Proceedings_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 35 Delivery Optimization in Logistics Using Advanced Analytics and Interactive Visualization* Leo Mršić Algebra University College Zagreb, Croatia
[email protected] Abstract. Paper is based on research and PoC with called a Eulerian Cycle. Finding such a cycle is more goal to unlock business value in delivery optimization, “feasible” and can be used efficiently to create business using advanced analytics and interactive visualization. value. This problem was first solved Mei-Ko Kuan, a There are several common approaches including Chinese mathematician, in 1962 [Kuan, 1962]. He was travelling salesman problem (TSP) that has various first one who consider this problem from the practical applications even in its purest formulation, such as perspective of a postman picking up mail at the post planning or logistics. Knowledge base powered by office, delivering it along a set of streets, and returning large data set is described through development and to the post office. Since he must follow route at least final, interactive, form. Using common principles, once, the problem is referred to as "Chinese" postman paper describe business value that can be extracted problem to investigate how to cover every street along using advanced analytics and interactive visualization, path and return to the post office under the least cost. how to structure steps as best practice to achieve In practice, there are a lot of applications of this success and what additional benefits can be expected technique such as road maintenance, waste collection, by supporting this approach. As part of research, bus scheduling etc.