv expedition. Sister that patriotic them. that serve s an exam- They have no workers among M' i " l)'lnred in London. ChryKciiiom Is to be the chief nurse they might A of tho Bolshevik of- c treat number . the Work of Unit Car- for others to follow. Tjih-.- An. IS, Following Direct of the unit. ple ficials steal the officials of of bus and tram drivers and will be moment just like walkout "It the happiest tho czar's com- conductor in .the northwest district for Italian Sick All Registered Nurses. regime. Industry, ing of our lives when we are minister- ng London vest'erdny, a general strike merce, transportatlon-everythi- is -- rf Whorl flic unit arrives In Italy It ing to the wounded and sick In .to na mm Ti'an declared at 3 o'clock this morn-- i ! at a standstill and there is nothing tA. ... a and Wounded. of ten, said Sister inz"1 A n result Ijondon is virtually will he divided into proups Italy," Chrysostom. eat. That spells failure of the Bol- without brr. vr tram service today. each group to be in charge, of one "The sisterhood feels keenly the shevik government; the Bolsheviks of Ilio s us it chief nurse. desire to bo of the utmost service, are now to maintain or doing everything Carrying a gospel ot mercy oml Speaking for the sisters, Sister in caring for the soldiers of Italy thjdr power. They obey the Germans Or- said any of the other Allies of America. afld Austrian to themselves in good cheer, ten sisters of tho Chrysoslom keep till nurses "War makes Its demand upon The do B Vincent oud St. Tail!, "Wo fire registered power. Germans, however, .esmoi Society Women; der of St, mid are miNiotis to go across and the woman power of America as not want a consolidation of Russia. better known as Sisters of Charity. well as her man and "What will in the future I the tested skin treatment A number of the most get to work." upon power, happen soon as were volun- who can do no matter what ani unable to tell. The fact is. Russia will tell that noted Beauties of will sail for Italy, where, When asked If lliey all so, "Resinol is what you want for your Your druggist also you huve : " in- is ill, today powerless. If left to her re- H Society obtained?, Red Cross nurses, they will rmrsuc teers she replied the secrlflce, should serve the skin-troub- Resinol to the itch- Resinol Ointment is excellent for ,t. - (V - the will obtain full con- stop Ulc" JJU1C U1V which tho order "All Sisters of Charity are anx- terest of America's In the war.' fate Germans the smart, itch, and burn of ftaiiy the mission for part consolidation o'. ing and burning Resinol to heal the lieving white, appearance thru t to trol of her. But the insect-sting- s. founded, that of comforting vm to go, so It was necessary "There is no more important task This ointment has mosquito-bite- and It V,j nntinf (is rtf was Russia is That depends eruption. gentle i for sick and the select tts. We will have charge of before tho country at this time than possible for in sooth'es and cools skins burned by nr. and caring the, of been so effective years treating ... on the good will the allies m : Attn the operating rooms and hope to do the building up of a nursing serv- wind or sun. All dealers sell Rcsinoi v Gouraud's wounded. Russia needs effective, firm, friendly eczema, ring worm, itching, burning I'.-is- In Amer ice to the ' The who nro from our full duty bringing the large enough care for com- and sores, that it bag become Ointment. sisters, sick help, for today she is, herself, rashes, 102, lMrminglmm, Ala,, ican hoys lad; to health awl and wounded American and a standard skin treatment. It con- Men who use Resinol Shaving ml IIospKul Allied pletely helpless. Russia needs order. fit a of a unit to he known . fighting men, and it is the are tains that could irritate the . . Slick, find soot lotions unneces- pro part ? wTttch today the Russians incap nothing hing new to Sister of all trained nurses to enlist .' , a Its the Loyola unit, which is financ War unreins is not able of upbuilding. The Russians are tenderest skin," sary; FERD. T. HOPMK9 SON. tow ToA or ur- Chrvsoatom. as she was a Ken for this service threugU the Amerix ' ed by Mrs. Jonn Dlbert ise)v ' exhausted, they now lost faith in jhq rff nigh can Rod Cross.' themselves usea ml SphMiMaBMHarfHkfaMERMpEEi 'iWhA lOKZ :i fieit. XQitros nursfiurlnfi, 'esd, ihey. ml ii t$' Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. THREE ID'S PUSH NQCiiNGES FLIPS FROM THE F1LLUMS TAB 0

SERIOUS MEN WITH WIVES AT THK Til i:TKHs TODAY. CASUALTIES NOT I1E "II Theater Thomas Dixon's Stone Ware of mighty message warning, "The fli'iiinit!!1.!!.'1'"'1;'; :;:;ii!!t:?i:i;i:'t,':;i'itii'ii:i5'ri5it::!ji Fall of a Nation," in seven wonderful iJ.i;:ii.:i!:(.,ii!ii.irLji.:ii,:.jIjiijtta,.!;!i: TO FOE'S TROOPS II PENDING BILL reels, showing the struggles in the A SIMPLE MATTER world's war. We Crystal Opera House Dark. have at last. secured shipment of car nt Lyric Theater olive Thomas star- stoneware, which will reach here the last of, in a five-re- 1 Germans Fighting Desperate- 'viarrled Registrants Not to Bo ring Triangle feature, entitled "Heiress for a Day;" also a Big Encounters the Work of this week. Shipment consists of ly to Shake Off Allies' Grip Exempted as a Class, But good comedy. As an extra attraction the Chamber of Commerce will show Checking Up the Dead, ' and, Withdraw Their Men Will Have to Abide the views of i! By interesting Albuquerque. Wounded and Missing the LARGE JARS v K From Dangerous Ground, Existing Regulations. l'a.Ntlmi' Theater l'aralta 1'lays company presents Bessie Barriscale Work is Difficult and Slow, CHURNS JL ! as the star in 'Within the Cup;" 'A IWY a two-re- , BV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIREl MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEACCO WIRE . also Cotnedv, "A Hindu MILK CROCKS TRY With the French Army In Franco Washington, .Aug. is, in answer Hoodoo." MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE - With American In Aug. 19 the Associated Press). to a letter from Chairman Chamber- fx iS ' the Army Franco WATER COOLERS (by I 19 the In brilliant local carried lain of the senate commit- AT THK "IS." Aug. (by Associated Press). operations military The recent Marne illus- out by General Mangin's troops from tee, asking whetlvr it was true that In his fighting has FLOWER POTS masterpiece, "The Fall of a Olive Thomas wt the l.M ic tcslay only difficulties in re- the Oise river near Itibecourt Satur- the war to ex- trated the prompt department proposed Nation," the great patriotic spectacle, In "The Heiress ,r a Day." of casualties. and Sunday positions empt married men as a class under porting The system of day Important which will be shown at the "B" of were who the new man-pow- keeping track every member of the wrested from the Germans, bill, Secretary theater today and tomorrow, Thomas PHONE US YOUR ORDER NOW. 2.200 in American expeditionary forces is sim- left prisoners the hands of Bakar today informed the senator Dixon the at $12,000; two pearl linns, valued at that the pictures spies work in ply organized but it is gigantic. Facts the French. existing regulations as ,to this country and the work of the $f),000 each; a handsome platinum General Mangin now holds the line married men would continue in force. set In diamonds and worth concerning every casualty are rushed pacifist with remarkable precision. watch, to tho of- running from Morsain along thu Senator Chamberlain had written to a few fine diamonds and by courier central records Dixon was so certain of the $3,000, and fice, where a check is made southern edge of the ravinenf Audig-rdcou- rt the secretary saying if it was true part set in rings. agaim! the would in the saphires his name record to con- to Rosette heights, dominating that deferred classification for mar- pacifist play great will also be shown a and prevent in which we en- There good tusion to him. Then a the plain of Caiiepont and thence on ried men generally was struggle have just as an extra and identify Hardware Co. contemplated, tered that he has one comedy, and attraction Is and Whitney to , across the Oise. This many senators would oppose lower-- ' given of their of message prepared checked most the Chamber Commerce will show back cabled to success gives the French command or ing the present draft age to IS prominent leaders an important and then Washington. years. in views of Albuquerque. In and In Phone 76. 307 West Central the valley of the Oise as far as Mon; "The present situation," Mr. Baker part the picture that is really trench fighting small op- comical, and which never fails erations it is possible to make almost Itenaud, replied, "with regard to married men to get AT THK PASTIMi:. Only One Out. in class 1 is that four classes of mar- a roar of laughter from the audience immediate casualty reports, but in Way Something practically unprecedent- as With these routes commanded bv ried men are included lim- when he appears on the screen. encounters such the Marne battle within the ed in the of motion pic- General its of class: When being criticized for production the task becomes difficult ami slem and the situation was "' Mangin's artillery, the only that First, married men bringing tures occurs in Bessie I iarri scale's SHORTAGE OF LABOR free route for exit from the o" who do not wives or comedy into such a serious despite the best efforts of the author- completely restored. region suppoit their subject, play, "Within the Cup," which will Koyon and Lassigny is the narrow-gaug- e families; second, married men whose Dixon says that Billy Sunday was ities, ".Many casualties were inflicted on IN WAR INDUSTRIES be tho attraction at the I'astime the line north to Ham by wives support married right when he stated "The Creator Aceurate 1'cporls TJequired. enemy and a few prisoners wero running them; third, theater for two days, commencing The of men whose in- likes or He regulations require that every captured. IRV MORNINO way Ouiscard, and the high road wives have adequate comedy, would not have JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRRJ today. of killed, wounded or "Our has in running in the same direction. Un- dependent means; fourth, married created the parrot, the monkey and report missing advance continued the Washington, Aug. 19. That th In the entire drama, which Is must be established doubt Merville Con- less the German general, von Hutier. men engaged in useless occupations some people I know'." beyond a sector (l.ys salient). of seven reels in length, there is hut Units forward for un- siderable shortage labor in war Industries, is able to stop Mangin's advance he and who are not the main or principal moving hours progress has been niado on one exterior setting. All the scenes, der fire, men on the i front of o.imio Wo estimated at nearly 1,000,000 men, Is will have only this narrow outlet for support of their families. AT Till: I.YIUC. heavy losing way. yards. reached with the exception of the very few can not pause to check casualties the line of road Mer- still Ailously curtailing production his troops and material, as the tri- "Theie is no intention to change Tho press of running through agent the old days which were in Ibis- Pures-heqiie- s and unless Noynn-Chaun- y taken setting, These must come later from dressing ville from Pu nulls to quickly remedied threat- angle between the this situation. possessed of ens plenty originality. But were filmed Inside the vast glass en- stations, hospitals or burying and have entered Merville. to result In a bhortuge of supplies road nnd the road from Noyoli tj "In construing the regulations with lie would parties and suffer from brain closure of the l'aralta studio in Los in t ho wake of the advanc- 'There was at dif- equipment for the army, wus em- , while a good position for regard to dependency of wives ami 'On such operating sharp fighting fag. occasions he would Angeles, Calif. The one exterior ing lines. ferent in the course of our ad- phasized today in a statement of the defense is not favorable for an intense children financial depemency lnc broadcast points publish that Miss Lizzie presents a society lawn fete and even records and reports are vance and ti number ef department of labor. The shortage ih movement of troops and transport. been looked upon as the reason for Frequently prisoners an', skilled Flathead, prima donna of the Buxom this a deal adorn-- 1 or lost in action At Seiche machine were labor is almost as The Germans consequently an deferred classification. This will con- required great of destroyed guns captured, becoming Dames, had been robbed of seventy-fiv- e a ocuie as that In unskilled labor. The fighting desperately to hold their tinue to be the case. metit and embellishment by the art l"'ey certain American unit was iso "The total prisoners captured yes- million dollars' worth of jewelry. director to the kited for two days a In the nolEhlioi hood of outlet-- , available supply of unemployed labor present lines, while seeking n chance "I am tol.l that In some pat-I- of gain atmosphere of nearly hy heavy terday Tho editors always knew those an- an Several members stceu was tiTli." practically Is depleted, the to shake off the grip of the allies, the country there is an abnormal in- elaborate society gathering, j'lerman barrage. department nouncements were bound to "f ,,,p in said, and the one lies In break contact with them and slip crease in the rate of which como In consequence of the fact (hat ""i sacrificed their lives up remedy the marriages Until did come effort to wall of 19. The official com patriotic recognition by non-w- em- away. The of op- regularly. they the mere was but one exterior set and penetrate the fire. London, Aug. ' results yesterday's suggests the possibility ol' a desire to air was ployers that they must release while not were as a charged with electricity. because of the luxurious and bizarre Finally a German raiding parly cap munication dealing with Aerial uc labor erations, spectacular, use, marriage basis for a claim war industries In Im- When tho news item scenes lured and made off with the livities issued says: , order not to the French over- . struck it came which the demanded. organiza- tonight entirely satisfactory, of exemption. The status of regis- lil.-r- n 1 . . story .1 ,UloKnut-rsuirui- "l.ow clouds wiinf peril the supply of the forces. coming the resistance of the German,) trants married at a time .T j ne air was the picture necessitated the construc tion's records. On another occasion and high restrict military and under cleared, and a was bombed ed work in the IN. Ene- Solution of tho been In the region of Lassigny and conditions such everybody settled down tion of a great number and statistical unit out of air August problem has pressing suggesting any pur- to business once variety Its my aircraft weren not active. We ut up to tho individual states arm on toward I'lessier. pose will be that of more. of interior settings. The result, how position and its carefully prepared unmarried per- were over brought down six hostil machines and Nathan A. Smyth, assistant director Pi'Hency's Men rmdierkcd. sons so far as their is Of Barios diamonds. Mexican dia- ever, is gratifying, for the finished casualty reports scattered classification the shot down a German balloon in flames. general of the service to- The French army continues to close concerned." monds and paste jewelry of all kinds picture, though much more landscape. employment time, Some Difficulties Kncoimleivd. Ono of our is missing." day notified all state directors that In on both Roye and Lassigny. The there is aplenty in this world. labor and expense were entailed in airplanes But be "the seriousness of the situation can stubborn resistance of the enemy has PT.AXS HFIXfi Triangle's exquisite little Olive Its production, so far the Again replacement troops may ron star, surpasses thrown into action with some scarcely be exaggerated." slowed up. but thus far has been un- KHI CATIOX OF VOI TIIS Thomas, has the real thing. In tho average screen drama in its organ- AUSTRIAN new artistry ization being reformed for attack, the "Instance after instance," Mr. able to stop the progress of General photoplay, "Heiress for a Day," that it cannot be brought into a no RV NO Smyth added, "has come to our atten- Debeny's men. Washington, Aug. 10. rinns for which will be shown comparison. unit commander having knowledge, MORN, JOURNAL SPECIAL LCARKO WIRCl at the Lyric tion whero the lack la- to Ger- continuing the education of theater There will of who they are. Thus, if the records Vienna, Aug. 19 (via London.) "In of unskilled By sticking Lassigny the youths today only, Miss Thomas nlso be shown a two- - bor threatens to cause some mans are a chance between the asjes of 18 and 21 years wears a are lost or destroyed by shell fire or the Plavo sector, attempted enemy re- highly taking big against pearl necklace, valued at reel comedy, "A Hindu Hoodoo. essential to close down." of a further advance Inclusive after they have registered bombing, it becomes almost Impossi- connaissances were frustrated," says project jthe possibility to Field Marshal troops north under the draft, law and while thev ble make accurate casualty reports tho official statement from general by Haig's Flve-Polnt- Chaulne'-- . are waiiing to be called for days, perhaps for weeks. headquarters today. Tim d star. of the Avre. The,nienace to into service, up a school requirement of military are American wounded often find The ancient Greeks five-point- ed has been further increased by the being formulated by a committee training," Dr. Mann told commit- thei used the on education the way into British or French star as a symbol of health. It latest advance yof the British and the and training of the war tee, "but we want the lo como AMERICAN FLIERS dressing Details thing stations, and are sent on to French GERMAN still fulfills this ancient mission, as fall of that town will put Roye ano department. of the proposal from the government. Enlistment will which is to bo or British hospitals. They are carried you find it Imprinted on each Lassigny in a pocket which It will be submitted within a few Knlistment gives a reality to it an:! IRY MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE package of Chamberlain's Tablets. to were-reveale- on their own rolls as far morei difficult, to empty than the days the general staff since will have missing until Berlin, via 19. Theso tablets have they real army officers find their hack London, Aug. restored hundreds at Montdidler, since General today by the senate military com it a to AT finally they way 'o French thrusts over a wide be- to health who were afflicted with In- pocket gives snap it that (he schoo. SHOW STRIDES re- front Hois-- 1 mittee in their own units, or are officially biliousness Mangin's troons northwest of making public the testimony can not get by any of its Own require- tween the Oise and the Aisne failed digestion, or constipation. sons are to the west " r- - J Mann of the war - ments In ported at home as missing. with Give them a trial when In need of advancing plateau ' depart the matter. It .becomes a heavy losses to the attacking such a of Nampoel and are within n,ent who appeared before it in con real war state- medicine, and you are certain shelling department matter, not a forces, according to the official to be pleased with the nromnt relief distance of the only railroad and me penning man powci school ment from this ther"uuonbill. requirement." DOWNING TEUTONS general headquarters which they afford. only good righ road eastward to Dr. Mann told the committee there Inrnnm CTiTriiciiTol! evening. The statement adds that A list of 35!) Chauny. colleges at which tin are about 65,000 men between 18 and n enemy attacks west of Chaulnes and between 13 21 urriuiML a a m youths and years of age 20 years of II II north of were unsuccessful. SEALED PROPOSALS for lnaslmr are to age attending colleges lioye The HATTI.l HAS EXTENDI;!) undergo military training has while of the 700.000 in the text of tho statement says: approximately 100,000 acres of BOTH OISF. been high TO HAXKS already prepared. At these schools about 100,000 are IS Br MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE attacks west of Chaulnes grazing land of the Isleta Pueblo schools above "Enemy they can become candidates years of age. With the American Army In FRENCH and north of failed. Grant will be received at the office With the French in for Roye Army France, particular positions In the armv France, Aug. 10 thy the Associated "Throughout the day thero jhas of P. T. ronergun, Supt., 723 Nortr. 19 The battle has to - tmr MORN, NO JOURNAL SPEOtAt. L CARED WIREl Aug. (Renter's.) suited their qualifications. Those Press.) Statistics covering- the ac- been a vigorous between Second .Street, Albuquerque, N. ilex., the! I !). The battle tho now extended to both banks of especially adapted for commissions tivities of the first American Paris, Aug. French troops Oise and Aisne. up to 12 noon, Ausust 30th. pursuit north of tho Oiso river have reached the French attacks Friday, Oise and the enemy, hitherto fronting will be given special training. All are eif aviators to 1, made on 1918. Bids should bo group up August the western of ac- a wide front broke down accompanied on the west, is now menaced on his to be enlisted in the student armv MEIERS, of American outskirts LasHigny, by certified check for 10 cent of comprising only four the to the official communication with heavy losses. Temporary artil- per southern flank. General Mangin's training corps. M show the strides made cording on tho amount bid. form squadrons, by lery activity occurred the sectors Proposal whole objective has been attained During the Dr. Mann re Issued tonight. They also have made should be obtained hearing American aviators. of tho wood where fighting took place yesterday at the Superin along the entire front of ten miles. vealed that the war their way out Thiescourt tendent's Office at the above department OF JOSE ARE The figures show that fifty-eig- and between the Oise and the AIbub. address. The enemy, although ho seems to have discouraging the establishment of mil- - further south have captured the are - .. J- JLJ been aware of the coming attack, has courses aviators officially credited with village of Pimpress on the Noyon-Com- - - -iJ LS. nary by various colleges. t was downing anywhere from ono to five road. Northwest of Soissons - again miscalculated the date and "We do not want the 1 plegno lUEHWfUK WIWJJM fm- schools to set In effect taken by surprise or. a weak- planes. Seventeen machines are cred the village of Morsain has been-captur- ly held front, the German command- LI AT PORT ited to the late Itaoul Lufbery. and 2.200 Germans have been ers apparently having no reserves British IE In actual numbers the German made prisoner in this region. The text within cull. Suffrage Leader machines downed total fifty-nin- e, of tho communication follows: The allies now command the valley Talks War in exclusive of those of Lufbery, "Between the Mat, and tho Oise the whole of its The en- Boston are wo continued to make progress during food along length. but divided V MORNIN JOURNAL SPICtAI they officially among emy must accordingly withdraw all LtAR.o WIRR1 twice that of men the day. Our troops, In spite of stub- All the mem-ber- s nearly number be V.ut his line be- Washington, Aug. 1. born resistance by the enemy, have will wih immediate fighting of the crew of the cause on numerous occasions several hind tho on his the Norwegian " Frcsnieres and reached the plateau side of steamer which was fliers participate in a battle. captured the vatley.. San Jose, sunk off western outskirts of Lassigny. war the Atlantic coast have The aviators with five victories Tho operation recalls in scope and August 1", "Further south we have succeedee! been accounted for, tho elepart-me- nt each arc: Lieutenants purpose General Mangin's attacks at navy Campbell, In debouching from the Thiescourt announced Thirty-on- o Ttickenbacker, it the end of Coeuvres-St- . f tonight. MacArthur, O'Neill; wood. produce June in the i ,v, Pierrc-Aigl- e !,v members of the San Jose's crew were those with four each are: 1 Captain "On our we have conquered valley south of Soissons, k jt, C . V landed right with a val-le- h: today at an Atlantic port. Peterson, Lieutenant Meissner; those which gave him possession of tho y ir Pimprez and advanced tip .. to the The British vessel which with Mit-che- and a landed the three each are Lieutenants l, southern outskirts of Dreslinceiurt. war then footing on the heights e above, him a safe thirty-on- survivors of the Kan Joso O. p. Porter, Slmonds, Jones "To the north of tho Aisne, complet- ' affording depar also in" David ture line for his attack of IS, brought Evans, master and Healy. Fourteen others have ing our success between Cnrlepont and July of the British steamer Penistone. No two vil- while possession of tho enabled victories each, and thirty-tw- o Fontenoy, we have captured the valley has been received at the him to up tanks and ro- - report navy more, including tho late Lieutenant of Morsain. ' bring muster as to the of a German lage serves unobserved by the enemy. sinking Quentin Hoosevelt, are credited with "Tho number of prisoners raptured by a British tank steamer last Friday one each. in this region Bince has " as In yesterday reported press dispatches. Naval Those figures do not Include reached 2,200." jAP MILLIONAIRES' officials said are the that reports received records of other which "Aviation During the 18th: Three almost of bv mer squadrons, RESIDENCES BURNED daily the sinking have been even more successful. German airplanes were brought down chantmen of submarines on this side and one captivo balloon was sent down of the but in most cases (BY MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEACEO Atlantic, the in flames." WIRE were to bo In Toklo, Aug. 16 (by the Aossociated reports found error upon Advices the Investigation. Officials upon learning LASSICffS FALL Press.) from, province? of the ITALIAN , are to the effect that the residences reported battlo between the sub . of marine and were several millionaires have been burned. the tanker at a loss to (BV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LBASEO WIREl These the home of understand how the tanker could reports say that have been In Home, Aug. 19. The official state Soichiro Asano, of the the position Indicated In president Toyo the course of from T0FREHCH IS BUT ment from the war office today says Steamship compalfy, has been attacked a trip Mexico to Philadelphia "On tho whole front there have The time you save by hoosecleaiting with and damaged. been artillery duels and considerable The governor general of Tokio in a GEN, PAU activity by reconnoiterlng patrols. manifesto Issued today, urges the res- SUCCEEDS East of Montello our patrols effective idents of the to remain indoors MATTER OF HOURS city LATE ALBERT METIN ly harassed the enemy advanced lines during the night. Tho theaters and "An attempted enemy attack stores and the . leading thoroughfares of Grave Rl Pepaadopoll broke lY MORN, NO JOURNAL LIARIB of the city have been ordered closed as ravik WIRII tar morn, no down under our fire." San Francisco, aClif., 19. journal special leased wire a precautionary measure. Aug. With the French In 17 the Gen. Paul Gerald, Pau, through the Armj, France. Tokio, Aug. (Saturday, by Aug. 19 (10 p. m., by the 'Associated Associated A mob of 4, (WO French embassy at Washington, was BRITISH. Press.) V Press). Successive blows delivered persons attacked stores and set fire I H appointed today as head of tjie French the Germans since BV NO to ?nany in K J; mission to Australia, In succession to against August 10 MORN, JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIREl houses the city of Kofu, all along the line from 19. British on Yama-shin- a, the late Albert who In the Sommo London, Aug. forces capital of the prefecture of Metin, died this to last members of mis- Soissons appear to have brought the Lys salient have advanced on n according to an official state- city week, the to ill Help You Look After a War Garden sion announced M. Andre the operations a crucial point. front of 10,000 yards, entering the ment Issued today. Rioters, police tonight. After In the men and others were wounded. Siegfried, general secretary of the yielding early operations town of Merville and reaching tho M tne enemy has been from to Do your In one-four- bornest litter and h- Z. " mission under Metln making a desner road Paradia Lej cleaning withdraws Twenty houses were destroyed and - , " Tin ,. running f to pomes, out ma Merville, ac- the time and without tiring the dirt by suction. The pat- at Hiroshima, the the post of assistant to o.,riGeneral . '""" Puresbecques through Uti- property damage ..resistance nas railed to overcome to com- yourself. Use a Hoover. entee! Hoover Beating-Sweepin- g statement adds. Pau. tho cording Field Marshal Haig's lize steady pressure around munication issued the time and energy thus Brush, revolved, over 1,000 The statement which was Issued at The mission expects to leave shortly Lassigny and today. saved to care for a war gar- for Iloye. of times a minute by the electric noon, says: Australia. M. Thomsen, a member Northwest Chaulnes the Germans den. Hoover your time, put motor, enables The Hoover to The French Third in an "Tokio, Osaka and of the mission, will accompany the army made fur- this morning attack over a mil", your back yard on the honor beat and sweep Kobe, Nagoya ther progress in Ilerleville thoroughly were in Yama-shln- a body of the late M. Metin to the At today the region n front between and Lihbns roll and enable the nation your In addition to quiet last night hut the and carpeting In the of lantic coast, whence it will be taken on Lassigny the Thiescourt hills. penetrated the British line at two to send more food to our boys "vacuum cleaning" them. prefecture, city Kofu, a have in the trenches. Let us 4,000 persons attacked stores and Lnited States warship to France. They occupied the greater part points but Immediately afterward demonstrate. Terms if of counter-attac- k A Hoover out desired. houses. Three Beuvralgnes and are forging nearer were driven out in a beau Four sizes one for burned several police grit, sweeps the stub- - every men, one soldier and thirteen riot- Indigestion. Lassigny from the south of Fresnieres and the line restored. up purse. 'A few weeks, men 1 user! n tintf-l- ers were ' - Mrs. Emmallr.e ef and the Canny woods and also are The communication follows: wounded. Tankhurst, British Chamberlain's when I was "At ' mobs leafier, is not much Tablets pressing northward toward 'JLasslgny "The enemy this iViorning Hiroshima destroyed suffrage spending having a bad spell of Indigestion. strongly houses. - Mobs also of her energy on her favorite subject These by forcing an exit from the Thies- attacked on a front of a mile twenty damage, in tablets strengthened my stom. against GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY In the Gifu and Fukushim her touj of the United States. This ach and toned court wood. our positions between Uhona and ALBUQUERQUE & property of her to a up my system gener- These were In suburbs Shi photograph speaking ally. are to take gains made the Herleville. lie succeeded in - pene-tratln- g prefectures and' the of crowd In on-- . Thy easy and most during ' ' large Host shows her effectual," writes D. S. most severe fighlirtfr.j Lassigny 1b like- our line at two but "AT rueku." '": talking war, arid little besides wur. Mrs. Dar' points wai lo... SEKV1CE. Skaneateles, N, X. ly to fall any minute. immediately dtlveu out by our woun- - FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. HO DEFEATS BOSTON ANNEXES RUN LITERATURE Yes; S. S. S. Is Wounds Send Speed King Purely Vegetable Blood B RAVES;' BATTING Back to Saucer Tracks SECOND GAME OF AND MUSIC ILL Nature's Safe Treatment Known for 30 Years as the Best IK'ni-cil- y eutire'y ruining the health. for Hheuniatim, Catarrh, S. S. s. is made" entirely of gentle-actin- g, CRANDALL HAN'S SERIES HELP U.S. Scrofula, Skin Discuses. healing, purifying roots. herb freely Ml Scientists have discovered that the and barks, possessing pioperties that forest and tha ore build up all parts of the system, in field, abundantly to with of various addition removing all impurities supplied vegetation and poisons from the blood. S. S. S. thut furnish for Paskert's Mcrkle's Red Sox, With Fourteen German and Austrian Operas, kinds, the ingredients is a safe treatment for Rheumatism, Walk, making a remedy, for practically every Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers. and Deal's Games to Have Ob- Plays and Books, Seized By 111 and ailment of' mankind. Medicines Skin Diseases, Blood Poison, and till Triple Single Play, made from roots, herbs, and barks disorders of the blood. It cleanses the Score Two Runs for Cubs tained a Lead of Four Palmer, Will Be Sold and which Nature has placed at the dis- entire system and it's permanent. Get posal of man. are better than strong S. S. S. at any drug store It in Sixth Inning of Game, Games; Stars at Bat, Proceeds Invested, mineral mixtures and concoctions. is a standard remedy recognized Mineral medicines work dangerously everywhere as the greatest blood anti-do- le on the delicate parts of the system, ever discovered. If yours is .i ISY UOftNINQ JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE ease write to Medical Di- (BY MORN, IRY the stomach and bowels, by peculiar 1 Bos-to- n ' Xr-Z- ? FOR NO JOURNAL SPECIAL IF.ACEO WIREI MORNINa JOURNAL SPtfCIAL LEASED WIREI (specially Chicago. Aug. St. Martin held VOLTGHT out lii pro- 4 42 Swift Atlanta. 1 the ing membrane, rector, laboratory, T V Huston, Aug'. 1 9. 'Hoslon tonk the New York, Aug. !). C.erma 11 and eating to three hits while Chicago batted 4fX iWETHVES ducing chronic dyspepsia and often Ga. scroti,! game of the important setie, Austrian music and literature is to be Crandall freely. Paskert 's walk, Mer- utilized to the United States will with Cleveland, t !: lied Sox, help kle's and Peal 8 .scored CJ'l giving A. Chamber- trip! single the war, Allen Custodian VP'S. Klein Hi'i'iitnminilH with fourteen to a lead of Property the locals runs. Score: games play, Mitchell Palmer announced tonight. lain's Liniment. four d of Chamberlain's Boston. sanies. Score: American rights to numerous enemy-owne- ANOTHER TRAINED "I keep a bottle Cleveland. Liniment in the house at all times, All. It. H. PO. A. K. operettas many of which have All. K. II. I'd. A. e. and have used it for years. It will llerzog. 2b. 0 ; attained "whistling" popularity than Graney, If 4 0 1 0 fl relieve rheumatic pains quicker If. 1 : throughout the country to grand op- I ever used. I have also Taggert, m m&si Chapman, hs 4 0 2 2 1 anything Chadboui up, cf. . J 1 eras, plays, songs and books have NURSE TESTIFIES recommended it to my neighbors and Speaker, cf 4 n 2 0 0 ss. . 0 been taken over by the custodian. friends who have used it successfully." Terry, 3 n 1 0 0 I Wood, rf M. Chlllicotho. J. C. Smith, 11). 1 Royalties from these works, which writes Mrs. N. Klein, Johnston, h 1 0 ft 10 1 ft Mo. Konetehy, li i r...... have fattened Teutonic porketbooks Kvans, 3b 4 0 I n 0 will be Wilson, c. . invested in Liberty Bonds. Turner, 2b :t n ;! 4 0 I Gas Masks on Pigeons. Rawlings, if. Mr. Painter said much enemy prop- "Never Until Took Tanlac d'Xeill, e 3 (1 i t fl London, Aug. IS. The Germans are II, erty of this type still is unreported Crania p. I I on Covelcskie, p 1 0 4 0 Did Get Any Relief," using aas masks their messenger and an Investigation of the field of Says a to the Dailv McQuillan, p fl (1 ft ft is pigeons, says dispatch . 27 0 " (1 royalties, and pa tenia tront in nunc i. Totals !t U n fl ft fl (! copyrights Mrs, Hall, Mail from the Britisn L'nzmnnn, j under way. 'The correspondent also reports that iilicgo. fl 0 ti fl 0 Y1I1 II HOLDS-WfjRIitt- xlloseher in are in rrt I'll rh tftH AH. R. II. I'O. A. K y m " Included the rights seized rimnn Kinf i xxThomns 1 0 ft ft (I rf. II 0 those in many famous musical and to escape from damaged airplanes. Flack, ... Another splendid endorsement for llollucher, ss. n 2 IW nits w hour dramatic productions presented in 28 n 2 "I 14 1 Tanlac was given by Mrs. Mann. If. Totals the in Hnglish and to (days recently ... - country .foe H. 1503 Ave- classified Hatted for McQuillan In eighth Hall, who resides at Tell it through the Paskert, cf. . which have been stage,! in the enemy nue Mrs. Hull --a- - Baited for Turner 111 ninth. D, San Antonio, Texas. Merkle, lb. . in tongue nt the Cinrmnn theater in Mi- Re- Boston was at one time a trained nurse and columns of The Journal. Pick. 2b. . . it lwaukee, lioyaltics on talking mach- A 1! by reason of her wldo experience in . 0 of Deal, 3h. . . ine records the prima donna, Mine. re- Pant Piiriiian. which sent hiiri to a hospital for seven . : 4 her statement sults am and certain. 6 liy Hooper, if relieving suffering, quick O'Farrell, c. ur.e ' Kmmy Destinn, and of Frit Kreisler, lU'i'a one mouths. Shea n, 2 b . garding Hie merits) of Tanlac, will ap- (I the violinist, also will swell the sales Martin, p of Aiiierii'a's foicnui.'t aiitoiuobilc All thiiiK.-- i Cciimiu are anathema to to those Strmik, cf . Bonds. ical everybody, especially became it doesn't I!ec, in C.neinnati he hail of Liberty as she was before the lace drivers, aa ace, Duray. ally Until. If . . . troubled using CAPSUlfS . . r.ft 1 :, the comic and These tiny Totals ; follow that nil .'.peed ,,' 111" some with his bill of fare at Among operas plays medicine. Mrs. Hall said: kings trouble Mclniils, Hi are suponcr n D..i.a"i Score ,y innings: A un- on the custodian's list are: "The !.aucer turiiH itiukc Kl"d aviiCors. a restaurant. Herman waiter ss "I had suffered for three years from oi Copaija, CuUb) or . Oflfl n Scolt, Poston 000 000 (ler-niai- Chocolate Soldier," "The Dollar Prin- There is the cane of Arthur liuray, fortunately tried to hcli him in i. .lb indigestion and the worst kind of 0UO C Coffey, " Miss "Madame fMlOY) Chicago 000 20x the ib'inofi. tuok all the oilier waiters in cess," Springtime," and in i RELIEVES In Helmai, speed Duray it took A Knew, c . burning pains rny stomach, Two-ti- ,i X." "Little and "Pom HOUr.S Summary: hit:', Pick, a shot at the fiyinif (,'aiue in the place to Duray off. Boy Blue," had no and all I ate seemed 24 tha eaily pull .lones, p Pom." appetite same diseasee with- Holloeher. Martin. Three ease hits the war and admits that be was per- At the same lie was shown his to me. head city go completely agaist My out inconvenience, f Meiklo. Stolen, Chadl.'onrne, The operas include Richard I the worst awator in Krance. in a Herman lantiiiatre . . 3:1 ii grand ached had fainty haps photograph Totals dreadfully. dizzy ('V all itnnwit- Peal. Sacrifice hits, Pick, Konetehy, Strauss' "Salome," and Wolf Ferra- T ,S't Vet Duray Is the klim of all speed newspaper and it was all bis friends spells and was so nervous couldn't 1 I I I . r Score by Innings: - Martin. Pontile play-)- Pick to lloilorh-e- A ri's "The Jewels of Madonna," and T kiriRM. few years he drove a could do to bin, from Koint; . (11.1 have often in the I .'i;o keep yuti' Cleveland nun 000 0 sleep. gotten up to Merit Cnndall to Kmet-ch- v in 24 .seconds, a of 117 "The Secret of Susanne." ef Ihe and t'2; mile rate ninii for the editor. I'oston . . . 01)4 (mo 20x .; middle night and dressed to Hetznjr 10 '.'l!?mi to Teiiy to an limit-- , a Enemy books whose pales will turn I to miles the fastest mile ever Duray created S"iisation at the Two-bas- e hits StriinU tried everything could think of Hase in lialli. off ( nmdiill 1 Summary: a Into the war trcas Htrzop. (raveled by a human beiim ill aut m,,-bil- Sbeepsliead Hay speedway just be- Itnth. profit American get my nerves quiet. LUMBER 'J M'tr-t- m Sacrifice hits Coyeleskin, If Martin Hit i.:l.-r, .v Include the 1 l.y or what not. This rec- fore the $2.",OH0 race was - ury strangely enough "I resorted to every treatment JlaHhoM Booflnf airship handicap Innis. on balls dif Coveles one I Ptttut, Oils, Glass, (Tai;garn. struck cut, hy M.irtin ord was made at the Ostcride, run there by inij with his car works of American, John knew of even had on or Bull, appeal kie 4, McQuillan 1, Jones 5. Hit by col- operation and ling Paper. (J. hy Crant!all 1. track before the war. canionf laired like a n armored car on Stoddard. The government will two but never until I found Tanlac pitcher By CovcToskie (Agnew ) lec- BALDRIDGE LUMBER is in lect royalties from his books of T I J. C. Duray racinw America a' pres- the1 west front. The painting was Struck out By Coveleskle 2, Mc- did get any relief. decided to try iniimmi'Kii i; .rw nirK 1 ent. Not because he is a slacker he done and the color schemes tures because the author is residing Tanlac because it was endorsed so by Duray Quillan 1, Rnzmann 1. Jones 5. Passed in COMPANY Aim'. 19. The Giants walks a decided Austria. I never Pittsburgh, isn't. He with limp, were so cleverly done that the car balls d'Xeill. Innings pitched highly but dreamed of getting and Pirates split a double-heade- r. be has it to eat which tells the story (pf what blended with the track and made Coveleskle 5. McQuillan 2, Knzmann such relief. Being able without Sores, first pame: (lone in this war. He is now on a hard to see at a short distance. A- ' and feel wel. 1. suffering, sleep soundly FARft COMPANY Xev York. four months' furlough after servinR lthough other drivers protested Duray NEWLY ADOPTED like I do now certainly is a blessing THE WM. All. It. II. PO. A, nearly four years :r the Belfr'an army. was permitted to drive the camou- - 1,lcno I; Xew York 1. Tanlac is wonderful and I will at any Wholesale and Retail Dealers In If 4 1 2 2 1 Burns, A shell shattered the bones of his leu flawed car in the race. New York, 111. made time be glad to tell just what It haf FllESH AND SALT MEATS 4 fl 0 0 1 Aug. Chicago Compton, rf it two out of three from New York, done for me. I know there are lots Sausage a Specially cf 4 0 1 2 0 Kauff, winning their last games of the sea- of people suffering just like T did and For Ctttle and Hogs the Bullut 2h 4 0 1 2 fi SHIPPING PLAN Poyle, STANDING TEAMS son in this city. Quinn, former Yankee I Just want to tell them 1 believe that Market Prices Are Paid ba 4 0 2 2 2 Fletcher, 0FJHE pitcher, was hit hard by the locals, If take Tanlac, will get Hi 0 fl S 1 SCANN 0 they they klinnierman, ...4 iLLER but kept the hits scattered. Score: well. BickinK, 3b 4 0 2 2 2 n Tiovi, i,i:(.ri:. CliScago,, Tanlnp Is sold in Albuquerque nt Itarlden, ,; 4 ft 0 8 1 V. 1.. Pel. A H. Jt. II. PO. PROVES SUCCESS the Alvnrndo , Adv. DUKE CITY 2 0 0 .0 1 7.'! .r.r.2 Pharmacy. Causey, p Chicago .! flood, cf 4 0 1 4 x 1 0 1 0 0 Cincinnati fill r,.r, .roi.r I Wilhoit, RULES Leibold, If 3 1 1 1 Cleaners-Hatte- rs Demari-e- , 0 0 fl 0 0 New York r,S all .4!tl", ADDITIONAL MARKETS p Weaver, ss 4 50 on The Pittsburgh ,455 Tandll, lb 3 recently adopted shipping plan 220 West Gold. Phone 1 J 21 4S fit .4 10 known to men as "sail- MOXF-Y- Totals .3., li Philadelphia .f. Collins, rf 4 railroad the XEW YORK . t. lloslotn 4S :i .432 ing day" Is not only proving a Plttsliiiruh. Mostil, lb . plan, 07 OF GRAIN HEAD benefit to the and New 19. Mcrcnntlle am. rt. 11. ro. a St. I.ouls 50 .427 Pinelli, 3b. wholesalers here York, Aug. but also an G per cent; 00 day t.s .... 0 2 0 Brooklyn f.l ,0 .421 c buyers at other towns, paper, sterllng Itoone, Schalk, hills, 4.73 cent ; commercial 00 1 0 1 0 economic factor in the matter of per Bigtiee, If Quinn, p day hills, on banks. 4.7 2 V4 cent; t Wallace Messcldcn 1 2 4 to officials of the per Carey, 1...... vii:mc.x i.i.AGri:. shipping, according commercial 00 day bills, 4. , per 2 1 The United States Santa Fe South worth, r( V. L. Pet. grain corporation Totals 30 4 If railroad. cent; demand, 4.75.55 cent; nsks the millers of New Mexico tn to A. S. per General Contractor 2b . . 2 0 Boston .... 07 4S .583 Now York. According Roughton, cables, 4.70.55 per cent. Cutshaw, to We are In a to . . 0 13 0 50 .5G2 buying their wheat be uoverned by freight foreman, 3,000 Bar $1.01 Vs. position give Mollwitz, lb Cleveland 04 . AB. R. II. PO. A. E platform silver, than 0 1 the basic of $2.1 8 at Kansas of were saved more value for the money McKechnte, 3b Washing! on 03 51 .553 price nilhooley. rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 pounds tonnage per car Mexican dollars, 78c. Id to 90 any other Bl lLDINU FIRM . . 8 0 r,r, City and objects the price of $1.80 i f 4 0 3 fi 1 o last month in with tho Time loans Strong. Sixty and Pchruidt, c Chicago 5o .505 Lamar, comparison this vicinity. 0 2 which many millers have been o old In yvaid, days and six months, 6 cent. Conistoi k, p . . New York 55 50 .495 paying Baker, 3h M 0 0 0 4 system. other words, ho per in The 154 Call money Strong. High, fi per Office With 40 03 .4 the state. millers declare they 2b 4 1 1 3 2 0 the same tonnage was shipped in Detroit .... 37 Pratt, low, fl cent; rale, fi 33 8 1 3 27 cannot do this and meet the fair flour 4 1 1 less cars. cent; per ruling Totals li 0j Philadelphia 52 00 .430 Fournier. II 0 3 1ft per cent: closing bid, 5 per cent; of- The Lum- in sevenlh. prices asked by the They 4 0 1 3 0 0 Under the old merchandise Superior x Hatted for Causey St. Louis . . 43 58 .420 government. Hyatt, If plan fered at 6 per cent; lust loan, fi per ofto ono 1 in conference at food ad- 1 2 was to a suffi- Now York n"l agreed the Pecklnpaugh, ss . . 4 0 8 0 shipped a town when cent. ber & Mill Co. Pittsburgh HO 1.1.1 OOx 8 ministration yesterday to suggest the Walters, c 4 0 1 3 0 0 cient supply was accumulated for that PHONE 77 Two-bas- e of $l.!Mi, $1.89 and 0 Summary; hits Fletcher,! SPIRITED RACING prices $1.85 Caldwell, , 3 0 0 f 0 town. There was no way the shipper XF.W YORK MKT.M.. South worth. Three-bas- e hits Cut-- 1 1, No. 2 and No. 3 wheat respec- or buyer could determine just what E. M. Klkin 1 111 1 New 19. Dead Shaw, Melvechnie. Stolon based j MARKS OPENING OF tively. of the Inspection Totals 34 10 27 day the goods would arrive at their York, Aug. Marke' Burn", Kauff, Bigbee, Souinworm, service of the grain corporation su;r- - 001 000 destination. If a sufficient unchanged. Spot, $8.05, Chicago 1204 quantity Firm. East St. Louis de- 1 McKechnle Schmidt. Double GRAND CIRCUITS 'R1,st01 to t,le 'nferonce that the mill New York 000 000 001- - It for a certain town was not accumulat Spelter (2), livery, spot $8.8714 9.12'j. plays Carey and Mollwitz. Bases on ers are paying too much ror poor Su mniary: Two-has- e hits Good. ed by a certain time- the shipment 1. wheat and not for Three-bas- e Hudson for balls Off causey 3, Pemaree Struck MONNINO JOURNAL EPEC.AL LEASED W,RE enough good wheat Tournier, Mostil, Hyatt. would be made anyway. Sometimes CHICAGO PRODUCE. Signs out By Causey 1, by Demaree 2, by I'onghkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 29. and the whole proposition went back hits Fournier, Mostil. Stolen bases a car would he sent only half filled. Comstock 7. Tuning pitched By Spirited racing marked Die opening again largely to the need of grading Fournier, Lamar. Sacrifice hit Pi- The new plan calls for shipments Chicago, Aug. 19. Butter, eggs and wheat. Bas- Causey . day of the Grand circuit races at nelli. Sacrifice fly Gandll. Double for most towns on certain days. cheese unchanged. R. R. 35 cars. Wall Score Second (tame: II. Directum .1. To complicate the situation Mr. Weaver and Gandll; Mostil, ing their estimates from the number Potatoes Iteceipts Market Paper 6 Poughkeepsie. piloted plays 100 001 6 .1. I loch of this Wal- those higher. Minnesota Early Ohio hulk New York 0002 by Thomas Murphy, won the "Bel city reported the receipt Weaver and Gandll; Iamar and of shipments to various places iff' 000 7 0 $2.35 2 45; same, In sucks, $2.5.1(5.' 000 0011 mont" 2:05 with of quotations from Monte Vista, io!o , ters. Bases 0n balls Off Caldwell 3, in charge were" able to the Pittsburgh pace corupaiativo adjust 2.00; Illinois Chios, $2.30 0 2.35 ; Wis Toney and Harlden; on flour of $4.43 a sack and from off 1. Struck Cald- schedule so time Batteries:, hut the other races were all Quinn outBy that practically every consin Ohios, $2.30Eil 2.35 ; Wisconsin Hudson for Cooper and Smith, Schmidt. hard fought. Although raced under Denver of $5.10 delivered. The con- well 2, by Quinn 2. a shipment is made, every car Is filled while, $2.35(82.40. I the three-bea- t system an extra heal ference had previously'ritej to capacity. Mr. Roughton has Just Poultry Higher. Fowls, 30,57 31c; Picture Frames Philadelphia 7, Kt. littulu I. was necessary to decide the winner in on the food administration office PI, lad, Iphia 0; Detroit 8. returned from a "sailing day" meet- springs, 32c. Are, - Fourth St. and Copper Rt. Loulu, Aug. 19. After playing two. blackboard that their flour cost them Philadelphia, Aug. 19. Gardner's ing In Iji Junta, where plans for per- with- a two bases on balls, .Tnurnit.1 Wnnf Art nrtnr results. two games of the present series In the 2:07 Lizzie March took the $9.42 barrel and they had a margin single, following rfcctlng the system were discussed. Mr. sides the of 88 cents on a $10',30 two Infield bits and Bush's error, won out an error both Juggled first beat with four horses finishing selling price. Roughton said yesterday that the ball, errors behind Ames enabled It was declared flatly and unanimous- for the Athletics In tho ninth with present schedule for shipments will be abreast. In the second Itowe went none out. Philadelphia to break Its losing streak out in ly that the millers could not follow revised a little hut the changes will the lead with Baron Atta and Scare: R. II. E. and win. Not a run on either side was never hard'1'10 H"KSestions of the grain corpora be of minor importance to wholesal- headed, although Detroit 000 008 000 8 0 5 s. o. s. s. o. s. wai' earned. Score: Lizzie March nt the finis1:. tion ami gei ny. ers here. The latter will be furnished R- H. E. pressed by 103 10 0 Score: Baron Atta also led to within a few The whole proposition is far from Philadelphia ..Olo 0049 with them when they are completed. 002 020 '103 10 3 I Batteries: C, Jones, Kalllo and Philadelphia.. feet of wire in a sattsiactory solution and a vis By making shipments on certain days 000 000 a" 4 the the third heat, Adams and St. Pools ... 0011 driven beatine from Mr. Piazzek of the grain corpo- Spencer; Watson, Gregg, wholesalers and buyers know when and Adams: Betsy Hamlin, by Cox, McAvoy. Batteries: Prendergast him a ration is 'expected shortly to go fur- the order Is to be received. . out by neck. With the three roes and Brock. heat winners in the finaltheat ther into the adjustment of the prob- starting lem. The matter of cost Uieblnntoii :l, St. Louis 2. Betsy I la 111 in again outstayed Huron increased tu- COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Cincinnati 8; Tlronklyn 4. of production, and other Washington, Aug. 19. HELP! Atta. shrinkage Cincinnati, Auk. 19. By bunching features were gone Into In de- ple and Judge's sacrif te fly gae TO REPORT AT STATE a Lord Stout 2:10 tri great lohn. nine hits with three passes and captured the tail by the conference which lasted Washington vlc.ivy in the Hth the race of the in son fanned 12 was tho BAR ANNOUNCED wild pitch in the sixth and seven only trotting day, all day. batsmen. It MEET three heats. fl.'teep h extra he has innings, Cincinnati scored eight straight Those present included rhil Jaegel.-an- ini'lti; pitched The 2:04 with five tn;- - , earned runs off Marquard and beat pace, starter1!, Mr. of Bernalillo fe ,.on, havi ii( won e'ght and tnrsciAi cottiisoNONCs To mohnino jouhnau best race of the after- Majors the ' Brooklyn. provided the Mr. Simmons of Belen lost seven. Santa Fe, Aug. 19 President Hiram Small mills; the - Boys R. H. K. noon with a driving finish every heat. Score: H. E. M. Dow of the New Mexico Bar asso- Score: roller mills; Fred Sherman, county 1 Baxter Lou won He St. Louis 010 010 000 000 00-- 2 12 Brooklyn 101 000 0114 12 2 the first heat, administrator of Luna Marco ciation, announces the following ap- Ali the second and Hal county; 000 101 000 000 8 3 Cincinnati 000 003 60x 8 1G 1 Boy third, C. de Baca of Pcna Messr.i. Wash... 013 pointment of committee chairmen, lien Ali took the race Hi" Blanca, Batteries: and Severeid; -- Batteries: and Archer; by winning Hoch and Jacolisen of Rogers who are to make their reports at tho Little Girls Marquard vxtra heat in a close finish. Albuquerque. Johnson and Ainsmith. Schneider and Wlngo. Francisco Montoya of Sandoval coun- Albuquerque meeting next week: ty, K. V. Garcia of Ton Committee on invesygation, James Algodones, M. on The wants a lot of MEN-2- JUNE 5 Marron of San Mnrclal, Mr. of SOLDIERS OBTAIN $28 IJervey of Koswell; committee Morning Journal JOE STECHER ENTERS SINCE Ayers law Heed Estancia and J. V. Torn! re of I.o-- t reform. District Judge FOR ARMY FUND le-g- NAVAL TRAINING CAMP TO REGISTER SATURDAY Punas. TOBACCO Holloman, Santa Fe; committee on education, Justice Clarence J. Rob- Private V. E. Collinge and Lieuten- erts; committee on history of bench Clean MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL ASEO Cotton (ST Lf WIRBI l All male persons who have 'r Strike Remains I'nscttlotl. Rags ant V. H. both of whom are and bar, Paul A. F. Walter of Santa Great Ijuke, III., Aug. 19. Joe reachod tlteir twenty-firs- t birth- - Detner. Colo.. Aug. 19. A confer-- Gregory, as tho food Fe; committee on legislation, to , Btecher of Neb., the formei ? 5, 191S. and on 'l once between a committee employed lecturers by special Here is to make money with which Podge, day since June tonight Ros-wel- your chance ' obtained Judge Granville A. ' world's wrestling champion, who re or before August 24, 1918, must representing the strikers and officials administration, have $28.43 Richardson, for the soldiers' tobacco fund. The special committee on organiza- Buy War Savings Stamps. ported at the Great Ijikes naval train- on August 24, 1918. ; of the Denver Gas & Electric Light register money was donated citizens of tion, O. P. of Raton. them to this ing station today. Is rated as a sea These men should consult with company, .iiiii oi wnose employes are by Phillips By collecting the rags, and bringing second class. Steelier found dif- boards as how and on failed to In a settle- Mills, Colfax county, N. M. office. man, local draft to strike, result BIG CEMENT PLANT In fitted to a Jackle't ? where should register. ment of the controversy over tho de- Collinge and Gregory were speak- ficulty getting they at Mills. uniform because of his size. mands of tho men for Increased ing Mrs. Harper, postmistress BY Market Prices Paid. at the collection and SEIZED PALMER Prevailing Athletic authorities at the station $ j f. $ wages and recognition of their union. city, started the are to arrange a match Another conference will bo held Wed- others in the audience contributed un- attempting til the total was The rav MoftNiNa joumnav inmak iiased wind between Stecher and Ed "Strangler" PoKtpoiicrf. nesday. reached. money S.O.S. Meeting was turned over to Jour- Chicago, Aug. 19. The plant of S.O,S. who is at Camp Grant. In Cincinnati, 19. Because o the Morning com- Iwls. Aug. nal and will to the La Salle Portland Cement wrestled for al Series. be at once used pur- helr first match they the of B. B. .Iohnson May Piny World's at La 111., known ns the 19. of chase tobacco for American soldiers. pany, Salle, five hours without a fall. president of the American league, Boston. Aug. Four members Its kind- west of the American basebal! biggest of Chicago and John Heydlcr, secretary of the Boston league and a business of " coal Hi cellar team, leaders in tho race, Dundee Beats Tuolicy. doing approximately When you put your National league, the meeting of the pennant was to- us N. 19. $3,000,000 a year, taken over lie tliat it 1.1 hot coal. The to ar- have received permission from their Jersey City, .1., Aug. Johnny wire national baseball commission A. Mitchell alien prop- Siiariti contains tit greatest exemption boards to take part In the Dundee of New York defeated Tommy day by Palmer, range dates and details of tho world' ex- custodian. Before the war the Plaster of PatersoH-l- n LUMBER costs world series President Frazee Ttiohey every round erty Cement, number of heat units. Sugiirlte ssrles was until tomorrow. Harry German-America- n postponed .eight-roun- d concern was known as the no ruore than Inferior coals. G of tho rlnb announced tonight. They cept the sixth of a bout hero , Portland Cement Works. Lumber W PUMBEB OOMPAW. were told they would be allowed to tonight. Dundee scored a clean Albuquerque Company knockdown lii Seventy-tw- o of its stock is 4JS NORTH FIRST STREHT Journal wants bring rfisults play September 15. the fifth. Dundee percent l'hooe 833. ( through 136. said to be German owned. Weighed 135 pounds and Tuohey j Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. FIVE t LEI TROTZKY LITTLE ON THRIFT TISH T Roll of Honor TALKS SUBSCRIBE NOW! By S. W. STRAUS E American Casualties Piesiitrtt American Society jot Thrljl GAPTURE W

Thrift con- In cereals slid cereal our made The following casualties are report- sists very individual thrift iciwil,P the of lit- of i.i n io FACES E ed by the commanding general of the largely shipment nearly !(,)(( Impels STATION AT ROYEl! tle And more than we shipped diiiiii.' i!,,-ca- coins American forces: v - tilings To the Journal--. expeditionary So, -- because thrift year ending June nil?. Killed in died of action, llfi; is comprised Early in the season the Hriti-- h foeci in LCASCO wounds, 12; missing action, ltH; of little things controller issued an appeal lo Eng- UOKNINO JOURNAL IClAL WIHI1 Bolshevik! Are Said to Be wounded severely, 1S9; died from air- many fail to lishmen to plant all wa-t- plncrs in London. Aug. 19. British troops plane accident, 1; died of disease, grasp its im- potatoes. As a result Engl-nnl'- pota- today captured the railway station at Tobacco Fund Aboard a Warship Prepared from accident and other causes. portance and to crop this year shows a min of .." Rove, according to the latest news become thrift- cent. The of from Anglo-Frenc- h 13; wounded, degree undetermined, per products Vmcriru's received this evening the to Sail for When less in their war will soar into the millions battle front. Germany 13; previously reported missing, now gardens ' habits, of dollars this year, and a The attack by the tenth How Our Soldiers Will for Their Rule reported killed. 12; 522. ery large today Long Crumbles, total, The founda- percentage represents the ciiliivaticn French under General Killed, in Action. army Magnin tion of of little patches of land that was brought to a satisfactory conclu- Good Old American Tobacco! Chester A. X. nearly t In Graham, Newark, J.; every Ameri gave any attention the old thrift- sion. All the objectives were at- MORIONS JOURNAL C.ICIAL LCA1EO Wlftl) Samuel J. Ar- the war. Inman, Whitme'l, Va.; can fortune was laid by some one who less days before tained. The French entered the Washington, 19. vr. The Journal tn deliver, Aug. Petrogrud';. thur Matthews, Pa.; saw the value of the One in Le Ribe-court- - By special arrangement guarantees Philadelphia, saving pennies. manufacturing plant New of Hamel, north of an with tobacco two dollars (rpign of terror is reported raging un. Albert Smith, Milnor. X. Albert American is brilliant with the made an announcement through arrangement manufacturers, 1).; history England IV which represents an advance worth of tobacco, for every dollar subscribed, to our soldiers in checked in an official snnals of t'.i se who have its three-quarter- dispatch today Strunk, Memphis. Tenn.: Ijiird A. risen to trs other day that employees nho of one mile and France and on the way to France. of and be- f from Stockholm. It is estimated that Wray, Seattle, W ash.; Rugler Alfonso i heights power fame with a cultivating hitherto wasted patches that meant the have tinder cultiuilinii The packages (50c worth of tobacco) are put tip In attractive 30,000 arrests have been made since Peak, Danville, 111.: Corporal Richard ginning putting away ground l,.'. GALLUP DRAFT QUOTA In we a card five and ten cent pieces. acres of land. Some one has evtiniatfd patriotic packages. every package put return postal the beginning of August among army Cochrane, Ireland; Corporal Hubert with your name and address so that you will get word back from Our little thrift stamps which seen that if one match is wasted H dav ir. officers and middle class citizens. The Lee Moore, Canton, X. C; Bugler NUMBERS TWENTY MEN the battlefields from as many soldiers as you subscribe 5 cent so Inconsequential in this day of each home in America for Ihe period M Uolshevik chiefs are said to he on Francis L. Johnson, Worcester, Mass.; pieces. in colossal war Anunciiij; are bringing in a year, it is the equivalent of burning board the warship Aurora the road- Mill-tow- SPICIAL CORKEIKNDIMCI TO MOUSING JOURNAL' Colonel Wallace Wilmer KeUer two and one-ha- lf times as much down a house worth hall a million dol- stead of to sail N. 19. Kronstadt, prepared Pa.; Lieutenants Earl R. revenue as it took to run the Govern- lars. The of a business Gallup, M., Aug. The first TOBACCO IS MIGHTY SCARCE for Germany In case of a successful manager large draft quota to leave Gallup will consist Churchill, Buffalo, X. Y .; Henry Q. ment before the war. noted the evapora- them. , organisation rapid of twenty men. will be sent to; Near against l. Thv the Trenches. uprising is of ink in his He instaH-ee- l Griffin, Winthrop, Mass.; Thomas England going through her trash tion Camp Pike, Ark. Following nre the and material for ls that would not o. Emeli-nn- o 19. Massey, Philadelphia, Pa.; James R. heaps gathering permit men who will go in this call: FROM 1RVIX COBB'S "PATHS OF GLORY" Washington, Aug. Sweden has of his lirsu ijil.-'.- thousands pounds of miuniinition. and saved -'j Fidel Candelario. been asked Stow, Eatonton, Ga.; Sergeant Major evaporation Martinez. Ixuis "As I recall now, we had come the of the school by the Swedish consular She is raking in all her old tin cans a year. Unrini, John Bruno, Henry Deal. Allen through gate office at- Abram 11. Corman, Greensburg, Pa.; house to where the automobile stood when a puff of wind blowing Moscow, acting for the to help make up for the in The reason so Americans Wilson, Thomas A. Sandoval. Robert Milton Councils-ille- . shortage many ha, to us from the left, which meant from across the baltlefront, American and allied consuls there, to Sergeants Bishop, tin metal. not been was because Noble, Severo Gutierrez, Dell Areey, brought Ulairs-vill- thrifty they fail to our noses a certain smell which we knew full well. send a to to Pa.; John E. e, Ernest Rln James R. Ru- already ship petrogrud tukeuwni Cummings, During the last fiscal year we ship- ed to the power of lit II nkenship, " 200 Ph.; V. appreciate dolph, Manual Richard Guy, 'Yoit get it, I see," said the German officer, who stood along- refugees or, if this is Impossible, Joseph Kiescl,s Scrantun, ped to our allies 8H,(M)0,000 more It is to Hie little ini Patrick, me. things. yielding A. It. Smith, rhnldo Garcia, Jim Mag-uln- side of 'it comes from three miles off, but you can get it five to obtain permission for these Edmund Philadel- of meats, fids, to small amount- - persons i'a.; II. Knight, pounds dairy products finises spend foolish Jose Pedro Gutierrez, John Lu- miles when the wind Is strong' and he waved his left arm toward to pass Finland, and oils than the a It through phia, Pa.; Frederic 11. Knight- Phila- vegetable dining keeps many family hard i, ther Fin hive, Hynum Shaw. as though the scent had been a visible thing. 'That explains why It is assumed here that the year preceding. A tribute indeed to the from one end to another tobacco Is so scare with us refugees Dor- year's Aildilional Notes. along the staff back yonder in Lnon." delphia, Pa.; John R. Median, of the suf-fete- d are American and allied citizens seek- patriotic thrift American peo- It was the thorough appreciation i The farmers at Ramah have "All the tobneco which can be is sent to the men in the to chester, Mass.; Richard II. Stewart, and a testimonial to the value spared ing escape from Russia. t'nder ple of the value of little things th.t uu'i, some loss recently from attacks front trenches. As long us they smoke and keep on smoking they date of August 17 the Swedish consu' Brooklyn, N. V.; Corporals Henry L little things! It was the little saving many a man wealthy and poetai made by the army worm. Many gardens can stand that." general at Moscow reported that the Brandt, Altoona, Pa.; Louis F. Donges, here and there in our millions of In these war days, learn t- - rl have been damaged as have cabbage American homes, hotels restaur- and beet Herman government had refused Johnstown, Pa.; George W. and highly the little things. To i.mlri.taa I patches. ants that made enor- . ir-- Mrs. Robert Duke nnd No safe conduct for any refugees, includ- Thomas possible this their value is to know one t daughter. Matter How Small the Amount Send It in. Philadelphia, Pa.; Murray, mous of food. U Miss Pearl left last week for ing consular officers, and It was be- saving secrets of success and (.' Petty Philadelphia, i'a.; Morris Sehuchman, their new home at Blackwell, oklu. Our are to need tobacco In lieved 1 boys going great quantities. Fill out this refusal would stand lint Hut-fiel- d, .Mr. Duke will them Inter. Xew York; Walter E. Simmons, join the coupon now Today is None Too Soun and make it generous! negotiations were concluded with W. M. Peterson and family left last it, or mall to The Pa.; Mechanics David F. Carson, a Bring it, Journal Office. England the treatment of Fan-nel- week for months vacation at San concerning Pitts-fiel- lig, Wlnthropp, Minn.; Joseph J. l, R. Martin. Stonehum, Germans In Altoona, Pa.; George J. Volin. phia, Pa.; Roy Diego, Calif. China, Xew York; William Mass.; Charles Miellentz, llrouklyn A dated 10 Mass. FcMuluiii, Considerable work is being done on report August said ths N. A. East Sev- Bolshevik Privates Nick Buckovi, Detroit, Newark. N. J.; Antouiiio !''wi chia"0, Y.; John Milko, Pittsburgh. the Aztec and Itinch avenues. THE authorities had agreed to William R. Montieth, Allston, enteen teams nre now on the JOURNAL, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. the to John C' N. V.; John Pa.; busy permit consuls depart and tha' Mich.; C.hipman, Conception Rochester, Percy Fischer, Mass. grading and leveling and those streets the military mission of Great Robert H. Clay-com- e, Stockton, Calif.; Albert L. will The No. 3. Britain Pay, Newfoundland; Forsythe, Diexl Wounds. soon be greatly improved. rhil. Popular olRureltca bavins retail value f 60o. and France were to Nestor F. Du- of work is directed preparing leave Somerset, Pa.; Labonty, Leedy, Okla.; Eugene Foster, , being by Superintend- Lieut. John Cashinan oldfield, ent S. Pkff. Xii. I. hiu-ln- Moscow by way of Astrakan and New .T. Lavlo-lett- e, Joe X. W. Noble. p,,pvitai- plpo liihHrcn retail villus uf SOo. Bedford, Mass.; Henry bois, Pa.; Gumbo, Newark, J.; N. Y.: Daniel J .Mr. left pei sia. Sergeant and Mrs. Stewart Brown Marlboro, Mass.; Edward line- James Gaston, Cincinnati, ().; Thomas X. Y.: '"'c I'ltK- N". When these ef- Oneill, New Y'ork, Corpora1 last week for a visit at High Hrldge, I'epnlur cUaretle tufasren Imvlng retail vahn of 0r. dispatches were sent Me.; J. I.overn, ii. were man, Brldgeton, Ralph Gehrman, Appleton, Wis.; Isaac AlvinR. Canady, Bug Hill. X. C; Pri- In. forts still being made to obtain Hol-ynk- e, X. H.: John J. Padden, Gibson, Roanoke, Va.; Alfonso Gioia, Canton Farmers at Ramah held n meeting I'K. No. t. Popular plii rtuwlng tuhscro having rftall vtlu of'tOo the release of British and French cit- Hanock, vates Albert Henry Hrlegel. B. Anderson. St. Ii. Chi- Monday night ami completed plans for Holshe-vlk- Mass.; William Scottdule, Pa.; Basil Goldman, O.; Paul Cochran, Chicago. izens held as hostages by the l. their In n.'c.r. lance wllh your offi-- to aend liranda James- II. Bates, Worces- Israel Bauxite, Ark.; Gerald organization. popular of tobacco snd Some were released several Minn.; Roy cago; Goldstein, Philadelphia Craven, to our solilltua In In Silo day Ellis A. clgarrlitn Rump units uf packages, each for 85c ago but nearly a hundred were held. ter, Mass.; S. W. Cunnoll. Pf.nllan, Pa.; Clarence W. Gregory, Blaine, W. Maddy, Newcastle, Ind.; SEPARATED Bed- , S. Paul P. FAMILY, The Swedish consul said Mich.; Kenneth t'. Chase, New Va.; Alfred Curtis Hagan, Wilklns-burg- Owens, Rlackburg, C; I enclofu general the Rert It. negotiations would be facill ford, Mass.; Albert J. Craw, New Pa.; William II. Hall, Blue. Zakarska, Philadelphia, Pa.; BY WAR, REUNITED creatly W. Va.; Jame tated if the allies would promise pro- Bedford, Mass.; Leonaf-- O. Fuller, Jacket, Okla.; Theodore Hansford, Humphrey, Carpenter, Your Nome .. Lyons, Ky.; Magnus Nel- tection to Soviets In northern Russia Shellrock, Frank, t vuath, Seattle, Wash.; George Hen- ray mornino journal rpicial lkabcd wiri la.; Harry Minn. Street Adilii , . . Dispatches the W. Robert son, Pelican Falls, Berne, Aug. 19. Neiifchatel rail- ia reaching departmen' Wis.; Sam Hamway, Wheeling, nessey, Okla.; John Hawkins, IHtMl Accident. the Swedish office X. F. From Alnlan way station was the scone of a through foreign Va.; Victor A. Jewell, Beaver Falls, Ringhamton, Y.; Claude Hedges. D. Philadel- happf City and Slate . , . . described the chaotic conditions tn F. Lieut. Norman Iflighes, meeting the other day, when a specia' Pa.; Edwin Rice Johnson, Stillwa- Vcstns, Okla.; Raymond Helnly. Pa. Russian cities. M. phia, ... train came In bringing back from Okla.; Francis Regis Vernon Hamburg. Pa.; Stuart Herrington. Died of .DIkOUkc. Railway service between Moscow ter, Sul- Germany a number of French civil- Bert B. Thor, Oakdale, Pa.; George F, Hooper, William P. and has been Pittsburg, Pa.; Laming- I Me- Privates Mangrum. ians who had been deported from the Petrograd interrupted . phur. Okla.; Edward Howell, Su- On 9 meas- la.; George K. Lyon, Cleveland, Shawmutt, Ala.; Henry Salveson, north of France and detained in Ger August unusual police llette Okla.; Edward P. Hunt. Jersey ' ' Bingham, Wis.; 'Raymond' Sutphin. or re- ures were taken in Petroerad. In the Clinton F. Quakenbush, City. X. J.; Zld Hutson, Centralia, perior, many since the beginning of the war UNCLE SAM WILL GET foreign shipment; or to buy, Ind. A in- or have Bfternoon of that day the German Neb.; Henry Vhlenhop, Leonaidville, Ter.: Thomas J. Irving, F.arlysville, Jonesboro, French prisoner, released but ceive, possession of such , mid Other Cannes. embassy arrived from Moscow on two Herbert O. Whitil-er- Worces Mineral Died ActHdfiit terned in Switzerland, found among YOU IF YOU PILFER goods or chattels, knowing the sam Kan.; Va.; Glcason Johnson, City. '. to have been - Privates Eugene Ilagerman. the his wife and five chil- stolen. special trains A Jhrnl- train, had Spf Burchtird DnBr iomer, "J." passengers, 1 ter," Mass.; j.j Stanley Kantorskl, Chicago, Charles L. Schaeffer, FROM RAILROADS NOW "Violations of this law will German soldiers in Russian uniforms 111.;" Earl G. Xnshau, Ala.; dren whom he had not seen since Au- Waco. Neb.; R?.ie Woods, John Karp, New York.; Sen-tell- ; Roy, Mont.: Corporal Henry G. no vigorously prosecuted." who had been In Moscow since th N. Clarence I:. Oliver, Keith, Seottsburg, lint.; Thomas J. gust, 19H, and of whom he had The losses suffered tho rail- II.; Captain Mas. F.llsha CORRiaRONDRNCa O WORNIM by assassination of Count von Mirbnch. Solomon Schoolfield, Va.; Eng. news except a vague rcixirt that the; leeiejAI. f JOURNALI roads from theft run Into Elmlra Heights, X. Y.; Lieutenants Kinnlkin, Savannah, Okla.; X. Tex... 19. every year, Min- n Kclley Knodgrass, Princeton, J.; had been Amurlllo, Aug. Stealing Premier l.enine and Foreign P FiKS'eli, New York; James Klass, Rochester, X. Y.; Stephen'T-- deported. many millions of dollars. The I'nlted Chailts Paul Indianapolis, from railroads cpn-tr- ister Trotzky arrived in Petrograd on Colin, Boston Mass.: Hans Larson. Privates Hums, under government States railroad administration ia Rountree Klngery, Summitt- Ga.; John and ia n violation therefore action to August 10 and unusual measures were Rochester, Minn.; Gaspare, Ind.; Kucinscy, Philadelphia, WEATHER READINGS operation of taking energetic Sergeants Nathan Ainsman, Brooklyn. Igglo Lee Jacob Rycenga,' Grand Haven, federal law reduce this heavy drain rn the rail- taken at Gronstadt, Indicating thai N.I .. .; Arthur u. t,cnmann, which tho United States N. Y. : Hannable Davis. Marshall I'rooklyn, Mich.: Aimer J. Vanderzee, Burling- IN roads Many violators have the" Ilolshevik leaders were, going 111.; R. Lewandowskl. TO BE MADE GALLUP railroad administration Is vigorously already Thomas Hines, l.ynn. Chicago. Roy Levi Indian been apprehended, speedily convicted there. C; Joseph Charles W. Lowman ton, Wash.: J. Vautratn. enforcing. Tho Santa Fe Is Stanislaus Stephen Krajewski, Milwaukee, Wis.; Wilbert G railway and given heavy sentences. German In Stockholm were Mass.; Orchard, Mass.: Corporal (RrCrAL CORRIRROMOINCR TO MORNING JOURNAI I now big of agents N. Y.; William C. Yale, Okla.; Richard J. Lube, Chicago, posting placards warning as on 14 Saratoga Spings, Huffman, Honiewooil, Pa.; Private Gallup, N. M., Jan. 19. A local on direction of tho administration. quoted saying August that New York: Isaac H. Roosa, 111.; Jessie C. Lynch, Clinton, S. C: "The For in the Stomach. the Germans were from Mos- nkeefe, Charles L Aekley, Westfield, Pa.; went her office is to be established federal law," says this poster, Cramps moving X. Sterling Bonnie B. McCullough, Hope. Ark.; "makes It a cow because of Port Jervis, Y.; Corporals Daniel Mark Lynch, Cambridge, here, according to Charles E. Linney, felony punishable by ten If you have ever been doubled up they felt certain the Neb.! Walter Scott Guiseppl Mangino, i Thompsonville, of tho Santa Fo Re- ears' to from with in will fall of Kolshcviki. Baker, Seward, Mass.; Joseph A. Marcotte, Winlock weather bureau. Imprisonment, steal cramps your stomach, you the They declared Plnrk. Xew Brunswick, X. J.: Ray- - Conn.: Cesari 'Marchi- Somerville, ports will be sent daily to the weather uny railroad car; be interested in the experience of the Bolshviki would be suc- Mnsfl Sliffnrt F. Olustee. Wash. probably v rinnielB. Rinchamton, X. Y. Now office at Denver. Rev. Henry Barton "To break open or to enter such a Charles Henry. Oswego, N. T.. who ceeded by Chernoff and his revolu- .,it Previously Rcirtcd Missing, the in car with to W. Evans, Columbus, O.: Ser- Oklu.; Frank Slupnicka, Omaha, Neb.; of Methodist church will be Intent steal; says: "About four years ago when' who woulo Morgan RcMiitcd KIIIihI. charge of the locul office. "To obtain bv fraud or decentlon from In stomach tionary party probably Casada, Oneida, Tenn.: John J. Slavick, Hazelton, Pa.; James - suffering cramp my geant Arthur C. Tressler. Meyers- Mr. j summon at once a new constitutional Nel-la- W. Va.: Hilton R. Sergeant John Linney has spent the past week from ai y railroad car, station house. and bowels, I used Chamberlain's Carl L. Lunde. Norway; Joseph P. Sloan, Wheeling, L. l, Frank Fruth, here with Rev. Ilarton in the platform, or whaif- Colic and Diarrhoea It Is assembly which will be recognized by Birrle. Snowberger, Roswell, Pa.; Peter idale, Pa.; Corporal getting steamboat, vessel, Remedy. New York: Corporals Floyd Xew Brighton, Pa.; Frank instruments set up and starting tho any goods or chattels which constl-- J by far the best medicine of the kind Germany, R. Col- Charles Spolgol, Corporals Mecca. Ind.; Edward Bigelow, Boston, Mass.; W. Pa.: readings. Into or are a part of any In'erstate t have" ever used." 111.; Emanuel Gleii-ha- Relnhart, Philadelphia, fax, Wash.: Charles Oroom, Dnryea, Chicago, Steigo", Canton, O.; Privates S Westfield, X. Y.: R. D.; Samuel Tanner, Philadel- Charles Smith, Pershing honored Pa.: Harvey E. Foley, Clawson, Lot robe, Pa.; Anion F.. X. . Walter II. Hoag, Jersey City, J.; phia, Pa.; Mike Tcdesco, Italy.: Percy Franl-O- I Tui-ne- Fushburn, Philadelphia, Pa.; by Charles F. Kersev, Charleston, O. Tripp- Wells, Me.; Ravmon cheyenne star Charles Adu.r. Gantz, Philadelphia, Pa.; .Osraf X. J.; Pa.; I'rban.skl, Hel-wig- Paul A. Martin, Nutley. Kittnnnig, Hartwick, Mercer. Pa.: John W. ! X. .1.: N. Valdes MOHNINS JOURNAL RRIClAL LRARID WlRt P Piatt, Thorofare, Joseph Perth Am boy, J.; Leo.ioldo E. Lind- Mathew Vorhuist. Columbin, Pa.; George Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 19. From In SchulU. Nantlcoke, Pa.; Saspamco, Tex.; Flonspt New Pa.; Vernon W. St. X. Y.; Privates 111.: "iscl, say, Brighton, front of Mark's Episcopal church Buffalo, Chicago, Patrlgio Italy; Brighten, Pa.; Samuel E a Cleveland, .; iurr Marcus Vogelsang, Holland; Walter McFarland, here floats service flag tha; has Frank Anicella, Detroit, Mich. more in Boston, Mass Frank W Voll, Utica, X. Y.: Conrad Walker. Sinclair, interest than any other this W Aronson, - section of the middle west, for it car- Austin. Brooklyn, X. Y. Tearl C. Au,s- Hastings, Neb.; Harry Wcincr. Brook- one N. Y. Silas W. Bakr, N. Y.;. Ellis O. Westfnll, s, Your Merchant ries bright blue star standing all tin Tlprmfin. lyn, In Siberia. Help alone above the rest In honor of Gen. o rtov H. Bailey. Liberty Ind.: Clifford Henry Wiehe, t ; John John J. commander-in-chie- f Fred Belcher, Belcher. Ky Cincinnati. O.; Harry Wilson, Phila- Pershing, Ind.: Louis of the American A. Blavlock, Tahlgren. III.; George Connie Woods, expeditionary forces Bul- - delphia, Pa.; In France. Permission to add this star Syracuse, X Y.: Early Dearborn, Mo.; John Z. Worley, Ben-ham- s, Down Costs W. Camp- to this flag was General Hon, VVoodlawn, Va.; Floyd Pa,; Harvey M. Young, New Keep given by Pershing. bell Trenton, X. . Hugh L. Carney, York; Robert S. Zeigler, General CMtf.5 Robert R. Chapman. Tex.: H. Koonsvllle, Pa.; Pershing's connection with Campbell. Des John Bolich, Cheyenne Is one of sentiment, for il Cnronn. N. Y.: Walter Chesley, William P. P.renner, Umcaster, Pa.: DAY CASH if or if vou do use the was here the romance Ia.: Frank Walter Scottdale, Pa. Co,, possible began which Moines. J. Clark, Floyd Brookman, resulted in his marriage to Miss Fran- Waltham, Mass.: Simon Pa.; Bert Buchanan, Wynesboro, Pa.: convenience of a credit settle bills ces K Warren, daughter of United Oneida. X. T.; John J. Benjamin F. Byers. Ligonier, Pa.; An- account, States Senator Francis E. Warren. go HI.; Joe B. Cooper, ?Zc'.' tonio Camerote- Philadelphia, Pa.: Cotell, Yarmouth. ';Mass.; Carlo L. Far1 Mrs. Pershing, with her three little Harris E. Capriottl, Italy; James promptly. was burned to In Crissell. Brooklyn, rell, Waynesboro, Pa.; Frank Fletch- daughters, death n Stanley Fail nuer, fire at Presidio. San Francisco, miah Francis Crowley, er, Philadelphia, Pa.; William J. Fnr-e- whilj San Franc sco, Bad accounts raise the general was on the Mexican bor- Mass.; Attillo Bagnino, Sharon, Pa.; Charles F. Graham. help prices. - Braintree, der. It was in the picturesque church Calif.- Westlev O. Dahl, Conncllsvllle, Pa.; Frank P. Hartman, over which Camiel Idobbelacre, Atkinson, Okla.; V. the Pershing star floats Mass.; P.. Noble, Phillip Kelly. Etna, small add to 111.; Mattero, Providence, Kirk. N. Carry parcels charges that their funeral services were held. John B, ArK.. Pa.; Walter J; Camden, J.: delivery I.i Walter L. Meader, Walcott, David I-- Elbert Knapp, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ruin Aids Croiw. Manuel S. Menengcr, Portugal; Norman C. Kohler, Fayetteville, Pa.' prices. Mitchell, London, 19. Root crops and Franklin Miller, ITorace Ij. Layser, Richland, Pa.; Aug. City. X- cereals estimated to be worth $15 Charles B. Mitchell, Jersey Harry B. Lessig, Leechburg, Pa.; B. Pellston, Mich.; Joe Don't make the have saved Murray, e, Meyer Levine, Blairsville, Pa.: Leslie unnecessary 000,000 been by early rain Per-gand- exchanges fall. Pacini, Memphis, Tenn.; Harry H. Mel-ea- ITnion City, Pa.; John P. Milwaukee, Wis.: Clarence "send it back" habit is waste. Buf- Mooney. Philadelphia, Pa.; Mike Badke. Milwaukee, Wis.; Joseph R. Saler- Palusjk, Russia; George Rankin, fo, Philadelphia. Pa.; Pasquale Unlontown, Pa ; Raymond R. Rennln-ger- , no. Wlnnetka. 111.; Joseph Salitens, : Carlo Arnao. Don't hoardthat make a - I'nlontown, Pa.; only helps shortage WATCH POS 111.: Stan- Chicago. Joseph Sanducky, "Philadelphia, Pa.; Lyle W. Barne. ; A. wood, Mich. Walter ShemansKi, Quimby, Ia.; John C. Campbell, Van-dcrgri- and raise prices. Mount Carmel, Pa.; Steve Sinking, E. Nia- ' Smt- - Pa.; Clarence Clark, rAfeA South Boston, Mass.; Stanislau Falls, N, Y.; George D. .Conrad i Spil- - gara ad- ehowski. South Bend, Isaac Patronize for SUBDUE AND HEA L Ind.; Orange, Mass.; Patrick .1. Cook, New the merchants who advertise, Robert C, Stewart, ler. Lvnn, Mass.; Salem, Pa.; Walter H. Dlstler, Phila- Evansville, Ind.: William Saymonow Lewis V. North Wj makes for lcfvver Thull, delphia, Pa.; Dorsey, vertising prices by increasing ski, Chicago, III.;. Ferdinand J. John C. Edwards. N. Watson, Abington, Mass.; Gen. D. is in New Brighton, Pa.; George Francis L. Brig. Henry Btyer' volume of ex-- ! T ECZEMA Mo.; Jacob W. Wesalo, Fort Gaines, Ga.; Erb, command of the 27th regiment, and lessening the ratio overhead Kansas City, Dernard E. Fanenn, III.; William C. Wilson, Earls Pa.; U. S. army, which hna landed at Chicago, William Cssecho-Slova- Blcndon F. Deane, Skow Philadelphia, Pa.; Fuoss, Vladivostok, to aid the boro. Okla.; Howard P. Gardner. Siberia. General penses. Every Eczema Rufferer should heean. Me.: Carl E. Hector, Coleman, Owensdate, Pa.; control Styer has know just how greatly Poslam is able Tyrone, Pa.; Amnion Gibble. Man-hel- seen service In the Philippines and to benefit thia stubborn how Tex.: Frank L. Hupp. Cumberland, O.; Mexico and was formerly commander trouble; 111.; Clarence Pa.; Cecil Gilherson, Indian You will find in the columns of this quickly it brings relief, stops itching; Frank Korjckl, Chicago, Harold C. Goodrich of the 181st Infantry brigade at advertising T ocrsdon. . Kilbuck. O.: Louis apolis, Ind.; Wash. cools, soothes and comforts. To r Wilbur H. Hamil Camp Lewis, spread Poslam over an angry affect- Mogavero. Philadelphia, Pa.t Clin Crownpoint, Ind.; newspaper, the names of merchants who are Charles E. t- ed surface is to feel that here, in nn Moores. Stokes. N. Y.; Rife ton, Everson, Pa.; Hewitt, Join tlw Two-Bi- Km Cmm Club. ia the De Harveys, Pa.; - Lerlowe E. Howard - reality, just healing influence Rovlne. Perrysille, O.; Joseph with . reason- us- B. working you to prices at a the skin demands. Treatment Is mnttin. Boston, Mass.; Samuel East Hutchinson, Kans.; Arthur a keep . short ' Hurd, F. Ja- ually surprisingly and improve- Furnston Dennison, St. Louis, Mo.; Lynn, Mass.; Raymond MOTHER CRAY'S , ment noticed every Poslam is A. Karr k able level. It . . day. Frederick R.' Dickson, Benson, Neb.: cobs, Sharpsburg, Pa.; James harmless; use It for Pimples, Rashes Shawnee, Okla.; S. Kise, Co- SWEET rDWDcRS all Di Donna, Bristol, R. I.i Clayton end eruptional disorders. Raffaels lumbia, Pa.; A. Kleppic. Pitts- FOR CHILDREN, Sold free-sampl- e Clif- Henry everywhere. For Douglas Dixon, Parsons, Kan.; burgh," William C. Kluth, North A OertatoRellef lor VaTerlakseaa, write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 Oscar Pa.; ford Dye, Center Point, la.; Philadelphia, Pa.r Georse Lambert Oaallpjllan, Headache, West 47th St., New York City. I o od D e a o - Charles L, D h . r Urge your skin to become fresher. Ebert, 'Wntertown- Wis.; Fresno, Calif.; George B. Laiiingee, fVT William ry clearer, better by the daily use of Eckroat. premberton. Wash.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Haley McCasklll. tnailM KBK (cTTLddfea., - . iiofoll. Sample j'oslum Soap, medicated with Poslam, Ehlers, Milwaukee, Wis.; Otto H. El- Troy, Ala.; John J. Tolin. Philadel an MOIMER RAT CO, l Kg;, k!, Y, J

BIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. , AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER until a of stress time before adopting WIRES ARE ! systematic coordination and coopera- CROSSED, WILHELM tion, when it is plainly evident that such a system is of advantage to that country as much in time of peace as orning Jfairnal In of war. I w time 9 stf I s Published by the Germany did not wait. That coun JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. try had all its energies and resources 4 centralized and could direct Western years ago Representative He-fo- C. J. ANDERSON, them in a single channel at will. Marquette Bldg., Chicago, HI the war they were set toward the trade of the world. Eastern Representative grabbing RALPH R. MULLIGAN, Witldn a week after the war broke SO Enst flni Street, New York. out every one of them were turned Entered as second-clas- s matter at the toward conquering France, and the postnffice of Albuquerque. N. M under Act to ofOcmftress of March 1, 1879. world knows how near they came Larger circulation tlian any other paper accomplishing that purpose. in iew Mexico, 'ine only paper In New As the war has gone on every coun- Mexico Issued every In the day year. try engaged has found its full effec- Advisory Service TERMS OP BL'USCltlPTION: re- Ial!y, by carrier or by mail, one month. .70e tiveness in pystematization of Yearly, In advance $7.50 sources and systemati.ation of effort. Our customers find it much to their interest N U T "sUHStTm d ICB TO BE KS. In this direction England has pip-pose- Subscribers to the Journal when writing a of health and in a to confer freely with our officers, who keep in to have their paper changed to a new ad- ministry j?' ft AVUtS ARfc CRINGING ") dress must be sure to give the old address. discussion of the proposal Sir Bertram! r"?7rviv I CTUt close touch with trade and financial condi- "The MorninK Journal has a higher clrcu7 Dawson, in an address delivered be- I I (AT THY WOKDERTFUU latum rating than Is accorded to any other fore the of Medicine, ( tions. paper In New Mexico." The American Royal Society declared that changes which had long Newspaper Directory. tPlPrl) VttOU HAUV DICTATE-) These conferences often bring out the advantages been in the professional germinating which and business cares av- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED and public mind were a growing ap- PEACE" AT THY QWK anxiety hide from the PRESS. dis- erage individual. The Associated Press la preciation of tho fact that much mJ&QfeT exclusively entitled to the use for republication ease is preventable, a growing sense This is a service we of news to It other- keep ourselves prepared to give all credited or not of tho supreme importance of health, wise credited In this patter and also ART gladly in addition to our regular banking facilities and the local news published herein. and a conviction that the best means TO fct.THOO i without to the size of and die-eas- e -- regard your account. of health curing U au i THE! JOURNAL takes and preserving W I W.Mim prlnta should be available for n mights tah Are ex- every JAffewX our sixty hours and thirty minutes of try joii receiving Monthly Itiillctin Letter? clusively Associated Press leased wire as a. matter of right. Wt! shall be Rlail to send it to yon service each week. No other news- Tho main is that one regularly without 'lmrge. paper published in New Mexico takes difficulty more than twenty-fou- r hours of As doctor is seldom sufficient nowadays sociated Press service during a week. one serious case: Patients O for nny may, for example, require a bacterio- The Citizens Bank TUESDAY, AUGUST 20. lillb logical as well as a clinical examina- of Albuquerque tion, an y investigation, or the ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. tiii: Japanese mors. advice of some specialist worker. "The Bank of Personal Service" It is clear enough that, unless spec- ' The smoldering discontent of the ialist help is provided by tho state, War Savings Stamps Buy Them Often poorer classes which flared ui in these advantages cannot bo universally Tokio last week and necessitated the enjoyed. They presuppose a wide ex-- 1 calling of troops to suppress the rioters pansinn of the hospital system and with the is in no way connected with the Jap tho linking up of that system manipulated the Penitentes in a di- anese government's participation in work of the general praetioner. rect attempt to secure the defeat of the war. From meaner and delayed Tho of administrative or- a candidate on tho opposition ticket. question Communications Much of the detail of the was despatches so far available it is to he ganization is necessarily a difficult plan in given and commonly discussed among that the unrest is purely of social one, and cannot really bo discussed the boarders present. economic manner until something So end origin. a satisfactory Albuquerque, N. M., Aug. IS. much for that. But it is not the Japan as a nation has for a number in the nature of a national health Fililor Morning Journal end of the story, for 1 was repeatedly asked to write a of Peni- itif been only two ahead of board Is organized in America. The protest raised by the citizens of story the years jumps the state tentes., giving the facts as above. I sheriff. The is Witli all the doctors In regarding the libelous article lite country carrying practically in the American did not do so for the reason that I makes an ex- this appearing North a debt which necessary tho country mobilized, however, Review for August, over the signature was not ready to write such an article ceedingly burdensome tax rate. The would be an opportune tlmo to work ot Henry Wray, well be tho without absolute proofs, not only be- would have to bo gone through again might cause of the libel but ministry in has follow out a of national health. Asj nucleus for a (reform which would laws, because i present Japan system by our children and our grandchildren in have ricd to make to pro-- result tho elimination of a certain invariably my ed a policy of trade extension through much attention should lie paid j who are now living in the fullness of of writings accurate- in every detail. lines on the ones, their childish the whole world type publicity given this state by Subsidizing transportation ventive methods as to curative How to Pronounce joy. some or its own residents. One man a government employe di-- Names would be broken hearted. Kut our Pacific and development of industries Education of the people in this j I to told me that a magazine writer who hope is sure, and our expectation will refer directly those persons was en to asked in China and Korea. These extensions do as much as anything, wno, wjtn a sense of humor. route Albuquerque rection would not fail. The night has been long perverted him regarding the place and added, have been made through government effectiveness of the and and with cries of insist on regaling any writer what- to increase the at the Front dark, echoing ever who comes to "I told her that she would see Indians raised by tax levies. pain, but on tho forehead of the fu the state with as soon as she off the that Impropriations country. stories which are far removed froi: got train; While the system has brought Japan ture we think we see the light of the the city was full of them; that, she dawn. And when the comes we realities. as forward in the commercial world, day would be safe only long as she far AKMOR IX WIDKllN' WAU. Here's an authentic list giving you the proper of know what It will be. It will be a yet . This does not at all include the on avenue." of the pinnunciation Icept Central He added Jt has at the same time pressed harder many French towns, rivers and other places on the present greater day than that of seven score traditions or legions, nor does it in that she did not make a lengthy stop battle front, or soon to in on any sense n nd harder on the working classes of Mail coats, helmets and shields! likely appear tho news: years ago when America founded place an embargo on the In Albuquerque, asshe planned. be her far off continent a nation that relating of authentic historical data. Another instance more remote.: A The truth seems to old are n the empire. worn by knights of beingj Achenx Mtiy-y- was to dedi- but it does be- - Mildly consecrated liberty and directly and for all time woman from the east stopped in one of .iMKI . ,lu,V-w-n- ir that Japan has dreams empire studied by experts at the Metropolitan in .Mtviercs . , cated to the equal rights of all. It man the stories which are told us as of the local curio stores. .Xiiticn . . . Moiis-det'-du-a- Upon seeing ond the resources of the country to museum in New York because thei Miitili(licr y will be the day of freedom from the being true, and which cannot fail to on Indian head dress she Albert Ahl-bti- ir inquired Moreuii ...... shadow of sword'which has dark- nave a Influence iiiilain. which hns brought back. Al!(Tt the harmful in advertis- where the urtiele had been obtained. present war, Ank'r, Morlancoiirt , , ened the of man for more than the An Ali-vai- sleep ing entire southwest. outsider who happened to be pres- The party has discarded weapons nndj Avesues . . . . . u Noslo Into use many Nail a thousand years. It will be In order to be absolutely specific, ent said, "why, they grow on the for more than has Asstiinvillers , lieen growing stronger practices of medieval warfare, Noyon .... N'wiili.yonK tho day of liberation from ty- some personal reminiscences are more heads of the Indians just thnt way, ltoiM'hoir , . , ... li -- a year and predictions have been fre found use armor as well. This thtiilly I'll .Vv of the from the en- or less necessary; upon my coming to and are shed once a year, and that is for isj ltiicquoy . . , . li Olsc Wahr ranny strong, lately that the present ministry the powers; in; slavement of the weak, from the sub- tins state, nelng under magazine as how we get them." quent shown by all warring uix tny Oureq Oerk as I was, I met at Das About a month man came here torould before the end of 1D1S. the: 'lunilncs . . , of the silent masses that signment Vegas ago a fall the use of heavy breastplates by Shone IVroiniB . . . 1'ay-ro- n jugation who told me of the Penitenles. i" have sired people from the east. He was eager to know arise Its ( . I'los-noc-t- their blood, nge after a.i;e, Should such a contingency Germans and breastplates, for luplllv l'lessicr , ...... y and stated that they dominated the lighter t'oinblcs . . , . v, Coninl at the feet of the' crowned criminals something of the country. The man effect on Japan's position with the in the armored Proyart . . . . I'rah-va- r politics of the state. They even in- did not state whether he was looking nltnck. hv the English: 1'MncH lYcm Khcims who have sought for nothing but their is It is not likely, and in Kangce selfish dominion and nothing troduced me to one man who, they for investments, or if he would con- allies conjectural. waistcoats used by 'the Italians, . . . l'ray-ntvu- li gained any I'restioy Itoyo ll'.vuli It will be claimed, was the head of the Pern sider here, but he was a man would result in are Ar-lm- neo-n- ir but their guiltv glory. the locating however, it shields which all the armies llarhoiinit'ivs Koo-ba- trench Itonlxiix . . . , y of the world. tentes, and who, therefore, dominated of financial who . . Lali-scen-- Independence Day good standing might change. l.asigny Noissons fcnah-som- r News the politics of the order and as a re have seen differently. using. liO I li (From the international Bureau, things As far as the' world has been per become do- - lvloy . . . Nomine .... Som suit controlled tho vote for the state about one of the ovens Upon use of this it has lions f.OlliSH Inc., I'.oston, Mass. Upon asking of both St. . , . of that organization. in natives ho to learn the of .Luli-Ites-n- (Jticmiii which the do baking, mitted Japanese sirablo to review tho entire study I.p Quesnel . . . . e Vcslo the election of two are united on war policies. During years was told that the ovens were used by parties ancient armor, to which for centuries; ago I was in Taos and there heard a the witch doctors for healing or roast- In it, some of the greatest artists and sclen-- l many of the above names is impossible to transpose French party ward heeler make open boast ing people to drive out the evil spirits. sounds exactly into English sounds, so tho English are at the hotel table that his had A XJVFJiS.Wi IHIEAD. fists cave their best efforts. To such equivalents WITH SCISSORS party These are only samples of what is t merely the nearest approximations. on It gives the r masters of tho science of armor design going constantly. Ttio Announcement by National AND PASTE country a bad name; it convinces as Leonardo, Guilio Romano, Cellini, down and citizen that the state is not from Hoover to an As- coming by marriage people far Food Administrator Michael Angelo, and ship papers, but by tho general dispo- paganism; it is a species of advertis-men- t in Lon- Holbein, Duerer, ex to sociated Press correspondent are ordnance experts of today sition of tho average American to which could be dispensed with of pri- others, ki:i:pixg mothi'.tup to tii eel nt whatever he turns his hand. don Saturday that the danger and Inspiration. MARK. good advantage. as a turning for guidance Com This theory is lacking in the ro So now, whiio an attempt Is to be vation is passed will come great so com- In the July Woman's Home ex- In fact, it can bo stated that a woman tells how mantie savor of tho Daniel Boone made to get rid of unfavorable pub- relief to the allied people. We, even studied panion writer her which conceives of not it secure were armored defenses Hall Caine Hails young trains her in the way planation, every licity, why do right and the self sacrifice and self denial pletely America daughter American a born marksman, but it ha some sort of sentiment which With in the past that today there is scarcely she should go: patriotic last year, have not yet "And I too, thnt her fault the merit of being closer to the facts. will forever do away with misrepre- practiced n. technical idea brought forward realize, If for which is. her want of respect for my there is any weapon sentations! learned what national privation not worked out in elaborate finding, the American can be said to have a The west is big and fine and abounds Italians have. which was (HY Sill II ALL CAINK, K. II. fore America had to fight, or the spirit parenthood and my superior years, as The French and the time armor makers. Seven score 1) on which own it in penchant it is tho revolver, and this in opportunities. It needs the proper detail by the old years ago the American she had founded her may seem, is the best thing the for some reason the They lived in fear that still another of people on nation had to me. is the known to military boosting and it deserves proper No less than 25 different types brought forth their great die. world for It thing that en-te- short of hesi- - men is kept out of war to a great boostnig. Tha advertising which the winter might find them have been made in continent a nation consecrated to lib- Only for a little while did she keeps me alive mentally, keeps me up armor defenses and dedicated to late about the to makes me though we imagine many an state is going to get from this affair tiroadstuffs and fats, which, coupled lots, erty the principle her duty to step beyond tho mark physically, American soldier would sooner have to us much of if we various factories in experimental that all men were created Then liQlit.i ot Iter own The more both to husband ought bring good, the almost coal short- equal. continent. companionable a six shooter than an armful of tuke the advantage of the op- with permanent including in numbers from a few they had many enemies and one moral law knows nothing about fron- and child, keeps green between the proper countries, meant suffer- only portunity. age in these score to many thousand pieces, some friend. .Now they have many frinndi tiers. The boundaries of the human girl and me that'close companionship stand on the and one heart are wider widest em- will never be broken, me Whore do you subject? ing. found favorable com- only enemy. Then they were than the that keeps A. Lisitcr-Lan- e. of which have a little handful of At the is so much friend and that WIMj PUKE COXTUOTj coxtim e Clara Mr. Hoover's announcement carries among the peoples pire. foot of Calvary there her playmate Plain Dealer.) ment at American headquarters. These the earth. Now only one cause of lib- there aro no secrets between us, and, (Cleveland will be they arc a hundred country. The If Sir William Good is right, gov- the assurance that provision armor defenses include even arm and millions, and their is el ly, of Justice and of mercy is the consequently she will never go wrong to a recurrence of pre- mighty country cause of ernment control of the prices of food made prevent guards, the use of which was sug- the half brother of the world. And humanity. A wrong done to or tread the path of disgrace." in has come to in the course of the leg the least of the nations is a wrong staples England stay vious experiences the study of hospital sta today their kindred, as represented bj What is true of England may be At tho samo time ne gested by the sovereigns and statesmen, the done to all. So America would not FSKIMO T.OKF. V ISTOIIY. of coming winter. in France and England. It ap- in equally true of the United States, of this country tistics soldiers and sailors, the speakers and shrink tho face of her right and her (Fairbanks, Alasaka, Weekly Citizen.) of Sir William Gooae has told the people more than 40 cent of teachers and duty. France, Italy. In the peared that per writers of many lands, Nome. "Adventures of Is a high the leading mem- there will be no rationing, tua-loo- " authority, that the hospital casualties suffered were are stretching hands to them from "A friend loveth at "all times, and a talo of the wanderings ber of the British food ministry. He sense of tho word. Economy across sea. a brother is born On of in Eskimo was the strict leg wounds and no' less than 33 per the for adversity." a character lore, is a Newfoundlander of Irish parent must continue; but there will be plenty Why are thev doine so? Because tho common ground of adversity only article published in the recent age, and has had a somewhat varied cent arm wounds. America side native school for all. the principle on which the American is now standing1 by the issue of the' Eskimo, a career. He was a purser in the Brit- of food nation was founded been to of all that is and best among issued here. The story, a out a for the has found highest publication ish merchant marine and later By working plan Thrift Stamps aro good buys for be true and has prevailed; because tho free nations of Europe. In that written by a native, is believed to be United States cavalryman. He was of which ap so fact, and its as of this coun- New-Yor- standardization bread, Americans and goodbyes to Clerman the nation founded has passed sequel, lies the supreme vivid to the natives assistant night editor of the limes of spiritual of this awful as the stories of Ulysses were to edi- parently has been approved by the of through fireee testing and compensation try Recorder in 1895, and city dreams victory. has endured. First her time of sep- war. Again and again in the agony the Greeks and the Sagas to the Norse- tor of the New York Mercury a year food controllers of the allied nation of our sorrow tho men. Mr. aration from tho mother land from and loss, and deep later. He represented the Associated present at the London conference, en misi:ki,ai"s changk. which she sprang, when ties had to be unfathomable mystery of it, we have ,loe Sekonik, an Eskimo, tho author Press through tho Spanish-America- n (iVoin Rhclnisch-Wcstfaell.scl- ic iinnver hones and expects to worn a broken which might never be renew- cried out of our bruised and wounded of the tale, is said to have spent much war, was a special correspondent for Zcitung.) his the Whence- enemies obtain in breadstuffs in this of his for an- ed. Then her time of civil war with hearts, "What is God doing in this time gathering material from six years, was managing editor of the could our preat saving The renewal request millions of dead world of His children?" now we old of tho Kavalina. section news editor the means another offensive? flour in- its (all her own dead) But people London Standard, was of for country. Standardized Victory nulment of the vacation agreement when friend was against friend, see. In II is inscrutable way He is near here, many of whom heard it the London Mail. From America, perhaps? Have we will be. used exclusively in all the dicates a distinct change of heart on brother against brother and father healing all the oid wounds of the na-- J from their fathers. Xow this British editor, this Amer- not already shown in these columns allies. Mr. Hoover's chair- son. . And now her time of nuns; no ts inn races According to the tale, ican and au- that the aid from that quarter cannot countries of the the part of Mr. Chamberlain, against drawing togetner soldier, correspondent in- of tragic choice between peaceful se- of men who have been too long asun- tho hero of the story, was thor, is virtually the food dictator of but be of tho slenderest and moat plan aims to obviate the necessity man of the senate military committee. on der; out of storm of He I? the of tribe. The enemies, and no- when- to curity her own continent and ths the battle father the Kavalina England. . significant for our flour substitutes Ho urges that the senate get down call of bringing forth a brotherhood of hero wandered into man parts of the ever will the French, for whom all Is at purchasing perilous justico and humanity great "I don't think people tably is ever one buys a flack f white flour. work immediately and pass tho man on ours. His scattered peoples such as the northwestern Alaska, meeting strange submit to the profiteering in food stake and for whom a terrible time America camo Into the war two world has never seen before. hostile natives has been eliminated in store. There wont be any white flour. power bill. Other war measures are adventures, fighting staples which by defend wheat flour senate years after it had begun. The first "The friends thou hast and their and finally killing a giant. The tale tho setting up of, control of food and In all probability they will The mixing of the white awaiting consideration by tho intoxication of not of to the last man. That, or the war fever had adoption tried, grapple- them to thy tells of the life the early Eskimos, food prices by the government," Says themselves wit hcorn meal, barley, rye potato and tho Oregon senator Is equally as touched her. The delirious exaltation soul with hooks of steel." Just as war, of their belief in magic and their Sir William. however, will help them nothing. The will be done at the mills. The be on at the of tho early days had loft her cold all its is harsh treatment of strangers. inheritance which Poincare and Clem-cneea- u Hour ardent that they passed notwithstanding brutalities, to their successors most commendable result obtained in moment. She had watched the struggle in the creating a new comradeship among THE NEAREST OXK will leave earliest possible old world and seen the bitter fruits of the men who the front WHY ARM I1KTTEH SHOTS will be a fearful one indeed. Both is that it is fair to every- a senator Cham- are fighting at YANKS (Minneapolis Tribune.) this system Iess than year ago it. Bho knew how the nations of so that, coming out of every class and (Seattle A recruit was asked, "Who is your these met have sowed the wind; both, one. No one" may wonder hereafter berlain was carrying on an investiga- Kurope had suffered, and how tho condition, all distinction, have dlsap" That the. American soldier has a tal- rtearest kin?" and France with them, will gather tha if his neighbor is getting more than tion of the war department's conduct Iron had entered into our souls. She peared with the civilian clothes they ent, for straight shooting is an undeni- "My aunt," came the answer. whirlwind. He will was for the had no illusion about tho bloody bus- have taken off and the soldiers' uni- able fact that is being proved on the Then the questions were answered hi share of wheat flour. of the war. He upsetting iness numer- flour used will founda- upon which she was embarking, forms they have put on, and nothing western front by instances too correctly until it came to, "In case of Itnow, because all the wholo fabric of the nation's no mistaken estimate of the she remains to welt do ma and the ous too mention. But this we are death or accident who shall be noti- ' and declared price the to WHY WOMEN he mixed and sold under government tion for war business, would have to pay. And yet she came workman, the born and the hardly able to believe is due to the fied?" " s highly nupervislon. 5 that secretary Baker had made hopo-les- In, calmly, deliberately, without qualm lowly born, the educated and tho illit- fact that every American is a natural "My mother," he replied. DREAD OLD AGE means Mr. Hoover hopes to his or fear. erate, perhaps the exconvlct and the marksman as befits a descendant of "But," said the officer, "I thought p,y this failure of undertaking. Daniel more or about old Dofl't worry of by Chamber- Why did she come In? She had no exclergyman, except the brotherhood Boone and the other your aunt was your nearest living Don't worry ar. Iwild up a "great reserve flour Unquestionably senator old score to no to in which and less dead of history. kin?" about IwinR In other pe'iP'"'' wbsn you Ameri- settle; bad peace they daily face sudden legendary eyes In middle of next year. The lain had good grounds for criticism, readjust; no territorial or economic untimely death, shoulder to The facts of every day observation are "She is," replied the recruit. "She are ettln on In yrs. Kn your body the standing good condition and you can b as hale and can will gladly accept the plan and It Is not unlikely that his inquiry advantage to gain. Autocracies may shoulder in the same trenches, sleep- squarely against this assumption. lives two miles from me and my as wer when people de- In few hearty in your old days you housewives at least, Is to the war program. ro to war for a Uttio earth, but ing side by side in the same dug outs, the first place comparatively mother lives five." and one will b to sea you. which, with helped speed up mocracies have the lives, the and thus the of the American soldiers can trace a kid, evwy glad favor than same it in he only sharing together biggest The kidneys and bladder are the causa ot likely to meet with greater At th'e time, probable honor und the welfare of their sub- things they can do and give, their their descent to Daniel Boone or the RAVING SYSTEM senile afflictions. Keep them clean and tn a it investi- KEEP YOVR the present rule, necessitating discovered that inquiries and jects to fight for, and American sub- duty and their lives, even so the or- original pioneers who went to bed with (iOING. proper working; condition. Drive the Pols, on were se- bind- muzzle from tha and avoid the buying of substitutes and gations will not win the war. jects their far off shores ganized barbarity we calKWar is their loading rifles. In the (Norton Spirit.) onous wastes system does, cure. Hut been ' eastern the urto Take GOLD MBU. in the kitchen. Tho manner ho has taken liberty had violated; ing together the civilized nations inte states, where original It Is poor policy to figure to cut mixinff them energetic civilization hud been "the new Anglo-Saxo- n has been less di- AI. Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and mili- outraged: a great spiritual fellowship, strain your deposit one week and make up will hold of the tasks of tho senate had been wronged, tho weak had "The in luted, it is many years since the rifle you will find that the system always right friendships that are born the deffioiencynext pay day. This be In working order. Tour J MEDICINE. while at the same been been was an Article of use. perfect aplrus '.; TEAM WORK IN tary committee, oppressed; the helpless had misfortune last th&n those that every day course will soon break up savings be muscles strong-an- arm of a longer your will enlivened, your made tlmo urging speedier atclon on the Injured, and before the iron are born in happiness." Ixt us pray Still there must he some accounting system, you'll find. your face have onc more the look; eC merciless Justice and mercy American skill work In all industrial lines is of his colleagues, leads to that tyranny that the fellowship of the free peoples for the with the rifle, Get a little money ahead and then youth and health. Team part and charity and were being which the to even if we onjy have to the will how. could have There Is on guaranteed arand of develop-ment- s ) humanity" war has brought pas? explain you wonder you only of the most noticeable conclusion, wiped out of tho world. If America not the number of a while you Haarlem OI Capsules, GOLD MBUAL. to may end until it has laid marksman, sharpshooter enjoyed, yourself minute of the war. The emergency was to be true to the principle to foundation of a lasting peace. With and expert rifleman medals to be seen were living from one pay day to the There are many fakes on the market. Be which the nation has been subjected Major General Graves hns started which she had consecrated her state, no lower hope than that could- we keep on soldiers in the streets, men who for next, constantly putting off 'your sure you get the Original GOt.D HEOAI, difficult to she had to resist these crimes. Not our souls alive In the midst of nil this tho most part were anything but sol- creditors, and with out a cent to fall Imported Haurlem Oil Capsules. They sre demanded it, It is for Siberia to Germany's aspira- tlrst-cla- Jtas bury to resist them was to beeomo acces- suffering, if we hart to believe that diers a year ago. The explanation rles, back on should you become ill or lose the only reliable. For sals by all e a should wait tions In that country. before e- - wo . . Explain why country sory the fact ot them, Jtiei whut w ourselves are going throush think, not in any hereUttary skill, your 'Job. druggist, ly. ,

1 Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. SEVEN International Nawt Mrrlc. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, 111. BY GEORGE McMANUS

I ' I I DID-BU- T mTTl J HOHT TOLD OU . AN' IF IT HADN'T TOTK i r v Ware xou JLJMr that cat oor ot Lotfr liEELti FOR, THE. SS CAT I'D NEVER FOOVtO ME WAY - 1 i . if 111 s 21 n I - i i tUkjL mix -- 1 11 ui y m E- I .Mi s .F'- kl I 11 rr--rf i - 1 . 1 HOM- 1 " ' rn I III j rjr I " l! ii A r XJ sS3 rfcvi I I ",. I

IE Yem Slaw a Wsii! COLUMS

Montana Power 69 FOR SALL M;ceHianeoui. STAR FURNITURE CO. 72 FOR SALE a smiis mwm RAMCilES New York Central 118 West C.olil. NEW HIGH Northern Pacific 90 $4,300 modern ranches are our long suit. KM! SALE tiff I. furniture. Phone IRK brick, hot Valley Hull Desk, $20.00. I 43 water heat, lot 75x142, Fourth If you want to buy land it will pay bAI.E iloiwe, liainesii and Top Pennsylvania I'hsa. Mmin, Old buy. Aiitomoliilt' Mecliiiiilcs' Tool ISos, Ray Consolidated 23 7s ward. you to see us. We havo several close Albuquerque. .Copper now can be Foil .SAKE Team of looseis and harness, $5.00. . St) Va $1,600 frame, bath, sleep- brick in farms that bought; Reading A modern with large condllion. cheap. (i01 North Twelfth. HpfrlRor.'itnr, special price. 91 ing porch, South P.roadway, close comer lot, fivo worth the money. IS REACHED Republic Iron& Steel in. sleeping porch, only 8Al,r;--I-- s ii.tmc power mulor. Utile Want to buy what you have to blocks from postofflce. Oa'iicr has used JOU Southern Pacific $6 $1,500 cement block bun- TTEIAXTON & CO. pullles and clutch. Itliritalu. Phone tiS., sell. IMiuno left town and has put the price diTviniT 3 Southern Railway 23V, galow, modern, glassed-i- n sleep- to want INSt'ItANCIfl AGENTS Puu SAKE (ioT.d senile t'UtfTl, Texas 151 down $2,200. If you a nice FIUE WK8. one double, one single. 401 North Company ing porch; Highland. little home at a bargain, you had Third and Gold 8iit. Union Pacific 124 '4 $2,500 Thirteenth, l'honn LIBERTY 5 bungalow, modern, better look at this one. See FOR SA KM and 17. S, Industrial Alcohol 1271, sleeping porch, garage, Fourth Popcorn peanut wuon; PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ward. cost :).) io one year and a half bko. Will United States Steel ; 111 A.L sell . H. D.vnuin. 110(1 South lliah. SO $2,500 stucco, bath, etc., ft"'i-- ATTORN KH Utah Copper REAL jftob- cement walks and coping, also ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE, iOo a. New Brick, good porches, per gallon. Hoofs under our oar will JOHN W. WILSON BOARD TRADE. adobe, all on lot 75x142: iajajm Improve from year to year. We can put on 31-2- 's CHICAGO OF 156. 216 West Gold. built-i- n Attnrnry Soar to Being Third ward. Phong features, basement, furnace, a new roof that will last as as 17 19. 101,06, Uood Hog the Rooms 15, and Cromwell Building $1,900 frame, modern, glassed- garage, trees, for only $3,700. bulldlnr. The M&nzano Co. phone Uil-- Phone 1172. 19. and U0 the Price Vet Chicago, Aug. Activity -in porch, shade, outbuild- terms. South Walnut Highest fea- good STOLEN. DENTISTS strength of provisions was the ings, West Lead avenue. It. McCLtGHAN ERIK carbon root patnv sua root cemenT Marine ture of business S nearly new, numlur ;;u4 Phono 907 stops leaks; lasts five Use Dovo UK. J. K. KRAI P Reached; Preferred of board trade today. $4,760 cement block liberal rewr.rd for return. 210 West Gold years. Cadillac, Kcply ready floor Jap-a-la- Dental Hnrgeoa .. .. Pork futures net ol and shingle residence, hardwood Box A, cure Loans, Public paint, paint, Valspar, 1 registered gains A., Journal. Insurance, Notary mohair Phona 74 Advance of -2 floors, hot air top and seat dressing, Motor car fin- Rooms Bamett Building Points, 10c to 30c; lard 15c to 17V2c and ribj furnace, corner lot, ish, cold Made Mall good location, Fourth ward. water kalsomine, and be satisfied. Appointments by r 37c; to 40c. The trade was im- HELP WANTED. Thos. F. Kelchcr, 408 W. Centtal. Phone 410. iCTTcoit by an advance In live hogs FOR RENT Rooms. Dentist BT MORNING JOURNAL SPSCIAL pressed A. IFLEESCIEK LIAStO Will at the stockyards, where a $20 top Rooms Mellnl Building New York. Aug. 19. for a Real Male FOR 8AI.B Apart was registered. Another factor was Estate, Insurance, Loans North. ONB and I'HVSIClANtt eil'ROEONS new premium for 111 WANTED X second cook uL uiic. 1'ull-ma- Centrifugal pump AND Liberty which on lard and meats South Fourth Street. motor. With pressure oontroL Ap- rose to 3's, the export figures Cafo. t'OU It E.NT Furnished rooms for light H II $101.06, and the isolated while ply D, Weinman, care Economist. DR. I.. I.. I of which, smaller than last week's, VA.T12D N'iKht man. also nH'L'haiiicul housekeeping. 621 West Silver New Tenlon. strength shippings and rails, to- thii turnrrtaeoT Harnett stock were larger than last year at niHn. American (,aragi. FOii ltKNT Moaera rooms; no Rooms Pulldlng day's market was one of the West Central, KOIl Plumes. Office 5 54. Residence 2M. period. , Shorts were free buyers and A.NiiM jiauiry man or sick; running water. W8tj SAIJC At Tho Meyera Co. Htoie. mr-ne- r most insignificant of the dull sum- woman. Pullman Cafe. First the 'demand from packers moderately 1'uit" KENT Ustht liouekeepih; looms; street and Coppr avenue A lot W. T. .Ml . D. mer season. Cook Cunt. of furniture bctive. October lard closed at Wanted WANTED Experienced man Tor milk boua no children. Oil West and fixtures, iiieluilliig one elec- Pnicllee Limited to TnlwrrulosU Wright United States Steel varied BczeW'a IDoa North rc.omn IlKhl tric pljiyer-piau- one upright piano, bar only the $26.82 and October libs at $24.95. Wages $40 a nionh. Can work. Apply Dairy, KOll KENT Furnished for building; opposite postofflce. Office hours, go home linuxeki 3:i; North outfit, typewriters, cash register, show cases, 2 3 m. office smallest fraction until the final hour, corn re- Fourth. cplnir. Flfth 10 to 12 a. m to p. Phone, There was nothing in crop nights. Phone 1049. step ladders, large stoves, shelf 397-- when it WANTED Man to wash bottles anil cans. FOH KENT Rooms . week, bath; heuting 397-- residence manifested a firmer tone al- n ladder ami roll pint-for- ports today to excite trade and MONKtmiDGE MANOR. Bezemek'a 190J Nurth no slek; over tjolden Rule store, track, dlagraph, desk, with associated industrials. Apply lJalry, seiilc, trucks, oft'iee defka, a a Set gT cAKTwitiYiiiT the range of embraced Fourth. FOll TlENT and chairs, R; Marine though prices liuuHekeepintl Mlceplim shelving and counters, copper measures, bot- dri Limited In Women's and Chil- preferred scored nn advance in WANTED Teacher of L'tti 2 NortU Practice llic the transactions were local manual training rooms, Albuquerque Hotel, tling outfit, bar glassware and other articles dren's Diseases of lVi points, the common vol- and mechanic. Hio Grande In Second. too gaining character and unimpressive in numerous to mention all goes dirt cheap 113.1 VI. Central Phone 571, a substantial fraction and American iluBtrlat School, Box 6!ti City. room and for no, decent offer refused. Tho ume. September closed c lower at evenly 15c to 40c 25c FOR KENT Newly furnished cash, International one higher; mostly WANTED Man tu run welldrlll. prefer until sleeping porches; reasonable rates, bli Meyers Co., Inc., Corner First street and DR. HAHAII (OKKR corporation point. higher than s o rlilldren. Hails were featured Canadian $1.61. Saturday average. Top without family and one who unders(and North Second. Copper avenue. Practice Limited by Oats were active but failod to $20.00; butchers, $i;.25ii,; l n.ita;- Power,' machine. Permanent chanco 1 und 2, Wright Bldg. Pacific, which was fairly light notary KOK KENT Nlco room, Hleoplng porch, all Office Rooms unusually active at At the $19.25rfi20.00; $18.00 di 1 X. to I'ltfht party. Addresa Kiisllof, care Journal Fourth and Oold. two-poi- maintain an early advance. packing, modern conveniences. Finely locuted. Call WANTED a MuceHaneoua. m. to 6 P. m. advance. the trade was to re- $18.3019.85; pigs, $17.75 OOVBRNMENTNE Kl9M9cUfSViKaTi til 5 West Copper. Hours J p. Utilities opening disposed 18.40. 2076. made additional rccovcrie oats as with Washington. Examinations everywhere In IXill KENT Eurnlshd rooms and house- Ml'KClAL rate, made i. plculo and fielilnic Residence Phone from the gard cheap compared AuKUHt, Men new modern. parties. Call 15N3-- ttQUV depression which nccom corn, but on the advance cash houses Sheep Receipts 29,000, Market Experience unnecessary. and keeping apartmeuLs, all and panled the recent of mostly 25c lower. Top westorns, i women dctdrlng government positions write 21,t North Hevcnth. WANTKIJ If you need a carpenter, tali J. FOR PEN"! Mwcellaneoua, acquisition tlu was H. 1.VJS-J- . sold September. There consider free to C. 1 apart-mcnt- (telephone and $18.20; natives $17.75; lambs, choice f'jr particulars J. Leonard, (term- HI O ti ATTnTTl OT E Ir lO mm s and Uurllnu. Phone telegraph companies bj able too, to the federal de- er Clv.t Set rice Examiner.) 1053 Kenols HOKSKH and RIRS to Jemea Springs; a.p changing, and prime, $17.65 lvftO; medium, 519 West Central. Mrs. Kichard WANTNll foul range, heater, dresser and Arno. the covcrnment and a few WaiihlnfftoTt. 3 rates, fl, aareta. 1$ speeialtiesi livery at about IV2C different. Ship- and good, $16.25 (is 17.65; ewes, choice Bids., West, Proprltress. Hoe'B, Address SI South Waller. Njirth Btiffcned on of M Ex-a- ldeartneater 'central location publication favorable mar- O S E N T will hold Civil A ro , WANTED To ENT pers were buyers in the sample and primo, $11.50 13.75, Servile ImIpEHJ EnOOMSUNic Clu it 'ran buy the best twelve hundred FoRR for business, financial reports. Sales amounted to na thins In Albuquerque in AurruBt. or week; oyer Woolworth's, horse six old. John Mann. completely equipped ready ket, but there was a nibble . rates by day pound years Everltt. Jeweler. scarcely Mt.itM clerks to he Hppiinttd at Washtnff-ton- S19 Wrest Central. seats 450. Apply Arthur 172,000 shares. seaboard. closod WANTKD Hood shoiguu ami rifle. The The from the September Kansas Livestock. Experience Tmnecrsaary. Mon and wo- room ale Aimiquerrjue. bond market was Irregular. c 70 c. City men drsiririrT srovernment write FOR KENT Large airy ping Exchange, West Gold. I'holie 1111. to lie higher at Kansas 19. Re- clerkships suitable for light housekeeping, Total sales, par value, City, Aug. Cattle for free particulars f U. E. Terry, (fom-e- r porch WANTED Rccptlon room and office furn- "WKh Board. aggregated Closing prices: 20,000. Civil t.r.ll. Inquire 1.117 North First. For Rent Room Old ceipts Market lower. Steer., Service Kxnmlner), 315 Columbian Tl iture. Will pay reasonahle price, l'hono United States Corn rTT t- -i registered Sept., $1.61: Oct., $1.63. $17.00C'18.25; westerns, $10. 00' Bulidinif, WfiKhlnRton. A M tUVV OT kT, 602 West Central. 219H-- East room wllh porch; board. 4'p rose s per cent on call. Oats Oct., 72 c. uniler .new manaKement, hiuae- - FoR RENT Sept., 70e; 15.00; cows, $6.25 12.00; heifers, Opened WANTEIl Furnished house; no sick. Will private family. J23 South High. $44.15. 1 and rooms, rates reason' Closing prices: Pork Sept., $43.90; Oct., $7.50(fi 14.50; feeders, $8.00 6.50 ; keeping sleeping take the of care. Address K. li. clean rooms American WANTliD A ahle. Phone 301. greatest FOR" lll':NTl.arge7 ;leeP' Beet Sugar 69 Sept.; $26.72; Oct., $26.82. bulls. $6.00 it 10.50; calves, $6.00r(i) giii fur plain cooking. 41: Journal. and board, l'hono West Coal, porch American Can 40 Ribs Oct., $24.73; Oct., $24.95. 13.50. Bouttl. WANTED At once second hand furniture South Kdith. American Smelting & Refining. 78 Hogs Receipts 5,000. Market WANTED Competent a.leawumaji, iti, and kitchen utensils; also cook stove or Romns' wt.h WPlM forehej. 1 Economist. FOR KF.N'J- '- I'urnlshed room, gentleman American Tel. & Tel 04 NFAV YORK COTTON. higher. Hulk. $18.50 Hi 9.1 5; hcavv, range. Phone 2196-J- . hot and cold water, isi ioe. WANT10W tiirl fur liounovv ork. 3H preferred. 3J0 West Lead. 613 west .oiu American Zinc $18.7519.25; light, general W ANTE f)-- Doctor Visses to purchase lo- - Cnsa de Oro. 18 $18.2519.15; Went - rrr-v- New 19. Cotton $16.50 17.75. Marquette, FOR RUNT Furnished tuuaw Musi an- .,. milfeiim in New MoX- - r Kleeoi'ng porch furnished Anaconda York, Aug. futures pigs, i tit n.,Un nr9llrn SOI Copper 66 no no children. first-clas- s board. South closed 4,000. WANT Kit cjjrl ay woman for general ver; sick, ! Address caro Journal. ' rooms, tablo Atchison , steady. Oct., $32.48; Deo, Sheep Receipts Market work. T.'i Ico, Doctor, 851', 1 house Wept Copper, FOR ItFNT liesirahlo front room, no sick, $31.91; Jan., $31.84; March, $31.75; strong. Lambs, $1 6.0(1 (it 8.25; year- CASH PRIC E PAID FOR JUNK F.dllh. Phone 80. UalUmore & Ohio C4 W A X T Bir"- - or children. 714 West Silver. HIGHEST Mr.b1n; suitable 74 May, $31.48. lings, $ll.00ru15.5O; wethers, $10. Oo 'ompeteut gir) f.r general BT TUB SOUTH WESTERN JtINK CO.. lrTTlY'KNT 'Nice riv'.m and porch Hutte & housework Apply West !oll. Two desiralil'e rooms $35.00. Phono Superior 26 Spot cotton Quiet. Middling, 4'14.75; ewes, $9.00(fti 14.00. FOR liEXT sleeping 114 WFRT I.WAP. PHONE 61$. Wffl ALBO r.r two with board, rate. WAN TEH .n wllh clothes and hath. 414 West ! Aruo. California Petroleum 19 $35.60. liii wuiiian for general press Bl 'T OLD AtlTf)3, l".l-- South . bonne work. Apply 1 Iflil Stiver. Gold. Ranch Canadian Pacific: Ent WANTED-Kecoud-.'-- and mens and boya' W. H lli:Eh. of tn. Uickhau log Denver Livestock. t vHj where she KANSAS 1TV PKODVCK. VANTE1 fiood wninan cook, $f.O per FOR RENT Nicely furnished in, no clothes, shoes and underwear. Also trunks Ira, moved .0 603 South Arm, Central heather G8Vi 19. Cattle FlrtU bourd. 7o;i seekers. Phona Denver, Aug. Riceifits month. 110 Smith Third. Phone slek and children. clasa and suit cases. Call Chicago gaaond- - I, prepared to take health & Ohio I, 800. Market Beef steers. Won Silver. Chesapeake R7Vi 19. steady. WOMAN For general housework; no couft. hand store, 117 Hnuth First. 2335. & Kansas City, Aug. Butter $s.O0r.i. cows REN'I' Fin nlsheil .im Chicago, Mil. St. Paul 48 16.00; and heifers, $7.00 lng. Address Box &2tl. Albuquerque), Koit rooina for lilit Pa,-fr- 2o to so I 1 1 Trie convales- Creamery, 43c; firsts, 42c; seconds, and WANTrEDM,bagsr F iTjaTTiHN BHOON 0 Chino (i 10.00; stockeis und feeders, $7.600i hollieUeellillg slnglo rooms, ll'l btxl wUh Copper , 3X 40r; packing, 34c. WANTED M;i id for general housework. North Third. each, tona scrap Iron. Pay from cents Ideal home. Has room private Colorado Fuel & Iron 47 II. 00; calves, $10.0012.50. Apply fiftO N'.rtli J'hone Ml. FOR RENT room modern to per Ih. Patrlotlo duty. St. Iula Also desirable double room acant. Kggs 39c; seconds, 33c. Large furnished; 40B J72. hath. Firsts, Hogs Receipts 600. Market 15c 400 Junk Co., South First street. Phone II IS. Crucible Steel 68 2 .1" 2 WANTED A mil general niuiHewrk. convenience., and heat for winter. 1K01 West Central. Phona Poultry Hens, tic; roosters, to 25c $19.10; bulk, Miller & Blumenshtne South Keventh. - III same or new Cuba Cane higher. Top, Apply latry, MATTRESSES renovated offers excellent room Sugar 30 18c; springs, 24c; broilers, 28c, $1S,00 W 19.00. West Centnil, thk. Furniture upholstered and 8H AI)V NOOK ranch FOR RENT Large front room and sleep- repaired, board. Just the place to get atmng. Erio 15 1, 6.700. Market WANTKISteni-Knipher- about H. 41s for reflnlshrd. Springs restretched. Satisfaction and K MARKF.T& Sheep Receipts aa" ing porch. youth Third, gentle, For rates phona 1429F-4- ; frea traii.portatbm Great Northern Ore Ctfs 31 I.lVKSTtM $17.00 It 17.75; ewe. Htato names of .references to II, Wtlliaiua, man; no Invalid. Private family, Inrpilro guaranteed. Albuquerque Mattress Factory. H. B. steady. Lambs, TlnK AccommodaUona now ayaltable. Ura, (fi) P. O. Alhufjuerque, N. M Mrs. 1011 South Second. Phone 471. Great Northern pfd , 92 $ 2.00 13.00. Tllton Bogh. Thorn sa. Chicago l.lvestrk. - Inspiration Copper 61',' (Additional Markets on niRUJ.nflB. WANTED Careful kodak finishing by inaa-- Chicago. Aug. 19. Cattle Receipts Page Four.) ter photographers. Twice dally service. CHANCES. Int. Mer. Marine Pfd. Ctfs 101 to Beet, WANTED Kperlenced Spanish alesladtes. Henil BUSINESS 16,500. Market steady strong. RENT Large room with Remember, satisfaction guaranleed. Kennccott Copper 3,3 14 011 J. C. Penney Company, roil slespln established firm. 14 rooms. cattle, $10.00 16.25; butcher stock, porch; for two. Kll East Central. viur finishing to a reliable, FOR SALE Albuquerque Hotel, Louisville & Nashville 112 $7.25Cav 1 stock-er- s FOR RENT m Han nil it Hiiiina, masler photographers. cows and heifers, 4.00; Apartmenti. I! two" 315 South First. Mexican Fl lit E.NT Furnished-roo- for ge"n"iJ for or Petroleum 10 and feeders, uood, choice and lenien, ?t.5(i each week. East Cell' WAN "TED To Bell or trade sheep neveuth and lit FOH RENT Elms WANTED Well qinliried mld.llo aged inun per 'll one farm, has five FUR RlCNlVwoiulidliig, at Miami fanev, $7.5013.00; calves, $16.73 Furnlshptt apartments. tral. ranch property, t J- VMmt, Copper comer and Tlleras. , who bus had present day hurtlm-- exper- artesian lo- Ceneral Avenue. Apply ....'., 27i 17.50. Hotel, First FOR room modern bungalow, well, Missouri Pacific 24 ience inehnttnK of ice manage nrfiH amL ItlvNT Furnished room antl sieeiiing at Hem h, California. In- agent. un- - RENT ant! thresj-ruor- o two. cated llu.itlngton Hogs Receipts 25,000. Market FOR Two apart- BHlegmanship. (l""d opportunity for tha porch, suitable for Also rooms for M. Box 434, liotel. seventeen well furnished 11H0-.- of L. Garcia, Magdulena, u.nt i.e; ments and rooms. Highland Phone quire depot.-Owne- r sleeping right man. Salary consistent with dulles housekeeping. N. M. rooms, centrally located, close to, Rous. and qimllfleailons. Addresa, C. M. F6'RlfEN- T- Mielern newly furnished sleep- - will sacrifice. See National Invest- S. M. FOR RRNT Three or four room furnished Etdancla. lug and light housekeeping rooms, wllh PERSONAL. ment Co., 102 North Third. SOU Block, South Blxth. gns. also sleeping porches. 614 Botith Amo. apartments, modern; i:ir,.'-lt- . Newato7"k of"furniture, stoves hotel office Phone , FOBRTi.K Inquire Savoy FOR REN1 DweOingt. MRS. II. L. BUSK BY TAXI LI.V15 1'hona and ranges, shoe repairs, hardware ami FOR RENT 'Furnished apartment In the (106. Special rales to parties. store fixtures. Phone 2032. or addresa 521 Washington. Available for occupancy on North. FOR SALL Livestock. North Seventh street for further Informa- 1st. (""all at Apt. W. September Two-we- ll tion. . Tliiee-roo- FOR SALE broken cow pomes. FOR SA- L- Aoutes. FOR RENT cottage, furnished; A business, North First. Belemck's Dairy. Phona FOR SALE good paying dairy FOR RENT Office Roomi. tir. montlr. lnuuire loll til. olCALKarnmZ nmr, $J,ooo. Terms the only one In a growing town in Mr RIO DUROO Three-roo- unfurnished house THE GRANDE HOO CO., of 10 cent. Phone Owner 685. county seat, and room to increase the or CaU FOR RENT pays per slate, FOR RENT Office In suite slugl. 10.00. 1300 Albuquerque The largest breeders of reg- beauti- business, a drimly proposition for one ubove store. - ' shade; outbuildings; Inquire in FOR SALE Bungalow; five rooms; upstairs, over Woolworth's istered hogs the southwest. Can 147:t-W- . Address care North Second. supply fully furnished. r,.OUO. Phone draft age. "Dairy," Albuquer- FOR RENT 2 front connecting you with herd boars and young stuff at que Morning Journal. Like the ceaseless of a great wheel, moderate We ran also FOR SALI: Five-roo- modern brick, heat-el- ; turning rooms over Oolrten Rule Rtore. South. prices. supply you FUR RENT SniaU store rooiiraT"thoelid with medicated crude oil for lice, at iiOo per sis lots. Whole or part. Central. 023 the tremendous in a Five-rou- of the street car line. operating machinery plant FUR RENT modern house. gallon, Plain crude oil' at J5o per gallon. Journal. University Heights. FOR RENT 1)30 Phone for a man or frojre water paid. South Third. Oil furnished to all pig club members free. FOR SALE In Old Town, adobe Splendid opportunity young From the moment 6t in the l:KNTV-Slo- r, of the best locations 12S3-- Office 1216 Kouth Third. , Box woman hero for their health. Small stock their insertion FOR out house. Price JTr.0.00. P. O. 36, Old Two to hundred In tire S14 tt'est Central. 1. O. Box house with M. required. hundred three Columns of the Jour- city. FOR RISn'T Furnished Albiiquerqne, N. students and a of Want SALE-Automobil- neighborhood Albuquerque Morning 105. and water ei. university canvass sleeping porch. Light FOR FOR SALE Nice home, furnished and a that many more to draw from. the WANT ADS month. Inquire 611 West posalbly nal, operate incessantly, tirelessly, paid; $10.00' per FC)R",'7ATrel!riTr'i good paying business. $4,000, half cash. Rent $j per month. Inquire V. K. B. WANTED Position. Coal. . Bungalow, Journal office. QUICKLY, conuiuon. can at Hnuth Fourth. Sellers. i,n FOR SALE 105 ft. lot, modern bungalow, WANTED Clerical positrrm by younj larty nigManasv FOR SALE One of wheels S. M. complete set rented. House suitable fop boarders; has eyes-Te- experienced In general office work. for o. Uox Meeting Thousands of lling Furnished room. South Ford; neaaly new; cheap, p. two screened Box 5, care Journal M., Journal offic FOR KENT lilt 374. City. porches. Walter. Phone Out buildings. is most WANTED Position ,djt experienced office n BEST buy 111 state Model N Hupumoblic what needed, in demand, in or clerical RENT Two-roo- furnished houso, FOR SALE Nine room house; four room MAIL STAC.H man. Bookkeeper, nalenman FOR . for $625. Cash buyers only , considered. room In store or office. Adflrens E. fl., Jnurnal 10 on, Pnone iau-K- Phono l!i7-R- . apartment upstairs; bath on aach every walk of life, every industry, every vocation. line water paid. hot shade Phona call anywhere any tfme. SALE One Uiilck floor; water heat; lawn, trees 7 a.m.: I VAN'TEP Clerical or buukkefping work by fop RENT Furnlsheei cottage FOR 'Fuuf.'1 thorouglily and garage. 615 West Coal. I,y. Silver City ar. Mogollnn p.m. married man, several years exper- overhauled, $42r; ono Fon.1, Lv. Mogollon 7 a.m.; ar. Silver City t p.m. Telling your eyes the needs of others younf? with sleeping porcn. " " good funning FOR SALE (By Owner modern m ience. A. R. Lltts, 410 East Central, Phone Four-roo- koo. Address Thornton caro Beat aqulprmd ant livery southwest. iV)U RENT bouse two glassed shape, Jones, brick hardwood two 1620. U. Phona 1522-- II. K. Leonard, Soham, N. M. (first ward), floors, BENNETT MOTOH TRANSIT CO, In paid, porches, basement. Price $3,500.00, P. O. BUvef M. the of labor WANTED-Posit- ion 16 norch.jWter SALE One 'i'oaiister modeT City, N. Skillfully managing exchange by diUKlt, yoare itaNT Three-roo- furnished cottage. FOR Ford 1917 Hot 213, City. experience; at present employed, but rOR M34-- I. mental and to rent ex- sTTBouth Broadwar. Phona Also one Ford touring car 1017 model. SALE Cement block house five rooms physical, helping buy, sell, would like to make a change; best of refer- Inquire Both cars In fine condlifon. See these cars FOR ences. AddresR care Journal. Modern furnished flat on East sleoptng porch, cellar, city water, corner and in scores of other FOR RENT - at Phillips Oarage, 313 West Silver. TIME CARDS. change, employ ways. sif Central car line, convenient to aanator- lot one block from car line, handy to chops Thaxton co., om. FOR SALE A 1914 a little cash and $12 per month. Call 1301 turns. iir latest mi over- it will repay you a thousand TO LOAN. I Funished two-roo- cottage, Paige car, equipments. Just Routh Arno Phone 1900-- Surely MONEJ FOR RENT hauled, at a bargain. Can be seen at Bandla, to and use WANT AD With in neeion yvrco. muuoii. FOR SALE residence In High- fold read the glassed Edlfh. seven miles north of Los Lunaa, Address H. sf Waat nold. CMt RMltT Co. Fhofla t7 Inquire 1304guuth . Lyngholm, Los Lunas, 1. M. lands. Worth $3,000. and $1,600 will swing COLUMNS of the Five-roo- modern furnished FOR RENT FOR SALE A for some one. Beautiful It. The amount the house will rent for will four-roo- furnished house on prize house. AIpo 1913 a pav balanea on monthly payments. Pbona WANTED same lot. Price 30 per month for both, Mitchell car, nearly new, snap TOt'F.KA SANTA FE RlAlc Dwellings. the be re- 127-- Addresa P. O, Box 445. City. ATCHISON, 409 North Edith, Phona 1514-- Cash. $1.17r,; terms ,$1,225. It will WA? CO. W A,TEiL Throe or four-roo- furnlsied duced $25 each week till sold. Act quickly. FOR- RENT Furnished four-roo- modern Westbound.' .. cottase, with sleeping; porch and - Phone 6S5. Fourth week August 20 to 27. SALE-t'urnttur- e. Mrani5ii bath; In "also three-roo- FOR Class. Arrives Jiiriril will pay between S2."i and 135. Phone 1.1! S. house; glassed porch; No. Departs. chicken :30 Altapwp between 12 noon and 1 p. m. and 0 and 8 house: two porches; large yard. - 1. The Scout 7:10 pm. pin. WANTED- FOR SALE new furniture at IIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIII B. m. 1005 Eest Central. Phone 409. Salesmen Practically 3. California Limited . .11:45 am. 12:45 pm. General. w"XNTfr 409 North Twelfth. 7. Fargo Fast 10:45 am. 11:15 am. five-roo- 9. 1:30 am. 2:30 am. in the quriintances. Ill South Fourth. FOR SALE Furniture for house. The Navajo For insertion Sunday issue, get your TYPEWRITERS. FOR RENT Modern house. rooms. All complete Inquire 40$ North Edith. Southbound. Some furnished. W H. MoMllllon, 206 1514-- S01. El Paso . copy in early- - We cannot guarantee insertion if TYPEWRITER All maaeat overhauled and ' PASTURAGE. Phone Express .... 10:15pm. West OoM. S07. El Paso Express ... 11:45am. . repaired. Ribbons for everr machine. " is not received before 6 m. Unfurnished five-roo- copy p. Typwrlter Biohanle. Phone 114 FOR RENT modern FOR RENT 70 acres good pasture; $1 par FOR Estate. Kastbound Root), .. house, with sleeping porch and garage. Dolde's Ranch, 4 miles south of SALi Real 10. The Scout .....7:3iam. S:05am. lH nnntk 1296-J- month. Newlv papered and painted. Phona J " ' 2. , 6:40 Don't to call and town. P"on FOR SALE $6,500.00 will two delight- The Navajo e:00 pm. pro. neglect get your answers, buy 4. T:00 ful, modern mountain homes on the Pecos California Limited ...:o0pm. pm, because results. WANTED 5. Fe 10;S these little ads always bring Swng CARPENTERING. WANTED Saemen.v river, including 160 acres of land sdjotnlna; Santa Eight. ::Jpm. pm. the Valley Ranch resort. This offer holds From Sonth. d rests b and houaa dresses. , Call; at 80& KORCARPNTBR,w VVANTffSulesmanr'uritr to 1st. For further $16. Kansas City and Chicago. - good only Sept. parti, ....T:00ara, ,crt in.- n.u ririt ttmu . red, iu soma1 Eouitn. cuiara apply. Box 125, Yll Baacjii Mi Wt 03; KVUM CRJ! n4 Cbiooj .,7;$ani, EiGin Albuquerque Morning Journal, Tuesday, August 20, 1918.

CITY STREET GANG CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. FUEL SAVING TO ' DEMONSTRATION UNEARTHS 818 WEST CENTRAL AVE, HISTORIC Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heaters, Tinners INDIAN CEMETERY TODAY and TOMORROW BE DISCUSSED III TO FOR BE HELD The city's street employes be- House of High-clas- s Pictures and Music 'Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces came archaeologists for a short time yesterday morning. True ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. their archaeological findings PARALTA PRESENTS PHONE $15, ALBUQUERQUE, N. VL MEETI 5! DRAFTED MEN nnd discoveries were impromptu but nevertheless tiie.-- r find doubt- sugrt lift less will attract Ihe of attention CI? 2 a number of historians and ar- laS $5 $5 chaeologists throughout the state. Santa Fe Employes, and Pub- Plans to Give Patriotic Faro-we- ll Asisstant City Engineer C. B. WATERMELONS (Beyer and his crew were cutting lic, Will Hear Speakers Tell for Contingent Wliich away a hillside in order to build in "Within the Now Cup" thru, for the first time this season wo urge you to buy a street on what Is known as in! is without six m;ng vor. let hi.h watermelons from us. How to Conserve Coal and Will Leave 2? that A AT HIOIl. first August Elm street in the Highlands. CAST STONE Now we have not home-grow- home-grow- n only hut that arc Yet Maintain Efficiency. Started; Committee Named, OneVif the men unearthed the ripe, and not only rir but sweet: grown hy the same party that skull of a human to which ' u so being, ALSO A COMEDY "A HINDU HCODOQ furnished siierrssl'ull.v last year, we know that you ran buy the hair was k t i attached. The melons a little but if we enn sell one eheaper, you wc arc quite sure Plans to men who are man promptly disappeared. The iiHiMHimm Nil n mm v wum. to sell you more. are bring completed among Plans give the fifty mmMmmemmfcmx.msma?ma!rjm9 j .inta Fe for a meeting to to leave August 22 for scrapers and shovels continued May have iui(e a number of boxes of If we employes Albuquerque their work peaches today, do. be held next Monday night, August 26 Camp Pike, Ark., to the national and soon the skeleton our udice is to joint a .J, get busy. at which Messrs. Bowers and Hornet army. a farewell befitting the of hady. still intact, was dis- patriotic covered. Numerous skele- C. 8. of the general office of were Inaugurated last other Food License No. manager's city's spirit, tons, or the railroad will speak on fuel conser- night. Col. D. K. B. Sellers is taking rather parts of skeletons, vation. the Initiative. were discovered. I Persons in the' A message was received yesterday The demonstration of patriotism, as neighborhood became much a THEATER CRESCENT interested and WARD'S STORE GROCERY hy a committee composed of J. P. announced last night, will start at O. crowd of soon Brennan, R. W. Hoyt, J. J. lloaney, Robinson park. Here other citizens of souvenir seekers TODAY AND TOMORROW HOMER n. WARD RODERT for the SIS JONES J. P. McMurray and D. E. IKirton. Albuquerquo as well as members of gathered, scrambling Marble Avenue. Coai and South Walter. oth- bones. ...172-17S-J7- from F. U. Summers the county council of defense und Thoncs 4 Thone ...... 57 Superintendent of the that the men er patriotic organizations will assem Beyer said the road work will HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY railroad, stating continue will arrive here for the meeting and ble. The fifty men. surrounded by today and that doubt- less will din- will talk to employes of the road, members of the various war organi- other finds be made their families and the general public. zations will form in line and, headed ing the excavations. Tho message Instructed the commit- by the band will march to the Santa tee to hold a meeting and to decide Fe station. at what place the meeting will be held. Colonel Sellers said last night that T YRIC I It was suggested that D. E. Barton a committee will call on Maj. C. AI. view to BITTNER HOUSE ROOMS THEATER 1 net as chairman and that representa Barber today with a getting TOn AY ONI V tives of the trainmen and engine men the home guards also to march in the Kl Rnnth First. Phone 221. should speak on the subject of fuel procession. Tho committee appointed conservation. to assist Colonel Selles in preparing Livery nnd saddle horses. Trimble Tho committee will meet tonight, at for the demonstration consists of Aldo Bed Bain. which time it will be decided where Leopold, secretary of the Chamber of A. Lee OLIVE THOMAS the meeting will be held. An effort Commerce; O. Matson, John the probably will be made to obtain the Clarke and M. Nash, chairman of IN "HEIRESS FOR A DAY" use of tho high school, owing to the governing board of the home guards. LOUIS C. GIELITZ " will be selected TRIANGLE FEATURE IX FIVE REELS fact that the meeting is for a patriotic Several speakers MKRCHANT TAILOR to the to address the men at the station. The purpose and open public. Just received, fine line of Fnglish With the Santa Fe railroad as well farewell exercises are to be held at rl A Also a Good Reel. of the so Suiting for Autumn and Winter Comedy represented in the front line trenches the station, instead park, with that the citizens may be on hand to 107 SOUTH FOl'RTU EXTRA SPECIAL ChamlxT of Commeree Keel of the Clly of in Europe and virtually every man in of the company see the men leave. Third door north of Postofflce. ,nc Ul,l Slt us ot,,pr NPe - the employ Fs'ritici'"1 J""'s,r raise the owner of Liberty Loans, a sub scriber to war relief funds and other NEGRO CLAIMS $27 patriotic funds, the company now is taking up this new method of demon- FROM LOCAL BOARD the consevatlon WANTED in the I. O. o. F. hall at 2:30 o'clock strating patriotism FOR TRANSPORTATION I this of fuel. Strong, man, of good afternoon. Each member may healthy An awe-inspirin- g vision IN No call has come from the govern- luibitM, for wureho1' e work, l'oni-tio- n o FRESH TODAY bring one friend. Dr. Cart-wrig- Margaret ment the Santa Fe men have not How Carl W. a negro, I Ho Fast will speak on Mexico. Miss that Franklin, permanent. ,pply of the Terrific Powers of considered it u to "give un- who was called for mltitarv Induction Mountain Hoad, mornings. (Grapefruit. Oranges, Pearlies, Winifred Doyle also will a read- pleasure give til it and in each Loan to enter Funs-ton- , Annihilation which Amer- liarlletl Pears, Grucs, Can- - ing. hurts." Liberty here, managed Camp J men responded, entire depart- is a matter which Is laloupcs, Bananas, Eating and George Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. tha puzzling ica is meeting in the . ments over the top as 100 per members local board here. , Cooking Apples, Crab Apples, A. K. who enlisted in going of the Walker, the In the Red Cross drives, a from world Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Corn. here a rent patriots. They learned through letter LADIES struggle. j; forestry regiment year ago, has war fund the Sal- a the Patriots' drive, Franklin that he is private at the dress-makin- been to second How to rut down your g promoted lieutenant, is Santa Fe's 'J 7 . 1 vation Army drive, it the In his letter he claims t 3 , to word received hero. Il-- . camp. bill, and help win I bo according men who have made possible and who which he claims to have for was sent to France soon his en- paid war, by using your old frocks. i: Matleucci, Pailatfino&Co. after have placed Albuquerque over the top. to the listment. at- transportation camp. Successfully remodeled to any Now they have turned their claim for a 2I0I-W- ! I Mrs. J. F. 808 Begardinff the negro's tit.vie In vogue. PHOXIl . Seven Tremendous Parts GROCERIES Girard, North Fifth con- AND MEATS tention to the matter of refund of tlm money lie spent for street, has received a letter from her the nation's fuel supply, W. 405-40- 6 serving the local board has 0I THeras. Phones son, John J. who is transportation ' Morrison, with nd, according to one employe, to the at the field in written adjutant Camp wmamBrnwammssmaBBsmamaam Eighteenth artillery the others are planning to attend the Fimstnn a which is as follows: France, that ho is in the thloj-o- f letter, stating meeting almost to a man. Already "We have a letter from Private Carl t r the fight und that he is busy coal has been FOR SALE kept the consumption of W. Franklin, of 1st Vrnv. "chasing the Hun." men them- apparently Good Second-han- d largely reduced by the Co. (Col.) 164th D. B. Detention Camp The tea which iH to be given by who have given Htrict attention Maxwell $450 i; selves, No. 3, ststine that ho has gone there. &8M - ... r tho Bed Cross for the canteen com- to request of Good . Brothers and every We called this man to leave here W' Strong mittee hospital, which was announced Director General McAdoo. but he did not show UP' Ford S275 Undertakers for evening, will be held oi August 1st, ' Thursday nnd now rlaiihi to be there. We are Model ', Hupmobile PROMPT SERVICE. PHONE Friday evening instead. Automobile? fl?PCf Y. C. A. MEMBERS 'induction , In fine condition. .. t&UOU 75. STRONG J! will be at the V; M. C. A. at 7 o'clock NEW W. enclosing herewith papers life.-- Itl.K., COPPER bo received AND SECOND. to take the to the DIRECTORS for him so that he may public hospital. ELECTED BY is we re- Aula yy I'eter Bulland, business man of regularly. .He asking that Sales Corporation mit to him the sum of $2".1!. This .Mora, X. M., was in Albuquerque yes- The board of directors of the we can't do, but "will say that If we Corner Fifth and Gold. terday. Bulland carries several scars associa- Irom wounds which he re Young Women's Christian had not been exceedingly' lmilent with PHONF. 310. shrapnel business we him. to reived In 1915 on the western front. tion in the regular monthly him, nnd if had reported in Chamber of Com- of the as n ft., LOCAL ITEMS Mince his recovery from tho wounds meeting the the adjutant general army last he home merce at 8 o'clock last night. deserter, as we ought to have done September has made his were elected in Mora. The following persons Heenrdlni? to the strict Interpretation 4? ,4 association: It would - Mrs. Robert S. Piatt of N. to membership in the of tho regulations. probably A Nt'MBp;n OF ' ."r c . . - Hurley, Misses Ruth cost a lot more. As it it Tourist lunches. Pullman Cain. M., Is here on a visit ,to her Mrs. Lewis Kremls and have him is. sisters, L. E. is out to FARM LABORERS Martin & Thorn. Taxi. 273. Mrs. E. V. Davis and Mrs. Anna Weed, Brightman. Charlotte Brixner, he $27.19 for failure notify rhone Hernia us his address. ftev. H. M. 12'i South Third street. Mrs. W. C. Duncan, Flora Famsworth. of Want positions on farms some Edwards of Helen. N. ,M., Mae was a visitor in Campbell of Denver, Colo., French, Alice Gould, Rose Hall, are experienced hands. Em- Albuquerque, yester- daughter Lola Mar- day. of B. A. Sleyster, formerly of this Lano, F.mily Newman, POSSE SEARCHES ALL men should Velma ployers needing Miss Mamie Goodell city, niece of Mesdames Piatt, Davis tin, LaVerne Page, Prichard, see the has returned Sec-boh- DAY FOR ESCAPED MEN from a two weeks vacation on the and Weed, also arrived to spend a Margaret Savage, Margaret 2'eeoa short time here. Mrs. t'amimell was Virginia Smith, Mae Warren, Farm Labor Agent born In when Lutie Warren and Grace Wickham. A squad of sheriffs returned Warren Graham has from Albuquerque her father deputy MORNING JOURNAL OFFICE returned was located bore in the Insurance The various committees gave in- here late last after an nil day a to Fe. He was sev- night trip Santa away of the work of the search for the five - eral weeks. business. teresting reports remaining pris- The lecture of Dr. Nathan Krass, various departments. oners who escaped from the county Mrs. Tiofila Garcia has returned one The committee re- Jail morntns. Two a of America's foremost speaker headquarters early Saturday from three months' slay In Jemea and orators, which was to have been ported that rooms at 102 North Sec- Indian trailers and a Mexican scout Pprings. held tonight, has been postponed un- ond street have been leased for rest accompanied the officers hut despite Santa NO RAISE IN PRICES Col. and Mrs. W. S. Hopewell, who til tomorrow night, owing to a delay- and recreation purposes and work of a thorough search in the neighbor- Stage h l" .'. . . . 10c were at the Jemez .Springs Hie past ed of Dr. Krass. This speak- thein has started. hood of Isleta did not obtain a to 6 Admission schedule remodeling already they to two months, returned to the city last er will to the people here a war It is expected that will be trace of the missing prisoners. Albuquerque Santa Fa 6 to 11 Adults 15c, Children 10c bring they Commencing week 22. Saturday. message that Is most unique and en- ready for occupancy by September 1. The sheriff's office was Informed July William Brown, special officer in tertaining. early yesterday morning that a negro Singer Taxi Co., Phono 600. the employ of the government, was in The theft of $15 from the safe at DEATHS AND FUNERALS who answered the description of Wil- Leaves Mondays, the city yesterday from the Madrid the Maharam merchandise store, 511 liam Brown, who faced a murder coal mines. West Central avenue, was to charge, had been seen hiding near Wednesdays, Fridays reported Mrs. Ole The Brotherhood of Hallway Car- the morning. The Ilinson. Isleta. It was also reported that a and Saturdays. GRAZING LAND FOR SALE police yesterday Hin-so- Keal Hoover men 8 Funeral services for Mrs. Ole ihe will meet In V. O. V. hall at theft is to have taken place Mexican answering the description of 7 for candy J thought who died at her home In Attisco Car leaves Albuquerque a. m. Suitable range for sheep Chocolates iV o'clock tonight. Initiation of candi- early Sunday morning. The safe, the another escaped man, was with the 4:30 m. lease on or short term lease. vnocoiate Shop will be held In the Santa Fe, p. long date will take place. police were told, had been left open. Friday morning negro. The officers traced down Wm. L. Staley & Co., Second and Crollott at 9 morn- One S3.75 There will be a regular business A transom also had been left open, chapel o'clock this each bit of Information but were un Fare Way. Gold Ave. GRIMSHAW'S Amer1-ca- Burial will he In Round Trip, $7.00 meeting of the Brotherhood of n through which it Is the thief ing. Santa Barbara able to learn if tho prisoners had fleeond and Central thought cemetery. A who Is at Yeomen tonight. Important bus- gained entrance. son, stationed been there. "Grimslinw Wants to See Von" iness will be transacted. The Red Cross wants current mag- Camp Kearney, has arrived for the funeral. Journal Want Attn nring results. A motion picture film,, depicting azines and playing cards to be sent BROOKS STANLEY, WELL scenes in Albuquerque and the vicin- to the soldiers. They may be left at Mrs. .luanita Mores, . ity, will constitute a part of the pro- the Red Cross In the KNOWN IS KILLED BRITISHERS headquarters Mrs. Juanita Flores, 65 old, HERE, gram at the Lyric theater today. Chamber of Commerce. Shipments years SALESMAN Let Us Send a Man died at her home In Los yes- NOW! EXPERI ENCED The Order of Railway Employes will be made on the 1st and 15th of Griegos ENLIST Cotton She Is a Brooks Stanley of the Bobert, John- and stockkecper for goods To Replace That Broken Window Will meet in W, O. W. hall promptly each month. Work still is going on terday morning. survived by Glass. ' husband and two sons, one of whom son & Rand company, who formerly All persons wishing to enlist in the dcpurlniont. at 8 o'clock tonight. Business of spe- in the gauze room and a many re- great Is at The was spent some time in Albuquerque and British or Canadian forces are ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO. cial importance will he transacted. workers are needed. The night classes Camp Riley, body to on THE ECONOMIST removed to who has a host of friends here, was quested call the undersigned. 42.1 N. First. The following messages remain un- also have of work and people Crollett's undertaking Phone 421. plenty rooms.. Funeral services are deforred killed in Algiers, near New Orleans, delivered at the Western Union of- are urged to continue their attend- to Informa- British Canadian Recruiting pending word from the absent son. La., August 4, according Mission fice because of Insufficient address: ance. tion which has beon received here. C. B. F. A. Marten and B. L. Jesse who ' Brice, Sergeant J. Wootton, Albert Lenze. Mr. was diving in a stream Link. a few , Stanley passed through Albuquerque Albert Lenze, 65 died at at Algiers, which he believed to be Thornton of to Cleve- years old, Bright, member thr days ago visit his mother at his home on East Central avenue at deep. He struck his head on the bot- George Roslington 134th cavalry, stationed near Fort X. M., arrived here last Resident Officer land, night, 9:30 o'clock last night. His wife was tom, breaking his spine Just below Bliss. is here on a three-da- y fur- or ten Tex., and will spend a week days with him at his death. Their home the base of the brain. Auction Sale lough to visit his the Uev his Mrs. Felix Baca, parents, visiting sister, was in Aherllne, Kan. Mr. und Mrs. Alonzo . L. Woot-to- n. formerly Bright. and uncle, Under Sheriff R. Lenze was Elks Otero Home. 408 West Marble Persons who have a member of the TODAY, August 20, at paid their Red Sergeant Wootton was for years In Salina Santa Fe, Aug. 19. 1 lodge ,Kan., and that lodge M. Cross dues who have not receive on The mar-sha- ll SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 2:30 P. but a linotype operator Morning will conduct funeral services at Aber Miguel A. Otero, United States USED CAR SALE their receipts, get the same by He is now stationed at may Journal. line. Brothers will send the of tho Panama Zone, arrived sell en- the chairman of the mem- near San Strong Look Over List Ton Owner has been railed to war and has Instruc ted me to his phoning Camp Kearny, Diego, Cal,. to Aherllne on No. 2 today after an absence of several the May bidder for 1331-W- . body today. tile house furnishings, on the uIkvc date, to the highest bership committee, In the quartermaster's department, months at Ancon. It Is inevitable that Find Just What You Want. rush. Quincy M. Randies, forest examin- and has of the office re- charge printing Funeral services for Cecil Mohan political wiseacres connected his One Overland Touring, Fhe rooms must go ut some price. Nolo sonic oflthe following er of the United States forest The states Im service, at Camp Kearny. sergeant 23 years old, who died at his home on turn with an ambition to be the dem- 6 -- passenger $375 articles to sold: ' left last night for the Coconino for- that Camp Kearny, as far as soldiers South Edith Rtreet night ocratic candidate for the United One Overland Roadster. .. .StftO Mahogany davenport, hook rase, dressers, chiffoniers, Iwds. springs est near he Saturday reserve, Flagstaff, where are concerned, Is practically deserted, will be held in Strong Brothers' states senate to succeed Senator Al- One Overland and mattresses, rugs, dining table and leather upholstered chairs, will examine some timbers offered for on account of the "boys" being bert B. touring (in excellent con- morris rhnir, rockers, refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, kitchen table, chapel at 10:30 o'clock this morning. Fall. useful ur-- 1 sale by the government. rushed hy trains to the east and dition) almost new $800 beating stove, dishes, cooking utensils and muny other The Rev. Hugh Cooper will officiate. not ad. miss this to W. J.,Emley, yard inspector for the thence to France. a. M. One Overland Touring, tides mentioned in this Ion't opportunity Burial will be in Falrview cemetery. ynixtAua -- Pullman company, with headquarters .i . !V Dentist passenger $230 supply your needs In house furnishings. flve-roo- One Be on hand All are und in good condition. In was in yes- RENT Furnished Rooms 1 WliINn Dort, Touring $450 early. goods sanitary Chicago, Albuquerque FOR and t. Building One Is new bungalow. Sleeping and CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP No. Overland Light Touring, terday. He making an examination porch Phone 61. 6- large basement. All mooorn Improv- Corner Second and GoML -passenger $150 J. L. GOBER, Auctioneer. of the yards along the system. He PHOJfK 667 One Wyllis-Knig- ement. Close In. Inquire of Mrs. Leo- DELIVERY Touring, Jeft for Amurillo, Tex., last night. FREE CALL AND 7- - excellent pold Meyer, 701 West Cbp)er. Phone BATCTTB OTiD OTAND passenger (an The Ladies of Maccabees will meet 1040. Bryant' Delivery buy) $1250 FOR SERVICE QUICK MANY BARGAINS AMONG RENT-IDE- GENTRY'S EGGS ; Phone KOI. 22 Wesf Copper. FOR AL THEATER THE ABOVE. CALL Btotre Hawkins, Con. AND Gallup Lump ' Gallup bus- Skinner, Champion, Persons or CerrUlot Etovs Fully equipped and ready for and Son ; 3o dbsen. who wim o tenew lake LOOK THEM OVER CerrUloe Lamp Co. . roy Jose Market HahnCoal iness: Immediate, possession. Apply out memberships In the Red Cross SPRINGER Kvnrltt. Jeweler. ean do so Book PHONE 1 $1 by calling at Strong's SUITS CLEANED, Wore, O. A. A flrlmshaw's KISTLER-OVERLAN- D Matson Co.. CO. ANTHRACITE, ALL SIZES; STEAM COAL. HAULS ANYTHING YOUR HAULING BY TONS or n. B. or bs Four suit pressed $1.25. Mr, Ferguson, pbonliss 513-51- 5 - Phone 710. W. Central. Cord Is Motorized by Henry's Delivery. Contract plan. Columbia Cleaning Co. tha chairman of the Membership oom- Coke, Mill Wood, Factorj Wood, Wood, Native Kindling, lima, Pbow t3t. :. J .... . i Deuwir rnoac vu. .. mmCb NO, ISSJ'W. . , . 7, . r