C0M(93) 304 final

Brussels, 28 July 1993

Proposal for a


concerning the conclusion and signature of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine


(presented by the Commission)

-• • '•* • - -1 - Explanatory Memorandum

By Decision of 14 December 1992, the Council authorized the Commission to commence negotiations with Australia with a view to concluding a bilateral agreement between the EEC and Australia on trade in wine, with the objective of facilitating and promoting trade in wine between the community and Australia.

2. The negotiations, conducted by the Commission on the basis of the guidelines laid down by the Council, resulted in an Agreement based on the principles of non-discrimination and reciprocity. The main features of the Agreement are as follows :

(a) Mutual recognition of oenological practices and requirements concerning the analytical composition of wines: Recognition takes account of the particular conditions in which wine is produced by the two contracting parties. The Agreement provides for a procedure whereby the list of mutually recognized oenological practices can be extended or restricted, particularly to take account of scientific progress or in the interests of public health;

(b) Reciprocal protection of wine names: Protection includes not only geographical indications (and appellations of origin), but also traditional expressions used to describe a particular quality or type of wine. Under the Agreement, Australia formally undertakes to refrain from using, in Australia and on its export markets, all those Community geographical names which it has to date considered as generic or semi-generic. This operation will be carried out according to a well-defined timetable for most names. For certain names which are particularly sensitive for Australia, the transitional period during which they may still be used will be fixed by common accord before the end of 1997.

In order to lay down certain minimum rules guaranteeing that consumers are correctly informed as to the origin of the wine and that there is fair competition between producers, the provisions concerning the protection of wine names are accompanied by provisions governing the use of geographical names and names of vine varieties;

(c) Simplification of the rules on licensing for wine imports: The Community will grant Australia certain facilities regarding the import licensing arrangements for wine. The facilities are comparable to those already granted to the United states (see Regulations (EEC) No 3590/85 and No 2390/89). Australia, which has liberal import arrangements, undertakes not to take more restrictive measures; - /I OL - (d) Mutual assistance between the control authorities in the wine sector: There is provision for direct collaboration between the Community and Australian authorities, particularly by means of information exchange where it is suspected that the Agreement is being violated.

3. since the provisions of this Agreement are directly linked to measures covered by the common agricultural policy, and specifically by the Community rules on wine and winegrowing, this Agreement must be established at Community level.

in order to facilitate the implementation of certain provisions of the Agreement, it is proposed that the Commission be authorized to make the necessary technical adjustments in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 83 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87, which enables close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission.

5. in view of the above, the Council is asked to approve this Agreement,

Financial implications: As the trade in wine essentially only concerns high quality wine, the impact on the budget will be negligible.

Small and medium-sized enterprises: No competitive or cost impact for small and medium-sized enterprises. - A *--


for a Council Decision


concerning the conclusion and signature of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas the conclusion of the Agreement negotiated between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine will facilitate and promote trade in wine between the two contracting parties; whereas it is therefore desirable to approve the said Agreement;

Whereas, in order to facilitate the implementation of certain provisions of the Agreement, the Commission should be authorized to make the necessary technical adjustments in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 83 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 of 16 March 1987 on the common organization of the market in wine-*-, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1756/922;

Whereas, .since the provision:» ol this Aqrixwncnt. «iii> cliicclly linked to measures covered by the common agricultural policy, and specifically by the Community rules on wine and winegrowing, this Agreement must be established at Community level,

1 OJ No L 84, 27.3.1987, p. 1. 2 OJ No L 180, 1.7.1992, p. 27. - 2 -


Article 1

The Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine is hereby approved on behalf of the European Economic Community.

The text of the Agreement is attached to this Decision.

Article 2

The President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the person empowered to sign the Agreement and to deposit the instrument of approval by the Community.

The President of the Council shall make the notification provided for in Article 27(1) of the Agreement.

Article 3

For the purposes of Article 17(2) of the Agreement, the Commission is hereby authorized to conclude the necessary acts amending the Agreement, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 83 of Regulation (EEC) No 822/87.

Article 4

The commission, assisted by the representatives of the Member States, shall represent the Community in the Joint Committee set up by Article 18 of the Agreement.

Article 5

This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Done at Brussels, For the Council The President 0003


Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine

The European Economic Community, hereinafter called "the Community",

of the one part, and

Australia, of the other part, hereinafter called "the Contracting Parties", desirous of creating favourable conditions for the harmonious development of trade and the promotion of commercial cooperation in the wine sector on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and reci­ procity, recognising that the contracting Parties desire to establish closer links in the wine sector which will permit further development at a later stage, have agreed as follows : 0004 Article 1

The Contracting Parties agree, on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, to facilitate and promote trade in wine originating in the Community and in Australia on the conditions provided for in the present Agreement.

Article 2

1. The present Agreement applies to wines falling under heading 22.04 of the Harmonised System of the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity, Description and Coding System, done at Brussels on 24 June 1983.

2. For the purposes of the present Agreement, unless the contrary intention appears:

(a) "wine originating in" shall mean, when followed by the name of one of the Contracting Parties, a wine made within the territory of that Contracting Party from grapes which have been wholly harvested and produced in the territory of that Contracting Party;

(b) "geographical indication" shall mean an indication as specified in Annex II, including an "Appellation of Origin", which is recognised in the laws and regulations of a Contracting Party for the purpose of the description and presentation of a wine originating in the territory of a Contracting Party, or in a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the wine is essentially attributable to its geographical origin; 0005 (c) "traditional expression" shall mean a traditionally used name as specified in Annex II, referring in particular to the method of production or to the quality, colour or type of a wine, which is recognised in the laws and regulations of a Contracting Party for the purpose of the description and presentation of a wine originating in the territory of a Contracting Party;

(d) "description" shall mean the names used on the labelling, on the documents accompanying the transport of the wine, on the commercial documents particularly the invoices and delivery notes, and in advertising;

(e) "labelling" shall mean all descriptions and other references, signs, designs, or trade marks which distinguish the wine and which appear on the same container, including its sealing device or the tag attached to the container and the sheathing covering the neck of bottles;

(f) "presentation" shall mean the names used on the containers, including the closure, on the labelling and on the packaging;

(g) "packaging" shall mean the protective wrappings, such as papers, straw envelopes of all kinds, cartons and cases, used in the transport of one or more containers.

Article 3

1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, importation and marketing shall be conducted in compliance with the laws and regulations applying in the territory of the Contracting Party 0006 2. The contracting Parties shall take all general and specific measures necessary to ensure that the obligations laid down by this Agreement are fulfilled. They shall ensure that the objectives set out in the Agreement are attained.


Oenological practices and processes and compositional requirements for wine


1. The Community shall authorise the import into the community and the marketing in its territory for direct human consumption of all wines originating in Australia and produced in accordance with

(a) one or more of the oenological practices or processes listed in point 1 of Annex I, and

(b) the compositional and other requirements as provided for in the Protocol to the Agreement.

2. Australia shall authorise the import into Australia and the marketing in its territory for direct human consumption of all wines originating in the Community and produced in accordance with

(a) one or more of the oenological practices or processes listed in point 2 of Annex I, and

(b) the compositional and other requirements as provided for in the Protocol to the Agreement. 0007 Art ic Je5

1. If one Contracting Party authorises for its wines an oenological practice or process which is not authorised by the other Contracting Party by virtue of Article 4, it may make a request to the other Contracting Party for authorization. In this case, the Party making the request shall place at the dis­ posal of the other Contracting Party an appropriate dossier including the information necessary for the evaluation of the request.

2. The evaluation of a request referred to in paragraph 1 shall be carried out taking account, in particular, of:

(a) requirements for protection of human health,

(b) requirements for consumer protection, and

(c) rules of good oenological practice, and in particular the requirement that the oenological practice or process in question does not involve an unacceptable change in the composition of the product treated or a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics thereof.

3. within a period of twelve months from the submission of the dossier referred to in paragraph 1, the Contracting Parties shall mutually decide whether, and subject to what pre­ scriptions, the oenological practice or process in question can be included in Annex I or whether a supplementary evaluation period is necessary.

4. If one of the Contracting Parties considers it necessary it may make a request for an opinion of the Office International de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV) or any other competent international authority concerning the oenological practice or process in question. In this case, the period referred to in paragraph 3 shall be extended until the said authority has given its opinion. 0008

5. The Contracting Party to which the request for authorization was made, having fulfilled the procedural requirements referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4, may refuse the authoriz­ ation if it considers that the oenological practice or process is incompatible with the requirements referred to in paragraph 2.

6. Paragraphs 1 to 5 inclusive shall also apply in cases where one Contracting Party:

(a) requests the other Party to render less restrictive the prescriptions for an oenological practice or process referred to in Annex I, or

(b) intends, on other than health grounds, to prohibit an oenological practice or process or to render more restrictive the prescriptions for an oenological practice or process referred to in Annex I.

7. Where a Contracting Party as a result of new information or of a reassessment of existing information has detailed grounds for establishing that an authorised oenological practice or process endangers human health, it may temporarily suspend the authorization referred to in Article 4 or restrict the prescriptions regarding this practice or process listed in Annex I. The other Contracting Party shall be informed of this at least four weeks before the suspension or restriction takes effect with an indication of the reasons which justify this decision, when the gravity of the danger so justifies, the suspension or restriction can be decided with immediate effect. In this case, the other Contracting Party shall be informed immediately with an indication of the reasons.

8. Where paragraph 7 is invoked, consultations between the Contracting Parties shall take place as soon as possible with a view to taking the appropriate measures as mutually decided. These measures may take the form of modifications to Annex I. 0009 TITLE II

Reciprocal protection of wine names and related provisions on description and presentation

Article 6

1. The Contracting Parties shall take all measures necessary, in accordance with this Agreement, for the reciprocal protection of the names referred to in Article 7 which are used for the description and presentation of wines originating in the territory of the Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall provide the legal means for interested parties to prevent use of a traditional expression or a geographical indication identifying wines for wines not originating in the placeN indicated by the geographical indication in question.

2. The protection provided for in paragraph 1 also applies to names even where the true origin of the wine is indicated or the geographical indication or traditional expression is used in translation or accompanied by expressions such as "kind", "type", "style", "imitation", "method" or the like.

3. The protection provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 is without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 7 (5), 8 and 11.

4. The registration of a trade mark for wines which contains or consists of a geographical indication or a traditional expression identifying a wine as referred to in Article 7 shall be refused, or if domestic legislation so permits and at the request of an interested party be invalidated, with respect to such wines not originating

(a) in the place indicated by the geographical indication; or

(b) in the place where the traditional expression has been traditionally used. 0010 5. In the case of homonymous geographical indications:

(a) where a protected indication of a Contracting Party is identical with a protected indication of the other Contracting Party, protection shall be accorded to each indication, provided that the geographical name in question has been used traditionally and consistently and that the wine is not falsely represented to consumers as originating in the territory of the other contracting Party;

(b) where a protected indication of a Contracting Party is identical with a geographical name outside the territories of the Contracting Parties, the latter name may be used to describe and present a wine produced in the geographical area to which it refers, provided that the geographical name in question has been used traditionally and consistently, that its use for this purpose is regulated by the country of origin and that the wine is not falsely represented to consumers as originating in the territory of the Contracting Party concerned. In such a case, the Contracting Parties shall determine the practical con­ ditions under which the homonymous indications in question will be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to ensure equitable treatment of the producers concerned and that consumers are not misled.

6. The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way prejudice the right of any person to use, in the course of trade, their name or the name of their predecessor in business, except where such name is used in such a manner as to mislead consumers.

7. Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige a Contracting Party to protect a geographical indication or traditional expression of the other Contracting Party which is not or ceases to be protected in its country of origin or which has fallen into disuse in that country. 0011

Article 7

Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 8 and 11 and the Protocol, the following names are protected:

(a) as regards wines originating in the Community :

I references to the Member State in which the wine originates,

II the following terms referred to in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EEC) no. 823/87 laying down special provisions relating to quality wines produced in spec­ ified regions:

(i)the term "quality wine produced in a specified region", including the abbreviation "quality wine psr" and the equivalent terms and abbreviations in other Community languages;

(ii)the terms "quality sparkling wine produced in a specified region" including the abbreviation "quality sparkling wine psr", the equivalent terms and abbreviations in other Community languages, as well as "Sekt bestimmter Anbaugebiete" or "Sekt b.A";

(iii)the terms "quality semi-sparkling wine produced in a specified region" including the abbreviation "quality semi-sparkling wine psr" and equivalent terms and abbreviations in other Community languages ;

(iv)the terms "quality liqueur wine produced in a spec­ ified region" including the abbreviation "quality liqueur wine psr" and the equivalent terms and abbrevi­ ations in other Community languages; O012

III the following terms referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) no. 4252/88 on the preparation and marketing of liqueur wines produced in the Community:

"oluos (puoiMÔs yXuKÛs", "vino generoso", "vino gene- roso de licor", "vinho generoso", "vino dulce natural", "vino dolce naturale", "vinho doce natu­ ral", "vin doux naturel";

IV the geographical indications and traditional express­ ions referred to in Annex II;

(b) as regards wines originating in Australia :

I the name "Australia" or other names used to indicate this country;

II the geographical indications and traditional express­ ions referred to in Annex II.

2. in Australia, the protected Community names:

(a) are reserved exclusively to the wines originating in the Community to which they apply, and

(b) may not be used otherwise than under the conditions pro­ vided for by the laws and regulations of the Community or, in their absence, of the Member States.

3. In the Community, the protected Australian names:

(a) are reserved exclusively to the wines originating in Australia to which they apply, and

(b) may not be used otherwise than under the conditions pro­ vided for by the laws and regulations of Australia. 0013

4. The Contracting Parties shall take all measures necessary to ensure that in cases where wines originating in the Contracting Parties are exported and marketed outside of their territories, the protected names of one Contracting Party referred to in this Article are not used to describe and present a wine originating in the other Contracting Party.

5. In the case of the traditional expressions, the protection conferred by this Article will commence when agreement has been reached by the Contracting Parties, taking into account the recommendations of the Joint Committee established in Article 18, on the detailed arrangements for protection including appropriate transitional periods for phase-out by Australia and by third parties in Australia of the use of particular Euro­ pean traditional expressions and arrangements for the protection of Australian traditional expressions.

Article 8

1. The protection of the names referred to in Article 7 shall not prevent the use of the following names to describe and present a wine in Australia, and in other countries where the laws and regulations so permit, during the transitional periods hereafter indicated:

(a) transitional period ending on 31.12.1993:

I Beaujolais II Cava III Frascati IV Sancerre V Saint-Emilion/St. Emilion VI Vinho Verde/Vino Verde VII White Bordeaux. 0014

(b) transitional period ending on 31.12.1997:

I Chianti II Frontignan III Hock IV Madeira V Malaga.

(c) transitional period to be determined in accordance with Article 9:

I Burgundy II Chablis III Champagne IV Claret V Graves VI Marsala VII Moselle VIII Port IX Sauternes X Sherry XI White Burgundy

2. Pending determination of the transitional period or periods for the names set out in paragraph 1 (c), the names referred to in paragraph 1 (c) may be used to describe and present a wine in so far as the laws and regulations in Australia and other countries so permit.

3. The transitional period for "Beaujolais" referred to in para­ graph 1 (a) shall be subject to the terms of any agreement between the Australian producers and the competent French authorities representing the producers of "Beaujolais" and to any court order relating thereto. 0015

Article 9

As from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, every endeavour shall be made by the Contracting Parties to agree, by 31.12.1997 at the latest, on transitional periods for the names referred to in Articles 8 and 11. The length of the transitional periods may differ to take account of the commercial significance to both Contracting Parties and the number of names used by Australia.

Article 10

1. To the extent that the relevant Community legislation so allows, the benefit of the protection given by this Agreement shall be extended to natural and legal persons, bodies corpor­ ate and to federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or consumers whose headquarters are in Australia.

2. To the extent that the relevant Australian legislation so allows, the benefit of the protection given by this Agreement shall be extended to natural and legal persons, bodies corporate and to federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or consumers whose headquarters are in the Community.

Article 11

1. Without prejudice to their more restrictive internal legislation, the Contracting Parties agree to allow the use of the name of a vine variety, or, where applicable, of a synonym, to describe and present a wine only under the following conditions: 6016

(a) where the name of a single vine variety is used, at least 85% of the wine shall be obtained, after deduction of the quantity of the products used for possible sweetening, from this variety;

(b) where the names of up to three vine varieties are used for the same wine:

I at least 85% of the wine shall be obtained, after deduction of the quantity of the products used for possible sweetening, from these varieties provided there is a minimum of 20% of any named variety;

II the varieties shall be named in descending order of proportion;

(c) where the wine is composed entirely of the named vine varieties, up to 5 vine varieties may be named on the label and there shall be a minimum of 5% of any named variety, and the varieties shall be named in descending order of proportion;

(d) where the name of the variety or its synonym is composed of several words, such composite name or synonym shall be printed on the label, without the interposition of any other information, in uniform letters of the same size on one or more lines;

(e) the name shall not be used in such a manner as to mislead consumers. For this purpose the Contracting Partiea may determine the specific conditions under which a name may be used. 0017

2. The Contracting Parties confirm that the name "Hermitage" is used for wines originating in Australia as a synonym for the vine variety "Shiraz". Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7 and this Article the Contracting Parties agree that pending the determination of a transitional period in accordance with Article 9 and subsequently during the transi­ tional period, the name "Hermitage" may be used for wines originating in Australia as a synonym for the vine variety "Shiraz" for sale in countries outside the territory of the Community insofar as the laws and regulations in Australia and other countries permit provided that this name is not used in such a manner as to mislead consumers.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article the Contracting Parties agree that pending the determination of a transitional period in accordance with Article 9 and subsequently during the transitional period, the names "Lambrusco" and "Riesling" may be used for wines originating in Australia as a descrip­ tion of a style of wine traditionally made and marketed under those names for sale in countries outside the territory of the Community insofar as the laws and regulations in Australia and other countries permit provided that these names are not used in such a manner as to mislead consumers.

Article 12

Without prejudice to more restrictive Australian legislation, the Contracting Parties agree to allow the use of a geographical indication to describe and present a wine originating in Australia only under the following conditions : 0018

(a) where a single geographical indication is used, at least 85% of the wine shall be obtained from grapes harvested in this geographical unit;

(b) where up to three geographical indications are used for the same wine, at least 95% of the wine shall be obtained from grapes harvested in these geographical units provided there is a minimum of 5% of wine from any of the named geographical indications; the geographical indications shown on the label shall be named in descending order of proportion.

Article 13

1. If the description or presentation of a wine, particularly on the label or in the official or commercial documents or in advertising, is in breach of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall apply the necessary administrative measures or legal proceedings in accordance with their respective laws and regulations.

2. The measures and proceedings laid down in paragraph 1 shall be taken in particular in the following cases:

(a) where the translation of descriptions provided for by Community or Australian legislation into the language or languages of the other Contracting Party results in the appearance of a word which is liable to be misleading as to the origin, nature or quality of the wine thus described or presented; 0019

(b) where descriptions, trade marks, names, inscriptions or illustrations which directly or indirectly give false or misleading information as to the provenance, origin, nature, vine variety or material qualities of the wine appear on containers or packaging, in advertising, or in official or commercial documents relating to wines whose names are protected under this Agreement;

(c) where packaging is used which is misleading as to the origin of the wine.

Article 14

This Agreement shall not preclude any more extensive protection afforded, now or in the future, to descriptions protected by this Agreement, by the contracting Parties under their internal legislation or other international agreements.


Certification requirements

Article 15

The Community shall authorise, without any time limit, the importation of wine originating in Australia in accordance with the derogations provided for in Article 1(2) and Article 2, second subparagraph, of Regulation (EEC) no. 2390/89 setting out the general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must. For this purpose, and in accordance with the said provisions, Australia:

(a) shall provide the certification documents and analysis report through the competent body, or 0020

(b) shall, where the competent body in sub-paragraph (a) is satisfied that individual producers are competent to carry out these responsibilities:

I individually recognise the producers authorized to draw up the certification documents and the analysis reports,

II supervise and inspect the authorised producers,

III forward to the Commission twice yearly, in the months of January and July, the names and addresses of the authorized producers together with their official registration numbers,

iv inform the Commission without delay of any modification of the names and addresses of authorized producers,

V notify the Commission without delay when a producer's authorization is withdrawn.

2. For the purpose of this Article the competent body in the case of Australia shall be the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation or such other body that may be designated by Australia to be a competent body or bodies.

3. Subject to the provisions of Article 16, the European Community agrees not to submit the import of wine originating in Australia to a more restrictive system of certification than that which will apply on the date of entry into force of the Agreement. 0021

4. Subject to the provisions of Article 16, Australia agrees not to submit the import of wine originating in the Community to a more restrictive system of certification than that applying on 1 January 1992.

Article 16

1. The Contracting Parties reserve the right to introduce temporary additional certification requirements in response to legitimate public policy concerns, such as health or consumer protection or in order to act against fraud. In this case the other Contracting Party shall be given adequate information in sufficient time to permit the fulfilment of the additional requirements.

2. The Contracting Parties agree that such requirements shall not extend beyond the period of time necessary to respond to the particular public policy concern in response to which they were introduced.


Management of the Agreement

Article 17

1. The Contracting Parties shall maintain direct contact on all matters relating to the implementation of this Agreement.

2. In particular, Australia represented by the Department of Primary Industries and Energy and the Community shall:

(a) make amendments to the Annexes and Protocol to this Agreement by mutual decision to take account of any amendments to the laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties; 002 o (b) mutually review the use of the names referred to in Articles 8 and 11 to describe and present wines originating in Australia;

(c) mutually decide on transitional periods referred to in Article 9 for the use of a name or names for some or all markets or the implementation of any other restrictions on the use of any of the names which are used to describe or present wines originating in Australia;

(d) mutually determine, if necessary, the practical conditions referred to in Article 6 (5) second paragraph and Article 11 (e);

(e) mutually decide to amend Annex I in accordance with the provisions laid down in Title I; and

(f) mutually decide the arrangements for the protection of traditional expressions referred to in Article 7 (5).

Article 18

1. A Joint Committee shall be established, consisting of representatives of the Community and of Australia. It shall meet once a year alternately in the Community and Australia on a date to be decided. Extraordinary meetings may be convened at a time and place mutually determined by the Contracting Parties.

2. The Joint Committee shall see to the proper functioning of this Agreement and shall examine all questions which may arise in implementing it.

3. in particular, the Joint Committee may make recommendations which would contribute to the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement. 0023

4. It shall facilitate contacts and exchanges of information to optimize the functioning of this Agreement.

5. It shall put forward proposals on issues of mutual interest in the wine sector.


Mutual Assistance between Control Authorities

Article 19

1. The contracting Parties shall each designate the bodies to be responsible for the enforcement of this Agreement.

2. The contracting Parties shall inform one another of the names and addresses of those bodies not later than two months after this Agreement comes into force. There shall be close and direct co-operation between those bodies.

Article 20

1. If one of the bodies designated in accordance with Article 19 has reason to suspect that:

(a) a wine or batch of wines as defined in Article 2, being or having been traded between Australia and the Community, does not comply with rules governing the wine sector in the Community or in Australia or with this Agreement, and

(b) this non-compliance is of particular interest to the other Contracting Party and could result in administrative measures or legal proceedings being taken, 0024

that body shall immediately inform the relevant bodies of the other Contracting Party and the Commission.

2. The information to be provided in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be accompanied by official, commercial or other appropriate documents; there should also be an indication of what administrative measures or legal proceedings may, if necessary, be taken. The information shall include, in particular, the following details of the wine concerned:

(a) the producer and the person who has power of disposal over the wine,

(b) the composition and organoleptic characteristics of the wine,

(c) the description and presentation of the wine, and

(d) details of the non-compliance with the rules concerning production and marketing.


General Provisions

Article 21

Titles I, II and III of this Agreement shall not apply to wines:

(a) that are in transit through the territory of one of the Contracting Parties; 0025

(b) that originate in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties and which are consigned in small quantities between those contracting Parties under the conditions and according to the procedures provided for in the Protocol annexed to this Agreement.

Article 22

This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and, on the other hand, to the territory of Australia.

Article 23

1. The Contracting Parties shall enter into consultations if one of them considers that the other has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement.

2. The Contracting Party which requests the consultations shall provide the other Party with all the information necessary for a detailed examination of the case in question.

3. In cases where any delay could endanger human health or impair the effectiveness of measures to control fraud, appropriate interim protective measures may be taken, without prior consultation, provided that consultations are held immediately after the taking of these measures.

4. If, following the consultations provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3, the Contracting Parties have not reached agreement, the Party which requested the consultations or which took the measures referred to in paragraph 3 may take appropriate protective measures so as to permit the proper application of the present Agreement. 0026

Article 24

1. The Contracting Parties may by mutual consent amend this Agreement in order to enhance the level of co-operation in the wine sector. They agree to initiate consultations with a view to harmonizing rules on wine labelling requirements.

2. Within the framework of this Agreement, either of the Contracting Parties may put forward suggestions for widening the scope of their co-operation, taking into account the experience gained in its application.

Article 25

1. Wines which, at the time of entry into force of this Agreement or at the end of the relevant transitional periods provided for in Articles 8 or 11 or in Annex I 1 (b), have been legally pro­ duced, described and presented in a manner prohibited by this Agreement, may be marketed under the following conditions:

(a) where the wine has been produced using one or more oenological practices or processes not referred to in Annex I the wines may be marketed until stocks are exhausted;

(b) where wines are described and presented using names pro­ hibited by this Agreement, the wines may be marketed:

by wholesalers, for a period of 3 years,

by retailers, until stocks are exhausted. 0027

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 (bj, the period during which a wine described and presented as "Beaujolais" in accordance with Article 8 may be marketed shall be subject to the terms of any agreement between the Australian producers and the competent French authorities representing the producers of "Beaujolais" and to any court order relating thereto.

3. Without prejudice to Article 5 (7), wines produced, described and presented in accordance with this Agreement when they are marketed and whose description or presentation ceases to conform to the Agreement following an amendment thereto may be marketed until stocks are exhausted unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting Parties.

Article 26

The Protocol and Annexes appended to this Agreement shall form an integral part thereof.

Article 27

This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, all these texts being equally authentic.

Article 28

1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month after the date on which the Contracting Parties have notified each other in writing that their respective requirements for the entry into force of this Agreement have been complied with.

2. Either Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement by giving one year's written notice to the other Contracting Party.

In witness whereof the undersigned have signed this Agreement

Done at , this day of , one thousand nine hundred and ninety three.

For the European Economic Community For Australia


referred to in Article 4

1. List of oenological practices and processes authorized for wines originating in Australia with the following prescriptions :

(a) authorized without any time limit:

(1) aeration or bubbling using argon, nitrogen or oxygen;

(2) heat treatment;

(3) use in dry wines, and in quantities not exceeding 5%, of fresh lees which are sound and undiluted and contain yeasts resulting from the recent vinification of dry wine;

(4) centrifuging and filtration, with or without an inert filtering agent, on condition that no undesirable residue is left in the products so treated;

(5) use of yeasts for wine production; 0032

(6) use of carbon dioxide, argon or nitrogen, either alone or combined, solely in order to create an inert atmosphere and to handle the product shielded from the air;

(7) addition, under conditions laid down in Australian rules, of one or more of the following substances to encourage the growth of yeasts:

- diammonium phosphate or ammonium sulphate, ammonium sulphite or ammonium bisulphite, thiamin hydrochloride.

(8) use of lactic acid bacteria in a vinous suspension;

(N9) addition of carbon dioxide, provided that the carbon dioxide content of wine so treated does not exceed 2 g/i;

(10)use, under the conditions laid down in Community rules, of sulphur dioxide, potassium bisulphite or potassium metabisulphite, which may also be called potassium disulphite or potassium pyrosulphite;

(11)addition of sorbic acid or potassium sorbate provided that the final sorbic acid content of the treated product on its release to the market for direct human consumption does not exceed 200 mg/1.

(12)addition of up to 300 mg/1 of L-ascorbic acid or erythorbic acid (iso-ascorbic acid);

(13)addition of citric acid for wine stabilization purposes, provided that the final content in the treated wine does not exceed 1 g/1;

(2) 0033

(14)use of tartaric acid, lactic acid or malic acid for acidification purposes, provided that the initial acidity content is not raised by more than 4,0 g/1 expressed as tartaric acid;

(15)clarification by means of one or more of the following substances for oenological use:

- edible gelatine, isinglass, - casein and potassium caseinate, milk or evaporated milk, animal albumin, - bentonite, silicon dioxide as a gel or colloidal solution, kaolin, - tannin, pectolytic enzymes, enzymes approved for food usage;

(16)addition of tannin;

(17)treatment with charcoal for oenological use (activated carbon)

(18)treatment under conditions laid down in Australian rules:

of white wines and rosé wines, with potassium ferrocyanide, - of red wines, with potassium ferrocyanide or with calcium phytate, provided that the wine so treated contains residual iron;

(19)addition of up to 100 mg/1 of metatartaric acid; 0034

(20)use, for the manufacture of sparkling wine obtained by fermentation in bottle and with the lees separated by disgorging:

of calcium alginate, or of potassium alginate;

(21)addition of potassium bitartrate to assist the precipitation of tartar;

(22)use of preparations of yeast cell wall, up to a maximum of 40 grams per hectolitre;

(23)use of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, provided that the wine so treated does not contain more than 100 mg/1 polyvinylpolypyrrolidone;

(24)use of copper sulphate to eliminate defects of taste or smell in the wine, up to a maximum of 1 gram per hectolitre, provided that the copper content of the wine so treated does not exceed 1 milligram per litre,

(25)addition of caramel to reinforce the colour of liqueur wines;

(26)addition of wine or dried grape distillate or of neutral alcohol of vinous origin for the manufacture of liqueur wines under conditions laid down in Australian rules;

(27)addition, under conditions laid down in Australian rules, of grape must and concentrated grape must for sweetening of wine;

(28)use for deacidification purposes of calcium carbonate; 0035

(b) provisionally authorized until 31.12.1998 for the purposes of allowing further scientific evaluation:

use of cation exchange resins for wine stabilisation purposes, provided that the resins are sufficiently stable not to transfer substances to the wine in quantities which could endanger human health.

2. List of oenological practices and processes authorized for wines originating in the community with the following prescriptions :

(1) aeration or bubbling using argon, nitrogen or oxygen;

(2) heat treatment;

(3) use in dry wines, and in quantities not exceeding 5%, of fresh lees which are sound and undiluted and contain yeasts resulting from the recent vinification of dry wine;

(4) centrifuging and filtration, with or without an inert filtering agent, on condition that no undesirable residue is left in the products so treated;

(5) use of yeasts for wine production;

(6) use of preparations of yeast cell wall, up to a maximum of 40 grams per hectolitre;

(7) use of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone up to a maximum of 80 grams per hectolitre;

(8) use of lactic acid bacteria in a vinous suspension; 0.036

(9) addition of one or more of the following substances to encourage the growth of yeasts :

addition of :

diammonium phosphate or ammonium sulphate up to 0,3

9/1/ ammonium sulphite or ammonium bisulphite up to 0,2 g/1.

These products may also be used together up to a total of 0,3 g/1, without prejudice to the above mentioned limit of 0,2 g/1;

addition of thiamin hydrochloride up to 0,6 g/1 expressed as thiamin;

(10)use of carbon dioxide, argon or nitrogen, either alone or combined, solely in order to create an inert atmosphere and to handle the product shielded from the air;

(11)addition of carbon dioxide, provided that the carbon dioxide content of wine so treated does not exceed 2 g/1;

(12)use, under the conditions laid down in Australian rules, of sulphur dioxide, potassium bisulphite or potassium metabisulphite, which may also be called potassium disulphite or potassium pyrosulphite;

(13)addition of sorbic acid or potassium sorbate provided that the final sorbic acid content of the treated product on its release to the market for direct human consumption does not exceed 200 mg/1;

(14)addition of up to 150 mg/1 of L-ascorbic acid; 0037

(15)addition of citric acid for wine stabilization purposes, provided that the final content in the treated wine does not exceed 1 g/1;

(16)use of tartaric acid or malic acid for acidification purposes, provided that the initial acidity content is not raised by more than 2,5 g/1 expressed as tartaric acid;

(17)use of one or more of the following substances for deacidification purposes:

neutral potassium tartrate; potassium bicarbonate; calcium carbonate, which may contain small quantities of the double calcium salt of L (+) tartaric and L (-) malic acids, calcium tartrate or tartaric acid, a homogenous preparation of tartaric acid and calcium carbonate in equivalent proportions and finely pulverized;

(18)clarification by means of one or more of the following substances for oenological use:

- edible gelatine, - isinglass, casein and potassium caseinate, animal albumin, - bentonite, silicon dioxide as a gel or colloidal solution, kaolin, - tannin, pectolytic enzymes, enzymatic preparations of betaglucanase; 0038

(19)addition of tannin;

(20)treatment with charcoal for oenological use (activated carbon) up to a maximum of 100 grams of dry product per hi;

(21)treatment under conditions laid down in Community rules:

of white wines and rosé wines, with potassium ferrocyanide,

- of red wines, with potassium ferrocyanide or with calcium phytate, provided that the wine so treated contains residual iron;

(22)addition of up to 100 mg/1 of metatartaric acid;

(23)use of acacia;

(24)use of DL-tartaric acid, also called racemic acid, or of its neutral salt of potassium for precipitating excess calcium;

(25)use for the manufacture of sparkling wines obtained by fermentation in bottle and with the lees separated by disgorging:

- of calcium alginate, or of potassium alginate;

(26)use of copper sulphate to eliminate defects of taste or smell in the wine, up to a maximum of 1 gram per hectolitre, provided that the copper content of the wine so treated does not exceed 1 milligram per litre;

(27)addition of potassium bitartrate to assist the precipitation of tartar; 0039

(28)use of Aleppo pine resin, under conditions laid down in Community rules, only for the purpose of obtaining a "retsina" wine;

(29)addition of caramel to reinforce the colour of liqueur wines;

(30)use, under the conditions laid down in Community rules, of calcium sulphate for the manufacture of liqueur wines, provided that the sulphate content of the wine so treated does not exceed 2,5 g/1 expressed as potassium sulphate;

(31)addition of wine or dried grape distillate or of neutral alcohol of vinous origin for the manufacture of liqueur wines under conditions laid down in Community rules;

(32)addition, under conditions laid down in Community rules of sucrose, concentrated grape must or rectified concentrated grape must to increase the natural alcoholic strength of grapes, grape must or wine;

(33)addition, under conditions laid down in Community rules of grape must or rectified concentrated grape must for sweetening of wine. 0040


The wines covered by this Agreement are the following:



(A) Quality wines produced In specified regions

These wines are described by the term 'Qua Iitatswein b.A.', or by a specific traditional expression listed in point 1, by the name of a specified region listed in point 2.1 and by the indication 'amtliche Prufungsnummer' or the abbreviation 'A.P. Nr.' followed by a number.

The wines may be described in addition by the name of a sub-region (Bereich) and/or the name of a wine-growing commune or part of a commune listed in point 2.2 and the name of a Grosslage or a vineyard name (EinzeIlage). Such wines may further be described by an additional traditional expression listed in point (c).

1. Specific traditional expressions

'QuaI Itatswein'


'QuaiItatswein mit Pradikat' accompanied by one of the following indications: 'Kabinett', 'Spatlese', 'Auslese', 'Beerenauslese', 'Trockenbeerenauslese' or 'Eiswein'.

2. Geographical indications

2.1. Name of specified regions

- Ahr - Hessische Bergstrasse - Mittelrhein - Mosel-Saar-Ruwer - Nahe - Rheingau - Rheinhessen - Pfalz - Franken - WQrttemberg - Baden - Saale-Unstrut - Sachsen 0041

2.2. Names of sub-regions, communes and parts of communes

2.2.1. Specified region Ahr:

(a) Sub-region:

Bereich Walporzhelm/Ahrtal

(b) Grosslage:


(c) Elnzellagen:

Blume Herrenberg Sonnenberg Burggarten Laacherberg Steinkaul Goldkaul Mônchberg Ubigberg Hardtberg Pfaffenberg

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Ahrbruck Eh Iingen Neuenahr Ahrwe i1er Heimersheim Putzfeld AItenahr Heppingen Rech Bachem Lohrsdorf Reimerzhoven Bad Neuenahr-Ahrwei1er Marlenthal WaIporzheim Dernau Mayschoss

2.2.2. Specified region Hesslsche Bergstrasse:

(a) Sub-region:

Bereich Starkenburg Bereich Umstadt

(b) Grosslagen:

Rott Schlossberg Wolfsmagen

(c) Elnzellagen:

Eckweg Hoi I berg Steingeruck FQrstenlager Kalkgasse Steinkopf GuldenzolI Mai berg Stemmler Hemsberg Pau I us StreichIing Herrenberg SteingerolI

(d) Communes or parts of communes

Alsbach Erbach Rossdorf Benshe im Gross-Umstadt Seehe im Benshe im-Auerbach Hambach Zwlngenberg Benshe im-Schonberg Heppenheim Dietzenbach Klein-Umstadt 0042

2.2.3. Specified region Mlttelrheln

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Loreley Bereich Slebengeblrge

(b) Grosslagen:

Burg Hammersteln Marxburg Burg Rheinfels Petersberg Gedeonseck Schloss Reichenstein Herrenberg Schloss Schonburg Lahntal Schloss Stahleck Loreleyfelsen

(c) Elnzellagen:

Briinnchen Rômerberg Wahrheit Filrstenberg SchloB Wolfshbh Gartenlay Sonne Klosterberg St. Martinsberg

(d) Communes or parts of communes

Ar lendorf Hirzenach Obernhof Bacharach Kamp-Bornhofen Oberwesel Bacharach-Steeg Karthaus Osterspai Bad Ems Kasbach-Ohlenberg Patersberg Bad HônnIngen Kaub PerscheId Boppard Kestert Rhelndiebach Bornlch Koblenz Rheinbreltbach Braubach Kônigswinter Rhelnbrohl Breitscheid Lahnstein Rhens Brey Langscheid Rhôndorf Damscheid Leubsdorf Sankt-Goar Dattenberg Leutesdorf Sankt-Goarshausen Dausenau Llnz Schloss Ftirstenben, DelIhofen Manubach Spay Dorscheld Medensche id Steeg Ehrenbreitstein Nassau Trecht ingshausen Ehrental Neurath Unkel Ems Niederburg Urbar EngenhblI Nlederdollendorf Vallendar Erpel Niederhammerstein Welnahr Fachbach Niederheimbach WeiImich F iI sen Nochern Werlau Hamm Oberdiebach Winzberg Hammerstein Oberdollendorf Henschhausen Oberhammerstein Oberheimbach 0043

2.2.4. Specified region Mosel-Saar-Ruwer

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Bernkastel Bereich Moseltor Bereich Obermosel Bereich Saar-Ruwer BereIch ZeI I/MoseI

(b) Grosslagen:

Badstube Rômerlay Gipfel Rosenhang Goldbàumchen Sankt Michael Grafschaft Schwarzberg Kônlngsberg Schwarze Katz KurfUrstlay Scharzlay MQnzlay vom heissem Stein Nacktarsch Weinhex Probstberg 0044

(c) Elnzellagen:

Abtelberg HlmmeIreIch Paul ins lay Ad 1er Hirschlay Pf Irslchgarten Al tarberg Hirtengarten Qulr inlusberg Altàrchen Hitzlay Rathausberg Altenberg Hofberger Rausch Annaberg Apotheke Honigberg Rochusfels Auf der WlItIngerkupp Hubertusberg Romerberg Blumchen Hubertuslay Rômergarten Bocksteln Johann I sbriinnchen Rômerhang Brauneberg Juffer Romerquel le Braunfels KapelIchen Rosenberg Briiderberg Kapellenberg Rosenborn Bruderschaft Kardinalsberg Rosengârtchen Burg Warsberg KarIsberg Rosen lay Burgberg Kàtzchen Roterd Burg lay Kehrnagel Sandberg Burglay-Felsen Klrchberg Schatzgarten Burgmauer Klrchlay Scheldterberg Buss lay Klosterberg Schelm CarIsfelsen Klostergarten SchieBlay N Doctor Klosterkammer Schlagengraben Domgarten Kônigsberg Schleidberg Domherrenberg Kreuzlay Schlemmertrôpfchen Edelberg Krone SchloB Thorner Kupp Elzhofberg Kupp SchloBberg Engelgrube Kurfilrst Sonnenberg Engelstropfchen Lambertuslay Sonnenlay Euchar iusberg Laudamusberg Sonnenuhr Falkenberg Laurent iusberg St. Georgshof Falklay Lay St. Martin Felsenkopf Leiterchen St. Matheiser Fettgarten Letter lay Stefanslay Feuerberg MandeIgraben Steffensberg Frauenberg Marlenberg Stephansberg Funkenberg Mar ienburg Stubener Klostersegen Geisberg Mar ienburger Treppchen Goldgrubchen Mar ienholz Vogteiberg Go Idkupp Maxlminer Burgberj Weisserberg Go Id lay Max iminer Herrenberg WCirzgarten Goldtrôpfchen Max iminer Zellerberg Grafschafter Sonnenberg Klosterlay GroBer Herrgott Meisenberg Gunterslay MonteneubeI HahnenschrIttchen Moullay-Hofberg Hammerstein Muhlenberg Hasenberg Niederberg Hasenlâufer Niederberg-Helden Held Nonnenberg Herrenberg Nonnengarten Herzchen Osterlàmmchen Paradies Paulinsberg 0045

(d) Communes or parts of communes

Alf Brutt ig-Fankel Erden Alken Bui lay Ernst Andel Burg EsIngen AveIsbach Burgen Falkensteln Ayl Cochem Fankel Bausendorf Cond Fastrau BelIsteln Detzem Fel I Bekond Dhron Fel 1er ich Bengel Dieblich FiIsch Bernkastel-Kues Dreis FIIzen Beuren Ebernach F Isch Biebelhausen Ediger-EI 1er Flussbach Biewer Edingen Franzenhe m BitzIngen Eitelsbach Godendorf Brauneberg Ellenz-Poltersdorf Gondorf Bremm El 1er Graach Briedel EnkIrch Grewen ich Br iedern Ensch GUIs Brodenbach 004 0

Hamm Mehr ing Rei I Hatzenport Mennig Riol Helfant-Esingen Merl RIvenlch Hetzerath Mertesdorf River is Hockwei1er Merzklrchen Ruwer Hupperath Mesenlch Saarburg Igel Metternlch Scharzhofberg Irsch Metzdorf Schlelch Kalmt MeurIch Schoden Kanzem Mlnhelm Schwelch Karden MonzeI Sehl Kasel Morscheid Sehlem Kastel-Staadt Moselkern Sehndorf Kattenes MoselsUrsch SehnhaIs Kenn MoseIwelss SenheIm Kernscheld Milden Serr ig Kesten MUhlheim Soest Klnhelm Neef Sommerau Klrf Nehren Staadt Klotten Nennlg St. Aldegund Kliisserath Neumagen-Dhron Starkenburg Kobern-Gondorf Niederemmel Tarforst Koblenz NiederfelI Tawern KommlIngen Niederleuken TemmeI s Konz Niedermennig Thôrnich Ko I I I g Nittel Traben-Trarbach Kônen Nov land Trarbach Kôvenich OberblI Iig Treis-Karden Kôwer ich Oberemme! Trier KorIingen OberfelI Tr I ttenheim Krettnach Obermennig Urzig Kreuzwel1er OberperI Va Iw i g Krôv Ockfen Veldenz KrutweI 1er Olkenbach Waldrach Kues 01 ew I g WasserIiesch Kiirenz Onsdorf Wawern Langsur Osann-MonzeI Wehlen Lay Palzem Wehr Lehmen Pel Iingen Wellen Le I wen Perl Wl Itingen Liersberg Piesport Wlncher ingen Lleser Platten WInningen Longen Pommern Wlntersdorf Longuich Poltersdorf WintrIch Lof Pô Iich Witt Iich Lôrsch Portz Wolf Lôsnich PCinder Ich Zel I Lorenzhof Racht Ig Zelt ingen-Racht ig Mar ing-Noviand RaIingen Zewen-Oberk i rch Max imin Griinhaus Rehlingen 0047

2.2.5. Specified region Nahe

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Kreuznach Bereich Schloss Bockelheim Bereich Nahetal

(b) Grosslagen :

Burgweg Rosengarten Kronenberg Schlosskapelle Paradlesgarten Sonnenborn Pfarrgarten

(c) Elnzellagen:

Abtel Honlgberg Pastorel Alte RomerstraBe Hornchen Pastorenberg AItenberg Johannisberg Pfaffensteln Altenburg Kapellenberg Ratsgrund Apostelberg Karthàuser Rhelngrafenberg Backôfchen Kastel I Romerberg Becherbrunnen Katergrube Romerhelde Berg Katzenhôlle Rosenberg Bergborn Klostergarten Rosentelch Birkenberg Kônlgsgarten Rothenberg Domberg KonlgsschioB Saukopf Drachenbrunnen Krone SchloBberg Edelberg Kronenfels Sonnenberg Felsenberg Lauerweg Sonnnenlauf Felseneck Liebesbrunnen Sonnenweg Forst Lôhrer Berg St. Antoniusweg Friihl ingsplatzchen Lump St. Martin Galgenberg Mar ienpforter Steinchen Graukatz Klosterberg Steyerberg Herrenzehnte I Mônchberg StrauSberg HinkeIste in Muhlberg Teufelskuche HipperIch Narrenkappe TlIgesbrunnen Hofgut Nonnengarten Vogelsang Hot le OsterholI WlIdgrafenberg Hôllenbrand Otterberg Hôllenpfad PaImengarten Paradies 0048

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Alsenz HUffelshelm Raumbach Altenbamberg Ippesheim Rehborn Auen Roxhelm Bad Kreuznach Kirschroth Riideshe im Bad Miinster-Ebernburg Langenlonsheim RUmmelshelm Bayerfeld-Steckwel1er Laubenhelm Schlossbôckelheim Blngerbrùck Lauschied Schbneberg Bockenau Schweppenhausen Boos Lettwel1er Sobernhelm Bosenhelm Mande I Sommer loch Braunwel1er MannweIler-CôlIn SpabrUcken Bretzenhelm Mart instein Sponhelm Burg Layen Meddersheim Staudernheim Burgsponheim Meisenheim Stelnhardt Col In Merxheim Steckwel1er Dalberg Monzingen St. Katharinen Des loch Miinster Tralsen Dorsheim MQnsterappel Duchroth MUnster-Sarmshe im WaIdaIgesheIm Ebernburg Nlederhausen Waldbbckelhelm Eckenroth WaIdlaubersheIm FeiIblngert Norhelm Wald Erbach Gaugrehwei1er Nussbaum WaldhlIbershelm Genheim Oberhausen Wallhausen Gui dental We I 1er Gutenberg Oberndorf Weinsheim Hargeshe im Oberstrei t Wlndeshe Im Heddeshe im Odernhe im Wlnterborn Hergenfeld Planlg Winzenhelm Hochstatten

(3) 0049

2.2.6. Specified region Rhelngau

(a) Sub-region:

Bereich Johannisberg

(b) Grosslagen :

Burgweg HeiIigenstock Daubhaus Honigberg DeuteIsberg Mehrhblzchen ErntebrInger Stei I Gottesthal Steinmacher

(c) Elnzellagen:

Dachsberg Klaus Rosengarten Doosberg Klauserweg Sandgrub Edelmann Klosterberg Selingmacher Fuschsberg Kbn i g i n SchbnhelI Viktor iaberg Gutenberg Langenstiick SchUtzenhaus Hasensprung Lenchen Sonnenberg ^ Hendelberg Magdalenenkreuz St. Nikolaus Herrnberg Marcobrunn Taubenberg Hôllenberg Michelmark Jungfer Mônchspfad Kapellenberg NuGbrunnen KiIzberg

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Assmannshausen Geisenheim Lorchhausen Aulhausen Hal Igarten Mainz-Kostheim Bbddlger Hattenheim Mart Insthai Eltvi I le Hochheim Massenheim Erbach Johannisberg Mittelheim F lorshe Im Kiedrlch Niederwalluf Frankfurt Lorch Oberwalluf Oestr ich Schloss VolIrads Wiesbaden-Frauenstein Rauenthal Steinberg Wiesbaden-Schierstein Rudeshelm Wicker Winkel Schloss JohannIsberg Wiesbaden Schloss Reichartshausen W i esbaden-Dot zhei m

2.2.7. Specified region Rhelnhessen

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Bingen Bereich Nierstein Bereich Wonnegau 0050

(b) Grosslagen:

Abtey KurfUrstenstilck Adelberg Llebfrauenmorgen Auflangen Petersberg Bergkloster PI Igerpfad Burg Rodenstein Rehbach DombIi ck Rhelnblick Domherr Rheingrafenstein GotteshiIfe Sankt Al ban GQIdenmorgen Sankt Rochuskapelle Gutes Domtal Spiegelberg Kaiserpfalz SybiIIinenstein Krbtenbrunnen Vôgelsgàrten 0051

(c) Elnzel lagert:

Adelpfad Herrgottspfad Mandelbrunnen Affchen HlmmeIsacker Michelsberg Alte RomerstraQi Himmelthai Monchbaumchen Altenberg HIppIng Monchspfad Aulenberg Hoch Moosberg Aulerde Hochberg Morstein BlIdstock HockenmQhIe Nonnengarten Binger Berg Hohberg Nonnenwlngert BI ume Hoi le Olberg BlUcherpfad Hoilenbrand Osterberg Bockshaut Homberg Paterberg Bockstein Honigberg Paterhof Bornpfad Horn Pfaffenberg BubenstUck Hornberg Pfaffenhalde BUrgel Hundskopf Pfaffenkappe Daubhaus Johannisberg PiIgerstein Doktor (Cache I berg Rheinberg Ebersberg Kalsergarten Rheingrafenberg Edle Welngarten Kallenberg Rhelnhbhe Elserne Hand Kapellenberg Rl tterberg N Engelsberg Katzebuckel R6merberg Fels Kehr RSmersteg Felsen Kieselberg Rosenberg Feuerberg Klrchberg Rosengarten Flndling Kirchenstiick Rotenfels Frauenberg Klrchgartchen Rotenpfad Fraugarten Klrchplatte Rotensteln Frlihmesse Klausenberg Rotes Kreuz Fuchsloch Kloppenberg Rothenberg Galgenberg Klosterberg Sand Gelersberg Klosterbruder Sankt Georgen Geisterberg Klostergarten Saukopf Gewtirzgartchen Klosterweg Sauioch Geyersberg Knopf Schelmen Goldberg Konlgsstuhl SchiIdberg Go I denes Horn Kranzberg SchloB Go Idgrube Kreuz ScloB Hammerstein Goldpfad Kreuzberg SchloBberg Goldstuckchen Kreuzblick SchloGberg- Gottesgarten Kreuzkapelle Schwatzerchen Gotzenborn Kreuzweg SchloGholle Hahnchen Leckerberg Schneckenberg HasenbiB Leidhecke Schbnberg Hasensprung Lenchen SchQtzenhUtte Haubenberg Liebenberg Schwarzenberg He 11 Liebfrau SelIgarten HeiIigenhaus Liebfrauenberg SIIberberg HeiIighauschen Liebfrauenthal Si Ilusbrunnen HeiIigenpfad Mandelbaum Sioner Klosterberg HeiIigkreuz Mandelberg Sommerwende Herrengarten 0052

Sonnenberg St. Jullanenbrunnen Vogelsang Sonnenhang Steig Wartberg Sonnenweg Stelg-Terassen Wingertstor SonnhelI Stein WIBberg Spitzberg Steinberg Zechberg St. Annaberg Steingrube Zellerweg am St. Georgenberg Tafelsteln schwarzen Herrgott St. Jakobsberg Teufelspfad

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Abenheim Engelstadt Heimershelm Albig Enshelm Heppenhelm Alsheim Eppelsheim Herrnshelm Alzey Erbes-BudesheIm Hess loch Appenheim Esselborn Hi I leshelm Armsheim Essenheim Hohen-SQIzen Aspisheim Finthen Horchhelm Badenhelm FlôrsheIm-DaI sheIm Horrwel1er Bechenhe im Flomborn Ingelheim Bechthe im Flonhelm Jugenheim Bechtolsheim Framersheim Kempten Bermershe im Freilaubersheim Klein-WInterheim Bermersheim v.d.H. Frelmersheim Kettenhelm Blebelnheim Frettenhelm Kôngernhelm Biebelshelm Fr iesenhelm Krlegsheim BIngen FUrfeld Laubenhelm Bodenheim Gabshelm Leiselheim Bornheim Gau-Algesheim Lôrzwei1er Bretzenheim Gau-Bickelheim Lonshelm Gau-B i schofshe i m Ludwlgshôhe BUdesheim Gau-Heppenheim Mainz Budenhelm Gau-Kôngernhelm Mauchenheim Dalheim Gaulsheim Mettenheim Dalsheim Gau-Odernheim Dautenheim Gau-Weinheim Mommenhelm Dexheim GensIngen Mo I sheim Dintesheim Gimbsheim Môrstadt Dlenheim Grolsheim Monsheim Dietersheim Gross-Wlnternheim Monzernheim Di ttelsheIm-Hessloch Gumbshelm Nack Dolgeshelm Gundersheim Nackenheim Dorn-Durkheim Gundhelm Neu-Bamberg Drais Guntersblum Nleder-FlôrsheIm Dromershelm Hackenhelm Nieder-HIIbersheim Ebersheim Hahnheim Nieder-Olm Eckelshe im Hangen-Weisheim Nieder-Saulheim Eich Harxheim Nieder-Wlesen EImsheim Hechtsheim Nierstein Elsheim Heidesheim Ober-Flôrsheim S3 Ober-HiIbershelm Selzen Wallertheim Ober-Olm Slefershelm Welnheim Ockenhelm Sôrgenloch We I no I she!m Of fenhelm Spleshelm Welnshelm Offsteln Sponsheim Welsenau Oppenheim Sprendlingen Welgeshelm Osthofen Stadecken-EI she im Wendelshelm Partenhelm Steln-Bockenheim Westhofen Pfaffen-Schwabenhe im Sulzheim Wles-Oppenhe Pfeddersheim Tlefenthal Wintershelm Pleltersheim Udenheim Wo I I stein Rommersheim Uelversheim Wolfshelm Sankt Johann Uffhofen Wonsheim Saulhelm Undenheim Worms Schafhausen Vendersheim Wôrrstadt Schlmsheim Volxhelm Zornhelm Schornsheim Wachenheim Zotzenheim Schwabenheim Wackernhelm Schwabsburg Wan I helm

2.2.8. Specified region Pfalz

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Mittelhaardt Deutsche Weinstrasse Bereich sildliche Weinstrasse

(b) Grosslagen :

Blschofskreuz Marlengarten Feuerberg Meersplnne Grafenstiick Ordensgut Guttenberg Pfaffengrund Herriich Rebstôckel Hochmess Rosenbiihl Ho Ilenpfad Schenkenbbl Hofstuck Schnepfenpflug an der Weinstrasse HonigsackeI Schnepfenpflug vom ZellertaI Kloster Llebfrauenberg Schwarzerde Kobnert Sch'oss Ludwigshbhe Konigsgarten Tratpenberg MandeIhôhe 0054

(c) Elnzellagen:

Abtsberg Hbhe Neuberg Altenberg Hohenrain Nonnengarten Altes Lohl Ho I le NonnenstCick Baron Honlgsack NuBblen Benn Im Sonnenschein NuBrlegei Berg Johanniskirchel OberschloB Bergel Kalserberg 01gassel Bettelhaus Kalkgrube Oschelskopf Biengarten Kalkofen Osterberg BiIdberg Kape11e Paradies Blschofsgarten Kapellenberg Pfaffenberg Bischofsweg Kastanlenbusch Relterpfad Bubeneck Kastaniengarten Rlttersberg Burgweg Kirchberg Romerbrunnen Doktor KlrchenstUck RomerstraBe Eselsbuckel KlrchlCh Romerweg Eselshaut Klrschgarten Rosenberg Forst Klostergarten Rosengarten Frauenlandchen Klosterpfad Rosenkranz Frohnwlngert KlosterstUck Rosenkranzel Fronhof Konlgswlngert RoSberg N FrtihmeB Kreuz Roter Berg Fuchsloch Kreuzberg Sauschwanzel Gassel Kroatenpfad Schafergarten GelBkopf Kronenberg SchloBberg Geriimpe I KurfIrst SchloBgarten Goldberg Latt Schwarzes Kreuz Gottesacker LerchenbShl Seligmacher Grafenberg Letten SiIberberg Hahnen Llebesbrunnen Sonnenberg Halde Linsenbusch St. Stephan Hasen Mandelberg Steinacker Hasenzeile Mandelgarten SteingebiB Heidegarten Mandelhang Steinkopf HeiIig Kreuz Mandelpfad Stift HeiIigenberg Mandelrdth Venusbuckel Held Mar ia Magdalena VogeI sang Herrenmorgen Mart inshohe VogeI sprung Herrenberg Michelsberg Wolfsberg Herrenpfad Mil nz berg Wonneberg Herrgottsacker MusIkantenbuckeI Zchpeter Hochbenn MUtterle Hochger icht Narrenberg 0055

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Alberswei1er Gauershelm Knlttelshelm Gelnshelm KnôrIngen Albsheim Gerolsheim Kônlgsbach a.d. W, Alsterwei1er Glmmeldlngen Lachen Altdorf Glelswei1er Lachen/Speyerdorf Appenhofen Gleiszellen-Glelshorbach Arzhelm Godramsteln Landau i. d. Pfalz Asselheim GôckIi ngen Laumersheim Bad Bergzabern Gonnhelm Lautershelm Bad Durkhelm Gommersheim Leinswel1er Barbelroth Gràfenhausen Leistadt Battenberg GrossfIschlIngen Lustadt Bel Iheim GrosskarIbach Malkammer Berghausen GrossnledesheIm Gronau Mechtersheim Bi I I ighelm GrUnstadt Meckenheim Bill igheim-lngenheim Haardt Mertesheim Birkwei1er Halnfeld Mlnfeld Bischheim Hambach MôrIheim B issersheim Hassloch Môrzheim Bobenheim am Berg Harxheim Morschheim Bockenheim He IdesheIm Miih Ihelm BobIngen Hergerswei1er MUhlhofen Bôchingen HeiIigenstein Mussbach a.d. W, Herxheim bel Landau Neule inIngen Bornhelm Herxhelm am Berg Neustadt a.d. W Bubenheim Herxhelmweyher Nlederhorbach Burrwei1er Hesshelm Nlederklrchen Co I genste In-HeIdesheIm HeucheIhelm Niederotterbach Dackenheim HeucheIhelm bei Nlefernhelm Dammhelm Frankenthal Nussdorf Deidesheim HeucheIheim-KIingen Oberhausen Diedesfeld Hochdorf-Assenheim Oberhofen Dlerbach Hochstadt Oberotterbach Dirmste in I Ibesheim Obersiilzen Dôrrenbach Immeshelm ObrIghelm Druswei1er ImpfIingen Offenbach Duttwei1er Ingenheim Edenkoben Insheim Ottersheim/Zellerthal Edeshelm KalIstadt Pleiswei1er Elnselthum KandeI Pleisweiler-Oberhofen Ellerstadt Kapellen Queichheim Erpolzheim Kapellen-Druswe 1er Ranschbach Eschbach Kapsweyer Rechtenbach Essingen Kindenheim Rhodt Flemlingen Kirchheim a.d. W. Rlttersheim Forst K i rchhe i mboIanden Rôdershe im-Gronau Frankwei1er Kirrwel1er Romerberg Freckenfeld KlelnfIschlIngen Rohrbach Freimersheim KleinkarIbach Roschbach Freinsheim KleInniedesheIm RUssingen Freisbach Klingen Ruppertsberg Fr iedelsheim Klingenmunster Sausenhelm 0056

Schwegenhelm VolImerswel 1er Schwelgen Wachenheim SchweIgen-Rechtenbach Walshelm Schwelghofen Weingarten Slebeldlngen Weisenhelm am Ber< Speyerdorf Weyher i.d. Pfalz Steinfeld Winden Stelnwel1er Zelskam Stetten Zel I St. Johann St. Martin Ungstein VennIngen

2.2.9. Specified region Franken

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Bayerischer Bodensee Bereich Malndreieck Bereich Mainvlereck Bereich Steigerwald

(b) Grosslagen

Burgweg Markgraf Babenberg Ewig Leben 01 spiel HeiIigenthal Ravensburg Herrenberg Renschberg Hofrat Rosstal Honlgberg SchiId Kapellenberg Schlossberg Kirchberg SchlosstUck Teufelstor 0057

(c) Elnzellagen

Abtsberg Homburg Rosenberg Abtsleite Johannisberg Scharlachberg Al tenberg Julius-Echter-Berg SchloBberg Benediktusberg Kaiser Karl Schwanleite Berg Kalb Sommer ta I Berg-Rondel I Kalbenstein Sonnenberg Blschofsberg KalImuth Sonnenleite Burg Hoheneck Kapellenberg Sonnenschein Centgrafenberg Karthâuser Sonnenstuhl Cyrlakusberg Katzenkopf St. Klausen Dabug Kelter Stein Dachs Kl Iiansberg Stein/Harfe Domherr Kirchberg Steinbach EseIsberg Kôn i g i n StolIberg Falkenberg KràhenschnabeI Storchenbrtinnle Feuersteln Kreuzberg Tannenberg First Kronsberg Teufel Fischer Kuchenmeister Teufelskel1er FQrstenberg Lammerberg Trautlestai Glatzen Landsknecht Vôge1eIn Harstel I Langenberg Vogelsang HeiIigenberg Lump Wachhugel Heroldsberg Mainleite Weinsteig Herrrenberg Marsberg WôIfIe i n Herrgottsweg Maustal Zehntgaf Herrschaftsberg Paradles Himmelberg Pfaffenberg Hofstilck Ratsherr HohenbUhI Relfenstein Hôl I 0058

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Abtswind Escherndorf Iphofen Adelsberg Euerdorf Ippesheim Adelshofen Eussenhelm Ipsheim Albertshofen Fahr Kammerforst Albertheim Falkensteln KarIburg Aschaffenburg Feuertha! KarIstadt Aschfeld Fuchstadt Karsbach Altmannsdorf Frankenberg Kaubenhelm Alzenau Frankenwlnhelm Kemmern Arnstein FrIckenhausen KlrchschSnbach Asthelm Gadhelm Kltzlngen Aub Gal bach Kleinheubach Aura a.d. Saale Gambach Kleinlangheim Bad Windsheim GermUnden Klelnochsenfurt Bamberg Gerbrunn KlIngenberg Knetzgau Bergtheim Gnotzhelm Kohler Blbergau Gossenhelm Konigsberg i. Bayern Bleberehren Greussenhelm Kolitzhelm Blschwind Krassolzhelm Bottlghelm Greuth Krautheim Breitbach Grossheubach Kreuzwertheim BrUck Grosslangheim Krum Buchbrunn Grossostheim KUIsheim Builenheim GrosswalIstadt Laudenbach BUrgstadt GUntersleben Leinach Caste I I Haidt Lengfeld Dampfach Hal I burg Lengfurt Dettelbach Hammelburg Lenkersheim Dietershelm Handthal Lindach Dlngolshausen Hassfurt Llndelbach Hassloch LUIsfeld Dorfprozelten Heldlngsfeld Macht iIshausen Dottenheim Helmstadt MaiIheim DUttlngsfeld Hergolshausen Malnberg Ebelsbach Her I helm Malnbernhelm Eher ieder MQhle Herrnsheim Mainstockheim Elbelstadt Hesslar Margetshdchhelm ElchenbUhl HimmeIstadt Mart inshelm Elsenheim Hoheim Marktbreit Elfershausen Hohenfeld Markt Elnersheim Elsenfeld Hochberg Markt Erlbach Eltmann Hdsbach Marktheidenfeld Engelsberg H61 IrIch Markt Nordheim Engental Homburg a. Main Marktsteft Ergersheim Holzkirchen Michelau i. Erlabrunn Holzk irchhausen SteigerwaId Erlasee Hiittenheim Michelbach Erlenbach a.M. Humprechtsau Michelfeld Erlenbach bei Hundelshausen Mi Itenberg Marktheidenfeld Hiittenheim Mbnchstockheim Eschau I eke I helm MUhlbach Iffigheim Mutzenroth Ingolstadt 0029

Neubrunn RUdlsbronn UnterhaId Neundor f RUgshofen Unterelsenhelm Nouses a. Berg Saaleck Unterleinach Neusetz Sand a. Main Veitshochhelm Nordheim a. Main SchalIfeld Viereth Oberelsenheim Schetnfeld Vôgn11 z Oberhaid Schmachtenberg Vogelsburg Oberleinach Schnepfenbach Volkach Obernau Walgolshausen Obernbrelt Waigolshelm Oberntlef Schwarzach Walddachsbach Oberschlelchach Schwarzenau Wasserlos Oberschwappach Schwelnfurt Wasserndorf Oberschwarzach Segnitz Weigenhelm Obervolkach Selnshelm We I her Ochsenfurt Slckershausen WeiIbach Ottendorf Sommerach Welmershelm Pflaumheim Sommerau Wenlgumstadt Possenheim Sommerhausen Prappach Staffelbach Westheim Pr ichsenstadt Stammhelm WIebeIsberg Prosselshelm Stelnbach Wlesenbronn Ramsthal Stetten Wiesenfeld Randersacker Sugenheim Wiesentheld Rem IIngen Sulzfeld Wl Ilanzhelm Repperndorf Sulzhelm Wlnterhausen Retzbach Sulzthal TauberrettersheIm Retzstadt TauberzelI Wirmsthal Reusch TheiIhelm Worth a. Main Rledenheim Thtlngen Wonfurt Rlmbach Thtingersheim WQrzburg Rlmpar Tlefenstockheim Wustenfelden Rôde I see Tlefenthal WUstenzelI RôttIngen Traustadt ZelI a. Main Rothenburg ob der Tr iefenstein ZelIItzheJm Tauber TrImberg Zell a. Main Rottenberg UettIngen ZelI a. Ebersberg Rossbrunn Uffenheim ZelIingen Rottendorf UlIstadt Zlege I anger RUck UnfInden RUdenhausen UnterdUrrbach

2.2.10 Specified region WUrttemberg

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich WUrttembergIscher Bodensee Bereich Kocher-Jagst-Tauber Bereich Obérer Neckar Bereich Remstal-Stuttgart Bereich WUrttembergisch Unterland 0060

(b) Grosslagen:

HeucheIberg Hohenneuffen Klrchenweinberg Kocherberg Kopf Lindauer Seegarten Lindelberg Salzberg Schalkstein Schozachtal Sonnenbiih I Stautenberg Stromberg Tauberberg Wartbuhl Weinstelge Wunnenstein

(x:) Einzel lagen:

Altenberg Kaiserberg Schafstelge Berg KatzenbeiBer Schanzreiter Burgberg Katzenôhrle Schelmenklinge Burghalde Kayberg Schenkenberg Dachsberg Kirchberg Scheuerberg Dachsteiger Klosterberg SchloBberg Dezberg Kônig SchloBsteige Dieblesberg Kr iegsberg Schmecker Eberfurst Kupferhalde Schneckenhof Felsengarten Lamm 1er Sommerberg Flatterberg Lichtenberg Sommerhalde Forstberg Liebenberg Sonnenberg Goldberg Margarete Sonntagsberg Grafenberg MichaeIsberg Steinacker Hal de Mônchberg Stelngrube Harzberg Mônchsberg Stiftsberg HeiIIgenberg Milhl bâcher Wachtkopf Herrlesberg Neckarhëlde Wanne Himmelreich Paradies Wardtberg Hofberg Propstberg Wi Idenberg Hohenberg Ranzenberg Wohlfahrtsberg Hoher Berg Rappen Wurmberg Hundsberg Reichshalde ZwelfeIsberg Jupiterberg Rozenberg Sankt Johânnser m m m fti m m rn m m o o O O O O OOOO000D0)09CD(X1000D00aiCDtDa)CDajai(D0DC003GDCSCD00a3>>>>>>> O r» 3 3 3 — o* O: CD — c C: "i ~* "i "i O O: O — — — O CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 0» 0» C CA CA — > > > O "O N CA CL o — o* CD -^ 3 CD CQ — CD CD CD » » ft O) 3 a CD O O C C CA 3 CD 0 O -* -H 3 Q. a o> -a -o — 1 a o* — ? — (D (0 3" CD -x N o* -* a » co < C» CQ (O C «•• r+ O 3 O r* r* "1 r+ "1 — W 3—3 O 3 CD 0) 3 3 3 0» -•» O CA 3 3 C» 3 i -i O 3 CA c oi a i w — a> a ex 3 N r* ?T 3 — — — CD CD CQ — C0 CA — Z O 3 W i O CD * CD — 0> — r* C CO — CQ CA CA -« CA r* 3 3 O) o 3 — O" — — -* û> CD 3 CQ N 3 CQ CQ 3 — 3 3 3 r* r* 3 (D r* CQ 3" ""« 01 — r* — NO) 3 CD 3" C» O" 3" (D o* ai O" N O 3 CT O 01 3 CA 3 » O 3 a> 3 co 3 CQ CD CQ CD CD CQ -I CD CA — a -i «••-*«-•• CD 3 — 3 01 CD 3 ai a CD — 3 01 O o co c CQ — 3 3 — CD CD (D CD — CD CD CQ a Q. CD 01 CD C «-• CA 3 O — CA o r+ -« 3 O 3 3 CD — a a 3 - 3 — 3 3 3 3 3 3 CD o> -i o -i -1 (Û 3-3 co 3 * - 3 3 CQ 3 o CQ 3 O" r* CD co 3 3 N CD 3 3 0> 3 cr O r* O) 3 <"+ o •o o — CA 3 3 01 3 3 0> 3 CQ CD 3

X I X X X I X XXX X X XXXCDCDOOOOCDOOCDCDCDCDCDCDOT m m rn m rn o o o o o o O: O: - CD CD CD CD DKDiWCCCTTiiTTiOftBCOOBin -» O — CD CD CA CA O -i ZJ ZJ zr -* --*>» CA TJ i C CA a O" a O) 3 3 CQ C O OO0I-1-13— a — CD CD CD on O C - CA o o 3 — 5T CD CD CD CD 3 CA — a CA -H CA CD CA CD co a a — 3 (A CA CA33— 0»3— aCA C C — C O — CD 3 3" CA — CD 3 3 3 3 3 3 C O O — — 0» -t CD CD 3" CO T3 "i «-»r*• 3* CD CD 3> CA CT CQ r* CA CQ — 3 O 3 CD C O» 3" — O) 3 r- C: — CQ CA — O 3 CD "O «•• r* CD 3 r* CD O" 0» 3" r* 3 C 3 3 o 3 O 3- CD - 3 CD — 01 01 O) { 3 r* — O) O 01 (D 01 3 CD 3" 3- 01 3 N 3 01 O CA O O) O 3 CD "i C a O 3" 3 3" 1 3" -i CQ CA 0) 3 «f CD 3 CD o M 3 3 0> a CD Z Z Z S S S r- r- r- * 7* 7Ï* * X 7* 7* 7* *7* X CD CD CD OCCCCCCO:-(tOOiB S ai oi oi c © O: CD CD CD Q> 01 ot c O O — * - (D CD Ol 3 3 O — O O 3 3 3 — O O «-»• — fl CA * O 3 3 CD O — 3" C C 3 3 CD -l 3" 3 — CD CD CD — CD CD i -i CA i "O CO CO CA — -i "O 7C <*" O. CA — — 7C 3" N 3 — CA 01 i -1 — Q. CD ZJ CA a 3 3 3 -l -•> a co N CA O" — r* 3 — CD — — O O CA 3 •O CD CD -» — -t •O 0» 0> CD ^ 3 01 O) 3 CD — CA O* CD *-Ti C7Dc 0c»r C3 D —< 3 CQ CD O) N CT CQ CD -H CD CD CD CA cr <-+ CQ 3 3—3 3 3 3 CD CD CD 3 3 CD "i "i — CD 0» C O C — 3 3 -» 3 CQ — O -SCQ CA 01 3 C — -1 0) 3 CD 3 3 — O" CD — CD CA 73 (J O» 3 O" — 3 CA CA -*> — CQ CD -« * * CA -i C CA 7T 3 a

Neudenau Rlet UnterheImbach Neuenstadt a.K. Rietenau Unterhelnrlet Neuenstein Rohracker UnterJesIngen Neuffen RommeIshausen Untersteinbach Neuhausen Rosswag Unterturkhelm Neustadt Rotenberg Va I hIngen Nlederhofen Rottenburg Verrenberg Nledernhali Sachsenhelm VorbachzImmern Nlederstetten Schluchtern Waiblingen Nonnenhorn Schna i t Waldbach Nordhausen Schôntal Wa Iheim Nordheim Schorndorf Wangen OberderdIngen Schozach Wasserburg Oberohrn SchUtzIngen Welkershelm Obersôlibach Schwabbach Wei 1er b. Weinsberg Oberstenfeld Schwa i gem Wei 1er a. d. Zaber Oberstetten Siebenelch WeiIhelm Obersulm Siglingen Weinsberg Obertdrkhelm Spielberg Welnstadt Ochsenbach Steinheim Weissbach Ochsenburg Sternenfels Wendelshelm Oedhelm Stetten a.H. Wermutshausen OhrIngen Stetten I.R. Widdern Ot tsheim Stockheim Wi I Isbach Offenau StrUmpfeIbach Wimmental Pfaffenhofen Stuttgart Wlndischenbach PfedeIbach SUIzbach Wlnnenden Poppenwei1er Ta I dorf Wlnterbach Ravensburg Taiheim Winzerhausen Re insbronn TUbingen WQstenrot Remshalden Uhlbach WurmlIngen ReutIIngen UntereisesheIm Zaberfeld Rie Iingshausen Untergruppenbach Zuffenhausen

2.2.11 Specified region Baden

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Badische Bergstrasse Kraichgau Bereich Badlsches Frankenland Bereich Bodensee Bereich Breisgau Bereich Kalserstuhl Bereich TunIberg Bereich Markgraf1er land Bereich Ortenau 0063

(b) Grosslagen:

Att I lafelsen Burg Llchteneck Burg Neuenfels Burg Zahrlngen FUrsteneck Hohenberg Lorettoberg Mannaberg Rl ttersberg Schloss Rodeck SchutterIindenberg Sonnenufer StIftsberg TauberklInge Vogtei Rotteln Vulkanfelsen

(c) Einzellagen:

Abtsberg Hochberg Rotgrund Alte Burg Hummel berg Schaf Altenberg Kalserberg Schelbenbuck Alter Gott Kapellenberg SchioBberg BaBgeige Kasleberg SchloBgarten Batzenberg Katzenberg SiIberberg BetschgrSbler Klnzlgtaler Sommerberg Blenenberg Klrchberg Sonnenberg BUhl Klepberg SonnenstCick Burggraf Kochberg Sonnhalde BurgstalI Kreuzhalde Sonnhohle Burgwingert Kronenbtih I Sonnhole CastelIberg Kuhberg Spiegel berg Eckberg Lasenberg St. Mlchaelsberg Eichberg Lerchenberg Stelnfelsen Engelsberg Lotberg Steingassle Engelsfelsen Maitesergarten Steingrube Enselberg MandeIberg Steinhalde Feuerberg MUhlberg Stelnmauer Fohrenberg OberdQrrenberg Sternenberg Gansberg Oelberg Teufelsburg GestUhl Olbaum Ulr ichsberg Haselstaude Olberg Weingarten Hasenberg Pfarrberg Welnhecke Henkenberg Plauelrain Winklerberg Herrenberg Pulverbuck Wo Ifhag Herrenbuck Rebtal Herrenstiick Renchtaler Hex von Dasenstein Rosenberg HimmeIre ich Roter Berg o o o o o o o o on 0000000000030000000000030000000003 O0O0O00D0DO30DO30DQDO3000D0D0D0D0DCD0D0D CD 00 00 > > > > O — CD CD 01 01 C CCCC-I-I-I-IOOOOÎO CDCDCDCDCDCDQ>0>0)OIO)OlOlO>0> 01 0» O» c — O O O CD CD CD CD 1 3 r* — -i 3 3 — CD O -*-i-i-inoC3 — 330.0.0.0. a a a CÛ O r* r* 3 3 3 Q. r* N r* 3 *• C033OC0— CDr*3— r+aCDO»0>CA r* I — CQ 3-OCQ r* — #-«• CT — N 3 — 3 3 O N 0» -S 3 3 3 CO CO 7? CD 3— _ _ _ CD CD co — CA a 7C CD 3 — CA 3 CD O" 3 — CD 33-CQNCACDOiCA— OinCA7?3- CD C — CQ CD O) CDO»3"3CA-ïO»-'Cr — S S Z ^ 3 3 00 CD r* O o o) -i C — CT CD CA 3 — 3 0) CD 3-1 OCA 0»3OO333 — CDO 3 3 CD 3 3 -ir*û>0»r*CTOCD-i3û»— CD « I CD 3 CD zr -1-13 3 3 C — 3 CQ 3 CO O — CQ r* — Û>330û>33-C03333-* CQ 3 CA CQ CA— CCCD0»3OC:C0T33 O CD 03 — CD CQ -i 3 CD CD CQ CD 3 3 CDO» N — CQ CQ 3" C «CD CDCQ 3 CD O CD CT 3 CA "O — O 30CDT3 CO CO N _ 0> — 3 CD CD CA CD CO — 3 CD 3 3— CDCD CD 3 — CD O 3 3" 3 0» CO CD •-*- 3 3 «•rr 3 9 O CD — — a — 3 3 3 3 3 3 — 3 3 3 O CD 3 CD CD CD 3 — 3 3 CD CD 3 CD 3 CO 3 3 3 3 3 0» CA r* CQ -i 3 CÛ CA CD I C 3 3- CD CD O- 3 O CD CD 3 3 CD O O» 3 3 co 3 CÛ CD 3 CD X X X X X X Tn^rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrTirnfTirnrnrnrTi mrnmmrnooooo O CD CD CD CD O» O) 01 0> -» -i -i -t O O CDCDCD0I-1-» CD CDCD«"*CACA-i-i-i"033 —• 3-co -*crcrc CO O CA CA — CO C 00 0:CDr*oOCA-*33 CD CD CA C CA— <-*OONCA—"aaSW— CACA3000 -i-i-i-iCD-i-iCA^CD — a a *• CA — r* 3 3 CACAr*3r*3-»*CA— CÛ 3 — — "i CD O" r*CDCD3'CÛCDCOn 0» CÛ — 0» 3" 3 3 333 — 3 — 3 CA r» CD CD 3 3 3 3 CD CD 3 N CD 1 CD 3 3 3 O. CD — 3D»— 3-033CD 3 9 3 030 CÛ3 CÛ3r* I 0» CD — CÛ 3 CD CACD3 3 — 3 CD 3- — 3 CO CD CD CD CÛ r* 3 3 CD n — 3 CD 3 — 3 CD — 3 — 3 3 3 O — 3 CD 3 CD 3

* T\ T\ * * * X X X X X X XXX X X X X X X X X X XXX û> O) û> Û> Q> û> C: C -i i O O: O: O: O. — — CD CD 0» 01 O: CD CA 3 3 ZJ C c c; O O O OOO: O CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CCC333-*— 0I0I3333399911TT3 "O CD 3 3 -i "O ZJ O r* X) 3 -I r* <Û CÛ -» — ZJ ^ -* 3" O C -n -* -1 3 — ûQ.coa-t3CAC— CA -a^u-ooco "O O N cr — "O — ZJ CD -*> CD — f* CA CD -1 N CD CD * CD 3" N CA S r* e* CT CA 3 e* 3 3 CD D> CD CA 0"3r*0'*CÛCOCÛ"i«-»-CA 3 3- 3" 3" CD CD 3 — 0) CA CD 33 — « — CD CD 3 3 a -*» cr — cr CD — CD O CT CA CD CA cr 3 33 OlCD330»CACA3—CÛOI xr zr oi cr 3 3—3 o -» — 3—33 CA CQ 3 CD ZJ 3 3 %. CA — CD c: 3 0» — 3 3 — 0» 3" -13 0» O" a 01 O— CD<-*330CD3û>C CD O ~t CD ZJ 3 — CO 3" C ~» CO 3 CQ r* CD CÛ — CD O* CD 0» CD 1 CÛ o — CO N O CD CO CD O O» -* C 33— 0JNO3— CO C 3 -*» a -i CD 0» 3 CD 3 O CD CO CD O» 3 CD CD — CD r* O0 -t a CÛ CD 3" CD CD 3* 3" — 3 — ZJ O C:CA 3— -•. Û» 3 CD CA CD r* CÛ — C CA 3 CD Q. 3 CD 3 0» 3 -13-I r* 3 3 ~» 3 CD 3 CD 3 3 O CD CD -•» 3 3 3 CA a I CD 3 a CO CD CA *• 3 3 -^ CD CD O O CD CD 3 3 i C *• 3 3 0» CO C CD CA 3 O» CD O 3 3 o Z Z Z ïirssisrsîiacsr-r-r-r-r-r- - r- r- r- r* CT C O o zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzsszssszzzz CD CD CD 9 0) Dl Dl Dl DiOiOiCOO: 9(1990101 9 CA -i -i 3 —. _ —.—.(bCDCDCbCDCD 990ICCCCPPCO: CD -«3 3 CD C -i t "O 3 9 C 7CC CA CA a cr 9999CCCCCCCA CD CD a AC A 0003333— 370A93O N Q. N CO -i o *• cr r* CA (A — N r* 1 r* CA 3 9 r* -H CD cr CT — * C D» i 3 CD CD *" 7C *" N Q. N O — O* •"* CD 7 CD CA 7 a 0» CD o O O" 9 CA 0» cr a 9 9 9 3 9 9 co CD D» 3 CD -i a o. o. a £ r* CA O" 3 — Qi Qt 9 777701 9 — 0» 3 3 3 CT CD O O -t 7 7 9 — *+ O C 9 -1—3 3 3 CQ -\ N 3 C 0) -S C CO CO C 3 i 7 a CD -1 CA 9 7 C-Oi — CA 7 CT O CÛ — CÛ C«D CDA C-1D CD CCD -»-» 33CA:ECDQ>Û»O-I (D CO 3 CD — CD O — CO -i O» -i C CD CA CD CD n -H — 3 CO O» r* O" 7 9 O) 3 CD N3 CQCÛ79— C07CA 0) 3 — ZJ 3 CO C CÛ C: CD CD CD — 3 CA CD — CD 3 3 cû 3 cr O r* O» — O CD 3 7 9 O — O CA CD CA 9 3 —7 33—3 "%CD CD — O. 3 CO CD C 3 3 3 CD J3 — 3 CD CD CT 3 CD "i CA 3 7 CA 1 -* 3 CD 3 -t 0» 3 CÛ 9 9 ZJ CÛ 3 3 O 3 3 CD CD 3 — 3 3

O CO CA 00 CO CO C/) (A (A CA (A C/> C/> C/) C/> W 00 » 3D 30 3D 3D 3D 303D30303D303D3D303DTï0OOOOOO:OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9 9 O O O O O O O O 0) 0) O) C: O O — 3-999999û»0»0>^-i'O3-«»r4-cAQ.Q.CTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCT o 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 ZJ 7 7 CA CA — r* ZJ 3 3 9 99^*3 — OC3-*>'*'*-«» — -•» — r+CA9999999999999 CA CQ 3 9 9 « 0» 0» C7 O* 9 9 i CQ CO CO Q. — r*0000793-*»9— CA 9 — -» CT 3 as 3 9 9 — — 0» — -1 — O 0» 0> 3 CA— 3CTCA99— 3 — 7 7 CT 3 9 9 i 3 3 CT 3 3 — CA (A -i -i a — *• «a 9 3 9 r* 9 N O O 93CT0J7 «CQ 7 9 9 9 O" i 3 CA CTCO 0» O* CÛ 3 7 CA O o» o — ï o» — -i ai 3 #•• 7 — 3 -* CA CT 7 3 3 CQ 9 O 9 O" 397 O 3 3 -« 9 CA S S 9 9 O C CO CO — -i 7 7 CA «•»• 3 — C -i O 3 3 CÛ 9 3 «Û 9 r* 0» S -«,9-17 — 0» CO— 9 — O" O» CÛ i £ 9 9 13 7-139 3 9 a o c o CT * CA CA û O 3 9 — CO 9 3 0» O 0» — 3 CO 30 9 N 0» C CO 9 CO CÛ 3 — r* X3 -O 0» 9 — 7 û» 3 CT" 3 3 9 3 S a 3 — C û» 7 3 9 3 7 O 3 -* -*» O — 3 9 0» 3 9 ^ a n • -i 9 7 9 9 CÛ 7 7 — CÛ — O I 9 CD 9 9 9 3 7 3 3 — 3 3

N N N N N { { C C 9 9 O) O O: 3 3 C CA N CQ -*• — — O — S 9 I CT 7 3 9 0» CT CQ — 3 9 n o» 9 9 3 O 3 i - 3' 0066

2.2.12 Specified region Saale-Unstrut

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich SchloB Neuenburg Bereich ThurIngen

(b) Grosslagen:

BlUtengrund Gôttersitz Kelterberg Schweigenberg

(c) Elnzellagen:

Hahnenberg MuhIberg Rappental

(d) Communes or parts of communes:

Bad Kbsen Kaatschen RoBbach Bad Suiza Kalzendorf Schleberoda Burgsche idungen Karsdorf Schulpforte Domburg KirchscheIdungen Seeburg Dorndorf Klosterhàseler Spielberg Eu I au Langenbogen Steigra Freyburg Laucha Vltzenburg G le ina LobaschUtz Welschutz Goseck MUncheroda WelBenfels Grbst Naumburg Werder/Havel GroBherIngen Nebra Zeuchfeld GroBjena Neugônna ZscheiplItz Hohnstedt Relnsdorf Jena RolIsdorf

2.2.13 Specified region Sachsen:

(a) Sub-regions:

Bereich Dresden Bereich Elstertal Bereich MeiBen

(b) Grosslagen:

Elbhange LoGnitz SchloBwelnberg Spaargeblrge 0067

(c) Elnzellagen: Kapi telberg HeinrIchsburg (d) Communes or part of communes: Belgern Ostrltz Schlieben Jessen Pesterwltz SeuBlitz Klelndrôben PI I In i tz Weinbôhla MeiBen Proschwltz Merbitz Radebeul

(B) Table wines bearing a geographical indication Ahrtaler Landwein Regensburger Landwein Altrheingauer Landwein Rheinburgen-Landweln Bayerischer Bodensee-Landwein Rheinischer Landwein Frânkischer Landwein Saarlandlscher Landwein der Mose Landwein der MoseI SachsIscher Landwein Landwein der Ruwer Schwabischer Landwein Landwein der Saar Starkenburger Landwein Mitteldeutscher Landwein Siidbadlscher Landwein Nahegauer Landwein Taubertaler Landwein Pfàlzer Landwein Unterbadischer Landwein

(C) Additional traditional expressions: Affentaler Badisch Rotgold Ehrentrudis Hock LiebfrauenmiIch and LiebfraumiIch MoseI ta 1er RI es IIng-Hochgewàchs Rot Iing Sch iIlerwe in WelBherbst Wlnzersekt Deutsches Welnsiegel 0068


(A) Quality wines produced in specified regions

These wines are described by the terms 'vin de qualité produit dans une région déterminée' or by a specific traditional expression listed in point 1; they are listed in paragraph 2.

These wines may be described in addition by the name of a geographical unit which is smaller than the specified region and not listed individually in this Annex and an additional traditional expression, as listed in point 3.

1. Specific traditional expressions:

- Appellation d'origine contrôlée - Appellation contrôlée - Appellation d'origine - Vin délimité de qualité supérieure

2. Names of specified regions

2.1 Alsace and other eastern regions

2.1.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Alsace or vin d'Alsace Alsace Grand Cru Alsace Grand Cru, followed by a vineyard name ("Ii eu—d it") Alsace or vin d'Alsace, followed by:

GewUrztraminer Ries Iing Pi not gris Muscat Pinot or Klevner Sylvaner Chasselas or Gutedel Pinot noir

Vin d'Alsace Edelzwicker Crémant d'Alsace

2.1.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Côtes de Toul Vin de Moselle 0069

2.2 Champagne region

2.2.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Champagne Coteaux Champenois Rosé des Riceys

2.3 Bourgogne région

2.3.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Aloxe-Corton Auxey-Duresses Bâtard-Montrachet Beaujolais Beaujolais, followed by the commune of origin:

Juliénas Saint-Et ienne-des-OuiI Ières Jul I lé Blacé Emer inges Arbuisonnas Chenas Sal les Fleur le Salnt-Julien Chi roubles Montmelas Lancié Ri vol et VI 11ié Morgon Déni ce Lant ignié Les ArdiIlats Beaujeu Marchampt Regnié Vauxrenard Durette Leynes Cerclé Saint-Amour-Bellevue Quincié La Chapelle-de-Guinchay Saint-Lager Romanèche Odenas Pruz illy Charentay Chânes Saint-Et ienne-la-Varenne Saint-Vérand Vaux Saint-Symphor ien-d'Ancelles Le Perréon

Beaujolais Supérieur Beaujolais-Villages Beaune Bienvenues Bâtard-Montrachet Blagny Bonnes Mares Bourgogne Bourgogne Aligoté Bourgogne Aligoté-Bouzeron Bourgogne Clairet Bourgogne Clairet Côte Chalonnaise Bourgogne Clairet Hautes Côtes de Beaune 0070

Bourgogne Côte Chalonnaise Bourgogne Grand-Ordinaire Bourgogne Grand-Ordinaire Clairet Bourgogne Grand-Ordinaire Rosé Bourgogne Hautes Côtes de Beaune Bourgogne Irancy Bourgogne Hautes Côtes de Nuits Bourgogne mousseux Bourgogne Ordinaire Bourgogne Ordinaire Clairet Bourgogne Ordinaire Rosé Bourgogne Passetoutgrains Bourgogne Rosé Bourgogne Rosé Côte Chalonnaise Bourgogne Rosé Hautes Côtes de Beaune Bourgogne Rosé Hautes Côtes-de-Nuits BrouiIly ChablIs Chablis Grand Cru Chablis "Premier Cru" NChambert In Chambertin Clos de Bèze Chambolle-Musigny Chape IIe-Chamber t i n Charlemagne Charmes-Chambert in Chassagne-Montrachet Chenas Chevalier-Montrachet Chiroubles Chorey-Iès-Beaune Clos de la Roche Clos des Lambrays Clos de la Roche Clos de Tart Clos de Vougeot Clos Saint-Denis Cor ton Cortor-Charlemagne Côte de Beaune Côte de Beaune, preceded by the name of the commune of origin

Auxey-Duresses Monthé Iie Biagny Pernand-Vergelesses Chassagne-Montrachet Pu Iigny-Montrachet Salnt-Aubin Chorey-lès-Beaune Saint-Romain Ladoix Santenay Meursault Sav i gny-1ès-Beaune

Côte de Beaune-ViI I ages Côte de BrouiI I y Côte de Nuits-Villages Coteaux du Lyonnais 0071

Crémant de Bourgogne Crlots de Bâtard-Montrachet Echezeaux Fixin Fleur le Gevrey-Chambertin Givry Grands Echezeaux Gr iotte-ChambertIn Juliénas La Grande Rue Ladoix LatrIclères-ChambertIn Mâcon Mâcon-VIllages Mâcon Super leur Mâcon, followed by the name of the commune of origin

Azé Loche Berzé-la-ViI le Lugny Berzé-ie-Chatel Mi Ily-Lamart ine B i ssy-1a-Mâconna i se Mont be Met Burgy Péronne Bussières Pierreclos Chaintré Pr issé Chânes Pruz illy La Chapelle-de-Guinchay La Roche Vineuse Chardonnay Romanèche-Thora i ns Charnay-lès-Mâcon Sa i nt-Amour-BeIIevue Chasselas Sa i nt-Gengoux-de-Sc i ssé Chevagny-1ès-Chevr i ères Saint-Symphor ien-d'Ance es Cl essé Sa int-Véran Crèches-sur-Saône Sologny Cruz iI les Solutré-PouiIly Davayé Verglsson Fuisse Verzé Grévi I ly Vinzelles Hur igny Viré igé Uchizy Leynes

Maranges Maranges Côtes de Beaune Marsannay Mazis-Chambert in Mazoyères-Chambert in Mercurey Meursault Montagny Monthélie Montrachet Morey-Sa i nt-Den i s Morgon 0072

Mou Iin-à-Vent Musigny Nuits or Nuits-Saint-Georges Pernand-VergeI esses Petit Chablis Pinot Chardonnay-Mâcon Pommard PoulIly-Fuissé PoulIly-Loché PoulIly-Vinzelles PulIgny-Montrachet Régnié Richebourg Romanée (La) Romanée ContI Romanée Saint-Vivant Ruchottes-Chambert in Rul ly Saint-Amour Saint-Aubin Saint-Aubin (premiers crus) èaint-Romain Saint-Véran Santenay Savlgny or Savigny-Iès-Beaune Tâche (La) Vins Fins de la Côtes de Nuits Vol nay Vol nay Santenots Vosne-Romanée Vougeot

2.3.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Côtes du Forez Côtes Roanaises Sauvignon de Saint Bris

2.4 Jura and Savoy regions

2.4.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Arbois Arbois mousseux Arbois-PupiI I in Château Châlon Côtes du Jura Côtes du Jura mousseux Crépy L'Etoile L'Etolle mousseux Mousseux de Savoie Pét iIlant de Savoie 0073

Roussette de Savoie Roussette de Savoie, followed by the name of one of the following "cru":

Frangy Marestel or Marestel Altesse Montermlnod Monthoux

Seyssel Seyssel mousseux Vin de Savoie Vin de Savoie, followed by the name of one of the following "cru":

Abymes Apremont Arbin Ayze Charpignat Chautagne Chlgnin Chignin Bergeron or Bergeron Cruet Mar ignan MontmélIan Ripaille St-Jean de la Porte St-Jeolre Prieuré Sainte-Marie d'Alloix Mar in Jongieux

Vin de Savoie Mousseux Vin de Savoie Pétillant Vin de Savoie Ayze Mousseux Vin de Savoie Ayze Pétillant

2.4.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Mousseux or Pétillant du Bugey Vin du Bugey Vin du Bugey Mousseux or Pétillant Vin du Bugey, followed by the name of one of the following "cru":

VI r ieu-le-Grand Montagnieu Manic le Machuraz Cerdon 0074

Roussette du Bugey Roussette du Bugey, followed by the name of one of the following "cru":

Anglefort Arblgnieu Chanay Lagnieu Montagnieu VIr ieu-le-Grand

Vin du Bugey-Cerdon Pétillant Vin du Bugey-Cerdon Mousseux

2.5 Côtes du Rhône region:

2.5.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Château GriI let Çhâteauneuf-du-Pape Chat iIlon-en-Diois ClaIrette de Die Clairette de Die mousseux Condr ieu Cornas Côte Rôt ie Coteaux du Tricastln Côtes du Lubéron Côtes du Rhône Côtes du Rhône, followed by the name of the commune of origin

Beaumes de Venise Saint-PantaIéon-1es-Vignes Rochegude Séguret Saint-Maurice Valréas V insobres Visan Calranne Laudun Rasteau Saint-Gervais Roaix Sablet Rousset-Ies-Vignes Chusclan

Côtes du Rhône-ViIlages Côtes du Ventoux Crozes-Hermitage or Crozes Ermitage Gigondas Hermitage or Ermitage L irac Saint-Joseph Salnt-Péray Saint-Péray mousseux Tavel Vacqueyras 0075 - 36 -

2.5.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Côtes du Vivarais Côtes du Vivarais, followed by the name of one of the following "cru":

Orgnac-I'Aven Salnt-Montant Saint-Remèze

Coteaux de Pierrevert Haut-Comtat

2.6 Provence and Corsica regions

2.6.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Ajaccio Bandol èellet Cassis Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence, followed by the name Les-Baux-de-Provence Côtes de Provence Palette PatrImonio Vin de Bandol Vin de Bel let Vin de Corse VIn de Corse Calvi Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap-Corse Vin de Corse Fi gar i Vin de Corse Sartène Vin de Corse Porto Vecchio

2.6.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Coteaux Varols

2.7 Languedoc-Rouss i11on reg i on

2.7.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Blanquette de Blanquette méthode ancestrale Clairette de Bellegarde Clairette du Languedoc Col Iioure Corbières Cost iére de Nîmes Coteaux du Languedoc Coteaux du Languedoc, whether or not accompanied by one of the following names: 0076

Cabrlères Coteaux de La Méjanelle or La Méjanelle Coteaux de Salnt-Christol or Saint-Christol Coteaux de Vérargues or Vérargues La Cl ape Montpeyroux Plcpoul-de-Pi net Plc-Salnt-Loup Quatourze Salnt-Drézéry SaInt-Georges-d'Orques Saint-Saturnin

Côtes du Roussi Mon Côtes du Roussi I ion ViIlages Côtes du Roussi lion Villages Caramany Côtes du Roussi lion Villages Latour de France Crémant de Llmoux Faugères FI tou Llmoux Mlnervois Saint-Chinian

2.7.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Carbadès Côtes de la Malepère Côtes du Carbardès et de l'Orbiel

2.8 South-west region

2.8.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Béarn Béarn-Bellocq Bergerac, Bergerac sec Buzet Cahors Côtes de Bergerac Côtes de Bergerac Moelleux Côtes de Duras Côtes du Frontonnais Côtes du Frontonnais-Fronton Côtes du Frontonnais-ViIlaudrle Côtes du Marmandais Côtes de Montravel Gai I lac Gail lac Premières Côtes Gai I lac Doux 0077

Gail lac mousseux Haut-Mont rave I Irouléguy Jurançon Jurançon sec Mad Iran MarciI lac MonbaziI lac Montravel Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh Pécharmant Rosette Saussignac

2.8.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure

Côtes de Bru I ho is Côtes de Saint-Mont Tursan Vin d'Entraygues et du Fel Vin d'Estaing Vin de LaviI ledieu

2.9 Bordeaux region

Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Barsac Biaye or Blayais Bordeaux Bordeaux Clairet Bordeaux Côtes de Francs Bordeaux Haut-Benauge Bordeaux mousseux Bordeaux rosé Bordeaux sec Bordeaux Supérieur Bordeaux supérieur Clairet Bordeaux supérieure rosé Bourg or Bourgeais Cad!I lac Cérons Côtes Canon-Fronsac or Canon-Fronsac Côtes de Bourg Côtes de Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Saint-Macaire Côtes de Cast iI Ion Crémant de Bordeaux Entre-Deux-Mers Entre-Deux-Mers-Haut-Benauge Fronsac 0078

Graves Graves Supérieures Graves de Vayres Haut-Médoc La lande de Pomerol Llstrac-Médoc Loup Iac Lussac SaInt-EmiI Ion Margaux Médoc Montagne Saint-EmiI ion Mou 11 s or Mou Ii s-en-Médoc Néac Parsac Salnt-Emilion PauiI lac Pessac-Léognan Pomerol Premières Côtes de Blaye Premières Côtes de Bordeaux Premières Côtes de Bordeaux, followed by the name of the commune of origin:

Bassens Lest iac Carbon blanc Pal I let Lormont VII lenave de Rions Cenon Cardan Floirac Rions Boullac Laroque Car ignan Béguey La Tresne Omet Cenac Donzac Camblanes Cadi I lac Quinsac Monpr imblanc Cambes Gabarnac Sa i nt-CapraIs-de-Bordeaux Semens Haux Verde la is Tabanac Saint-Maixant Baurech Salnt-Eulalie Le Tourne Saint-Germa in-de-Graves Langolran Yvrac Capian

Puisseguin Saint-Emilion Sa i nte-CroIx-du-Mont Salnt-EmiI Ion Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Saint-Estèphe Sainte-Foy Bordeaux Saint-Georges Saint-EmiI ion Sa int-Jullen Sauternes UUYt»

2.10 Loire region

2.10.1 Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Anjou, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Anjou Coteaux de la Loire, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Anjou Gamay, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Anjou pétillant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Anjou mousseux, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Anjou-vi11 ages Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Bourguell, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Bonnezeaux, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Cabernet d'Anjou, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Cabernet de Saumur, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Chinon, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Coteaux de I'Aubance, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Coteaux du Layon, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Coteaux du Layon, followed by the name of the commune of origin, whether or not followed by the words' Val de Loire':

Beau lieu-sur Layon Faye-d'Anjou Rablay-sur-Layon Sa i nt-Aub i n-de-Lu i gné Rochefort-sur-Loire Sa int-Lambert-du-Lattay

Coteaux du Layon-Chaume, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Coteaux du Loir, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Coteaux de Saumur, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Crémant de Loire, whether or not followed by the cords 'Val de Loire' Jasnières, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Menetou Salon, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Mont louis, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Mont louis pétillant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Mont louis mousseux, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Muscadet, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Muscadet des Coteaux de la Loire, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' 0080

Muscadet de Sèvre-et-Malne, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' PoulIIy-sur-Loire, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' PoulMy Fumé, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Quarts-de-Chaume, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Oulncy, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Reuilly, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Rosé d'Anjou, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Rosé d'Anjou pétillant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Rosé de Loire, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Sancerre, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Salnt-Nlcolas-de-Bourgueil, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Saumur, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Saumur Champigny, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Saumur pétillant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Saumur mousseux, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Savennières, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Savennières-Coulée-de-Serrant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Savennlères-Roche-aux-Molnes, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Touraine, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Touraine Azay-le-Rideau, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Touraine Amboise, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Touraine Mesland, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Touraine pétillant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Touraine mousseux, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Vouvray, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Vouvray pétillant, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire' Vouvray mousseux, whether or not followed by the words 'Val de Loire'

2.10.2 Vins délimités de qualité supérieure :

ChâteaumeiIlant Cheverny Coteaux d'Ancenis, which must be followed by the name of the vine variety:

(5) 0081

Pineau de la Loire Chen in blanc Ma I vois le Plnot-Beurot Gamay Cabernet

Coteaux du Giennois Coteaux du Giennois Cosne-sur-Loire Coteaux du Vendômois Côtes d'Auvergne, whether or not followed by the name of the commune of or ig in :

Boudes Chanturgue Châteaugay Corent Madargues

Côtes de Glen Côtes de Gien Cosne-sur-Loire Fiefs-Vendéens, which must be followed by one of the following names:

MareuiI Brem Vix Plssotte

Gros Plant ou Gros Plant du Pays Nantais Haut Poitou Saint-Pourça in Valençay Vins de I'Orléanais Vins du Thouarsais

3. "Vins doux naturels" regions

3.1 Liqueur Wines falling within the category "vins doux naturels"

Appellations d'origine contrôlées

Banyuls Banyuls Rancio Banyuls Grand Cru Banyuls Grand Cru Rancio FrontIgnan Grand Rouss iI Ion Grand Roussi Mon Rancio Maury Maury Rancio Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise Muscat de Frontignan Muscat de Lunel 0082

Muscat de Mi rêva I Muscat de Rlvesaltes Muscat de Salnt-Jean-de-Minervois Rasteau Rasteau Rancio Rlvesaltes Rlvesaltes Rancio Vin de FrontIgnan

Liqueur wines :

Appellations d'origine contrôlées:

Clairette du Languedoc FIoc de Gascogne FrontIgnan Macvln du Jura Muscat de Frontignan Pineau de Charentes or Pineau Charentais Vin de Front ignan

Additional traditional expressions

- Grand Réserve Premier (Première) Passetoutgrain - Cru Vin noble - 1er cru Petit - Grand cru Haut - Grand vin vin Jaune - Vin fin vin de paiI le - Ordinaire pelure d'oignon - Grand ordinaire vin pr imeur - Superieur(e) vin tuilé - Cru classé vin gr is - 1er cru classé blanc de blancs - 2e cru classé vin nouveau - Grand cru classé sur I le - 1er grand cru classé fruité - Cru bourgeois clairet, clairette - VIllages roussette -Clos vendange tardive - Camp claret - Edelzwicker vin de café - SchiIlerwein sélection de grains nobles 0083

(B) Table wines bearing a geographical indication

1. 'Vins de pays' described by the name of a production department.

All wine-producing departments, except those whose names are registered designations of origin (e.g. Corse, Jura, Loire, Moselle and Savoy).

2. 'Vins de pays' described by the name of a production area

Vin de pays de I'Agonals Vin de pays d'Allobrogie Vin de pays de l'Ardai Ihou Vin de pays d'Argens Vin de pays des Balmes dauphinoises Vin de pays de la Bénovie Vin de pays du Bérange Vin de pays de Bessan Vin de pays de Bigorre Vin de pays du Bourbonnais Vin de pays de Cassan NVin de pays catalan Vin de pays de Caux Vin de pays de Cessenon Vin de pays charentais Vin de pays de la cité de Vin de pays des collines de la Moure Vin de pays des collines rhodaniennes Vin de pays du comté de Grignan Vin de pays du comté tolosan Vin de pays des comptés rhodaniens Vin de pays de la Côte Vermeille Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Ardèche Vin de pays des coteaux de Baronnles Vin de pays des coteaux de Besiiles Vin de pays des coteaux de la CabrerIsse Vin de pays des coteaux cévenols Vin de pays des coteaux de Cèze Vin de pays des coteaux charito is Vin de pays des coteaux du Cher et de I'Arnon Vin de pays des coteaux de Coiffy Vin de pays des coteaux d'Enserune Vin de pays des coteaux de Fenouillèdes Vin de pays des coteaux fi avions Vin de pays des coteaux de Fontcaude Vin de pays des coteaux de Glanes Vin de pays des coteaux du Grésivaudan Vin de pays des coteaux de Laurens vin de pays des coteaux du Libron Vin de pays des coteaux du Littoral audois vin de pays des coteaux de Miramont Vin de pays des coteaux de Murviel Vin de pays des coteaux de 0084

Vin de pays des coteaux de Peyriac Vin de pays des coteaux du Pont du Gard Vin de pays des coteaux du Quercy Vin de pays des coteaux du Salagou Vin de pays des coteaux du Sa lavés Vin de pays des coteaux du Termenès Vin de pays des côtes du Vidourie Vin de pays des coteaux et terrasses de Montauban Vin de pays des côtes du Brian Vin de pays des côtes de Ceressou Vin de pays des côtes catalanes Vin de pays des côtes du Condomois Vin de pays des côtes de Gascogne Vin de pays des côtes de Lastours Vin de pays des côtes de Lézignan Vin de pays des côtes du Libac (ex Serre de Col ran) Vin de pays des côtes de Montestruc Vin de pays des côtes de Pérignan Vin de pays des côtes de Prou il he Vin de pays des côtes du Tarn Vin de pays des côtes de Thau Vin de pays des côtes de Thongue vVin de pays de Cucugnan Vin de pays de Franche-Comté Vin de pays des gorges de l'Hérault Vin de pays des gorges et côtes de Millau Vin de pays de Hauterive en pays d' Vin de pays de la haute vallée de l'Aude Vin de pays de ta haute vallée de I'Orb Vin de pays des hauts de Badens Vin de pays de I'tie de Beauté Vin de pays du jardin de la France Vin de pays des marches de Bretagne Vin de pays des Maures Vin de pays du Mont Baudile Vin de pays du Mont Bouquet Vin de pays de Mont-Caume Vin de pays des Monts de la Grage Vin de pays d'Oc Vin de pays de Petite-Crau Vin de pays de Pézenas Vin de pays de la principauté d'Orange Vin de pays de Retz Vin de pays des Sables du golfe du Lion Vin de pays de Saint-Sardos Vin de pays du Torgan (ex coteaux Cathares) Vin de pays des Terroirs landais Vin de pays de Thézac-Perricard Vin de pays d'Urfé Vin de pays de l'Uzège Vin de pays du val de Cesse Vin de pays du val de Dagne Vin de pays du val de Montferrand 6085

Vin de pays du val d'Orbleu Vin de pays de la vallée du Paradis Vin de pays des vais d'Agi y Vin de pays de la Vaunage Vin de pays de la Vicomte d'Aumelas Vin de pays de la Vistrenque 6086 Mi. WINES ORIGINATING IN THE KINGDOM OF


These wines are described by the term 'vino de call dad product do en region determlnada' or by a specific traditional expression listed In point 1, and by the name of a specified region listed In point 2. The name may be supplemented by the name of a geographical unit in the same list.

The wines may be described in addition by an additional traditional expression, as listed In point 3.

1. Specific traditional expressions

- Denominaciôn de Or Igen callflcada or D.O.C. - Denominaciôn de Origen or D.O. - Vino generoso - Vino generoso de licor - Vino du I ce natural

2. Geographical indications

2.1 Names of specified regions:

Ale I la AIicante Almansa Ampurdén-Costa Brava Bierzo Binissalem Calatayud Car inena Campo de Borja Cava Cigales Conca de Barbera Condado de Hue I va Costers del Segre Chacoli de Getaria-Getarlako Txakolina Jerez or Xérès or Sherry Jum ilia Malaga Mancha, La Manzanil la-Sanlûcar de Barrameda MentrIda Mont iIla-Moriles Navarra Penedés Priorato Rias Baixas Ribeiro Rioja (D.O. Ca.) Rueda Somontano Tacoronte-Acentejo Tarragona 0087 Terra Alta Toro Utlel-Requena Valdeorras Valdepenas Valencia Vinos de Madr id Yecla

2.2. Names of sub-reaions and communes

2.2.1 Denominaciôn de Orioen ALELLA:

Alella Argentona Cabr iIs Martorellas Masnou, EL Mongat Montorrés del Vallès Orr ins Premia de Dalt Premia de Mar La Roca del Val lés San Fost de CampsenteI les Santa Maria de Martorelles Tela Tiana Va 11 romanes ViIlanova del Va II es

VI lassar de Dalt

2.2.2 Denominaciôn de orioen ALICANTE :

(a)AMcante (b)La Marina Alguena Baneres Alcalali Benejama Beniarbeig Biar Ben i chembI a Campo de Mirra Ben i do Ie i g Canada Bénime Ii Castalla Benitache I I Elda Benlssa Hondôn de los Frai les Calpe Hondôn de las Ni eves Caste11 de Caste I Is Ibi Dénia Manân Gâta de Gorgos Monovar Jalon Oni I Lliber Petrer Miraflor P i noso Mur la Romana, La Ondara Salinas Orba 0088 Sax Parcent Tibl Pedreguer Vi Mena Sagra Sanet y Negrals Sen IJa Set la y Mlrarrosa Teulada Tormos Val I de Laguart Verge I Xabia

2.2.3 Denominaciôn de Orlaen ALMANSA

Alpera Bonete Chinchilla de Monte-Aragon Corral-Rub Io Higueruela Hoya Gonzalo Pétrola

2.2.4 Denominaciôn de Oriaen AMPURDAN-COSTA BRAVA

AgulI ana Palau-Sabardera AvinyoYiet de Puigventôs Pau Boadella Pedret i Marsâ Cabanes Perelada Cadaqués Pont de Moi ins Cantal lops Port-Bou Capmany Puerto de la SeIva, EL Colera Rabôs Darnius Roses Espolla San Climent de Sescebes Flgueres SeIva de Mar, La Garr iguella Terrades Jonquera, La Vilafant Llancé Vilajuiga Llers ViI aman I se le Masarach VIlanant Mol let de Perelada Viure

2.2.5 Denominaciôn de Orioen BIERZO

Arganza Bemblbre Borrenes Cabanas Raras Cacabelos Camponaraya Carracedelo Carucedo Castropodame Congosto CorulIon Cubillos del Si I 39 Fresnedo ^ ^ Molinaseca Noceda Ponferrada Prlaranza Puente de Domingo Flôrez Sancedo Vega de Esplnareda VII ladecanes Tora I de Ios Vados Villafranca del Bierzo 2.2.6 Denominaciôn de Orloen BINISSALEM Binissalem ConseI I Santa Mar ia del Cam! Sauce I las Santa Eugenia 2.2.7 Denominaciôn de Orlaen CALATAYUD Abanto Acered Alarba Alhama de Aragon An I non Ateca Belmonte de Graciân Bubierca Calatayud Carenas CasteJôn de las Armas Castejôn de Alarba Cervera de la Canada Clares de Rlbota Codos Fuentes de J iloca Godojos Ibdes Maluenda Mara Miedes Monterde Montôn Morata de Jiloca Moros Munébrega Nuévalos Olvés Orera Paracuellos de Jiloca Ruesca Sediles Terrer Torralba de Ribota Torrijo de la Canada Valtorres ViIlalba del Perej iI Vi I lalengua ViIlaroya de la Sierra La Vinuela 2.2.8 Denominaciôn de laen CAMPO DE BORJA

Agon Burata Ainzôn Buste, El Alber ite de San Juan Fuendejalon Albeta Magallôn Ambel Pozuelo de Aragon Bisimbre Tabuenca Bor Ja Vera de Moncayo Buibuente

2.2.9 Denominaciôn de Oriaen CARlRENA

Aguarôn Longares Aladrén Mezalocha Alfamén Muel Almonacid de la Sierra Paniza Alpart ir Tosos Cosuenda Villanueva de Huerva Encinacorba

2.2.10 Denominaciôn de Oriaen CAVA

2.2.11 Denominaciôn de Orloen CIGALES

Cabezôn de Pisuerga Cigales Corcos del Val le Cubillas de Santa Marta Fuensaldana Mue lentes Quintanilla de Triguëros San Martin de Valveni Santovenia de Pisuerga TrIgueros del Va Ile Valor la la Buena Duenas

2.2.12 Denominaciôn de Oriaen CONCA DE BARBERA

Barbera de la Conca Blancafort Conesa L'Espluga de Francoli Forés Montblanc Pira Rocafort de Queralt Sarral Senan SoIiveI la ValIcalra VIlaverd Vimbodi 0091 2.2.13 Denominaciôn de Oriaen CONDADO DE HUELVA

Almonte Moguer Béas Niebla Bollullos del Condado Palma del Condado, La Bonares Palos de la Frontera Chucena Rociana del Condado Hlnojos San Juan del Puerto Lucena del Puerto Tr igueros ManzaniI la Vi I lalba del Alcor Vi I larrasa

2.2.14 Denominaciôn de Orloen COSTERS DEL SEGRE

a) Sub-realon : Raimat Raimat

b) Sub-realon : Artesa Artesa de Segre Foradada Alôs de Balaguer Penelles Preixens

c) Sub-realon : Valle del Rio Corb San Mart i de Riucorb Ver dû Guimerà Ma Ida Bel lanes CiutadiI la Nalec Va II bona de les Monges EI s Orne Ils de na Ga i a Térrega Vallfogona de Riucorb Granyena de Segarra Montornés de Segarra Preixana Granyanella Montoliu de Segarra

d)Sub-reoion : Les Garrigues La Pobla de Cérvoles El VIioselI Cervié de les Garrigues L'Albl Vinaixa Bellaguarda L'Espluga Calba Els Omet Ions Tarrés Fuileda La Floresta Arbeca 0092


Aia Getar ia Zarautz

2.2.16 Denominaciôn de Oriaen JEREZ-XERES-SHERRY

Chlclana de la Frontera Chlplona Jerez de la Frontera Puerto de Santa Maria, El Puerto Real Rota Sanlucar de Barrameda Trebujena

2.2.17 Denominaciôn de Oriaen JUMILLA

Albatana Fuente-Alamo He I I I n Montealegre del Castillo Ontur Tobarra

2.2.18 Denominaciôn de Oriaen MALAGA :

AIameda Cuevas Bajas Alcaucin Cuevas de San Marcos Alfarnate Cutar Alfarnatejo Estepona Algarrobo Fr igiIlana Alhaurin de la Torre Fuente Piedra Almachar HumiIladero AImog i a Iznate Archez Macharaviaya Archidona ManiIva Arenas Moclinejo Benamargosa Mol Iina Benamocarra Nerja Borge, El Per iana Can il las del Aceituno Rincôn de ia Victoria CaniI las de Albaida Riogordo Casabermeja Sa lares Casares Sayalonga Colmenar Sedella Comares Sierra de Yeguas Competa Torrox Total an «33 Velez-Màlaga Vlllanueva de Algaidas ViIlanueva del Rosario VIIlanueva de Tapi a Vlllanueva del Trabuco V i nue I a

2.2.19 Denominaciôn de Oriaen LA MANCHA

Barrax Pedro Munoz Boni Ilo, El P i côn Fuensanta Piedrabuena Herrera, La Poblete Lezuza Porzuna Minaya Pozuelo de Calatrava Montai vos Puebla del Pr incipe Munera Puerto Lâpice Ossa de Mont lai Santa Cruz de los Canamos Roda, La SocuéIIamos Tarazona de la Mancha Solana, La ViIlarrobledo Terr Inches Tome I Ioso Albaladejo Torralba de Calatrava Alcàzar de San Juan Torre de Juan Abad Alcolea de Calatrava Valenzuela de Calatrava A Idea del Rey ViIlahermosa Alhambra ViIlamanr ique Almagro Villamayor de Calatrava Almedlna Vlllanueva de la Fuente Almodovar del Campo Vlllanueva de los Infantes Arenas de San Juan Vil lar del Pozo Argamasi Ma de Alba Vlllarrubia de los Ojos ArgamaslI la de Calatrava VIIlarta de San Juan Ballesteros de Calatrava Bolanos de Calatrava Acabrôn, El Calzada de Calatrava Alberca de Zâncara, La Campo de Cr iptana Alconchel de la Estrella Canada de Calatrava Almarcha, La Caracuel Carrion de Calatrava Almendros Carr izosa Almonacid del Marquesado Castellar de Santiago Atalaya del Canavate Ciudad Real Cortljos, Los Barajas de Melo Côzar BelInchôn Daimiel Belmonte Fernancaballero Canadajuncosa Fuenllana Canavate, El Fuente el Fresno Carrascose de Haro Granâtula de Calatrava Casas de Benitez Herencia Casas de Fernando Alonso Labores, Las Casas de Gui jarro Ma lagon Casas de Haro Manzanares Casas de los Pi nos Membr i Ma Castillo de Garcimunoz Miguelturra Cervera del Llano Montiel Fuente de Pedro Naharro -Û094

FuenteIespI no de Haro Ajofrln Hinojosa, La Almonacld de Toledo Hlnojosas, Los Cabanas de Yepes Honrubla Cabezamesada Hontanaya Camunas Horcajo de Santiago Ci ruelos Hue Ives Consuegra Leganiel Corral de Almaguer Mesas, Las Chueca Monreal del Llano Dosbarrios Monta I banejo Guardia, La Mota del Cuervo Huerta de Valdecarébanos 01ivares de Jûcar Ll Mo Osa de la Vega Madr idejos Pedernoso, El Manzaneque Pedroneras, Las Marjaliza Pinarejo Mascaraque Pozoamargo Miguel Esteban Pozorrubio Mora Provenclo, El Nambroca Puebla de Almenara Nobiejas Rada de Haro Ocana Rozalén del Monte Ont igola con Oreja Saelices Orgaz con Arisgotas San Clémente Puebla de Aimoradiel, La Santa Maria del Campo Quero Santa Maria de los Llanos Quintanar de la Orden Sisante Romeral, El Tarancôn Santa Cruz de la Zarza Tor rubia del Campo Sonseca con Casalgordo Torrubia del Castillo Tembleque Tresjuncos Toboso, EI Tr ibal dos Turleque Uclés Urda Valverde de Jucar Vi l lacanas Vara de Rey Villa de Don Fadrique, La VIIlaescusa de Haro Villafranca de los Cabal 1eros Villamayor de Santiago ViIlaminaya VI liar de Carias VIIIamuelas ViIlar de la Encina Vlllanueva de Alcardete VIIiarejo de Fuentes Vlllanueva de Bogas ViI lares del Saz Villarrubia de Santiago ViIlarrubio Villasequilla de Yepes Vil laverde y Pasaconsol ViIlatobas Zarza de Tajo Yebénes, Los Yepes 0695

2.2.20 Denominaciôn de OrIgen MENTRIDA

Albarreal de Tajo Hormlgos Alcabô Huecas Aldeancabo de Escalona LomInchar Almorox Maqueda Arcicôllar NombeI a Barclence Novés Bargas Nuno Gômez Burujôn Otero Camarena Palomeque CamareniI la Paredas de Escalona Card le I de Los Montes Pelahustàn Carmena Port i Mo de Toledo Carranque Ou i smondo Casar de Escalona, El Real de San Vlncente, El Casarrubios del Monte Recas Cast i Mo de Bayuela Rielves CediIlo del Condado Santa Cruz del Retamar Cerralbos, Los Santa Olalla Chozas de Canal es Torre de Esteban Hambràn, La Domingo Pérez Torr i Jos Escalona Val de Santo Domingo EscaloniI la Valmojado FuensalIda Ventas de Retamosa, Las Garcidtûn ViIlamiel de Toledo Ger indote VIso de San Juan, El Hinojosa de San Vlncente YunclMlos

2.2.21 Denominaciôn de OrIgen MONTILLA-MORILES

Aquilar de la Frontera Baena Cabra Castro del Rio Dona Mèneia Espejo Fernén-Nunez Lucena MontaIbén Montemayor Monturque Nueva Carteya Puente GeniI Rambla, La Santaella 0-096

2.2.22 Denominaciôn de Oriaen NAVARRA

(a)Sub-n Rlbera Baja Ablitas Fitero Arguedas Monteagudo Bar II las Murchante Cascante TudeI a Castejôn Tulebras Cintruénlgo Valtlerra Corel la

(b)Sub-reaions : Ribera Alta :

Artajona Méllda Be ire Miranda de Arga Berbinzana Mur I Mo el Cuende Caparroso Murilloel Fruto Càrcar Ollte Carcastillo Peralta Fa Ices Pit i Mas Funes Sansoain Larraga Santacara Lerln Sesma Lodosa Tafalla MarcIMa Villafranca

(c)Sub-reaions : Tierra Estella

Aber in Al lo Estel la Aras Lazagurr ia Arcos, Los Are 11ano Los Arcos Arrôniz Luquin Morent in Ayegul Oteiza de la Solana Barbar in Sansol Bargota Torres del Rio Busto, El Discast illo Val le de YerrI Desojo Villatuerta

(d)Sub-realons : Valdlzarbe

Ad los Mendigorr ia Anorbe Muruzâbal Artazu Obanos Barâsoain Olorlz Biurrun Od i soa i n Cirauqui Pueyo Enériz Puente la Reina Garinoain Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta GuirguiIlano Tirapu Legarda Ucar Leoz Unzué Maneru Uterga 0097 (e) Sub-reolons: Baja Montana:

Albar Llédena Aolz Lûmbler Céseda Sada Es lava Sanguesa Exprogul San Mart In de Unx Gai IIplenzo Ujué Javier Leache Lerga

2.2.23 Denominaciôn de Oriaen PENEDES

Abrera Pierola Avinyonet Pla del Penedès Bègues Pontons Cabanyas, Les Pulgdâlber Cabrera d Igualada Sant Cugat Sesgarriges Canyelles Sant Esteve Sesrovires Castellet i Gornal Sant Llorenç d'Hortons Caste IIvi de la Marca Sant Martin de Sarroca CastelIvi Rosanes Sant Père de Rlbes Cervellô N Sant Père de Riudebittles Corvera de Llobregat Sant Quinti de Mediona Cubelles Sant Sadurni d'Anoia Font-rubl Santa Fe del Penedès Gelida Santa Margarida i els Monjos Granada, La Santa Maria de Mirai les Llacuna, La Sitges MartorelI Subi rats Mascefa Torrelavit Mediona TorreI les de Foix Olerdoia Val Iirana Olesa de BonesvalIs Vllafranca del Penedès 01ivella VIlanova i la Geltru Pacs del Penedès VIlovi P iera

Aiguamurcia Albinyana L'Arboç Banyeres Be IIveI Bisbal del Penedès, La Bonastre CalafelI CreixelI Cunit Llorenç del Penedès MontmelI Roda de Bare Sant Jaume dels Domenys Vendre I I. El 0098

2.2.24 Denominaciôn de Oriaen PRIORATO

Bellmunt del Priorat Porrerâ Gratallops Torroja del Priorat Lioà VIlella Alta, La Morera de Montsant, La VIlella Baja, La Poboleda

2.2.25 Denominaciôn de Oriaen RIAS BAIXAS

a) Sub-realon: Val do Saines

Cambados Me a no Sanxenxo Rlbadumia Me is VIlanova de Arousa Portas Caldas de Reis Villagracia de Arousa

b) Sub-reaion: Condado do Tea

Salvaterra de Mino As Neves Arbo Crecente A Caniza

c) Sub-reaion: 0 Rosa

O Rosal Tom I no Tui

2.2.26 Denominaciôn de Oriaen RIBEIRO:

Arnoia Cortegada Beade Leiro Carballeda de Avia Punxin Castrelo de Mino Ribadavia Cenile San Amaro 0D99 2.2.27 Denominaciôn de Oriaen RIBERA DEL DUERO

Adrada de Haza Aguilera, La OlmedlIlo de Roa Angu i x Pardi I la Pedroso de Duero Banos de Valdearados Penaranda de Duero Boada de Roa Ouintanamanvirgo Campi Mo de Aranda Roa Castr illo de la Vega San Juan del Monte Cueva de Roa, La San Martin de Rubiales Fresnllla de las Duenas Fuentecén Sequera de Haza, La FuenteIcésped Sot i Mo de la Ribera FuenteIIsendo Tôrtoles de Esgueva Fuentesplna Tubi Ma del Lago Gumlel de Hizân Gumlel del Mercado Valcabado de Roa Guzmân Haza Vld, La Hontorlavde Valdearados Horra, La VIIlalbiI la de Gumiel Mambrllla de Castrejôn VIllatue Ida Milagros VIllove la de Esgueva MoradiIlo de Roa

Aldehorno Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela Honrubia de la Cuesta Villaverde de Montejo

Langa de Duero San Esteban de Gormaz 0100

Bocos de Duero Pesquera de Duero Canalejas de Penaflel Pi ne I de Aba jo Castr I Mo de Duero PI ne I de ArrIba Curlel Qulntanilla de Arriba Fompedraza Qulntanilla de Ones I mo ManzanlIlo Ràbano 01Ivares de Duero Roturas Olmos de Penaflel Torre de Penaf iel PadiI la de Duero Valbuena de Duero Penaflel Valdearcos

2.2.28 Denominaciôn de Or Iget

a) Sub-realon: Rioja Alavena

Bahos de Ebro Lapuebla de Labarca Barr iobusto Leza Cr ipén Moreda de A lava Ele lego NavarIdas ElviIlar Oyôn LabastIda Sa IiniI las de Buradon Labraza Samaniego Laguardla VIIlanueva de A lava Lane lego Yécora

b) Sub-realon: Rioja Alta:

Aba Ios Cuzcurrlta de Rio Tirôn Alesanco Daroca de Rioja Alasôn Entrena Anguciana Estolio Arenzana de Abajo Foncea Arenzana de ArrIba Fonzaieche Azofra Fuenmayor Badarân GalbàrruiI Banares Glmlleo Banos de Rioja Haro Banos de Rio Tobia Herramé Ilur i Berceo Hervias Bezares HormiI la BobadlI la Horn I I Ie j a Br inas Hornos de Br iones Huércanos Camprovin Lardero Canillas de Rio Tuerto Lei va Canas Logrono Cardenas Manjarrés Casalarreina Matute Castanares de Rioja Medrano Ce I lor Igo Nàjera Cenicero Navarrete C i damôn OchandurI Cihur i 0 Mauri Ciruena Rodezno Cordovin Sajazarra 0101 San Asensio Torrecllla Sobre Alesanco San Mil Ian de Yécora TorremontaIbo Santa Colorna Treviana San Torcuato Tricio San Vicente de la Sonsierra Urunuela Sojuela Ventosa Sorzano VI I lalba de Rioja Sotés VI I lar de Torre Tirgo ViIlajero Tormantos Zarratôn

c) Sub-realon: Rioja Baja

AgonciIlo Gravalos Al be Ida de Iregua Laguni Ma del Jubera Alberite Mendavia Alcanadre Mo Ii nos de Ocôn, Los Aldeanueva de Ebro Mur I Mo de Rio Leza Alfaro Nalda AndosII I a Pradejôn Arnedo Quel Arrûbal RedaI, EI Ausejo Rlbafrecha Autol Rincôn de Soto Azagra San Adr iân Bergasa Sartaguda BergasiI la Bajera TudeIi11 a Calahorra Viana Clavijo Vi ila de Ocôn, La Corera Vil lamedlana de Iregua Gaiilea VII lar de Arnedo, EI

2.2.29 Denominaciôn de Origen RUEDA:

Blasconuno de Matacabras Montuenga Madrigal de las Altas Torres Mora leja de Coca Nava de La Asuncion Aldeanueva del Codonal Nleva Aldehuela del Codonal Rapar iegos Bernuy de Coca San Cristobal de la Vega Codorniz Santiuste de San Juna Bautista Fuente de Santa Cruz To Ioc i r i o Juarros de Voltoya Villagonzalo de Coca Montejo de Arévalo

Jkf Û102

AguasaI Nueva Villa de las Torres Alaejos Olmedo Alcacerén Polios Almenara de Adaja Pozal de GallInas Ataquines Pozâldez Bobadilia del Campo Puras Bôclgas Ramlro Brahojos de Medina Rodilana Carplo Rueda Castrajôn San Pablo de la Moraleja Castronuno San Vicente del Palacio CerviI lego de la Cruz Seca, La Fresno el Vlejo Serrada Fuente el sol Siste Iglesias de Travancos Fuente Olmedo Tordes!I las HorniIlos Torrecilla de la Abadesa Llano de Olmedo Torrecllla de la Orden Matapozuelos ValdestiI las Medina del Campo Ventosa de la Cuesta Mojados Villafranca de Duero Moraleja de las Panaderas Vlllanueva de Duero Nava del Rey Villaverde de Medina

2.2.30 Denomination de Oriaen S0M0NTAN0

Abiego Grado, El Adahuesca Graus Al cal à del Obispo Hoz y Costean Agiies Ibieca AntlIlôn Mche Alquézar Laluenga Argavieso Laperdlguera Azara Lascellas-Ponzano Azlor Naval Barbastro 01 vena Barbunales Peralta de Alcofea Berbegal PeraltlI la Bespen Perarrûa Blecua y Torres Pertusa Blerge Pozén de Vero Capella Puebla de Castro, La Casbas de Huesca Salas Altas Cast iIlazuelo Salas Bajas Colungo Santa Mar ia Dulcis Estada Secast iI la EstadiI la Siétamo Fonz Torres de Alcanadre lo3 2.2.31 Denominaciôn de Oriaen TACORONTE-ACENTEJO:

La Matanza de Acentejo Santa Ursula El SauzaI Tacoronte Tegueste La Victoria de Acentejo La Laguna

2.2.32 Denominaciôn de Origen TARRAGONA:

a) Sub-reaion: Campo de Tarragona

Al cover Nou de Gaià, La Aleixar Nul les Alfor Ja Pallaresos, Els AI iô Perafort Almoster Pla da Santa Mar ia, El Altafulla Pobla de Mafumet, La Argentera, L' Pobla de Montornes, La Ascô Puigpelat Benissanet Renau Borjas del Camp Reus BotarèlI Riera de Gaià, La Bràf im Riudecanyes Cabra del Camp Ruidéco Is Cambr iols Ru i doms CastelIvell del Camp Rodonyà Catl lar, El RourelI, El ColIdejou Salomô Constant I Secuita, La CornudeI la Sel va del Camp, La Duesaignés Tarragona Figuerola del Camp Tivissa Garcia Torre del Espanyol, La Gar idelIs Torredembarra Glnestar U11 demo Ii ns La Maso ValImolI Masllorens Va II s Maspujols Vespella Mi la, El VI label la Miravet Vil al tonga del Camp Montbr iô del Camp Vllanova d'Escornalbou MontferrI VIla-rodona Montroig VI laseca i Sal ou Mora d'Ebre Vinebre Mora la Nova Vinyols i els Arcs Morali

b) Sub-realon: Falset

Cabassers Marçà Capçanes Masroig, El Figuera, La PradelI Guiamets, Els Torre de Fontaubelia, La >\Olf 2.2.33 Denominaciôn de Oriaen TERRA ALTA

Arnés Gandesa Batea Horta de Sant Joan Bot PI ne II de Brai, El Caseres Pobla de Massalauca La Corbera de Terra Alta Prat de Comte Fatarella, El VIlalba dels Arcs

2.2.34 Denominaciôn de Oriaen TORO

ArgujIIlo Sanzoles Bôveda de Toro, La Valdefinjas Morales de Toro Ven i a Ibo Pego, El Villabuena del Puente Peleagonzalo San Roman de Hornlja Plnero, El Villafranca de Duero San Miguel de la Ribera

2.2.35 Denominaciôn de Oriaen UTIEL-REQUENA:

Camporrobles Sinarcas Caudete v Venta del Moro Fuenterrobles VIIlagordo Siete Aguas

2.2.36 Denominaciôn de Oriaen VALDEORRAS:

Barco, El Petln Bollo, El Rua, La Carballeda de Valdeorras Rubiana Laroco Villamartin

2.2.37 Denominaciôn de Oriaen VALDEPENAS

AlcubiI las Santa Cruz de Mudela Moral de Calatrava Torrenueva San Carlos del Val le

2.2.38 Denominaciôn de Oriaen VALENCIA:

a) Sub-reaion: Alto Turia:

Alpuente Aras de Alpuente Chelva La Yesa Titaguas Tuéjar UlUb b) Sub-realon: Valentino:

Alborache Hlgueruelas AI cub I as Lliria And ilia Losa del Obispo Bugarra Macastre Bunol Monserrat Casinos Montroy Cheste Montserrat Chi va Pedralba Chu 11 M a Real de Montroy Domeno Tur Is Estlvella VIIlamarxant Gestalgar VIIlar del Arzobispo Gode 11eta

c) Sub-realon: Moscatel de Valencia

Catadau Cheste Chi va Gode 11 eta Llombal Montroy Monserrat Real de Montroy Tur is

d) Sub-realon: Clariano:

Adzaneta de AI bai da Guadasequies Agullent Llutxent AI bal da Moixent Alfarrasl Montaoerner Ayelo de MaIfer it Montesa Ayelo de Rugat Mont ichelvo Béigida L'OIleria Bel lus Ont inyent Beniatjar Otos BenicoIet Palomar Benigânim PI net Boca I rem La Pobla del Due BufalI Quatretonda CastelIô de Rugat Râfol de Salem Fontanares Sempere Font la Figuera Terrateig Vallada A o&

2.2.39 Denominaciôn de Oriaen: VINOS DE MADRID

a) Sub-realon: Arganda

Amblte Aranjuez Arganda del Rey Belmonte de Tajo Campo Real Carabana Colmenar de Oreja Chinchôn Finca "El Encin" (Alcalâ de Henares) Fuent iduena de Tajo Getafe Loeches Mejorada del Campo Morata de Tajuna Orusco Perales de Tajuna Pezuela de las Torres Pozuelo del Rey Tielmes Titu le la Valdaracete Valdelaguna Valdilécha ViIiaconejos ViIlamanrique de Tajo Vi Mar del Olmo ViIlarejo de Salvanés b) Sub-realon.- Navalcarnero

ÂIamo, EI A Idea del Fresno Arroyomolinos Batres Brunete Fuenlabrada Gr inôn Humanes de MadrId Moraleja de Enmedio Môstoles Navalcarnero Par la SerraniIlos del Val le Sévi Ma la Nueva Valdemor i Mo ViIlamanta Vi11amanti I la Vi(lanueva de la Canada Villaviciosa de Odôn c) Sub-reaion: San Martin del Va I de Iglesias

Cadalso de los Vldrlos Cenlclentos Colmenar de Arroyo Chaplner la Navas del Rey Pelayos de la Presa Rozas de Puerto Real San Martin de VaIdeigles las VII la del Prado "log Additional traditional expressions

Réserva Gran réserva Vino noble Vino afrutado Vino Joven Vino nuevo A loque Cardeno Clarete Granate Guinda Morado Ojo de gallo PieI de cebolla Rojo Teja Tlnto Carmin Cereza Naranja Rosado Rosicier LagrIma Pr imica Vendimia seleccionada VendimI a temprana Amar i I lo Ambar Blanco Blanco de blancs Blanco de uva blanca Blanco de uva tinta Dorado Gris Lionado Oro Oro oscuro Pajizo Palido Topacio Tostado Verdoso Corazon ChacolI Pop le pasta Vino de consagrar Vino enverado Vino de misa Vino de yema Cr ianza FondiI Ion Rancio Viejo Anejo Nove11 Soiera Cr iadera Fino -1o9 Amont I I I ado Oloroso Palo Cortado Raya ManzanlI la Paie Dry Pale Dry Pale Cream Amoroso Medium Go I den Cream Sweet Brown Làgrima Maestro Tlerno Pajarete Clâsico

(B) Table wines bearing a geographical indication

These wines are described by the terms "Vino de la Tierra" and by the name of one of the following geographical indications:

Val le del Mino-Ourense Val le de Monterrey Ribeira Sacra Valdevimbre-Los Oteros Los Arrlbes del Duero-Fermoselle Tierra del Vino de Zamora Bajo Aragon Valdejalôn Tierra Baja de Aragon Matanegra Ribera AI ta del Guadiana Ribera Baja del Guadiana Tierra de Barros Canamero Montânchez Pozohondo Sacedôn-Mondéjar GâIvez Manchuela Cebreros AbaniI la Bui las Campo de Cartagena Contraviesa-Alpujarra Cadiz Fuencaliente (La Palma) El Hierro La Geria (Lanzarote) 0110


A. Quality wines produced in specified regions

These wines are described by the term "vins de qualité produits dans une région déterminée" or by one of the specific traditional expressions listed in point 1 and by the name of a specified region listed in point 2. These wines may also be described by an additional traditional expression listed in point 3.

1. Specific traditional expressions:

- Ovopaofa irpocXcûocuç cXcYXou^vrl (appellation d'origine contrôlée)

- OvoyaoCa itpoeXeooewç ocvwTépaç TtoiÔTirroç (appellation d'origine de qualité supérieure).

2. Names of specified regions

2.1 Ovopaofa irpoeXcôoccoç eXcYXopevr) (appellation d'origine contrôlée)


(a) Ofvoç Y*U*ÛÇ (vin doux) :

Eàyoç (Samos)

MOOX<*TOÇ nctTpûv (Muscat de Patras)

MOOXC&TOC; Pfou IkxTpûv (Muscat Rion de Patras)

MOOX<&TOÇ KccpaXXnv faç (Muscat de Céphalonie)

MOOXCXTOÇ Pôôou (Muscat de Rhodos)

MOOX<5CTOÇ Afjyvou (Muscat de Lemnos)

(b) Ofvoç Y^UKÛÇ cpuoiMÔç (vin doux naturel) :

rdpoç (Samos)

Maupoôâcpvn, naTpcûv (Mavrodaphne de Patras)

Maupoôâcpvn. KccpaXXnv (aç (Mavrodaphne de Céphalonie)

MooxdToç IlaTpû)v (Muscat de Patras) MooxdToç P(ou naipuv (Muscat Rion de Patras)

MooxdToç KccpaXXnv (aç (Muscat de Céphalonie)

Mooxdioç Pôôou (Muscat de Rhodos)

MooxdToç Afipvou (Muscat de Lemnos)

(c) O(voç YXUKÛÇ cpuoixôç oirô ôiaXexToûç apircXwvcç (vin doux naturel - grand cru) :

Edyoç (Samos)

MooxdToç naxpûv (Muscat de Patras)

MooxdToç Pfou naxpcuv (Muscat Rion de Patras)

MooxdToç KccpaXXnv (aç (Muscat de Céphalonie)

MooxdToç Pôôou (Muscat de Rhodos)

MooxdToç Af)uvou (Muscat de Lemnos)

2.1.2. Aomof ofvoi (Other wines) :

Ofvoç cpuoiKcôç YXUKÛÇ (Vins naturellement doux)

Edyoç (Samos)

MooxdToç naTpwv (Muscat de Patras)

MooxdToç P(ou riaxpoiv (Muscat Rion de Patras)

MooxdToç KccpaXXrjvfaç (Muscat de Céphalonie)

MooxdToç Pôôou (Muscat de Rhodos)

MooxdToç Aqpvou (Muscat de Lemnos)

2.2 OvojjaoCa irpocXcûocuç avunrépaç TroiÔTHTaç (appellation d'origine de qualité supérieure)


(a) Ofvoç Y^UKÛÇ (vin doux) :

£n.Te(a (Sitia) Ncuéa (Némée) EavTopfvq (Santorin) Aacpvéç (Dafnes) (b) Ofvoç YXUKÛÇ cpuoixôç (vin doux naturel)

Lrpcfa (Sitia) SavTopfvn. (Santorin) Aacpvéç (Dafnes)

2.2.2. Aoiirof ofvoi (Other vines) :

SnTcta (Sitia) Pôôoç (Rhodos) Ndouoa (Naoussa) Neuéa (Némée) PopiiôXa KccpaXnvfaç (Robola de Céphalonie) Pa\pdvn (Rapsani) MavTivcfa (Mantinée) neÇd (Peza) Apxdveç (Archanes) Aacpvéç (Dafnes) SavTopfvn (Santorin) ndTpai (Patras) ZfToa (Zitsa) ApûvTaiov (Amynteon) v roupéviooa (Gumenissa) ndpoç (Paros) Afjyvoç (Lemnos) AYX^CXXOÇ (Anchialos) IlXaYiéç McXfTcuva (Côtes de Meliton)

3. Additional traditional expressions

- airô ôiaXKTOûç apircXûvcç ('grand cru')

EiriXoYrj f\ ciriXcYMévoç ('réserve')

eiôixri ciriXoY^Î f\ ctôixd cirtXcYMévoç ('grande réserve')

XCUKÔÇ oitô XcuKd oTacpOXia ('blanc de blancs')

(7 113 B. Table wines designated as "ovoyaofa xaTd napdooon" (traditional designation)

1. Table wines whether or not with a geographical indication described by the expression "pcTofva" (retsina) in combination with the term "ovoyaofa xaTd iiapdôoon," (traditional designation).

2. BepvTéa - ovoyaofa xaTd napdôoor) ZaxûvGou - (Verdea - traditional designation from Zante)

3. Retsina table wine followed by the name of a nomos and designated "ovoyaofa xaTd irapàôoon,"

PcTofva ATTixnç (Retsina Attikis) PcTofva BoicoTfaç (Retsina Viotias) PcTofva EuBofaç (Retsina Evias)

4. Retsina table wine followed by the name of a production area and designated "ovoyaofa xaTd napdôoon."

PcTofva MCOOYCfwv (Retsina Messoguion) (1) PcTofva Kpumfaç (Retsina Kropias) (1) or PcTofva Kopumfou (Retsina Koropiou) (1) PcTofva MapxoiroûXou (Retsina Markopoulou) (1) PcTofva McYdpuv (Retsina Megaron) (1) PcTofva natavfaç (Retsina Peanias) (1) or PcTofva Aioirco fou (Retsina Liopessiou) (1) PcTofva naXXf|vnç (Retsina Pallinis) (1) PcTofva ntxcpyfou (Retsina Pikermiou) (1) PcTofva rirdTwv (Retsina Spaton) (1) PcTofva enpcOv (Retsina Thivon) (2) PcTofva ridXTpcjv (Retsina Guialtron) (3) PcTofva KapuoTou (Retsina Karystou) (3) PcTofva XaXxfôaç (Retsina Halkidas) (3)

(1) Whether or not accompanied by the name of the nomos ATTixfjç (Attikis). (2) Whether or not accompanied by the name of the nomos BotcoTfaç (Viotias) (3) Whether or not accompanied by the name of the nomos EuBofaç (Evias). C Table wines designated "TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç" (local wine)

TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç TpicpuXfaç (vin de pays de Trifilia) MeonyBpiwTtxoç TOTIIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Messimvria) Eiravwy fT ixoç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Epanomie) Ton 1x6ç ofvoç nXaYiûv opciv^ç KopivSfaç (vine de pays de côtes montagneuses de Korinthia) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç nuXfaç (vin de pays de Pylie) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç nXaYiéç BepTfoxou (vin de pays de côtes de Vertiskos) HpaxXciwT ixoç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Heraklion) Aaoi6 IWTIXOÇ TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Lassithie) ncXoTTovvnoiaxôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Péloponnèse) Mcoonviaxôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Messina) Maxcôovixôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Macédonie) KpnTiKôç TOTTIXÔÇ o f voç (vin de pays de Crète) OcooaXixôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Thessalia) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç Kiodyou (vin de pays de Ki s samos) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç TupvdBou (vin de pays de Tyrnavos) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç irXaYiéç AyiréXou (vin de pays de côtes de Ampelos) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç BfXXiÇaç (vin de pays de Villiza) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç rpeBevwv (vin de pays de Grevena) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç ATTixf|ç (vin de pays d'Attique) AYiopefTixoç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays Agioritikos) Au>ôcxavnoiaxôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Dodekanèse > AvaBuoiWTixôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays Anavyssiotikos) IlatavfTixoç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays Peanitikos) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç Apdyaç (vin de pays de Drama) KpavicjTixoç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Krania) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç TiXaYitiv ndpvn.8aç (vin de pays de Côtes de Parnitha) £upiavôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Syros) enBaïxôç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Thiva) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç TTXOYIWV K16a i priva (vin de pays de côtes du Kitheron) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç irXaYiiûv ricTpuToû (vin de pays de côtes de Petrotou) TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç rcpavftov (vin de pays de Gerania) IlaXXnvtwT ixoç TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays de Pallini) ATTIXÔÇ TOTTIXÔÇ ofvoç (vin de pays d'Attique) V. WINES ORIGINATING IN THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC

(A) Quality wines produced In specified regions

These wines are described by the term "vino di qualité prodotto in una regione determinata" or by one of the specific traditional expressions listed In point 1; they are listed in point 2.

These wines may be further described by the name of a geographical unit which is smaller than the specified region and not listed individually In this Annex and by an additional traditional expression, as listed in point 3.

1. Special traditional expressions:

- "Denomlnazlone dl origine control lata", - "Denomlnazlone di origine control lata e garantita".

2. Geographical indications (1):

2.1 Quality wines psr described by the expression 'Denomlnazlone di origine control lata e garantita':

Albana di Romagna (Pass!to) Barbaresco Barolo Bruneilo di Montalcino Chianti, whether or not accompanied by - the term Classico, or - one of the following geographical indications: - Montalbano - Ruf ino - Col I I florentini - Col Ii senesi - Col I I aretlni - Col Iine pi sane

Vino nobile di Montepulciano

(1) Indication of the terms in brackets will be allowed only under the conditions provided for by the specific national rules for the quality wines psr in question and by Community rules. /M6 2.2. Quality wines psr described by the expression "Denomlnazlone di origine control lata" : 2.2.1. Val d'Aosta Region:

Val le d'Aosta or Vallée d'Aoste, whether or not accompanied by

- one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato

- one of the following geographical indications : - Blanc de Morgex and de la Salle - Chambave Moscato - Chambave Moscato Pass!to - Chambave Rosso - Nus Pinot GrIglo - Nus Pinot Grlglo Pass!to - Nus Rosso - Arnad-Montjovet - Torrette - Donnas - Enfer d'Arvier,

- or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - MCil 1er Thurgau - Gamay - Pinot Nero

2.2.2. Piedmont Region:

Barbaresco, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Barbera d'Alba, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Barbera d'Asti, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Barbera del Monferrato, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Boca Brachetto d'Acqui Bramaterra Carema Colli Tortonesl, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Barbera - Cortese Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato Doicetto d'Acqui, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Doicetto d'Alba, whether or not accompanied by thé expression super lore Doicetto d'Asti, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Doicetto di Diano d'Alba or Diano d'Alba, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Doicetto di Dogliani, whether or not accompanied by the expression super iore 113 Doicetto délie Langhe Monregalesi, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Doicetto d'Ovada, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Erbaluce di Caluso or Caluso Fara Frelsa d'Asti, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Freisa di Chieri, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Gablano, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Gattlnara, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Gavl or Cortese di Gavi Ghemme Gr ignolino d'Ast i Grignollno del Monferrato Casalese Lessona Loazzolo Ma I vas I a di Casorzo d'Asti Ma I vas I a di Castelnuova Don Bosco Moscato d'AstI Moscato d'Asti Spumante or AstI Spumante or Asti Nebblolo d'Alba Roero whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - super lore or by the name of the vine variety Arneis Rub I no dl Cantavenna Ruche dl Castagnole Monferrrato Sizzano

2.2.3. Lombardy Region:

BottIcino Capriano del Colle, whether or not accompanied by the expression rosso or by the name of the vine variety Trebbiano Ce 11 at ica Colli morenicl mantovani del Garda, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - chiaretto - rubino Franclacorta, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - rosé Lambrusco Mantovano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato Lugana <1>

(1) Also under the Veneto Region s\1% Oltrepo Pavese,accompanied by one of the following expressions: - spumante - moscato liquoroso do I ce - moscato liquoroso secco - Rosso - Rosato - Riserva - Buttafuoco - Sangue dl Gluda

or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Barbera - Bonarda - Riesling italIco - Riesling Renano - Cortese - Moscato. - Moscato liquoroso do I ce - Pinot Nero - Pinot Grlglo (Frizzante)

Riviera del Garda Bresciano or Garda Bresciano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - Bianco - c^hiaretto - Rosso - Rosato - Rosé - Super lore - Novello or by the name of the vine variety Grope Mo San Colombano a I Lambro or San Colombano San Martino Delia Battaglia Valcalepio, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - Bianco - Rosso Va I te I Una whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore, Sforzato or Sfursat or accompanied by one of the following geographical indications : - Sassella Inferno - Grume Ilo - valgella

2.2.4. Trentino-AIto Adige Region:

Alto Adige (Sudtiroler), whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva or by the name of the one of the following vine varieties : - Moscato Giallo (Goldenmuskatel1er or Goldmuskatel1er) - Pinot Bianco (Weissburgunder) - Chardonnay - Pinot Grigio (Rulander) - Riesling Italico (WelschriesIing) - Miil ler-Thurgau (Riesling Sylvaner) - R iesIing Renano - Sylvaner - Sauvignon - Traminer Aromatlco or Gewurztraminer - Cabernet A s)9> - Lagreln rosato (Lagreln Kretzer, Lagreln dl Grles or Grleser Lagreln) - Lagreln scuro (Lagreln Dunkel-Grieser or Lagreln dl Gries) - Ma I vas I a or Ma I vas 1er - Mer lot - Moscato rosa (Rosenmuskatel1er) - Pinot nero (Blauburgunder) - Schlave (Vernatsch) Caldaro or Lago di Caldaro (KaItérer or Kalterersee), whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - class Ico - classico superiore - see I to - selezionato Castel1er, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Colli dl Bolzano (Bozner Lelten) Meranese di Collina (Meraner HUgel) (Burgravio or Burggrafler) Santa Maddalena, whether or not accompanied by the expression Classico or Klassisches Ursprungsgebiet Sorni, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - -seelto Terlano (Terlaner), accompanied by the expression - Classico - and/or the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Pinot bianco - Chardonnay - Riesling Italico - Riesling renano - Sauvignon - Sylvaner - Mill ier-Thurgau Teroldego Rotaliano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rub I no - rosato - kretzer - super iore - riserva TrentIno, whether or not accompanied by the expression - bianco - rosso - riserva - vin santo - or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Chardonnay - Moscato giallo - Moscato rosa - MulIer-Thurgau - Nosiola - Pinot bianco - Pinot gr igio - R iesIing i ta Iico - R iesling renano - Traminer aromatico - Cabernet - Cabernet franc 0120 - Cabernet sauvlgnon - Lagreln - Marzemino - Mer lot - Pinot nero Valdadige (Etschtaler) <1), whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato or by one of the following vine varieties : - Chardonnay - Pinot Bianco - Pinot gr iglo - Schiava Val le Isarco (Eisacktaler) (Bressanone), accompanied by the expression Bressanone or by the the name of one of the following vine varlet les: - Traminer aromatico - Pinot gr igio - VeltIiner - Sylvaner - MulIer-Thurgau

2.2.5. Veneto Region:

Bardolino, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - classico - novello - super iore - chiaretto Blanco di Custoza Breganze, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - super iore or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Cabernet - Pinot nero - Pinot bianco - Pinot grlglo - Vespaiolo Colli Berici, accompanied by the expression Riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Garganega - Sauvignon - Pinot bianco - Mer lot - Cabernet Colli Euganei, accompanied by the expression Riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Moscato - Pinot bianco - Mer lot - Cabernet Gambellara, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - reciotI - vin santo - super iore

(1) Also under the Veneto Region A2-1 Less Ini Dure Mo (Spumante) (1), accompanied by the expression super lore Llson-Pramagglore, accompanied by the name of one of the following expressions : - cI asIco - riserva or by the name of one of the following wine varieties : - Cabernet - Cabernet Franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Mer lot - Pinot bianco - Pinot grIglo - Refosco da I Peduncolo Rosso - Riesling italico - Sauvignon - Verduzzo Lugana *2) Montello e Colli Asolanl, accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - super lore or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Prosecco - Mer lot - Cabernet - Cabernet franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Pinot bianco - Pinot gr iglo Prosecco dl Conegllano (Valdobbiadene), whether or not accompanied by the geographical indication Superiore di Cartizze Soave (Recioto di Soave), whether or not accompanied by the expression Classico or superiore San Martino del la Battagiia Valdadige (Etschtaler), accompanied by the name of the following vine varlet les : - Chardonnay - Pinot bianco - Pinot gr igio - Schiava Valpolicella or Recioto del la Valpolice I la, accompanied - by the expression classico, superiore or amarone - or by the geographical indication Valpantena VIni del Piave or Piave, accompanied - by the expression Riserva - or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Cabernet - Cabernet Sauvignon - Mer lot - Pinot bianco - Pinot gr igio - Pinot nero - Raboso - Verduzzo

(1) Also under the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region (*>- AI

2.2.6. Frlu M-Venez la G lu M a Region

Aqulleia or Aqulleia del Frlu I I, whether or not accompanied by the expression rosato or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Mer lot - Cabernet franc - Cabernet sauvignon - Chardonnay - Refosco da I peduncolo rosso - Pinot bianco - Pinot grlgio - RI es IIng renano - Sauvignon - Traminer aromatlco - Verduzzo frlulano Carso, whether or not accompanied by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Terrano - Malvasia Col Mo Gorlzlano or Col Mo, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - VIserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Riesling I ta Iico - Riesling renano - Traminer aromatlco - Ma I vas la - Malvasia istriana - Mill Ier-Thurgau - PIcoI 11 - RI bo II a glalla - Pinot bianco - Pinot grIgio - Sauvignon - Traminer - Cabernet - Cabernet franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Mer lot - Pinot nero Colli Oriental! del Friull, whether or not accompanied by the geographical indication Ramandolo, accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosato - ramandolo - r iserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Verduzzo - Ribolla gialla - Pinot bianco - Pinot gr igio - Sauvignon - Pinot nero - Riesling renano - P i coI 11 - Mer lot - Cabernet m 3 - Cabernet Franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Malvasia Istriana - Refosco da I peduncolo rosso - Schloppettino - Traminer aromatlco Grave del Friull, whether or not accompanied by one of the fol lowing expressions : - rosato - super iore or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Mer lot - Cabernet franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Refosco da I penduncolo rosso - Pinot bianco - Pinot grlgio - Pinot nero - Verduzzo frlulano (Frlzzante) - Riesling renano - Sauvignon - Traminer aromatlco Isonzo or Isonzo del Frluli, accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Cabernet franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Franconla - Sauvignon - Malvasia Istriana - Pinot Bianco - Pinot Grlgio - Pinot nero - Refosco da I peduncolo rosso - Verduzzo Frlulano - Traminer Aromatlco - Riesllng Italico - Riesling Renano - Mer lot Latlsana del Friull, whether or not accompanied by the expression rosato or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Mer lot - Cabernet - Refosco - Pinot bianco - Pinot grigio - Verduzzo friulano - Traminer aromatico - Sauvignon - Chardonnay Lison-Pramazziore (Spumante) <1), whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - classico - riserva

(1) See description under Veneto Region (N.B.: the expression Lison Classico is "^t su lowed *~- *he Fr iuM-Venez ia Giulia Region). t*,y or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Cabernet - Cabernet franc - Cabernet Sauvignon - Chardonnay - Mer lot - Pinot bianco - Pinot gr iglo - Refosco da I peduncolo rosso - RieslIng Italico - Sauvignon - Verduzzo

2.2.7. Llgurla Region:

Cinque terre and Cinque terre sciacchetrà Rossese dl Doiceacqua or Doiceacqua, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Colli di Lunl, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - riserva or by the name of the Vermentlno vine variety Riyiera Ligure di Ponente, whether or not accompanied by - the name of one of the following geographical indications : - Riviera del Fior i - Albenga or Albenganese - Finale or Finalese - Ormeasco - Ormeasco super lore - Ormeasco Schiac-trà - or by one of the following vine varieties : - Pigato - Rosesse - VermentIno

2.2.8. Em 11i a-Romagna Reg 1on :

Albana di Romagna Bianco di Scandiano Bosco Eliceo, whether or not accompanied by the expression bianco and/or the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Fortana - Mer lot - Sauvignon Cagnina di Romagna Colli Bolognesi, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions - bianco - riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Barbera - Mer lot - Sauvignon - Riesling italico - Pinot bianco - Pignoletto - Cabernet Sauvignon 12-5 Colli dl Parma, whether or not accompanied by the expression rosso and/or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Malvasia (Spumante) - Sauvignon Colli Placent in I, accompanied by - one of the following expressions: - Gutturnio - Monterosso Val d'Arda - Trebbianlno Val Trebbia - Val Nure - or by the name of one of the following vine varieties: - Barbera - Bonarda - Malvasia - Ortrugo - Pinot Nero - Pinot Grlgio - Sauvignon Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro Lambrusco Mantovano (Frlzzante) Lambrusco Regglano Lambrusco Sa I amino di Santa Croce Lambrusco di Sorbara Montunl de I Reno Pagadebit dl Romagda, whether or not accompanied by the name of the vine variety Bertlnoro Sangiovese di Romagna Trebblano di Romagna (Spumante)

2.2.9. Tuscany Region:

Bianco del la Valdinievole, whether or not accompanied by the expression vin santo Bianco del I'Empolese, whether or not accompanied by the expression vin santo Bianco di Pitigliano, whether or not accompanied by the expression super iore Bianco Pisano di S. Torpé, whether or not accompanied by the expression vin santo Bianco Vergine Valdichiana BolgherI Bruneilo di Montaicino, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Candi a del Colli Apuani Carmlgnano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosato - vin santo - riserva Chianti, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - classico - riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Col 11 Aret ine - Col I I Fiorentlni - Col M ne Pi sane - Col M Senesi - Montalbano - RufIna A1.G Colli dell'Etrurla, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - vin santo or by the name of the Vermlglio vine variety Colli dl Lunl, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - riserva or by the name of the VermontIno vine variety Elba, whether or not accompanied by the expressions bianco and rosso Montecarlo, whether or not accompanied by the expressions bianco and rosso Montescudalo, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - vin santo Morel lino di Scansano, whether or not accompanied by the expression r iserva Moscadello di Montaicino ParrIna, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva Pomino, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - vln santo - rIserva Rosso del le Colline Lucchesi and Bianco del le Colline Lucchesi Rosso di Montaicino Rosso dl Montepulciano Val d'Arbia, whether or not accompanied by the expression vin santo Val di Cornia, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Campiglia Mar itt ima - Suvereto - San Vincenzo Vernaccia di San Gimignano, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva 2.2.10. Umbrla Region:

Colli AltotIberinl, whether or not accompanied by one of the expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato Colli Amerini, whether or not accompanied by one of the expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - novello or by the name of the vine variety Malvasia Colli del Trasimeno, whether or not accompanied by one of the expressions : - bianco - rosso Colli Martani, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Grechetto di Todi - Grechetto - Sangiovese - Trebblano CoMI Peruginl, whether or not accompanied by one of the expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato Montefalco, whether or not accompanied by the expression Rosso (1) or by the name of the vine variety Malvasia Orvleto, whether or not accompanied by the expression classico Torglano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Chardonnay - Cabernet Sauvignon - Pinot gr igio - Pinot nero - Riesling italico

2.2.11. Marche Region:

Blanche Mo del Metauro Beanco dei Colli Macerates! Fa 1er Io dei Colli Ascolani Lacrima di Morro or Lacrima di Morro d'Alba Rosso Conero, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Rosso Piceno, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Sangiovese dei Colli Pesaresi Verdlcchio dei Castelli di Jesi, whether or not accompanied by the expression Classico Verdicchio di Matelica Vernaccia di Serrapetrone

(1) Also under the Lazio Region 12g 2.2.12. Abruzzl Region:

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, whether or not accompanied by one of the following vine varieties : - Cerasuolo - Vecchlo Trebblano d'Abruzzo

2.2.13. MolIse Region:

Biferno, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva Pentro di Isernia, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato

2.2.14. Lazio Region:

Areat ico di GradolI April la, accompanied by the name of one of the following vine varlet ies: - Mer lot - Sangiovese - Trebblano Bianco Capena, whether or not accompanied by the expression super iore CerveterI, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso Cesanese del Pig Ilo Cesanese di Affile Cesanese di Olevano Romano Colli Albani, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - super iore - novello Col 11 Lanuvini Cori, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso Est ! Est M Est M! Montef lascone Frascatl, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - cane 11ino - novello - super lore Genazzano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - novello Mario, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore Montecompatri Colonna, whether or not accompanied by the expression super iore

IE ^9 Orvleto (1), whether or not accompanied by the expression classico Velletrl, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - super lore - r iserva Zagarolo, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore

2.2.15. Campania Region:

Capri, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso Castel San Lorenzo, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva - lamblccato or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Barbera - Moscato CI Lento, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato or by the name of the vine variety Aglianico Falerno del Masslco, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - riserva - vecchio or by the name of the vine variety Primitivo Fiano di Aveilino, whether or not accompanied by the expression Ap i anum Greco di Tufo Ischia, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - bianco super iore Solopaca, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso Taburno or Aglianico del Taburno, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - riserva Taurasi, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Vesuvio, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - Lacryma or by the name of the vine variety Christi

(1) Also under the Umbria Region (N.B.: the expression Classico is not allowed for the Lazio Region). 2.2.16. Apulia Region:

Aleatico di Puglia, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Alezlo, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - r iserva Brlndlsl, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - riserva Cacc'e mm It te di Lucera Castel del Monte, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - r iserva or by the name of one of the following varieties : - Chardonnay -NSauvlgnon - Pinot bianco - Bianco da Pinot nero - Pinot bianco - Agi I anico rosso - Agi Ianico rosato Copertino, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - riserva Gioia del Colle, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Aleat ico - Primlt ivo Gravina Leverano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso Lizzano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - giovane - noveIlo - super iore or by the name of the following vine varieties : - Malvasia nera - Negro amaro Locorotondo Martina or Martina Franca 0131

MatIno, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato Moscato dl Trani Nardo, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - riserva Orta Nova, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato Ostunl, whether or not accompanied by the expression bianco or by the name of the vine variety Ottavlanello Primitivo di Manduria Rosso Barietta, whether or not accompanied by the expression invecchiato Rosso Canosa, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - canuslum - riserva Rosso di Cerignola, whether or not accompanied by the expression rIserva Sal Ice SalentIno, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva - novello or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - AI eatIco - Pinot bianco San Severo (Spumante), whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato Squinzano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - riserva

2.2.17. Basilicata Region.-

Aglianico del Vulture, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions .- - vecchio - riserva

2.2.18. Calabr ia Region

Ciro, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - riserva - classico - super lore A3>Z. DonnIcI Greco dl Blanco Lamezla Melissa, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressons : - bianco - rosso - super iore Pol IIno, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Santa Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto Savuto, whether or not accompanied by the expression superiore

2.2.19. Sicily Region

Alcamo or Bianco Alcamo Cerasuolo di Vittoria Etna, Lizzano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - bianco - rosso - rosato - super lore Faro Malvasia di LlparI Marsala, accompanied by one of the following expressions: - Cremovo vino aromatlzzato or Cremovo Zabaione vino aromatlzzato - Stravecchlo - Fine - Super lore - Verglne and/or Soleras - Verglne Stravecchlo or Soleras Stravecchlo or Verglne - Riserva Moscato di Noto, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Moscato di Pantelleria Moscato di Siracusa

2.2.20. Sardinia Region:

Arborea, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : - Sangiovese - Trebblano Campidano di Terralba or Terralbe Cannonau di Sardegna, whether or not accompanied by the expression rosato or by the name of one of the following vine varieties : Capo Ferrato 01iena Carignano del Sulcis, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - riserva Giro di Cagliari, whether or not accompanied by the expression r iserva Malvasia di Boso Malvasia di Cagliari, whether or not accompanied by the expression r iserva 13 3 Mandrollsal, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - rosso - rosato - super iore Monica dl Cagliari, whether or not accompanied by the expression rIserva Monica ci Sardegna, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Moscato di Cagliari whether or not accompanied by the expression rIserva Moscato di Sardegna (Spumante), whether or not accompanied by one of the following geographical indications: - Tempio Pausanla or Temp Io - Gallura Moscato di Sorso-Sennor1 or di Sorso or di SennorI, whether or not accompanied by the expression riserva Nasco di CagliarI Nuragus di CagliarI Vermontino di Gallura, whether or not accompanied by the expression super lore Vermontino di Sardegna Vernaccia di Oristano, whether or not accompanied by one of the following expressions : - riserva - super iore

3. Additional traditional expressions

Riserva Kretzer Riserva spéciale Rub i no Super iore Granato Classico Cerasuolo Amarone Chiaretto Verglne Aranciato See I to Giallo Auslese Pag I 1erIno Pass I to Dorato Lacr ima VerdolIno Lacr ima Chr istI Ambrato Sforzato, Sfurzat Vivace Canne 11ino V i no noveI Io Vino santo Vin nouveau DunkeI

(B) Table wines bearing a geographical indication VI. WINES ORIGINATING IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG

These wines are described by the terms 'vin de qualité produit dans une région déterminée' or by the specific traditional expression 'Marque nationale du vin luxembourgeois'. The national trademark shall be recognized by a neck label bearing the Inscription 'Moselle luxembourgeoise - Appellation contrôlée, Marque nationale; sous le contrôle de l'Etat'; this neck label shall also bear the description of the vine variety, the harvest year and the State control number.

These wines may also be described by the name of one of the districts of origin listed in point 1, followed, where appropriate, by a vineyard name not listed individually In this Annex and the name of one of the varieties listed in point 2. In addition these wines may be described by one of the additional traditional expressions listed in point 3.

1. Names of distrlets:

Schengen, Remerschen, Wlntringen, Mondorf, Elvange, El lange, Burmerange, Schwebsange, Bech-Klelnmacher, Wellensteln, Remich, Bous, Asset, Trintange, Rolling, Erpeldange, Stadtbredimus, Greiveldange, Ehnen, Wormeldange, Oberwormeldange, Ahn, Machtum, LennIngen, Canach, Gostingen, Niederdonven, Oberdonven, Grevenmacher, Mer tert, WasserbiI Iig, Rosport, Born, Moersdorf;

2. Vine varlet les:

Riesling, Traminer, Pinot gris (Rulànder), Pinot blanc, Pinot noir, Auxerrols, Muscat Ottonel, Rivaner (MUIIer-Thurgau), Sylvaner, Elb IIng, Chardonnay, Gamay.

3. Additional traditional expressions:

'vin classé' 'premier cru' 'grand premier cru'.

4. The appellation "Crémant de Luxembourg" completed by the Inscription "Moselle Luxembourgeoise - Appellation contrôlée".

5. The quality sparkling wines bearing the inscription "Moselle Luxembourgeoise - Appellation contrôlée". 0135


(A) Quality wines produced In specified regions

These wines are described by the terms "vinho de qualidade produzido em regiâo determinada" and by the name of a specified region listed in point 1.

These wines may be described in addition by the name of a sub-region listed In point 2, by a specific traditional expression listed in point 3, and by an additional traditional expression, as listed In point 4.

1. Names of specified regions:

Alcobaça Lagos Alenquer Madeira, Madeira We in, AIme IrIm Madeira Wine, Vin de Arrâbida Madère, Madera, Vino di Arruda Madera, Madeira Wijn Balrrada Moscatel de Setûbal, Setûbal Biscoitos Moura Borba ôb i dos Bucelas Pa Ime I a Carcavelos Pico Cartaxo Pinhel Castelo RodrIgo PI ana I to Mirandês Chamusca Portalegre Chaves PortImSo Co I ares Redondo Coruche Reguengos Cova da Be ira Rosé de Tràs-os-Montes Dâo Rosé das Be iras Porto, Vin de Porto, Oporto, Port, Rosé do Ri batejo e Oeste Wine, Portwein, Portvln, Portwijn Rosé do Algarve Douro Santarém Encostas de Aire Tavira Encostas da Nave Tercelra Evora Tomar Graciosa Valpaços Granja-Amareleja Varosa Lafôes VIdigue ira Lagoa Vinhos Verdes

2. Names of sub-regions:

2.1 Specified region of Dâo-.

Alva SiIgueiros Bestelros Terras de Azurara Castendo Terras de Senhor im Serra da Estrela

2.2 Specified region of Douro

Alijô Sabrosa Lamego Vila Rea Meda 0136

2.3 Sub-region of Favaios

2.4 Specified region of Varosa:


2.5 Specified region of Vlnhos Verdes:

Amarante Lima Basto Monçâo Braga Penaflel

3. Specific traditional expressions:

Denominaçao de Origem Denominaçâo de Or I gem Controlada Generoso Ind1caçâo de Proveniêncla Regulamentada Reglâo Demarcada Vinho Doce Natural Vinho Generoso

4. Additional traditional expressions:

4.1 Specified region of Madeira:

Amadurecido Meio Escuro Aveludado Muito Pelido Canteiro Muito Velho Dourado PelIdo Encorpado Réserva Escuro Réserva Velha Garrafeira Seleccionado F ino Sercial Frasque Ira Solera Levé Super lor - Bual Maclo Velho

4.2 Specified region of Porto:

Alourado Réserva Alourado Claro Ret Into Branco-Doirado Ruby Branco-Pélido Super ior Branco-Palha Tawny Crusted Tinto Crust ing Tinto Alourado Late Bottled Vintage or L.B.V. Velhlsslmo Levé Seco Vintage Muito Velho 0137

4.3 Other:

Branco de Uvas Brancas Palhete or Palheto Branco de Uvas Tintas Qulnta Casa Réserva Casa I Solar Clarete Super lor Co I he I ta Seleccionada Velho Escolha Vila Garrafelra Vinho Branco Alvarinho Herdade Vinho com Agulha Monte Vinho Frutado Nob re Vinho Levé Novo Vinho de Mlssa Paco Vinho Novo Palécio Vinho

(B) Table wines bearing a geographical indication:

These wines are described by the terms "Vinho Regional" and by the name of one of the following geographical indications:

Alentejo Algarve Beiras - Terras de Sico - Beira Litoral - Belra Alta Estremadura Rlbatejo Rios do Minho Terras do Sado Trâs-os-Montes - Terras Dur lenses 0138


These wines are described by the term "Quality Wine Produced in a Specified Region" or "Q. W. PSR" and by the name of a specified region Iisted In point 1.

1. Names of Specified Regions

- Southern Counties

- Northern Counties

2. Specific traditional expressions

- Designated origin. 4 39

B - WINES ORIGINATING IN AUSTRALIA Wines bearing the ascription South-Eastern Australia or one of the following names of Statesfi~erritories, zones, regions or sub-regions of wine-producing areas:


ZONE Riverina Regions Carrathool Coolamon Griffith Hay Junee Leeton Lockhart Murrumbidgee Narrandera Temora Wagga Wagga

ZONE Orana Regions Bogan Bourke Brewarrina Cobar Coolah Coonabarabran Coonamble Dubbo Gilgandra Narromine Walgett Warren

^ A Ho


ZONE Central Slopes Regions Canowindra Cowra Mudgee Wellington West Cabonne

ZONE Central Tableland Regions Bathurst Blayney East Cabonne Evans Lithgow Orange Rylstone

ZONE Central Western Regions Bland Forbes Lachlan Oberon Parkes Weddin

ZONE Southern Slopes Regions Boorowa Cootamundra Harden Gundagai Tumut Young

n- 4H1


ZONE Southern Tablelands Regions Bega Valley Bombala Canberra Cooma-Monaro Crookwell Eurobodalla Goulburn Gunning Mulwaree Queanbeyan Snowy River Tallaganda Tumbarumba Yass

ZONE Murray Regions Balranald Berrigan Conargo Corowa Culcairn Deniliquin - Euston Holbrook Hume Jerilderie Murray Urana Wakool Wentworth Windouran

LX> ^ 4M£


ZONE New England Regions Barraba Bingara Dumareso Gunnedah Guyra Inverell Manilla Moree Plains Narrabri Nundle Parry Quirindi Severn Tenterfield Uralla Walcha Yallaroi

ZONE Holiday Coast Regions Ballina Bellingen Byron Casino Coffs Harbour Copmanhurst Grafton Hastings Valley Kempsey Kyogle Lismore Maclean Nambucca Nymboida Richmond River Tweed Ulmarra 4^3


ZONE Sydney Regions Blue Mountains Camden Gosford Hawkesbury Wollondilly Wyong

ZONE lllawarra Regions Shoalhaven Wingecarribee Wollongong

ZONE Far Western Regions Central Darling Broken Hill

<$- TJ144


ZONE Hunter Hunter Valley

Regions Upper Hunter or Upper Hunter Valley or Upper Hunter River Valley

Sub Regions Denman Jerrys Plains Merriwa Muswellbrook Scone


Lower Hunter or Lower Hunter Valley or Lower Hunter River Valley

Sub Regions Allandale Belford Broke/Fordwich Cessnock .' Dalwood Dungog Gloucester Greater Lakes Greater Tarée Lake Macquarie Maitland Milfield Newcastle Ovingham Pokolbin Port Stephens Rothbury Singleton

h> & 0145


Region Roma

Region Granite Belt

Sub Region Stanthorpe Ballandean

A^=^> ^ A\\(o


ZONE Central SA

Region Adelaide

Sub regions Angle Vale Evanston Gawier River Hope Valley Marion Magill Modbury Tea Tree Gully

Region Adelaide Hills

Sub regions Clarendon Echunga Gumeracha Lenswood Mount Pleasant Piccadilly Valley

Region Barossa

Sub Regions Angaston Barossa Valley Dorrien Gomersal Greenoch Lights Pass Lyndoch Marananga Nuriootpa Rowland Flat Seppeltsfield Tanunda Williamstown Alft


ZONE Central SA (cont'd)

Region Clare Valley

Sub Regions Auburn Clare Leasingham Polish Hill River Sevenhill Watervale White Hut

Region Eden Valley

Sub Regions Flaxmans Valley High Eden Keyneton Partalunga Pewsey Vale Springton

Region Fleurieu Peninsula

Sub Regions Angas Bremer Currency Creek Lakeside Langhorne Creek

^^T) ^ V*fc*i' ^4^


Region McLaren Vale

Sub Regions Coromandel Valley Happy Valley McLaren Flat Morphett Vale Reynella Seaview Willunga

ZONE South East Regions Bordertown Buckingham-Mundulla Coonawarra Padthaway Penola

e=*^ ^49


ZONE Murray Mallee Region Murray Valley

Sub Regions Barmera Berri Bow Hill Kingston Loxton Lyrup Monash Moorook Morgan Murray Bridge Murtho Nildottie Paringa Pyke River Qualco Ramco Renmark Riverland Taylorsville Waikerie

ZONE Yorke Peninsula

ZONE Eyre Peninsula

ZONE Kangaroo island

ZONE Far North

gS?^ AS&


ZONE North Western Victoria Region Murray River Valley

Sub Regions Beverford Buronga Irymple Karadoc Lake Boga Merbein Mildura Mystic Park Nangiloc Red Cliffs Robinvale Swan Hill Wood Wood

ZONE North East Victoria

Region King Valley

Sub Regions Chestnut Edi Hurdle Creek Markwood Meadow Creek Milawa Myrrhee Oxley Whitfield Whitland

Region Ovens Valley

Sub Regions Beechworth Buffalo River Valley Buckland River Valley Mount Beauty Porpunkah ç±se> Sk 4S4

VICTORIA ZONE North East Victoria (cont)

Region Rutherglen

Sub Regions Barnawartha Indigo Valley Wahgunyah

Region Kiewa River Valley

Sub Region Yakandandah

Region Glenrowan

ZONE Central Victoria Region Central Northern Victoria

Sub Regions Katunga Picola

Region Goulburn Valley

Sub Regions Avenel Dookie Mansfield Mitchelton Mount Helen Murchison Nagambie Seymour Shepparton Strathbogie Ranges Tahbilk Yarck 3i> VICTORIA ZONE Central Victoria (cont) Region Bendigo

Sub Regions Bridgewater Graytown Harcourt Heathcote Redesdale Daylesford Maryborough

Region Macedon

Sub Regions Kyneton Macedon Ranges Sunbury

Region Grampians

Sub Regions Ararat Great Western Stawell

Region Pyrenees

Sub Regions Avoca Moonambel Percydale Redbank

Region Far South West

Sub Regions Condah Drumborg Gorae


ZONE Western Victoria

Region Ballarat

Sub Region Smythesdale

ZONE Yarra Valley Region

Yarra Valley

Sub Region Diamond Valley Yarra Yering

ZONE Geelong

Region Geelong

Sub Regions Anakie Bellarine Peninsula Moorabool Waurn Ponds

ZONE Mornington Peninsula

ZONE Gippsland Region West Gippsland

Sub Region Moe Traralgon Warragul

Si^S^> >f is 4 VICTORIA (cont)

ZONE Gippsland

Region South Gippsland

Sub Regions Foster Korumburra Leongatha Westernport

Region East Gippsland

Sub Regions Bairnsdale Dargo Lakes Entrance Maffra Orbost

ZONE Melbourne

(I ^ A sr


Region Northern Perth

Sub Regions Bindoon Gingin Muchea Moondah Brook

Region Darling Range

Sub Regions Bickley Chittering Valley Darlington Glen Forrest Perth Hills Orange Grove Toodyay Wandering

Region Swan Valley

Sub Regions Guildford Henley Brook Middle Swan Upper Swan West Swan

Region. Great Southern

Sub Regions Albany Denbarker Denmark Frankland Mount Barker Porongurup

^^f3- ^ r\SG


Region Margaret River

Region Warren-Blackwood

Sub Regions Blackwood Bridgetown Donnybrook Manjimup Pemberton

Region South West Coastal

Sub Regions Baldivis Bunbury Busselton Capel Mandurah Wanneroo





S^^ ^ Annex II Australian Traditional Expressions

Australia will present a list of Australian traditional expressions during the meeting of the Joint Committee established in Article 18.

Sa^L ^t Protocol -IS g


I. 1. Pursuant to Article 4 (1) (b) of the Agreement, the Com­ munity shall authorize the import and the marketing on its territory of wines originating in Australia:

(a) having a mineral content of minerals not exceeding:

1 g/1 at 20 gC of soluble chlorides expressed as sodium chloride;

2 g/1 at 20 _C of soluble sulphates expressed as potassium sulphate;

v - 400 mg/1 at 20 BC of soluble phosphates expressed as phosphorus;

(b) having a total acidity content, expressed in tartaric acid, lower than 4,5 but exceeding 3,0 grammes per litre, provided that the wine bears a protected geo­ graphical indication referred to in Annex II;

(c) having, as regards wines which are described by and presented with, in accordance with Australian legislation, the terms "botrytis" or words to similar effect, "noble late harvested" or " special late harvested":

a total alcoholic strength by volume, without any enrichment, exceeding 15% vol provided the actual alcoholic strength by volume is at least 9% vol;

a volatile acid content not exceeding 25 millieguivalents per litre (1,5 g/1);

a sulphur dioxide content not exceeding 300 mg/1; is 9 provided the wine in question bears a protected geographical indication referred to in Annex II.

2. For the purpose of paragraph 1, the wine must be accompanied by a certificate issued by the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation or an other competent body designated by Australia, certifying that the wine has been made according to Australian laws and regulations.

II. Pursuant to Article 21 (b) of the Agreement, the Agreement shall not apply to:

1. wine in labelled containers of not more than 5 litres fitted with a non-reusable closing device where the total quantity transported, whether or not made up of separate consignments, does not exceed 100 litres;

2. (a) quantities of wine not exceeding 30 litres per traveller contained in the personal luggage of travellers;

(b) quantities of wine not exceeding 30 litres, sent in consignments from one private individual to another;

(c) wine forming part of the belongings of private individuals who are moving house;

(d) wine for trade fairs as defined in the customs provisions applicable, provided that the products in question are put up in labelled containers of not more than 2 litres fitted with a non-reusable closing device;

(e) quantities of wine, imported for the purpose of scientific or technical experiments, subject to a maximum of 1 hectolitre; fGo

(f) wine for diplomatic, consular or similar establishments imported as part of their duty-free allowance;

(g) wine held on board international means of transport as victualling supplies.

The case of exemption referred to in paragraph 1 may not be combined with one or more of the cases of exemption referred to in this paragraph. AG^


on the conditions governing the production and labelling of "bottle fermented" sparkling wines originating in Australia

Letter No 1 (Commission of the European Community)

Brussels, sir,

I refer to the consultations which have taken place between representa­ tives of the European Economic community and Australia on the conditions governing the production and labelling of "bottle fermented" sparkling wine originating in Australia. I note that the Australian Government intends to incorporate the following definition in the relevant Australian legislation for the product in question:

"(a) 'Bottle fermented' is a sparkling wine produced by the fermentation in a bottle not exceeding 5 1 in capacity and aged on its lees for not less than 6 months.

(b) There shall not be written in the label on or attached to a package containing sparkling wine the words "bottle fermented" unless the sparkling wine is one produced by fermentation in a bottle not exceeding 5 1 capacity and aged on its lees for not less than 6 months."

I hereby confirm the equivalence of the abovementioned definition to the Community provisions laid down in Article 6 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2333/92 and agree to the Community's willingness on completing Regulation (EEC) No 2707/86 in order to authorize, after the incorporation of this definition in the relevant Australian legislation, importation and marketing of such sparkling wines originating in Australia.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of this letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. AkZ

Letter No 2 (Australia)


Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:

"I refer to the consultations which have taken place between representa­ tives of the European Economic Community and Australia on the conditions governing the production and labelling of "bottle fermented" sparkling wine originating in Australia. I note that the Australian Government intends to incorporate the following definition in the relevant Australian legislation for the product in question:

"(a) 'Bottle fermented' is a sparkling wine produced by the fermentation in a bottle not exceeding 5 1 in capacity and aged on its lees for not less than 6 months.

(b) There shall not be written in the label on or attached to a package containing sparkling wine the words "bottle fermented" unless the sparkling wine is one produced by fermentation in a bottle not exceeding 5 1 capacity and aged on its lees for not less than 6 months."

I hereby confirm the equivalence of the abovementioned definition to the Community provisions laid down in Article 6 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2333/92 and agree to the Community's willingness on completing Regulation (EEC) No 2707/86 in order to authorize, after the incorporation of this definition in the relevant Australian legislation, importation and marketing of such sparkling wines originating in Australia.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of this letter."

I am able to confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of the letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. .16 3 EXCHANGE OF LETTERS

on the conditions governing the production and labelling of Australian wines described by and presented with the terms "botrytis" or like, "noble late harvested" or "special late harvested"

Letter No 1 (Commission of the European Community)

Brussels, sir,

I refer to the consultations which have taken place between representa­ tives of the European Economic Community and Australia on the conditions governing the production and labelling of wines originating in Australia which are described by and presented with the terms "botrytis" or words to similar effect, "noble late harvested" or "special late harvested". I note that the Australian Government intends to incorporate the following definition in the relevant Australian legislation for the products in question:

"(a) For a wine to be labelled with the term "botrytis" or words to similar effect, or the phrase "noble late harvested", it must be made from fresh ripe grapes of which a significant proportion have been affected under natural conditions by the mould Botrytis cinerea in a manner which favours the concentration of sugars in the berries. Such wines have the characteristics referred to as "pourriture noble" or "Edelfeule";

(b) For a wine to be labelled with the phrase "special late harvested", it must be made from fresh ripe grapes of which a significant proportion have been desiccated under natural conditions in a manner which favours the concentration of the sugars in the berries."

I hereby confirm the recognition of the abovementioned definitions as being terms regarding superior quality within the meaning of Article 26 (2) (c) of Regulation (EEC) No 2392/89 and agree to the Commission's willingness on completing Annex I of Regulation (EEC) No 3201/90 in order to authorize, after the incorporation of this definition in the relevant Australian legislation, importation and marketing of such wines originating in Australia.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of this letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. IfctJ Letter No 2 (Australia)



I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:

"I refer to the consultations which have taken place between representa­ tives of the European Economic Community and Australia on the conditions governing the production and labelling of wines originating in Australia which are described by and presented with the terms "botrytis" or words to similar effect, "noble late harvested" or "special late harvested". I note that the Australian Government intends to incorporate the following definition in the relevant Australian legislation for the products in question:

"(a) For a wine to be labelled with the term "botrytis" or words to similar effect, or the phrase "noble late harvested", it must Jbe made from fresh ripe grapes of which a significant proportion have been affected under natural conditions by the mould Botrytis cinerea in a manner which favours the concentration of sugars in the berries. Such wines have the characteristics referred to as "pourriture noble" or "Edelfâule";

(b) For a wine to be labelled with the phrase "special late harvested", it must be made from fresh ripe grapes of which a significant proportion have been desiccated under natural conditions in a manner which favours the concentration of the sugars in the berries."

I hereby confirm the recognition of the abovementioned definitions as being terms regarding superior quality within the meaning of Article 26 (2) (c) of Regulation (EEC) No 2392/89 and agree to the Commission's willingness on completing Annex I of Regulation (EEC) No 3201/90 in order to authorize, after the incorporation of this definition in the relevant Australian legislation, importation and marketing of such wines originating in Australia.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of this letter."

I am able to confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of the letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. 16-T


concerning Articles 8 and 14 of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine

Letter No 1 (Community)

s Brussels,


I have the honour to refer to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine, signed today, and in particular to Articles 8 and 14.

In this context, I have the honour to confirm the understanding of the Contracting Parties in relation to Articles 8 and 14 of this Agreement that as of the applicability of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) to the Contracting Parties, the discipline on exports contained in Article 24(4) TRIPS will prevail over the temporary exceptions referred to in Article 8 of this Agreement as far as exports are concerned.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of this letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. 4É>€>

Letter No 2 (Australia)



I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:

"I have the honour to refer to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine, signed today, and in particular to Articles 8 and 14.

In this context, I have the honour to confirm the understanding of the Contracting Parties in relation to Articles 8 and 14 of this Agreement that as of tÀe applicability of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) to the Contracting Parties, the discipline on exports contained in Article 24(4) TRIPs will prevail over the temporary exceptions referred to in Article 8 of this Agreement as far as exports are concerned.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of this letter."

I am able to confirm that Australia is in agreement with the contents of the letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

/ 1&1


regarding the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine

Letter No 1 (Australia)



I have the honour to refer to the négociations recently undertaken between our respective delegations for the purpose of reaching agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine ("the Agreement").

Australia confirms that where a geographical indication has been included as part of a mark registered in Australia as a trade mark in respect of wine, in the normal course, such registration does not imply that the proprietor of the registered mark has a right to the exclusive use of the geographical indication. Accordingly, when a geographical indication specified in Annex II of the Agreement is protected under Australian laws and regulations, the inclusion of such a geographical indication in a registered trade mark will be limited to those wines originating in the territory of the Contracting Party from that specific region or locality.

In relation to the geographical indications listed in Article 8 of the Agreement, where any such geographical indications have been included in a trade mark, either by themselves or with other names, the proprietor of such a mark does not have the exclusive right to the use of such geographical indication. Accordingly, use of a geographical indication as a part of a trade mark will be limited to those wines originating from a specific region in the territory of the Contracting Party when such geographical indications are protected under Australian laws and regulations at the conclusion of the relevant transitional periods provided for in Articles 8, 9 and 11 of the Agreement.

I have the honour to propose that this letter provide additional clarification regarding the operation of the above Agreement.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

For the Government of Australia 4 63 Letter No 2 (Community)

Brussels, sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:

"I have the honour to refer to the négociations recently undertaken between our respective delegations for the purpose of reaching agreement between the European Economic Community and Australia on trade in wine ("the Agreement").

Australia confirms that where a geographical indication has been included as part of a mark registered in Australia as a trade mark in respect of wine, in the normal course, such registration does not imply that the proprietor of the registered mark has a right to the exclusive use of the geographical indication. Accordingly, when a geographical indication specified in Annex II of the Agreement is protected under Australian laws and regulations, the inclusion of such a geographical indication in a registered trade mark will be limited to those wines originating in the territory of the contracting Party from that specific region or locality.

In relation to the geographical indications listed in Article 8 of the Agreement, where any such geographical indications have been included in a trade mark, either by themselves or with other names, the proprietor of such a mark does not have the exclusive right to the use of such geographical indication. Accordingly, use of a geographical indication as a part of a trade mark will be limited to those wines originating from a specific region in the territory of the Contracting Party when such geographical indications are protected under Australian laws and regulations at the conclusion of the relevant transitional periods provided for in Articles 8, 9 and 11 of the Agreement.

I have the honour to propose that this letter provide additional clarification regarding the operation of the above Agreement."

I have the honour to accept your suggestion that this letter provide additional clarification regarding the operation of the above Agreement.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

For the Community 169


on the use in Australia of the term "Frontignac*

Letter No 1 (Australia)

Brussels, sir,

I refer to the consultations which have taken place between representatives of the European Community and Australia regarding an Agreement onNtrade in wine.

Australia confirms that the use of the name "Frontignac" in Australia as a synonym for the vine variety "Muscat à Petit Grain" will be examined by the Joint Committee of the Contracting Parties under Article 11 (1) (e) of the Agreement at its first meeting.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that the European Economic Community is in agreement with the contents of this letter.

Please accept, sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

For the Government of Australia 1 ^o

Letter No 2 (Commission of the European community)



I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:

"I refer to the consultations which have taken place between representa­ tives of the European Community and Australia regarding an Agreement on trade in wine.

Australia confirms that the use of the name "Frontignac" in Australia as a synonym for the vine variety "Muscat à Petit Grain" will be examined by the Joint Committee of the Contracting Parties under Article 11 (1) (e) of the Agreement at its first meeting.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that the European Economic Community is in agreement with the contents of this letter."

I have the honour to confirm that the Commission is in agreement with the contents of your letter.

Please accept, sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. ISSN 0254-1475

COM(93) 304 final


EN 11 03

Catalogue number : CB-CO-93-408-EN-C

ISBN 92-77-58321-5

Office for Official Publications of the European Communities L-2985 Luxembourg