Ty of Twin Lights Publishers Property of Twin Lights Publ Ty of Twin Lights Publishers Property of Twin Lights Publ Ty O
$26.95 A photographic portrait Photographer Bob Morris takes you on a visual journey, Bob Morris visiting the historic landmarks, natural wonders, and PROPERTY OF TWIN LIGHTS PUBLISHERS PROPERTY OF TWIN LIGHTSSan Francisco PUBLISHERS is a city founded by Bob Morris is a San Francisco Bay Area a phoTOGRaphic porTRAIT and for adventure seekers rooted based photographer specializing in vibrant creativity of San Francisco, a city of artists, in the ideal of progressive values. people, architecture, interiors, and stock. At once cosmopolitan and relaxed, With over 25 years’ experience, he began iconoclasts, innovators, and adventure seekers. his career as a staff photographer for the professional and playful, the “City Southern Pacific Railroad based in San by the Bay” captures tens of thou- Francisco. With that company’s vast land sands of new residents a year even holdings in the western states, assignments A P though the physical boundaries of were varied and challenging. Included H the peninsula that San Francisco is PROPERTY OF TWINOTOGRAP LIGHTS PUBLISHERS PROPERTY OF TWIN LIGHTS PUBLISHERS were aerials, logging operations, coal situated on prevents the advance- mines, industrial parks, executive portraits, and, of course, trains for the company’s ment of urban sprawl. Just outside public relations, annual reports, adver- this seven-by-seven swath, Golden H tising, and brochures. Bob now shoots IC PORT Gate National Parkland stretches assignments for various clients around up and down the coast, providing the U.S. and adds to his stock library as visitors with plenty of outdoor rec- time allows. To learn more about Bob, RAIT reation opportunities in addition please visit www.bobmorrisphoto.com to the myriad of cultural happen- and www.sfstockphoto.com.
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