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Functional Neuro- imaging [Quotes]

1. The following article appeared on Dr Daniel Amen’s website.

Nation's Top Sees Brain Imaging As Future of Psychiatry

The follow is a series of quotes about brain imaging from Thomas Insel, MD, PhD, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, the country’s chief psychiatrist, from a keynote lecture at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting in 2005 in Atlanta.

"Brain imaging in clinical practice is the next major advance in psychiatry."

"Trial and error diagnosis will move to an era where we understand the underlying biology of mental disorders."

"We are going to have to use to begin to identify the systems pathology that is distributed in each of these disorders and think of imaging as a biomarker for mental illnesses."

"The DSM-IV has 100%reliability and 0% validity. We need to develop biomarkers, including brain imaging, to develop the validity of these disorders."

"We need to develop treatments that go after the core pathology, understood by imaging."

"The end game is to get to an era of individualized care."

Dr. Insel believed in 2005 that brain imaging in clinical practice would be a reality in 5 years. , Inc. (ACI) thinks that brain imaging in clinical practice is long overdue. You can try to kill yourself in virtually every major city in the world, and no one will look at your brain! ACI has been working hard to bring brain imaging to those in need. Over the past 16 years we have developed a database of nearly 40,000 brain SPECT scans. We have more experience in applying this technology than anyone in the world.

Please enjoy our website, and always work toward a brain healthy life.

Daniel G. Amen, MD CEO and Medical Director Amen Clinics, Inc.