
Ballona Creek greenway pLAN Greenway Plan


The Mar Vista Culver City Mid-City

Implementation Introduction

The Greenway Plan Greenway Plan. The Plan reflects Reach 4: Mid-City describes opportunities to reconnect stakeholder recommendations for The Ballona District residents with their creek, create green access that would complement wetlands The under-utilized Mid-City reach of Ballona Creek corridor of trails and points of access, restoration. Ballona Creek can be redefined by Watershed enhance habitat, mitigate stormwater enhancing its creek-side character with Reach 2: Mar Vista runoff, redevelop land to improve distinctive native plants, landscape I-10 Adams Channel Reaching Out Ballona watershed functions, re-establish riparian treatments, and trails that connect and Creek Through Mar Vista, Ballona Creek’s Sepulveda areas, and increase the health and beautify neighboring residential and Channel presence can be enhanced by continuing SR-90 Centinela sustainability of the region. business districts. Creek the Greenway experience into the I-405 The Reach Plans summarize design neighborhoods opportunities in general terms, focusing bordering the on trail connections, gathering and entry creek. Urban points, stormwater mitigation, and street forestry, pedestrian Cochran design. enhancements, and Reach 4 Mid-City Gateway / Ballona Creek Park extensions of the The Ballona District Each Reach Plan features at least one Hauser Greenway landscape Community Crossings / Creek Crossings site-specific Early Action Plan, reflecting I-10 Fairfax are some of the Breaking Through / the ideas of stakeholders developed elements that can Ballona Regional Park during design charrettes. Following each reinforce connections. Adams Early Action Plan is a Vision Plan that I-405 Tributary Trails / Reach 3 Culver City Creative Confluences integrates a naturalized stream with the Reach 3: Culver City Creek Connections surrounding community. These plans can Creek Connections serve as advance planning for the U.S. Improving connections Sepulveda Channel Army Corps’ Lower Ballona Ecosystem to local parks C r e e k Restoration Feasibility Study. integrates Ballona a Creek with the Culver Reach 2 Mar Vista Reach 1: Ballona Wetlands City neighborhoods. l o n Reaching Out l The Coastal Centerpiece a The Greenway Plan Milton B While the Ballona Wetlands are a balances access with Reclaimed Open Space / Creekside Park defining feature of the Centinela privacy for residents Centinela coast, the interdependent features that Creek Permeable Parking / bordering the creek. Reach 1 Ballona Wetlands Creekside Cafe comprise the wetlands as a system are Coastal Centerpiece disconnected from each other and highly

disturbed. Planning for the restoration

of this wetland system is a larger effort outside the scope of the Ballona Creek I-405

28 BALLONA CREEK GREENWAY PLAN Cochran Gateway / Fairfax Ave BALLONA Ballona Creek Park CREEK La Cienega Blvd MID-CITY

Cochran Ave Washington Hauser Blvd I-10 Freeway I-10 Freeway Community Crossings Adams Blvd / Creek Crossings ADAMS Venice Blvd Fairfax National Blvd CHANNEL Breaking Through / Ballona Regional I-405 CULVER Park Freeway CITY

Duquesne Ave Mar Vista Adams La Cienega Blvd Palms Blvd Park Tributary Trails / Creative Culver Blvd

Overland Ave Confluences


Washington Pl Sepulveda Blvd Ballona Creek Greenway Plan Legend

MAR VISTA Washington Blvd

Inglewood Ave Sepulveda Channel Jefferson Blvd Site Design Location

Centinela Ave Trails


SR-90 VENICE Culver Blvd Open Space Milton CENTINELA Centinela Permeable Parking / Reclaimed Open Space / CREEK Centinela Ave Urban Forestry SR-90 Creekside Park Creekside Cafe Jefferson Blvd Permeable Paving/ MARINA Smart Parking DEL REY I-405 Freeway Stream Naturalization

Lincoln Blvd Playa Vista LOYOLA Biotreatment SANTA Ballona Creek MARYMONT BALLONA CREEK MONICA Wetlands UNIVERSITY Complete Streets BAY Culver Blvd Falmouth Ave Green Building Conversions

Vista del PLAYA Mar DEL REY

BALLONA CREEK GREENWAY PLAN 29 Core Approaches Greenway Plan provides a preliminary Green Building Conversions impacts flooding are constrictions such as Pervious Paving hydraulic modeling evaluation of a Existing structures can be retrofitted bridges. Widening the channel typically Pervious Paving replaces impervious naturalized channel. to capture and use rainwater, increase requires bridge replacement to eliminate surfaces throughout a range of land uses permeability, and connect to the the constriction. Combined Approaches to increase stormwater infiltration and surrounding landscape. Redevelopment Complete Streets The Los Angeles Regional Curve reduce flooding. zones can factor these improvements into Complete Streets provide multiple (2006) developed by Natural Channel new construction. Biotreatment benefits for pedestrians, cyclists, Design, Inc. was used for initial channel Biotreatment relies on the action of soil automotive traffic, stormwater Restoration Planning naturalization planning. The regional and plant microorganisms to break down management and habitat enhancement. Channel Design curve plots the relationship between pollutants. Biotreatment works well in Features in a typical Complete Street Naturalization of Ballona Creek has watershed size and channel width, depth, bioswales, detention or retention basins, may include conversion of some parking long been considered an impossibility. and area for waterways at bankfull flows subsurface trenches, and treatment spaces to traffic-calming “bulb-outs” and/ Extensive development to the edges within the same climatic and geographic wetlands. or bioswales or rain gardens; consistent of the channel’s right-of-way limits area as Ballona Creek. The regional tree canopy; permeable paving in parking restoration of the historical floodplain. curve was used to determine the width of Urban Forestry and Greenway zones; and bicycle “sharrows” indicating Observations of partially channelized the channel bottom in the development Landscape the appropriate path of travel for bicycles streams and examples of partial of the Greenway Plan and site designs Tree canopies reduce the urban heat in the traffic lane. naturalization of urban waterways offer presented herein. island effect, increase infiltration of clues to returning some stream functions stormwater, beautify communities, and Street Narrowing to Ballona Creek. enhance habitat. Native landscaping Street Narrowing can create space for (Top) Channel naturalization re- reduces dependence on irrigation and Complete Streets features or channel To maintain existing levels of flood establishes riparian habitat while trail and provides habitat for birds and small greenway improvements. Complete or protection while converting from a right-of-way landscape provide upland animals. partial street closures are another tool to concrete channel to one with a natural habitat and recreational access. improve open space and connections. bottom with some riparian/wetland Channel Naturalization vegetation requires increasing the overall (Left) A typical Complete or Green Channel naturalization removes concrete Smart Parking cross-sectional area of the creek and Smart Parking concepts reduce the Street enhances safe pedestrian and from the channel bottom, accommodating channel. Increasing the cross-section negative visual and watershed impacts of bicycle access through the traffic calming restoration of some stream function. The is achieved by widening the channel parking areas by increasing permeability effects of a continuous tree canopy, Lower Ballona Ecosystem Restoration within the right-of-way, adding low and biotreatment and/or reducing the curb extensions and marked shared Feasibility Study will explore channel floodwalls, and/or increasing the width footprint of parking area square footage. lane markings. Curb extensions double naturalization potential in detail. The of the right-of-way. Another factor that as rain gardens for the treatment of stormwater runoff.

The Ballona Creek Greenway Plan uses these common BMPs to achieve water quality, (Right) Urban Forestry and native plants habitat, livability and sustainability goals. They can be combined and applied to specific land improve habitat connectivity for birds uses that affect watershed function. while creating pocket parks for residents. Street Narrowing slows traffic, enhancing the pedestrian zone.

30 BALLONA CREEK GREENWAY PLAN BALLONA CREEK GREENWAY PLAN 31 Hydraulic Modeling 1968 County Capital Storm: While the The Vision Plans, which propose I-10 100’ 100’ In 2008, initial channel naturalization Capital Storm for Ballona Watershed naturalized channels for the Mid-City Adams LAC - 23,300 CFS (117.05’) cross-sections for four reaches were is in the process of being updated, the and Culver City reaches (pp.52-53, 58- Channel Ballona developed using Manning’s Equation as a calculations performed in 1968 remain 59, 62-63, and 66-67) incorporate the Creek reference for estimating channel capacity. the current standard. These standards modeled channel cross-sections into Sepulveda Cross-sections for the upper two miles were used during planning to evaluate their designs. The Vision Plans for Mar Channel As-Built - 11,011 CFS (101’) LAC - 23,300 CFS (99.3’) of the creek (National Boulevard, Culver the capacity of both the existing and Vista and Ballona Wetlands (pp. 38-39 SR-90 LBERF - 10,051 CFS (100.25’) As-Built - 11,011 CFS (96.29’) City to Cochran Avenue, Mid-City), proposed channel conditions. and 44-45) use the conceptual channel LBERF - 10,051 CFS (96.02’) Centinela Existing Channel Proposed Channel were then developed by Restoration cross-sections estimated with Manning’s Creek Initial findings confirm that designs Design Group for flood modeling. This Equation as the preliminary reference for proposed for the creek from National preliminary modeling effort evaluated naturalization. Modeled Water Surface Elevations, Existing and Proposed Channels Boulevard to Cochran Avenue can the existing conditions and a proposed I-405 Station 101+00 near Cochran Ave contain the 1959 As-Built design flows. Modeling results are described in detail in natural bottom channel for three design Sta 101+00 When evaluating the LBERF 100-year the Appendix. storm conditions: storm, flows overtop the channel in a 140’ 140’ 1959 As-Built Design Flows: The creek’s small area around Burchard Street. 1959 As-Built plans indicate the volume Overtopping could be prevented by LAC - 34,200 CFS (82.67’) LAC - 34,200 CFS (81.11’) of runoff the channel was designed to modifying area flood walls and Burchard LBERF - 22,021 CFS (76.93’) convey. It is not known if the channel Bridge elevations. Containing the 1968 LBERF - 22,021 CFS (75.99’) was designed to convey a 100-year Capital Storm, however, is challenging As-Built - 19,620 CFS (75.71’) As-Built - 19,620 CFS (74.94’) storm (a storm with a 1 percent chance not only for the naturalization design, Sta 11+41 of occurring in any year) or 50-year storm but also for the channel in its current (2 percent chance of occurring). It should condition; in either scenario, additional Existing Channel Proposed Channel be noted that upstream of the channel flood storage is needed. The lower water and some areas on tributaries, fall within surface elevations of the Capital Storm in Modeled Water Surface Elevations, Existing and Proposed Channels the 100-year floodplain. FEMA maps naturalization cross-sections result from Location of Modeled Reach Station 11+41 near Sentney Ave indicate that the right-of-way of part of the replacing existing low clearance bridges channel floods during the 100-year storm. with free-spanning bridges. Legend

2008 LBERF Flows: The U.S. Army Preliminary modeling focused on extreme Existing Channel (no vegetation) Corps updated the 100-year storm flood conditions in order to ascertain Proposed Naturalization calculations in 2008 as part of the the value of more detailed restoration Channel with vegetation Lower Ballona Ecosystem Restoration design and planning. Initial results Modelled Water Surface Elevations Feasibility Study (LBERF). Better data suggest further analysis is warranted. for the Following Flows: and new methods for calculating runoff The potential flood protection role of 1959 As-Built Design may reflect changes from the 1959 As- adjacent public land, such as large DWP Storm Built estimates. The 2008 LBERF data maintenance yards that could act as 1968 Capital Storm reflect the federal government’s standard flood storage, should be considered in for flood protection. future modeling. 2008 LBERF Design Storm 32 BALLONA CREEK GREENWAY PLAN Cross-Section Comparisons: Existing and Proposed Channel Geometries and Water Surface Elevations 100’ 100’

LAC - 23,300 CFS (117.05’)

As-Built - 11,011 CFS (101’) LAC - 23,300 CFS (99.3’) LBERF - 10,051 CFS (100.25’) As-Built - 11,011 CFS (96.29’) Existing Channel Proposed Channel LBERF - 10,051 CFS (96.02’)

Modeled Water Surface Elevations, Existing and Proposed Channels Station 101+00 near Cochran Ave

140’ 140’

LAC - 34,200 CFS (82.67’) LAC - 34,200 CFS (81.11’)

LBERF - 22,021 CFS (76.93’) LBERF - 22,021 CFS (75.99’)

As-Built - 19,620 CFS (75.71’) As-Built - 19,620 CFS (74.94’)

Existing Channel Proposed Channel

Modeled Water Surface Elevations, Existing and Proposed Channels Station 11+41 near Sentney Ave

Legend Existing Channel (no vegetation) Proposed Naturalization Channel with vegetation Modelled Water Surface Elevations for the Following Flows: 1959 As-Built Design Storm

1968 Capital Storm

2008 LBERF Design Storm Cross Section Comparison: Existing and Proposed Channel Geometries and Water Surface Elevations BALLONA CREEK GREENWAY PLAN 33 Cross-Section Comparisons: Existing and Proposed Channel Geometries and Water Surface Elevations Ballona Wetlands: Coastal Centerpiece

The Ballona Creek Greenway Plan trail along the Pacific Ocean connects New trails create safe pedestrian and begins at the downstream end with the to the Ballona Creek Bike Path. The bicycle access on Culver Boulevard and Ballona Wetlands. Wetland restoration Greenway Committee identified Cabora Road and increase multi-modal by the State Coastal Conservancy, opportunities for a series of walking and/ options for commuters and residents. Department of Fish and Game, and or bicycle trails throughout the wetlands The trails provide views across the partner agencies will enhance public complex and nearby neighborhoods wetlands and of the beautifully restored access and connections to adjacent that could reinforce the wetlands as the bluffs. remnant habitats. Here the coastal bike coastal centerpiece of Los Angeles.

Inglewood Ave

Marina del Rey Centinela Ave

Culver Blvd SR-90

Ballona Creek I-405

Ballona Creek SR-90

Jefferson Blvd

Lincoln Blvd Jefferson Blvd

Culver Blvd

Ballona Wetlands Centinela

Playa Vista

Cabora Rd Centinela Ave

Loyola Marymont Vista del Mar Falmouth Ave GREENWAY PLAN REACH 1 University

N Coastal Centerpiece

34 REACH 1 BALLONA WETLANDS Ballona Wetlands: Coastal Centerpiece I-10

Adams Channel The Cabora Road Trail provides new Creeks’s south bank, connecting to the Ballona Creek right-of-way, connecting to Ballona bicycle connections along either Lincoln Playa Vista neighborhood. . Creek Boulevard or the bluffs to LMU and Sepulveda Upstream, beyond the project area, the The Centinela site design on the Channel through Playa Vista to Centinela Creek path is a Class III route following pages includes many of the SR-90 and a new Centinela Creek Path. Signs Mar Vista Park along Centinela Ave until Bristol Parkway, strategies discussed in the Ballona Creek and designated vista points enhance Centinela where it is a Class I bike path along the Greenway Plan. Creek the route. The Centinela Creek Path Palms Blvd connects to a new trail on Ballona

Inglewood Ave I-405

Centinela Ave Reach 1: Ballona Wetlands Marina del Rey

Culver Blvd Legend SR-90 Access

Access Gateway

Bicycle / Pedestrian Route Venice Blvd

Ballona Creek Centinela Creek I-405 Bicycle / Pedestrian Bridge

Hydrology Ballona Creek Creek (Existing Channel) SR-90 Naturalized Creek Washington Pl Jefferson Blvd Lincoln Blvd Creek - Culverted Jefferson Blvd Outfall Entering Creek

Washington Blvd Washington Culver Blvd Centinela Landscape Playa Vista Open Space / Park

Cabora Rd Centinela Ave Urban Forestry Culver Blvd Culver Biofi ltration

Pervious Paving

Culver-Slauson Park Loyola Green Roof Sepulveda Channel Marymont Vista del Mar

Falmouth Ave University Complete Street N Site Design Location

REACH 1 BALLONA WETLANDS 35 Ballona Creek Ballona Milton


I-405 Early Action Plan: Centinela Permeable Parking

Adjacent to the Centinela Creek Channel Existing Conditions: Aerial Photograph is a shopping center with a supermarket, medical center, and restaurant. Across the channel are rights-of-ways for the flood control district and Caltrans. Prior planning efforts by others included concepts for diverting low flows for Centinela I-405 treatment into this site. Creek The Centinela Permeable Parking concept prescribes alterations that could enhance the uses of the parking area, while enhancing water quality. Driving lanes remain paved with asphalt, while parking stalls are converted to permeable pavement. A bioswale with native plants is centered between parking stalls to treat runoff. The concept may require cooperation from the planning department to reduce required parking.

The Centinela Permeable Parking Major St concept emphasizes alternative modes of transportation. Bicyclists are welcomed on-site with a designated path leading to the Centinela Creek Trail. The right- of-way along the channel is planted with native plants to create new habitat and enhance the creek experience. Centinela Ave

36 REACH 1 BALLONA WETLANDS Early Action Plan: Plan View Legend

1 Centinela Creek Trail

2 Bioswale

1 Centinela I-405 3 Bike Access Creek 4 Permeable Parking

5 New Solar Panels




Major St


Adams Channel Ballona Creek 5 Sepulveda Channel

Centinela Ave SR-90

Centinela Centinela Creek



Adams Channel Ballona Creek

Sepulveda Channel

SR-90 I-405 Centinela Centinela 2 Centinela Creek Creek

I-405 3

1 Section


Major St 7 5 Legend 6

1 Naturalized Centinela Creek

2 Centinela CreekTrail

3 Biotreatment 8 Centinela Ave 4 Lawn

5 Permeable Plaza

6 Cafe

7 Parking Structure

8 Solar Panels Vision Plan: Plan View

38 REACH 1 BALLONA WETLANDS Walkway Wetland Biotreatment Trail Freeway

Naturalized Centinela Creek CENTINELA / CREEKSIDE CAFE CONCEPTUALVision Plan:SECTION Section 0 10’ 20’ 30’


Vision Plan: Centinela Creekside Cafe

The Creekside Cafe Vision Plan explores A new parking structure creates space The creek’s natural beauty attracts for trail users. Children and nature buffs the potential for re-thinking the existing to naturalize Centinela Creek, treat shoppers and enhances property values. venture down the banks to a naturalized shopping center in a way that enhances stormwater runoff, create public plaza Widening the creek right-of-way creates Centinela Creek. A biotreatment facility the watershed, provides a new public and play space for shoppers and their habitat and enhances flood control. treats runoff and forms a buffer around a space, and meets the needs of the families, and revitalize the shopping The naturalized creek maintains a trail recreational lawn area. commercial property owner. center. connecting to Ballona Creek, while a bike These park improvements create an route from the shopping center connects Parking has a significant impact on For a commercial property owner, attractive destination to shop and linger. to a trail along Cabora Road, benefitting watersheds and viewsheds. Reducing the widening the right-of-way of a creek The Creekside Cafe Vision Plan improves students and staff at Loyola Marymount parking footprint with parking structures may seem counter-intuitive but it creates habitat, water quality, community University, residents at Playa Vista, and allows for a greater diversity and intensity space for amenities that will in turn draw connectivity, and opportunities. others with regional destinations. of uses. visitors to the site. Naturalizing Centinela Creek can be part of a business strategy The creekside cafe is the center for to create a creekside focal point. socializing as well as a staging area

REACH 1 BALLONA WETLANDS 39 Mar Vista: Reaching Out

The new Greenway through Mar streets, driveways, and parking areas, Avenue join a sharrows-marked Bicycle Vista reaches out into the community, green roofs and solar technology, and Boulevard. McLaughlin Avenue is prioritizing people and parks; reclaiming site drainage redirected into its central modified to become a Complete Street. streets for pedestrians and bicyclists; park. At , users re-enter the supporting sustainable communities; bikeway. The bike path terminates at the The edge between Culver-Slauson Park creating recreational opportunities; and Mar Vista Recreation Center on Palms and Ballona Creek is softened, creating enhancing existing parks. Boulevard. Here users can continue on to openness and accessibility. A bike/ Westwood, , or Neighborhood access gateways and pedestrian path along the Sepulveda Brentwood. pocket parks at entries to Ballona Channel marks a new major entry point Creek, invite residents and visitors to the to the creek. Greenway. Since Greenway planning Ballona Creek’s floodplain is integrated began in 2006, many gateways have with adjacent parkland. The right-of-way MAR VISTA been opened or are under construction.

is widened from Milton to the Centinela The Mar Vista plan reclaims streets gateway. Appropriate native planting as open space. Portions of Culver provides upland habitat for birds in the Boulevard, Milton Street, and Rosy Circle estuary. are narrowed for landscape, paths, or future rights-of-way, either by limiting Crosstown Connections: parking or creating one-way streets. Sepulveda Channel Bikeway Under the Ballona Creek Greenway Milton Street between Mascagni Street Plan, the Sepulveda Channel provides and Westlawn Avenue is closed to create REACH 2 a mixed-class bikeway that connects new parkland connecting Mar del Rey the Ballona Creek Bike Path to Palms Middle School’s yard to the channel. Boulevard in . This A new pedestrian bridge connects an I-10 route benefits UCLA and LMU commuters isolated neighborhood with the new park as well as others seeking safe routes to Adams and provides a shortcut to school. Channel Playa del Rey and downtown. Between Ballona Inglewood Avenue becomes a Complete Ballona Creek and Braddock Drive, a Creek Sepulveda Street, creating a walkable and bikeable vegetated loop trail doubles as a bike Channel

street that treats stormwater pollution. path and exercise route. The Sepulveda SR-90 Channel Greenway connects to a Class The Mar Vista Gardens residences I bike path on Culver Boulevard and a Centinela becomes a sustainability showcase Creek Class II bike lane on Venice Boulevard. retrofitted with native and drought-tolerant At Washington Boulevard, bicyclists plants, permeable paving on its private exit the Bikeway and along McLaughlin I-405

40 REACH 2 MAR VISTA Access Gateway Creek (Existing Channel) Open Space / Park Access Bicycle / Pedestrian Route Hydrology Bicycle / Pedestrian Bridge Naturalized Creek Creek - Culverted Landscape Storm Drain Outfall Entering Creek Urban Forestry ltration Biofi Pervious Paving Green Roof Complete Street Site Design Location

Ballona Creek

Mar Vista Park

Palms Blvd I-405 Palms Blvd

Culver Blvd

Washington Blvd Culver-Slauson Park


Sepulveda Channel Venice Blvd Venice Access GatewayPl Washington

Mar Vista Park

Bicycle / Pedestrian Route Venice Blvd Bicycle / Pedestrian Bridge Mar Vista Park

Hydrology Palms Blvd Creek (Existing Channel)

Naturalized Creek Washington Pl Creek - Culverted Legend

Storm Drain Outfall Entering Creek Washington Blvd Washington Milton Access Landscape

Open Space / Park Access Gateway

Urban Forestry Culver Blvd Culver Bicycle / Pedestrian Route Venice Blvd Biofi ltration Bicycle / Pedestrian Bridge Pervious Paving

Culver-Slauson Park Green Roof Sepulveda Channel Hydrology Creek (Existing Channel) Complete Street SR-90 N Naturalized Creek Site Design Location Washington Pl

Creek - Culverted

Ballona Creek Ballona Storm Drain Outfall Entering Creek Washington Blvd Washington Landscape REACH 2 MAR VISTA 41

Open Space / Park

Milton Urban Forestry Culver Blvd Culver

SR-90 Biofi ltration

Pervious Paving Culver-Slauson Park

I-405 Green Roof Sepulveda Channel

Complete Street

Site Design Location Ballona Creek Ballona Milton


I-405 Early Action Plan: Milton / Reclaimed Open Space

The Early Action Plan demonstrates how Complete Streets detailing - bioswales, along Rosy Circle leads to a pedestrian rethinking streets can improve pedestrian trees, enhanced pedestrian areas - is bridge connecting an isolated residential and bicyclist access, enhance the urban one of the best redesign approaches. area to Marina del Rey Middle School forest, mitigate stormwater, and create Narrowing the street allows for expansion and its new creek-side park. open space. of upland areas along the creek. Upland Mascagni Avenue and Westlawn Avenue native vegetation complements views Narrowing wide streets along Ballona also benefit from a Complete Streets of Ballona Creek, recreating a sense of Creek such as Rosy Circle create a more redesign. the natural environment. The creekwalk inviting creek-side environment. Using

Existing Conditions: Aerial Photograph

Marina del Rey Middle School

Ballona Creek Channel

Milton Street


Adams Channel Closing Milton Street between the school public park side, a small plaza allows Milton Street is closed for one block Ballona and creek affords an opportunity to create parents to gather and watch children and some of its right-of-way provides Creek a park fronting Ballona Creek. play, offers space for a farmers’ market, for access and trail continuity. Native Sepulveda Channel and accommodates picnics and other vegetation maintains the Greenway This shared school and public space Milton SR-90 activities. An equipment room provides aesthetic and improves habitat. is used for the school during school storage and rest rooms. Seating along Centinela hours and for the public on evenings Creek the fields is terraced down the outer and weekends. A dual-fence system banks of the flood control levee. controls access to play areas. On the I-405

Early Action Plan: Plan View Legend

11 1 Athletic Fields

2 Lawn Marina del Rey Middle School 9 3 Underground Cistern

1 4 Plaza

5 Equipment Room 8 6 Ballona Creek Bike Path and 11 2 5 Ballona Creek Maintenance Access Channel 3 7 Pedestrian Bridge 4 Milton Street 8 Terraced Seating

6 10 9 Ballona Creek Bike Path

10 Creek Walk

11 Complete Street

Rosy Circle 7 11



1 Athletic Fields 12 2 Underground Cistern Marina del Rey 1 Middle School 3 Permeable Playground

2 Ballona 4 Jogging Track Creek 3 5 Plaza Section B

6 Ballona Creek Bike Path 12 4

7 Native Landscape

8 Widened Right-of-Way 5 8

9 Pedestrian Bridge 6 10 Section A 10 Naturalized Creek

11 Creek Walk 11 12 12 Complete Street 7 9

Rosy Circle


Vision Plan: Plan View I-10

Adams Channel Ballona Vision Plan: Milton / Creekside Park Creek The Greenway’s naturalization scenario Vegetation in this tidally-influenced reach From the upland creek banks, trails lead Sepulveda Channel at Milton utilizes an expanded right- is characterized by salt-tolerant plants: down to the creek providing direct creek Milton SR-90 of-way to increase the flood capacity mulefat, saltgrass, and saltbush. Above access from the new park. necessary in a naturalized channel the marsh floodplain, coastal wetland Centinela For the school, Ballona Creek is now Creek and creates foodable park area. The plants migrate upstream and colonize the an outdoor learning laboratory, where design engages visitors in diverse park reach. children can conduct water quality experiences and brings users to Ballona I-405 Creek.

44 REACH 2 MAR VISTA Rosy Circle Creek Ballona Walk Bike Path

Naturalized Ballona Creek Vision Plan: Section A “Ballona Creek”

Athletic Field

Naturalized Ballona Bioswale Jogging Jogging School / Ballona Creek Bike Path Track Cistern Track Playground

Vision Plan: Section B “Creekside Park”

monitoring tests, observe wildlife, and infiltrate stormwater. Permeable paving and sharrows. A new pedestrian bridge study sediment movement. and bioswales at the school collect runoff provides a direct connection from an and transport it to a cistern. Cistern water isolated residential neighborhood to the While habitat and flood protection are MILTON / RECLAIMING STREETS / CREEKSIDE PARK is used to augment irrigation of the joint middle school. managed within the channel, stormwater CONCEPTUAL SECTION school-park playing field. 0 10’ 20’ quality30’ is improved by using BMPs Oak, sycamore, toyon, elderberry, SCALE throughout the neighborhood. Bioswales Rosy Circle becomes a Complete mulefat, sage, buckwheat and native within new Complete Streets capture and Street with a creek walk, bioswales, grasses populate the site.

REACH 2 MAR VISTA 45 Culver City: Creek Connections The Greenway Committee endorses paramount. Beyond the BCTFSS, the agencies to ensure that the bike path Culver City’s Ballona Creek and Trail Ballona Creek Greenway Plan focuses is a safe and pleasant route, and that Focused Special Study (BCTFSS) on creek and park connections through neighboring communities are protected projects. The BCTFSS plan is included Culver City. from illicit activities. in the Appendix. Public discourse and The Greenway Committee recommends In this concept, bicycle access points sensitivity to public safety and the privacy working closely with public safety provide easy neighborhood access and of properties abutting the creek are

Culver Blvd Venice Blvd

Ince Blvd Duquesne Ave

Sepulveda Blvd

Overland Ave Washington Blvd I-10 Freeway

National Blvd CULVER CITY

I-405 Culver City High School Syd Kronenthal Park

Adams Channel Ballona Creek Baldwin HIlls State Park Ballona Creek REACH 3

Jefferson Blvd

Studio Village La Cienega Blvd Shopping Center



SR-90 I-10

Adams prevent riders from being isolated on the insects. Signage addresses Major streets are retrofitted with bike- Channel bike path. Maintaining and increasing wayfinding, regulations, and site friendly improvements and Complete Ballona Creek access points should be a high priority. features. Underground filtration and Street technologies, improving safety, Sepulveda surface biotreatment intercept and treat shade, and water quality, while Channel Along the right-of-way, plantings stormwater before it enters the creek. increasing connections between the SR-90 and bike path improvements create creek and downtown Culver City’s many shade and attract birds and beneficial amenities. Centinela Creek Mar Vista Park

Culver Blvd I-405 Palms Blvd Venice Blvd

Ince Blvd Duquesne Ave Reach 3: Culver City

Sepulveda Blvd

Overland Ave Washington Blvd I-10 Freeway Legend

National Blvd Access

Access Gateway

I-405 Bicycle / Pedestrian Route CulverVenice City Blvd High School Syd Kronenthal Park Bicycle / Pedestrian Bridge

Adams Channel Hydrology Ballona Creek Creek (Existing Channel)

Baldwin HIlls Naturalized Creek State Park Washington Pl Ballona Creek Creek - Culverted

Storm Drain Outfall Entering Creek Washington Blvd Washington Jefferson Blvd Landscape

Open Space / Park La Cienega Blvd

Studio Village Urban Forestry ShoppingBlvd CenterCulver Biofi ltration

Pervious Paving Culver-Slauson Park Green Roof Sepulveda Channel N Complete Street

REACH Site 3 CULVER Design Location CITY 47 Ballona Creek Ballona

SR-90 Milton


I-405 The Studio Village Center at Sepulveda Seating areas at the library encourage parallels both sides of the channel. and Jefferson Boulevards is retrofitted patrons to enjoy reading outdoors in a These properties are retrofitted with with bioswales and permeable native garden setting. green roofs or solar panels, and runoff paving. Special areas with concrete is captured, filtered, and where possible, Beyond Duquesne Avenue, Ballona are designated for heavy delivery infiltrated via permeable paving and Creek crosses through residential vehicles. Street improvements between swales. Increasing the effective neighborhoods. Fencing and regrading the community, creek, and shopping permeability of private property in this of the right-of-way increase privacy for center encourage locals to walk or area is another plan priority. backyards on the creek. Public access ride to shopping. Complete Streets is focused at newly revegetated street Moving upstream, where the Adams present possibilities for community end access points. Landscape enhances Channel drains to Ballona Creek, a redevelopment zoning resulting in a both banks of the creek; the bike path triangular pocket park is located adjacent commercial district alongside the creek. remains on the north bank. to industrial properties that are walking Following the lead of a concept presented distance to the future La Cienega A Baldwin-to-Ballona Creek loop trail in the Ballona Creek Watershed Exposition Blue Line station. A small overlaps with the bike path starting from Management Plan, the high school’s field loop trail around the Adams Channel Rodeo Road to Duquesne Avenue. This is retrofitted to infiltrate runoff from the provides active recreation. Long-term, loop trail takes hikers up to the Baldwin surrounding community. Liability issues this confluence has the potential to be a Hills overlook. pertaining to off-site runoff on school major destination with terraced access to grounds are resolved through partnership , which parallels the natural creeks and wetlands in either an agreements between the City, County, creek, is upgraded with shade trees, industrial or mixed-use setting. and School District. Streets that dead- creek-side bicycling and strolling on At Washington Boulevard, the Ballona end at the creek incorporate Complete a new sidewalk. A native grassland Creek Bike Path directs pedestrians and Streets bioswales and infiltration designs. landscape provides visual interest in the cyclists to small businesses. right-of-way. Acquisition of a small parcel Projects that focus on permeability at Rodeo Road creates a pocket park that accompany this reach of the creek. can be converted to additional channel Locations include the county library, right-of-way for long-term restoration. middle school, and high school. Culver

City’s Ballona Creek entry is enhanced Between Ince Boulevard and Syd (facing page) Culver City’s projects with native plants and retrofits of the Kronenthal Park, an industrial zone to enhance the bike path echo the public library parking lot and landscape. Greenway Committee’s goals.




REACH 3 CULVER CITY 49 Early Action Plan: Adams / Tributary Trails

The concept for this area explores trail Trail. The Baldwin Hills-to-Ballona An enhanced crossing at the fork of La and water quality mitigation opportunities Trail, proposed in the Ballona Creek Cienega Boulevard and in an industrial context. The Greenway Watershed Management Plan, is an encourages community use of the trail. Committee often referred to this concept important link between the creek and the Trails and landscape improvements as “Blackwelder” after a nearby street. neighboring community. Active recreation along the top of the channel create features, biotreatment, native landscape, The Early Action Plan emphasizes trail a loop with a new pedestrian bridge. and trail connections are integrated into connections along Ballona Creek, Adams The group envisions this trail primarily the Baldwin Hills-to-Ballona Trail. Channel, and the Baldwin Hills-to-Ballona

Existing Conditions: Aerial Photograph

La Cienega Blvd

Fairfax Ave

Blackwelder St.

Ballona Creek Channel Adams Channel

50 REACH 3 CULVER CITY I-10 Adams Adams Channel serving employees of adjacent industrial top of the right-of-way. This diversifies Ballona companies. local habitat and improves the quality of Creek low flows in the channel. Acquisition of Sepulveda Native plantings create a habitat patch Channel currently under-utilized private property that over time can become part of a SR-90 in the industrial zone will increase wildlife corridor between the Baldwin Hills opportunities to implement biotreatment. Centinela and Ballona Creek. This concept pumps Creek water from Ballona Creek into a treatment swale and small wetland basin along the I-405 Early Action Plan: Plan View Legend 7 1 Ballona Creek Bike Path

La Cienega Blvd 2 2 Biotreatment

3 Pedestrian Bridge

Blackwelder St. Fairfax Ave 4 Loop Trail

5 Solar Panels

6 Enhanced Crossing 2 4 7 Trail to Ballona Creek at Fairfax Ave 5 4 8 Park

1 6 9 Trail to Baldwin HIlls


Ballona Creek Channel

Adams Channel 2 3 9 2


REACH 3 CULVER CITY 51 Ballona Ballona Bike Path / Bike path Naturalized Ballona Creek Access Road

Vision Plan: Section A “Ballona Creek”

Green Solar Roof Panels

Trail Ballona Bike New Parking Bioswale Path / Stairs

Industrial Naturalized Ballona Creek 0 10’ Redevelopment20’ 30’ Zone Confluence with Adams Channel SCALE

Vision Plan: Section B “Ballona-Adams Channel Creative Confluence”

Vision Plan: Adams / Creative Confluence

Confluences are meeting places of Adams Channel and Ballona Creek and development enhance the availability and There appear to be inefficiencies in waters where two streams converge to extends northward. Residential housing quality of adjacent open space. Options parking and circulation in one of the mix and blend. From this disturbance, abuts industrial. The much-anticipated to explore include zoning that creates adjacent industrial areas. Shared docking new patterns emerge. At this site, Ballona Exposition Line will stop nearby. open space along the creek. Developers’ and subsurface employee parking could Creek and the Adams Channel meet and open space requirements are committed create additional right-of-way for Ballona The Greenway Committee anticipates mix. Other confluences abound. Culver to an agreed upon zone to maximize Creek without compromising industrial transit-oriented development in the area City meets the City of Los Angeles. The multi-use restoration and parkland and land use. with the advent of the Expo Line. Local Baldwin Hills-to-Ballona Trail reaches exchange air rights for land. planning authorities should strive to have along the transmission corridor to


10 1 Naturalized Ballona Creek 4 1 2 Ballona Creek Bike Path La Cienega Blvd 11 5 3 Access Stairs

2 6 4 Industrial Redevelopment Ballona Fairfax Ave Creek 5 Green Roofs

7 Section A 6 Solar Panels Blackwelder St. 11 7 Subterranean Parking 3 8 Adams Channel 8 Naturalized Adams Channel

9 Enhanced Crossing 9 10 Trail to Ballona Creek at Fairfax Ave 12

11 Biotreatment Section B 13 12 Park

14 13 Daylighted Creek

14 14 Trail to Baldwin Hills


I-10 Adams Vision Plan: Plan View Adams Channel Another consideration in industrial areas becomes viable. A long-term restoration local examples of transmission corridors Ballona Creek is the increased runoff caused by large scenario proposes naturalizing both running along creeks (e.g., Johnny Sepulveda building footprints. Industrial rooftops channels and widening the right-of-way Carson Park at 7446 , Channel present opportunities for solar panels and to re-establish a wetland delta at the Burbank). Industrial zoning remains SR-90 green roofs. confluence of the two creeks. Trails and along the creek, integrating infiltration landscape terrace down to the creek swales, green roofs on north-facing Centinela Together with the planning strategies Creek habitat. The culverted reach of the roofs, and solar panels on south-facing described above, longer-term thinking Adams Channel is daylighted through roofs. Pedestrian enhancements assume for Ballona Creek and Adams Channel the electrical right-of-way similar to other I-405

REACH 3 CULVER CITY 53 Mid-City: The Ballona District

The Ballona Greenway Committee a bike path in the channel bottom, similar improvements along Venice Boulevard proposes a Ballona District concept in to the path in the bed of the Arroyo and residential streets abutting the creek Mid-City. The concept blends past and Seco, could maintain a path connection. incorporate bioswales and urban forestry MID-CITY

present cultural and natural influences on A channel bottom path would lie under to capture and infiltrate runoff before the landscape. water during storm events. Another entering Ballona Creek. bikeway connection follows the DWP The scale and layout of this reach lends In the Early Action Plan, Ballona Creek’s electrical transmission lines to the Adams itself to beautification as a District, where flows are redirected into the main Channel and Baldwin Hills. native landscape signals the creek-side channel, providing some visual interest zone. This work can be implemented Neighborhood access to the creek occurs and minor improvements in habitat. in concert with redevelopment or at every street end. Increased entry Throughout this reach of Ballona, neighborhood improvement projects. points encourage greater use; more REACH 4 long-term restoration possibilities users create a safer greenway. The Ballona District’s amenities provide a are promising. Initial flood modeling framework for community redevelopment, Biofiltration projects along the trail direct supports naturalization of the creek and enhanced outdoor leisure, and runoff to vegetated treatment areas. should be explored further. Additionally, connections to the rest of Ballona Creek, Continuous Deflection System (CDS) relocation of a maintenance yard at Ballona Wetlands, and Santa Monica units are installed where storm drains Fairfax can free space for Ballona Bay. connect. Some of the right-of-way is Regional Park, a significant future converted for community garden use. destination on the Ballona Creek At Fairfax Avenue, the Los Angeles Greenway. Integrated into the park Department of Water and Power (DWP) Pedestrian improvements within concept are the multiple benefits of maintenance yards and substation Complete Streets concepts at Thurman watershed management: stream and have stormwater BMPs that increase Avenue, Hauser Boulevard, and Burnside floodplain restoration, flood storage, permeability, capture site runoff, and Avenue reclaim the streets for people. active and passive parkland, and water treat incoming flows. Due to major Through-traffic slows and the creek trail quality treatment. infrastructure blocking the right-of-way, in appears better connected. the short term, bicycling connections are A gateway park at Cochran Avenue made via Venice Boulevard. Alternatively, signals the creek’s presence. Street


Adams Channel Ballona Creek

Sepulveda Channel


Centinela Creek Mar Vista Park

I-405 Palms Blvd I-10 Freeway Reach 4: Mid-City

La Cienega Blvd Venice Blvd Legend Fairfax Ave Access

Access Gateway

Bicycle / Pedestrian Route Venice Blvd Fairfax Bicycle / Pedestrian Bridge

Hydrology Thurman Ave Adams Creek (Existing Channel) Cologne St Channel Naturalized Creek Washington Pl Creek - Culverted Adams Blvd Washington Blvd

Hauser Storm Drain Outfall Entering Creek Washington Blvd Washington Landscape

Open Space / Park Hauser Blvd Cochran

Urban Forestry Culver Blvd Culver Burnside Ave Biofi ltration I-10 Freeway Cochran Ave Pervious Paving Culver-Slauson Park Green Roof Sepulveda Channel N Complete Street

REACH Site Design 4 MID-CITY Location 55 Ballona Creek Ballona Milton


I-405 Early Action Plan: Fairfax / Breaking Through

Breaking through or increasing Existing Conditions: Aerial Photograph permeability is the theme for this intensely paved reach of Ballona Creek. Permeability, however, does not refer to water alone. It includes permeable paving at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) Maintenance yards, and the creation of Complete Streets. It also allows cyclists to break through the barrier of the 10 Freeway to the DWP west, to connect Culver City, the Ballona Maintenance Wetlands, and the Pacific Ocean.

Fairfax Ave Yard Breaking through these barriers is a significant undertaking. The Greenway Committee considered several options including laying a bike path in the bed of Los Angeles Department the creek; terracing the right-of-way down of Water and Power and around freeway piers; cantilevering (DWP) Substation paths over the channel; and suspending Venice Blvd short spans of bicycle bridge from the freeway structure. In the short-term, bicyclists will need to ride Fairfax Avenue to Venice Boulevard and connect to the creek via La Cienega Boulevard, or ride Ballona Creek Channel DWP Fairfax Avenue to La Cienega Boulevard Maintenance and the Adams Channel. Yard With or without this short-term solution, traffc calming and pedestrian improvements on Fairfax Avenue, Venice I-10 Freeway Boulevard, and La Cienega Boulevard are priorities.

56 REACH 4 MID-CITY Early Action Plan: Plan View Legend

1 Ballona Creek Bike Path

2 Biotreatment 5 5 5 3 Permeable Paving

4 Enhanced Crossing

DWP 5 Complete Street Maintenance Fairfax Ave Yard 6 Park 3

Los Angeles

Venice Blvd Department of Water and Power 4 5 (DWP) Substation 5 5

3 3 Ballona Creek Channel DWP I-10 2 Maintenance 6 Fairfax Yard Adams Channel 1 2 Ballona Creek

Sepulveda Channel

SR-90 I-10 Freeway Centinela Creek

N I-405

REACH 4 MID-CITY 57 I-10 Fairfax

Adams Channel Ballona Creek 11

Sepulveda Channel

SR-90 11 11

Centinela Creek

(DWP) Maintenance Yard

I-405 Fairfax Ave 2

Legend 11 11 11 Venice BlvdLos Angeles Department 1 Naturalized Ballona Creek of Water and Power 3 2 Ballona Creek Bike Path (DWP) Substation 8

3 Biotreatment 7 4 Multi-Use Fields Ballona Creek 6 5 3 5 Seating 4 5 6 Stage and Storage 2 1 3 7 Flood Detention Section

8 Bridge 9 I-10 Freeway Apple Street 9 Enhanced Crossing 10 Trail to Adams Channel 10 Washington Blvd and Baldwin HIlls N 11 Complete Street

Vision Plan: Plan View

58 REACH 4 MID-CITY Drain Outfall Multi-use Field Fairfax Avenue and Bioswale Ballona Creek Access

Vision Plan: Section through Ballona Regional Park

VisionFAIRFAX Plan: / BALLONA Fairfax REGIONAL / Ballona PARK Regional Park CONCEPTUAL SECTION This plan relies on visionary political corridor to integrate trails, park elements, to access adjacent residential streets support and cooperation of the City of and biofiltration technologies. or cross from the intersection of Fairfax Los Angeles Department of Water and Avenue and Apple Street. Ballona Creek’s riparian corridor within Power to combine and manage two Ballona Regional Park has room to Neighboring streets are improved with maintenance yards jointly. This allows for meander. It would inundate a willow Complete Streets approaches and the southern yard to be transformed into thicket and provide essential habitat. pedestrian enhancements. the Ballona Regional Park in a restored

floodplain. The park stores floodwaters, The park features a building with rest provides habitat, and allows for rooms, equipment storage, and a stage. recreational activities, music, and theater. The fields surrounding the building accommodate multiple activities. The site This park is a significant destination slopes gently up to the street level with for residents in Mid-City and a regional terraced amphitheater seating. attraction accessible via public transit and bicycling. The park is the terminus of the Soil is excavated to lower the park and Baldwin Hills-to-Ballona Creek Trail. The create a basin that can be flooded. This park concept was developed first in the major change in topography requires Ballona Creek Watershed Management a new bridge at Fairfax Avenue. Park Plan. It utilizes a DWP transmission visitors can cross beneath this bridge

REACH 4 MID-CITY 59 Ballona Creek

Hauser Boulevard

Existing Conditions: Aerial Photograph Early Action Plan: Hauser / Community Crossings

Greenway street crossings break was developed for Burnside Avenue, flashing crossing lights highlight the trail continuity and create hazards. Thurman Avenue, and Hauser Boulevard. crosswalk, expanded to the width of the The Community Crossings concept right-of-way. The trail meets the street and the existing strengthens continuity with landscape cap over the creek is transformed into a The Complete Streets concept combines that slows and alerts traffic to trail users. small plaza and staging area. Low native rain gardens and urban forestry at Hauser The concept can be applied to any trail shrubs soften the edges of the plaza. Boulevard. Class II bike lane striping street crossing. The example presented Patterned paving and signal-activated, or Class III “sharrows” markers improve bike safety and biofiltration swales treat

60 REACH 4 MID-CITY Legend

1 Ballona Creek Bike Path

2 2 Native Landscape 6 3 Seating

5 5 Ballona Creek 4 Enhanced Crossing 2 5 Bicycle Lanes 1 6 Complete Street 3

2 3 4



Hauser Boulevard N

Early Action Plan: Plan View

I-10 Hauser

Adams Channel stormwater. The redesign increases non- Ballona Creek motorized connections between Ballona Sepulveda Creek, nearby commercial areas, and the Channel

Venice Boulevard Class II bike lane. SR-90

Centinela Creek


REACH 4 MID-CITY 61 Vision Plan: Hauser / Creek Crossings

The Hauser Creek Crossings plan This creek restoration concept maintains as well as over the new bridge; the to all street crossings over Ballona reorients the experience of passers-by, existing levels of flood protection and Ballona Creek Bike Path passes below. Creek. Thurman and Burnside Streets calling attention to Ballona Creek and the meets current standards for a 100-year are similar in scale, making them A Class II bike lane provides a natural park environment. storm event. Most of the year, trail users particularly strong candidates for the continuous connection to Venice will only see a trickle of water. Hauser approach. Naturalization of Ballona Creek and Washington Boulevards. Hauser reintroduces the sights and sounds Native landscape along the creek trail Boulevard’s wide parking strips are of singing birds, rustling leaves, and provides upland habitat to complement transformed into rain gardens and urban flowing water. The former concrete cap riparian habitat and reinforces the feeling forestry, creating a Complete Streets is replaced by a bridge that gently raises of an ecological retreat. design. travelers over the creek. Guardrails on Pedestrian travel is improved with paths While the Hauser/Creek Crossings the bridge replace walls and planters, from Hauser Boulevard to the bike path Vision Plan focuses on Hauser inviting views of the creek. Boulevard, its principles can apply

Hauser Boulevard / Ballona Creek Bridge (in Background)

Stairs Overlook and Floodwall Ballona Creek Bike Path Access Road and Floodwall Naturalized Ballona Creek

Vision Plan: Section



1 Naturalized Ballona Creek

7 2 Ballona Creek Bike Path

6 Section 3 Bridge

4 Trail Underpass 5 5 Ballona Creek 5 Bicycle Lane

6 6 Native Landscaping

7 Complete Street 3 4 1



Hauser Boulevard N

Vision Plan: Plan View I-10 Hauser

Adams Channel Ballona Creek

Sepulveda Channel


Centinela Creek


REACH 4 MID-CITY 63 Venice Blvd

Cologne Street

Ballona Creek

Existing Conditions: Aerial Photograph

Early Action Plan : Cochran / Gateway

The Ballona Gateway announces Ballona With no parkland within a half mile The Gateway Park pumps water from Creek’s presence to travelers on Venice radius of this location, the Gateway Park the channel bottom and runs it through a Boulevard. Pocket parks on either side creates a rare public gathering area biofiltration fountain. These flows return of the intersection of Venice Boulevard for the community. The park’s seating to Ballona Creek. and Cochran Avenue lead visitors to encourages visitors to rest in the shade. Paving distinguishes the creek-side area a daylighted channel. The Gateway Groups can meet in the park and prepare and alerts motorists to this pedestrian- Park marks the eastern terminus of the for their trail experience. friendly zone. Venice Boulevard and all expanded Ballona Creek Bike Path.

64 REACH 4 MID-CITY Legend

6 9 1 Ballona Creek Bike Path

2 8 Native Landscaping Venice Blvd 5 9 3 Seating 7 4 Enhanced Pedestrian Zone

3 8 5 Enhanced Crossing

4 6 Pocket Park Cologne Street 7 Biotreatment Fountain

3 8 Complete Street 8 2 9 Bicycle Lane

Ballona Creek 8 8



Cochran Avenue

Early Action Plan: Plan View

I-10 Cochran

Adams Channel Ballona Creek streets that terminate at the creek are In Ballona Creek, a low weir over the inlet Sepulveda outfitted with rain gardens, bioswales, to the diversion channel keeps low flows Channel urban forestry and permeable paving. in the channel. The sight and sound of SR-90 moving water increases interest for trail Native vegetation along the channel is Centinela users. Creek interspersed with community garden plots, encouraging stewardship of the creek. I-405

REACH 4 MID-CITY 65 Legend

1 Naturalized Ballona Creek 12 9 2 Ballona Creek Trail 11 Venice Blvd 3 Stairs 8 12

4 Native Landscaping 10 5 5 Seating

6 6 Street Closure

7 Enhanced Pedestrian Zone Cologne St. 7

Section 8 Enhanced Crossing 5 11 9 Pocket Park Ballona Creek 10 Biotreatment Fountain

11 Complete Street 4 1 3 12 Bicycle Lane 2

Cochran Avenue 11 N 11 11

Vision Plan: Plan View

Cochran I-10 Vision Plan: Cochran / Ballona Creek Neighborhood Park Adams Channel The Ballona Creek Neighborhood Park residential community is relocated one Ballona Creek transitions from a box Ballona Creek anchors a naturalized Ballona Creek block east at Cloverdale Street. culvert to a naturalized channel with

Sepulveda within the Ballona District. floodwalls. Willows and mulefat dominate Channel The park provides seating and staging the creek’s floodplain. Sycamore, oak, SR-90 By closing a small stretch of Cochran areas. Native trees shade benches and toyon, native sage, blackberry, and Avenue, the park is extended to connect picnic tables. Shrubs buffer the park and grasses soften the edges of the trail. Centinela with Ballona Creek. Permeable paving residences from Venice Boulevard traffic. Creek Preliminary modeling indicates that this lines the pedestrian area that replaced As in the Early Action Plan, biotreatment natural, widened creek zone can contain Cologne Street. Vehicular access of Ballona Creek’s low flows is integrated the same flows as the current concrete I-405 between Venice Boulevard and the into the park’s design. channel.

66 REACH 4 MID-CITY Street End Stairs Ballona Bike Street End Path, Access Overlook and Road, and Floodwall Floodwall

Naturalized Ballona Creek

Vision Plan: Section

The Ballona Creek Bike Path doubles as stormwater. Native landscape enhances an access road approximately 13’ above the urban forest. Streets are striped to the channel bottom. Where street ends ensure that motorists can share the road meet the channel at a higher elevation, with bicyclists. stairs and ramps provide access down to The Park is a keystone of the Ballona the trail. District, signalling Ballona Creek’s Venice Boulevard and smaller, residential presence, improving the environment and streets in this area are retrofitted as creating better between residential and Complete Streets. Street-side planted business areas. COCHRAN AVEareas TERRACES capture, treat, and infiltrate CONCEPTUAL SECTION REACH 4 MID-CITY 67

0 8’ 16’ 24’


Ballona Creek Greenway improvements Land Trust with a density bonus associated with are already happening. Implementation A significant barrier to Greenway a transfer of air or development rights on a broader scale, as envisioned in the development is identifying an agency from the Greenway land to the proposed Ballona Creek Greenway Plan, can occur willing to take responsibility for development. through many mechanisms. Though time maintenance, liability, and operations of Ballona Land Bank consuming, multi-agency collaboration recreational elements. Formation of a The Ballona Land Bank would map can result in a more cohesive process. land trust with the mission of providing future open space. The mechanism for insurance, maintenance and operations Opportunistic Development acquiring and developing open space services for a Ballona Creek Greenway Initially, conservancies, cities, and would involve a transfer of a proposed would facilitate Greenway development. activists can begin to implement the development’s required open space to As an NGO, it could receive corporate, Ballona Creek Greenway Plan with purchase and improve a designated private individual, and government pocket park improvements. Over time, equivalent or greater acreage along the contributions. Youth training programs the pieces will generate momentum and creek. could be integrated into its activities become a cohesive, unified Greenway. to engage community members while It would be essential to define the terms Community Consortium expanding funding options. of the exchange to ensure the Greenway Conservancies, cities and NGOs could benefits. For example, language could A Role for Planning unite to create a consistent Greenway call for a transfer of the equivalent Departments with common principles and details. acreage to the creek or, in the event that Incorporation of the Greenway in They could apply individually or together land along the creek is less expensive planning open space elements and for funding to implement reaches of than the land in the development, the specific plans can help dedicate development based on their abilities or maximum acreage that can be acquired resources to Greenway development. entrust development to a single entity. at the same value as the land in the Creekside zoning can dedicate setbacks development, whichever is greater. that expand the Ballona Creek right-of- way. If necessary, this could be combined