Reducing Prison Violence by More Effective Inmate Management: an Experimental Field Test of the Prisoner Management Classification (Pmc) System

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Reducing Prison Violence by More Effective Inmate Management: an Experimental Field Test of the Prisoner Management Classification (Pmc) System --------------------------------If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at Data Resources Program of the Data Set JU.6773 National Institute of Justice REDUCING PRISON VIOLENCE BY MORE EFFECTIVE INMATE MANAGEMENT: AN EXPERIMENTAL FIELD TEST OF THE PRISONER MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION (PMC) SYSTEM James Austin A User's Guide To the Machine-Readable Files and Documentation 146243 u.s. Department of Justice (pt s 1, 2 , 3 National InstItute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as rec~l~ed from t~e person or organization originating it. Points of view or opInions stated In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Nationsllnstltute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this. I Jf!I!Id material has been grantedPUb.L1C b~ • DOrnaln• / NIJ u.s. Department of Justice to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the ~owner. December 1990 Sociometries Corporation 170 State Street,. Suite 260 Los Altos, CA 94022-2812 (415) 949-3282 I I CONTENTS OF THE DATA SET I Machine-Readable I (1) Inmate Characteristics Data File (1 data file; 500 records; 500 cases; 14 variables) (2) Work Assignment Data File (1 data file; 840 records; 840 cases; 5 variables) I (3) Disciplinary Record Data File (1 data file; 759 records; 759 cases; 6 variables) (4) Assignment Record Data File (1 data file; 724 records; 724 cases; 5 variables) I (5) Housing Assignment Data File (1 data file; 1,384 records; 1,384 cases; 5 variables) I (6) Long Interview Data File (1 data file; 310 records; 310 cases; 90 variables) (7) Short Interview Data File (1 data file; 317 records; 317 cases; 48 variables) I Paper I User's Guide to the Machine-Readable Files and Documentation (this document; 28 pages) Original Codebook (28 pages) Inmate Characteristics Instrument (1 page) I Work Assignment Instrument (1 page) Disciplinary Record Instrument (1 page) Assignment Record Instrument (1 page) HOllsingAssignment Instrument (1 page) Long Interview Instrument (14 pages) Short Interview Instrument (12 pages) I I Suggested Bibliographic Citation for the Data Set I (All Machine-Readable Files and Paper Documentation) Austin, J. (1990). Reducingprison violence by more effective inmate management: An experimental field test ofthe I Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) system (Data Set JU.6773, Colella, U. A, & Peterson, J. L., Archivists) [machine-readable data file and documentation]. San Francisco, CA: National Council on Crime and Delinquency (Producer). Los Altos, CA: Sociometries Corporation, Data Resources Program I of the National Institute of Justice (Distributor). Suggested Bibliographic Citation for the User's Guide Alone I Colella, U. A, & Peterson, J. L. (1990). Reducing prison violence by more effective inmate management: An experimental field test of the Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) system: A user's guide to the I machine-readable files and documentation (Data Set JU.6773). Los Altos, CA: Sociometries Corporation, Data Resources Program of the National Institute of Justice. I Data ~~ct JU.6773 I Ii, Reducing Prison Violence by More Effective Inmate Management: An Experimental Field Test of the Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) I System ~ Award No. 87-IJ-CX-0014 Original Investigator: James Austin National Council on Crime and Delinquency 685 Market Street, Suite 620 San Francisco, CA 94105 Documentation Produced by Ugo A. Colella James L. Peterson Sociometries Corporation 1st ed., 1990 Distributed by Data Resources Program of the National Institute of Justice Sociometries Corporation 170 State Street, Suite 260 Los Altos, California 94022-2812 (415) 949-3282 I If: ~. I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I ~ Reducing Prison Violence by More Effective Inmate Management: An Experimental Field Test of the Prisioner Management Classification (PMC) System has been deposited at the Data Resources Program of I the National Institute of Justice, Sociometries Corporation, for public distribution, by James Austin of the '.' National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Data collection was funded by the National Institute of Justice under Award No. 87-IJ-CX-0014. Funding for the work done by the Data Resources Program to prepare the data for public use was provided by the U. S. Office of Justice Programs under Contract No. OJP-89-C-008 to I Sociometries Corporation. Users of the data are strongly urged to inform the Data Resources Program of any errors or discrepancies. They are further urged to bring to the attention of the Data Resources Program all problems and difficulties encountered, particularly those that may prevent effective and convenient use of the data. All manuscripts based on data made available through the Data Resources Program should acknowledge that fact as well as cite the data set (see suggested citation format, inside front cover). Users of these data are urged to follow some adaptation of the following statement. The data used in this publication were made available by the Data Resources Program of the National Institute of Justice, Sociometries Corporation, 170 State Street, Suite 260, Los Altos, CA 94022-2812. The study entitled Reducingprison violence by more effective inmate management: An experimental filed test of the Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) system was conducted by James Austin, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, 685 Market Street, Suite 620, San Francisco, CA 94105. Data collection was funded by the National Institute of Justice (Award No. 87-IJ­ CX-0014). Funding support for preparing the revised documentation for public distribution was provided by a contract (OJP-89-C-008) between the U. S. Office of Justice Programs and Sociometries Corporation. The original investigators, funding agency, and the Data Resources Program are not responsible for the analyses or interpretations presented here. In order to provide funding agencies with essential information about use of archival resources and to facilitate the exchange of information about Data Resources Program participants' research activities, each user of these resources is requested to send a copy of each completed manuscript, thesis abstract, or reprint to the Data Resources Program of the National Institute of Justice, Sociometries Corporation, 170 State Street, Suite 260, Los Altos, CA 94022-2812. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary 1 General Study Overview Study Identification 2 KeyWords 2 Purpose of the Study 2 Methods 3 The PMC categories 4 Implementation of the PMC System 5 Summary of Contents 7 Geographic Coverage 8 Evaluation 8 File Structure 9 Reports and Publications 9 Description of Machine-Readable Files and Supplementary Documentation Contents of Machine-Readable Files 10 Paper Documentation 10 Ordering Information 10 Specifications for Machine-Readable Files Mainframe Orders 11 Microcomputer Orders 11 Data Completeness and Consistency Report 12 Appendix A: Variables and Byte Positions 21 of the Raw Data Files SUMMARY This study examined the extent to which the Prisoner Classification Management (PMC) system improved prison operations and reduced violence between inmates. The PMC system classifies inmates into one of five categories: selective intervention -- situational (SI-S); selective intervention -- treatment (SI-T); casework control (CC); environmental structure (ES); and limit setting (LS). Data were collected from records kept by the Research and Planning Section of Washington's Department of Corrections. Data included inmate characteristics (JU67W.DAT), work assignment records (JU68W.DAT), disciplinary records (JU69W.DAT), assignment records (JU70W.DAT), and housing assignment records (JU71W.DAT). Data were also collected from a long (JUnW.DAT) and short (JU73W.DAT) PMC questionnaire. Checks for out-of-range values revealed that the data are free of detectable coding errors. 1 I I GENERALSTUDYOVER~ I Source: I (1) Austin, J., Holien, D. A., Chan, L., & Baird, C. (1990). Reducingprison violence by more effective inmate management: An experimental field test of the Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) system (Final report to the National Institute of Justice). San Francisco, CA: National Council on Crime and Delinquency. I (2) Austin, J., Holien, D. A., Chan, L., & Baird, C. (1990). Reducing prison violence by more effective inmate management: An experimental field test of the Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) system (Executive I summary submitted to the National Institute of Justice). San Francisco, CA: National Council on Crime and Delinquency. I Study Identification Reducing Prison Violence by More Effective Inmate Management: An Experimental Field Test of the I Prisoner Management Classification (PMC) System James Austin I National Council on Crime and Delinquency Award No. B7-JJ-CX-0014 I KeyWords I Prison management, inmate violence, offender personality. I Purpose of the Study In Washington, the state selected for this study, the legislature passed legislation that increased the likelihood I and length of incarceration for persons convicted of violent crime. Because of longer sentences, violent offenders are increasing as a percentage of Washington's prison populat.ion. With more violent offenders in the prison population, concerns about the safety of inmates and prison staff emerge. The Prisoner I Management Classification (PMC) system was adopted from an offender management system developed originally in the late 1970s for probation and parole.
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