UCL Institute of Child Health Street Ormond and Great Trust Hospital Children NHS Foundation for Design Manager UCL Institute Great Ormond Street Hospital Fourth floor of Child Health 40 Bernard Street 30 Guilford Street London WC1N 1LE London WC1N 1EH E
[email protected] 020 7242 9789 www.ucl.ac.uk/ich Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust Great Ormond Street London WC1N 3JH 020 7405 9200 www.gosh.nhs.uk Thank you to everyone who was interviewed for, or gave permission for their picture to be used in this review, as well as the many members of the UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital staff who helped during its production. Please visit www.ucl.ac.uk/ich/research-ich 2012/13 Research Review or www.gosh.nhs.uk/research-and-innovation for an online version of this review. Research Reviewe child rst and2012/13 always Contents 03 Director’s report 07 Chief Executive’s report 09 Division of Research and Innovation report Research 12 14 17 18 Europe’s rst research centre Gene therapy Life Study: Understanding Targeting brain tumours to tackle birth defects Professor Adrian rasher and lives now and for the future Dr Darren Hargrave Professor Andrew Copp Professor Bobby Gaspar Professor Carol Dezateux 21 23 24 27 Life-saving vaccines Getting under the skin Reproductive development Defending the body while Professor David Goldblatt of birthmarks Professor John Achermann tolerating ourselves Dr Veronica Kinsler Dr Masahiro Ono People 30 Working with UCL Business PLC 31 Awards, honours and prizes 34 Grants and donations 36 Senior academic sta 40 Administration Cover: Chloe, age 11, has cystic brosis and is receiving treatment on Badger Ward.