University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-20-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-20-1918 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-20-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/189 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY, EDITION A. 1 UQUJE UE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION THIKTY-JMNT- H VEAJt. No. VOL. CLVIl. 31. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Tuesday, August 29, 1918. Dull j by Carrier or Mall, ,Oc a Month Single Copies, So HUNSCOMPELLED MEN FROM TEUTON EXPERIENCES OF RIGHT FROM RUSSIA DISPUTE ARISES U. S. MILITARY 10 YIELD GROUND RAIDERS VISITED CZEGHO-SLOVA- K S DOOSTI PROGRAM SHOULD BEFOREPRESSUR E SHORE IS BELIEF ARE RELATED BY EXCESS PROFITS BRINK KAISER TO OF S HOSTS OF SHIP OFFICERS CAPTAIN FOIf HUHDAH TAX N NEW BILL KNEES NEXT YEAR 1 -- tW bM'S Germans on Three Important Man From the Submarine 3ne of Their Number, an Of- Treasury Protests Against an Ger? J March Telis the House Sectors of Western Battle That Sank the Oil Steamer Reviews ficer, Wanderings But House i Increase, the ML; committee I hat Front Are Compelled to Give 0, B, Jennings Seen in New of These Men Who Arc Now Ways and Means Commit- Ourt Are Drawn to End Up Their Positions, York is Claim, in Saloon, Fighting Siberia, J tee Seems to Favor Raise, StrugV-- 1919, 2 i V7TT FRENCH DRIVE BACK FOE, PEOPLE ON LAND MAY REQUIRED j icT 57 DAYS TO fit r v MAN-POWIL- BOTH SIDES WILL GET L IS TO TAKING 2,000 CAPTIVES HAVE AIDED REACH VLADIVOSTOK! TOGETHER, PREDICTION GET PR0u ATTENTION - J" Unofficial Reports Say British One of the Divers, It is After Ukraine Journey Leaving Narcotics Schedule is to Be Congress Prepares to Enact Have Taken the Railway Thought, Cut Two Atlantic Made Under Difficulties; IIItTA,,lilllMrtMillfti ilii.ii .irJi"rt-'"-:iHi- J Framed so as to Yield Ap- Quickly Exten- I a Bwwr. Legislation Station on the Northwestern Cables; From 160 to 180 Bolsh'eviki Tried to rvnaj Hamper proximately $4,000,000 a ding the Draft Ages; West Outskirts of Divers Now in These- M,lilii-r- arc incinlicrs CzoclitK-Slova- k Roye, Commission, Every Movement, (,f a niilitary Year, Kitchin Amiouccs. Front is mission which has just omo from .Siberia to report to illr Crucial Point, I'rt.fcssor Thomas ;. Masaiyk, in Vashiu;;toii Tbcy Bm ,.ft lt Private It. ( I.iciiti-iu-n- t r mornins rV MORNlNJ JOURNAL right. hvtil. Daniclovsky ami i'aiiluiit V. S. journal man liaiid wirij IPICIAL LlOItO WIRII MOKNINtt JOURNAL liCIAL LCASCO WlOTM) lr MOANING JOURNAL IPCClAL LCAACO WIN! IIV MOANING The Germans on 1 JOURNAL W,RI- - thrco important Washington, Aug. 9. Information Washinnlon. Au:;. 1,.- CauL 'l;uli- - RC,AL LIAIID . Aug. 19. sectors of the western Urn-ban- Washington, Disagree Washlngion, 19. battle front furnished by officers of vessels at- mir S. an officer in the1 J Aug. Congress have been t incut arose between the compelled to give up posi- C'zecho-Slova- k again today prepared today to enact the new man- tacked by German submarines along army which Japan and,1 into the ,handsof the lis. Ka.-- tions of great strategic value under the United Slates have In treasury department and the house power the American coast has decided to aid of our regiments hart :'(ii to :;o ma-S- i legislation, extending the draft the of the strengthened ron-.- i onslaughts British and berta, has to from chine Kiu-su- , STAY ways and means committee as to pro- limits to IS the belief held Washington guns ,nd nobtnly in in WILSON'S ago and 45 years. General French troops. by many officials tha' Vladivostok to make a to I'ro-- visions of new revenuo 1,111. In report I say nothing of .Moscow, have the Tho March told the house militnry com- the rs sector, west of Armen-tiere- s, the enemy raiders had had communi- fessor commandcr-in-- i Maaaryk, hief at ull op-o- contemplated an attempt at f treasury has submitted a letter pro1, mittee the should win the enemy Czecho-Slov.i- k - , program the has retreated over cation with persons on shore the army and presl- woi-.'- a and may position, .Moscow, testing Increases In the excess war in 1919. front of nearly six miles, leaving even have dent of the national council. have against landed members of their Captain received us with open arms. But AT - the town of Mervllle in British hands. has iven lo MANCHESTER profits tax rates of tat- present law. While the house committee crews to secure information. The Hurban the Associated we wcro dutermined to as the began Between the Matz and Oise rivers the Press his story of the of arm The committee and the treasury work on the bill General to- experiences of a friendlv brother nation tvi.li by hearing French have their to navy department officially refused Cxecho-Slovak- g have reached an to an fought way the the from the time the an army which in spit-- of all bad agreement i,s Match, Secretary Baker and General western outskirts of the night to indorse this belief of SO dominating though escaped prisoners foushtj periences, wished Itusiiu the strenmh-thei- r per cent war profits tax based on Crowtler, the senato set aside its sum- position of Utsslgny and farther south the way eastward from Ukraine. IS A L admitting possibility. enhiB of real democracy. AlthouHi lire-w- but have been una mer vacation and wih in this hill and wooded "The of the of our NF earnings, take up the region have' Positive claim that he met an of history origin we t.ouI(1 not 8vmmllliw thl. ble to at a common on measure Thursday. It debouched from the Thiescourt wood army, of its on the Russian arrive standing appeared prob- fleer from the submarine that sank operations Bolshevik government, we as guests the method of excess able tho bill would be debated simul- Pim-pre- reaching profits, and also captured the town of z, front, and Its march around the world! the oil tank steamer O. B. it refrained from all action against i! which classification it lias been esti taneously In the senate and house the situated in the Oise on Jennings ... - valley i.u,. nu.c ,., remainpf! at.Ho),iteh- to it. IVY MONt'l(l JOURNAL APICAL I.KASCO W,V 10 last of this Noyon-Compiegn- mated will per week the e road. a New York saloon is made by the like a fantastic romance, before which loyal affect omy about and passml quickly. Turned Over Their Manchester, Mass., Aug. III. cent, of to be Senate prohibition Around the curve In the first officer of fades into the pro- Anns. the total corporations advocates agreed battle line, that vessel, according the Imagination I'resident Wilson's out Ins luis much taxed. to northwest of Soissons the to he said. "To prove indisputably our loyalty, temporarily lay aside their bill antf French from a story the saic," his man-pow- reaching department. we over lo the ev- improved health. Stands Firm. t;ive the near Carlepont to Kontenoy on the The between "Our army in Russia was organized turned Bolshevik Treasury program right of recognition the Ameri ex- Today 'he played tho best, game of Tho asked that tho pres- way. Aisne, a distance from C'zecho-Slova- k war erything, all our arms, with the treasury of approximately can and the German is said to have prisoners of of his from bo In difficul- ception of a few rifles which we golf stay, winning,' lr. ent excess profits law included Before the hoiiso committee, Secre. nine miles, have driven back en- been under almost insurmountable kept . the instantaneous, the latter making for our. so to Chi-- T. Grayson, his phy-iiriitn- tho new bill with an alternative wai lary Baker and his aides emy to an average of more his when ties. We were with the say, personal, safety again urged depth escape the American appeal (10 rifles 100 While the president und Mrs. tax of 80 per cent. The committee ha? action on the bill, than a mile and vil- ed to a Husslan army, and since the summer for.each .men). The discussing various captured several brother officer accompanying Wilson drove along thu shore t.r to an S cent phases of the and 2,290 mm of 1917 were practically the only army equipment wo turned over to the tentatively ugretd per enlarged, program which, lages prisoners. for confirmation of bis belief. strolled on the beach an, I in the in addition to u specific calls for an of HriUsli Havp Itcaclicri CHlier on the Russian front, capable of any including arms, horses, auto- exemption, army nearly 4.000,000 Roye Case Are Citod, woods they were acroiMpaiil'.',! as $.1,000 exemption on excess Americans In J unofficial record Other military action In the proper sense of mobiles, airplanes, etc., was worth profits France by Juno 30, 199, reports the cap' instances have been heard usual by secret service' men. I,-s- with a (ax of 41) per cent on profltf with another in u, ture sta-- word.
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