The A&T Register
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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 1-18-1991 The Register, 1991-01-18 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1991-01-18" (1991). NCAT Student Newspapers. 1146. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE A&T REGISTER "Writing the way toward the paramount ofconsciousness" North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Volume 66 Greensboro, North Carolina 27411 Number 9 CELEBRATING A CENTURY OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE 1891-1991 NewS A&T launches centennial celebration Stokes denounces Some ofthe personalities who move to eliminate will appear for the centennial festivi- ties are: Dr. CD Spangler, president minority scholarships Theresa Washington of the University of North Carolina; Washington, Chief Reporter D.C.-Congressman Mae Jemison, the first black woman Louis Stokes (D-OH) lambasted a astronaut totravel on the space shuttle; "Celebration and challenge: recent policy announcement by the human rights leader; Morgan Free- Department A second century "is the thematic of Education that man, noted actor; Charlayne Hunter- pledge for this centennial year obser- would deny federal funds to col- Gault, who integrated the journalism leges vance incommemoration ofthe found- and universities that offer school at the University of Georgia ing of North Carolina A&T scholarshipsdesignatedfor minor- State and is an award winning journalist; ity University students. Stokes condemned Brigadier General Clara Adams-En- "the Willie Many activities will surface Horton goes tocollege der, director ofthe Army Nurse Corps; of throughout thiscentennial anniversary mentality the Bush Administra- Soprano Margeret Tynes, former tion." He ofthe University. "Itis a reminiscence stated, "This decision member fo the Metropolitan Opera; dovetails of where we were, where we are and the anti-civil rights posi- Dr. Benjamin Chavis, deputy director tion ofthe where we will be going," remarked Administration, demon- ofthe Commission for Racial Justice, strated by Mrs. Virginia McKee, co-chairperson the President's recent and tenor, George Shirley. of the Centennial Planning Commit- veto of the 1990Civil Rights Act. Other guests Patri- tee includeDr. The rational behind this cia Russell-McCloud, motivational new The recognition of the 100 policy is as flawed as that used speaker; tenor, Seth McCoy; Billy by the President years exi stenceofA&T i s important to in vetoingthe Civil Taylor, concert pianist; Dr. William Rights the student's appreciation for Uni- Act. Bush called it a quota this Friday, former president of the Uni- bill, spite versity. "I hope studentswill gain more in of the Act's express versity of North Carolina; Dr. Martin prohibition awareness of what A&T has done for against the useof quo- Wright Edleman, president of the tas." blacks. Once you know about the Children's Defense Fund; Alex struggle you become better. An educa- Stokes was reacting to the Hauley, novelist; Rep. William H. tion is not just to have a good time, determination by the Department Gray III, U.S. Congress; and Maj. of most important isto get an education," Education's Assistant Secretary Gen. Matthew Zimmerman. for Civil Rights, commented McKee. Michael L. Wil- The celebration opened with liams, The Southern Bell Co. has that scholarships awarded theCentennial convocation which took solely on honored A&T with a picture on the the basis ofrace are dis- place Jan. 9 in the Harrison Audito- cover of the Greensboro phone book criminatory, and therefore illegal. rium, with JohnE. Jacob, president of department dedicatedto the University which will The is notify- the National Urban League speaking. ing schools that except in narrow also be displayed on billboards The program consisted oftrib- It will be sponsored by the Robeson Theatre circumstances, the award of mi- throughout Greensboro. utes and historical accounts of the Univeristy of North Carolina Center Theofficial 100th birthday ob- nority scholarshipsviolates the law According to Dorothy university for Public Television. servance ofA&T will be held March 9 and the schools will risk losing Copeland, executive director of the Someoftheothermajorevents On the Ronald E. which marks day legisla- federal funds. The department's Centennial Planning comittee. Mark- the actual the taking place this semester are" The McNair Memorial Day Program will tion was signed finding A&T, policy is apparently based upon ers will be placedat the entrance ofthe accord- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Can- be held in the Ronald E. McNair Audi- ing to McKee. interpretations ofrecent Supreme campus manifesting the centennial delight Vigil March" from Dudley torium. The keynote speaker will be A Charter Day Convocation Court decisions that racial prefer- logo and the theme. Also banners will Building to Moore Gymnasium on the lady astronaut, Mae Jemison. be held at 10a.m. in Harrison Au- ences are illegal. hang around the campus with the logo will Monday at 6 p.m. On Feb.l at noon a "Sit-In" ditorium While it is not yet known and theme. Thespeakers will be Dr. Kattie Anniversary Observance will be held The Rev. Jesse Jackson, hu- how many scholarships will be af- The University and centennial Dorsett, county commissioner ; Earl in Harrison Auditorium. Juan Wil- man rights leader, will be the keynote fected, the new policy will have a flagshang in frontofthe DowdyBuild- Jones, councilman for District One; liams, Washington Post reporter and speaker chillingeffect on to ing, explained Copeland. efforts increase Wayman McLaughlin, professor in the author of "Eyes on the Prize" will The unveiling of the'Centen- minorityenrollment incolleges and Many distinguishedguests will history department: and the Rev. speak. Also the reception and opening nial quilt will take place universities. participate in the centennial obser- March 21. Wayne Clapp of Inner Growth Minis- of thecentennial exhibit at the Greens- The Centennial Life Aware- According to 1988 data vance try Outreach Inc. boro Historical Museum will occur at ness series will be presented by Dr. from the U.S. Census Bureau, the "We have goneall outto bring The Preview Screening of 6 p.m Samuel Proctor, minister emeritus of percentage of as many outstanding figures to the minorities who are documentary "Jesse Jackson" will be From Feb. 22 to 25 The Rich- New York's Abyssinian entering college has declined. campus and community," remarked Baptist held Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Memorial ard B. Harrison Players will be per- Church, on March 18-19and theHon- For Blacks, the percentage McKee Union Ballroom. forming "God'sTrombone" inthe Paul ors Convocationaddress on March 2C of high school graduates entering college decreased from 33.5% in 1976to 28% in 1988. Aggies called to serve For Hispanics, 35.8% of DR. MARTIN L. KING, JR graduates entered college in 1976 in 'Operation Desert Storm' . and only 30.9% in 1988. The department decision Januauary 16maybe a day that D. Alston, Yvette C. Mitchell, Bridg- HOLIDAY will prevent collegesand universi- will "live in infamy." President George from ette M. Holman, Brain Barnes, Oscar ties establishing scholarships Bush officially executed the order that specifically designatedforminori- Kelly, James Monteiro Jr., Sharon A. will be observed on ties in order to remove financial enaged the Allies coalition of nations McKoy, and Micheal E. Byers. need as a barrier, in hostilities with the forces ofSaddam Also, deployed to the Middle nuary 21, 1991. Hussein, president of Iraq. East are: Andre' M. McPherson, Mar- cella D. Cheek, Chauncey A. Sim- In the midst of the battle are A holiday candlelight vigil march is Trimble, some Aggie soliders. Several students mons, Lavonda M. Robert scheduled to takeplace fromthe Dudley Stocks, Ameche Monroe, Building to Moore Gymnasium at 6 withdrew from the university to serve Antony B. in the battlefields of the Middle East. Fletcher, Perry D. Yeoman, Tonya p.m. Guest speakers for the event in- On The Serious Tip Lane, and Quentin H. Holmes Jr. clude: Dr. Katie Dorsett, Councilman Editorials, Letters to the Editor These students are: StephenH. Several were to Earl Jones, Professor Waymon Our People, Our Pride Alston, Terrence Graham, Gary students called African American 1Hstory, L. McLaughlin and the Reverend Poetry and Communiiy News military duty but completed the se- McCall, Cheryl Jenkins, Elbert Wil- Wayne Clapp. On The Yard mester. They are: Steve Cromer, Loreza Campus News Hams, Raymond E. Smith Jr., John L Bryant, Odell Jones, Micheal Fairley, The Big Score Williams, and Craig A. McGee. Spurts Preston Mc Gill,GeorgeMiller,Donna Other students who also with- Reyes, Kim Smith, Billy Thomas,Terry RING!* Entertainment dreware: Rymira M. Callaway, Tony Williams, and Angela Wallace "LET FREEDOM I Hi: A&1 RIXJISTKR IRIDAY, JAM A in IN On the Serious Tip PERSIAN GULF: Why we Should be there Terrence Body A&T Register Serena L. Lowe Suff Writer Robin Alston Remember your history lectures on Munich (1936)? Then A&T Register British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believed that "ap- A&T Register peasement" of Hitler's demands would avert a bloody European war. In a sence, the world gave Hitler what he wanted, turned its Editorviti-Cheif back on an ever increasing military threat while the German war Managing Editor machine marched onward—almost to the point of conquering the whole of Europe. Where was the United Slates? At this time of bringing down Communist walls and the PERSIAN GULF: SHOULD Keep MLK's dream alive ending of the Cold War, the world can not afford to appease a AMERICANS BE THERE? regional dictator.