Libreria Antiquaria Mediolanum
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libreria antiquaria mediolanum Via del Carmine, 1 - 20121 milano (italy) tel. (+39) - FaX (+39) - e-mail: [email protected] 1. (aCCademia dei Gelati). ricreationi amorose de small worm-hole repaired in the blank margin from p. 229, thin marginal gli academici Gelati di bologna. (Follows): Psafone trattato worm-holes repaired in the last 2 ll., touching few letters. unsophisticated co- py. d’amore del medesimo Caliginoso Gelato melchiorre Zoppio. - bologna, per Gio. rossi, 1590. First edition of a rare emblems book with illustrations ascribed to agostino Carracci. two parts in one 12° volume; 96 pp. – 260 pp., 2 ll. with frontispiece and 9 the iconographic apparatus consists of the full-page etched fronti- half-page engraved emblems by agostino Carracci; contemporary limp vellum, spiece with the central emblem and 9 large and beautiful emblems. manuscript title on spine. Frontispiece slightly shaved in the lower margin, a the second part of the volume offers a treatise on love by melchior- re Zoppo. the academy was founded in 1588 by Zoppo himself and collected the most distinguished literary men and scholars of the time; the aca- demy was supported by Pope urbano Viii barberini and its cultural activities lasted until the end of the 18th century. Praz 244: “scarce”. landwehr (romanic) 4. Cicognara 1831. Frati 6471. € 3.800 2. baratotti Galerana (tarabotti arCanGe- la). la semplicità ingannata. - leiden, Gio. Sambix (i.e. Jo- hannes and daniel elzevier), 1654. 12°; 12 leaves, 307 pp. (without final 2 blank ll.); contemporary vellum, manu- script title on spine. nice copy. First edition. “the first manifesto about women’s inalienable rights to liberty, equality, and universal education” (see enc. of Women). this text, originall en titled tirannia paterna (Paternal tyranny), was po- sthumously published under the title la semplicità ingannata. “Forced by her father to take holy orders, the nun arcangela tarabotti publi- shed a polemic against the dowry system in her Paternal tyranny, which has been described as a feminist critique of the major texts of contemporary misogyny… despite the explosion of women’ publi- shing with the rise of the commercial press in sixteenth-century italy, it was not until the seventeenth century that women writers launched a frontal attack on the institutions that oppressed women. Works by a group of Venetian feminists… actively urged women to chal- lenge the patriarchal institutions of their city” (see enc. of Wo- men). encyclopedia of Women in the renaissance, 2007, pp. 140-141. Willems, les elzevier, p. 183, n. 740. Ferri, biblioteca femminile, p. 361. € 3.500 3. barba antonio. osservazioni microscopiche sul cervello, e sue parti adiacenti. - naples, dalla stamperia del Corriere di napoli, 1807. (bound with): osservazioni sopra la generazione de’ muschi. – Without typographic notes. (bound with): domeniCo miniCHini. istituzioni d’igiene. - naples, dalla tipografia di P. tizzano, 1834. three works in one 8° volume; 20 pp. - V pp., 64 pp., 1 l., 1 folding plate - 158 pp., 1 leaf. Contemporary half green morocco, spine lettered and tooled in gilt, marbled paper boards. occasional light foxing and yello- wing, due to the paper quality, outer margin of the last leaves browned. First edition, very rare, of two works dedicated by antonio barba to observations through the microscope. the first one deals with the generation of mosses; the second treatise is one of the earliest texts about anatomy of human brain. the large folding plate et- ched by P. toro illustrates in detail the microscope used by the au- thor. the final work by professor and doctor domenico minichini is the third edition of a text devoted to a healthy life-style, with sug- gestions concerning wellness, fitness and diet. the section refer- ring to food and beverage is particularly interesting and exhaustive. (barba) Garrison, History of neurology, p. 473. (minichini) Palea- ri i, p. 497. € 2.400 4. barbieri niColo’ Called beltrame. la sup- plica, discorso famigliare... diretta à quelli che scrivendo ò par- lando trattano de comici trascurando i meriti delle azzioni [sic] virtuose. trattato sopra l’arte comica. - Venice, per marco Gi- nammi, 1634. 8°; 8 ll. (without the first blank), 234 pp., 1 l.; engraved title-page with the lar- ge portrait of beltrame character. 18th century vellum, manuscript title on spi- ne and lower edge. a small ownership inscription deleted in the title-page, the upper blank margin of few leaves a little shorter, lightly touching the heading in two or three cases. negligible browning in scattered leaves due to the quali- ty of paper. Second edition (the extremely rare first one was printed in Ferrara). the book is introduced by a very nice etched title-page with the por- trait of the author as beltrame, one of his main characters and one of the most popular characters of the Commedia dell’arte. the book is dedicated to louis Xiii of France, patron of barbieri during his stay in Paris. barbieri was a well-known author and actor, and toured eu- rope playing his works. With his treatise on comic art (first edition: Genua 1627), included he- re in the second part of the volume, and with his Supplica, barbieri to- ok a bold stand on behalf of the comedy and of comic art, against the contemporary general idea of the comedy as a “demonic” literary gen- re. barbieri (Vercelli, 1576- modena, 1641) is credited with many succes- sful comedies, e.g. l’inavvertito (1629), which inspired moliere’s l’Étourdi ou les Contretemps (“the blunderer”, 1653). rasi, i comici italiani i, pp. 265-272. Vinciana 4173 (other ed.). a. Zapperi, dbi Vi (1964), pp. 237-238. € 2.000 5. benZoni Girolamo. la historia del mondo nuovo. - (Venice, Francesco rampazetto, 1565). 8°; 4 leaves, 175 leaves (without the last blank). 18th century calf, red morocco label lettered in gilt on spine. nice copy. First edition. one of the earliest works devoted to the new World and american indians. the account provided by benzoni is particularly in- teresting as it is based on first-hand observation by a non-Spaniard, of- ten denouncing the Spanish cruelty against the indians; the text de- scribes native americans’ life before the contact with europeans and is illustrated by the portrait of the author and several half-page wood- cuts depicting scenes from every-day life and activities of natives. the great success and the wide dissemination of benzoni’s work, and its 6. bianCHini FranCeSCo. de kalendario et cyclo Caesa- iconographic apparatus actually built europeans’ imaginary about in- ris ac de paschali canone s. Hippolyti martyris dissertationes dians and their life. duae. - rome, typis aloysii, & Francisci de Comitibus impresso- benzoni was born in milan in 1519 and moved to the Caribbean in 1541. He visited the antilles, Guatemala, and the west coast of South rum cameralium, 1703. america. among the woodcuts, deserving special mention those sho- Folio; 10 leaves, 92 pp., 4 leaves (tables), 93-176 pp., 4 leaves, 84 pp., 12 leaves (ta- wing cocoa and banana trees, the process of wine- and bread-making, bles), 4 leaves (index), 8 plates (6 folding). Contemporary cartonnage, manu- indians sailing and dancing. script title on spine. light water-staining in the gutter margin of few central lea- Sabin 4790. leclerc, bibliotheca americana 59. Chadenat 3127 (se- ves. Very nice, full-margined copy. cond edition). Palau (1923) i, p. 202. € 24.000 First edition, rare, containing the description of the outstanding sundial housed in the Church of Santa maria degli angeli in rome. thanks to its complexity and precision, the great meridian line - built by Francesco bianchini in 1701-1702 and inaugurated on october 6th, 1702 - can be said to be a complete “astronomical observatory”, since it can register solar, lunar and stellar data: upgrading the one realized by Giandomeni- co Cassini in San Petronio, bononia, it was considered by contempora- ries as the most precious and beautiful scientific instrument in the world. Commissioned by Pope Clement Xi albani to solve some problems de- riving from minor inaccuracy in the Gregorian calendar (introduced in 1582) and to fix an unquestionable date for easter, the sundial consi- stently improves the approximation caused by an error made by Clavius. moreover, the church of Santa maria degli angeli, designed by miche- langelo, stands into the walls of diocletian’s bath and it is then very sta- ble. in the volume, the meridian line is illustrated by a large folding pla- te and by a plate with details of the instrument; other plates illustrate coins, allegoric figures and gnomonical tables. the sundial by bianchini had a great influence and produced an imme- diate echo in europe: two copies were built in Paris and in the following centuries it served as the reference for calculating the exact time. riccardi i, 131: “opera di molta importanza scientifico-storica”. lalan- de, p. 347. Houzeau and lancaster 13144. Poggendorf i, 185. Ziviani, la lettura del tempo, p. 41. € 7.000 7. boCCHi FranCeSCo. eccellenza della statua del San 8. (bodoni GiambattiSta). epithalamia exoticis Giorgio di donatello scultore fiorentino, posta nella facciata di linguis reddita. - Parma, ex regio typographeo, 1775 fuori d’orsan michele dove si tratta del costume, della vivacita’, & Folio; 6 ll. (including title-page), Xli pp., 76 leaves, 1 unnumbered leaf; della bellezza di detta statua. - Florence, Giorgio marescotti, 1584. contemporary half red morocco, spine tooled and lettered in gilt. Very nice copy. 8°; 106 pp., 3 ll. (without the last blank); early 18th century half calf, morocco la- bel lettered in gilt on spine. 19th century manuscript annotation on the front pa- First edition of one of the most beautiful specimen-books of ste-down: “extremely rare”.