JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 9, Number 2, April 1996 A COMPACTIFICATION OVER Mg OF THE UNIVERSAL MODULI SPACE OF SLOPE-SEMISTABLE VECTOR BUNDLES RAHUL PANDHARIPANDE Contents 0. Introduction 425 1. The quotient construction 428 2. The fiberwise G.I.T. problem 433 3. Cohomology bounds 435 4. Slope-unstable, torsion free sheaves 437 5. Special, torsion bounded sheaves 440 6. Slope-semistable, torsion free sheaves 443 7. Two results in geometric invariant theory 449 8. The construction of Ug(e, r) 454 9. Basic properties of Ug(e, r) 458 10. The isomorphism between Ug(e, 1) and Pg,e 464 References 470 0. Introduction 0.1. Compactifications of moduli problems. Initial statements of moduli prob- lems in algebraic geometry often do not yield compact moduli spaces. For example, the moduli space Mg of nonsingular, genus g 2 curves is open. Compact moduli spaces are desired for several reasons. Degeneration≥ arguments in moduli require compact spaces. Also, there are more techniques available to study the global ge- ometry of compact spaces. It is therefore valuable to find natural compactifications of open moduli problems. In the case of Mg, there is a remarkable compactification due to P. Deligne and D. Mumford. A connected, reduced, nodal curve C of arith- metic genus g 2isDeligne-Mumford stable if each nonsingular rational component ≥ contains at least three nodes of C. Mg, the moduli space of Deligne-Mumford stable genus g curves, is compact and includes Mg as a dense open set. There is a natural notion of stability for a vector bundle E on a nonsingular curve C.Lettheslopeµbe defined as follows: µ(E)=degree(E)/rank(E).
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