1942 Brown and Gold Vol 24 No 13 April 22, 1942
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Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 4-22-1942 1942 Brown and Gold Vol 24 No 13 April 22, 1942 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1942 Brown and Gold Vol 24 No 13 April 22, 1942" (1942). Brown and Gold. 202. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/202 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VO.V. XXIV, No. 13 REGIS COLLEGE, DENVER, COLO. April 22, 1942 INNER PLANNED FOR RECTOR •.. Campus Overrun by Sodality Sponsors Five Hundred Expected Defense Prayers For Mammoth Reception Diocesan Speakers The Rev. E. S. Preusch has introduced a plan for spiritual Fiv~ hundred persons, including Archbishop Urban J. Mor?. than 200 pa~·ochial hi!?}~ scho~l students met Sa1ur preparedness a n d immediately Vehr, will attend the dinner and reception for the Very Rev. d~y, Apul 11, at Regis to participate m the Fourth Annual put it into effect April 5. The John J. Flanagan, S.J., new president of Regis, at 7 p. m. DI?ces3:n Speech Conference. The cumulative highest total purpose is to make s u r e that Thursday, April 23, at the Shirley-Savoy hotel. po~nts m all events was gained by Regis High School, which students are well equipped to com Paul Horan, chairman of the program committee said the game~ permanent possession of t hr Speech l\Iect 'l'rophy. St. bat the temptations encountered subscription dinner, arranged by a group of alumni ~nd other F~·ancis De Sales High School of Denver placed second, while outside of a Catholic environment, friends of Regis, will bring to th1rd place was awarded to St.~•>-----~=------~_:_ ___ Scholastica's Academy of canon both of Denver; St. Anthony's of with special emphasis being laid gether ~ivic leaders from a wide City. Sterling; Cathedral, Denver; St. on army life. group of fields to welcome Fr. The trophy, offered to the Scholastica's, Canon City, and St. The prayer is an adaptation of Flanagan to his new post. Rev. Robert M. Kelley, S.J., former school winning the meet for three Mary's, Denver. one appearing in a recent edition president, is now assistant pastor successive years by Father Her- The new Rector, the Very Rev. of The Sunday Visitor. For the of St. Francis Xavier (college) bert Newell, Diocesan Director of John J. Flanagan, S.J., welcomed convenience of all, the prayer is church in St. Louis. Schools, was first won by st. the speakers to the conference at recited daily in the chapel at 12 :{)0 Early acceptances have includ Francis in 1939. The second and (Continued on Page '7) M. and again at 12:50 P. M. with a member of the senior class ed ·Dr. James E. Hutchingson, third annual meets were won by leading the prayer. During the president of Colorado Woman's Regis, and with this year's third mo.nth of May the prayer will be college; the Very Rev. Thomas D. consecutive victory, Regis is en recited in the grotto and will Coyne, C.M., president of St. titled to permanent possession of Council Dance complement the regular May de Thomas' seminary; Dr. M. F. the cup. votions. Coolbaugh, president of the Colo Saturday's contest was the first Shows No Profit rado School of Mines at Golden; to be held since the creation of The financial statement for the Dr. Paul J. Ketrick, president of lhe new arch-diocese. A total of recent U.S.O. Benefit dance was Loretto Heights college; Dr. eleven schools participated in the read at the last meethg of the Lunchroom to Have Maurice H. Rees of Colorado Uni contest, two above last year's en Student Council but did not show versity Medical college; Charles., tries. T h e schools represente<1 the hoped-for margin of profit. E. Greene, superintendent ot ·:r:>eJi Final plans for the Junior Prom Brand-n.ew Fountain were St. Francis De Sales, Den John J. Sullivan, ver Public schools; Maj. Gen. John were discussed and the points to ver; St. Gertrude's, Boulder; St. A soda fountain will be installed Who will preside as toastmaster F. Curry; Major Christian A. be brought up in the general as Joseph's, Denver; Abbey, Canon in the Regis lunch room which is at the dinner. • Wachter of Lowry Field; the Rt. City; Annunciation, Holy Family, sembly of April 15 were outlined. scheduled to open in approximate -Cut Courtesy Register. Rev. Matthew Smith, editor of the ly two weeks, according to the Denver Catholic Register; Judge Rev. Joseph P. Donnelly, S. J., I THEY MADE (Continued on Page 7) who is in charge of the project. THE GRADE Fr. Bilgery Publishes The fountain which will offer I a complete line of confections, HONOR ROLL soft drinks and ice cream dishes SENIORS- New Mathematics Book Barry, Jeremiah J - 3 A's and 2 B's Waters Announces will be under the supervision of The Re,-. Conrad Bilgery, S.J., this week ennouncccl the Coursey, Joseph F-6 B's the Dean's office. Magor, Robert V- 3 A's and 3 B's forthcoming publication of his book, In fin i t y and Non The hours of operation have not Junior Prom Date JUNIORS- Euclidean Geometries. The hook, forty pages in length, will as yet been decided, but it is Majewski, Joseph T.-3 A's and 1 B The final announcement of the be published this wed< and is aYailahle at fifty cents a copy. understood t h a t the fountain Piccone, Marshall-4 A's and 2 B's Junior-Senior Prom was made by . "In .order to judge the nature of infinity in non-Euclidean will be managed by the students Chairman John Waters before a SOPHOMORES~ geometries, we must understand the concept of infinity,'' themselves and that all profits student assembly last Wednesday. Father Bilgery said. The first will go to the student activity Gonzales, Joseph J.--6 B's and 1 A fund. Morriss, Francis-6 A's and T B's The bids which went on sale this part of the volume, according to week are in the hands of a com- its author, will set up various The lunch room which has been FRESHMENKennedy, Samuel J.- 3 A's and mittee of juniors who will con- criteria by which the non-Euli under construction for the past 3 B's. tact each member ·of the student dean geometers may be judged. three weeks is made possible by. body. The second part of the volume, funds raised by or through the The final arrangements, Wat which is divided into three parts, student body. The project is spon ers reports, are being made. The tests the non-~uclidean geome sored by Father Donnelly who Library Usage orchestra, as announced, is to be tries of the pathfinders. "The successfully promoted the student Bill Glass; the place, the Lake- pathfinders," Father B i 1 g e r y lounge, ngwn as the corral, last Soars with War ( Continued on Page 2) stated, "accept all of Euclid's year. Before the war the number of fundamental propositions except books checked from the library the postulate of parallels." was 56 per day; after Pearl Har INVALID ASSUMPTION Council Pushes bor the number has increased to Fr. Gibbons Made "The pathfinders' initial as- 78, according to the Rev. E. T. sumption," said Father Bilgery, Sandoval, S.J., librarian. Assistant Dean Ail., invalid. The non-euclidean Defense Stamps Non-fiction books have taken The Rev. John J. Gibbons, S.J., ~ms of the pathfinders lead At the general assembly, held precedence over fiction reading, assistant professor of philosophy, - w patent absurdities." Contin- Rev. Conrad Bilgery, S. J. last Wednesday, Council President indicating, in the words of Father has been named to the office of uing, Father Bilgery said, "At Ted Fonk decried lack of student Sandoval, "the desire of the stu acting dean by the Rector, pend the basis of these geometries, him to regard the e'mpirical pos enthusiasm in the purchase of De dents to prepare themselves ade ing the official appointment of ~...... ~e find chimerical notions. The tulates of geometry as having fense Stamps on sale at the treas quately for army life." Scientific the Provindal general. logical deductions from these urer's office. He said: "We, as and mathematical books are now only empiric probability as hy The office of Dean was left concepts are equally false and students, have a very definite enjoying their greatest cil:cula~ potheses." vacant when the Very Rev. John chimerical." obligation to do everything in our tion, with reference and text J. Flanagan, S.J., w a s raised RIEMANN AND EINSTEIN "Einstein adopted the non- power to support our government's 'books on the social sciences a from dean to Rector, after the The third part of the volume is euclidean systems of Riemann," war effort. One of the best ways close second. resignation of Rev. R. M. Kelley, devoted to a short criticism of Father Bilgery asserted, "because to assist is to buy Defense Sav Among the two hundred maga the non-euclidean geometries of his relativity theory demanded a ings ·Stamps." zines to which the library sub S.J.