Department of State Argentina Project (S200000044) Attachment to 1979Air ram Xo. 46 from American Embass Buenos Aires to the De artment of State Part 5 of 7 AI ~.es y In ernational ADL Anti Defamation League D Disappeared D & REAPP. Disappeared and Reappeared DAIA Delegscion de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentiras IACHR Inter American Com. on Human Rigbts K Killed N. E.A. D. No registra antecedentes de detencidn PAHR Asamblea Permanerte de Derechos Humanos R Released MHRC United Rations Human Rights Committee 'Detained MEI&DEZ LOMPODIO, baby (Uruguayan) DIS 7-13-76 Vh'efc- %.s-'IS MEIIDEZ LOMPODIO, Sara Rite (Uruguayan ) Age: 33 Calle Juana Azurduy 3163,Buenos Aires Disappeared in Buenos Aires 7-13-76. At present in Penta Rieles Prison in Uruguay, accused of subversive association. MEDD" Z DE IUUCOS, hlarfa O Detained in La Plate Dig. Arg. Der. Hombre MENDEZ VAL, Epifanio Disappeared 10-6-77 PAHR-Prensa 5-17-7e (t) MENDIOIAZA, Obrero Renault Disappeared Lig. Arg. Der. Hombre MENDOZA, Carlos Alfredo DIS AISC (Clarin) MSHDOZA, Carlos k'sbs 4/so/8 Detained between 6/20 to 6/10, 1978. )~e L/; II'I Harris data-8-14-78 do/PP/0 MENDOZA, Jose Martin 8'» qs Qt'. 2 ysR 425 C-&&-dr, Disappeared. FOR. Oil'. Inq. : 4-18-77 OOA reply: 6-8-77 6-10-77 Ho record I:s,i. 2e, r,i Aunt Mrs. Castillo tsnnenrge=~. iii. PHf:It) MHNDOZA, Sabino DIS PEN 3/78 AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) MENENDEZ, Guillenno Antonio Sict nq N. s e*m, A Disappeared 10-29-77 NL PARR-Prenss 5-17-78() 4 Q 3m~. 4mtu MENENDEZ, Mario Eduardo Age: 20 LE; 13.182.417 DIS 2/77 Concordia fllHP((l) DFF MENENDEZ, Narra Susana ARR PEN 3/78 AISC (Rio Negro newspaper) NENENDEZ, Rsiael Naris DIS rP~~I) MENEM, Carlos October 31, 1978,Govenor of Provincia de La Rioja, Carlos Menem is in Mar de Plata accoring to the news paper, La Razon. He was releasegfrom PEN but should not leave the city. MENIN, Qvide Detained in Resistencia prison since 3-31-76 Mexico 79 s Jtsra&ms". MENNA, Domenico . —Medicine-student Lancillota on 7-19-77 ABD. together with wive A.M. GLIMR(lj Cancer Anti Congress 9/78 qJ-o)/y MEHNA, Fable )i Age; Detained with mo ther Rina Faquel in may 1977. VIEJAr 5-31-78 &'~;.c'd. &' l»-. kr. French Embassy MENNA, Reinaldo0 M artie LE. 4.051.410 DIE FDD ~, Adrian Gabriel Under PEN United 9 La Plate ADLeague Eduardo Ezekiel ~,9 i'. Iso P' Disappeared 5-13-76 I'IL PAR-Prensa 5-17-78~~1) C ol Icrn fgjj L~kj) Eli LLiaE g IIERBM HIIR MEBBLLHM, Eduardo Paul AD EauLN'Q Dob: 4-18-1946-La Plata Married; too children ABD 9-14-76 Barrio de Villa Devote, Bs.As. Munitis de Merbilhaa (Wife) 23, Alee Louis Bldriot 4310 Orly~- France , fear, f:, I I PR 'fRI„',(i) R/ITS MERCADEL, Luis Salvador LE 4.991.054-CI 5.979.686 7 I:is 'c ho e wbgle Disappeared on 1-9-77. Returning to Ids f'or a bus was surprised by a group of armed men. waiting are no Afraid he ran and was wounded. Since then there news. MERCADEL, Josefina ludi. ce de (Mother) |Madreselva 6969-Capital Im + Sarmiento, Julia Estele (CI 7.064.112) (Bride) Block 49-Piso 14-Dto. C. Lugano I y II.Capital 8-11-77 - Letter to Derian. 8-3-77 - Statement. Sent to T.Todman. +Statement to Representatives. 8-19-77 — Statement to Senators. I(SHIT'(1) MSRCADER, Marie )(t 3I'. ,II &aid, lq DIS 2-15-77 La Plata HERCADO, Adela del Cazmen Ager 30 Doc. 5.278. 095 MERCADO, Julio ~44i 7 5. & 83.5' 5- &-2'i Disappeared. 8-20-77 Lia. Arg. Der. Hombre ~g~MERCADO, Manual Antonio . —-Moc . 8.088. 946 tlat, DIS 8-23-75 Tucumsn Ir'b () MERCADO, Maria del Valle A'Eel 28 Doc, 11.335.905 Tucuman ('8 H((t) Wgwi~ MERCADO~u LUNA Ricardo (editor) g~ ((~uJ, Arrested in 4/76; imprisoned mmu %ca. hl ' 5 ~k, Kq Fl&~ Listed 10-28-77 PEN REPORT R)cPd- tm. OALnsen MERCURI, Ymria Leonor CI. 6.667.071 LE. 10.460.321 Darri o Cementista-Monoblock "B" Sector B-Dpto. 2-Las Heres, Mendoza Arrested by a group pf armed men on 9.9.76 (Operative antijesuita). A(cud+ h4-('-;- -('~-7 () Mercuri, Dolores Yonzo de (Mother) Alrarado 2770-Dpto. 38-Capital Phone 21-1294 ('~md5s rant(", f;~) JTE 2-9-7'8 7.'". Qi MEREB, Jorge Luis Age: 30 DIS 3-3-77 PAHR (L) Disappeared 1%-77 PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 (s) ~IS, Rodolfo Antonio 4 ~ W)ai ~l 3I g le ~REQUE. Sebas sian DZS 6-2-77 PARR 4 MERES, Jorge Luis Disappeared 3-3-77 PARR-Prensa 5-17-78 3tslft3 MERIALDOt Daniel Aldo fi„~ev',&. 224 XIt Dssappeared 11-25-77 Iv tttttspt ~" ~t GI ka Ksa ll lSC PAIRI-Prensa 5-17-78(L) t!C ' &. C.ill, - & si";I;."I I IERIIIOt Jorge Ectuardo Franciscart Seminarian jgat'tsI 4-ut«& stat s(II tm l'tds Ithkd $:Rcsavk. J ~& lpt;m Arrested on 4-20-75. At prese. t in Penal Unidad 9, la Plate Prison, Bs.As. Sentenced to 5 years, lavyer says it can be reduced to 3, family asks if possible to enable him to leave the country. t Wash. OFF. on Latin America. 7"27-77. MEROLO, Hugo Alberto DIS 11-28-78 PAHR (L) MESA, Gilberto Albedo SA gogo Sac, p~a (k C~) vr g& DisaPPeared 9-17-76 I&abs/Vl PD. PASS-Prensa 5-17 78(L) 7w .L4' Rab 4v bit YESA, Sabine DIS t"'Piling (L) MESAGLI Os@aide Raul 8'e b fk: NYii. liL Disappeared 12-30-75 GS44 PARR-Prensa 5-17=78 (") S basesan DIS HZAGLI, Osvaldo Raul IZ' lloo5166 Age; 19 Paraguay 1759, San Francisco Cordoba DIS 12/75 Meysiez, Ruben Fernando Oscar I/is. 6rsu. h'1 Disappeared 8-22-77 - 6»»--4r. (P,,dphil' P,i~ «l~ PAEE-Prensa 5-17 78 (L) MESTRE, From Luz y Fnerza Union DIS After 3-24-76 f'f. l}fl(( MESTRI, Carlos ARR PEM AISC MRINDRICHI, Delia DIN ffffff, (t) MEANIE, Rosa LC: 827.185 ABD 11-13-76 )KTZ, Raul Eugenio DNI: 11.113.005 f,'; «0 Disappeared on 12-16-76 in Cutral-Co, l~ NEZA, Carlos Alberto Age: 25 DÃI: 10.567.858 DIS 2-28-77 PARR (L) MSZA, Oscar ABD FROls CORDOBA PROV. after 3-24-76 {8N(t'I MEZA, Sabino DIS 5-13-76-4( Dtf MEZA MARESGO, Carlos AIberto DNI 10.567.858 - Ced. de Corrientes 281.559 Disappeared 2-28-77. Since then di. sappeared. Mess, Eugenis Encarnacion Marengo de (Mother) IC 4.695.389 San Martin 11.81 Prov. Corrientes 8.1.77 letter. To Representatives. ME~UIDE, Melson DZIq4, 38 l ~h ))j[4O L, k.„g'„:,(-IH3 Disappeared 4-22-78 . f„i."' " * ( )-3 R 6 h; J) F (",Ef;j FAHB-Frensa 5-17-78(L) Maria de lourdes Moia de T MEZZADPA, Bs:As. Pavdn 2352 - 4'P. - Dto. 15 - arrestedarre" e her. Since t'hen On. '&13-76 a group of 5 armed men disappeared. (Mother) NOIA, Josefina G. de DMI 0079794 Testimony. Sent T.Todman. Testimony to Representatives. MDuG. , Aluerto Daav Il Bco. Norte y Delta )I 21 Disappeared 9-19-7796M ~~ e88e(t) Bt I,ig. Arg. Der. Homure PBD- O'P-i-4I Q ti)A MIANI, Mario Josd 5 R yd —, (B A *P. —AySu &4 OIIr Iys ~ ill Ip 7 DIS 8-9-78 .DuIhec -~&'4 E~&ay D. b ~isa .I c 4 & Ip ~ I & lays/I I rid PAHR 9-28-78(L) !r ~ ). 7Z Cli ..W. =W y7-c-73' MICABELLI, Francrsco Natalto DOB: 2-3-53 Terrada 3942 Taxidriver. Disappeared in San Justo on 11-9-78. Margarita Agustine Arrastua Patricios 1522 Capital .MICELLI, Ricardo Luis fit" E'I s. -.„ Ci~: (. I. ~EL - Disappeared 6-9-77 FIANCESICPDV' I & ~ PARR-Prensa 5-17-76IL) "MICFLIK, Saul HIE3) DIS I-10-~ 5Q.44 -C4 . WOLA 11-76 IRMA, (L) MICPAUD& Eduardo Pablo Emilio Clu to3tV. Cfs Disappeared 10-27-76 lalvp~ /~I C PARR-Prensa 5-17-7(L) 5YI I+~~ MICRELERff, Jose Enrique ()|tt:k&aef7t Lefefa cl; )suzie ply f4 "I1'DW) Qn IL3'6"& gpgvate i-Jp-'eq - Ij.'h 4.o(. 4 Disappeared q~» 44aiuk-~ sS S If - f.I7f RAHR-Prensa 5-17-78 (l) MICBELINI, Zelmar Journalist Killed Le Monde 6-10-78 MICHRLINI GULCH, Haul DIS MICHENS, Harems DIS PAHR (L) HICILLC& Mc cr DIS 4 27 76 Cordoba &&,6R() RICLZRCZUX, Victor l Cause; Bomber of E.R.P. Decree: 479/76 hdia o fu4 Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 7-26-77. MICUCCI, Daniel Bernardo Dglr 10.889.328 Student Disappeared 11-11-76 (Parent) Jose Mlcucci Ilda Micucci 792 r282 personal call Embassy 7 31-78" ))L pAER-prensa 5-17-78(i) MICUCCI, Horacio Aledandro POLOff suggested that they made contact' withf fra~ gin Buenos Aires. ~Prt l-t-7th, 7-&-Ilf Under PEI: since 5-14-75 in Unidad 9 La PlatarPabellon 10, Celda 462. Last Thursday 8-4-78 visit dsy, he was not at Prison, he had been taken the night before to Police station for in)errogation. Relatives were told to come back on Monday r7, Ttley saw wnen he was brought back to prison, they could see him for 5 sunutes and he told them that he had been tor ured.
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