
1. Beachman, A. and Williams L.J., Economics of Industrial

Organisation, $ir Isac Pitman & Sons Ltd.· London -· 196:3.

2. Bain Joe.s., Industrial Organisation, University of california, pp. i - 2, 4, Berkeley, 1968.

3 ~ Rao- Maheswar, Urna Ch. ,• Small Scale Industir ies, Popular Prakashan,; pp. '17.:.18, Bombay. 1965. 4.- Record~, Dir~ctorate ·of Small .Scale and Cottage Industry.,

west , Calcutta.

Chapter I.

1.- Dash., Jules,- Arther, C.I.F.~ Bengal District Gazetters,

Darjeeling Government Printing, Bengal Govern1nent Press,

Alipore, Bengal,;- 1947.

2. Sen. Gupta~ J atindra Chandra,_ Gazetter of ,_ West

'· Bengal, t'lest __ Binajpur, April 1965.

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Bengal, Malda, December 1969. 4. Bose, s.c., Geography of , Publication of the

Geographical Insti·t.ute, pp. 23-24, Calcutta- 1970. -.- 5. Records, Director ate of Regional Meteorologi??l Centre,

Al~pore; Calcutta.

6. Records. Soil Testing Laboratory, , Darjeel.ing


_7. Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, Census of

India 1971, West Bengal series 22-Part II - A, General

Population Tables 0 Delhi - 6, 1973.

I' - 229 -

8. Records, Directorate of Agriculture, Government of

West ~engal, Coach Behar, , , Malda,

~.Yest Dinajpur.

9. Mitra. A., Census of India, 1951 Vol.VI Part I A-

Report p. 61.

10. Records, 'l;.~orking Plan Division, Darjeeling.

11. Geological Survey of India, Niscellaneous Publication

No. 30 Part I, \'lest Bengal pp. 20-21., 24~ ,, Chapter II.

1. National Council of Applied Economic Research,

Techno-Economic Survey of vJest .1Jen9al, P• 153,

:se"-' Delhi, 1962.

2. l~nnual Statistics 1973-73 t~est Bengal State Electricity

Board, pp. 3, 24-25.

3. Hecords, Chief Executive Engineer, P.I·J.D. Jalpaiguri,


4. The Statesma.TJ~ Calcutta Edition, National Road Congress,

20th December, 1977.

s. Frontier Railway, Chief Operating Superin-

tendent, 1979.

6. Records, Deputy Commissioner's Office, Coach Behar.

7. Records, Directorate of Small Beale and Cottage Industry,


8. Central Dank of India., Jalpai, Survey H.eport - 1972.

9. P,ecords, Dis·trict Industrial Office, Jalpaigt.lri.

10. Records, District Industrial Office, !•lalda. - 230-

11. Records, Dis·trict Industrial Office, ~"iest Dinajpur.

12. Records, United Bank o.f India, Sta·te Ba.Ilk of Ir1dia,

Central Bank of India, Allahabad Bank, Siliguri, I>laldal

Balurghat branch.

13. Brochure, .f'or State Cabinet £•1eeting, \r~e2,t Dinajpl,lr,

Balurghat, 7th July 1973 (Unpublished).

J ;. 14. Records. ~vest Beng:al Financial Corporation, Siliguri.

Chapter III

1. Shet.ty, M.c .. , Srrtall Scale and Household Industries in a

Developing Economy, Asia .Publishing House P. 12, India,


21.. Controller -of Publication, Civil Lines,. Census of

India 1971, West Bengal Series 22-Part II-A, General

Populatiori)Tables, Delhi- 6, 1973.

3. Carl. J. Freidrick, Al,fred 'l'heory ot· Location of .. Industries, 'I'he Universi·ty of Chicago Press P. 25, 1968.

4. Annual Statistics, ~·lest Bengal State Electricity Board

1973 -'74.

s. Jalpaiguri. 1973, Final year of the Four·th Plan, Office

of the Deputy Commissioner, Jalpaiguri, pp. 106·-108,


6. Records, Directorate of Small Scale and Cottage Industry,

~·Jeet Bengal, Calcutta.

7. Records, District Industries office, .

8. H.ec6rds, Rural Industrial :!?reject Office, Darjecling.

9. Records, Directora·te of Small Scale Industry, Siligu.ri, Daijeeling. - 231 -

10. Records, District Industrial Office, Ja1paiguri.

11. Records, Rural Industria~ .. Project Office, !1a1da.

12. Records, Industrial Project Office, Balurghat,

West Dinajpur.

Chap·ter N •

lo Records, Directorate of Small Scale and Cottage

Industries, Registered uoto 13.12.1975. - /, 2. Personal investiga-tion to different sampleun.its


3. District Industrial Office, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling,

Jalpaiguri, i•la1da, ~'/est Dinajpur, 1976-78.

4. Block Development Offices, Coach Behar, Darjeeling,

Jalpaiguri, N.alda, l-:e5t Dinajpur, 1976 - 78.

ChaEter V.

1. Di_s·trict Statistical Office Bureau of Applied Economics

and Statistics of Government of 1tiest Bengal, Cooch Behar,

Basic Statistics of Coach Behar District 1974:-75.

2. Report of 'rechno Economic Survey for District of

West Dinajpu.:r • Vol. I, Rural Industries Project,

West Dinajpur, BalUJ::ghat, 1974.

3. Industrial Potential in Coach Behar, United Bank Survey

Report, 1974.

4. Hun·ter, \•l.E .. , 2:::. Statistical Account of Bengal, Vol.VIl,X,

'l'rubner and Co. London 1876. ·

5. Records, Superintendent, Directorate of Sericulture,

Malda. - 232-

6. Records, Rehabilitation Industrial Corporation, £<.talda.

7. Records, Luthern tvorld Services, North Bengal, Head

Office, Sericulture Section.

8. Records, Sericulture Office, Matigara, Darjeeling. ' 9. Jalpaiguri 1973, Final Year of the Fourth Plant, Office

of the Deputy Conm1issioner, Jalpai9Uri·30.6.7~~ ·. ·.,... 10. Records, Central. Bee-keeping Industry, ~~~~adi and

Village Industries Commis.sion, •.

11. Records, Directorate of Small .f:'armers,, of Development '•' Office.

12. Records, Himul Co-operative Society, Da~jeeling.

13. Records, Design Centre, Handicraft Board, Darjeeling.

14. Records, Tibetan Self help Centre, Darjeeling.

15. _ Industrial Pott:mt'ial of f1alda District - 1973,

Small Scale Industry Extension ~raining Institute, Hydrabad. " Chapter VI.

1. Records, District Industrial Office' coo.ch Beha:c.

Darjeeling, ~alpaigu:r:i, l-'lalda, West Dinajpur, Forest.

Department • ., 2. Annual Statistics, \


3. .Records,· Forest ~

4. Census of. India 1961, i>iest bengal & Sikki!;U Part II P.~,

General Population ·rables.

-5. Censu~ of India 1971, •vest Bengal Series 22, Part II-A,

General Population Tables. 233 -

6~ Records, Directorate of Agriculture, Government 9f

west Bengal.

7• Field Investigation of 37 sample units in Coocp Behar,

Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, \fest Dinajpur • 1976-78.

B. Records, Central Excise, North Bengal Circle, Siligur Division.

9 •. Records, The Timber .Auction Meeting, Forest

Division, 12th February., 1978.

10. Records, Financial Corporation of \'lest Ber.igal, Siliguri, Darjeeling. Chapter VII. 1. Martin, Montogomary, The History, Antiquities,

Topography and Statistics of Eastern India, Dinajpur. R!.lr.~AY_~_._ - ~ Vol. III, Cosmo Publication 1976.

2. Hunter, \·l.F., A Statistical Account of Bengal Vol. VII,

X, 'l'rubner and co .. London, 1876~

3. Government of West Bengal Publication of Hand-loom

\\'eek, 1965-66.

,,, 4. ~~ecords, Directorate of Handloom Industry,·- , West Dinajpur.

5. ,Handloom Industry of West Bengal~ 1975-76,·Directorate

of Handloom and 'I'extile3s. 6. Gupta, Dutta, J., Census of India 19?1, Vol.XII,

west Bengal & , Part II -c(ii}, Nigration Tables (D-1 to D-11). - 234 -

1. Personal Investigation to the 30 sample units in

cooch Behar, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, t4alda, ~Vest

Dinajpu:t..· districts. ,, 8. Report of· the J:'act Finding Committee, the -Eandloom

~~·eaving Industry 1950-51 Annual.

9. Eecords • Direct;.orate of Haridloom, Cooch Behar, r-ialda,

~vest Dinajpur districts.

Chapter '!III.

1. Persc.nal consult.ation uith t:he District Industrial

Offices, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling, J'alpaiguri,' fv1alda,

\'Jest Dinajpur, 1976 - 78.

2.. Personal. enquiry \\dth the owne:i::s of the surveyed

sample units, 1976-78. ,,