Doc 1

Text messages

. Special Adviser to Civil Servant at 16.27 – “ITV are ready lets bring them up.” . Civil Servant to to Special Adviser at 16.29 – “I’ll bring them up now and into the Cabinet room.” . Civil Servant to ITV journalist at 17.02 – “30 seconds”

Doc 2

Yes, it should be free. ______From: (Communications) Sent: 05 December 2017 12:34 To: PS ; (Special Adviser); (OFMCO - Office of the First Minister); (OFMCO - Cabinet Division); (Special Adviser); (OFMCO - Communications); (Special Adviser); Newsdesk Cc: DS First Minister Subject: RE: Brexit bids today - ITV and Heart/LBC

Thank you. Is the Cabinet Room free at that time please?

______From: PS First Minister Sent: 05 December 2017 12:30 To: (Communications); (Special Adviser); (OFMCO - Office of the First Minister); (OFMCO - Cabinet Division); (Special Adviser); (OFMCO - Communications); (Special Adviser); Welsh Government Newsdesk Cc: DS First Minister; PS First Minister Subject: RE: Brexit bids today - ITV and Heart/LBC


FM is happy to do these. Could we look to fit them in around 4.30 please.

Prif Ysgrifennydd Preifat i Brif Weinidog Cymru Senior Private Secretary to the First Minister of Tel/Ffon: Fax/Ffacs: E-mail/E-bost: [email protected]

______From: (Communications) Sent: 05 December 2017 11:15 To: (Special Adviser); (OFMCO - Office of the First Minister); (OFMCO - Cabinet Division); (Special Adviser); (OFMCO - Communications); (Special Adviser); PS First Minister; Welsh Government Newsdesk Cc: DS First Minister Subject: Brexit bids today - ITV and Heart/LBC


ITV and Heart FM (and possibly for LBC) would like to speak to the FM today on all things Brexit – including the Withdrawal Bill vote, Ireland and letter to xxx - below. Would the FM have time at some point this afternoon please? Both are flexible with time and location.


<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >>

Uwch Swyddog y Wasg / Senior Press Officer Prif Weinidog / First Minister Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Ffon / Tel:

Doc 4

Just to say, on the letter, we should say:

- The Welsh Government’s position is quite clear: our priority is achieving participation in the single market from outside the EU and – until and unless the Government can provide compelling evidence to the contrary – the continuation of a Customs Union with the EU. - In terms of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill we agreed amendments with the which we recommended to the House of Commons. Labour colleagues there have been steadfast in supporting these amendments. Indeed, the key amendment yesterday was one from the Labour party which was supported by all the opposition parties except the DUP. - It is important that we focus the debate on the form, not the fact, of Brexit and are not perceived as trying to put insuperable obstacles in the way of realising the mandate given by the referendum. Decisions taken by Labour in Westminster have to be seen in this light - [If the FM wants to use this line] We would not accept being told by Labour colleagues in Westminster how to vote in the National Assembly and I do not expect to tell Labour in Westminster how to vote. We have concentrated our efforts on winning the broadest possible support for the joint WG/SG amendments and we have been supported by the Parliamentary Labour Party on that.

– can you either let xxx and xxx (xxx office) know what the line is on this, or let me know and I will email them

All the best

______From: (Communications) Sent: 05 December 2017 11:15 To: (Special Adviser) (OFMCO - Office of the First Minister) < (OFMCO - Cabinet Division) (Special Adviser) (OFMCO - Communications) (Special Adviser) PS First Minister ; Welsh Government Newsdesk Cc: DS First Minister Subject: Brexit bids today - ITV and Heart/LBC

Hi ITV and Heart FM (and possibly for LBC) would like to speak to the FM today on all things Brexit – including the Withdrawal Bill vote, Ireland and letter to xxx- below. Would the FM have time at some point this afternoon please? Both are flexible with time and location.


<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >>

Uwch Swyddog y Wasg / Senior Press Officer Prif Weinidog / First Minister Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Ffon / Tel:

Doc 5

Ok great.

It will be xxx not myself.

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Dec 2017, at 14:39, xxx wrote:

Hi – could we push the interview back by ten minutes to 4.40 please? If you come up in the lift to the 5th floor we’ll meet you to let you through the door to the FM’s office.

______From: (Communications) Sent: 05 December 2017 10:45 To: Subject: EU Withdrawal Bill - WG statement

Here you go - our reaction to the EU Withdrawal Bill vote… I’ll get back to you about the bid asap.

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We will continue to discuss the way forward with UK Ministers and note their statement that the UK Government remains open to discussion on these points. However, we are absolutely clear that, if the UK Government does not bring forward amendments within the Commons, we will continue this fight in the Lords.”


Uwch Swyddog y Wasg / Senior Press Officer Prif Weinidog / First Minister Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Ffon / Tel:

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