TREND AND PATTERN OF INTERNAL MIGRATION AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION IN WEST BENGAL THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN GEOGRAPHY BY NAFISA BANU UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROF. FARASAT ALI SIDDIQUI DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH-202002 (INDIA) 2016 PROF. FARASAT ALI SIDDIQUI DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Ex. Chairman & Coordinator, DRS II ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH – 202002, INDIA Professor October 04, 2016 Certificate This is to certify that Ms. Nafisa Banu has completed her doctoral thesis entitled, ‘Trend and Pattern of Internal Migration and Socio-Economic Transformation in West Bengal’, for the award of Ph.D. Degree in Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, under my supervision. This is an original piece of research in Geography. In my opinion, it is fit to submit for evaluation. (Prof. Farasat Ali Siddiqui) Supervisor Mob: +91-9410427468, e-mail:
[email protected] DDeeddiiccaatteedd ttoo MMyy FFaatthheerr LLaattee MMdd.. MMaaiinnuull IIssllaamm aanndd MMyy MMootthheerr NNaassiimmaa KKhhaattuunn ABSTRACT Migration is defined as the change of the usual place of residence through time and space. Excluding natural increase it is the only phenomenon which can bring a change in the population of a region. An area can gain population only through fertility of its people or by in-migration and it can lose population through mortality among its inhabitants or by out-migration. Thus the effects of migration on population growth are bi-directional while that of fertility and mortality are unidirectional. Migration is a major factor in changing size and structure of the population in regional perspective as well as of the nationwide areas.