Department of State Project (S200000044)

Attachment to 1979Air ram Xo. 46 from American Embass to the De artment of State

Part 5 of 7 AI y In ernational ADL Anti Defamation League D Disappeared D & REAPP. Disappeared and Reappeared DAIA Delegscion de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentiras IACHR Inter American Com. on Human Rigbts K Killed N. E.A. D. No registra antecedentes de detencidn PAHR Asamblea Permanerte de Derechos Humanos R Released MHRC United Rations Human Rights Committee 'Detained MEI&DEZ LOMPODIO, baby (Uruguayan)

DIS 7-13-76

Vh'efc- %.s-'IS

MEIIDEZ LOMPODIO, Sara Rite (Uruguayan ) Age: 33 Calle Juana Azurduy 3163,Buenos Aires

Disappeared in Buenos Aires 7-13-76. At present in Penta Rieles Prison in Uruguay, accused of subversive association.


Detained in La Plate

Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre MENDEZ VAL, Epifanio

Disappeared 10-6-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7e (t)

MENDIOIAZA, Obrero Renault


Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MENDOZA, Carlos Alfredo


AISC (Clarin) MSHDOZA, Carlos k'sbs

4/so/8 Detained between 6/20 to 6/10, 1978.

)~e L/; II'I Harris data-8-14-78

do/PP/0 MENDOZA, Jose Martin 8'» qs Qt'. 2 ysR 425

C-&&-dr, Disappeared. FOR. Oil'. Inq. : 4-18-77 OOA reply: 6-8-77 6-10-77 Ho record I:s,i.

2e, r,i Aunt Mrs. Castillo tsnnenrge=~. iii. PHf:It)


DIS PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) MENENDEZ, Guillenno Antonio Sict nq N. s e*m, A

Disappeared 10-29-77

NL PARR-Prenss 5-17-78() 4 Q 3m~. 4mtu

MENENDEZ, Mario Eduardo Age: 20 LE; 13.182.417

DIS 2/77 Concordia

fllHP((l) DFF

MENENDEZ, Narra Susana

ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) NENENDEZ, Rsiael Naris



MENEM, Carlos

October 31, 1978,Govenor of Provincia de La Rioja, Carlos Menem is in Mar de Plata accoring to the news paper, La Razon. He was releasegfrom PEN but should not leave the city.

MENIN, Qvide

Detained in Resistencia prison since 3-31-76

Mexico 79 s Jtsra&ms". MENNA, Domenico . —Medicine-student

Lancillota on 7-19-77 ABD. together with wive A.M.

GLIMR(lj Cancer Anti Congress 9/78

qJ-o)/y MEHNA, Fable )i Age;

Detained with mo ther Rina Faquel in may 1977.

VIEJAr 5-31-78 &'~;.c'd. &' l»-. kr. French Embassy

MENNA, Reinaldo0 M artie LE. 4.051.410


FDD ~, Adrian Gabriel

Under PEN United 9 La Plate


Eduardo Ezekiel ~,9 i'. Iso P'

Disappeared 5-13-76

I'IL PAR-Prensa 5-17-78~~1) C ol Icrn fgjj L~kj) Eli LLiaE g

IIERBM HIIR MEBBLLHM, Eduardo Paul AD EauLN'Q Dob: 4-18-1946-La Plata Married; too children

ABD 9-14-76 Barrio de Villa Devote, Bs.As.

Munitis de Merbilhaa (Wife) 23, Alee Louis Bldriot 4310 Orly~- , fear, f:, I I PR

'fRI„',(i) R/ITS MERCADEL, Luis Salvador LE 4.991.054-CI 5.979.686 7 I:is

'c ho e wbgle Disappeared on 1-9-77. Returning to Ids f'or a bus was surprised by a group of armed men. waiting are no Afraid he ran and was wounded. Since then there news.

MERCADEL, Josefina ludi. ce de (Mother) |Madreselva 6969-Capital Im + Sarmiento, Julia Estele (CI 7.064.112) (Bride) Block 49-Piso 14-Dto. C. Lugano I y II.Capital 8-11-77 - Letter to Derian. 8-3-77 - Statement. Sent to T.Todman. +Statement to Representatives. 8-19-77 — Statement to Senators.


MSRCADER, Marie )(t 3I'. ,II &aid, lq

DIS 2-15-77 La Plata

HERCADO, Adela del Cazmen Ager 30 Doc. . 5.278. 095 MERCADO, Julio ~44i

7 5. & 83.5'

5- &-2'i Disappeared. 8-20-77

Lia. Arg. Der. Hombre

~g~MERCADO, Manual Antonio . . —-Moc . 8.088. 946


DIS 8-23-75

Tucumsn Ir'b ()

MERCADO, Maria del Valle A'Eel 28 Doc, 11.335.905

Tucuman ('8 H((t) Wgwi~ MERCADO~u LUNA Ricardo (editor) g~ ((~uJ,

Arrested in 4/76; imprisoned mmu %ca.

hl ' 5 ~k, Kq Fl&~ Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT

R)cPd- tm. OALnsen

MERCURI, Ymria Leonor CI. 6.667.071 LE. 10.460.321 Darri o Cementista-Monoblock "B" Sector B-Dpto. 2-Las Heres, Mendoza

Arrested by a group pf armed men on 9.9.76 (Operative antijesuita). A(cud+

h4-('-;- -('~-7 () Mercuri, Dolores Yonzo de (Mother) Alrarado 2770-Dpto. 38-Capital Phone 21-1294 ('~md5s rant(", f;~) JTE 2-9-7'8 7.'".

Qi MEREB, Jorge Luis Age: 30

DIS 3-3-77

PAHR (L) Disappeared 1%-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (s)

~IS, Rodolfo Antonio

4 ~ W)ai ~l 3I g le

~REQUE. Sebas sian

DZS 6-2-77

PARR 4 MERES, Jorge Luis

Disappeared 3-3-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78

3tslft3 MERIALDOt Daniel Aldo fi„~ev',&. 224 XIt

Dssappeared 11-25-77 Iv tttttspt ~" ~t

GI ka Ksa

ll lSC PAIRI-Prensa 5-17-78(L) t!C ' &. . C.ill,

- & si";I;."I

I IERIIIOt Jorge Ectuardo Franciscart Seminarian jgat'tsI 4-ut«& stat s(II tm l'tds Ithkd $:Rcsavk. J ~& lpt;m

Arrested on 4-20-75. At prese. t in Penal Unidad 9, la Plate Prison, Bs.As. Sentenced to 5 years, lavyer says it can be reduced to 3, family asks if possible to enable him to leave the country.


Wash. OFF. on Latin America. 7"27-77. MEROLO, Hugo Alberto

DIS 11-28-78


MESA, Gilberto Albedo SA gogo Sac, p~a (k C~) vr g&

DisaPPeared 9-17-76 I&abs/Vl PD.

PASS-Prensa 5-17 78(L) 7w .L4' Rab 4v bit

YESA, Sabine


t"'Piling (L) MESAGLI Os@aide Raul 8'e b fk: NYii. liL

Disappeared 12-30-75 GS44

PARR-Prensa 5-17=78 (")

S basesan


HZAGLI, Osvaldo Raul IZ' lloo5166 Age; 19 Paraguay 1759, San Francisco Cordoba

DIS 12/75 Meysiez, Ruben Fernando Oscar I/is. 6rsu. h'1

Disappeared 8-22-77 - 6»»--4r.

(P,,dphil' P,i~ «l~

PAEE-Prensa 5-17 78 (L)

MESTRE, From Luz y Fnerza Union

DIS After 3-24-76

f'f. l}fl((

MESTRI, Carlos




ffffff, (t)

MEANIE, Rosa LC: 827.185

ABD 11-13-76

)KTZ, Raul Eugenio DNI: 11.113.005 f,'; «0

Disappeared on 12-16-76 in Cutral-Co, l~ NEZA, Carlos Alberto Age: 25 DÃI: 10.567.858

DIS 2-28-77


MSZA, Oscar

ABD FROls CORDOBA PROV. after 3-24-76


MEZA, Sabino

DIS 5-13-76-4( Dtf MEZA MARESGO, Carlos AIberto DNI 10.567.858 - Ced. de Corrientes 281.559

Disappeared 2-28-77. Since then di. sappeared.

Mess, Eugenis Encarnacion Marengo de (Mother) IC 4.695.389 San Martin 11.81 Prov. Corrientes

8.1.77 letter. To Representatives.

ME~UIDE, Melson DZIq4, 38 l ~h ))j[4O

L, k.„g'„:,(-IH3 Disappeared 4-22-78 . f„i."' " * (

)-3 R 6 h; J) F (",Ef;j FAHB-Frensa 5-17-78(L)

Maria de lourdes Moia de T MEZZADPA, Bs:As. Pavdn 2352 - 4'P. - Dto. 15 -

arrestedarre" e her. Since t'hen On. '&13-76 a group of 5 armed men disappeared.

(Mother) NOIA, Josefina G. de DMI 0079794 Testimony. Sent T.Todman. Testimony to Representatives. MDuG. , Aluerto Daav Il Bco. Norte y Delta

)I 21

Disappeared 9-19-7796M ~~

e88e(t) Bt I,ig. Arg. Der. Homure PBD- O'P-i-4I

Q ti)A MIANI, Mario Josd 5 R yd —, (B A *P. . —AySu &4 OIIr Iys ~ ill Ip 7

DIS 8-9-78

.DuIhec -~&'4 E~&ay D. b ~isa .I c 4 & Ip ~ I & lays/I I rid

PAHR 9-28-78(L) !r ~ ). 7Z Cli ..W. =W y7-c-73'

MICABELLI, Francrsco Natalto DOB: 2-3-53 Terrada 3942 Taxidriver.

Disappeared in San Justo on 11-9-78.

Margarita Agustine Arrastua Patricios 1522 Capital .MICELLI, Ricardo Luis fit" E'I s. -.„ Ci~: (. I. ~EL

- Disappeared 6-9-77 FIANCESICPDV' I & ~

PARR-Prensa 5-17-76IL)


DIS I-10-~ 5Q.44 -C4 .

WOLA 11-76


MICPAUD& Eduardo Pablo Emilio

Clu to3tV. Cfs

Disappeared 10-27-76 lalvp~ /~I

C PARR-Prensa 5-17-7(L) 5YI I+~~

MICRELERff, Jose Enrique ()|tt:k&aef7t Lefefa cl; )suzie ply f4 "I1'DW) Qn IL3'6"&

gpgvate i-Jp-'eq - Ij.'h 4.o(. 4 Disappeared q~» 44aiuk-~

sS S If - f.I7f RAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (l)

MICBELINI, Zelmar Journalist


Le Monde 6-10-78






DIS 4 27 76 Cordoba



Cause; Bomber of E.R.P. Decree: 479/76 hdia o fu4

Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 7-26-77. MICUCCI, Daniel Bernardo Dglr 10.889.328 Student

Disappeared 11-11-76

(Parent) Jose Mlcucci Ilda Micucci 792 r282 personal call Embassy 7 31-78"

))L pAER-prensa 5-17-78(i)

MICUCCI, Horacio Aledandro

POLOff suggested that they made contact' withf fra~ gin Buenos Aires.

~Prt l-t-7th, 7-&-Ilf

Under PEI: since 5-14-75 in Unidad 9 La PlatarPabellon 10, Celda 462. Last Thursday 8-4-78 visit dsy, he was not at Prison, he had been taken the night before to Police station for in)errogation. Relatives were told to come back on Monday r7, Ttley saw wnen he was brought back to prison, they could see him for 5 sunutes and he told them that he had been tor ured. The next visit will be on the 10th. After they will come to the Embasy and inform if there has be n something new. rncuccz, brans Caurus' de (Wife) L.C. 5.251.348 Vicente Looez 62 rfuilmes

MICUCCI, Vl Ercilia

Disappeared 11-11-76 rr ~rs1

-» () . -"--. 792-4282 Jose-, !'Bcucci)(p rent) -' - 8 Ilda lhcucci g p rsonal cell Embassy 7- 1-7 MZCUCCZ DE EARATE, Neddy Luiss

Zntegrant of "Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo" ERp

Cronica clipping 6-14-7B

MZEDAN, Hugo Orlando f '2'i I'N Egg f«Q

Disappeared 2-18-77

hii I7J t: 4)n PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (h)


DlS MZEBA, y ~ Worker from Luz y Fuerra


MIGHENS& Marcos 3&n: JI.B) 389


PAIIH-Prensa 5-17-78

Migliari, Antonio Atilio Age: 4O. if S i, jse

I 'fJc . t I"I'

Municipal employeein the depot oi' Labarden g Chutro. with Was detained at his home on Nov. h, 1977 together his wife Haydee learta Barracosa.

Buenos Aires, Herald clippin - 11-10-77

Liubicion& Azucena Argentina Barracosa de (sister-in-law)


Disappeared 9-29-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(k)



f~RP, (k)

MIGRACO DE OTERO Rata Jv~k Age: 27 LC; 6.692 O54

DIS 7-26

FDD MIGNORE, Monica Maria Candelaria CI. 6,336,146 ef 6 M t d 066 liJi W

ljiv disappeared. & Arrested on 5-14-76. , Since then jpud)

f3(N(() Mignone, Emilio Fermin lUL~.l. .'('a. (v74(Father& Av. Santa Fe 2949-3"'Av 1425 Buenos Aires %.'6-'('( K4 4 Rs4vae P IlllflS ESSED ML

MIGUEL, Guillermo Augusto LE: 8.087.392 Lawyer Pasaje Ramon Carrillo 51-Sgo.del Estero 3c Hf

Disapceared 11-23 7$ near to his home. Was "Diputado Provincial" during Peron's goverrusent.

Miguel, Aneearia Tenne1ier de (Wii'e) pasaje Ra on Carrillo 51-Sgo.del Estero (5532 parent-in-law', Adela Miguel, Paraguay 2880-PB.I-Capital(826-6187;Of .32- PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) 1672 Personal call 8-22-78. -

MIGUEL, Serio Osvaldo f(h Kc ~~II'I; V.0s5. 1i5

Disaupeared 8-9-77 MIGUELE, Hilda Noemi

ARR 6-14-75 Bs.As. Held in Villa Devoto PEN


MIGUELES CHAZARRETA, Rani R Age: 40 President Student Center Law School

Xilled 3-29-77 C6rdoba and Callao, Bs.As.

AISC (Arg. Komm. Sveden)

MIGUELZS HENDICH, Nestor' Dalmine Sideroa

Disappearei 10-16-76

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre SS~ (WQJN

MIGUEZ, Felix (Vrngoayan )

DIE 8-10-75

MIGOEZ, Lidio Antonio

Disappeared 1-10-76 ~ "t:4 ~"I

PA'R-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

MIGUEZ, Mesio 0

Disappeared 9-12-77

Lig. Arg. Der. Hoabre MIGUEZ, Omar Marin

ABD 5/77 gram mother's home

MIGUEZ, Omar Mario Lf 8msf r.k

Disappeared 6-29-77

PAHB-Prensa 5-17 78 (L) ML

fQGUEZ, Pablo Antonio C.I. 6.979.152 Comandante Spur 397,

14 years old boy lived auth his mother, Parent separeted. Visited regularly his father. As he did not do it for some time, the f'ether went to his home and uus told that on 5-12- 77 a group of' armed men had arrested the mothbr, two men and the boy. Since then disappeared.

MIGUEZ, Juan Carlos (Tether) Albarellos 245, Tigre (Bs.As. ) Tel. 749-0718

8-6-77 Letter to Derian 8-15-77 Letter to T.Tocxan. f() t) r, (4) ()I5C MILCHAUD, Eduardo P.E. Age: 24 CI: 6. 714 ..089

DIS 10-27-76 MARTINEZ Es.As.




MILIAN, Amalia

DIS MILIAN, Hilda Noesn. (Nee MigueIes)

. )b„e)isfQM+I. tj&& A ~i p'4 yk

Under PNN - Unidad 2 Villa Devoto


~, Julia Age: 22 Psgobology student

Detained 8-10-76 together witE boYfriend. Disageared.



Under PW Unidad 9 La Plate


DIS 7/77 Buenos Aires

Millin de Pirles, Alicia —6 ~a

Reported to have been seen Mech. School. Maggio Letter. 4-10-78

Harris info 12r14-78

HILLDE, JorGe Luis

DIS MILSTEIN, Ruben Wiadimiro .t I 5.736.019 Av. Vergara 1850-V.Tessei

Disappeared 3-24-77.

ADLeague Ei

MINAREBRY, Eugene (French)

Arre ted on two dates: 5-20-76 and 7-14-76. Freed 5-27- and 7-17-7o.

French Embassy

DIS MINGO, Eduardo Zsteban

DIS 6-24-77 La Plata Bs.As.


C-, R MINGOPANCE, Daniel s~c' DNI. 12.6o1.632 c:; 4 MINGOHaiSCE, Alicia Marina DNI. 214.029 13. )


Personal req est for Derian intercession on behalf' oi' above mentioned persons.

MINGORANCE, Julio Age: 19

DIS 7-23-76

PAHR (L) .l MINI, Sara Esla HRP cil ~~3suv,

JvvlkA'ld- EL DIS 8-26-76 k ~~.


MINIELLO, Ana Maria Age: 31 LC: 5.883. 175

ARR 11-16-77 C6rdoba- PEN San Cordoba Martin Prison


MINIZ, Blanca Patricia

DIS 8-18-76 Bs.As.

AISC (Cospa-Mx) Detained in 1976. At presente in Resistencia prison.

----- Cancer Anti Congreaa 9//8

MIND, Teresa M. del Carmen

ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

VJNSBUBO, Rodolf'o Igcacio pi, t 4 ' (pi 6 IJA G{$ MINSBURG, Victor Nicolas jpn I4 S I Qaadr~a sg lol64t( Cll9 ~Hea4C R!.caj ~

j'"3&swjg%"F/ . Q'tl 3 ( Ã PRIIR, (L)

DAIA ' j Mc 0&. ~(Vol«

MINUS, Antonio Is. Cj c+', cs' - Vi jjja 4e' ~ '@'p

Disappeared 7-16-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

MIR, Arnaldo Pacricio

ARR San Juan PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) MIRALLES, Ramon

PEN - 24-3-76 La Nacion paper 8-30-78, Released and is under servileness in province de La Rioja.

MIMYAR CASINO (Employees ) (Prov. Cordoba)

Group of 24 were arrested on 3-21-77. 16 of them released but 7 still remain at PEN disposal.

Letter unsigned by writer. Is afraid oi' being known. 10-21-77.

gl MIRAMON, Luis Enrique

DIS 3-30-77 La Matanza Bs.As.


MZPAMDA, Oscar DNT 10.284.146 Sarmiento y Rivadavia, Moreno (Pcia.Bs.As. ) Ilr~i.u on 2.15-77 was kidnapped by a group of' armed men. Since then disappeared. P4'leeaf "

Miranda, Delicia Silva de (Mother) L.C. 3.061.450 Baron de Astrads 6739-Capital

Testimony. Sent to T.Todman. Testimony to Hepresentatives.

lp)]4 (4)

MI BANDA, Empleada Publica-Mendoza

Detained in Villa Devoto

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre MIRANDA, Rani 993I g, S.&.5'I

DIE 9-7-76

fll8R(A) La Prensa clipping 8-3-78

MIRANDA, Susana Elvira ~NJ10. 695.992

DIS 8-22-78 ka& AuFic, 7e

Rosario Liar. PARR(L)

MIRAAUIA PEPvg, Fernando DOB; 7 8 19

Arr. 11-30-75 in Montevideo. went to Bs.As. GOU' says tl'.ey do not have him, he

Montevideo Embassy MIRENNE DE ATTADEMO Elena S~

—.—... —DIS 8-22-76

La Plata List 11-21-78

Pj'ter" (

MIREITI, Ma. Elena &8' Is 523 I@

Disappeared 10-14-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(t)


DIS October 1978 with a friend - Avellaneda AAAS «//~/gg NAS MISETICH, Antonso Qii)

Formerly employed at the Argentine Comision Nacional de Energfa Atomics (CNEA). Arrested in April"1976.

Not registered. For. Off. i'»:11-10-76 OOA reply: 11-12-76. ' «/I-)(-8 /)'AH)t. g ) A. s&. )f ~ . q « &-)e+ Qr„' Letter to Derian from AAAS ( American Assoc. for the 7-29-77. Advancement oi' Science ). Letter to Derian fran NAS. (SS~(]

Cornell Union Gros, NAS, AAAS. (.v. S~a Mi t »i~ (a4 4j /I- p

NISEIICN, Nirta lp. 513..44(

m-Ill-RG . 'I APD 4-23-76 .

FISLOS, Pelipe Eduardo (Sournalist)

Arrested 9/12/76 - imprisoned.

Listed 10-28-77 PEN ¹POPZ NISRAJI DE PASQUINI, Liliana 0 ~ «71 o»'A

DIS 6-10-76 v/husband Eduardo Tron Zosario

MITIIIK» Dr. Rosa L&5827.185 Velazco 215, 5" "B"-Capital Psychoanalyst

Disappeared 11-13-76.

hGTO'lO Juan Carlo

DIS MITROVICH DE CORREA, Adriana C. d)lrl .' 30.0(3.'226

Disappeared 4-28-77 ~'lrLO /4.

PARR-Prensr( 5-17-78(L)

MITROVICH DE TORRES, Adkiana Ceo((AC. DNI: 10.013.725

ABD 4-28-77 in Tucusran w/fe11ow student Horacio Ferreyra

mi I Lou'lzodrvr

:09/7.)). MIIAPZS, Juan Felipe DPOBz 9-29-1914-Balcazce (Pzov. Bs.As. ) LE r 1.374 .24 0

j'L' 6(A tii /&s & EH '! , "„43 ) 6: traEvw r(cLz(s rzh isr.'"'p'&'Aa (kc)0.(5d8)

arrested on 6-10-77 in Necochea. since then disappeared.

r(4,", (4) Miyazes, Ana Rteldreda R. de (Wife) calle 71, 736, Necoches Phone: Niece- Msl~ehdoSdio-5800. . 5msozo gn r-s'~ Or o ehd6 'z State 048586 - 2-24-78 'Mrz'M (Zzvp r q f( lr-6 h) 4 Rsfksfzi MIZf!AJTj Sraciela iiliana Hj( 34 3i; V. MM. 'f3ff

MQADED, Nestor Salvador CI. 7.215.435 DOB: 2-17-57, Buenos Aires 'Sf',Q //„Pjf,' L-'u'", '0'S' '. 4 ff f, ff g& nt aoios siash4'stmfo l1

Disappeared on 5-B-76.

Mr. and Mrs. Moaded 20 Camaoua, Buenos Aires 632-7850 PSaf, Dent. oi State-Cable 04104B

MQAURO& Amelia Clotilde ASe: 2B

DIs 1976 in TUctrrAN

MD MOBILI DE BQNETO AnaMaria ' (', j J )35't3O

(7) et HIS 2-1-77 Lrc Bsv)sl

~a Plate List~I=21=78

HOCHON, CESAR HAUL DPOBI 2-22-1937 (Buenos Aires)

Inmigrant visa applicant in Iiruguev.

Cable Yontevrdeo 5074. 10-28-77.

YO HOji, Isa c Hector 3n4/W3 Cl. 5.011.092 Santa Fc 1622 - 13' A" Buenos Aires - 44-4825

3.ii- '. ' 3 gran au ha v n (2j ~ I o; see' t cve Ics(PA nov r«u /y: t se~vc

(Jri JI I .I; (mIA&

f4 I",,jr+ atilt i(i - jv iissive rj-L7g UiiDER PEji — Delito Economico Decreto 2127 dated 7-21-77. —. ) j.IP148:. ".,

Sirs. iiocnon (Hite) Santa Fe 16ZZ- 13"'A"-Buenos Aires 44-4825 cong. Drinan (State 309531)UcLIICaap. Pager}) 8( ~ )iifj(. MOGILNER, (Guillereo) ~ Ja4rle

PAHR(t) ADLea sue

MOGLIE, Marcelo Roberto Age; J.S

ABD 9-19-77 from home by Security Forces


MOHADED, Ana Maria

ABD 8-15-76 in C6rdoba Right of option to enter Norway and Switzerland. June 26/78 Right of Option to enter Australia. Transferred from PEN after 10-1-78, at disposal of Special Permanent War Court No. 1 of Cdrdoba province.

Norway Australia Embassy information 2-26-79. HL MOZLLL, Nico Atilio

DIS 7-18-76

YOLSA, Susana Mabel (nee Elioavide)

UNDER PEN, Unidad 2 Villa Devoto


Sc/v 9/v" NOISE, Mstilde Tease

For. Off. lnq. I 7-11-77 GOA reply: NO. s-Is-W - l'). MOJILNKR, Mr. ))



MOLCIUSKZ, Blanca Pride (nee Becher)

Under PEB-Unidad 2, Villa Devoto, judged.

) IsC ADleague


MOIZAVSAY, Adolfo Puben 81.0. 5 231.955 Arenales 1560 - 10th "I"- Bs.Aires izi M

I, (i(i iy2 '&, ,(i i . &tt) ~, ( Dr. Moldavsky was arrested at his home on 8-1-77 by 14 armed men who identii'ied thesmelves as coming from the 17th precint. The 17th later denied any involvement. Since then disappeared. "' PP". ., i St(l) Moldavshv, Jacobo and Sofia (Parent) Guemes 393, Pvellaneda (Bs.As. ) Tel. 20i-0419 ! Sen. H. M. Metienbaum D- ne '(i'm U. BOt~ Cong. Bill Gradison

e MOLDAVSiZ DE REY, V4eatriz

~pWe+ Ger~ 6-~W Detained Villa Devoto. Husband also in jail.


MOLE, SalvaDOR Alfredo —AGE~

DIS 7-26-78 in Buenos Aires

FDD 9-16-78

MOLER, Emdlee Graciela

Under PEN - Unidad 2 Villa Devoto

ADLeague MOLERO, Ana Maria

DIS 11-22-78



DIS 3O24-76

AISC (Cospa-51x)

MOIZINO, Vario Vicente

Disappeared 2-21-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t) MOLCINER PESTANA, Guillermo Ernesto

Under PEN Unidad 9 La Plate



ABD La Placa 1977


MOLE%, Antonio Juan

J~, e Disappeared /vis'"~t~J"'J;


PAHB-Prensa 5-17-78 (C) 7 )" fijtt 8 i&7 MOLINA, Dardo Francisco

Disappeared 12-24-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7B(47

MOLINA, Donald David Socialist Worker's Party (PST)

Arrested between January 6-8-79 in Mar del Plate

Buenos As. Herald clipping 1-27-79

MOLINA, Estela Mary

ARR Cordoba PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) R/PDD MOLINE, Jorge luis DNI 10.558.334 1'P."3", Madero 8 Junin 1374, Villa P. It M w, L

Disappeared since 5.17-77.

Molina, Lulsa Vda. de (Mother) IC 5.855.686 Junin 1374, 1"3",Villa Madero ta )hay (iN g(4) Statement to Representatives. fiL tatement to Senators. tter to Embassy.Pm

MOLINA, Julio Cdsar

DIS 9-2-76


MOLINA, Lucia Dora

ARR Cdrdoba PEN

AISC(Rio Negro newspaper) MOLINA, Lucia Esther

——DIS 4-21-77

——C6rdoba List. 12-1-78

MOLINA, Maria Virginia

ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

MOLINA, Raul Age;

DIS 4-27-76

FDD )N/W/zi NOLINA LUJAN, Raul Paten LE. 8.531.820 DOS.' 12-28-1950 Eliseo SoaJe 815-Res.pelez Sarsi'ield-Ciudad de Cordoba Student leader

Arrested on 10-5-76 on 27 de Abril and Marcelo T. de Alvear streets (La Canada), since then disappeared.

(Nother) LC.7-343-451 (Same address as above) Letter to Amb. 6-2-78. Nt



BARR-Prensa 5-17-78


DIS 7-13-77


CRIM-APP-CT-ordered released from PEN. -11/78

MOLZNA Y VEDIA, Eduardo Lucio (journalist)

Abducted by unidentii'ied men on 4/6/76; government acknowledged his arrest on 4/19/76; imprisoned, allegedly tortured.

Listed 10-28-77 PEN PZPOBT

egg LWANl, yolsads Patricia

Rd-.'. 6&, l | pppc .sr Dis: Occ.76-1s Hacioa MOLINAS Rodolfo Enrique Eddd: 2h' ' Married, two children

Under PEN, unidad 9 La Plata Pab. l. Charged in Mendoza.

Molinas, Alberto Joss (Pather) Av. Oral. Lopez 2876-Santa Fd 41-571

Personal call Enb, 12-7-78,





ARR Cordoba PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) MOLLO, Aldo

Detained Unidad 9 - La Plate

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MOLTEHL, Hugo Ex Juez Federal de La Plate

Detained 3-24-76.

Liga Arg. Der. Hombre 4-l9 7B

MOLTENI, ' Carlos Luis.

Authorized to leave countrF AnnouncezmaIt made on (4:t. 7, 1978 MOLTEIII, Li1iana Edith I6.rt, lo3 xiii

Disappearanoe 6-5-76

AHR-Prensa 5-17-78(t) &).&tL 4~l~u

MOLTRAGIO, Jorge Luis 85 Ls

DIE 12-13-76 A&M~

PAHR ft)

MONACO, Alfredo Journali. st


Le Monde 6-10-78 4&~/s)t & MONACO, Luis Carlos Newspapezttsn Lz: '+.99$ A73 . tiH

Kidnapped on 1-11-78 in Villa Maria (Cordoba) with wif'e.

))j)M DV 493"l

t'&(r, (L)

$3 MONACO, Ricardo Jorge

DIS 9-7-74


MONAJI, Alberto Horacio l39 Vl LP, & &8i.Q3

Disappeared 4-28-77 L '+-+ipk

Fh» PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78IL) MGNANDI, Meeter Jose LE; 33533'.&3

Disappeared 5-7-77- ' ' j

PA33N-prensa 5-17-78(L)

MOIIARDI, Norma Gladys 8M Ls pj's; R.oH. +z%

Disappeared 7-8-76 ss 6':.li4

DL PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

MONARI, Graciela Clarisa Age: 24 DNI: 6.356. 878

DIS 11-25-76




MONASTERIO, Mario Dame Salts p

I Disappeared

Lia. Ara. Der. Honbre

MONASTZSIO& Susana Ma. hk Xs Ul: AA3W. EW,

fo'. ~I I t-, C4 Disappeared 6/76 y, !W

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (S) MONCRIZZTI, Rogelio Age: 17 San Genaro Norte

Disappeared in Coronda in may lc78.

La Rason clipping 5-21-78

MONCIANO, Maria Cristina PtelVgdggd

f/hR (L)

MONDN, Carlos

Detained 3-24-76 Sierra Chica

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre MONGE, Elias


MONGIAIIO, Maria Cristina

Detainedon 6-22-76 by Army Forces. Since then disappeared.

Nongiano, Ju1ia (Nother) DI. 1.570.010 Neuquen 274-5000 Cordoba Leter to Amb. Castro-12-30-77.

MONIER DE CARRIZO, Cristina le Pldssv Haydke Rts ss

DIS 11-4-77 k/1 g k~'

PAH R (i) MONJEAU, Alejandro Jorge DOB: 10-23-1955

Disappeared in March 1977 toSether with wife Ana Patricia Caselli (both students of La Plate University). She appeared detained some time later in Cordoba. On 7-6-77 she had a baby and in April 1978 she left the country and his at present in Italy. He still is disappeared.

Mondeau, Felix Guillermo (Father) San Martin 2583-0f.1121-Mar del Plate 7600 Phone 40942 Personal call Embassy 7-7-78

MGNOURCADE, Ernesto Bonifacio


MIX&SALLES, Alberta Pedro

Dis: Oct. 7S-La Nation MONSALVO Roberto LuJan


MONSEGUR, Pablo Jose

Detained in Villa Devoto, along with wife Patricia Boren~ Rouse

0~'„;I„;„,~„'J,,!&&Itin I'hu)lg;I rbsrRS;- @via;' pvus i' 7&i- 16oi u" »r, Inc 3N G JR' ADLeague

C, ig, & DI 8P-., MONSEGUR, Patricia (nee ~

hj&l P)~sgvI, hul tiIM!a kvesL& peal Nptte.

Detained in Villa Devoto with husband Pablo Jose Monsegur

44A&gvm &is.~vg'&/ox g JgstJ P V.E- h(CJ EJQ(- Pile I G~ 3s —SCEN ADLeague I / BRISSEN&I, A1ejaadra Silvia

O Dis: Cct.7S-Ls Naciea aevspaper AoepoW-~ C'add, fib. 4. i'SMN lt-u-8

7 MQNTALVO, Carlos Alberto (p P DNI 11.036.489 P"'.n

Cn 9-16-76 he was arrested at our home by f'our armed men. Since then disappeared.

Montalvo, Maria Lopes de .(Mother) CI. 4.248.837 Zapiola 3239 - San Juste, Bs.As.

Statement. To T.Todman. Staement to Representatives.

MONTALVO, Maria Luiso Asesora de la Fiscalia de Estado de la Prov. de Cordoba.

At presente in Villa Devoto dail.

QJl~L PnA ~"/ Lida Ars. Dcr. Hombre 4-19-78 29/(gz

MORGANA, Juan Carlos

72a': Lcf n}lI lP, 5445 2l.a544) sos u' . Ja4~vadua4ting(~a 4 )Lsr j&ua 6)il 445 Qfc 55c4 Jsd-1-71

45as held at la Plate Prison, nov at Sierra Ch5 ca.

5 $ A4~l v , I

RA-1314 - 2-22-78 i4~.~.1~4.l4& d4O49

MONTARO AMEZAGA, Victor 852 54 eh. W.IIV. ply

Disappeared 7-Zt-76 ~6e5oa

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(t)

MORTARCE, Enrique Pastor

Disappeared 8-31-77

pAHR-Prensa 8-17-78 (4) MONTEAGUDO Jos6 Manuel

— —.-- DIS 6-22-77 4i, Lk. -R.IL. ——

——La Plata List — 11-21-78 . .fhNfi jt) ..


ARD 6-10-76

4 ii6II)

MOIH". IRO, Ricareo Alberto

Q'~~ ss sr 4 s i.l .. «M B)'I hR

- ', .0 Disappearea 12-10-76 ,j' 6,

PARR-Preasa 5-17-78 (L) Ala MORTEM, Beatriz

DIS Cordoba

f9 tlat (1)

NOlPKNAMR, Mariano (Journalist)

Abducted 4/2/~i. '; whereabouts unknown. /

PRHR (t) l~c

Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT

MORlXRSGRO, Irma Elena

DIS Ruben MONTENEGRO IIaointo ,~ II 1$-or~QC I(I'n l3 3 s13

I Disappeared 1-5-77 Imp ro JL,

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7B(1)


Detained in Unidad 9 La Plate.

Netherland Embassy.

I'IOJITENZGRO Tomas IN' "tA TA DIET 1E: 0 A30. 334 31 lan:

n Disappeared 4-19-76 2c ~W - P~

Lig Arg Der Pombr3 FIIltg - 6Ioe. l- j3:fi (1) W3I Jl-6-Wll MONTEQUIN DE BALUT



MONTERO, Beatriz

DIS C6rdoba


MONTERO, Jorge Rodolgo r E: 4.69$. Rp3' ]mkra~ ~~.W 5~u~k

D IS 8- 15- 78 4t'

PAHR (L) MONTERO, Mirtha Liliana 8 'll

1 .—.DIS 7-8-76

Cdrdoba List 12-1-78

MONIES, Guiklerno Federico Age. 26 LE: 8.537.844 Edison 352-Martinez Bs.As.

DIS 9-20-77 leaving work


MOMTESANO DE 0, Stella LC: 5.865.057

ABD 10-16-76

AISC )3 MONTESINO, Ieonardo A~ ip ll is! )!i Ned. op!as 0

3D3 ~ Disappeared 2-5-77 la

PAHR-Prensk 5-17-78 (L)

l MN!TSSIÃOSi Slop Artie

I,;i I'Et de Diseoct. 78,1a 3!scion newspaper gteeg&


DIS Salts

AISC (Cospa-Mx) MOhTIVERO, Rodolf'o




RdQ ~Et: ki(acww lg-kt-Vf Dia: Oct. IS-La Nacion


DIS MORTON, Roberto (eriter and Journalist)

Arreste 11/11/74; imprisoned.

Liste 10-28-77 PER REPORT

MORTOZO, Carlos Eusebio /4' ~w oo, swd. l Gut 4:I: (6 2,)

Disappeared 5-13-76

liL PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

ZARACEARSPZ, Sylvia Montserrat de

IOOR Id/'I VrN w4'"~ ly midi-'8R (4.' Mt) is- 8 cIA

Detained in Cordoba since last 1977. Listed in Cordoba prison list publzshed.Jag

8 4,1'Pl 4 I l ar Ivi Cons. ' Ted Reise SS-Icec Arthur C. Danto, Columbia Univ. MONTQUIN, Mariana

DIS La Plate Bs.As,


MONZON, ' Ines Teresa 8 i 6 -; d31R3. jt2&

Disappeared 1-3-77 vt'eVc"""l, ~;.A~A

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)


DIS Mar del Plate Bs.As.



Nueva Mora 11/78

MONZON, Reyualdo Jose kgb,

Disappeared 4-21-77 C44JM

PAHP. -Prensa 5-17-78(L)

R/pbb MOORE, Leslie Ricardo DNZ 12.464. 928 Guardia Vie)a 3948 — 1192 Capital Iu. 'S

Disappeared on 7-2/-76.

Moore, Alicia M.Mc Cornick de (Mother) Guardia Vieda 3948 — 1192 Capital 8-10-77. Letter to Senators. «8~()

OO //-4-PY MOPARDO, Alfredo Nestor

Disappeared 11-13-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (C)

MORA, Concepcidn Ester

DZS 5 23 78 4r&PO

PARR (t)

MORA, Juan Car1os bst'.

Disappeared 12-1-76

PAHR-Px ense 5-17-78 (1) MORA. Maria Rosa


MORAL, Ana Maria


PAHP, -Prensa 5-17-78 (s)

~PC' r-P~ - FP- Y 8

MORAL, Jorge Nestor LP: $. )gmcqg' San Martin 874-Ensenada ADA

Was arrested at his mother' s home Calle 124 - 45 y 46, El Dique. bY a group of' armed men f'rom Coordinacion Federal. Since then disappeared. s-IS-t

Moral, Estela Ge,llego de LC 4.48O. 546 San Martin 874-Ensenada

Testimony to Representatives. (AH'(r)' MORALETO RODRIGUEZ, Maria Cristina

Disappeared 2-14-78

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4)

MORlLLES, Alejandro Manuel C I', s. 0qj.783 R~&Z&

DIS 5-25-76 Cordoba


MOPAIES, Ana Maria


j" a;: »-.!;~-~ ll'" PAHR1Prensa 5-17-78 (4) MORAIZS, Gladys Beatriz CI I mA. 8I IS SdIc ~ tlirt, 6, Ls. RI; h

Disappeared 9-77 77

rDj) PAHR-Prensa 5-17 78 (I) HL

~ 8-IzJM4« MORAIZS, Hector Osvaldo

Unidad. 9 Ie. Plate - PEN US Emb, visit granted 11/78

ex-Partido Socialists ". Ivs it" ~o ). ):IN

MOPAIES, Jr. , Jose Ramon

ABD 11-2-76 at the home of Yr . Morales Sr. MORALES, Sr. Jose Remen

ABD 11-2-76 at the Home of'Mr. Morales Sr..


Disappeared 5-16-77

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MORALSS, Juan Pedro Ij H li: E.'Ilk, 45

': M )I )n, f (g(:,.!. 6 )Ac(

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(l) fin MONALES, +iq JPberto Age: 22

ABD 11-2-76 at the home of Mr. Morales Sr.

Gal. k~r& 44~

MORALES, Nidia de

ADD 11-2-76 at the home oi' Mr. Morales Sr.

MORALES, Ricardo Alfredo


AISC (Clarin) MORALES, Stella Marie

ARR 3-22-76 C6rdoba PEN — Villa Devoto


qv/tw/p b, ~ MORAIZS MIY, Carlos Raf'ael Calle Mitre 1085 — Escobar ??

Our information is that he was killed resisting his arre st. N ow in Fawon PEN list, appears his name. Have requested ini'ormation ii' he is the sane person?

i .,4Z Suai;:,S (I ~', f~m. e?S S,.W, 11M .„ugII .jrr 'u ' ' I'-nmo te4v w, 1. «Ar m~aePwo'. c o. , Cell uA 4 M ?I

FONS 4 4

'vl $7; 4 I?

Sac/i 8/~ MORAIZS MIY, Maria Elide LC. 10.993.140 Calle Mitre 1085 - Escobar Age: 24 DOS; 9.30.1953 Salts

Detained on 4-22-77. Her husband was killed, as he resisted td be detained. Her both children were given to her father on 5-3-77. Since then she is disappeared.

Sen. Lawton Chi?.es, on behalf off: Qg~te 081344 4i ql)( Sen. Richard(Dick)Stone on babas ofL J,RA-4223 s!-GR Mora?es FAT, Victoriano Naimes (Father) Eelgrano 906-Salta Phone 10734 1-31-78 MORAIZS REYES, Humberho 'h$ Rjh

I Disappearea 4-14-76 ~$4AAsoOA'4

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4)



ZSO p t4~

m& jp ajar

MORAIZS POiV PIEynnLING& Juan Miguel (Uruguayan )

Qf, b!tj ~e.lV-Q k. h-th. ).

DIS 9-26-76 Cll/Ff/f P )c7) MORALLI, Gui 11ermo Fac,gagde Ingenieria de la Univ. Bs. As.

&-. 5-34: A ~

Arrested on 7-28-78 during an seembly called to seek the release of Norma Falcon, a lawyer and member of the Partido Popular Cristiano.

9& 6.4V. 8.4 PM:g e(W Council on 'Hemispheric Affairs - 9-13-78 [(818 Il)f



N , Hilda Esther de

DIS 4-29

PAHR (L) MORANDI, Ariel Eduardo WH':10. 986.277

DIS 5:11178@~

Woe ari o-Lis t f'PAL(j)

HO~I~ Hector Victor ' 3l . 4 3d$. Zqd

Disappeared 5-2-77 Ctog4C

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t)

MORARDIHI, Cristina del Valle Rrz) 3i(o Jl is7|.d&5

Disappeared 10-16-77

g, )i,'I. IRISH q PARR-krensa 5-17-78 MORANDINI, Hector Luis

Disappeared 9-18-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78

MOPANDZNI, Nestor + R~'„id A~': M efF A7»

~1 Disappeared 8-18-77

r8Hr, (1) Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MORATA, Ana Aurora Peredo 651, Cordoba

ABD 7-26-77 i'rom home

k' ud fEI' - 4i J' Ma IL-3-8 MORAXO& Rosa Irene Federal Capital

Disappeared 5-16-78

- t/. fl .8:) - SO 8 9-t'-4

PAHR - 5-30-78

MORAZOIV. , Enrique




Disappeared P.1- B 4(o

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 () ('$jPi/s MORDASINI, Adelina Reatriz. CI. 2.534.121 LC 6.708.045 Fecha de Nac. : April 30& 1951 in Neuquen(pce. of Neuquen)

Released. For. Off. inq. : 3-14-77 Goa reply: NO

Father (sister-dual natl. )

-PORE, Abel Alfredo


MORE, Alicia Raquel

DIS MORE, Carlos Albedo


t'8tà (4)

Mores, Sra. de 782-1466

Cox recommended.

MOEKIBA, Domingo Federation Cezamic Vorkers

Arrested March 76, at present at Coronda prison. Christmas list 1977- ceased to be under PZS.

Belgium Bmbassy Interest-Arsene Van der Driessche-1-25-78. Horacio MO REIRA, HActor

Buenos Aires, DIS 12-6-78 in

-78 El Die clipping 12-15-

MOREIRA, Hdctor Horacio

DIS 10-15-76 C6rdoba


MOPZIRA, Victor Jecobo Age: 24 ———Doc. 11.234.025

7 DIS 4-11-77

Tucumdn f(i~r1(11. J,kgb~ MORE IRA (Maria Rosa .3iiIi!:.ih. 51 .M Age: 24

Dis: Rxx 6-7-78, Ranelagh

FDD List- 9-16-78

MOBEL, Pedro Crisoldo

d Disappeared 5-13-77

ML PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)


Disappeared 7-29-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (&) NORELDO, Raul Antonio Pg) Id, AC, 9N

Disappeared 5-15-77 $4$SSP

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (I)

PSRELLI, Jose Elias (journalist)

Arrested 9/23/76; imprisoned

]L'„;txl L-IC-0S Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT

MORELLI& Roberto

DIE MORELLO Raul Antonio

3g ut 39s),1 . 'w Disappeared 5-15-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78

MORENDIIfi, Cristina del Valle Ages 23 DNI: 11.191-077 P. Colon 1598,Bs.As.

ABD 9-18-77 from home

MORELDINI, Nestor Luis Ages 22 DNI: 11.748.282

DIS 9-18-77 in Buenos Aires MOBENO CI. 8.102.330

ADD 3-30 77 from San Juste E.Aires

MORENO, Adol f0

ARR Applied Parole Visa USA


MOBENO, Alberto L. Dalmine Siderca

Disappeared 11-22-76

Dig. Ars. Der. Hombre Afz/CzO

MORENO, Carlos Alberto

..c co not, ense the etrcuarctnc':e in '..=.-. ! tt.h, 11~ 134.15!. l, . -arch c -e from .ar c.l tinea uit he es .buucteo here i:. 1,77 cms a ll~c bp tnr nice tn tu llr dave - tcr he discpoenrcd, con too! «1th h s none "a bish" uie parents "cnt to the off icicl -:or«un bat cocle not fane tnu cerise.

I'& &R()


ARR 11-4-75 Bs.As. Held in Villa Devote PEN Judge: Adamo


MOREEO, Eduardo

Disappeared 6-9-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) 3'I'1 J V/6


Abducted on 3-26-78 together with her fiancee Raul Eduardo Petrouch outside near to San Justo Cathedral, after Eastern evening mass.

San Justo

MOREHO, Graciela 8)a 8p LK: M

Disappeared 4-2p-77-8. Jl. kovmao~

PAHR-Pxensa 5-17-78 (t.) hp

MORENO, Jorge Student

Killed since on year and two months in the xaxa neighbour- hood of Hospital de Ninos in La Plate, when he resisted to be kidnapped by forces of the Policia de la Prov. de Buenos Aires.

Harris data - 8-14-78 MOHENO, Jorge Horacio



MOHENOg Jose Daniel Fenroportuario

Disappeared 1-4-77

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MOHHNO, Jose Eduardo Fpw l'J I lairs l&iI' I"J'(Ih 'n)

Disappeared 9-14-77 iC;P ic34cl gdII, (O

I;L PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) 1IDBBtIP, Luis Bravo


A/fR Cl)

Rc:v '0, Y~ria Celia Brieva de

Cnrccl de Villa Devoto - ?EN

o oozalrsta v

!dpcvpp, Ysrio

Lip MORENO, Raul Arnoldo Dalmine Siderca RttN "tkECl j

Plllff(L) Der. Ho~bra Z, „E.Arg.




MORENO, Rodolfo

Disappeared June 1976

DiC. Arg. Der. Hombre MOBENO, Romulo RIe 4 LE: %.&IE.05

Disappeared 9 2O 77 D ~.,4~a.

pARH-prensa 5-17-76 ( ~

MORENO, Rasa Irene

ABD 5-16-78


.Under PEtT - Unidad 2 Villa Devote

ADLeadne MORENO ~O, Antonio D. 8;cR

Disappeared 9-14-77

PAHR-Prensa 5 17 78(L) LIL


Disappeared 9-14-77 h4j-

ILL PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

MORENO DE GOYOCHEA, Nelida Noem'. Al~ SI LI. N. o&&94L

r Disappeared 8-15-77 LOlld~klv

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) MORENO NTERNAN, Magdalene (nee Rozanuk)

Under PEN Unidad 2 Villa Devoto


MORBNO KIERNAN, Bafael Alberto

Under PZ; Unidad 9 Ia Plate

' ('() d(, (i) ADLeague

s.Py I+2/')

MORENO MALUGANI, Miguel Angel (Uruguayan) DPOB: 3-23-1948 Montevideo ))[c 4

&UI)) Xi ';((-"kA ~ /. 4.O.o(.

Picked up bu the Argentine Anny, since then disappeared. This happened on 10 1-76 in Buenos Aires.

('() )(4 (4) Malugani Torena, Violate (Mother) Andres Cneveste 1411-Montevideo

I/A( H RC - II-I -"4 ()(ic. MORENO SOMEOLZNS1Z, Silvia (Uruguayan) Age 28

Detaineu Dimes Jail.


MORERO, JaeI& ~~


MORERO, Rai'ael Alberto

DIS 5'8'5 jVCj l

(Uruguayan) MORES MONTEDONICO, Maria eel Piler

]' QlllMIq "-79.N A.OQ.

DIS 10 june, 1976

vDSIi- l'-WI


Detained in December 1974. At presente Resistencia Prison.

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78


DIS 7-17-77 Tucuman


ARR PEN 3778

AISC (Rio Negro Newspaper)

MORO@II, Jorge



MORINAS, Luis Medicine student

DIS 7/76 Mendoss MORINI, Hugo Luis D&&, C~J e S» 2 w'+ R(i

Disappeared 3-3O 76

t'ai L PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (1)




MORINA JUNG, Luio Rodolfo


'-/ k. d H I, X.-„.,:./ I'fuu»

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (1) MORNADI, Hdctor Josd L. 11.724. 243

DIS 5-7-77


MORO, Raimunao Saul


MORO DE VICENZO, Miriam S. de L. 10.496.572

DIS 9/77 Rosario-Santa Fd

PAHR (L) KOROHZ, EASardo Omar Rpi Rl 4P is.SSS.SSS

Disappeared 9-7-77

PAHR Prensa 5 17 78(L)

yORRSSI, Norberto cl q fcs ", cp pljh A

Disappeared 4-23-76

p'L PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (l)

MORPZSR, Rien Osvaldo Bit 13 ' +III . I O . R 3 J98

Disappeared 9-14-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (i) MORRILLAS, Isabel Mercedes PAPESA - San Juste

Detained 11/1975 Olmos

Lip, Arg. Der. Hombre

MORRONE, Gui do gl



3& t'd: MORTILTTRO ZtpiINO, Ariel Cu;~~n e 17i&Q gr3s- Z.A;7„( g.,r 4 "%v.i: (Tec/M- -".l +'~ ~ &:rn~, e++') "r yp Disappeared since 'r' 5-21-77. r: 'O, ~d~s

MOR1ILIARO, Clara Josei'ina Zunino, Vda. de (Mother) Pandora 5546, Dpto. 3, Capital

5-27-77 Letter to Mrs. Rosalynn Carter. MOBIVIN, Mdnica Emilia

ggt;~V )VLar& W«4g- ~ ~AO

Under PEN - Unidad 2 Villa Devoto


MORZAN, Delis Esther

Under PEN Unidad 2 Villa Devoto


MOSCA ALSINA, Carlos Enrique DNI: 11.944. 654 DOPn 4-18-1956 Mart'n Comedo 98-Salts Student of Universidad Catolica Salta

Disappeared 8-4-76 in Salts.

Moses, Carlos Enrique (Father) Martin Comedo 98-Salts Letter to Amb. 7-25-78 PAHB-Prensa 5-17-78 (t) MOSCHIN3, Enrique Antonio Pan~~Lb 6~em;3 a R 33 6 3W. 3I4

Disappeared 1-3-77 IPj2e'igloo—

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) ht

'ROSCOSO ESPINOSA, Rene Ale3andro RJ'2 Hh OI, : q.oqo. HO3

Disappeared 9-15-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 Ifl)

MOSCOVICH, Marcelo Age: Hl Architecture student

Disappeared November 1976

ADLeague &hIh MOSETO, Libertad de

DIS 3-24-76 Cordoba

PR Itg(l)

MOSSTO, Miguel Angel

DIS 4-9-76 C6rdoba


MOSIGLIA, Antonio Amadeo

Disappeared 6-3-77

Lig. A g. Der. Hombre MOSQUEIRA, Victor

DIS 12-23-75


MOSQUEBA, Antonio Juan Lucas L.E. 7.700376 $~ isis- s 3' yd

Disappeared 12-17-76. JOM )4I4

Mosquera, Dora Melida Ordonez Vda. de (Mother) LC 2.279.358 Serrano 2258-Ssn Miguel, Bs.As. 667- i8YP Testimony to Representatives.

YOSQJEPA Juan JC\t Obrero Mercedes Benz

Disappeared gl'i vIA Jd q 4~

Lig. Arg. Der. Hoebre MOSQUERA, Ricardo de Jesus Ram



MOSSO, Patricia (ada(st (Js M - 0 6l4lf L's f;(J, A~,4::f

Disappeared 7-11-76

PQ (11 PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

MOSSO DS CAPJcPARO, Adriana ('.(. 6.465 QEO

Disappeared 4-Z(-76

PARR-Prenss. 5-17-78(1) MOTT, Hugo Alberto

ARR Catamarca PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

MOTTA, Huben Hugo Qi:g" 'i&. eN

Disappeared 1-7-76 EodsIA

RL PAHR-Prenss 5-17-78 (l)

MOTZAI, Hugo Buben MOOCAH, Hugo Mandola

Detained Unidad 9 - Ls Plate

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MOUJAN, Hugo Alfredo Age:



MOCHA Jorpe Horacio sge; 29 )Bled,

t-8-w0 ABD 2-8-77 in 'Belgica and Vergara, City Bell, Buenos Aires

(g) ML NOUFCADE, Ernesto Bonii'acio

DIG 12/76

OUPZIIQ, Euse'bio Jesus ,vr!)u' It s2k 8 ' Ct'i . It.e%2. ABC

A'bducted on 11-6-1976 in Florida, Buenos Aires.

hu, GAIA (44, 'I(~ Liga Arg. +Der. Honbre 4-19-78(c) e88e (g

'vg 7

HOVIA, Ada Gracicla

u~ I;I"" f

PEN - Villa Devote

Consulate. MOYA, Haydee V. de Santa Fe

Detained 1-8-77 - V.2-V.Devote

Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre

HS3s p8}9 MOYAHO, Alrredo )-) Roti H. &P&sss lQ Age pj

Disappeared 12-30-77

eon, /3 / J. ~ l, /p &ni)oiyw snsknv/o . C s updpt. ', -7-'~ PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 fL) F 08-0-8- oh'

MOYAZO, Aristobulo Daniel RPi 33 IJL: 6.490. 6 [+

Disappeared 5-28-76 0~ pe5

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 MOYANO, Carlos Alberto

Disappeared 3-10-77 -/PE'll'N

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (r-)


Detained in Unidad 9 - la Plata

Dig. Arg. Der. Hoabre

MOYAI'IO, Jorge Daniel


l'.dr s ~" "-" "I.&(& J/ gi 4

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

WC'4 /7)y MOYANO, Jose Andres C'. I'. MAC. srr - II e s M un z(s". p

DisaPPeared 6-8p 76 ~J4 uoj

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (I)

MOYANO& Magda1ena

DIS 12-8-76

MOYANP, Roberto

Detained since 9-12-76 (Condenado Consedo Guerra)

Lig. Arg. Der. Hoobre MOYAHO, Salvador Alberto Li; hf. its 734

h5 PSST(s) . q („ liigi). 0i'snO tr~l &f


DisaPPeared 8-24-76 .Mh, sts~

PAHR-Pransa 5-17-78 (L)

MIJCCE1TZ, Miguel Angel


fgsf'(s) MUCCIOLO, Irene Nelida Hfl ii. Is plate List l/~7/7F

iM-I Disappeared 1-27-78 fA ID~

PAHR-Prensa 5-17 78 (L)


Disappeared 8-16-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

MHGANO, Horacio Angel


PAHR (L) MUSICA, Jose Eap loyee phazmacists trace union

DIS 9-30-76


MUJICA, Laura Crisrina

DIS 6-24-76 Olivos, Bs.As.


%VISA, Susana Edith Master in Political Science Age; 27 H.Yrigoyen 597, Neuquen JRJLIER, Hector 4.~JJ) (4-k.J'3 8p oi

Disappeared 5-28-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (') P.g S..MLH

MOLTRAZZI, Jos6 Alberto AGEs 23 DNI: 10.896.181

DIS 11-20-76 ZArate


MUNITIS, Lure Dob: 10-20-1954-La Plata Medicine student LE: 4.642. 776

DIS 5-13-1977

rr JJe(I) Munitis de Merbilhad —. - — -. (Sister) 23, Allee Louis Bldriot 94310- Orly — France MUHEE, Daniel Oscar DU. 10.849.403 Entre Bios 827 - Quihdes (Bs.As. )

Arrested at her bride's home Breezzone 935-Ezpeleta. , (Graciela Beatriz Di Piazza) on 8-4-77. Since then both disappeared.

Munne, Isolina Carne de (Mother) DU. 3.381.248 Entx'e Bios 827 - Quihces

MUNTANE, Juan Josd CI: 2. 731.131


AISC (Clarin)

MUh'TAHER, Mario Juan Age; 25

Arrested 1-26-78' Since then disappeared.

Buenos Aires Herald clipping- 1-31-78. Z 3/ BIO~ t'(IN('. MUHIZ, Agustina Maria Bl 66999319 Araoz 2H73 - 3'P.

Arrested on 4-21-76 by a group of armed aen.

Mania, Agustina Paz de (Nother) ftiHn(L) Statement to Representatives.

MS', Blanca Age: 22

6-6-76 Abdected with friends& witnesses of her tortures& f'riends released after 24 hs.


A7&/PP/i KUtlI7. ,' Eduardo Oscar Rd«S Ctl:s usa 'veg

s nod a ed. Arrested on 10-22-76 at early sunrise. Since then disappe r

The Intern. League for H. R.-Fernando Rondon-8-15-77.

RqCnl o tol (QRP(L)

I suwi

liL MUNIZ, kh. Dolores 3am 4 tt"3 kill. russ atm (~m&'~)

Disappeared 3-17-76 n, m c i

h& PARR-Prensa 5-17 78 (L)


whether Usmc he has gone underground or heeenn "di" 'sappeared' t Had close Montonero connections according to SRF.

MNNOZ, Antonio Hernan CI 67h329h isu D '." N(,

around Plaza Italia by Military Kidnapped or arrested on 9.28.76 Forces. Since then disappeared.

Munoz, Angels de (Mother) IC 30829

Statement, To T. Todman. Statement to Representatives. i MUROZ, Carlos

DIS 11-22-78


MBiOZ, Carlos Damian ( ""' . I+I ~

Not registered. por. os.znq. : 11-1O-76 GOA reply: 11-12-76

Ppqp (L)

MUIEOZ, Carman Imbel LC ,'s i ii s' ' $c I', mes- r

Disappeared 11-11-77 MUHOZ, Hernan Antonio Age: 25 CX: 6. 743.254

DIS 9-28-76


NUNOZ, Julio Anibal

ADD 9-28-76

4'IllI R (L)

NIUNOZ, l' rio Age: 36 Leader Aconcagua Union in Chile



fllllN 4)


On Rxpulsion 1ist 12-23-76.

Cristina 1&: &el (.wt','„O.- fad

Disappeared 8-10-77

~44$/Q F wars f fw O ic ~4fz

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(t) «f7'& u- Z. 7h Hurst, Sara Doc.prov. Juju@-Jujuy

Detained U. R-V.Devote

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

MURILLO, Eduardo Jorge 33l":13 ~~l . 33 433.3P

Disappeared 11-10-76 (iAtK'NsgljL. 4

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4)


Disappeared 1-4-77 R .lgocnELA'lL

PAHR-Prensa 5-I7-78(4) 30lR MURRAY TRONCONI, Bernardo

ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

MURUA, Miguel Angel Age: 21 LE; 11.087.617

DIS 9-17-76 Tucumsn


MUSOLO, Mario Age: 36

DIS La Plata Bs.As,

PARR (L) MUSSA, Josg Osvaldo


AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

NUSSETI& Niguel Angel


tANr (4)

Zil Z/Pl/g NUSSE& Elias Vi

Right of option certif'icate for France

At present in Penal Unidad 9, La Plate Prison, Bs.As. PEN 2845 - 7/29/75. T.Harris from GOA 9-28-77.

France MUSSI, Juan Pedro

DIS 3-4-76 Cordoba

MUSSIO Jose Aeindar

Detained 3-24-76 - Coronda

Dig. Arg. Der. Honbre

MUSSO, Jorge Mario

ARR Cdrdoba PEN

AISISC (Rio Negro newspaper) MUSSO, Pablo Daniel IZ 8.490.135 Triunvirato 475- So 4.mmSM

On 10-25-76 our house was'-searched and our son Pablo Daniel arrested; this was done by a group of armed men who said to be i'rom Gendarmerie. Since then he is disappeared.

Musso, Fernando (Parent) Musso, Irma B. de

Testimony to Representatives. QF a(t5

I HABOR& Gomez Cordoba

Disapparead 4/76

Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre

HACAR, Juan R. Journalist


ADZPA, 8-16-78, 6R SRG keen Drt7s&

NACET& Zlss Alicia yN&: Al 1+0.Vnv

Disappeared 12-16-76 L @~

PARR"Prensa && 17 78 Ip) fl /ff 2

NACHVAN, Gregorro DoB: 2-24-1930 larrea St. 3183, 7'- Nar del Plate R'l~ li: R Gfv I

Arrested on 6-19-76 'by policemen. Bis eldest children of' being sons ages 20 and 21, have left home for fear picked up by police or other persons. Ihl AIR((i)

$8 I 8 Harrv lautman (Cousin-AMcit) Bi

R m daPL I,'(wev. R3)qs RR- mls j Senator Javits: Letter 7-13-77. I'awk'

9i}P(/rz NACEM02, Baimundo If.hcc

Left sentry. For. off.fnq. : 11 18 76 GGR reply II 30

NADAL, Carmela Age: 7 years

DIS 9-22-78 Escobar Bs.As. to-gether with parent.

PAHR .(L) NADAL, Diego Reinaldo

DES 9-22-78 Escobar (Bs.As. )


HADAL, Diego Victoriano Age: 4 months

DIS 9-22-78 Escobar Bs.As. together with parent


HADAL, Jorae Adalberto

Door:A $-Li-&L 7

ADLeague NADAL, Juan Dominga

As. DIS 9-29-77 Chacabuco Bs.


NADAL, Se1vedor

Detained in Buenos Aires


NADAL, Stella Naris Lawyer

ARR Chaco - No trial

AISC NADAL Vladimiro Age: b years

with parent DIS 9-22-78 Escobar Bs.As. together



Under PEN Sierra Chica


NADRA, Jorge Ravel

DIS 7-3-76

C6rdoba List 12-1-78 NIQTAL; Ale Sandra Judith

DIS 5-9-78

La Nacidn clipping 7-7-78


DIS 7/76, Buenos Aires

NAHS DE BRUZZONE, Carman L. DNI: 11.453.467

DIS 8-8-77 Rosario Santa Fd

PARR (L) HAIEF SAADE, Antonio LI'! ts L1& s71.&H


NAIJMQK, Alicia Irene El'. S.iTs se$ Rji b

ADD W Ill-id-W



Disappeared 5/76

ADLe ague NAJNANOVICN, Refuel 7.721.753 Age: 18 Student

Disappeared 7-23-76




Detained 4-7-76


NAME, Jorge Miguel Age: 30 LE; 5.098.244 Ct: 5 792. 24.|

DIS 3-13 75 f(est'm4Iemt 4.4. (

FDD Disappeared 4-9-76

kt Lis. Ars. Der. Sombre I'BBR- fi~ Jfl&/K(r)

NANNI, Gustavo Daniel


AISC (Clarin)

0-5-'7Y NANNI, Rodolfo Prancisco DNI:5. 394. 341 CI: 1.108.180 Address: 75 Nro. 1124-La Plata

Dis: July 6-78

NRAD-(Deep. 16-10-78) f'88p, (t') NARDONE, Dina

DIE 11-9-78


NARZO, Enrique Daniel age. gi i56c: i7 5GA I+I

Disappeared 4-21-76 - iwaq ~ le'4-

'7 EnrnL llpsP'cl &m&~~&'JP -II' ~ AHR-Prensa 5-17-78 u

NARVAEZ, Juan Argentino fjjt i el

Disappeared together with brother in law Eiguel Galvan on 6-16-78.

lls. ( rL(~J. S:; .WI4a;I ::e JIe, t(LI)., Newsp'ape clipping HARVARD, Horacio Luis

unideal Detained in Nendoza prison. ~&=ra f o 9, W ( (af +

Narvarte, Cindide V. de (Wife) Pedro Goyena 1475-Dto.36 Villa Hipodromo-G. Cruz Mendoza Letter to Amb. 6-27-78. J.cere+to n~. u-v-pt' ifusl wee -II 4 iyS

NASO, Hector Joss


AISC (Clarin)

NASSER, Carlos Alberto DOB: 8-25-54 Ballesteros (C6rdoba)

Detained at beginning of 1975. At present in —Unidad 9 La Plate since 8-8-78;

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78 NAS SIP, Norma be&) Medicine student Student leader

I -h', LmierAn . under PEN DZS Detained on 3-10-75. At present in Villa Devoto.

Nueva Hora 11/78 H p„ f„pe4~' 3I Ck4~


Detained since 4-17-76 Unidad 9 La Plate


NAUDREAN, Liliana Cristina Ql

. DIS 4-9-76 Bs.As.

AISC (Cospa-Mx) NAVAJA, Cristina Silvia

DIS 7-14-76

AISC (Cospa-Mx)


5/1%i DIS(' /773 8uenos Aires 4r fL

cH p(&) Pir fe',


DIS 6 16 76 AvCek-~hL

La Plata List 11-21-78 r&&r(t) NAVARRETE, Maria ~ R s is h, ,& u,:wt„ 4.%d Jw" cea

DisaPPeared 3/77- L

/i', b PARR Prensa 5-17-78 ~ 8~4 ~ BwA('l(R'I

NAVARRO, Araceli Noemi Age: 23 DNI: 11.677.058

DIE 3-30-78 , Bs.As.


NAVARRO, Elba B1egate of UEPC

ARD 8-10-76 in Cordoba NAVARRO, Hdotor

DIS Cdrdoba

AISC (Comps-Hrr)

Rol srte NAVARRO, Jorge Alberto .

Disappeared 10-19-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (i)

NAVARRO, Juan Acindar

Detained — Ooronda

Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre NAVARRO, Juan Carlos 4%3 ss ' I I Pcs%

DisaPPeared 10-18-77


PAHR-Pronya 5-17-78 (&) Bttrlen V~j




NAVARRO, Orlando Industrial Worker-Santa Pe

DIS after 3-24-76 NAVARRO DE GONZALEZ, Ignacia

ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

NA4TARRO DE PINON, Cris dna Maria ~ge: 25 LC: lu. 9J!.lit)

DI S 8-12-78 in Buenos Aires

PDD 9-16-78 . PBBS 1-28-.78.

NAVARRO REY, Maria Anabella Age: 50

DIS 10-19-77

PAHR (L) NAVIA, Antonio CI: 1.341.487


AISC (Clarin)


AHD Cordoba

NAYEN, Victor Antonio CI. 4. 748. 193


AISC (Clarin) RAYMl!RE, CQl r~ Irene Cl'. C iysqzi &fzu @ g&w(, aiw. I

Disappeared 11-10-76

' crnev3 c-zd e " im ' '~ s /hs/Pic. %, A:4 „',' z eov PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 k&3i3 iz-~- zi'

NAZAL; David Ricardo

Unidad 9 La Plata. Condemned to 10 years.


p&k/ NAZAR, d~~ . vnw Rav. dm "La Opinion" de 1renque Lauquen

Disappeared. % k4- '. +j'~~

ADEPA-ia Opinion 4-1-78 I&'i '~ -4 ~'a 44 Qpj'~ I NAZZUCHZ, Wiston (Uruguayan journalist)

Arrested 2/8/76; imprisoned;

Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPOR1

EEBULASI, Eerie Alberto P( ~ farms. 4v~ (fh fs/


RESULOZZ7, Marie A. Dalmine Siderca

Disappeared 6-11-76

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre NEGLI, Josd

DIS C6rdoba

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

REGRETS, Natalia Maria (nae Ratchefi')

Under PEN Unidad 2 Villa Devoto


cts NEGRO, Jevier Federico DNU: 11.607.155 ji)n ')cfuia/ice(nwl' at)t w ai( Eve'n usda FEi(

UNDER PEN 1769/76 — U9 La Plate. Has presented, petition for option to leave country. g ++ ~ pea/' L) ih A Lyecv~faPeg OCA9F Y

Negro, Carisen Asensio de (Mother) Diag. 80 N . 791 - 9 'B" IA PLATA Phone: 44662 (Relatives). 7& NEGRO, Paula


AISC (Cospa-Madrid)

NEGRO, Raquel

ABD with son Sebastian of 12 months on'lr2-78 in —-- "-- Mar del Plata. Pregnant.

--—--- Cancer Anti Congress 9/78


ADLeague sequel (nee Baron)

ADLee sue


ABD 11-12u76

AISC (Cospa-Madrid)


AISC (Cospa-Madrid) NELL, Jose Luis Age 66

Argentine disappeared in Paragu

NELSON, Alfredo Jorge Maestro

Disappeaed. 10/76

NL Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

ABD 11-26-76 from Policlfnico Posadas NEBQN, Luis Angel A e: 32 r%: 4.332.382 Calabria 3866 Buenos Aires

ABC 12-6-77 from home viih wife Gracie1a


ESTO, Nebio


AXSC (Coups-Madrid)

~IBOUIG), Carlos Juan Age: 24 Iau student

ABD 3-8-77 from home Bs.As. by Army Ql

NERON Luis Angel LF: 4.552.382 Calabria 3866 Buenos Aires

ABD 12-6-77 from home with wife Graciele

NETO, Nebio


AISC (Cospa-Madrid)

NEvlBOlDJD& Carlos Juan Age: 24 law student

ABD 3-8-77 from home Bs.As. by Army L ¹TZZA, Mercedes Jose

g~ Ocz. 78-La Naciea aeespaper ge p'-'- (is:

NICOIA, Lucia de

ADD 4/77. 8on Ricardo zzas delivered to hez. parents azzny by the

NICCOLIA, Graciela Esther NIz nt

Disappeared 6-3-77

PAHR-Prensa NICOIAS, Felipe (Journalist)

IMprxsoned Lua i n vI, C~

Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT

NICOLETTI, Mirta Liliana (nee Chiernadovstr)

Under PEN Villa Devoto


NICOLETTI Nelson Journalist


Le Monde 6-10-78 HICOLI, Susana

DIS 3776

AISC (Cospa-Madrid)

Graciela NICOLIA, — 7oFI'Fl. Belgrano y 33 Orientales Buenos Aires Comunista Member of Fed. 3uv. UniV. student hfc'H

ABD on 6-3-77

Comm. Party uter, (i)

NICOTERA, Ricardo Albedo h e 40 O BAGS. aoJ

1 ' b. oot:d I rirc bee NICROSINI PERSE, Enri ue Carlos

--,-s,-. / )u ~ls+ i~a Plata- ——. —-Detained and at presente in Unidad 9-La

——Cancer. Anti Congress. 9/78

NICROSINI SANTINI, Enrique Carlos aa E

Detained since 1976 in Unidad 9 La Plata.

fEII Ll'~ . l(llpj

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78

NIELLA, Lidia Marts

ARR Cbrdoba PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) T NIETO, Adriana Silvia 3 DV. 11.816,666 os& natoI Yerbal 2105-Capital

While she vas visiting Cordoba city she was arrested on 8-15-76. Since then disappeared.

Nieto, Ramona B. de (Mother) DU. 3.348.344 Yerbal 2105-Buenos Aires

f&SC{4~ Testimony. To T.Todman. Representatives. Testimony to -I-Ir-'8 Ysag „»g E.on„d(s b,~.

~0, Antonio Lorenzo IIp. 2A

Disappeared 6 14 76 Opvu(

PARR-Prensa 5-17 78 (g)

2 —,-') ('g)

NYETO, Carlos Adrian

PEN Vnidad 9 La Plata

Elesa Prone de Nieto Los Mistoles 14 {Mother) 4400 Tres Cerritos (Salts) Leandro Nieto (hermano) PI(ONE: Salts 1002 (7-15 hrs. ) NIETO C&s Age: 62

DIS 12-14-76 S. Fernando

e(EeIt) FDD

NIETO, Gonzalez Isidora Francisca

Criminal appeals court held PEN detention invalid.


NIETO, Cesar~

Di sappearee 12-1 '. -76

P, C FAERY-Prensa 5-17-7B Nuben NIEVA& Alberto


NIEVA, Miguel Angel


NIEVAS, Jorge Carlos

DIS 12/76 NIEVAS, Manuel Correo-Cordoba

Cordoba. Detained since February 1977 in

Lis. Ard. Der. Hotabre

NIEVES, Susana Leonardi de

DIS 3-31-76



DIS 3-29-76 Buenos Aires as NILLNI, Ines Ynria Plows&e&es gl: suit ir

Disappeared 10-8-76. Husband and children in Israel.

ADLe ague

NIMSBUBG & Age: 23

Dssappeared 3 20 77 wrth brother

N'i ADLea Hue

NIMSBUNG & Age: 21

Disappeared 3-20-77 with brother

f&'i ADLeague +- 3 3g/vh/NA. 3 NING, Gustavo

Arrested in front of Saint Cross Church on 12-8-77 presumably by the Argentine Security Forces.

Qe "warm 8.8 .Ja

NIRO, Claudio 6~ Rp A

DIS 5-8-78


NISELSKY, Pedro Ast. Rio Santiago

Detained since April 76 - Unidad 9 La Plate

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre kNI NIBELSKY Vrctor Jacobo



NITTOLI, Horacio Luis

ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

NIVOLI, Yarcelo Raul $9(vil(t Dob: 2-10-44 San Juan

PEN detainee - Unidad 9 Pab . 1, La Plate. Parent stated that the prisoners ere now afraid when they are released that it will happened them as to the other two or three released who never Eot home.

jim . Uldu3rrn Juan V. Nivoli (Parent) Antonia Tomas de Nivoli Avidio Lagos 51 - Dpto. 4-Cordoba

Personal visit Embassy 2-10-78. NIVOLI, Meri o Alberto DI. 6.564.rrr, O. iagos 51 - Cordoba

Arrested on 2-14-77 by the provincial police of Cordoba. Since then disappeared.

Nivoli, Graciela Maria Gauchat de (Wife) DI. 6.030.097 G"uemes 5823-Santa Pe (3000)

8-19-77. Later to Embassy B.A



Under PEN Sierra Chica


NOBBL, Alejandro

ABD 11-10-76 rom work with brother-Bs. As.

AISC NOBILI DE BONETTI, Ana Maria CI: 1.735. 430

DIS 2-1-77 La Plate


NOCEDA, Carlos Norberto


NOCEI'7l, Else Alicia DOB: 17-7-1955 DI. 11.341.874 Studen*

Disappeared on 12-16-76 en IA PIATA.

('BB Z(4)

Nocent, Alhano Jose (LE.3.035.633) Ela Gelatti de Nocent(DC. 4.062.213) (Parent) Cnel. Falcon 24 - Bahia Blanca NOCZIII, Ines

ABD 8-10-76 with Helms J. Ocampo

NOCIGLIO, Antonio Amadeo 3)JO: Q.Ao. 08&

Disappeared 6-3-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

NOH Carlos Alcides Bne P7 QNI.' 0 PD6. 10$

6- s-vu /, Disappeared 10 Hi 76 pVsL%40

it)„)J,fu,' PAHH-Prensa 5-17 78{L) NOKs Jorge


NON, Pedro

Disappeared 10-25-76


NOE, Victor Jacobo Ysc, sop AieH ' QiN . 4'kdsO77

Not reGistered. For. os. Znq. : 11s18-76 OOA reply: 11-3O-76 (NO' kk~kd e, &s ii N neai ~so» l~.

Fata(ih lavr&L +v. t raI "if, 7 I:L


~& "i Jg. 4g LrnAt l-/l. , 4:, G:~, la i; .iq. . . , NOES, Ricardo Ienn' 2.

&, II~ Disappeared L-30 3$' g2.

I 6:~.4.I 0%3 Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre I'6 BR(t)

NOGUENNA i A1egandro (Uruguayan )

Di.sappeared 12-11-75 in Buenos Aires. At present detained in Libertad Prison in Montevideo accused of subversive association.



fSHR (1) 3&


Disappeared 6-30-76

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre


Disappeared 7-13-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78

NOGUEIRA DE RICNY, Graoiela Mirta hl; Z& C) . (.293. vi 9

Disappeared 7 ZI 77

PAHR-Prensa 5 17 78 (I) p, F (Uruguayan) NCGUEIRA DE RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ, Raouel Age: 27 Calle Victor Martinez 1295-Buenos Aires

7-13-76 in Buenos Aires; at present in Disappeared of' subversive conditional f'reedcm in Uruguay, accused association.


DIS Cordoba

NOGUER, *ge; 2

DIS Dauaughter 'a of Mari F - N oguer


ARR Cdrdoba PEN

AISC (Rio Negro nessspaper)



~~N ~(i)

NOGUSZ, Ricardo Nartin

DIS 12/76 NOIA DE MEZZAGRA, 1(ebA Age: 30 LC: 5.488.096

. DIS 10-13-76

faf, l(II) FDD

Qr NOIASCO, f'eznando Pablo CI. 6.718.057 - DNI 10.691.571 B. Escalade de San Martin 4586-5"'A"-Capital .

Arrested by supposed Security Forces on the public street. Since then di.sappeared. 6-25-76.

Nolasco, Gloria Fernandez (Mother) B. Escalade de San Martin 4585 - 5"'A"' Capital (1407} Cn-94»

fll&R'I() Statement to Representatives.

('ev», ~(c;a,Ev,I,.~ U L, .f,W~ S lS-&r

NORA, Adolfo H.


f88r, (() NURNERO, Roberto


MORES MONTEDONICO, Alvaro (Uruguayan ) Age: 26

Disappeared 10-1-76 in Buenos Aires. Freed on 12-22-76 in Montevideo.


NONES MO:KZDONICO, Maria del Filar (Uruguayan)

Disappeared 6-10-76 in Buenos Aires. Freed on 12-23-76 in Moritevideo.

REFOULEMENT 4% f/g NORIEGA, Carlos Cl': 3 537.297 O'Higgins 1765 2"'D" Capital 782-3876

Disappeared. For. Off. lnq. : 3-14-77 GOA reply: NO

Noriega& Isoline Ana Cerino de (wife) CI. 4.469.546 O'Higgins 1765 2"'D"

Dapital , Tel: 782-3876 ' / I/& ikee?tace~ J~;u'. . ~c NaF.

NORIO, Enrique Daniel

DIS 4 21 76

AISC (A. D. P.H. )


DIS 9-25-76 La Plate


DIS 12/76

ftj1~ I'l

SOS+ ~ Carlos Al'berto


NOSIC IA, hiaria Naddalena CI. 7.089.871 DOS: 5-13-1953 Posadas (Misiones)


/I;ji, l ggcr~ lAcg. III (khtdI)nLwnsz( ts 'IIsA!.

Freeraan-Dr. Luis A. Caeiro AFL/CI0 ~7)I/O/E NOTALIVERTO, Ismael As. Av. RoIon, Boulogoe (Prov. Bs. )

Disappeared. Lozadur.




NOUYON DE PEREZ, Norrsa Beatriz Age: —2 8— Worker

Detained in 1975-at presente in Villa Devoto Prison.

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78 NOUHJ, Jorge Amerino



NOVANO, Araceli Noemi

DIS 3-30-78

North zone BS.AS. Prov.

NOVATO, Carlos Yartin

DZS I ROVER@, Hector -"u

NOVENA, JorKe 4a'D ~!)s. As .4

Va is

ls ""j7 g I I~s

t".„Lns4-l411 4

DAIA (44tg(4)

NOVILLO, AleJandro Luis

Disappeared 2-28-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17 78 (~l NOVILLO, Carlos Alberto

Disappeared 2-28-77

PAHS-Prensa 5-17-78I

NOVILLO, Jorge Horacio Age; 24= Pasade Nelson 570-Rosario

Arrested on 2-28-77. Since then disappeared.

('A R R (t) Novi llo, Jorge Oscar (LE:6.096.938) (Parent) Novi llo, Maria Juana Saade de (LC .2 .385.173) Dorrego 546 Venado Puerto, Santa Fe


PONG REPLY: PEN Dto. 1584 - 11-22-74 Charges: ERP member, subversive Profuga: activities since 5-24-75 when she escaped from Pastor prison (Cdrdoba) . Buen

October 1978. NOVILLO RABELLINI, Rodolfo Francisco

FOWG REPLY: Octo. 1978

PEN Dto. 2731 9-7-77 Charges: Itegrante de PER, editan parnfletos subvsers. COrdoba prison.



ABD 12-13-75 Tucumkn

Mexico 79

NUDEL, Saul Oscar

1&m)au &)mu( mul i I)t s PiisrIdid aI (v.~akn

PEN - Coronda Jail (Prov. Santa Pe). Permision for option to leave country. Gave mather forms to be sent to the consulate.

nl) j, Ll;.u co.aa 'fu Nudei, Angela Sandiano de Castelli 89 - 5'C - Capital (Mother) Phone: 47-6625 NGDELMAN, Nore Age: P4

Detained Villa Devoto

ADLea Sue

HDDEH, Hernan

AHD 1P?7 Cdrdoba Prov.

HUGHES, Juan Angel

Arreated on 8-11-76. pf' &S4' ~ d

Nughea, Victorino RaG1 (Father) Biel, Switzerland European Co-Operative Longo &1AP k„ao,~' vr- r o~aA. 4. 4.oa A~4

l'fl;f. (4) HUGHES, Victorino Haul BOB: 2-25-34 Villa Juan B. Alherdi, Prov. Tucuman

ie Paz 6144

NUGITEH, Hernan CI. 5,772. 067 fL NbestR RMl, Jab (-:iSos."+g

Arrested on 10-27-77. Since then disappeared.

Qy,i4v L;~~n (IBM I NuSuer, Juana M S. de (Mother ) Av. Ie Plate 165 r 4 - Bs.As. k'Bdg. Fr.'andi-ling (L) Ietter to Mrs. Carter - 11-3-77. ~.f~"

NUNEZ, Blenca Ni eves CI: 10.479.192

AISC (Clarin) NUNEZ, Diego Enstaqnio AIq 4o

Disappeared 8-13-77

P~-Prynsq 5-&7-78 (i) g $ hei Nese+

NlBZZ, Eva Esther Rfq P gf(); jj.'Wk. has

Disappeared 7-15-77

PAND-Prensa 5-17-78 (')

DhEZ, Ferro. n Angel


9nHF,'(iI NUHEZ, Hector Municipal Worker

ABD 3-20-76 Bahia Blanco

PiiHP, (I)

NUNEZ, Horacio Santos


P6 Ii I'(~)

NUNEZ, Joaquin


AI-Notre Dame, Indiana USA NUNEZ Jorge D~ Administr. Central 6-, &4, &ie&. r d.

Disappeared 5-6-1977

6",4 Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

NUNEZ, Jose Enrique E'sl;sl3) 8is ~J&gs sg, /, Le Fo6

l Disappeared 2-17-77 E~

AHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) )8(1 gaddi6

NUHEZ, Naris Juana

DIS 4-26-76

f6HP, I4I NUBEZ, Mario Martin


AISC (Clarin)

%UNEZ, Miguel Angel


fil ed (L)

NUHEZ, Norma Ada Afi 4 3eji. We3f. 3df




NVBEZ, Oscar



NVREZ, Pedro Francisco RH I6 Wi; As. rrLh&z

DIS 5-4-76 NUBEZ, Ramona


AISC (Cospa-MadrId)

NUNEZ, Roque



NUNEZ, Vzctor l~o h~ a

g~, DIS 2-26-76 g,"J

PARR tZ) ' A/1 Ffi -r DUNES, Violeta Maria Age: 26 DOB: 12-22 50

Detained in Villa Devote since 12-13-75.

Dept. or State-Bunrpus 6-5-78



AISC (Cospa-Mx)

BDSB"fB:, Ross Ana ZtneeLA Aft BS

Disappeared 5-6-77

k,4 &J.l~t( PARR-Pf ensl 5-17-78(L) NUSENOVICH, Noises

Under PEN. (' isns(


NANCUPZL, Guido Adrian

In Penal Rawson, Chubut.

hsandupel, Adrian (Father) Comodoro Rivadavia (Chubut} C ~( OBEIj)r, Ruben

(7co aPL;:~ s iPuao .I(/Ug PEN - Reason, Clout - OPtion to 1eave country -4, A.- (.)~ -I"/.

Obeid, Maria Cristina Uegs de (Wire) 8305 Bards del Medio (Rio Negro)

Naris Teresa Candis (Cousin) 241-0386

OBERLIN, Hector Ousliexsso Age: 26

ABD 1-7-76 Cordoba

CB(((( b)


ABD 3-17-76 Prov. Bs.As. ORZ, IOADO. Maria

DIS 12/76

fRHR (zj

OBRAMOVICH, Ricardo Public ofricial

ADiea gee

OCAMPO, Amande Maria Age: 18 CI: 6.428. 408

DIS 7-23-77

PAHR (L) F)3 OCAHPO, Hector Santa Fe

Detained - Corona

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OCAMPO, Haul Osvaldo Social Sciencies student . Lc e~ ssrasnwssS B)s Js cI'. S.OA t~t DU: 11.824. 122

DIS 11-15-76 together with Alberto Ezequiel Said.

Sotero Raul Ocampo (Parent) Regina Amelia Rogiero de Ocampo Av. F. D. Roosevelt 5657-4'P. DptoB (les™E @talc Bartolome) plls:", - fesk 1-!)-'g(L)

OCAAH'0, Selma Julia

AHD 8-10-76 with Ines Soceti OCAAjPO FERREYRA, Amends Ma. Ol:s vxq, bs2

Age &'s'

DisaPPeared 7-23-77

n o ihed - O j l/2 F . D e 0 ca ps - C X+' sii" i g SI„~r/Co~ro RLj jets jj; 4 .mM PARR-Prens 5-17-78 P jl j7 7 8- (. -/I

~i Dais Gabriel


OCANO UO-Construe sion Workers-Reconquisba

Dls ai'ier 3 24 7Q QO/I, jig)- PQ{I4f(

tjjjjc,'(iI ML OCANTO, Julia FCGSM T. Lsuquen


Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

c 7qd(W/~

OCANA ELIAS, Luis Gabriel

kae he b,pk esnl s ~qf 0a embed' tukcd Under PEiS Unidad 9 Ia Plate ~


OCARO LOMBA, Jorge Antonio 6. 4Ob. (q)

DIS 5-8-76 L&tac~ 7s ~a~&" 7 ps, ( A/~4 s' pea Pe~



WOLA 11-78

OCHIATTO, Jorge Alberto


OCHIUTO DE RUIZ, Catalina Age: 51 Nicaragua 4959,Buenos Aires Worked at Hospital Militar

ABD 11-15-76 With husband Oscar f'rom home )i I ~ OCR', tandido 5'l a La Cantabrica c S": 0 '~4'e J W. , l&cw(++3 L3z

j 4J'.,L. Disappeared 5-14-77 ~'

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OCHOA, Enrrgue Ram6n

Arrested on 10-23-75 in San Juan.n. A t present Unidad 9 La Plata. in

g, 6.a LP ' OCHOA- Andrea de '(Mother) Catamarca 465-Villa Lerga Prov. San Juan 5423 Capitan Lazo, Opto. Rawson.

gl OCHOA, Hugo

DIS 1975

C6rdoba List 12-1-78 OCHOA, M6nica Patricia CI: 8. 794. 795


AISC (Clarin)

OCHOa, Piturno

Unidad 9 La Plate.

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OCHOA, Victor Oandioo 'h[t 9

l Disappeared 5-14-77 P, „dJ. 5„~ Bdk)

PAHR-Pzensa 5-17-78(&) OCOPLER, Maria D. Jujuy

Detained since 1975 in Villa Devoto

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

wA jA ODELL, Alejandro Roberto Bob: 7-12-1954 Address4 G(cremes 4718-5"'B"-Capital DG: 11.203.379 Occupation;Student in Geology, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas. Universidad de Buenos Aires (Nunez) - Part-time Taxi Driver.

Disappeared on August 14c 1977 between 2 and 8 pm. Activity at, time of' disappearancec employed (and working) as Taxi Driver de Capital Federal, (Peugut 404 Diesel (Gasolero), License no. 0618872c Motor no. D-0-4801, Chassis No. 3104322. I/, ' ss uP I:n "« /cuu Odell, Josefina Diana Itcnos (Wife) Cremes 4718-5"'B"-Capital )I"c c i Cb Cong. yraser - 11-23-77 Ic-ccrc - s.ecc Congr. Holt. 11-9-77'c )0 Lu3~~. 11-9-77 "I-" '*c -Sc.ccg

OGANDO, Hmilio Horacio Lied NCIyc E,,IM!Lc )

I Disappeared 10-15-76 jcfu cccccc-c

IA &&)m ~c, .i (;))(;

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(u) OGANDO, Estele de Laager LC: 5.865. 057

DIS 10-13-77


OGANDO, Gustavo Ruben

DIS 6-9-76 AL l4vt6

La Plata List - 11-21-78 '

OGIQ'DO, Jorge Oscars IZ 5.222. 542 C OGARDO, Stella Naris Nontesano de' LC 5865057 Sarmiento 159-

Arrested on 10-16-76 by supposed Security Forces Since then disappeared.

f'8HF(i) Calif'ano, Delis Celia Giovanola de (Mother) LC 1012247 armienPo Villa Ballester 'k 159, , FL..r; NI~I I')I Statement to Representatives.

[Iu !„&;;, 8sssst KFi C~ 'IJPI OGANDO, Baby

Calii'ano, Delis Cecilia Giovanda de Sarmiento (Grandmother) 159-Villa Ballester (Prov. Bs.As. )

Ignaci o Pedro bsl I-' I/. Bod cF3d (e. Dst', .Dd

DisaBeared 3/77

V»i r- ~s -7J' PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t3

CCZA, Jere

ABD 1/77 in a school camP in Cordo OJEA QUINTANA, Esteban M. Age: 24 DNI: 10,506, 490 ot lOPSAIS

DIS 4-28-77 Mar del Plata

FDD &&8&(t)


DIS 4-5-76

North zone Bs.As. Prov.

OJEDA Aldo Oscar LE' o "i Er& 8;el'


PAHB-Prensa 5-)7-78 (E) Ltuj An Wi«IE CJEDA, H. Acindar

Detained 3-24-76 - Coronda

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OJEDA, Hugo Fernando

1 &&td"- td II4uvlII4CVl Dig 7 ig 76 ucncd( ~


OJEDA, Josh Eduardo

PAHR (L) OJEOA, Juan Carlos

DIS Santa Fe

OJRDA SZZRRA, Luis Rodolfo Bfe 3a L'6; ROsR 339

Disappeared 4~-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 Ii)

O'KELLY, Eisa MOnica Age: 17

DIS 4-21-76 Cdrdoba

PAHR (L) OIARDO, Ricardo Daniel

DIS Cordoba


OIARRAOA Hignel Cordoba

Detained in Sierra Chica

I,ig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OIAVZ, gorge Ra~ Rt& d'&, 10,Scan. qQo

.. ( I -" tucks - &~A~ A ~"'&» ii PJ$

RAHR-Rrenaa 5-I7-7S(t) OLAZO, M6nica Age: 19 Nedical student

DIS 6/77 La Plate


OLDANI DE REGGIARDO, A. Age: S7 DNI: 3.094. 655

DIS 2-8-77 Flor. Verein Bs.As.


OLZJAVETZKY, Adolf'o Daniel

oof' the Institut. Act of Held under article 2 inclusive&e September 1, 1977 - Law 21650 OLIVA, Ana Isabel

' Detained 3-23-76 - Villa Devote

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OLIVA, Diana Elena Age: 15

DIS 5-15-77


1 OLIVA, Juan sam~ Delegado

Disappeared 3-16-77

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre OLIVA, Justo Jose Pgs 4

Disappeared 5-15-77 h" " w"/'

I;L PAHR-Prensa 5-17 78(t)

OLIVA, Miguel Antonio

DIS October 1978


ARR PEN 3/78

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) OLIVAR, Victon'M.

DIS 4-28-76 Cordoba

tRHR (iJ


DIS 7-13-76 Mendoaa

AISC (Cospa-Madrid)

OLIVENCE, Daniel Horacio Age: 28

DIS 1-2-77 San Juan

PAHR (L) OLIVENCIA, Daniel Horacio DI. 8.324.138

Disappeared in San Juan oc about middle of October 1976.

Olivencia, Vicenta T. de (Mother) CI 8.309.237 Patricias Mendocinas 2462-Mendoza PSRR(4) 8-EL77 Letter to 1.Todman.

OL1VENCIA, Luis Alberto


OLIVER, Susana Qns Pj cg: S.C86. O&0

Disappeared 4-23-77

PAHR-Prenss 5-17-78 ( ~ OLIVEHA & Empleado publico-San Juan

Detained Unidad 9 - La Plate

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre


Detained since 12-1-75 in Gualeguaychu

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

OLIVEEA, Juan Yanuel fiss. se Qlt, la uas&

Disappeared 10-18-76

PAHH-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) OLIVERA, Juan Pablo Ag. 2

DIS 6-5-78 in Buenos Aires

FDD 9-16-78

OLIVERA, Raul Pedro Age: 24

Dis: 5-6-78, Cap . Federal

FDD List — 9-18-78

OLIVERA, Rob et to

3-24-76 La Plate

Mexico 79 OLIVERA SAN MARTIN, Edgardo MB'. 9=21=38 CI: 7.326.970 Mechanic

Detained in 11-7-74,. at presente Rawson prison.

Cancer. Anti Congress 9/78 ..

ODIVERES, Fernando Pedro 885~ VAR. Il, P 943

Disappeared 1-18-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (i)

OLIVERI, Gloria Marts

Disappeared 5-6-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (1) OLIVERI DE DUCCA, M. Cristina

ABD 5/76 from home Bs.As.


OLIVIEB, Patricia 6 6vua

ss: &O. Gdpp. CENT

ABD 4-11-77 from her home with Luis E. Hatsuyana

Pppf- f'sane D/4-)l(t)

3 Ef/rI/y

OLIVIEPA CEZAE, Mercedes Julieta de CI. 4.5B3.167 Divorced. Address: Avenida del Libertador 1024, 7th fl.- Bs.As

Disappeared 3:oo am. 8-20-1976. Her name appears on p. 66 of the Argentine Ini'ormation Service Center List of 11-4-77. EL

Chacabuco :55, 6D San Isidro, Bs.As. gd 3/Wi/7 g I& OLIVIERI, Carlos

Taken by uniformed men on December 6, 1978 on his way to a friend's wedding.

State 020955-1-26-79-Dpto. of State

OLIVIERI DE DUCCA& Maria C. A&„SA CQ: %65. i 36

Disappeared 4/76

PAHB Prensa 5 17 78(L)

0LIVIESI, Daniel

DIS 10 r6 SAN JUAN OLIVARES, JorSe Abelardo

PEN - Unidad 9 - La Plate - Option to leave country.

Olivarez& Rosa Videla de Echeverria 1606 RIO CUARTO (1'e1.24381 Amistad)

OLIVE~ Juan Antonio PiI'i R'i

Disappeared I)+ II"

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(i) Wcc(~-l~)

OLLEROS, Ines 3HO Iai&l 7'i0 Ric zt Nnett1 14 iisc. hvn.

Disappeared 7-19-77

EuaLS, SA )(n PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(S) II. vfvnss. av's7D„i OLLIO, Alberto Soldier

DIS 6-26-76


OLZ, OS, Miguel Angel

g Q, Disappeared 8-3-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t)

OZMSDO, Gustavo Gabriel YI. 11.935.328 OLuEDO, Jose Horacio Mz. 10.640.619 LF. lo. 455 Gr3 OLMEDO, Graciela Gladys PuJOZ de

Gustavo Gabriel Olmedo disappeared in Cordoba City on 3-26-76. Jose Horacio and his wdfe Gabriela Gladys Pujo de Olmedo in Buenos Aires disappeared end of October 1976.

Olmedo, Tomas M. (Father) Los Sarmientos-Cbilecito-Za RioJa Tel. 517 PSZiE(Z) (-10-77, letter to Embassy B.A. Sdrdz den "rm s jy fiZ OLMEDO, Miguel Angel

DIS 5-12-77 Mordn


OLMEDOs Silvio Martin BIE Eb!

Disappeared 10/76

PAEcc-Prensa 5-17-78(L) PlL

OLMEDO DE SPATOIA, Alicia 1( E let M 11 Etc ti

'Disaneared 12-7-77

PAHE-Prensa 5-17-78(t) OLMEDOA, Josg Horacio LE: 10.633.613 Medicine student

ABD 3-24-76

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78

OLMOS; Jorge E.

DIS 4-13-76 C6rdoba



—— .DIS 5-14-77 I

North zone Bs.As. Prov. sgvlesI')

O' NEIL VELA22UEZ, Heber Edmundo (Uruguayan)

Disappeared in December 1977 in Buenos Aires j lc ' less e» ' scA'Lees . 0 cWR l, mn ~ . ,

Registered: UNHCR-Refugee 3-9-78

O' NEILL Eduardo Miguel IZ.7.78().805 00 r vscvvv Laprida 1204 - 7"'3(P-Capital 1, . Tel. 83-8412 s a e-n-vv, 4. (2 A RvI 4vl' R, . ), (.N id'R. &L I;-$ 1-'(us~~vs. C:Ru' &Q I m. (I Arrested on 9.9.77 by a group of armed men (ler. Cuerpo de Ejercito). He is a doctor, was member of Federacion de Residentes, while he studieg. Wife's sister, resident in the U.S., has asked Md. Qva for help. VRRP, [;,l (4) Mrs. 0"Neill 3~m "wl"a c4 (wife) Laprida 1204 - 7"'30"-Capital hei. Bg-S 02 V,'Ccd ~ ';!l7] &~, ~ asors&

ONGARO, Horacio Angel

DIS 9-16-76

AISC (Coops-Mx1 ONIFICI, Eva Raquel



II4sts OBIS,/Cristina 'eSX L &.t:I |74

ABD 6-4-76 from home in Florida, Bs.Aires

PW. (I)

ORODRIO, Rosanna Victoria FIFA La'bor.

Disappeared 10-20-76

Lig. Ars. Der. Hombre ONOFRI, Hugo Luis

DIS 10-20-76


ONORES, Luis Ex-Delegate froa lka-Renault

DIS 11/76 in Cordoba

ONS, Adelaida Beatriz


AISC (Cospa-Nadrid) Ql ONIZVERO, Ped~o Jorge Age: 31 7 992 637

DIS 9-29-76 V. Liberrador-Cdrdoba


OFZIVZROS, Gabriel Obrero Renault


Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

QNTIVEROS DE MOSCARINI, Else CI: 5. 843.671 or 9.848. 671




AISC (Cospa-Nx)

OPPENHEIMER, Alicia Nora 3 9EDi 4V' Rye kate

. 'PP IA rs V-s, f-~o~ Co&Cirrg Disfhewi 0 lCt, 4 jeer aa ~e I fP, li((i) o Qa'IYz i nseR ~irk'- 7' adrs C' Pi Prf j45 cP 3 ol- kl

ORANS, Ednardo Gabriel

Arrestado en frente Iglesia de Santa Crnr. , Diciembre 8& OBBIETO, Luis

ORDOBEZ, dorEe Audiosio

DIE 9-20-76

Mar del Plata List

ORE7ANA, Francisco Dominao

DIS ORELLANA Havdde Mercedes CI: 6. 85'/. 603

Arrested on 9-20-76 in Lomas' de Zamora. Disappeared since then.

Orellana, Juan D. (FatherJ Ericson 14- Temperley

ORELLANA, Miguel Age: 35

ABD 5-11-78 from Uspallata 2556, Bs.As.


ORELLANO, Jose Maria f; JisZ602I5

DIS 4-14 78

PARR (I) 8)PDD ORFANO, Pantaleon Daniel D C.I-. 6.223.739 Lucas a ORPANO, Guillermo /caI i C.I. 7.223. 511

P.D.Orf'ano was arrested at Corrientes and Libertad streets. Since then disappeared. This happened on 7-30-76. On the 12-2-76 his brother Guillermo Lucas eas also arrested, he has not returned yet. —,~'ssai4~a. I4 k. UeM 25-g ORPANO, Idiza J. de (Mother) DNI 0.115.922 tais Saenz Pena 1729 P.BB-Capital

8-11-77 - Letter to Derian. of' FD1) Copy above mentioned Idter to Representatives. Agosto 1977 - Letter to Senators. flL, PIISP(t)


DIS 6-29-76


Elber Mario Rugo R/( 93 1I. (.5sc.lo h

DIS d-3-76 6'lCtClfi

PARR (L) ORIETA, Miguel Angel

L'll l. ls4. 9@

DisaPPeared 2-5-77 Y. ~AAOtd.

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t)


Detained bal-76 - U. 2.V.Devote

l,ig. Arg. Der. Hombre


ARR 5-30-76 Bs.As. - PEN V. Devoro

AISC (CADHU) z n/Z~/r

ORIANDO, Irene Larrea 785 - 17"'D" - Buenos Aires

Disappeared together with her son's fiancee Beatriz Irene Rosa Pages on 9A-1977

-i~ (», ~l7r a ) TAHE Frassr-State C87870 (4-10-782

ORVLSDO, Ricardo Daniel

DIS Cordoba

A li1i (i)

ORY~CHE, Negro Age: 38

ABD 6/77 Recognized by the Army 2 months later in a Noepitcl in sta. pd. 23-77. . Died because of torture on 12-


DIS 11/76 in Buenos Aires

ORO, Alberto Marcelo

Agc 4~

I( I ~ Disappeared 10-30-76 Pus'~ P~/'

OawdA ~i~ f-HA. ( PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)


DIS OROZCO, Daniel Fco. Student Age: 22 DU. 10.~8.138

kv 8: ksf sQ.

p& Disappeared 3 26 76 Lc~'a

«"L PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) WOIA

ORRIRI'A, Carlos paul ci:li.9:3 qdI B~ O77

Disappeared 6-4-77

- k, &„E l'.~.I.'. ID 4 PARR-PRENSA 5-17-78 (I)

Prsci, Mrs. t 1 ai.

Reported to have been seen in Mech School. Maggio letter. d ]p

Info Harris 12-14-78 ORTEGA (Foaaatti's Wi& &


La Plata List



DIS La Plata Bs.As.


ORTEGA, Jose M. Salta


Lig. Ars. Der. Hombre ORTEGA, Josd Napoleon io. Wio. 'bi&



ORTEGA, Josd Vicence

DIS 2-4-76


DLLcwto ORTEGA, Luis Rob esto


PAHR (i) ORTEGA, Maria Ines Age: 18

.DIS 2/76 (8 mo. pregnant)

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

ORTEGA, Monica Eisa

Dis: 2-25-78 4v C'4

La Plata List. - 10/78 (8HR (L)

ORTEGA, Vicente


PARR (L) Pl ' ORTELLADO, Delia A. Vda. de


AISC (Clarin)

QRTEMBZRG, Jose Eduardo

3)D7. bYi=Jsd

Disaoneared 44 os!~ 1usi "i&4 J

/. (4k(i.ti;,;;t, ra& 2i)r,

V, i'!.I.,s I. PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(1) G VJ " /x-7 'j

ORTIS, Maria del Carnen

ABD 12-2-74 Bahia Blanca — PENN V. Devoto

AISC (CADHU) ORTIZ, Alfonso Paulino P"( 13 e~7; f.Ni0. ALS

3IAi4 'C i ii i ii ii ii.

PARR (1)

ORTIZi Anselme

DIS 11/76

e(Hr, (3

ORTIZ, Carlos Journalist


Le MONDE 6-10-78 GRTIZ, Graciela

Detained in La Plata

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

ORTIZ, Gustavo (Bolivian)

Father oi' six children. Arrested in La Pat and exiled to Salts.

Bolivian Pervmnent Assembler for H. R. - 4-27-78

ORTIZ, Juan Telmo

&nH. AI. AQe. dan

DIS 12-14-77 -~41

PAHR . ORTIZ, Liliana Elizabeth

Integrant of "Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo" -ERP

Cronica clipping 6l4-78

ORTIZ, Manual

ARR 1-28-76 Catamarca

Mexico 79

ORTIZ, Miguel Luis DDB: 3-31-1953 (French)

Arrested on 11-23-74. Sentenced to 15 years in prison. Detained in Magdalena prison.

French Embassy ORTIZ, Nelly

Disappeared in November 1976. Wife of Diaz Lestrem.

Liga Arg. Der. Hombre 4-19-7B a)k L kmk,

ORTIZ, Pedro Alberto Fab. Arg. Engranajes-Wilde

Disappeared 7-6-77

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

ORIIZ, Ramdn Antonio h(( Z)

DIE 3 19 76 ~~o~

PARR (4] ORTIZ, Rodolfo

DIS 3-23-76


ORTIZ, Segundo Prof'. sec.

Detained - Sierra Chica

Lig. Arg. Der. Honbre

ORTIZ, Serafin CI. 5.857. 753


AISC (Clazin) ORTIZ, Vilma Ethel

DIE Cdrdoha




ORTIZ DE BOROBIA, Maria del Carmen


Cronica clipping 6-14-78 ORTIZ DE CAB



ABD November 1976

RXHR Canter Anti Congress 9778

QRTIZ DE MURUA, Blanca Ester Si'~ 29 ggn G.&&S.Bs2

DIS 10-28-76

PARR (L) ORUE, Griselda Elisabeth (Patag, ) Alt 22 Elli; g.'5i5 C2L

DIS 1-25-78

PAHR (4) G3

EAL, Marin Esteban &67:.AO. uS,S6 I Age;

Dis: 30-6-78- Moron

FDD List - 9-16-78


Detained since 4-1-76 in Cordoba

ADLeasue OSATINSKY, Ricardo

DIS 4-13-76 C6rdoba

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

Osatisnky, Widow of Marcos Osatinsky (Montonero)

Reported to have been seen in Mech. School. Maggio Letter. 4-10-78

Harris info. 12-14-78

GSELIA, Graciela (nee Dragnicevich)

Devoto Under PEN Decree 1519/75 Unidad 2 Villa

ADLeaane OSHIRO, Jorge Eduardo ' 3~53 S' C I . 8 Si

Disappeared 11-10-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17=78 (i)

OSHIRO, Oscar Labor lawyer gl 4 dll is'

Taken from his office Av. Mitre 351 (Avellaneda) on 4-21-77. During the night they returned and set i'ire.

@„„,g48 r 3lcf Liga Arg. Der. Hombre 4-19-78 FHHR(i) F3D

ORLE& Horber o Oscar 9 Afe s

Disappeared 2-13-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7B ~ ) OSMAB, Juan Sr,

ABD 6/76 at home by Police who where looking for son

OSOLA, Susana

DIS 7/76 from Junin Bs.Aires with husband

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

OSORES, Carlos Padl Age 28 ' Doc. 7.884. 972

I . DIS 9-17-76 It&Gu.'n'lInst )i OSORIO, Pablo Horacio

DIS 11-22-77


OSRUNI, Osvaldo Anibal

Disappeared 9-20-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78

UREA Susana Elena &SSOIA de LC: 4.045.814 3&l~&.lgf Alem 1614 — 2'202 - San Miguel (Bs.As. )

DIS 5-22-76 Buenos Aires, Arrested at public street.

(»(, (1) Maria Ferrarese de Unra (Mother-in-law) Mitre 1729=2"'A" -SAN MIGUEL 667-1195 (Neighbours Personal, call 8-10-78 Embassy fvgw4A tru4 ML OSTEREAG, Silvia Graciela

Under PEN-Unidad 2 Vi11a Devoto


OSTREJ, Claudio Q4awdto C!:%.%s3. 5% l1ee4A Cg Tsvt. 5m.


PAHF'('), (',di,p-, 3„n4;Z Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

CSTROIVIECKI, David Manuel c I !11991573 Colon 1614-1'vC"-Far del Plate

Sit st( lllsl72 - kg

Arrested on 10-28-76. Disappeared since then.

Ostrovdecki, Pablo (Parent) CI. 2257122 Ostrowiecki, Felisa IC 0403323 Statement to Representatives. 4'HHC,'(,)

' J P, II1 L OSTUNI, Osvaldo Anibal Ager 33 CI 5 271 820

DIS 9-29s77


OSUrBL, Alberto hei %i 3rrr: 7.53D.AQIr

Disappeared 5-10-77 /. oil

1 ~v. 4)r i-ro-ss

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78M

clc C0880 OSUNA ESPINO+Lidia hhe &3

ZS 5 20 78-rvrrrarr5 UQ&

PAHR il) OTAHAL, Ernesto (KILN ' ot '. Rssl is dc( Ss

n R, Disappeared BW-77 (

)', L idg. Arg. Der. Hombre

OTABO, Guillermo E.

La Plata List - 11-21-78

OTL'OUI, Lucio Oscar

DIS Cordoba OTERO, Delfor Journalist


Le Monde 6-10-78

OTERO, Eduardo ~) . Jl 't A.NI

Disappeared 8-19-77

hlmrs s'3I PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

OTERO, Javier Antonio kqt ss &hei: AI. B4;'Hl

Di.sappeared 6-25-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(1) OTERO, de Pere Martinez Fernanadez Maria Margarita

Criminal appeals court held PEN detention invalid. 10/14/78

OTZII, Eduardo ' S CI & ccd =)( A)(I &&„isI-Eli]'s E 1&

Disappeared 5-18-77 I%I„le / 8v'uA

I' t PAIUI-Prensa 5-17-78 (I)

OUALLE, Maria del Carmen

Detained on 5-7-75 in Santa Fd,

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78 OUTES, Pablo Journalisc


Le Monde 6-10-78

VANDO, Ricardo xmv7at

(.I V . i+. 8~'j -~ No data.

5„-0.'. 0;M ~"'- Liga Arg. Der. Hombre 4-19-78

OVEJERO, David Jose Evaristo CI 5.275.041

Kidnapped on 5-13-77 at his parent's home. Since then disappeared.

Ovedero, Cora Miryam Peixoto de (Mother) IC 0296129

Statement to Representatives.

)8i)rl(4) OVEJERO, Hector Rafael DHI 11.030.418 OVEJERO, Liliana Graciela Castillo Barrios de Cl 7.528. 336-DEZ 11.686.518.

Arrested on 5-5-77. Since then riisappeared.

Castilla Barrios, Eva H. Marquez de (Mother) Rivadavia 2880-2'Piso-"B"-Cap. Fed. 8"I- (r64&

Testimony to Representatives.


Castillo Barrios, Eva H. Marquez de (Grandrrrother) Rivadsvia 2880 - 2'Piso E - Capital

OVEJERO, Julio Cora. Rivadavia

Detained 5-12-77 - Rawson 0-6

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre OVEJERO, Maria C. LC: 5.617.820

ABD 10-18-76


OVIEDO, Fabian

DIS 9-7-76


OVIED0~ Ear io Doaingp

ABD 6-24-76 Cordoba D. 3 6/ &3%/6 A.

OVIEDO, Patricia Cristina c:Vc&3 e&1 . Dmz. u. Iz& cc& 33jc &S

Arrested in front of the Saint Cross Church on 12-8-77 presumably by the Argentine Security Forces.

I'3) el((j1 b3cfA su: 'boa& n OC C e3)C LC. C sf/ %76. ei3&S&" li j

t3n C;:~4 (s&I& (rut i&cern &, 7d'

R/FDD OVZSDO, Pedro Bernardo DBI. 10200475-CI. 5554440 R636 QV

On 6-26-76 at his work (Cerrito 272-Capital) he was arrested by a group of' men. Since then di sappeared.

. o. 7» VII Z, 3aua 33 ' 0;ch L 0. edo, Jacinto Carlos (Father) CI. 7.584.719 Rivadsbia 3201- 11 E"-Capital

of' — (&$')((f )bsbeas corpus sent to senators . Loopy dij ,iw 5.u B".; Ih&v 3j I= &&p. rl-6 7i

)) OVIS, 3&aria Cristina

DIS OVIS, Maria Elena



c' - /i@//9gfg OXIZY, German I'eodoro

PEN- Unidad 9 Ls Plate

Oxley, Jnlieta Moytino de (Mother) Qnitp 4149 - Dpto. 4 - Capital 811-1880 2-7-78

OXLEY, Raul Enzique f}J( 25 3NM 8. 329 sl i

DIS 10-23-74

PAHR (4) OYARZABAL, Josd Antonio

DIS 10-12-76 Rosario, Santa F6


OYARZUN MANZO, Oscar Orlando (Chilean) (P+)u)

DIS 1-26-79 - Pound dead on 1-31-79

Unclas BBC DW - March 13; 1979

OYOS, Miguel Angel Age: 22

DIS 8-3-77 Ezeiza

FDD OBAN Omar Aldo LE fi.. (6'. l&9


BL6 8-3

~PA~~. tv I (&7 „,.,),), ,d PAHRlprensa 5-17-78(tj

OZELDIN, Jorge Carlos LE: 4.313.967 Bozn: July 1,1940 Yezbal =1661 — Capital Qf (-3&-'Yi- MIJN, fr)'aP) Worker in Cattaneo(goulogne) Supervisor of ceramics. Was arrested at his home on 10-27-77 by persons indenti- fy as cozrinacion federal. (Yerbal No. 1661 de , province of Buenos Aires. Sisters visited on Oct. 31-78-Elvira Ozeldin, L.C. -2.978.689, same address. Neighbor Tel: 766-9444.

('. )Pap 7,.i~ r 7& 7(() VIja v ~ I pswiu Lozad r People-Personal call PMi I42- ft, ~'p7p, :J-. PACCIARCNI, Victor Hugo

DIS 6-3-76

C6rdoba List —12-1-78.

PAOHARO DE NARIO, Diliana G. Age' «e Oec: (Aarndru

Disappeared 5-10-76 J''m 6 t»' '

Ht PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(t)

PAOHE, Humberto Enri sue Ate 1»

Disappeared 6-15-76 Mdcti |R

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(t) FB PACHECO, . Hugo Hernan

DIS ('tha&IA

— —WOLA 11-78 ytt7h

PACHSCO, Liliana

DIS 4-22-76

(h, hhr(4)

PACHECC& hggnel Julio LE; h:. hu. hv]

Disappeared 4-7-77

PAHhh-Prensa 5-17-78(4) 4385 rsTe4; leal sI7b PACHECO, Stella Marie E. de

DIS Mendoza

aisc (SCAP)

PACIAMI pictor

DIS 6-3-76

AISC (A. D. P. H )

PACIANONE, Pictor Hugo Age; Wn/i .'10,445. 332

DIS 6-3-76 C6rdoba

FDD PACO, Alberto


AISC (Clarin)

I'ADILIA, dose Fernando


PADIN, Clemente

Arrested on 8-23-77 and indicted on Oct. 20 for attacl ing the morale and reputation of the Army. .——-- —He is currently detained in a civilian detention center, either Libertad or Punta Carretasprison.

Cong. Cleveland 8-31-78 PADIN, Vicente Rk'. 3.0 Cili: 184" 669

DIS 4-8-77 L4

PAHR (l)



f8 HP, (i) ADLeague


DIS 12/76

fr&g(&) FDD PADRON, Juan 'R.


PADULLA. Rubdn Hector



PAEFZZ, Silvia S.




APL/cia d-&sl7&3'

AEZ Jose Prancisco Lasher of SITPACSITHAM, one of the most important unions of Cordoba).

In prison. :"lchough on 8-6-76 he was declared innocent Unidad No. 2 by the Judge Zamboni, he is still detained at the Sierra Chica-Olavarria.

US Emh. visit granted 11/78 9-7-77. Letter to APL/CI0. ex-Partido Socialists de Trabadadores.

PAEZ, Jose Hector

Csrcel de Sierra Chica - PEN

ex-Partido socialists PAEZ, Juan

Detained in Sierra Chica.

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

PAEZ, Nes tor

ABD 5-13-76 C6rdoba

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

PAGELLA TOLDO, Fraciela Gribo


AISC(La Opini6n) Qc a/ei/'/g

PAGES, Beatriz Irene Rosa Age'. 26 Fiancee of Marin Tempone G.l,' 6.6"9. b5$

Adelina (Prov. Bs.As. ) Disappeared on 9-4-77 in Villa

fl!8R(LJ Cong. Praser Amnest. lnt'1

PAGHIHI~ Alberto Centenera

Detained 3-25-76

Lig Arg. Der. Hombre

PAIRO, Ricardo

ABD 6-6-75

AISC (Cospa-Mx) -4 4 ~ i& p h PLlllh Detained February 1977. Her sister Alicia Pais. de Juares detained in Villa Devote Unidad 2, died because of no medical atention.

Harris data S-7-7B

PAJES LARAYA, Rosa Age: 26

D1S Buenos Aires

PAKMQl, Enrxque Dan&el

Under Pen. Released.

ADleague $ td'xa / PAIACIR, Patricia Dine CI. 6.764.624 Docente AGE: Bolivia 4112 - Dto. 2 - Capital I')os+'\ sss(. ssk. C~.

Roberto Disappeared on 4-5-78 together with husband

{,,;p, ':t~s s1w n4 "s -o r~'~ ~ Palacin, carlos Luis y Bra. (Parent) Juicy 1155 2'B-Capital Letter to Rosalyn Carter- 3-13-78.-

PALACIO, Dante. Luis Lawyer

Detained in C6rdoba in june 1977. At present in Cdrdoba prison.

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78/

PALACIO, Hector Francisco

Disappeared 6-6-76-%ass(A

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78{4) p &CIOS, Rueborto toque

bY"~nJ ks: Ooo, 7e-ia Wuoioe

CIO, Sara Engenia

DIS h1endoza


PALACIOS, Jorge Agusefn Age: 21

DIS 2/76

FDD R/PDD PAIACIOS, Jorge Alberto C.I. 5.625.668

Arrested on 8-19-76. Was labor deputy. At present in the Villa Devote Penitentiary.

Palacios, Ramona Doralisa Gonazlez de (Wife) Calle General E. Garzon 5611 - Capital (1440) I,.C. &.95k. 29k

Letter to Derian. Statement to Senators. Statment to Embassy.

PALILCIOS, Jose Ex-Presidente JOC and metalurgic leader

Disappeared in Februa~77 in Buenos Aires. Ufo g oe 1,5 ae 9's cia

a cc I ~ & ".' cs& Se lc-

Belgium Embassy Interest - Arsene Van der Driessche - 1-25-78

PAIACIOS VIDELA, Ignacio (Journalist)

Abducted i'rom his home on 5/3/77; whereabouts unknown

Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT pALAM, Ernesto

DIG 7-20-76 La Pa Pa


PAIANCO DZ GOLDRING, Alicia N Haestra — Buenos Aires ee e pate ceo . Naekl 0ereee. (aÃ/ Aete & 7

Disappeared 3-22-76 '~~ 3'pp" B~ phl; l. de &cia" 1- c & +Furor Fsslsr

Pgak(i) gt Lig. Arg. Der, Hombre de eo~


PALAVECINO, Domingo Valentin '—hg ~2— Doc. 12.414.060

Pl I DIS 3-11-77 Alter, 'IMslvA

TucumAn VA (1) ~VV/i' e 3 PAIAFROIHO, Ferdinando LR. 7.8+.679

Disappeared. Los d~.

PALAVICIRO, Francisco I.SRV. &'6 fit& IS

Disappeared 11-3-77

rent PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(J)

PAIAZZO, Ricardo Luis ill; 0 I'. k.'scf Kq-

Disappeared 2-21-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) PALIAK, Fernando


6 &(A(L) f'A ADLeague



PALLADE5 D'ELIA, Caesar Julia

Dec. —77 4&irkc. a ' Uruguayan DIJ.

"AI - 10/78"

Maded new card. Disappeared

tt'ug(L) ADLea gee




PALMA, Car1os

DIS PALMA, Daniel Rolando Alberto

ARR 3/78 PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

PALYA Rosaf Catalina



PALMGARTER, Deane Luisa Age: 28 (born 7-17-48)

Detained Villa Devote

ADLeague PALTAI, Rodolfo

Sin datos

LsSa Arg Der Hombre 4 19 7

INDI, Csvaido Cayetano c's/% I E 4.391.815 Arce - f 243 Capital

Arrested by men Morn the Policia Federal on 4-13-1976. Since then disappeared.

For. off.lnq. ; 4-18-77 GOA reply: 6-8-77 No record /-'-4s-'6 hr .

PALVDI, Josefa Donato Vda. de .— 8"'D" (Yother) Bustamante 2176,, — Capital hu, ssAOv2! Ony 'I, ', ' s PFHR(l) 8-4-77 Letterl to Dezian 8-12-77 Letter to T.Todman 8-15-77 Letter to T.Todman. I.'.s 6 ib i LC. (ts 4a 4'm!e

PALIRdBp, Heriberdto Roney 8«43 l k. 4.ofa, 'q6s

DIS 3-24-78 PALUMBO, Miguel

ARR 3-24-76 San Luis



Detained Unidad 9-La Plate

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

PA1k, Carlos

Die PANA. Francisca

Disappeared 6-30-77

PAHH-Prensa 5-17-78

PANA, Francisco Vi~ Ferroportuario Rib 3S' L'6: AO. %8, b3'4

Disaupeared 6-30-77

Ailf~(L) Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

PANDO, Demetrio Eleuterio Ferroportuario

Detained since December 1975 in Sierra Chica

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre PAHDQ, Donato

Detained on 7-28-75 - Sierra Chica

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre



Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre


ABD 3-24-76 Tigre-Bs. As.

AISC (Cospa-Mx) PANEBPANCO, Julio Enzo

Dlg 3-9-77

)(Oj»/~ PANERO, Marte Ali cia DPOB: Fey 12, 1957, Philadelphia, Penna.

PEN 3468 - 12-29-76. Sssbsbhy at present in Villa Devoto. Arrested 9-2-76, Cordoba. After eleven months of' detention& the PEN has not resolved the case, despite many consular letters and two Embassy notes urging GQA action. (Pzs) '~. KJ' &.:( k 4,IP O~.W as'/a I I am/'mo lmswn lsH I Raised v/FONGHR by Sherman, Harris on 9/28/77 . / 68 - )5 s E'

((s (= /&r, kmunu, zs.l


PAIZRO, Iamria Susana DPOB: October 24, 1955, Reading, Penna.

'-' , JNP -v AI f~ko~ ~ ~ a @~to m ha z ~ I c~ ase ca ~-I-NS zI I

PEN 2426 - 1O-8-76. At present in Villa Devoto U2. Arrested B-26-76, Cordoba. P After almost one year of' detention there has been no movement to resolve case, despite many consultar letters and tvo Embassy notes urging GOA action. (rdw') li.»/''. ~ I,LLI ch /v JuzM I \'4 Raised v/ FONGVR by Sherman Harris on 9/28/77. kkla]N( Lvldart SC ult) 5-3.S fV~/J(fffh Icnus

, PANIGUA, Noemi. . Student - Age: 23 Chemical student at La Plata Univ.

DIS 9-26-78

Bs.As. Herald clipping 10-1-78 8l 77''&jan&/d


BllrIEjlt'! 'Y: JsI sg

be Worker in Cattaneo, (Bolougne). During labor strif'e was arrested at his work place, on 10-27-77.

ffillR (tj call. Lozadur people. Personal

PANIZZA, Gustavo Josd


Mexico 79 Ql PANIZZA, Juan Carlos Age: 29 DNI:'7. 678. 756

DIS 10-27-77 Boulogne Bs.As.


PANKOMIN & Ear ique Cl: t ei 4. el 1

* Disappeared 10-1-76 po~ roIa @~' ~t" Sk,

", I„jl„'.I;I,.,i i lw, PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7B(L) hL

PANTALBO ABqLOS, Nario P. Nerchant Narine Captain and member of the VCR

DIS 7-26-76 PAETIH, Eanuel Raul Especialista en Derecho Ia'boral

At present in Razzson (Chubut)

QJ.'!Z.0&,k (zra-" d~ Liga ArE. Der. Hombre 4-19-78




d zhe PAOLETTI, Varzo (edztoz)

Azzested 4/3/76. imPrisoned. :O'Pl. " ' tz U J

f)tzzu(I (:"lt' 8 Pi *d I, m(ji Lasted 10-28-77 PEH REPORT PAOLINO, Onstavo Edgardo llai .ol~

Disappeared 7-23-76

ML PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t)

PAPADOPULOS, Jorge LE- 8. 392.922 Dob: 7-23-1950

Disappeared 7-1-77 sor lc'Aoa J' '~'a" Nas arrested from workplace together with Mario Valino, who was killed in Santa Fd a month after being arrested. It seems it has a kidnapping affair in- this case. (Zanella kid was kidnapped by Valino and others. ) Family stated that their son this affair. had nothing to do witl

1Verce8eP Bhcet7 de' Papadopulos (Mother) Av. San Martin 355-Caseros Maria Buceta (aunt) 750 7706

PAPAGNO, Rogelio

ARR. 3-2d-76 Buenos Aires

Mexico 79 PAPANI DE SPIKY, Silvia G.

DIS 3-26-76 Car(lobe

PnM(i) ML




PAPATSRRA 1&6)I, Naris Leonor

ADD 2/77 in Samos Mejfa, Prov. Ds.As. PAPEC, Susana LuJan Hr bAi3 333

Disappeared 12-6-76

L&33. Arg. Der. Hombre HL

PAPZN, Lujan Susana CI.' 6%I6. 053

Disappeared 12-9-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(Lj

PAPPEiiI, Jorge Emilio Rtd 'll. I.& AC. &4J. &So

Disappeared 3-22-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (u) PAPPETTI, Victor Hugo

DIS 4-20-76

AISC (A. P. D. H. )

PARADA, Ernestn Marin

Disappeared 6-22-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (i)

PARADA, Ernesto Victor





Deported. For. Off.le. : 11-10-76 GOA reply: 11-12-76 Sierra Chica expulsion prob.

— PARDO, Alicia CeciXia !C'n~i'L. i~std Ic+m~f. de Iai'errere 2807-1"'C"-Capital A Gregorio Ci I, l& i72

pi-nh Ras arrested on 6-2-76 after the di. sappearence of her husband. Since then disappeared.

Pardo, Alberto Pardo .'E. iSTiii (Father) LZ 1.B05.921 Yatay 361-Dto.2-Capital

Testimony to Representatives.

lii 1 ils . a 4idl. l L PARDO, Jorge Luis CZ. 6.281.825 Las Flores 550 - Wilde - (Bs.As. )


A8~(4 Sindicato de Luz y Fuerza Alt

PARDO, Hdctor Rend Age: 59 LE: 8.496. 450

DIS 5-26-76 T4cumdn


PAPDO&' Fiarcelo Fable RIi

Disappeared 11-9-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (t) PAREDES, Francisco

DIS 11/76

PAREDES, Rosario Laudeano




DIS PAHHZHA patrxoxa El&de CZ: 6.655.o28 Laprida 1835-Florida Bs.As.


a'v HI't

Disappeared 5-12-77 6&1'~d'

PAHH-Prensa 5-17 78(L)

PAHgt". iZ, Hugo Alberta C l: 5.V&o,too

Disappeared 7-8-76 4)dAon

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (l) D PARGAYZNT, Alherto Jose )u)(a((s 7 CI 3.761.105-IZ 4530728 Santa Fe 2088- 11"0"-Capital Met Amb. Castro-12 7-77

Arrested on 11-10-76. Since then disappeared.

&r&&(~ Pargament, Juana Mailer de (Mother) CI. 1.677.504 J.E. Uriburu 228 - Capital Tel.48-0550 FS Personal visit to Derian. M Ill Testimony. To T.Todmsn. N) Testimony to Representatives.

PARGAMENT& Roberto Psychiatrist

Detained 9/76 (barbarously tortured and 'beaten (wilde, mho was 7 months pregnant, heard this Prom another room).

ADD gu )„e(6 ns1 .)()l


DIS , Eduardo

DIS 6-11-76 Neuquen


PARIS, Eugenio Eznesto



PARISI, Entique

76 Reststencta

Mexico 79 PARISIRI, Miguei


ARR (i)

SSER PARISRRSSRI~ Rcben Tesorero Sindic. -Cordoba

Detained 4-16-76 - Sierra Chica

Ljg. Arg. Der. Hombre 6'J'2 J.Fw.p

PARQDI, Eduardo (Drr )

DIS in September 1977

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78 Paraguayan PARODI O~JIBPO, Roberto

Right of Option Certificate for France.


ODZ DE OROZCO ARe: 20 Student DU. 11.976.419

Ql i.& 'H - ~ i$ 7 $)

Disappeared 3-26-76 U a7r

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 WOIA

PARQLA, Graziella Age: 25


5 PARRA, JorSe Rodolfo (Paraguayan ) CI. 6.028. 514 s(( I",

Was arrested on 4-9-76 in cour small shop (Warnes 3603) by three armed men, vho said to be oi' the police. Since then disappeared.

Parra, Juliane Gonzalez de (Mother) 01. 6.028. 512 Manual Maze 3209-Valentin Alsina(Partido lanus Geste) 8-19-77. Letter to Senators.

e88(((i) 4 Pw-~

PARRA Jose Marza

AEO 2-16-76

PARRA, Manuel Member of Christian Revolutionary Party BIs &j

ARD 4/76 (paraguayenne) PARRA GORZAIEZ, Jorge Rodoifo

Aires) DIS 4-9-76 (Warnes 3603, Ianus Oeste Buenos

PARRA4, Alberto

DIS 1976 after the coup

r8()(, ( j

PARREIRA, Patricia Elide h IC. 6.689.810 - CI. 6.655.028 h:i ic

On 1.21.1977 she suis arrested by a group of ansed men. Since then di appeared.

PARREIPA, Maria E. Fernandez de (Mother) IC. 4.334.180 Testimony to Representatives. PARRELLO, Maria Angela


AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

PARRUCA, Josd Carlos Age: 27 DNI; 8. 3QO, 661

DIS 8-15-76 C6rdoba


PARTIDA, Doo. 13.677.411 Age: 22

Disappeared mid%. e 1&97 in Santa Fe

Letter to Amb. 5-22-78 PARULSKY, Ricarco Water and Energy union leader


PASAGLINI, Ruben Edgazdo CI 7. 700.520 or 7.700 920


AISC (Clarin)

PASATIR& Plora Cecilia

Disappeared 4-5-764) ~~

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) PASCUA, Otilio JBL R8 1) LJ.' g.37i3 OIL

78(54 bJ 1-6-78 Sen. Alan Cranston-behalf of Q 3--


PASCUAL Znrique IZ: 6.7(35.354 Calle 8, No. 183-Cerro de las Roses - Cordoba s-it-H Pcs' girl ca( 7-m r) 3 u&~4tCA ~8 (3 ~~ APoderado LeSal de la CooP. de Trabajo ORDECOPA (Santg Rosa de Calamuchita - Cordoba). Det-ined on 9-29-77. Incommunicado in Carcel de Zncausados de la Prov. Cordoba, Pabellon 11. 7il. . Ia QE u m

Pascual, Ratilde Barrionuevo de (Wife) Tel. i 810116 Cordoba Ralph Suter (Amcit) !"(Rmi.(i-ls- f C. (Brother)

PASCUETs Carlos Enrique Cti" 1 )3)7.0

Disappeared 5-10-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (l3 PASERO, Carlos Roberto Age: 33 LEi 5.216.033

DIS 6-10-77 La Plate

en8r(L) FDD

PASIARONE, Victor Hugo

Disappeared 6-3-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78

&./&pjz PASIK, Gustavo Jiise (PASSIK) CI. 7.851.29O-DNI. 13.368.215 i Fj;

Disappeared 5-22-76 I'rom his home Juan B.Justo 6732-PB-Capital.

Not registereii. For. off. lnq. : 1-19-77 GOA renlyi 3-1-77

Stirbo father?

tan Fl,i) gfiij iro 3iud ~ L'ism I. PASQUA, Otilio Julio

DIS 10-24-7?

AISC (A. P.D.H. )

PASqOARROSA& Jose Jaeinto Obrero M. Rro de la Plate Co sssaslc Aj&15

Disappeared 7-15-76

FbD Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre rjjjjj', (1)

PASOOAPROSA, Juan Carlos Obrero M. Rsto de' la Plate C!.sos"!!M S)t 1'

Disappeared 7-13-76

Lig, Arg. Der. Hombre f!hajj((L) PASQUINELLI, Alfredo Martin DNI: 11.340. 815 Ql Age: 24 Law student

ABD 3-10-77from his grandmother's home (Mrs. Piler widow of Tte. Coronel Joaquin Goll.

Pasquinelli, Eduardo Augusto (Father) Letter to OEA 1-30-79.

:NAS PASqUINI, Eduardo higsP

Physicist& Department of Physics, Universidad de Rosario. Arrested in June 1976.

Sou Jjsl (eu I Ietter 7-29-77- to Derisn from AAAS. letter to Derian from NAS.

Cornell Union Group, NAS, AAAS

—PASQUIEIZs —Eduardo-Alfredo LE: 6.519.233

Dzs I c30 @ ksotua ')3/~Rift'

Rosario List (fl HR (i) PASQUIIII, Dr. Liliana (nee Misraji)

Disappeared 6-10-76 (Married to Dr. Edward Pasquini)


PASSANI y Dardo Eeiizo


PASSI, Roberto Lawyer


AISC (Cospa-Hx) PASSUT, Babel


PASTARINI, Aide Alicia Rte 2C, ALA wB

/' e DIS 6-18-76 A4404f4.


PASTASZHI, Seatriz 01Sa LC: 10.189.110

DIS 12-3-76 Rosario PASTERNAK, Marcelo





' C r, H }l(I) YC

PASTORI, Eduardo Julio CI. 8.442. 607 Ias Cabaflas s/n Moron, Buenos Aires

ABC g-II 76 Gin. 6).kn

f&f}HP (}j PASTORI Juan Carlos Aggau 3 Doc. : 11.909.139

I DIS 9-25-76

Tucuscgn I'hiIIIl)

PASTORINI, Alejandro (Dr. )

Detained in Prison. May 1976. At. presents in Rossrio

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78

d' Tdlp. i PASTORIZAI, iila Victoria [d; 0 1ts, ei Rn 17 1~&„&lsu'-- P~P

Disappeared 6-15-77

Pt PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(t) PASTORZZA, Mirta Doc. Prim. UEPC-Coraoba

Detainecl since 75 - U. H-V. Devote

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

slz 3ISIS II PATASSIIIT/Olga Beatriz

AHD 12-13-76


PATAT, Victor Hugo r, 11' i Hl: O. gog. C96

PL Disappeared 4-20-76

t'C PAHB-Prensa 5-17-78 PATINO, Hector Pario Age: 31

DIS Tu unman

PATIBO, Omar Nelson

DIS 12-28-77


PATINO, Tor'ibip ftc(g af

DIS 6-26 78 OI5 4-.pc- vY r-'HD L'ir 'I-«7"

PAHR (1) ,-~-/ PATRIGRIQIXJ Carlos n II „.

Detained in Jujuy since 1975. He was released in December 19- 's Patrignani, was arrested but has since disappeared' d.. His wife Hrs. 76 husband's whereabouts. when she made inquiries about her

q-8 h, ,z., (4, 5, Liga Axg. Der. Hombre 4-19-78

Ah. 4H&Jd Mien 1I-IN )HI Jg e( @g g~rl ~a~h 8

PATRORA, Humberto


VtI8I, (I)

PATRONI Aldo Enraque DNI: 10.041.308

DIS 10/76 Mendoza

PAHR (L1 PATTACINI DZ RZl4DA, Olla Beatris h'2 36 4:io. i~6. .~l&

Disappeared 12-3-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

PAULIN& Osvaldo Hector

Bje W

Ji,h Disappeared 7 12 76 aok ln (tu:ik. Jvl44l I g

I& PAHR-Prensa 5 17 76 (J)



DIE 7-13-76


i PAULON, Victo -. Vil-Her

Detained 5-1-75

. LiH. ArH. Der Hombre


DIS z4y/g$/J pi k PAVIOLO, Osvaldo

i Jets. lc.A. c-

ka 4, Cli. Under PEN, Rsswee~saesrt aiti C.-ii Pi . - ~p4$ kp '-~i 'p, , )re -' 'h»- &. m. (~-,l kB::fin Dpt. of Treasury- on behalf of f ' 3-15+ fit If'(I)


ARD 7/76 in Rosario



ti, i ADleaaue PAYASLIAN, Carlos



PAYOiV, Seiva


PAZ& Albertina

DIS 3/76 PAZ, Alberto



PAZ, Antonio Domingo lgil 7.884.804 Lcs Rains (Tucuman) Flic ~ P 7

On 10-9-76 was hidnapped by a group of armed men. Since then disappeared.

o-7k' 7n o PA dms V & y) I ed l=n 5 Pas, Blanca M. de (Mother) DNI 16200568 Via Raul 1161 SAIS MIGUEL DE TUCUYAI& Tel: 27505

li 868, (x) Testimony. To T.Todman. ~r Testimony to Representatives Personal call to Mr, Harris. -11-22-78

PAZ. Juan Horacio Age: 20 CI: 8.415.951

ABD 4-14-77

AISC PAZ, Rail Santiago its a: 20 ---—Doc. 11.811.594

I DIS' 3-9-78 ~ip7daaV ————-

Tucumkn P8H((i)




PABOB, AIfredo Bernabe ' Cl . d 3cl Isa 4 '. 7'- P' M(4 Q) y

Disappeared 7-28-76

tnt PAHR-Prensa 5 17-78 ( ) PECHIE5CI Luis Hugo Bfi ds CI. N.vi3.965

Disappeared 3-23-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)


DIS Cordoba

fh0t. (L)

QEDEMORTc. DE NILRE, Ines Na. H egg i: 339E ESJ

Disappeared 10-8-76

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (1) PEDEMGRTE DE RIIIZ VARGAS, Josefina T Ak 4R UC: E. 495.&3%

Disappeared 8-10-76

PAHR Prensa 5-17-78(l.j

PEDERRERA, Dolsnda Z. A. de LE: 3.790.454 Moron, Bs.As.

ABD 9-17-76

PEDERIIEPA, Ifestor AEI:.&A C;I.lws «1

)o ' Disappeared 9-17-76 ~Ic~ mp ca~,

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L) F3i) PEDERNERA DE REARTE, Noemf



PBDPAZA& Horacio Vital Aga: 29 IZ: 5.260.217 A. Brown 686, Buenos Aires

ABD 2-6-77


pBBBAZA& Jorse


DIS gL7aee



PEDREGOSA, Manual Francisco

DIS 3-13-76 TucumAn


PEDRETTI, Enrique Ram6n

DIS 5- 6- 77

PAHR (L) Aden PEDRIhl ~ Chaco in i' deleaation from Former 1leaderd o the Bustioialist the oharber of deputies.

Arrested 7-14-78. Disappeared

7-15-78 Buenos Aires herald clippina




PEDRIRI, Suaana Elena Age: 29 LC: 5.236. 349

DIE 7-27-76

MPP(i I FDD PEDROZA DE CARVSIARO, Adriana Cll, 6. Nge. 6'lo

Disappeared 4-S7-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

ZEDROZO, Maria Angelica


AISC (Clarin)

PEGORARO, Juan fled 44 Gl $ 4d) g)J

DIS 6-28-77 PEGORARO, Susana B. Rxa 2A

DIS 6-28-77



DIS Cdrdoba

AISC (Cospa-Nx)

~ AHO, Edith Hercedes Lci 6.655.54O 10-5-51 - La Plate Profession: lawyer

l) (rdfifii( 9-6-7(: k Pi ~ 8(ic e Disappeared after leaving home(lndependencia 3177-4 "D") going to her place of employment (Reconquista 585) in Buenos Aires. Her boyfriend Rolando Jeckell had also disappeared at another time. fifij4) y

Letter April 18, 1978.

Isa Aim kg fifi. k(4 fill-qfiq, e ~/V0/8 FZIRO, Claudia Ines

.DeFerted. For. Off. inq. : 1-6-77 GOA r'apl': 3.l.77 Gone to Guatemala. Author. to leave Decree 1268.

FRJEVID or ~, Antonio



FZIZGRINO, Carm n de Teacher

Arrested at her home.

Harris data 8-7-78 PELAD, Manual. 1i.



PSLATO, Alberto Luis


PZLL, Luis Alberto LE: 0 0'40 3A

Disappeared 5-IT(-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17 7g ]i) PELLA, Jorge Lawyer Ex-Advisor Sta. Cruz Prov.

ARR 11-12-74


PELLARDINI, Jorge Ex asesor de1 Gobierno de Santa Cruz

Detained on 11-12-th.

Q, ZM (la/ Oexa -j,.79 Liga Ars. Der'. Honbre ".-99-78

PELLEGRINO DE LOPDKIPANIDSE, Li.liana Ma~nels DOS: 1-16-1957 DUI: 12.791.677 Husnberto I Nro. 1319 - Piso 3'- "A" - Capital

Arrested at Mufliz and Venezuela streets together with husband on 11-18-1978.

Cayetano Pellegrino (Father) Muniz 1040-Capital 922-3822 PELLICO, Aldo Cirilo LE'. 6.3'E0. K0

DIS 8-3-77


Co'4+ PEDLPTd, ~ $~ khu/ss 6~. gal

ABD 10/76 PEBGAl DZJO, Bs.As.

PELLIZA, Heraldo Age: 55

DIS 4 3p

FDD PZLLOLI& Carlos Guillermo

pEN - Unidad 2 - Sierra Chica (Olavarriag - Option to leave country.

Pelloli, Carlos Fable (Father) Moreau 625 - Zarate (Bs.As. ) Tel. 3385

RLOZO, Justo Joss JJI'& 3t

DIS 2-l6 77 ~dlttttc

PARR (~)

PBLULLITI, Guido E. Bco. Social

Disappeared 9 2O 77

Lip. Arg. Der. Hombre PENA. Hector


AISC (Clarin)

PENA, Jorge



PZV, , 'oee

Sin dates.

Td ea Are. Der Hombre 4-19-78 PENA, Juan Roger

DIS 10-27-77

AISC (A, P D H )

PENAYO, Ferreyra



CHASKYs:nan Cesar 7"~)ig

Detained in october 1975 in Chaco. FREED

Liga Arg. Der. Hombre 4-19-78 ~'0~Cr:~I ol8 PERDER, Luis Roberto LE:t.evd &he ~~' 835 4'5 4W - Joe&snco Jc~ (@ haoe44 - &mes. (tip)

Disappeared 5-10-76

„hleA I & .I-&t44, (~0 (Li J tswSM raa23II

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4) G~. f'eeq

PENEDO, Alberta



PEKRPELLI, Graci ela Dora R)c 9 7'3cL lv3

Disappeared 11-22-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(4) PZNSALOSTO, Ricardo


ffjaF, (i)

PZNA. Graciela Mandore

Detained 3-2(-'(6 - U. S-V.Devoto

Lid. Ara. Der. Hombre

AFL/CIO I l carven . PZ(A, Irene Nelida

&Nil 6 T,AJ. SI& (e7S PESA, Isidere Oscar

bis: 7-10-78 4i Q - 4 6'

La Plata List - 10/78

/)) -c'p 7y PEHA, Jesus Pedro

. Dis: 6-27-78 0i kAi-4.K

La Plata Li t — 10/78

);loni 9 (ll~ C'() Re(g

PI7A~ . Juan Roper Dale 10.506 F 029 - O'D - KAR DEL PIADA Av. Independencia 667 Fisica Profession: Prof. Racional de Educacion

Since then Arrested 'by Security Forces on 10-27-76. disappeared.

((A(( (Sister) Barbano, Adela Pena de (Brother-in-lav) Barbano& Adelqui Prancisco Gral. Paz 166-Tandil Phone 2511 Personal call 5-26-78 PEPE, Carlos Miguel

DZS 8-19-77




~, Sergio (initsr)

Arrested in 11/76; imprisoned.

Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT PERALTA Agustin Jose al: as'ts'fi Aa~~ &'iU~, LL.u' (C~ "g ') Ilt&3C

Diaappeared 10-12-77

7i;(, PAHR~rensa '5-17-7Bi )



DDAlto Valle lli78

PERAI TA, Enrique Omar


Killed 75 by Police

AISC (Arg. Komm. Sveden)

PEEALTA, Eustaquio

Disageared 12-28-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 bevy gb Pd+svSk

PEBALTA, avier (Spanish) Ade: 26 Calle Zapiola 851-Chacarita, Buenos Aires

in Buenos Aires Disappeared 9-30-76./ At present in Libertad Prison in Uruguay accused of subversive association. PHRALTA, Luis A1fredo

Lq; V, 564..06o

' s Disappeared 1-16-76

PAHH-prensa 3-17 78(L)

+1 PEPALfA, Nioeforo (tdsdslrI spfpsfdsi) flu Jf

5," Disappeared 9-16-76 r s '- rff21'

p1( PAHH-Prensa 5-17 7B(L)

PERALTA, Osva 1do Sergio Age: 22 DNI: 12. 034. 176

DIS 7-13-77 Sautes Lugares (Bs.As. )

PAHR (L) PERALTA, Victor Alcides CI. 5.815.493


AISC (Clarin)


ABD Aftez 3-24-76 from her car w/parents, and daughter. husband

AISC (Arg. Komm Sweden)

PERSIA PASSARZG, Carlos Alberto QI ' Il. w', s Eu& t s. ss. As K'.a

Disappaarae 2-14-77 -0 Fk~i

hL PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (g Juana PERALTA, de Pedregosa Rosa

detention invalid. Criminal appeals court helde PEN


PERALTA33E VASQUEZ, Alicia. Nore DNI 1$.714 497

Disappeared on 9-25-76 in Mar del plata.

Peralta-LE: 5.417.006 (Father) Pera1ta, Ne11y Z. P. de-LC:4. )44.676 (Mother) Moreno 45-2 P. Dto. 4-B.Blanca

PERASSOLO, Juan Carlos

ARR Preventive impirsonment




DIS 8-24-76

PERDEI, Luis Robezbo


PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(i) PEPD&CF. , Ana Ya. Rite ni s&-&is- 3&)i.' ld. SG5.820 R) J

Disappeared 9-15-76-/gal 4

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

PRRDICHR, Victorio Grecians ki l-". '(u~G~ u. @S; Rfe «s CA: 6.'JV..s5)

DisaPPeared 12 16 76 Ilk f~

PAHR-Prensa 5-17 78(L)



DDAlto Valle II/76 PEREA, Guillermo

. "'I&)&t l4 e&& & (aJ Iea") +t' e&i &&& ~ /

Arrested together with friend Luis Alberto Baraldi on 1-19-79 in La Plata.

Bs.As. Herald clipping 1-27-79

PEBEE& Juan Domingo


eR9~ (t)

0& Carlos Damian D&l !I& T~.;em, in k„'-'

Disappeared 7 3Q 7Q

ge PNLR-Prensa s-le eR(u PEREIRA, Carlos Rafael

Disappeared 7-15-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17 79

PEREIRA, E. Uruguayan

Right of option - no decision.


PEREIRA& Horacio Abel

Disappeared 4-22-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17 7E PZREIRA, Iris Beatris Rft psl , g elf l 4

Disappeared 8-81-77 -I IP

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78

PEREIRA, Josd Maria CI: 4. 713.507


AISC (Clarin)

PZRWRA, Liliana Germen


PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 preJpg'

PEREIRA DE GOHZIIIEZ, Estele N CI. 2.644.458 '8 g~r, t.P ) 1&. /Ij litIs

Disappeared 12-6-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-7B WOLA

, '//qe

PEREIRA PLAZA, Reinalda del Carman (~~ )

f.g C ) -gag 5-f-74

Allegedly Pereira crossed into Argentina on i'oot at the Los Libertadores (Caracoles)/Las Cuevas Border as shown by Chilean and Argentine border crossing cards. She was 5-6 months pregnant when she disappeared December 15, 1976.

Raised by Amemb. Santiago-Santiago 9465.


ARR V. Devoto prison.

AISC PEREIRO, StBlla Marris CI: 2.644. 458 Student

Arrested on 12-6-77 together with Mario Alberto Depin -- ---and Marts Maria Barberp de Depino.

&(gP (I) ~elorenzo de Pereiro (&iu Sarmiento y Vergara ij Manuel Sonnet La Plata; Bs.As ---king 4 B~

PERE LUTE, Elizabeth (Uruguayan) Barrio Once, Buenos Aires

Disappeared 6-15-76 in Buenos Aires. Freed in Montevideo on 12-22-76.


PERvTI DE CALIAPDO, Nora Rj,' 33 34D 9.SA. A0


PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (I) PERZYRA Sarmiento City Sell

Daughter of ex-football player Sstudiantes de La Plata.

La Plata List

PEREYRA, Antonio Rico


r(~P, (lI

PEREYRA, Carlos Rafael Aae: 29 Delaaao 836-Buenos Aires

ABD 7-16-77 from his store-Juncal 2021-Bs.Aires PEREYRA, Cl, audia Leonor p p-'FHAJJ — p ———-- Rpe 0 Qk, J3. D33

DIS 8-2-78 Vh4'CI 4- l

. - ————PARR 9-28-78(i)

PEREYRA, Ezequiel Manias Claudio ——Age p 24 Doc. 11.080.072

DIS 7-6-77


PER.YEA, Guillermo E.

DIE 3-29-76 Coed oba PEREYRA, Higinio Antonio Age: 24

ABD 10-12-76 from home: Pdo. San Martin, Bs.As.


PEREY1%, Horscio RQ Pj's 29 Cr~: 6, OWL & 82


fRHR (1)

PEREYRA, Iris Beatriz Age: 24 CI: 6.954. 478

DIS 8-31-77 Tigre

PAHR (L) P~, Jorge Ruben Kolynos

Detained Unidad 9 - La Plata

Lia. Arp. Der. Hombre

PEREYRA, Juan Carlos CI: 9.419.062


AISC (Clarin)


DIS pEBEEEA, Liliana Carmen DNI: 11.607.946

(See also Cagnola, Eduardo Alberto)

Detained on 10-4-77 by a group oi' Army. Since then disappears She is awaiting a baby for Yay.

('l(k F Ii) Pereyra, Osvaldo Jorge (Parent) Pereyra, Jorgelina Azzarri de Caile 51, No. 743, Piso 2'Dpto. 5-La Plata Phone: 2-1543


ARR 12-24-75 Bs.As. -Held in U. Devote


PEREERA, Yariano Reinaldo


Aires DIS August 1978 Buenos

Nestor Aoindar

Detained 3-20-75 - Coronda

t Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre


DIS 11/76 PEEZYSlL, Re&palea nel Cannen Chilean

DIS I/77




PEREYRA, Santiago Adolfo




C6rdoba List 12-1-78

( -);"t)ar;In PERE' GO!ZZ, Edgardo Waiter

PEN; Unidad 2 Sierra Chica

Pereyra, Peggy Gladys Gomez de (Mother) Home: Msziano Moreno 787 )Villa Maria(Cordoba) Office: Buenos Aires 1241) Phone: 23288


PEN-Unidad 9 La Plate US Emb. visit granted 11/78

Pzesentado directamente en consulado. PEREYRA DE PERSE, hhfalda

DIS 7-18-77


Held since 1978. He has expulsion order since 1975-

Harris data- 8-15-78

PEREYRO (Son of Dr. )

DIS November — La Plata

La Plata list. I'ERR(I) PEREYRO DE GOHZALEZ, Estele M. Age: 24 CI: 2. 644. 458

DIS 12-6-77


PEBEZ) Worked for YPF

APX& 4 28 77 frow work

PEPEZ, Ada paris

Disappeared 7 23 77

F,.l PARR-Prensa 5 17 78 PEREZ, Alejendro Americo

'DIS 4-14-76

g6H A' (L)

PEREZ, Americo Remon



PERSE, Ana CI. 10.612.063


AISC (Clarin) PEREZ, Beetri z

ARR 6- 22- 76 Bs.As. - PEN V. Devoto


PERSE& Carlos (editor)

Abducted from his home in 4/76; uhereabouts unk own.

5 ltvik [-Id-3'5 Listed 10-26-77 PEH EEPOET )it

PEREZ, Ca~los' Alberto Rp id Ci; E.HIE~

DIS 5-8-76 PESEZ, Carlos Barite DNI. 703.171 Student - 24 years

Under PEN since October 1976.

Perez de Nieto, Adriana Elena Av. Eloy Chavez 436-Tres Lagoas-Mato Grosso Brasil. (Letter to Mrs. R. Carter)

PEREZ Daniel Alberto C L. (.790.569 Rome 4019 - Lanus Este

Arrested on 7-21-77 by Security Porces. Since then disappeared.

J 3-n 3e (-'r, gr, (i) Perez, Adriana Rodriguez de (Mother) Rome 4019-lanus Este

pER. Z, Daniel Ricardo (~3) Lr ) Mt"t'm lb't 30

$aa-I Disappeared 4-13-77-

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(tj (Grz..& (3' 8.:3r S), 8 PEREZ, Eduardo tl k

---——-Detained in February 1975, at present in Sierra Chica prison

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78

PEHEZk Eduardo Alberto 5&HI .' IA, iso Ect9

Disappeared 6-22-76 (Rona/Iso

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(1)

PEBEZ, Eduardo Albedo 7III, l3 I c' ace ijc sc

Disappeared 10-10-77

hL PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (i) FEEEE, Emerito Dario 8 Ii vv 5 2 i 2. 5'l i

Disappeared 7-20-77

pAHR prensa 5-17-78(")

PEREZ, Esnliano Age: 45 LE:6.850. 827

DIS 4-6-77 Mendoza

FDD e8 &(((ij

pEEEZ, Ernesto Age: 28

ABD 2/77 f'rom Asui, Buenos Aires PRRRZ, Eugenio Carlos gc Zsm. &j

Disappeared 9-10-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (1)

PEREZ, Felix Jorge CI. 6.079.830 Carlos Pellegrini 4385 - Ciudadela (Bs.As. )

( On 4-29-77 he was arrested by a grmp of men from Security Force. Since tI. eu disappeared.

Pares, Felix (Father) C.Z. 2.886.4O7 Carlos Pepegrini 4385-Ciudadela Tel. 653-2762

~BRR(4) Testimony. To T.yodusn. Testimony to Representatives.

PRREZ, Fernando

DZS PEREZ, Guillermo

DIS 3777 Nar del Plata

AISC (Cospa-Mx1

Qi ~REZ Gustavo Emir 4)f23 37ff: n&. ZI b.ks

La Plata List - 11-21-'78

k rlf~j~l PEEEZ, Hector Alberto LE:(12.151.020) ne (5 s21'oi D pg. ' foal (na4pss 08nfl, R.l2 ' fdg~fsn, Ifrsd cas. Bsrn gp )ih j-'bs. 7ff: tk:~ldL

Disappeared 11-29-76

rv)l (s -. f 3e!, ~', ri. Sf~) 2i'n nIR. Vvsxk/. PAfiB-Prensa 5-17-7B(t) MDIA P. g PEREZ, Hictor Efroa



PEEEZ, Hector Oscar DE: 12.151.02O , Bs.sires

ABD 11-29 76

PEREZ Horacj. o

DIS 5-14-76

AISC pZHZZ, Ines Natividad



PEREZ, Iris Natividad



Lt: L 33i.G I) ):... &f& . PZr-Z, Jorge 3i, t ss P Bi',Z, Hmiliano f s ~~ 3 %5o 3Z} PONSZCA Gloria m

Disappeared on April. (5)il"&.

PEPSZ, Hmiliano Albino lms Heres, Mendoza F3) -20-7$-Telegram to G.l'amtbon *sloe seem A Am r 5p~

5 PEREZ, Josd Albino Age: 27 L. 8.342. 017



PEREZ, Juan Carlos DU: 11.759.133 Corrientea. 810-Josg Narmol (prov. Bs.As. i

Arrested 12-20-78 after leaving his work Gomeria Palanco, Juan B. Justo 3737-Capi:tal.

Graciela Viera de Gomez (Nother) Corrientes 810-J.Narmol Phone: Sister Evita 47-2958 Personal call Embassy 1-11-79. (Ponce)

PEREZ, Josd Felix

ABD 4777 from work by Coordination Federal Agents Worker Bco.Prov. Bs.As.

AISC (Arg. Komm-Sveden) PEREZ, Juan Carlos

DIS 6-6-75 C6zdoba

AISC (Comps-Mx)

PERSE& Yarcelino Deledado Benault-Cordoba

Detained in Sierra Chica

Lig. ArB. Der. Hombre

pEBEZ, Harco Antonio Fli';

DisaPPeared 1-22-76 I te(- Vi4Aidtd4~A

PAHB-Prensa 5-17-78IL) gt4AA Dt Av1 .PEREZ, Maria A. 8 'g li of: s.orf. ddt


P58f, (1) HOLA 11-78

PEREZ, Maria Csek+i Age aS FsfLs J. sr '7-76. 7P C. (: Wds7 aGP

DIS 7-7-78

PARR Ca p f

PEREZ, Marts (Journalist)

Abducted in 4/76; whereabouts oui~own.

f88fi (L) Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT PEREZ, Mateo Suava



PEREZ Msgnel Angel Labrador LE. Q. oo&. 9ia

ceo hs ~& Disappeared 9-12-76

PARR-Prenss 5-17-78lt)

: I". 4!i&')fl&, PFRER' Yi Peel Antonio 11P~li

PEN Unidad 9 La Plata

Pet;"(I) Perez, Isabel Virpinia (Mother) Venezuela 4174 - I "E"-Capital PEREZ, Nestoz


t )H&(t) PDD

pEBEZ, Eorsa Graciela Age: 25

ABD E/77 Pros Azul, Buenos Aires

pEPEZ& Oscar Alberto Es g«'i;hfdf hl. LW L'll

Disappeared 8-30-77 Q

PAHR-Pzensa 5-17-78 (t} PEREZ, Pedro Enrioue "El Independiente" - La Riots


ADEPA-La Opinion 4-1-78 „',u, BZ Qtvn(sj

PEREZ Rgme dice Qfh:5 zae 7~1 ( n«;„r... r;u;:.,'„:i.,h

DisaPPeared IO-IO-77;el ce/4";Js — v„r»[email protected]"-';.a.

PARR-Prensa 5-17 78[L)

. R/FDD PEREZ, Ramon Lucio LE. 6.188.143 - CI. 5.966.279 Brardsen 183-iempertley (Bs.As. )

Arrested on 11-9-76 by a group of' armed men. A'bout 15 days later another group of men also armed, came for infozmation on what had happen on the 11-9-77. He telongs to the Communist Party i'or 14 years. 5~ Nu» uek~M

Perez, Parfa Ester (Sister) Amenedo 3326 — Jose Marmol, Bs.As. 8-18-77 Letter to Senators. PERSE, Ricardo Adrian Rpa M 2.5, 6.CS/, SM

7 l Disappeared B-21-77 - 3caeeen I e.

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78Ii)

s~g~/j J1C' PEREZ, Roberto Luis 3

Arrested on Dec. 1, 1978, by people' claiming to be Federal Police agents. -

Unclassified BA-9815, dated 12-15-78. t,,~PA -lU .~as

PERSE, Si1va S

DZS PEEEZ, Ventura (Journalist, '

Arrested in 4/76; imprisoned

Listed 10-28-77 rPER EEPORl

PEREZ, Victor Miguel

Since 12-9-75 at disposal of PEN

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre


DIS 9-14-76


DIS 7-7-76


PEREZ DE ASTORGA,. Alicia IaaDel Age: 24 Doc. 10.015.75/5

DIS 3-16-76


PPHSZ DE PZCONA, Ana Paria de C Sc.' af m, so. 73&

Disappeared 9-14-76

PAEB-Prensa 5-17-76 () ~Z ERATO Fiaria

11 »- 3-7 OOA replF: 3 Under revireview, For. Off. ?nR. :

c) s (a-YB~ , e. (sm k )~t vg». j t (

PERSE CASTELLANO, Juan Carlos (journalist)

Arrested and imprisoned 9/12/76; unconf'irmed reports state he was released from prison 9/28/76; present status unknown.

Listed 10-26-77 PEN REPORT 6 Lsr&6 h' 4

PEREZ CATA(3, Alejandro Luis

ARR Sierra Chica PEN

AISC PEPEZ CATAN, dorEe Enrique DNI: 10-617.222 Cordoba 2420 - 3'- Mer del Plate

Disappeared since. 1-31-77.

Rivere de Perez Catan, Maria Elena (Yuther) Cordoba 2420 - 3'- Ymr del Plate Phone: 49178 Ymr del Plate (83-7694) Personal call Embassy 6-12-78.


i; q A II.1!fy

8T7 (-4(a (I'h. (4)

) /)g (hWk Vmh Q s g(7i' aHE-Prensa/p 17 78(J)

Perez de Donda, Baby

Mother Maria Hilda Perez de Donda, detained and disappeared on 3-28-77 in Moron o Casteler.

Leontina Puebla de Perez (Grandmother) DNI: 0.635.451 Sargento Cabral 476-Palomar 'y-"lr i/7


Arrested on 4-4-1977, under Decree 929 issued by the Exc, Nat. Power as a "subversive". Still in dail awaitin trail and as yet no charges have been brought against him.

Arrested on 4-4-77. At disposal .of PEN, at present in Vnidad. 9 Pabellon 16A in La Plate City. (I'+fz&) ~(, ~..;cu:.„'„,+vs y-,r.yf

Newspaper clipping. 8-9-77. The intern. League for H. R. (Fernando Rondon) 8-15-77. Son's visit to Emb. 4-28-77. jl akiima p n1 /+N ~. pp 'ts IM ' ( a-ji


Detained under PEN.

Perez Esquivel, leonardo (Father) Oi'fice phone; 34&895

Hr. Bove, Note 8-o 77

PEREZ Lars, Bonanzo Antonio ic rlln 4

Disappeared )I(HSING'

)7cig N-"lz J ~ V I.)I )7I)L PAHRzPrensa 5-17-78 It) PEBEK LOZAHO, Walter- Profesor Secunfario-JuJuy

Disappearea 12-14ep5

Lip. Arg. Der. Hombre

PEREZ LUTZ, Elizabeth

DIS 6.5. 76



DIS La Plata Bs.As.

PAHR (L) PEBEZ MZLTAE, Carlos A1l&ergo ' 1E. 0.++I qu. p

DisaPpeared 1-4-77 - LA 1541

PADS-Prensa 5-17-7B tL)





DIS PEREZ RIZZO Carlos Enrrque


AIS" (La Opxnzdn)

PEREZ POIG, Edith dc

ABD 7/77 Bs.As. Prov.



PERSZ ROID, Marcelino Alberto h. w Hl,' Id +tl oto

Disappeared on 7-7-1977 in la Plate.

5IIR(a) ', f'j.I, ";;mI Islqt Amamb. Tegucigalupo - Tegucigalpa 2361. lssgda Roig gstape de Puerto Cortes& Honduras PFZIB/cyI PEREZ ROJO, Josd Manual /

DIS 10-8-78 together with wife Patricia Julia Roisinblit de Perks.

Mother in law visit Emb. 11-22-78 and 11.14.'IS.




PEBEE SOS', Emiliamo LE, Rh( (IJ Hp 4

DIS PEREZ VARQAS, Eerie Luisa de

DIS 11/76

PEREZ WEISS, Beatriz (nee Carbonel)

Disappeared 5-14-76 with Horacio Pezez Weiss

PEREZ WoOSS, Horacio Age; 25 gi; 6;NQ. f90

Disappeared 5-14-76 with Beatriz Car'oonel de Perez Weiss geolo~ student

QL ADLeague PERIE, Francisco Student

Detained 1976 Minlnt liSted arrest, between 30-29-78 and 10-6-78. Announcenents were made on Saturday, Oct. 7, 1978

AIAus tra 1ia-Ado p ti on

PERIE, Juan Domingo Student

Detained February 1975-La Plate prison


PERTER Alicia Journaiist


Le Monde 6-10-78 ;7/yp/+ 3' PEFdlAS, Graciela Eugenia fl El libs) SlS

For Off. Ing. 4-5-77 GOA rep1y: NO : /' /Al'-7l It

lla &'6~ ll-FZ

PERON, Surge ~ Diesel Parisi Nl: Ic ssgdll

Detained 7-21-77

11' Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre AINE-8:.rat F J).Yi(a)


PEROSZO& Beatriz Presidente de la Federscion de Psicologos de la Rep. Arg. Presidente de la Asociacion de Psicologos de Buenos Aires

& li Rig iegg &8 . )g.4(I .

Arrested by Security Forces on 8/8/78. 11/18/78 reported still missing in BA Herpll

luff'd &sue p~ ltna I 8onn ~i);~dad el@ lau Amta ea I'II&, )tg ~ SsluI4N l)IIAIpi; kili3 t J ls-)jf l' tp II)79 ND sin Rl 8~su~ 7~~v'4, lv', .g f~~'~ Clarin clipping 8-1O-78.

ll "I & I'isvrhris )aljll PEROT,' Guillermo Alberto RtcAC 981: tc. 65k tl'7

DIS 3-23-76

PAHR (1)

PEROTTI, Eneas Acindar - Villa Constitucion

Detained 4-23-75 - Resistencia

Lig. Are. Der. Hombre

PESOS, Hateo Suave

DIS PERP IROL, Sara (2'1)ij~rW) Lawyer

DIS 11-22-78

PRICKER, Maria Jose

Disappeared Q Sp 76 eel, ~v* an A los'LL(~

lSL PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (~)

PEBRPTA, Rodolfo (Dueno de El proc&sea}

f„LI,Ill, (-Is-4 Newspaper assoc. PERROTIA& Rai'ael A Age 56

Former editor of "El Cronista Comercial. Disappeared in Late tune or early July I&777. Relatives: Mrs. Bengolea de Perrotta, wife; Rafael Perrotta Bengolea and Santiago Perrotta Bengolea, nephews.

U. S.Interest& Letter fromf L A 'i)e&'Z RL

PERRCCA& Jose Carlos R]z I& 8. 3od KOi

A & I Disappeared 8-15-76 AztrrrMz4,

PAICz-Prensa 5-17-78 6s)&l'. ,~ n'4&F )Ao57d

PERTIERRA, Armando R AR n'l lk: P. 598.GW

DIS 10-8-76



t't, RR(i)


Disappeared 6-1-76



PERUCCA, JossCarlos

DIE 8-15-76

C6rdobs list PES, Alicia Gzaciela AGE; 26 DNI: 10.623. 399

DIS 10-30-78


PESARINI, Alberto Oscat

DIS 12-21-77



AISC ~77 PESCE, Jose ill'[ 3a 221 4& O

Disappeared 9-2-77 ~'~"i' '

", 3, H I;-luX s,& (Eh-4, .4:.

l(C/7!Il.O PESCI, Eduardo Lawyer = t:9 3G. ~i/

DIS 10-23-78.

rsv ia .- &~er(',„.„, Moraine de Pesci, Naris Tecla (Mother) Buenos Aires Herald 10-27-78

Pil ll-i 4 Kt wn~~u, .W


DIS 7-13-77 PETACCHIOIA, Graciela 1hnica 6') d Cl, ~ (.6&Pi&S A/a I 4

nG; Diaappeared. 10-8-76 - V4 de'

GL PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (L)

PETRAGLIA, Angel Julio Hfa Q L~, w 800, GW

DIS 5-19-77


PEIELT, Ingrid

DIS PETPJCCA antonio IZ 4.63(.552 s::B

Disappeared since 9-14-76.

P l(eS„Cn) J''})( Petricca, Antonio (Father) IZ. 1.098.279 Calle 79 N 354-La Plate

;ed I~.V'; 3th 4vti, ii;()e'(.1

("T. PETRIDES CATISO DE LUBIAN& Marta Amelia - (Uruguayan)~ Age: 24

Disappeared in Buenos Aires on 7-13-76 with 2 children. Under conditional. freedom in Uruguay; in Sweden since August 1978.


PETRINI, Osvaldo Segio Age 21 Clase del 56 Teacher -Colegio Pio XII de Student; 3rd, year Engineering ' Dgi. AA. ~IS.&bt

.( Abducted on 7-13 77. Since then disappeared.

Letter to Amb. Castro irom Sabato. 3-10-78. Pl'HP, (t) Retries, Evel lo.'mg (;.Iu 5vs, i Cuelli 2041- Ernesto Sgbato, Severino Langeri 3135-Santos Lugares PETCI CCH ld Clj 111'RDCCHIOLO G 1»' 1 H c.l ' i c6/dq cyI

DPH 16-6-76 ITu (aa)

North zone Bs .As .Prov:—

PETROUCHP Raul Eduardo (Dr. ) ~I; I: DAI CSS I6li C„„~(l„S& jf PEN Rt ~ 'I'I"' t|+,DI7uLot's Pd R.

Abducted on 3-26-78 outside near to San Justo Cathedral, ai'ter Eastern evening mass.

San Justo

PETTTEA, Rudolf o Emilio jIIPCI; s 3 c. ouG QIDC766 vl DOLLDCuv HR~CcI Vid oa6 s67"

& - Dasappeared 6-15-77 ts67 K~k.

PARR-PR'ense 5-17-78 ( j POLLOLA& Jose Americo DNI. 11.812.165 Age: 22 5"'C" Calle 6 Nro. 1333 - -La Plate Phone 27768

On 2-25-78 was arrested with another group oi' boys, at Cnel Cesar Diaz y Terrada streets. Since then Student of Belles disappeared. Artes School in La Plate during 1973/74.

f II H (((t) Pollola, Jose Nicolas (Father) Calle 3 No. 1333 - 5"'C"-La Plate (Phone 27768) Pollola, Delia Noemf Dossena de (Nother) Personal call Emb. 3-2-78. f(pry Cr rf /rgyy


ARR Cdrdoha PEN

AISC(Rio Negro newspaper)

b A~/iP&' Wi flu' POLTARAK, Mauricio Alberto 7/ CZ. 5.093.830 Monroe 3139-Capital Age '35. sec) ge'l 4 (e "~ &y;,l„ S '~ca Per% Sa5+'e. e 7) (L, @Fo.Are

Disapneared 7 21-78. y ' " / "1 I' A. & i Anti ef. League-Rosenthal 9-14-78 Ci', 8 '. Fijgf J)I )e Cus%bS', -7eg „ru cont Personal call Embassy 7-31-78 (c,or3.' j/ lo/»/oÃj/ I C~no de Poltarah, Marts M. 9PI VHk (Vife) Monroe 3139-Capital Sara P. de Cymes (sister) 'I-if 87-1455(3scuu((7+~ q( ~ 4) 12/11/78 Wife called and informed us that PCML sources who had been taken with her husband informed family that subject had Pied in detention of untreated broken ~&y which became infected. Family seeking verification. SeP 7,


Disappeared 5-5-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 ')

PONCE, Alberto Ren8el

DIS 12-7-78 Ciudadela, Bs.As.

PAHR (L) R/PDD P(NCE, Alfredo Tomas j) L E 4 383 320 S PONCE, Yaria Esther Zecroix de T,.C. 3.554.616 Address: Calle 9 entz'e 503 y 504-Yanuel B. Gonet (Bs.As. )

Arrested on 7-7-76 by a group of' armed men. Since then they. are disappeared.

PONCE, Livia Capalbo de (Mother and. Yother in Law)

B-11-77 letter to Derian. Testimony to Representatives ((.L Testimony to Senators. (zR H R(l)

PONCE, Carlos Nestor Age: 31 LE: 6.140.050

DIS 1-6-77 Santa Fd


PONCE, Clara Soledad Age: 11 months.

DIS 2-14-77 Reappeared in Casa Cuna.

PARR (L) POIzCE, Daniel



CaJa: I PONCE Daniel Benito i IBANONO, Saul Eduar~~

Arrested on 3-7-77. At present in Unidad 9 de Ia Plata.

L-II-)i fiiamia I

Elena iianono de Ponce. (Wife and sister) 25 de Vapo 19.Bo.Bombal-sendoza

8-2-77 Ietter to 1.rodman.

PONCE, Enrique I-. I"


PAIIB-Prensa 5-17-78(j) PONCE, Horatio Marcelo Age2 Doc. 10.925. 725

DIS 4 22 77 ~RAA N


PR9( (i)

PONCE, Humberto Ruben 3i $.3bg7ke flIl 1I

I Disapu area

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(!)

PONCE, Ime Roberto Age: 53 Doc. 3.508.981

DIS 7-4-77

Tucumfn PONCE, Suite

Disappeared 3'I8'Ag. (l

tet c+dgg- l/ 73

PONCE, Manuel =Age: 23

Sentenced to 9 years because oi' illicit association. Minlnt lifted artest between 30-29 srd 10-6-78. Announcasents were made on Sat.urday, Oct. 7, 1978

La Opinion clipping 3-29-78


Detained 3-20-75 Penit. San Nicolas

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre PIECE, Miguel Angel

('R (I (( IL)

PONCE& Hoesu Age. .28 Juan B. Justo 2S34-Bs.As.

Body was found near autopista Rosario-Santa Fe Yus. 3. bLm (w hu i(c ~

Newspaper clippinG.

PONCE, Oscar Armando L.E. 84Oo'O83 ed zc

Disappeared 2-14-77.

PONCE, Isolina C. Rodriguez de (Mother) Faza 949 - 3'Piso B - Capital

Tel&gram to Derien. Lett r to T.Tooma . Testimony to Representatives. e' 4 Sj'jc~/ j )I POTKro, Pedro I

a", '-I '~ GN n- J j f] Worker in Cattaneo (Bolougne). During labor strif'e he was arrested at his vork place on 10-27-77.

Lozadur people. Personal call.

PONCE, Pedro Ulderricp tg; 0, s 'l8 GGi

1;,(.;., "„uu,, tunG. I,t :.I ~(&F PAH~Biprensa. ]5-17-7B(j) /e

PONCE, Eamon E


PFHP, (ch R/PDD PONCE, Rod olfo Enrique CI. 6.773.434-LE. 4.603.509 Pass)e 1's/n, entre Rioja y Cstacerca Benavides, Bs.As. -Partido del Tigre

Was arrested on 9-13-76 by a group oi' ansed men. On the followdng days 9-13/14/15-76 these same men cane to the house again, threatening his wife not to say a..ything and not to leave the house. They robbed and took the house contract. Since then disappeared.

Urbane, Maria Ruis de (Mother) CI. 5.603.649-LC 4.353.006 Callao 1681-6 P-Capital P6SP, 4 Et Testimony to Senators. F33 ! mls

PONCE, Ruben

DIS 3-24-76 Reconquista-(AStffi lg

Mexico 79 ffHPIII

PONCE, Sara Alicia Law student

Detained 6-11-75 — Villa Devoto Prison

AIAustralis-Adoption PONCE, SEGUNDO j'AJWEL C.I. 6179739

Disappeared 2-14-77.

PONCE, Isoline C. Rodriguez de (Mother) Maze 949 - 3'Piss B - Capital

Telegram to Derisn. f&& Ietter to T.Todman, Testimony to Representatives. r«(i)

PONCE DE BIANCO, M. Eugenia B(R f3

Disappeared 12-8-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17 78(j)

PONCE DE HERNANDEZ, Ana Maria Age: Z6 DNI: 10.697.071

DIS 7-18-77

FDD E s (-)9.'~7&

PON"E DE IZON, Gustavo Adolfo Computer programmer and system analyst 6. ael i'8 c ~ = ' C &-. / /, f.'r. . =, ~, (~. ) „.:;./ :. Kidnapped from his Buenos Aires home on August 5, 1976. Since then disappeared.

rsvRIL) kL Amnesty Internationa1978.

PONCE DE LEON 5.093.409

DIS Oct. 1977

Rosario List

PG1GIAZ, Ro'berto

DIS 7/77 PÃIDER, Luis Roberto


PONT, Carlos

. ('A Detained after action of 1976. , „f

I'.,on () .', -. n~., ', -;7 Liga Arg. Der. kombre 4-19-76

PONT ANGRIMAN, Carlos Alberto

Arrested on 3-15-76, in San Rafael (Prov. of Mendoza). At pre ent in Unidad Carcelaria No. 9 of' Ia Plate. On 5-5-77 by a Decreet signed by President Videlb he was authorized to leave the country. Unfortunatelv the Army has revolted the permission. Authorized to leave country by law 21.449-La Razon clioping 9-24-77 PONT, Gladys Sale de (Wife) Avellaneda 117-San Rafael(Mendoza) 8-2-77. letter to Etbassy B.A. PONTI, Daniel Ricardo

DIS 12/76

POLI HLRVSI, Daniel Carlos ~ig. I, &v-PA

9 Ps Disappeared 11-25-77 Acs 'I krt&

l L,» I~I i~)7I PIl PAHR-Prensa 5 17-78(L)

PONZA, Ernesro

ABD 2-78 Cdrdoba

AISC (Arg. Komm-Sveden) PORCEL, Eduardo Jose Former Director of Salts Prisor. s gcA- q-y-Ie . PniV -QA . Iept rLl z "Jp z R6', p@;(v-ej Aa FMdzcez 2 AP(7E Imprisoned Resistencia, Chaco since 1974, without charges. ysewora-K' s~; \w-'is Mrs. Hortensia Rodriguez de Porcel incarcerated in Villa Devote.

Amnesty International USA 2112 Broadway-New York City Cable addressed to Derian.

5sw 4c. l4sss)


PORCZL, Gladys del Valle ' 'Fii 7II I'~,, I s Sac~ dw

„'tftJlsyivwP " Disappeared 10-27-76 ,

1LL PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4)


DIS 10-10-76 Salta

AISC (Cospa-Mx) PORCO, Juan

DIS 5-16-77 Bs.As. Maritime Union

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

PDRCUS, Angelo Acrndar Vrlla Constrtucron

Detained 3-20-75 - Sierra Chica

Lig. Arg. Der. Sombre

ppgnpg Jose Andres


ADLeagce pQBBL, Juan Carlos Age: 21 J. Alrarez 776, Bs.Aires

(Et-I' l' -»"-" ' I „,, @. ABD 5-4-76



DIS 1-21-77

orth zone Bs.As. Prov.

PORRIRI Beatriz — C cr I c'&s ss'9 4, ls'5zO. WYl 8 Ie

DIS 6 15 76 sue. be P,& otua z C.c' 2 ' 7DcA'c.=s-tea. - czc s iJ" 7zcipsl'use~ Qi

PORTA, Ada Victoria Rk D) 8.&M $.t;3 Rf L

-p, Disappeared 8-7-76


PORTA, Gabriel Adrian C. 6.633 226 R I. Diaz Velez 1328, Villa Sarmianto-HAEDO (Bs.As. )

Arrestee 11-25-76 by a group of' armed men (they said to be Security i'orce). This same day he received a repDy to the "Expediente h'o. 5C82/76 del Registro de la Univ. de Bs. As. , No. 119.998/76 de la Fac. de Agronosua" initiated by him on 10-23-76, about malversation of funds. Since then disappeared.

Porta, Martha Leonor ' (Mother) Olivestri de (LC.O. 399.821) 7-28-77. Letter from his mother, wdtuout signature. & Statement to Representatives.

P() H(i (L)

PORTA, Manual

Disappeared ~IfzzfkP

,'. '), tram, q~, s:, Qc rjK! 81 PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(Lj (!:;z5 lr'--7$' PORTAL, Raul Alberto CI: 4.574. 986


AISC (Glarin)


Diseppearea Sept. 77

Lig. Ara. Der. Hombre



Nueva Hora 11/78 POPZAS BORHAS, Juan

1978 Shot in Cordoba (or dead) after the Air Force refused to shot him in 1977 when M11itary Tribunal condemned him to death.

Harris data 8-15-78

&ISA, Armando (Chilean)

DIS 12/76

POPZILIA, Medina Hermone- de

DIS 12/76



rSPF, ()

POETIC DE RECTA, Ana Olga i~ nm s 'Bt - sea ds', H(,

Disappeared 11-24-77

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) Rc

Jose PORTIiO'I &

un der review. Right i' option certificate



PORTOLAC, Mauricio Secretary of PUA

DIS 7-22-78


POSSO, Sulia Rather

DIS 7-30-76 POSSO,, patricia Lilia

DIs 7-3o-76

POT, Cristina

ARR 1-24-76 Santa Fd-PEN Villa Devoto


pOT, Nuao Narcelino

Under PEN Resistencia Chanc

ADLeague (nee Irurzun) POT, Nargarita Nocto

Vil'la Devoto, judged. Under PEN Unidad 2


POURTALE, Maria Enriqueta

DIS Agoato 1976


AH/CIO I oYASTRo&Eduardo ouillermor Ace Aa Craciela Monari de I /- Ap- ccJpi-g l

'w~ - " & . ur i frs;, no . in -"-teal il n'r: I on ou . ':;. 2ott l)7 , tore!!r: Am i r. i'u. ,: .. i.u L ci:iii', POZOS GRADOS,

D1S La Pampa

(~~ L)

POZZE, Patricia Lili.ana Age: 18

DIS 7-30-76 Ls Plata — Bs.As. Reap, 'Villa Devoto'


POZZE DE CASTAGNET, Julia Age: 21 L. 11.616.547

DIS 7-29-76 La Plate Bs.As.

PAHR (L) POZZO, Address: 9 Nro. 484-La Plate (Sister is detained in Villa Devoto)


La Plsta List

POZZO, Roberto Luis

PEii& Coronda(Santa Fe). Given for ms for h'im,,hish wife

Pozzo, Teresa Suarez de (Wife) Dorrego 5480-Santa Fe Tel. : 63506

pOZZO, Patrioia Liliana IC. 12.530.304 kt ~ h

Arrested on 7-29-76. Still at PER's disposition. At present in Villa Devoto Penitentiary. CRIM-APP-CT-, r'eleased from PEN, -11/78 (nuns J(SN , ordered ' ., ) n.&ice, i. ,';n, ~ . .. ':r~ «-". )7 ~; oumv Pozzo, Esther Fonrouae de (Mother) IC. 3.141.877 Calle 9- 484 1/2-La Plate

8-14-77 Letter to T.Todman. l., i PRADANO, Juan Carlos

DIS 4-22-76

ewe(r) FDD

FHADC, Claudio Annabel L.

Disappeared 3-20-77

Lip, Arg. Der. Hombre

Prado, Claudio luis &~/ 7l&

16 ' Of'f'. For. Iuu. : h-5-77 GQk Bepiy: ND. II'-(' "&', 3;W

White House. D

PRADO, G 'briel Herberto Age: 24

Arrested together «dth his «dfe on.6-24-77. Since then disappeared.

Prado& Herberto G. Zduardo (Pather) Sarmiento 752-Dpto. Int. Bahia Blanca

PRADO, hlario Roberto


PRADO, Vdgoel Angel Hember Communist Party

DIS 5-20-77 PPADO, lhnica Gonzalez de Age: 23

Arrested together uith her husband on 8-24-77. Since then disappeared.

Prado, Heroerto G. Eduardo (Bather in lau) Sarmiento 752-Dpto. Int. Bahia Blanca


PRADO, Norma Susana Huder de

san t

P1$DO, Salvador Harcos Railroad tforker

ABD PRAT, Jose Carlos 8 i 2g I'(. k., id. dy

I r-' Disappeared 1-1-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78IL)

PRAT HIDALGO, Alicia Angdlica

ARR Cdrdoba PEN

AISC (Rio Negro newspaper)

PRATO, Aonnda Virginia (R~;.4') ajar Lc. p. ed! ass %34, 4( (.~mi

Disappeared 2-12-78 )Scn (QL "n

PAER-Prensa 5-17-78ts) A~. c, (c.~ A =r PN —Cf (&el&»r&'ass) PRSCSSL RUSSO, Juan Jose

Under PER Sierra China


PREDANOS Juan Carlos

DIB D-20-7G Bania Blanea, Bs.Aires


PREISZ, Josd RP si

DIS 4-11 78 !ik @"~

P7VIR (I) PROMPT, Raul Horacio Rf'e A C'l: 2 +Ad-V+o

Disappeared 4-29-76 l94l ~

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7B(L)

PREHEAT, Ricardo Abel


PRESA, Marfa Josd Age: 21

rrested in April 1976 together withwi heer h us b an d, conseguence of tehri membership of "Partido Autdntico". Her attempt of husband was shot under' escape. She's detained in Unidad 2, Uilla Devote at PEN's disposal.

Ddniqh Embaqdy Wi5ki( PRIARO, Alberto (Ad el) CI. 6.474. 6O4 Deheza 3181 - Remedios s jc a7 de Escalada

Arrested on 3-24-78. Since then disappeared. taw!I ar. s&10.&' P((8R(i) Priano, Marcedes Marts Vidal de (Mother) Deheza 3181 - Remedios de Escalade Phone: 247-3526 (Sister) Personal call Embassy 4-24-78

PRIETO, filberto Antonio TEMSA

Disappeared 5-7-76

LiSa Ard. Der. Hombre

PRIETO, Antonio

ABD 5-7 76

fP, SR(L) PRIETO, At+endo ci. '.'!I ' fij' 'u

Disappeared 7-21.-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(i)

FREED PRZETO, Carlos Age: 30

Abducted 3-30-78

San Juste

PRIETO, Carlos Alberta

0'JIHf, (L3 PRIETQ, Hugo A

Disappeared 7-25-76

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

PRIET9a Hugo Ernesto

Rg'd ag

Disappeared 5-27-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) j~~

PRIETO, Hugo Felix 5:Z ab

Disappeared 7/77

i:,c PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(I] PRIDING, Halter lingo Yanue1 Pdi'4 tk. 6 WS6. 'N9

6, 2, - Disappeared 8-22-77 An014'5

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(I)

PRIGIONE, Juan Hector DU 12.961.018 2Yi DOb: 2:-'16957 Solis 1519 - Capital

Arrested on 1-25-78. Grandfather died 11.11.62 ssas horned in Philadelphia.

Carlos Prigione (Father)' Solis 1915-Capital Phone: 26. 8657 Personal visit Embassy 1/26/79.

PRIRCIG, Giuseppe Italian Are:52

DIR 4/76 PRIOTTE, Eduardo J. Prop. Siderurgica

Disappeared c-25-76.

Lip. Ars. Der. Honbre

PRIOTTI, Eduardo Jose

Disappeared 11-25-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (iI

~~~/yf yJ" "l'"Ifr PROL, Luis jAndres, 2c f/s Lawyer Bv.Junin 46, Piso 8, Dpto. 15

~ .4::v~9 frE/ dso ~ f-J. Pp )Itf. .&"I /v vial'li~lva (W liM l f7& Arrestation Parch 22, f976; at present under PEN at Unidsd Garcelaria No. 2, Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires Prov. in Znterno 1204, Ce1da 520, Pabelldn S.

Proi, Luis clwns, (Pather) Bv.Junin 46, Piso 8, Dpto. 15 5000 Cordoba Phone Cordoba 45317 wv Pu».r.:5:Jl6's, ~ c~,'"sp ' ,';,. ju sfusil"-:*. lrtl ' f 4'bible House Interest. PROPATTO, Carlos A. Obrero Ford-Buenos Aires

Detained Unidad 9 Im Plate

Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre

PROPl. RI, Naris Cristina Hfe Ra LI, o.5A ADO

DIS 3-30-77 ~

~ .()

PROPPZ, Monica /'J. dt:,M baca Bjtll

WKI & tO. e4z.38%

/'I DisaPPeared 9-col-76 ~J~

L.A&A ka-'9:~, ~;,

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) PRUArZA, Alberto Armando CI. 6.855.364 Gral. Urquiza 1065-Capital

On 2-17-77 he was arrested. Since then disappeared.

Precede, Maria Asuncion Caputo de (Mother) DI. 0305.909 Gral. Urquiza 1065-Capital

Testimony to Representatives.

PUCCI, Jozge Albezto

DIS 12-6-77 6„6f@- L ~r'

La Plata List — 11-21-78

FUCCIETTI GOEZALEZ, Maria Yrnestrna Pederal Capital

Disappeared 5-6-78. - I'& fi 6» - &dd I-K-vt

PARR, 5-30-78 APL/CIO

PUCCIO, Jorge Eduardo

/Is. I XX

PhHL ti)

PUCH, Ramon Ricardo

DIS 3-9-77

PUCHETTA, Elba Rosario R|i 4 Li. 3 H6%.qcf

Disappeared 5-25-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-7a(L) '7d/Zd&. PUEIVEQ Elba )i"i' LC. 3.972.780 Los Ceibos 1252-Villa Adelina (Es.As. )

lA. & D g

PP, ~(IL)

PUENTESr Harnoldo

DZE 7-18-76


0;„r.s PGEEZA& Jorde Reynaldo Actor

l„(~~a.9.&ma. kKmkaS- l K4. .

Amn. Int'1 Vienna OigEd Abaci'»

Nh((L) ,1 };ussda W4~w PUERTA, Rolando Guillemo

Age: 27 Born December 10, 1950,Rojas, pro. of Buenos Aizes, Profession: Student of Medicine. (last year) Taken from home, Cordova, Mazcelo T. Alveaz 95, Piso 11- Apt. A Arrested October 30, 1976 and is'prison at. Cordova- Caselia No. l, Pro. of Cordova. Mother visited son Dec. 24th in years 76 and 77. That has been stopped and she is not allow to go anymore. /DCVC d & O di ~I' P fIIf+- f'hLI&e Ca (I )rISP&afi. C~ ~ II- Iy .) 5 Mother: Elva Rosa Almerech De Puerta-San Maztin 756- tel: 6o8-office-2835- Catamarca. Age Father: Pedro Rolando Puerta-enginer civil- age- 62

PUERTO, Norma Liiia C.w [email protected]. 39'

Disappeared 9/77 .4oVv'h

PAIUI-Prensa 5-17 78 (I)

PUCi, Behia Biauoa


Lit. Ara. Der. Hombre PUIGROSS nee NUNEZ, Uioleta Maria

Detained under PEN — Right of Option


PUJADQ, ViCtor Hugo



ggPNih PUJOI ~racielag. Nife of Hoss'Horacio Oltaedo

ABD early 1976

Cancer Anti Congress 9/78 PUJOL DE OLHEDO, Graciela Gladis ~C: 10:633'. 613

44a&c 'l~ ABD, 10/76. I Preganant.~7 months.

Cancer' Anti Congress 9/78


Detained under PEN — Right of Option f'.ace k TEN- fs )becca J1dJ)d

Consulate tc 8 cc8 IcJccscc)

PULLETTZ,c. Guide Eduardo A Gd ., Bjc W

Disappeared 9-20-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (I) PUPPO, Rober o Jose hID 4 Lto; 4.LA Ml I

t Disappeared 1-23-78 2didd"o

AHR-Pransa 5-17-78(t) L~.) s~. I'.~sh-

PURCEF, Yanue1 Angel


&w(j] fr, v ADLeague

C-Id]';IU I(' Ien PUS, Dionisio

Unidad 9 la Plata - PER " , r-. J, Us ~ 2 I sd se nsru, , 2 zr. i

ex-Partido SociaI.ista PUTZGNADO, A1fredo

DIS 12/76 PEYCHAUX, Carlos

ARR. 4/76 at work Tucuman-Held at Villa Urquiza




ADD esne


DIS 6d7/r si7c

PEIZUTTI, Daniel Jorge DNI: 12.102.659 CI, 8.396.839

" u6''No'f L'( s $ 13MoSscI. Qadi %F4 . ~ TSS3$ q ( IJ p :tJ '74 . 'l F((. 9w /3's, os~: '!-,(.9 s 3-)R, 33k act3 i:3 ' ' Ic3 Under PEN - Unidad 9 La Plate

Dept. of State Pezrutti, Raul Jorge (Father) Jose Indart 1931-San Justo Phone: 40-4001 (From 13-21:00 pm. )-mother Personal call to Harris 5-15-78

PIAGGI, Jose Alherto

DIS 12/76

&S H3(lc)

PIASECKY, Roberto Francisco

DIS 7-28- 77

PA33R PIAZZA, Jorge Obrero Renault


Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre

PIAZZA, Marcelo Prancisco Qt 2.I +7:A!.65M&"f

Disappeared 6-21-77

()) PAIIR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4)

c -sc)-."/' . c':sJcfsfs gay/iP/// (jdos« PIAZZA, Ruben Orlando DDI. 11.480.941 AZDL (Prov. Buenos Aires)

7E) o) WS r(cf fi f I&

J .~v;u; Y,v Jv~~). rf. . PEA. Condemned to years. &)ill f' 3 end o v. 10. 77. gill ask or opcion to leave country.

See BA-8737 and BA-8736 in Soc 14-12. filWJ» Piazza, 4' Elise Amendolara de Burgos (Mother) 758, AZUL vo Tel:Horario de Comercio) Azul 2990 enate 266342 gcc sf'(eke Les amttQ fl' 't h)p ";:o,u A)'vmtc(AI& ) Ã.'Ig~- ( "Q 44f e()Qi PIAZZA, Roberto Jesus CI: 10.456, 795


AISC (Clarin)


Disappeared 10-28-76

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(t)

PICARDI Fdlix Eduardo

DIS 0-18-77 4 {lDU4 - L h

I'IIS~(( La Plata List - 11-21-78 PICCIHINI Alberto Sec. Gral. UOM

Detained. 3-20-75 - Hawson

Lig. Are. Der. Hombre

PICCOLO, Gustavo Angel R,



PICCOLO, Walter Agustin Capitan de Corbeta (R, E, ) Seud6nimo politico HERNANDEZ Chacabuco 867 — MERLO (Prov. Bs.As. ) Phone (Nei. ghbour) 0220-21189

Letter to Amb, Castro, Saw DCM. 3

PICKED&, Ivan Rau1 ga AD

'AAh~ Disappeared 1-21-77- ~&sh

PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(4)

PICHULNAN, Jos6 Francisco Age: 21 CI. 76.417

DIS 8-12-77 Neuquen



DIS 7-18-77 PICO Eduardo

Aires ABD 3 B9 76 Moreno-Bs.

/i PIDAL DE BALBI, Cristina Maria

CRIM-APP-CT-ordered released from PEN. -11/78

hoynaa - L'-'&H6

Cirni& PIEDBh/, haria Duisa Bpr YI Dtli. //. /'i$ 0&1

P I Disappeared 5-3-76 LU'dvhri

PARR-Prensa 5-17 78(L) PIEDPAS, Jorge Yario Empleado-San Martin LE; I& BP. 1dq R(( EL Q„~,k.J. l

Disappeared 8-31-76 L(~4.

Pfil1P, -I1Iza(d 4-A'i% (n) Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre g- b-(. pdss

PIEN, Noza Dain de CI: 0, 400. 760


AISC (Clazin)

PIERA, Enrique El Pais (Montevideo)

Disappeared 7-13-76

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre PIERANI, Eduardo Alberta

DIS 11/76


PIERO, Monti

DIS Cordoba


PIERRE, Ettore

DIE 6-12-76 Bs.As.

sisc (Cosps-Mx) PIETTEK, Ettore (jouonalist)

Arrested 5/27/76; imprisoned

Listed 10-2B-77 PEN REPORT

PZEVAUL, Eduardo Alberto


PIPAPPE, Alicia Adelina Docente - Neuquen Li: u ' " '5:


Disappeared F-o-76 /lee/

I-; 1 Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre BSP, -I'i.Wmd Z-A -'J'i (L) PIFARETTI, Ana Wria :Age: 32; 3 Leader of Argentine Women's Liberation tiovement. 3&kq: G.

Disappeared 6-28-78 after leaving Sanitario Gerardo Gdemes, Buenos Aires, where she marked as dietician. " ' ~ - 'w3. use s, 3 $ 9 s 4c srwzm

$88(g ' & R.q.s)~ Dept. of Stdte: 6-19-78

Is, ; 5 ZrhS lrg PILIA& chris Regina ' . "' s. J

Deported. For. Off. lnq. : 11-10-76 GGA reply: 11-12-76

FINA, Alejandro Victor

6t: S.CSO. SNG

Di. sappeared 10 26 77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17 78 (I) PIHCHEIRA, Miguel

DIS II-4-76


PIHCHEIRA, Miguel Angel ip. 941 s76

'd'-' Pq("„l76 (",!i;..a, 6-)S. Disapneared 6-14-76 EQ

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78(L)

PIRaaA DZ ISIS, Vivians

Disappeared 10-13-76

hL PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (I) PIN EDO, Angel Nsrio

DIS 7-2-76 f094y~- 6o.&

I! (i .~i li.iiI,e PAN R (i)

BILBO, Hartin


Univ. of Calif. ,paris.

PIlT&0, Horberto L. Bco. Interc. Regional Li: 8 2"'-":!: NE .''

Disappeared 8-2-77

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre eg HR(i. PDKIRO or PINIZIRO, Roberto J 0


PINIPDE BOLIAN, Olga Haydee R(e 31

Drsappeared 1-20-77

blSC PAHR-Prense. 5-17-78 ()

PININO, Alberto Law student

DIS 7/76

AISC (C. R. P. A. B.) PPNINO, Alberto Iae student



PINTI, Nelida de

ABD 6A-76 hhendoza

PILI, Suli'erino

ABD 6-4-76 Nendoza PINTO, Alberto

ARR C6z'dobe PEN


PINTO, Edras

DID 12/76

PIITTO, Gabrie1 Darie1 N &1'i Wi, nd. en. V»

Disappeared 6-4-76

isa PARR-Prensa 5-17-78(L) -g PINTO DE LANDI, Brunilda (Chilean) Age: 35 Worker

Detained in Nov. 1975-at present Villa Devoto prison. "jWgm i& Ei;-W A~n~iqgj m)~ /~

-- Cancer Anti Congress 9/. 78.

PINTOS, Leucario Jesus Age: 45 LE: 6.987.235

DIS 2-5-77


PINTOS, Niguel Angel AGE; 24 LE: 10.415.360

DIS 2-5-77 F. Varela

FDD PISEIRO, Maria Aida Edad: 30

DIS 4-6-77


[ic'l~/ÃS//i' PINEPR0, 0Mdnica 4 ~ 3& f4 (Pregnant woman)

DIS August 1978.


PISERUA, Roberto Jorge

DIS 11-11-77 Ramos Mejfa Bs.As.

PARR L. PIREYRA Roberto Jorge 740 CI. 4.286. ) Barrie-LJ ~~~ioro-Cssencaer-(P cio 10 - Palier C - Dpto. 21 Peronistaonista dele Sindicato de Luz y Puerza) (Delegado Gremial Martin-1' .-ap Address: Ave. San

4-22-76. The car apneared Disappears d 'th his car on 4 a seek later. Rafaelaae a Clausi-Tel:665-5164. Informarion contactct Mrs. Ra Cayetano Valdez, 2562-Moron (sob persoHAI Ca N (Wif'e)

Personal call Embassy 4-27-7 i

PINON, Arnoldo Jor8e Ae: 31 bi, 4 3(7 (f')

DIS 8-12-78 in Buenos Aires

FDD 9-16-78

pIOLI, Cora Naris DU. 10.737.179 Patricios 742 8000 Bahia Blanca

Arrested on 11-25-76 in Bahia Blanca. Since disappeared. then

egg(, r()

Letter to Amb. Castro: Pioli, Ana Maria Santarelli (Nother) Patricios 742-8000 Bahia Blanco PIOLI, Susana r/ A~/// F'»F'la u' PSII ebs. lese - ."'6-A-qv

(4 As 66s- - Du r~I~u„

cIs~scI4 s. I.A -sA sec qsy gz 6-&-N )y , &. «.~ &, ., . ~e 0/~. 4e sys vds s ~y ~PI cg'g J&-Pd Detained in Villa Devoto Prison. Jail sentence due to end on November 10-,1977. „„. ((g/rg QAII'iII@ ;ui.,II;A s,

At tui State 266342

PIOMATO, Julio Juan

ARR EXP.9-3-78 to France


PIOVOSO, Antonio Enrique

DIS 12-6-77

PARR PIPED, Bruno Tomas

Disappeared 6-21-76

fbi, -Prepsa 5-17-78 (3


DIS 7-B-76 Buenos Aires


DIS 6-24-76 Bania Blanca, Bs.As. . PIRIS, Luis ——--—Psicologist---Periodist-

ABD in Buenos Aires in July 1976

Cancer Anti Congress. 9/78

PIRLES, Roberto

Killed 1/77 La Plate

Mexico 79

k Rll" LLI PZPDLA, Elba BeRtrLs Age: 25 LC: 10.104.921

DIS 10-9-76 La Plata

(RHEA(L5 FDD PIROZI Allo Antonzo )MMA c C e i I 0 'Nl 'lz Qp

Disappeared 3-11-77

HL PAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (4)

ISON, Iarczszo h(X S.

Disappeared I-~ 77 )sts Q+6

PAHR-Prensa 5 17 78 (4)

PIsoNI, Polando victor BSso ) LE. 8007544 - CI 5979889 HELLOCCHIO, Irene Ines DI. 10478652 df "" "i "['"

Arrested on 8-5-77. Called by phone 8 days later, Since then disappeared. fRHi7(i) PISONI, Felicidad L6pez de (Nother) Narmol 483 - Plants Baja "B") Tel. : 811-712( 811c6870 (Neighbor) 9-8-77. Personal visit-Embassy FAHarris. hL PISONI, Tarcisio


ASIC (A. P. D. H.


DIS 1976


pzsrAHINo Santa Pe

Detained in Coronda

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre PISTOBI, Lucia


ff, HA (I)

PITA, Pedro Ricardo CppiFal Pederal

DIS 8-29-78

PAHR 9-29-78

PITELLI DE CASOE, Anabella LC 4.732.690 Edad; 34 Parral 72, Buenos Aires

ABD 6-9-77 from home with husband Carlos N. PITRELLZ, Daniel

D1S 4-1-76 COrdoba


PITRELLZ, Estele Robledo

DIS 4-1-76 Cordoba

(F JJP, (iI

H k/F JI) PJ PZTURA, Antonio Ydduel +~n Est. lnSenieria Electronica CI

Iba~~ftjes( Asil s/'8 c4 Jlss JJJ(ss(4(iiIi(i ~Pm .

PEJJ; Unidad 2 Sierra Chica

I'il Carmen Elena Demone (Separada) (Wife) Obispo SalSuero 178-4"'P" Cordoba 36148 PIUYATO, Julio Juan )French)

the l4ontoneros. Detained in La Pleta. Sentenced as member of

French Embassy

PIVETTA BRODA, Dani. el CI. 10./469, 902


AISC (Clarin)

PIZA, Diana

ARR 11-18-75 Trelem — PEN V. Devote


DIS 4-26-77

La Plata List - 11-21.-78 (f9R (i)

PIZAR or I%RA-RRO, 0. Juan


cv)(( RD




Left country. For. off.lnq. : II-13-76 GOA reply: NO


ABD 9/11/76 i'rom home F.Sanches & Chivilcoy, & with wife Norma

PIZZATURO, Norma S, de

ABD 9-11-77 from home, Castelar Bs.As.

AISC (C.R.P. A. B.) PIA, Pedro




PLIQLAS, Jorge1ina Age: 4

Detained srith mother Cristina in 1my 1977

VAJA, 5-31-78 French Embassy Kv soho(' Lg~ I

PIAIRS KCZEEI, Arturo DOS: 6-16-57 Uruguayan


RnR(i) PLANCHARD, Liliana

DIS 4-20-76 Mar del Plata

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

PLAT or PLOT, Ricardo Pedro

ARR Cdrdoba PEN 3/78

(Rio Negro newspaper)

PZAUL, osvaldo LE. 7.750.151-01.. 6.915.829 Jose lngenieros 5157-Remedios de Escalade (Bs.As. )

Arrested on l-b-77. Disappeared. since then.

Plaul, Alcides Sebastian (Father) Sitio de Montevideo 100 lanus Oeste.

8-10-77. letter snd Testimony to Embassy BA. PIAZA, Giga Carmen


P(, HR(i)

POCCIO, Alberto

DIS 12/76


+- 7 POCE, Julio Gerardo ' "V/ t/0 DI 11.233.402 ' -" /P J PCCE, Graciela Eugenid Perr. asj de DiNT 11.607.316 Granaderos 655- CaPital Federal r 'i ~ Qhgi) ( /J R 8|) 'i" ( 2'i 4 f 8 Jl Dec cN+ui ti 8 (i)nuiv |3Im)i i'i)i) Were arrested on 10-19-76. Since then disappeared.

Pad(y ,'..fl:,-., f'Jr )t). ';;I' I, ~". Ah. I'i4 Pernas, Alba Martino de (Mother) DEI 3.046.857 Calle 13 Eo. 829 - P.4 - Ia Plate i'") & -' Pace, Julio C. 43-577 Ia Plate. (Father) Statements. To T. Todman. 8-10-77 letter to T.Todman Statement to Representatives. &~c ' , )' k„mu G e.or, iiti;) POCE, Ricardo Cdsar DI: 11.895.679' ———DOB: 2-14-56 Age: 22

68~( t-11Vi: ~~ p ~~„llkut,

Arrested on 12=9-78 by Security Forces in Ezpelete.

Pace, (Dr. ) (Father)

POCZEZs0, gorge Age: 30 Venezuela 1845-Bs.Aires

ABD 11-30-77 from home

PODGAZTZKi', Yario IE'q .".1.I"I n;, tl I4(clPr~as fh~ 4 " .6'I+"'

Disappeared 10-14-76

jID J inta- jtlJ OVA 6'J

I'88F, L'lI

Il '.!..»: . /ra PAHB-Prensa 5-17-78 PODKAVJENSKY, Mirta Beatriz (PodIMmlsnky de GEIIdB""NG, Mirta Beatriz)

Cause: Member of the Montoneros. Decree: 482/76J (Stopped PEN: Decree 1590/77)

Anti Defamation League on B'nai B'rith 7-26-77

PODOLSKY, Jorge Ernesto

Under PEN Unidad 9 La Plata


d'I tia-:nl:I' PODOLSKY, Ceci.lia . As/n/&

ki uIII:-I;-h: /I'. h. I.

Disappeared 7-27-76

Er , 1 t mh /c ' &~S(i PAHR-Prhnsa 5-17-78 (I) Detained after the action of 1976.

- 8 Liga Arg. Der. Hombre 4-19-7

POGGI, Guillermo Hugo Age: 25 DNI 10 714 306

ARR 11-16-77 PEN San Martin Prison-Cdrdoba


POGOIO, Horecio Horberto Fir I' k

I'I Disappeared 7-23-76 ArdClrl~w

4', . i~&a„'5z Etl PAHH-Prensa 5-17 78 (t) PQI Crxstrna

Iud ge F,Mantras ARR Sentenced to 9 yers by

RISC (Clarin)

POIMAN, Ramon Humberto 5fs 11

DIS 5-21-76

PAHR (6)

36/'f &/f POINTSTrAU, 1ggue1 Alf redo 5'I I. &'n

S,hue(d N ~9~M '" L'~'j' Not registered. Por. off. Inq. : 1-6-77 GOA re&17: 3-1-77

Ameit. Mother.

(V LL4 ~ a7lke lJLWgltf g. :e i~a asJ -Tj,mcus

&gdgl) js POLANCO, Alicia Elena

DIS 3-22-76 Castelar, Bs.As.

AISC (Cospa-Mx)

POLASTRI, Armando Sergio

ARR. Unidad 9 La Plate

AISC (Clarin)

POLZril, Maria Lourdes

Diseppearek 8-ZT-76

Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre POLI, Ester



POLI. 3 *4 9 4 32 9 . ~ .0399224



POLICASTRO DE SANSONE, Lilia na C. /7 C. I.-5.932.535 O'Ni '. A0 Ah 3N. Address: Cangallo 1547,Capital Profession: Bank Central, Student " gg Iititi I-ig'Vj: )2'PC). Sieges Address Tel/

DIS 3~2- -At her Home, Cangallo 1547, 3am Sister visit me 11-24-78 and said she came all the way from her home in Miami, she is married to an american and living there now. Her father has been to scared to come forward with this info. All information was left here with me and is now She said her sister and husband disappear on file. taken the same day and were badly hurt while being n gg- 23/3 Sisters" Visit-Nov. 24-78 7~ $z.„s(g~i7LD722 f92' %93:JJ i339- O 24 I4PM442) 7' gp~/y

POLLAHO, Humberto h~~ IO. 3.655.931 Hazen y Hustos 347 IA RIOJA

«~rE, -~. «~- III- ~H-8---~

Politicalpygmy prisoner US Emb. visit granted 11/78 -"/7~ ~(-.L.I J- j„V'.. ~ ~+pl g ]cIw)h 33 0441 (4u:aalu) l/t. .tdfdha L| State 279877, 11-22-77 —Hq- cQ h-qh -8 n ~~h Ht, -s - K, C. Ja HE,

POLLETII, Enrique A. 1B: 17h Lt E.3i8.34&

Disappeared 2-2-77

PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7BIL)

POLIETII DE GALLO, maria RB ss O'i &0.3i4. &46

I Disappeared 8-27-76 HC. her P)

4', 4;. 4~;H PARR Prensa 5-17-78(L3